#vector rambles
vector-to-the-heavens · 9 months
continuously rewatching the walpurgis rising trailer just to hear the new ost again
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tezzbot · 7 months
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Was thinking abt the fact that IF Vector and Espio found Charmy when he was a baby, taking their "canon" ages into account, Vector would have been like mid-teens and Espio like. a preteen at the time and I love a good 'You're the age I was when we met/I did [X]/etc.' Soooo woe! That upon you Espio, it's always fucked up and evil the passage of time LOL
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why-the-heck-not · 2 months
truly my best brain time is in the middle of the night caffeine & sugar rush. I think I just understood math, like some part of the general pattern of math if that makes sense. something clicked somewhere in my brain and I felt it
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draagu · 2 months
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godmode blast
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scribbsrambling · 8 months
I crack up every time I see an archie post about the Chaotix
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I’ve never read it but the snippets I’ve seen of these goofs always make my day
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This is the type of nonsense that makes the Chaotix one of my favorite teams. In addition to being competent detectives and absolute forces in battle, their personalities create comedic beats that come so naturally and they seem like such a fun team to write
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squidthechaotickid · 1 year
Actually you know what. I know I'm going to make more so here's a compilation of the ones I've made so far so I can add onto here instead of the other post ajfbsbbdjdbdjf
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Something something send an ask if you want me to make a specific one something something
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reploidbuddy · 25 days
Sonic Generation final boss but the friends actually Do™ something
Like they don’t have to be playable or anything, the boss can still work the same, but it just makes everyone do more than the cheerleader standing on the sidelines saying a cheesy "I believe in you" line. "We got your back" could be cool because:
We can assume that since the Time Eater is kind of a god that only super Sonic/Chaos Emerald power can truly damage it. Other types of attack can stun it, but that's all.
And imagine that after each phase of "avoid things until Sonic is close enough to hit the boss" is done, Sonic still can't quiiiite get close enough. And that's where the friends intervene. They come in and either give the Sonics an extra boost, or do the one thing that stuns the Time Eater just enough for the Sonics to get there and hit it. We don't want the fight to happen for too long and grow tedious so there's mixes between characters but
-Cream flies in Amy, who boosts them with the good ol' hit-them-with-the hammer
-Tails flies in Knuckles for him to do a big trademark punch
-The Chaotix do their Heroes special and the music is so horrid it makes a god flinch
-Silver and Blaze do a combined attack of psychokinesis and fire
-Shadow does a Chaos Spear because of course
-Rouge would probably be placed at the same time than Shadow but I'm not certain what she'd do. Though I think it'd be very funny if Metal Sonic gets called to help and distract because the Eggmans can feel the boss battle not going in their favor, but she nopes Metal out with that kick she does where she spins at the same time
And then they can get hit to be put out of commission to explain why they don't come back and re-do their thing.
I might have forgotten a friend, if so, feel free to add, or just add your ideas!
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Can you share some of your favorite bat facts? I wanna add more to my lil arsenal of cool random facts. :]
Of course! Apologies for the late response, I saw this at like 1am four days ago, forgot everything I knew about bats, and then fell asleep and only remembered I even got this ask today. Anyways! Some bat facts :)
Common Vampire bats are some of my absolute favourites, mostly because of their ability to run on the ground! They can gallop with their forelimbs and take off from the ground by leaping into the air and catapulting themselves with their wings, which is speculated to be how Pterodactyls took off as well! Most bats cannot take off from the ground, and must be elevated to take flight, so this is pretty cool. Makes sense too, since they mostly feed from the ankles of large mammals and so need ground maneuverability!
Here's a video of a vamp taking off, and here's a video of one walking around! I think their skittery movements and lil' faces are just the CUTEST, but I know I'm probably in the minority there. Also there's a large dish of blood in the second video, so fair warning there!
All three true Vampire bats have evolved special grooves in their mouths in order to act as a gutter of sorts to funnel the blood into their mouths, but the exact arrangement differs between them. The Hairy-Legged Vampire bat has a groove along the roof of the mouth, whereas the White-Winged and Common Vampire bats have lingual grooves under the tounge! Speaking of White-Winged Vampire bats, they're the only bats in the world with 22 teeth, for some reason (likely no reason since the molars are vestigial), AND they have scent glands in their mouths that might be used to deter predators. Pretty cool stuff!
Finally, all three species of true Vampire Bats are cute as hell. Look at these lil' guys!!
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(left to right- White-winged, Hairy-legged, and Common Vampire bats!)
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pinkpinkstarlet · 15 days
finished my celebrity portrait assignment for computer graphics!! Did lana ofc <333
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reference and tags below
@bittersweetbabett @baby-brunette @coquette-club @trashmagic-333 @lanadelreysashtray @rebel-grrrl444 @je-suis-elle @analee-rose-valentine @champmorado @gaystappen
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siennaditbot · 1 year
Team Chaotix found family fans, this one is for you:
Actual siblings and their dad
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charmsterz · 1 year
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vector-to-the-heavens · 4 months
question for more experienced genshin players as a newer f2p
i am Damn Near Broke (~20 pulls left) after raiden's banner, would i be better off
i'm currently at 30 pity and guaranteed to win my next 50/50
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gabf2005 · 4 months
Question what Sonic team would you be on there are so many Sonic teams I can't name them all
I honestly think Team Chaotix, and not because helping out solve mysteries would be fun. But also because they’re my comfort characters.
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scribblekatz · 2 months
team sonic racing is such a funny game to me because what do you mean an 8 year old, a 12 year old, and 3 chao can drive cars
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i love team chaotix so much they're so silly. the found family ever <3
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they're brothers they're coworkers they're a dad and his adopted kids they're everything at the same time
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scribbsrambling · 9 months
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Team Chaotix and Diamond Cutters team up when???
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