#vampire simon riley
callsigngrim · 2 months
Vampire Simon Riley
Mdni/vampire au/biting/blood/smut
Hope you enjoy!
Vampire Simon who was terrified to feed from you the first time.
He's hesitant handling you like fragile glass as he peppers your face with kisses to ease you and help him stay calm.
He tries to be gentle slowly sinking his teeth into the soft flesh of your neck.
The moment he tastes your blood he's gone. If there was a heaven this would be it.
He can't help but get unbearably hard at the devine taste of your blood and the delicious sounds you're making.
Once he's had his fill and made sure you were fine. He pulls you close ignoring his aching member in favor of pulling you close as you fall asleep.
The next morning as you wake up proudly showing off the bite marks he left. Simon can't control himself much more.
He's on you in a instant kissing and sucking marks into your skin you're his and mercy be on anyone that lays a finger on you.
You're still wearing his shirt his scent engulfing you and he takes you. His mouth his fingers his cock everything every part of him is yours.
He's fucking into your warm heat pushing you over the edge over and over again. Until you're completely cock drunk. He's lost in his bliss and almost misses when you beg for him so nicely to bite you again.
Oh but darling how could he refuse. Your blood is sweeter than before Simon can taste the arousal, your arousal and the moment you cry out as your body shakes from the mind numbing orgasm ,Simon is close to follow spilling into you filling you up as he pulls away.
"Fuck love you taste divine"
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dutiful-wildcraft · 6 months
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Pack 141 - Vampire!Ghost Headcanons
Tags: mentions of blood and scars, mostly just HCs of Ghost as a vampire, some very light ghostprice, even lighter poly 141, if ya squint
Ghost who's change had been partially undergone in a shallow grave in a southern countryside.
Price had been the one to find him, bringing him home and helping him through the rest of his change. Taking on the role of his new sire. He had known Riley prior, a strong and bright soldier. And while Price should have taken appropriate action and put him out of his misery…he had other plans in mind.
Unsired vampires generally don't survive, and the ones that do often become feral or have very significant behavioral problems. Due this arrangement, Price and Ghost share a very intimate bond.
Simon hadn't been aware of the monstrous world around him prior to the events around his changing. And upon learning of Price's lycanthropy he felt a bit betrayed for some time. He would eventually come to understand, but he was definitely salty about it.
This being said Simon was not socialized as a vampire. All his information came from Price and what official reports they had on his kind in general. He isn't totally out of his depth, but there are some pieces missing.
By vampiric standards Simon is still a fledgling, though only other vampires would clock him on that.
Through diligent training Price helped Simon through any frenzy instincts, though it isn't completely gone Simon has exceptional control around the copious amounts of blood that come with his profession. Not to mention the mask helps muffle the scent.
What Price finds most amusing, is that after most of the wrinkles are ironed out, Simon is largely indifferent to the change. He carries trauma certainly, but the new found power and diet appears to have not phased him fuck all.
Simon still stubbornly takes his tea at the same time, after having gone through some trial and error. He found he can still drink his tea albeit a little altered. Blood with 3 sugars please.
Though Simon had eaten his mess hall gruel without complaint for years, he did miss the routine. He still slinks off to his room to eat his own meal on the same schedule.
While he doesnt burst into flames with the sun touching his flesh he is significantly weaker. He was already prone to burning red like a lobster in his human life. The change didn't make things to terribly different. The mask and layers of clothes prevent most of the issue.
Due to certain traumas around his change. Simon is very particular about feeding. And besides emergencies or very specific exceptions. Simon does not feed from the source. He often just drinks from a canteen/bottle with a blood/water mixture. To human onlookers it would honestly just look like he was using the flavored water enhancers. Which also brings Simon a certain kind of amusement.
As is common, Simon has enhanced strength and senses. He now possesses a red pearly tapetum lucidum or “eyeshine”. He suffers through the ‘sunglasses at night’ jokes to avoid any questions or accidental detection on night ops.
The change did not make Simon ethereally beautiful. He looks mostly the same besides paler skin, red tinted eyes and new shiny fangs. He still maintains all his scars/marks and tattoos from before. And while his healing factor prevents most scars, significant wounds may still scar lightly or the scar may take decades to fully fade away.
Simon doesn't feel cold to the touch per se, but he does run cooler than the average human due to his altered metabolism.
If available, he does prefer to at least long ‘nap’ during the day. While it's possible for him to carry on normally during daylight hours it does take more out of him.
Generally speaking most normally socialized vampires forgo sleeping regularly all together. Price however, insisted upon resting during Simon's changing. “Good for your mind” he'd stated gruffly. And Simon had kept up with it ever since. While he does legitimately sleep, this happens less often. His naps being more meditative in nature.
Similarly to Price, Simon does have brood instincts which occasionally become a point of contention between the two. Price's alpha wolf mixed with Simon's brood nature have them butting heads possessively over other members of the task force on occasion.
They are both smart enough to know the common goal of ultimately ensuring safety and care over their brood/pack mates. And most of the time they behave…but sometimes…
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spookypete-94 · 7 months
I Know You
Follows the old wives tales and legends of vampires.
Reader makes friends with Ghost, but does not realize he is hunting her in a game of cat and mouse.
SFW for now, and perhaps make a NSFW chapter later down the road.
CW: blood, biting, swearing
Happy Halloween!
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It was not a common thing that Y/N visited a bar after work by herself, but after the shift she had just completed at her job, it was more than deserved. Holding her head in one of her hands, she swirled her drink, mixing the liquor in further with the base. The burn satisfied her throat on the way down. She set down the empty glass waiting before she got up to get another one.
Before she can even stand to approach the bar, another drink is sat down next to her, and a large man is sitting down in the seat next to her.
"Hello?" She asked, not expecting someone to join her.
"Saw yours getting empty, brought you another."
Turning to fully look at this man, she sees that he is rather large. Fit for sure, his arms looked tight in his long black shirt. He wore a black mask to cover his face, thick blonde hair on his head. The skin she could see was almost a milky white. So very handsome.
"Thanks. I think?" She said, still confused. "I honestly did not come here looking for someone or a hook up if that is what you want."
"Didn't say that's what this was." Eyebrows lifted at her boldness, smiling cheekily under his mask at her response.
Realizing maybe that come off wrong and rude, she sighed. "Sorry, I had a shitty day and don't mean to take it out on you."
"Yeah? Need to talk about it?"
"No," she said, shaking her head, "got into it with my boss. Might not have a job yet, I don't know." Her shoulders shrug arms crossing across her chest, trying to show that she wasn't worried about it.
"Looking for a job then?"
Her eyes narrowed, not sure she liked what he was implying. "Watch yourself," she warned, "I already told you I'm not here looking for a hook up, even if you would pay me for it."
This made him chuckle, her warning amusing to him from someone from her stature. "Not a job like that, sweetheart. I need a maid." The way he called her made her squeeze her legs together tighter, and her mouth went dry.
"A maid?" Her voice hoarse.
"Like a house maid. I'm not home all the time and need someone to clean and take care of my home. I'd pay you, and depending on what your living situation is, you can stay with me."
"With you?"
"There is a guest home you can stay in."
This offer was appalling, to say the least. She didn't even know this man... but pay and some place to live? It would cut her expenses nearly in half.
"I don't know you."
"Then get to know me. If you would like, you could come see the property."
"What is your name?"
"You can call me Ghost."
"Ghost? The fact you won't tell me your real name isn't helping you here. There are plenty of other women here that could be your maid."
"None of them as beautiful and bold as you. Your name?"
He was so smooth, so persistent, made her heart sing. But the fact he was flattering her and flirting with her as well made her flush. She rushed her name out to him.
"Just come look at the property and decide. You don't want to, I'll leave you alone."
Maybe it was the liquor... maybe it was the way he spoke to her, but she agreed.
"Fine," she said, finishing the drink he set down beside her, setting the glass down and sliding it across the table so she could stand up. Before she can fully lift herself up, Ghost had pulled the chair out from behind her, allowing her to better turn herself out to leave.
"Thank you," she said, looking to him. Who said chivalry was dead? But the real icing on the cake was the hand on the small of her back that guided her out the door of the bar and towards his blacked out car in the parking lot. He even opened the passenger door for her? A girl could get used to that... she thought.
"So, why do you go by Ghost?"
"Just a name I was given a long time ago." A short answer that still seemed to suffice her. It was like he had her under a spell... Things she would never let anyone else say to her being enough, let alone getting into a mans car, she had no idea his intentions.
In reality, Ghost had been watching her for a long time now. Waiting for his moment to swoop in and use his ability to charm and captivate her. Calling in to her job today and making a fake complaint about Y/N to her boss, knowing it would start an argument and make her vulnerable. Stalking her, following her on the way home, delighted to see her walk into a bar where he could cause a somewhat normal interaction that would not alert her. Y/N's smell was delightful, sweetly blended with her blood, but now anxiety leaked into it from her hard day, making her scent that much stronger to him. His heart pounded, excited to be able to taste her in his own home. The idea of his teeth piercing that tender flesh of her neck replaying in his mind over and over on the drive home. Satisfied that his charm spell was still working in making her passive in his passenger seat, like she had zoned out.
Y/N watched as they left the city, driving out further into rural area. Trees turning colors and leaves blowing across the road from the turning season distracted her.
"Pretty out here," she said looking out the window.
"Sure is," he said looking at her out the corner of his eye, tongue dancing across his teeth.
They pulled up to a large black gate that opened for him, allowing him in. It looked like a beast welcoming her into it's mouth as it shut behind them... if only she had a fucking clue.
"Wow," she said, stepping out and looking up at the large cathederal type building. "You live here?" Gargoyles guarded the peaks, their faces watching her every movement as if they were alive.
"For awhile now."
The tour started outside the property, him leading through what looked like an over grown garden.
"You haven't had help for a while..." she stated, looking around. Again, another realization that would have raised a red flag for her... but this seemed alright given by his next answer.
"Haven't found anyone I like or trust enough." His voice purring next to her ear.
"Let me show you around inside, and then maybe we can discuss your contract."
He opened one of the many doors on the house, letting her in.
"Let me take your coat," he said, slipping it from her stepping forward, inhaling her sweet scent one more time. She complied, letting him slip it off of her and down her arms, hanging it on a dusty coat rack behind her. She sure would have her work cut out for her if she took him up on his offer.
He seemed to cut the tour off of the house early. It was a lot of ground to cover anyway, and he was starting to get antsy.
"Let me show you my office," he said, opening a door and leading her in. "Have a seat." He said, gesturing to a couch. "Would you like a drink? I can grab you one."
"That would be nice," she said, sitting down on the couch, arm swung over the side, turning to face him.
"I will bring you one, be right back," he said, carefully closing the door behind him and disappearing towards the kitchen.
She looked around, noticing that this room, his office, was by far a little bit cleaner than the rest of the house. Telling her he spent more time in here. There was still dust and cobwebs, but it seemed less due to him using more of the space. Looking around, she noticed a sheet over what looked to be a mirror, making her more intrigued about the place. Standing, she strided over to his desk, fingers running over the top to wipe away then thin layer.
Maybe he really wasn't here all that often... she could stay here and have all this space to herself and not have to deal with this strange man daily. Unable to control herself, she opened the drawer of his desk, the very top one in the middle. In the drawer, she found a picture of a group of men in military attire. The largest she could tell was this man that had brought her here. She turned the photo over.
To Simon, it was addressed. Thank you for your courage and duty to the Task Force 141. - John Price
Next to it was an old piece of paper. Something that looked important, like it belonged in a frame.
Simon Riley January 1st 1885. It read at the top. Was it a birth certificate? Finally, her heart and fear rushed up. Placing the items back inside and closing the drawer quickly, she approached the sheet and pulled it off the mirror, leaving it exposed.
Hearing the door knob turn, she rushed and sat down on the couch, looking up at Ghost - hoping she didn't look surprised. Two drinks in his hand, she could see a startled look on his face.
"You alright?" he asked, her smell changing to him.. laced with adrenaline and hearing her heart pound faster. He was going to have to make his move and fast, the urge rising again within him.
"I'm fine... I'm just worried about my current job is all still. Keep thinking about it," she lied, looking up at him through her lashes, hoping he would buy it.
"Oh." he said quickly, pushing the door shut behind him with his foot. Approaching her, he set the drinks down on the table, taking the seat next to her on the couch. The close proximity of Ghost, next to her, made her rise from the couch walking across the room. Choosing to not raise his suspicions, she made it look like she was looking at the artwork on the walls.
"You collect paintings?" Noticing a lot of the works on the walls were old.
"Family started a long time ago, just been adding to it."
She heard him get up off the couch. Turning her head, she watched the mirror out of the corner of her eye. And just as she assumed, there was no figure, no reflection. Her heart spiked again. Ghost noticed the fear, noticed the fear of wanting to bolt, and before she could, he had her pressed against the wall.
"Where you goin' love?" He asked into her ear, making goosebumps raise on her skin. His hands guided her hair off her neck gently.
She whimpered, trying to push him back, unable to do so. He leaned above her, the mask hiding his malicious smile. He tugged it down, exposing it... and his long canines that glimmered. How pretty... she thought.
He leaned forward, kissing her, pushing her back into his spell. It worked... making her love dumb once more. He baited her with his tongue slipping in out, wrestling with her own. Ebbing it as he pushed her further into the wall, craning her neck carefully with his hand, prepping her to place his mark.
His tongue left her mouth running over her jaw line, heading slowly in the direction of her neck.
He placed a careful bite, tasting his meal before sinking his teeth.
"Such a shame, because you really are a smart and beautiful woman," he taunted getting ready to drain her of the life force running through her veins.
"Simon Riley." she said. His taunt relighting the fire that burned in her.
"What?" he asked stunned and frustrated.
"Simon Riley." Just like that, he could no longer mark her. It wrote among the old testaments, old enough they are now considered legend, just like himself. He leaned back to look down at her, her smile wide knowing she had won.
"I found your name in the desk. You're a vampire. That's why you wouldn't give me your actual name. It holds power over you, doesn't it? I hold power over you now. I know you." she taunted.
He growled, teeth still pronounced. How could he of failed? How did she see through it all?
She chuckled this time, matching how he did earlier at the bar.
"I find it funny, really. A vampire that goes by Ghost. How interesting." Her hands ran up his arms to his face, stroking over his cheeks now. He leaned into her touch, closing his eyes. Sympathy struck her, feeling bad for him.
"Bite me if you must. Just don't kill me." She said, her voice quiet, putting trust into him.
With that, he was over her again arms on either side of her head on the wall. "You sure, love?"
"I'm sure. Just don't kill me." She repeated.
"You really are something else..." he said, biting her neck lovingly, this time making her give a small moan. He inhaled her smell again before he disgraced her neck. He placed his teeth slowly against the skin before sinking them in. Y/N winced, the feeling intense at first. She fisted his shirt, pulling him closer and looking for comfort. He slowly drank from her, watching as he did to make sure to honor her wish of not killing her.
His hands left the sides of the wall, gripping at her waist, holding her up as she started to feel wobbly against him. Just a few more gulps, he thought, before carefully letting her go.
"You alright, love?" His voice raspy, panting as he tried to catch his breath from greedily draining her.
"Uh-huh," she said, slumping against him.
Grabbing underneath her legs, he picked her up and carried her over to the couch, laying her down on it to rest and replenish herself.
"Thank you," he said, leaning down and kissing her again. Allowing her to taste her own blood. Tired from her heart trying to make more and catch up, she left her, unable to answer, head rolling over to the side to sleep. Ghost traced the bite marks, now starting to turn a blue and purple on her neck.
"Sweet, sweet girl." he said out loud, completely baffled at why she allowed him to do this to her. His eyes roved over her form laying on his couch like one of the paintings on the wall. A work of art.
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callofdudes · 1 year
Vampire Simon "Ghost" Riley.
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CW: Sexual themes and mild gore.
Featuring ✨GhostSoap✨
Alright, so I've been going through some AU's and I've been wondering about Monster AU's for COD because who doesn't like a monster AU?? And I was thinking about vampire Simon. Apparently i'm not the only one with this idea so I'll put my spin on it here for you guys. I've put a lot more thought into this than I probably should have but hey, whatever.
At first I started making Headcanons for Simon to be your typical bloodsucker vampire which is what I'll stick with. But there are also two other kinds of vampires. One of them I think could really work with Simon as well, so I'll briefly explain that below along with my Headcanons for bloodsucker Simon.
There is a difference between the viral vampire and a psychic vampire. (There are also supernatural vampires which i guess just have different powers??) Psychic vampires don't rely on blood but psychic energy. They don't have to be unalive or immortal but just humans with the ability to draw energy from others to feed themselves. But they are no less dangerous than a blood feasting ones, especially if they cannot control their powers. People say they are born with their abilities so most don't even know they're feeding off of others.
This could work for Simon because Johnny has lots of energy that he can spend and using his families energy would align with the abuse. With these vampires, feeding on the energy of friends and family isn't ideal because you can drain all their energy.
Simon occasionally feeds on Johnny because he can jump back easily the next day from whatever little Simon does take. When Simon comes clean about who he is during their relationship Johnny gives him permission to feed on him whenever he needs, but only him or enemies. Eventually it turns into a little game. During sex Johnny begs Simon to take his energy and after some convincing it turns into this kinky thing. Simon takes Johnny's energy during sex and Johnny loves the feeling. It makes everything feel so much better and that minute shift in his body feels amazing.
Simon is a vampire, which ties into one of the many reasons he was abused and not seen as an equal in his family. Simon is the only vampire, it's a recessive gene but Simon's older brother did not get said gene.
Simon was abused by his father who thought his son's growing abilities to be unfair and being a vampire he needed to "man up" faster.
This is a reason why Simon has very few freedoms as a child. He couldn't go to school since as a young child up into his teen years he slept for a large majority of the day and was up all night. Lenient online classes worked best for him.
Simon was conditioned to animal blood, and although human blood always smelt ten times better, he didn't start to sense the difference until his early teens. But his father would beat and abuse him out of the thought of drinking human blood. Whether he knew this would keep Simon weak and in submission or he was genuinely against hurting anyone outside of his own family (abusive bro) Is debatable.
When Simon signed up for the military he didn't know much about the world around him. He would wear a hoodie under his gear to hide his face and his skull gloves on his hands.
One of the reasons Simon is almost never shown with less than two layers on is because he works out in the sun a lot. His skin is deathly pale underneath. Simon's fangs also grew longer and more notice from 17 to early 30s so the mask Is another additive to that.
Simon didn't classify to anyone in the military that he was a monster. But Simon started to gain attention for the way he could take down enemies. He could kill them with speed and stealth that was probably inhuman for someone his size. But with Simon's ability to teleport and transform, along with his superhuman stamina and durability he made the perfect soldier.
Simon trims his nails frequently, but he doesn't dull the point of his nails, making it easier to tear into flesh. Why would he need this??
When Simon became a soldier he was away from blood for a long time. Considering their meals are limited and they are in no way being served medium rare stake on the dime every night.
When Simon went on his first field mission he was hungry, and after raiding a small campout he'd been stung by the delicious taste of human blood. He'd never had it before. But they were dead anyway, so what was the harm?? Granted they were still fresh bodies. He'd find the bullet wound or sometimes he'd make a different puncture hole and feast. Knees in the dirt draining the fresh bodies of their blood.
And Simon loved it. He could never drink animal blood again after letting his aching fangs sink into the throat of these men.
Rumors started going around that some bodies collected had puncture wounds on their throat or in their wrists, but they could never trace it back.
Now Simon was never cruel. He only drank from the fresh bodies around him. After tasting such blood the different scents around him did make him hungrier, but he went on missions frequent enough that he wouldn't starve to near death.
And he kept this up for a couple years with no problems.
Now you might be asking, what about him sleeping all day!? Well, Simon is an insomniac, that's what normal humans call him. He's up all night either in his room or prowling the grounds . Usually if Simon has enough energy he can walk around during the day. When he has time to spare he'll catch a quick nap, and make up for all the lost energy on the days he gets time off. If he has no recruits to deal with for a while Simon will go to his room and crash. People have rumored about this because once Simon curls up he doesn't wake up until his body permits him to. Which has only occasionally been a problem.
Well when Simon was finally recruited to the 141 he doesn't tell Price (or maybe he does I haven't decided) whether he tells Price or not it doesn't really matter. Simon had enough energy to live when he was in a larger unit, but being in the 141 for specifically very strong soldiers he was fed much more.
And it was only him and Price for a bit until John "Soap" MacTavish and Kyle "Gaz" Garrick joined.
Now this wouldn't have been a problem. Gaz was quiet and stuck by Price's side like Ghost, which Ghost had no problems with. It was Soap he had a problem with.
Soap was loud and bubbly. He was always trying to hang out with Simon which already wasn't really his thing. But Ghost and Soap share a blood type. Now I headcanon that Simon finds people with his own blood type so much more delicious.
Simon wanted to tear out his throat the minute he smelt the scent radiating off the Scotsman. But he only drinks from the freshly dead, that was what he told himself. So he tries to avoid Johnny because every time he's around him his fangs ache and he starts acting up.
But Johnny is always around him and he can't get away. It's when they go to Las Almas that Simon starts to slip.
When the events of the mission "Alone" take place Simon is already out of energy and hungry. Soap is actively bleeding out and Simon doesn't want to risk being around him, so against his better judgement he takes off.
Of course he makes up a half truth excuse for this and brushes it off. He helps Johnny maneuver through the buildings.
When Johnny comes across the soldier with one of Simon's knives in his throat and pulls it out, there is no extra blood splatter. Blood is covering the knife and dried from the wound, but there is no extra blood splatter when the obstruction is removed. Later he comes across another body slumped in the corner. John searches him and finds two puncture marks in his throat by his Adams apple.
And each body he finds has those same puncture marks in different places. He brings this up to Simon who is a little two eager to dismiss it. Simon is just trying to hold himself together because he knows when he is reunited with Johnny he will be bleeding. And he doesn't want to hurt him.
Other things point to this, and for extra points Johnny noticed it all. Keeping tabs of sorts.
Simon can see in the dark better than anyone else so when they get to Alejandro's safehouse he notices Rodolfo's movement before Johnny does.
When Simon removes his mask his lips are an odd reddish hue though his face is pale. Johnny recognizes Simon's odd eye shape, one of the things that sets Simon apart from the others is his oddly slitted pupils. Their sharper than the others. And they contract oddly with the flickering light above them. Johnny also takes in the odd point of Simon's ears.
Again, Johnny keeps a tab on all of this. At first it's just simply because he wants to remember Simon. He wants to know more about the legendary Ghost. And so he can draw him and write on him in his journal. But then things start mysteriously clicking in his brain.
Simon doesn't eat dinner with them. Or food of any kind. Simon goes to his room to eat but Johnny has never seen the man eat any food.
If Captain Price knows what Simon is there is probably a classified freezer for lieutenant or higher members, but that only classifies Simon and Price. Who are the only two who have ever taken a vested interested in the freezer. When Johnny goes snooping it's just a bunch of vacuum sealed white bags with a mysterious liquid in them.
He brings it up to Gaz who doesn't really care and eventually to Price who he mentions it to offhandedly when talking about Ghost. Whether Price knows or not he won't give much thought to it and easily dismisses it.
Simon was always very careful about where he treaded. Considering there were many limitations to being considered soulless. But when on a mission and cutting through a home, Johnny briefly, very briefly looking in a mirror along one of the houses hallways. And it was just him. Simon was right next to him but it was only him in the mirror. Simon had played it off as Johnny's unpredicted adrenaline rush and his eyes playing tricks on him. And Johnny believed him. For a while.
(fill in the blanks a lot for plot duh duh)
When Johnny does come to the conclusion that Simon is infact, a vampire, he doesn't confront the man right away. He waits. And he waits. And he waits. By this point Johnny had already developed feelings for Simon and doesn't want to risk the very real blossoming relationship by confronting him.
If Simon was really a vampire could they love each other??
When Johnny does confront Simon it's when he decides to confess. He knocks on his door at a late hour and Simon is not surprisingly awake. He lets Johnny in and they sit. Johnny pours his heart out to Simon. About their missions and about his growing attraction toward him every single day.
But he doesn't bring up anything about vampires.
Simon is hesitant, on one hand he loves Johnny. On the other he doesn't want to potentially hurt Johnny with the truth of his existence and trying to hide. Because he yearns for Johnny in more than one way.
Simon ultimately reciprocates and they start dating. Johnny's theory is only backed up by Simon not wanting to kiss or to touch. It's odd at first, but it all slowly makes sense.
After a couple months of their relationship Johnny had decided he's done and he's going to kick the can. Late when he's staying in Simon's room and their talking, Johnny lunges for it.
He slides closer on Simon's bed and clutches his mask. Simon rushes to stop him but Johnny is already pulling the mask up, lips settling on Simon's. They're cold and rough. Simon is caught between freaking out and melting.
Johnny pulls Simon in and whispers against his lips "I know." When he pulls away Simon is stunned. Johnny pulls the mask off fully and watches his eyes shift to look at Johnny.
"Do it, bite me. You're probably starving." He pants when they part. After convincing, Simon pulls off Johnny's shirt and traces his fingers over his neck. "Will it hurt??" "I don't know. But hold your breath. I'll try to be gentle."
"You know??" They talk and eventually Johnny convinces Simon to show him his fangs. Their sharp and pearly white. That goes straight to Johnny's dick. He kisses Simon and shoves his tongue in his mouth. Simon moans as Johnny's tongue explores his mouth and glides over his fangs. Johnny can feel them prick into his tongue and draw blood from just the point. It makes Johnny hornier than he expected. He thought he'd be freaked out.
It doesn't hurt. Johnny can feel Simon's cold lips trail over his skin, teasing him and then his fangs trace the skin. The hairs on the back of his neck raise and Simon breaks his skin. It's not painful, it's pleasurable. Johnny isn't ready for the pleasure that blossoms in his stomach and hits him like a thousand kisses over his throat.
Simon latches onto his throat and shudders, finally getting to taste Johnny's blood after so long smelling it and longing. It goes straight to his dick and his body is trembling. Johnny is crying and moaning' clawing Simon's shoulderblades.
Simon could drink until Johnny is cold and silent but he forces himself to pull away. Johnny smashes his mouth onto Simon's and can taste the crimson liquid on his tongue.
Neither expected this to be so erotic but their first time together is better than anything they could have imagined. It turns into this little game. Simon feeds on Johnny at the dead of night before fucking the life out of him. Sometimes it's gentle but most of the time after getting hard at the taste of his blood Simon is feral and wants to have Johnny in every single way.
Johnny teases him about his abilities too. With his shape shifting Johnny will often beg him to turn into a bat, Simon tries to tell Johnny that's a myth until he's caught having a nap in the rafters of the shower/locker room by Johnny. He then starts to beg his boyfriend to be a bat more often because he looks so cute.
Another thing Johnny's notices is how Simon's pupils expand and sharpen. When he's relaxed his pupils will relax and almost soften out, mostly around Johnny or Price. When he's feasting or hunting/on a mission his pupils are sharp slits.
After Johnny finds out Simon does not hesitate with himself around Johnny. He can whisk Johnny away without care for how fast he runs and feast in front of him.
Simon only feels comfortable drinking from Johnny now that he knows his fangs have the opposite effect of pain.
Drinking is not a fast process so if Johnny has a fresh kill and Simon is getting tired he'll guard the entrance of wherever they are for at least ten minutes to give Simon time to replenish himself.
That's all the thoughts I have for now. I don't have anything planned for this out I wanted to write down the ideas I had for a blood sucking Simon who has erotic sex with Johnny- 😂
Apologies for any spelling mistakes!
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swordsandholly · 18 days
Ch 3: The Wheels of Fate Started to Turn
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Vampire!Poly 141 x Fem!Plus Size!Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: A permanent darkness rests over the city. You’ve lived here your whole life - in the slums, just another human to be pushed and pulled at the whims of the vampires that run it. Another human made to bleed and crawl their way through a meager life.
Maybe, just maybe, a meeting by happenstance will change your fate for the better.
You feel sick when you wake. Muscles weak and body shaky. It takes more effort than you would like to peel your eyes open. You haven’t sat under a UV lamp in a while and it’s starting to show. The cocoon of sheets feels so good you don’t want to get up, to peel yourself away from them.
You realize Johnny and Kyle are gone as you sit up, all alone in the center of the massive bed. The room feels darker without them, somehow. Emptier. You roll over to climb off the bed, interrupted by the sound of paper crinkling under you. You feel around the mattress only to find a thick envelope with ‘Fancy’ neatly written across the front. As you open it, your breath catches in your throat at the contents. It’s nearly double what they said they’d pay. More than you could have ever hoped for. It makes your hands shake to hold that much money all at once. Once the shock wears off, a folded up piece of paper catches your eye.
Hey lovie,
Sorry to take off without saying goodbye. Had some business to attend to. Figured we should let you sleep. Hope you won’t be too mad ;)
We left a little extra for spending the night. Nothing like cuddling up next to a soft, warm lady.
Let’s do it again soon.
Kyle + Johnny
The handwriting changes to a messy scrawl that you have to squint to make out.
P.S. You look bonnie in my shirt. Gonnae be thinking about that all day. Feel free to take it with you.
P.S.S. I want it back unwashed.
You can’t help but snicker to yourself. Damn dirty dog.
You have no reason to deny him, though. So you slip the t-shirt on over your dress as you get ready to leave. The dress feels far too constrictive for the early morning. This is why you don’t do nights - walking out looking like a mess in the itchy day old clothes. You give up looking for your panties which seem to have evaporated, not too keen on putting them back on anyway.
Before you can tip-toe your way out to the front door, you find yourself pausing. The kitchen light is on, illuminating a figure working over the stove. Curiosity gets the better of you and you circle around the counter to see John sorting ingredients in nothing but a loose pair of sweatpants. Strong, nicely hairy chest on full display.
And they call you and slut.
“Good morning.” He flashes you a bright smile. Of course he noticed you. He probably smelled you before he even heard you leave the bedroom.
“Sorry… I, uh, didn’t mean to intrude.” You mumble awkwardly.
“No, no. I was hoping you’d stop f’me. My boys treat you alright?” He eyes your shirt.
Being asked that a second time throws you off. Why the hell do they care so much? “They did.”
“Good. Good.” He smiles warmly. “I’ll make you some breakfast.”
You scoff. “You? No offense but I’d rather take my chances with the nearest dumpster.”
“Contrary to popular belief, some of us remember how to cook.”
You glance at the half-dozen cart of eggs and perfectly fresh vegetables neatly arranged across the counter. “And you just happened to have human food on hand?”
He pauses. “…I may have had some delivered.”
John turns back to the stove, muttering something under his breath about ‘too smart for her own damn good.’
You pad over beside him to look down at the food, staring at the spread. You point at some red thing you don’t recognize. “What is that?”
He cocks an eyebrow. “The tomato?”
“Tomatoes are purple.” You poke it. “And more squishy.”
You meet his eye and for a brief moment, you think you see pity. Something sad swirling in the blue of his irises. He schools his face back to neutral before you can be sure you saw anything at all.
“Well, hopefully you trust an old codger like me to make you a half-decent omelette.”
You snort, leaning back on the kitchen island. “I’ve got nothing to lose.”
You both lapse into silence. He does seem to know what he’s doing - carefully chopping the vegetables and carefully folding the omelette in the pan. Maybe he had a human wife at some point or something. Most likely. That’s not uncommon, especially back in the 21st century. Practically a trend. You tilt your head as you watch him move, brow furrowed. He’s so weird.
What could you have said to them to make them treat you like this? You’re almost afraid to know - that block of time so buried in the recesses of your mind there’s no hope of ever recovering it. That doesn’t mean you haven’t tried since that day, but you know we’ll enough that it never works. You don’t have a single guess as to what it could have been.
Maybe you didn’t say anything. Maybe they’re just weirdly tunnel visioned. Vamps do that often enough - hone in on a target of affection. For any reason from looking like a dead loved one or they just have an enticing scent. Except they’re not usually this… nice. Normally they’d just drain the object of their affection and be done with it. Not ask them to sleep over for the night and cook them breakfast in the morning.
You’re pulled from your thoughts when a plate is set in front of you. It looks… perfect. At least you assume that’s what a good omelette looks like. Nicely golden. It looks alien. Food from another world - another time. You glance up at John as he watches you expectantly. It won’t hurt to entertain him, you suppose. Even if it does end up being shit. You cut a small bite, tentatively bringing it to you your lips. You brace for something awful.
Except it’s incredible. Perfectly cooked and seasoned. You can’t help but let out a content little hum before practically scarfing it down. You haven’t had food like this in… ever, actually. Neither this fresh or well made.
“So you like it?” John smiles.
You nod happily with a mouth full of food before remembering where you are. Steeling yourself and slowing down, returning to the more reserved persona. “It’s good.”
John huffs out a laugh, turning his back to you to clean up. “I’ll drive you home when you’re finished.”
You pause mid bite. “Oh, no, I can take the train-“
“Do you really want t’walk all the way to the depot in those heels?” John cocks an brow, blue eyes dragging from your face, over your body and down your legs. There’s a slow burning intensity in the movement that sends a shiver down your spine.
You stare at him for a moment, uncertain of what to do. The last thing you need is to owe a vampire for anything. They’ll take your debts to the grave. It happened with your neighbor once - you learned early on to be wary of any offer made by one of them. Never make a deal with one of the devils.
“You won’t be indebted for it.” John chuckles as if he can read your damn mind. Maybe he can.
You chew your lip. It’s at least an hour walk to the metro station from here. You don’t want him to see where you live, though. It will ruin the illusion. Images flash through your mind of the craggily walls of your apartment building. The syringes that line the sidewalk. There’s that massive blood stain on the front steps they still haven’t cleaned up after five years.
But then you meet his eyes. They’re so sincere. So bright. Whatever that tug is in your chest that keeps giving into them pulls again. It’s unraveling you, making you insane. Surely that’s it, you’re finally going insane.
“Okay.” It comes out weaker than you’d like.
John grins a though you gave him the greatest gift in history. It makes your face hot - leaves you shifting awkwardly. You’re not used to that much emotion carved into their marble features. This coven is too expressive. It’s putting you on edge, leaving you with your guard up. Against what, though? What’s the point? Shouldn’t you be happy and play into their more excitable nature?
It’s too unfamiliar. Too otherworldly to see human emotion on their god like features.
A cool finger hooks under your chin, lifting your face to meet John’s gaze. “You think too much.”
You scoff and tear your face away from his hand. Thinking keeps you alive. The girls that don’t think don’t survive past their teens. You have to be smart to stay alive here. To even have a hope of keeping up with creatures who contain centuries of knowledge and experience. Who are so far ahead in the race the best you can do is limp along in the dust.
A valet pulls the car around. John changed into jeans and half zip sweater. You would die before admitting to the small bit of disappointment at him donning a shirt. You expect the black SUV from the night before to pull up. Instead, you’re met with a basic sedan. It’s still nice - obviously new. The seats are a soft, well cared for leather.
“So is this what you do? Invite prostitutes over for omlettes and tea and then drive them home?” You blurt as John starts the car. That itch to dissect their thought processes continues to plague the back of your mind.
“Tea?” He repeats, a brow raised.
“Simon made me tea last night.”
John laughs. “Kyle really did fuck your throat raw, then?”
You whirl on him, eyes wide.
“Don’t act so surprised. Johnny can’t keep his mouth shut to save his life. Said you took it beautifully.” John sighs. “Bit jealous I didn’t get to watch the show. A good cigar and whiskey in hand? The perfect night, I think. Might have to recreate it…”
That last bit sounds more for him than for you.
You shouldn’t blush. You’ve been doing this long enough that there’s no reason to blush anymore. You have no right to be flustered over something as simple as sex. It’s the way he says it, you think. The way desire drips from every syllable as though he’s never said anything more true in his immortal life.
You just hide behind a huff and look out the window. “You’re all very weird, you know that?”
“Are we, now?” John rests his elbow on the door and his head on his hand. He weaves through the chaotic city roads expertly.
“You’re too…” You wrinkle your nose, pausing. The word gets lost on your tongue.
“If you say so.”
John chuckles. “You’re just as weird, you know that?”
“I am not weird!” You snap indignantly.
“If you say so.”
You have to do a double take when he pulls up to your apartment. Is it really that fast by car? What was that, ten minutes? The train is a nearly twenty minute ride with two fifteen minute walks. The walk is nearly three hours - two if you take the back way.
“Everythin’ alright?” He asks, voice dropping to a low drawl. You shake your head to clear it, pulling your respirator out of your coat.
“Don’t you need a-“ You stop when you meet John’s deadpan expression. “Oh, right.”
“Appreciate the concern, love.” He chuckles. It’s a surprisingly warm sound.
You reach for the door, respirator in hand and at the ready. You pause when John lays a hand lightly on your shoulder. Turning back, your eyes meeting his. There’s that storm again. The one he looked at you with before. Something roiling underneath the surface.
“Before you go.” John leans forward. “C’mere.”
You assume he wants a kiss. It wouldn’t surprise you - a little thank you for the ride. Frankly, you should have thought of it first. Instead, he ducks his head to the side at the last moment. His hand tangles gently but firmly in your hair to pull your head to the side, leaving your neck craned and exposed. You freeze. Fear takes over - your heart rate immediately spiking. Your hands fist his coat, pushing as hard as you can against the unmoving mountain that is his body.
“John-“ Your voice cracks. “Please don’t-“
“Need t’ make sure you’re safe…” He mumbles.
A fang catches your skin. You freeze.
It drags across your neck, down the arch of your artery. You suck in a hear breath, the skin not quite breaking under the touch. Before you can speak or begin pushing again or even try to get out of the car, he bites down. A yelp escapes you as his teeth slowly sink in - only through the top most layer of skin. Not enough to puncture the artery or even for his other teeth to bite into your skin.
Your whole body shakes. “What’re you-“
John shushes you as he pulls away, eyes locked on the cut he made on your neck. You can feel the wet blood beginning to drip down your neck. His hand stays in your hair, holding you in place. The blue of his irises seems somehow brighter, pupils so narrowed they don’t look to be more than pinpricks. After a few beats he seems satisfied, letting your hair go and sitting back in his seat.
“Just a precaution, love.”The vampire looks you over, eyes suddenly painfully soft again. “Take care of yourself.”
Your eyes flick between his. A cold, rushing fear pumps through your veins. Your mouth opens and closes like a fish before you finally come to your senses, taking the chance to dash out of the car and toward your apartment. Fight or flight pushing away any ability to ask what the fuck that was. By the time you turn around to check behind you, John is far down the street.
You rush to your bathroom mirror, tossing your respirator to the ground as soon as you’re in your front door. It’s not deep. He didn’t even lick up after himself - a thin trail of blood pooling around your clavicle before continuing down. It wasn’t about drinking. You hiss as your fingers lightly test the tender skin.
What the fuck?
He’s a vampire. At the end of the day that’s all he is. No facial expressions or ability to cook will undo that he’s a different creature entirely. Was that what this is about? Reminding you what they are? The power they have? You wouldn’t put it past one of them, the sick fucks. What kind of fool were you to think they’re at all different.
After a shower and finally changing into some pajamas (minus a certain vampire’s tshirt that he will not be getting back) you go to grab your lamp. It doesn’t take long to set up the UV light, just dragging it out of storage and setting up the shade above it so that the rays concentrate downward onto your skin. You slowly sink to the ground. Exhaustion clings to your bones. They feel brittle and heavy simultaneously.
You sigh, curling up under the warm light like a cat. You have to be smart about how long you stay under it - the damn thing runs up the electricity bill like nothing else. Plus, too long under it can cause serious skin damage. As much as you’d rather go without, you’ve seen what happens to those that do.
You half heartedly re-count out the envelope of money, still feeling overwhelmed at the sheer amount of it. At the whole situation at hand. You realize quickly enough that despite having the money to do almost anything you don’t actually… know what to do. Despite the plan being to save up and get out of the slums you never really planned for what to do once you were out of the slums.
The realization that you never truly believed you could do it, even unconsciously, is a little heartbreaking.
Do you keep working at the club? Hope that these clients like you enough to keep up with your new lifestyle? Pray that they enjoy fucking you for long enough to save up? Do you even want to see them after what John just did? Do you look for another job? There isn’t much you can get when the whole of your resume is stamped with WHORE in bright red letters.
With a low groan you slump back on the floor and throw your arm over your eyes. Everything is so fucked. You’re lost in it and it’s all fucked.
Normally, you would avoid information about the people that come in and out of your club. They’re looking for discretion, after all. A place to hide away from the dealings of life. A fantasy. If you were smart, you’d stick with that habit. Especially when it comes to the ones that literally compel you to forget their business.
John just lost the right to any discretion after that stunt in the car.
You open up your shitty laptop that requires five hail mary’s to start. It greets you with the top headlines of the day, all just as enjoyable as you’d expect.
You close them out, for your own sanity, and type John’s name into the search bar. A few things come up - some company called One-Four-One with the most nothing description about what kind of company they are. They “develop products and services” - aka they’re a shell for shady bullshit. They’re listed as the benefactor for some lower city charities and given responsibility for several mergers and buy-outs in the upper city. All the things you’d expect from a corporation.
It’s too clean, though. You’ve been living in the underbelly long enough to know what a front looks like. Not that you’re surprised. Every vampire corporation is a cover for a million other little inner workings you will never be privy to.
The only pictures of John are a few from press reports. His imposing figure standing behind some ugly podium with a logo hastily plastered across the front. He has a commanding air about him behind all those microphones - like a preacher or a politician. Fitting.
Johnny and Kyle have a far more risqué library. Images with models and other beautiful women. The kinds of things you’d expect from young, playboy vampires stretching over the past century at least, according to the archive dates. The boys aren’t the focus of the images - it’s all paparazzi for the women - but they’re in them nonetheless. How the hell did Johnny manage to squeeze into a pair of leather pants like that?
Simon doesn’t even seem to exist. A total ghost. No matter how deep you go you can’t find a trace of him. You manage to get all the way back to the 1990s in the archive and still come up with jack shit.
You’re left with more questions than answers and a distinct understanding that you shouldn’t ask any of them. You knew that already, though, and you have no plans to let John Price close enough to speak to you anytime soon.
You didn’t realize you fell asleep up until you wake, alarm blaring in your ear that it’s time to get up and go to work. It never ends. You still feel so fucking tired, body heavy and eyes stinging. A haze settles over your mind as you fall into your constant routine. Makeup, hair, dress, respirator on, walk, train, respirator off, walk.
Your locker in the back room fights you, forcing you to practically break it open. Just another thing to leave you feeling angry and useless.
“I heard they got Red.” The girl beside you whispers. She’s mousy, new. A gossiper. She even tried to talk to you, at least before she found out that you apparently steal clients.
The girl she’s speaking to side eyes her. “What do you mean got ‘er?”
“With that new drug - Cyth or whatever.”
“Cyth isn’t real. It’s just people making up shit to cover up what the vamps are doing. As if we don’t already know.”
“But what about-“ You don’t hear the rest of what she says, her voice drowning out as you leave the back room.
Time seems to crawl by at the club without the men. You hate it. Not just the slowness of the day but the fact that they’ve had that effect on you. That these creatures you barley know have invaded your thoughts. Wormed themselves into the nooks and crannies of your psyche. Marked you - however temporarily that may be.
The patrons avoid your eyes. You serve their drinks, and where they would normally make a salacious remark or grab onto you they just offer a huffy thanks and ignore you. The tips are garbage, even the other serving girls notice and begin to basically steal your tables. It has to be the bite.
Why, though? Plenty of serving girls have fresh bite marks and they aren’t getting reactions like that. You can count four on the main floor right now.
At least once the day is over, it’s over. You can go home and hide away. Be angry in peace. Maybe make a plan for what to do. Maybe you can leave the city you and your friends talked about as teens. Except they’re all dead now and you’re pretty sure there isn’t anything outside of the dome anymore. At least not anything you could get to.
The other girls don’t walk with you to the metro anymore. The streets are never truly empty in the main city. There’s no real day or night. It’s only the places humans inhabit that become abandoned during the “night.” As you exit the lower city station, the streets empty out. It’s just you, footsteps echoing off buildings. The smog in the air only makes it darker - even harder to navigate.
Until a second pair of footsteps appears, fast and growing louder by the second. Before you can even begin to run or check behind you a force slams into you, sending you tumbling down onto harsh concrete and into an alley.
You’re cornered. There’s nowhere to go. Before you can grapple for your garlic spray the vampire has your wrists in his hand, pulling you up to dangle in front of him. The backs of your hands and arms scrape against the rough brick of the building he’s pinned you too. It hurts, cutting deep into your skin under the pressure of his strength.
The thing hisses, ripping off the neck guard attached to your respirator. The whole thing goes clattering to the ground. You choke on the poison air, lungs immediately rejecting it.
You tip your eyes to the obstructed sky. Of course it would end this way. It’s the end for you all, isn’t it? Just another body in an alley. Another free apartment for people to fight over. Another headline for people to frown at on the train. You wonder if they would use your name or just leave you as another Jane Doe.
What do the real stars look like, anyway?
He takes a long inhale and freezes in place. You can barely make out wide, frenzied eyes. A hood blocks any of his other features. His breath hastens, chest heaving against yours. What the hell is he waiting for?
Suddenly he reels backward, hissing and spitting. Muttering words you don’t understand. It drops you so suddenly that you collapse to the ground. Unable to gain any footing, still coughing and choking.
“What-“ You’re not even sure why you want to ask it a question. Before you can at all the thing runs away down the alley. Your hand travels up to your neck.
The bite.
A coughing fit sends you doubling over and you blearing grope around the ground for your respirator. At least it didn’t get smashed, you sigh in relief - clipping it back around your face and neck.
Your hands shake and you turn, staring up at that massive skyscraper hanging above the city. It’s taunting you. You feel like you can almost see John staring down at you, toying with you. An anger flares in your body so hot you almost feel as thought you’ve caught fire. He wants to fuck with you? To make you feel weak? To try to lay some sort of claim?
Fine. You can play ball.
A/N: John “you don’t need to know what’s going on, love, just do what I say” Price and Miss “don’t fuck with my independence” Fancy
I don’t love this chapter but I gotta get plot moving and grooving.
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amazeingartist · 8 months
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ghoap baby grabbing price’s beard
vampire!soap reattaching zombie!ghost’s jaw
and eepy mini demon!ghost
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 11 months
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⚔️🧛Task Force 141 Vampire AU : Lineart Version 🧛⚔️
because I think I nailed this one I'm just gonna post it bye
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Price who knew Simon before Roba. Who thought he was a good kid, disciplined solider and got along well with him.
Price who then found out about what happened and decided to check up on Simon when he was cleared to come back.
Price who thought Ghost’s aversion to food was a trauma response. Who thought him staying up all night was because of nightmares and joked that he needed to stop covering himself up when he went outside because, “you’re as pale as a ghost.”
Price who noticed Ghost’s irises were red, not brown, but always thought it was the trick of the light or the fact that his eye color was always dark.
Price who noticed his strange speed and strength. Who began to get a little concerned when Ghost started getting aggressive, how he always blamed it on him being “hungry”.
Eventually one night, after noticing how strange Ghost was acting, he went to confront him only to see Ghost eating what he assumed was a rat.
Price who had to take a moment on whether or not he should call for Ghost’s removal from the military due to psychological distress or to politely ask him what the fuck was going on.
Only for Ghost to look back at him shocked but with hungry eyes that Price could only describe as “not human”.
Ghost who had to explain what exactly happened with Roba and how he’s different, how strange everything’s been, how he can’t go out into the sun without feeling like he has a sunburn or how he sees better in pitch black darkness and how no matter how many times he tries to eat real food he just throws it back up, so he resorted to drinking blood.
Price who had to take a long time to sit with this information before he took action, making sure it was only him who knew about this and making sure Ghost never hurt anyone when he got too “hungry”.
Price who trained him to cope better with daylight and helped him with his new found strength and speed. Who told him the only people who could drink from were enemies and that if that wasn’t an option he’d give his own blood.
Price who now as the leader of the 141 is the only one who knows what Ghost really is and refuses to disclose other information about it to save his lieutenant from other experiments.
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ethereal-night-fairy · 4 months
This dark vampire poly!141 x hostage!reader idea is based off a comment I got on one of my works on Ao3 I would love to tag them if they were on Tumblr but I don't think they are.
Comment : Oh I'd love a vampire au! An idea for it if you are open to consideration: the 141 have been around for centuries, John pretty much turned all of them starting with Simon, then with Johnny, and then with Gaz being the youngest (although Gaz is still over a century old). Reader, of course, is human, moving to a new town to start over completely and ends up running into one of them. And they just know that reader is the missing piece that they had been looking for--the one that is the last to be bound to them. Because for an immortal creature it only makes sense that they would, in even just the name of species preservation, have multiple mates dictated by fate, instinct, or what have you :)
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This sounds like a great premise for a vampire au. Also what if Knight price was turned in the medieval ages by a vampire lord he was tasked to kill and ended up being turned as he killed the last of the vampire kin for the English king. He fled obviously when he realised what happened letting his knights think he was killed in battle.
Time passes and he doesn't age, he watched his loved ones from a distance growing old and having children before ultimately passing away. It pains him that he lives like an animal hunting for blood in the forest unable to live a normal life.
But he still wishes to do good, to be good . So as his powers build and the sun doesn't scorch his skin anymore. He joins the army century after century to regain some sense of humanity. (That's a horrible way to regain humanity if I'm honest, though in his defence he fell for the propaganda and thought he was doing a good thing.) But the bloodlust becomes so much worse the more he kills. The more blood stains his hands the more he longs for the chaos and violence.
He gathers companions along the way. Men like him that were on the brink of death but had so much to live for. He couldn't let them die he just couldn't! By the 21st century he had his little taskforce. His boys, his lovers, his family but someting was missing. What could it be? They lived comfortably with the wealth they had accumulated. They had their buffet layed out for them on the battlefield. What more could they want?
But something was out of place. Even with his lovers, life was becoming bleak when all they saw was violence and bloodshed. That was until they found a delicate little hostage in their capture or kill mission. Scared little thing you were tucked away in the corner of a bedroom, chained to the wall. You'd do nicely as their pet. They bet your blood tastes just as sweet as your tears.
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Their reply: Oh I love it! Johnny being a warrior that at the Battle of Culloden, fighting for Scottish independence from the British, happens to die while fighting an infuriating man. Said infuriating man, dying by the Scottsmans hand, just so happens to be lieutenant Simon. Price having already planned to watch over Simon (he said he wouldn't get attached) yet he can't help but to turn Johnny too. Neither are happy at first, they have their differences, but they can't deny the bond and love that forms. Then the three of them meet Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick in world war ii. So bright and full of life, passionate about fighting for his country and ending Nazi regime. The man runs right into a fight, saving dozens upon dozens of men, and the three know they can't let him remain dead when the inevitable comes. And Gaz, well, he keeps that light within him because at least now he can make sure that the war to end all wars wasn't done in vain.
I just wanted to show off their ideas too since it's what inspired my little snippet. I not sure if I'll turn this into a actual thing though.
Dividers by @cafekitsune
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.
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blingblong55 · 5 months
Closer -John "Soap" MacTavish x F!Reader x Simon "Ghost" Riley NSFW
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Photo credit for that Ghost work to @ave661
Based on a request: I need smut on Werewolf!Soap and Vampire!Ghost, it keeps me alive and afloat 😔❤️ Closer by Nine Inch Nails A/N: Imagine riding Soap to this song as Ghost's fangs dig into your neck🫠. I mean, you can't convince me they don't have an orgy with this song in the background ---- F!Reader, 18+, MDNI, smut, monster!au, werewolf!Soap, vampire!Ghost, threesome, unprotected!sex, human!reader, dom!Soap, dom!Ghost, sub!reader, blood!play, pup!play/bondage, rough!sex ---- A/N: straight into it so I hope this meets your expectations…
You are straddling Soap's hips on the red velvet sheets that made the bed. Ghost's fangs dig into you as his fat and needy cock gets buried deep inside your tightness. Soap, watching from under you, hands behind his head as with amusement he holds the pink leash that holds your neck close to him.
They were right, a sweet and small little human like you wasn't ready for the punishment your strange neighbours had for you. Your tight and small hole getting fucked relentlessly by Ghost as Soap had you riding his girthy cock. Between praises and slaps you found yourself having your third orgasm of the evening. No one said that pleasing men with great stamina were easy but you can take it, can't you?
The dark walls, filled with old portraits and your soft body adorned the room. Cum leaked from your cunt and tight ass. Your mouth drooling from when Soap began to fill your mouth with his fist. Your tits bounce and occasionally slap on Soap's hard and hairy chest. Growls of excitement and hunger for more of this fuck dinner getting louder. Tears run down your face when the sharp dagger in Ghost's hand rips the thin fabric of your lacy bra. The blade made some blood run down, which only excited Ghost when he watched Soap's finger pick some of the crimson and make you lick his fingers clean.
If only they had told you earlier that they didn't need a good catholic slut to come and collect old Bibles but instead, that they wanted to corrupt your body, blood and those tasty holes of yours.
Blood drunk, that is what Ghost is as he filled your ass with more of his thick seed. Soap pulls on the leash, "Kiss me, slut," he grunts, his cock so deep inside of you that your wet cunt aches. Your lips meet his and his sharp teeth make your sweet mouth leak blood, this only makes Ghost feral.
Both men pounding into you. Their meaty cocks and balls are ready to just fill you up over and over until you learn to not go into strange homes.
Ghost takes hold of your neck, tilting it to the side to get more of that sweet and addicting blood you have.
Soap like the absolute beast he is begins to fight for dominance. Both men laugh as all you can do is control you, their submissive pet reminded of why she is kept alive. And you wouldn't complain, would you?
Ghost almost makes you pass out but before he can, Soap pushes him off, flips himself over and takes you from behind. His balls slapped against your aching cunt as you took his size so well. Just before he slaps that red face of yours, your pretty and tight hole gets stuffed and spread wide by his fat cock that leaks his creamy seed. Your moans and cries of pleasure mixed in with his growls and grunts.
Ghost watches this with amusement, he knows a good girl like you could take a size or two but not something remotely close to Soaps.
Finally, when they undo your wrist restraints and unleash you, both men massage your body. Whispering sweet praises for taking them so well and knowing that they were too pleased, they will certainly ask the priest to let you visit their home for some "prayers".
"Shh, it's okay, you did a good job," Ghost licks and kisses the blood from your body. "Yeah, you did so well for us, lass," Soap wipes the tears from your delicate face.
A/N: Short I know but...it's all my brain came up with
@goldenmclaren @vampsquerade @jobug93 @madsnic1119 @luvecarson @bbunni-boo @kay-radioactive @warenai @liyanahelena @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago @phantomly27 @lolliepopsicle @imjusthereforkonig @dukeofjjune @strangepuppynightmare @9rutally @creamwhxre @frizzseaberries @missbones02 @moonsua1 @krinoid24 @katybaby00 @saoirse06 @alxexhearts @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @enarien @ikohniik @strawberrychita @queen-ilmaree @Llelannie @macnches2 @bbyfimmie @avidreadee123 @talooolaaloolla @skelletonwitch @bittermajesties @1234beeandpuppycat @sparky--bunny @honestlyhiswife @who-can-appease-me @ghostwifeyy @konigssultwithghost @pinkblossomsworld @lovelyvqer @nobodys-coffee @the_royal_bee @soapybutt17
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cod-fishing · 7 months
Part 1 | Part 2
The first time Johnny feeds on Simon, they aren’t exactly planning on it.
They get stuck in a bunker somewhere on some shit recon mission turned siege. Through spotty radio signal, laswell ensures them both that help is coming, they just have to wait it out. And they can, mostly. The bunker has a decent set of couches, and is well stocked for a human.
For a vampire, on the other hand.
Well, usually they don’t need to pack all that many rations for soap. He can feed on the go - whatever mercs they’re taking out juice him up just fine. But the problem with the bunker is that there are just too many enemies on the other side to pop out for a quick snack. They’re isolated, truly isolated, just the two of them.
At the start Ghost asks for a status report on Johnny, but he insists he should be fine for a week or so. “I’ve gone longer. I’ll be fine.” He swears. And to be fair, he is fine for that long. Sure, his brain clearly gets a little slow near the end, but it’s no more than any of them have faced.
But a week turns into two. Then starts creeping into two and a half. And soap starts looking a little gaunt.
“Sargent.” No reply. “Hey, Johnny.” Ghost has to repeat his name to get his attention, the man’s eyes glazed over and posture slumped in his chair.
“Johnny, you need to eat.”
He looks at him like he’s struggling to process his words, and eventually licks his lips before answering.
“Sure do, L.T. Just, uh. Just can’t get to the pantry.”
Ghost is nothing if not solutions-oriented. He wouldn’t have brought it up if he hadn’t mulled it over. It was time, he wouldn’t let Johnny suffer like this.
“Feed from me.”
Now that gets his attention. He looks slack-jawed, eyes flaring bright at the suggestion.
“No, Ghost, I- I couldn’t, I don’t want to feel that, I-“ he stutters.
“You could die, Johnny. Or go into some sort of crazed frenzy, and drink me dry without even knowing it. You’re wasting away, don’t lie to me. We’ve got to do something about it.”
Johnny sputters. “Ghost, no! I’ll be fine, I swear-“
“I said, don’t lie to me.”
The Sargent searches his eyes for a moment, still so blue despite the pain he’s clearly in, before slumping.
“You know it hurts, right?”
He knows. He’s seen the way Soap’s meals scramble against him, faces pulled tight and panicked. When he has the time to stop and watch, he often does. It’s kind of mesmerizing, the way they slowly go limp in his embrace, their life-force transferred into him.
“Yeah, I know.”
Soap just stares at him, with an unreadable expression on his face. It almost looks like awe, but Ghost isn’t willing to call it that.
“You think you can stop yourself when you get enough?” Ghost asks. He trusts Johnny, which is why he’s asking. Not that the answer really matters.
He takes the time to consider it, wiping a hand down his face.
“Yeah, I can,” he finally replies, almost sounding regretful. “But still, Ghost…are you sure?”
“Quit your yammering. You know I wouldn’t say it in the first place if I wasn’t.”
He blinks, still looking a little sleepy. Finally, he nods.
“Right then. Let’s do it.”
“Ach, um. Right. Just, uh,” he stands up, looking awkward, and ghost doesn’t miss the way he sways a bit in place, “I guess I’ll just?” He gestures to ghost’s legs, and it takes Ghost far to long to realize he means to sit on his lap.
He snorts. “Come on sweetheart,” and pats his lap, hoping the joke will cut through some of the mountain of tension building up.
It does get Soap to smile, rolling his eyes, and in one fluid motion, he sinks down on the couch to straddle Ghost’s thighs.
Ghost tenses, then forces himself to relax. His brain feels all kinds of haywire. On one hand, having Johnny on his lap like this should be fucking awkward.
On the other, if he just lets himself feel it for a second, the grounded feeling of his strong thighs against his feels pretty good. The weight feels pretty good, and when Johnny hesitantly sets his hands against Ghost’s collarbones, over his Henley, that feels good too.
His heart is racing in his chest. Looking up into Johnny’s eyes, blown out till the blue is almost gone, he isn’t entirely sure if it’s because he’s underneath a predator, or if it’s something else entirely.
Johnny licks his lips again, and this time, Ghost can see his incisors starting to peak out. He’s breathing hard, almost panting - he looks more hungry than ghost has ever seen him.
“Fuck.” Johnny chokes out. He drops his head, but it’s only to rest his forehead against Ghost’s shoulder, turning his face away from his neck.
Tentatively, ghost rests his hands on the meat of soap’s hips. He’s still panting, clenching and unclenching his hands against ghost like he’s trying to hold himself back.
“It’s alright, Johnny,” he finds himself almost whispering. He reaches up, removing the last barrier in Soap’s way. The mask slides over his face. Soap twitches under his hands.
“Do it.”
Soap takes in one more ragged gasp.
“Yes sir.”
Ghost has been hurt a lot before. And yes, when Johnnys surprisingly large fangs pierce the skin of his neck, they hurt. But it helps that he is anticipating it.
What he isn’t anticipating is the euphoria.
He tenses, at the bite, but as Johnny starts to suck him down in earnest, he feels himself relaxing, going boneless, turning into god damn jello. I mean it hurts, it does, but more than that his head starts to feel a little light, his body pleasantly heavy.
And then Johnny god damn moans against his neck, and Ghost feels his eyes roll back in his head.
It must not go on for too long. Johnny starts to slow down after just a bit, the suckling against his jugular turning gentle and almost lazy. Johnny is feeling strong in his lap, far less brittle. He feels…god he feels good. Big. Like Ghost can lay here on this couch for a long while and it’ll be okay, because Johnny has got him. Johnny wouldn’t let anything happen to him.
Too soon, he pulls away.
He licks a stripe over the puncture holes, and Ghost shivers.
“Let me get you -“ Johnny starts to shuffle in his lap a bit, grabbing some napkins off the coffee table to press against them. It’s only now that Ghost realizes his eyes are closed, and he struggles to lift his eyelids.
Johnny is gazing back down at him, the warm tan and healthy glow back in his skin.
He looks beautiful.
“Thanks, L.T. You were right, I really needed that. Are you feeling okay?”
Ghost blinks. “Uh. Um.” He tries to kick his brain back into gear, but god it feels so nice to be here, in this half conscious state. “Affirmative.”
Johnny’s eyebrows pull together, not entirely convinced. “You sure, sir? That can’t have felt good.”
“Yeah,” he croaks out. Johnny feels so good on him, so good. Ghost ponders if it would be safe for Johnny to feed a little more. “Feel real good, Johnny.”
That gets him a quirked eyebrow from a much more chipper Soap.
“Alright, sir. Let’s get you a juice box.”
Johnny feeds on him more often, after that.
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vampykween · 7 months
can’t get vampire!price out of my head. he finds you in the woods near the ominous castle he resides in. you’re frightened beyond words and you’re bloody and bruised - upon instinct he was ready to sink his teeth into you but instead decides he’d much rather keep you.
you’re reluctant but don’t have much fight in you to stop him from carrying you over his shoulder back to his fortress.
you end up meeting vampire!ghost, price’s little protege who is the best boy and will do anything to please. including taking the best care of their new precious gift.
you spend your days being fucked and feasted on by the two of them. joyous and content to be a good little pet to your wonderful creatures of the night.
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diejager · 7 months
oh for the love god that vampire!reader x 141 was DIVINE
More pleaaaaseeeee!!!!!!
Bar night Cw: blood drinking, blood, biting, possessive behaviour, mention of drinking, tell me if I missed any.
You latched onto Roach for the night out, pulling him into your room to eat before you went to the pub, a closed area filled with beating hearts and warm blood. You sunk your teeth in his shoulder, skin and muscle bending under the sharp poke of your teeth. He winced, groaning lowly and squirmed, you knew it hurt, remembering the time you were fed from and left to die, still living thanks to the benevolent act of your creator.
You pulled your teeth back and blood rolled down his shoulder, crimson ichor that felt warm on your tongue. You lapped it up, lips closed around the wound, tongue running over the stinging pain to smooth out his pain, your saliva acting as an anesthesia and numbing it before you’d heal him. You suckled his shoulder, a moan slipping through your sealed lips, gulping down his blood —ambrosia, it tasted like ambrosia, the Gods’ alcohol. You could get drunk on blood like humans got drunk on alcohol, stomach filled with litres of warm blood and mind woozy.
But you knew your limit and Roach’s, pulling away with a soft apology to him, whispering it into his ear, your breath tickling his lobe as you sealed the wound with a single lick. Your saliva healed people’s wounds when you wanted it, the magic of it finding root in your blood, the ability that rose when you were reborn. You used it when you fed on your boys, or when they were injured.
“Thank you, Gary,” you sighed, mind feeling clearer and stomach less hungry, having fed to keep your hunger in check.
It’s all right, you were hungry, he signed, his hands moving in the dark, knowing you could see the words. Are you feeling better?
Ready to go then?
Without another word, you led him out by the hand, fingers interlocked with his, lips spread in a cheeky grin and cheeks warm from your recent feed. You walked, hand-in-hand, out the base, the others unbothered by the familiar scene of your amiable character. Outside, basking in the cool, autumn air of London, stood the rest of the Task Force, four men waiting for you two to drive out of base to the pub you went after every mission for celebrations.
“Took yer long ‘nough,” Soap smirked, a teasing smile rising onto his lips.
“Thought we’d ‘ave to send someone to find you,” Price grumbled hiding his equally giddy smile behind his cigar.
“Sorry, I got hungry,” you flashed your fangs, sharp teeth glinting under the moon and eyes turning red, the bright colour of their blood.
Tag list: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @havoc973
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nocturnesmoon · 6 months
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-Archaic Blood Masterlist-
Thinking about TF141 and vampire reader, it's probably been done before but i can't get it out of my head. All the potential it has both fluff, angst and plot. Because listen listen listen
What if
You are a vampire contracted by the military, except the vampire part is a very well-kept secret. You're old, your life spans all the way back to when they burned witches at the stake. You were an ordinary person back then, careful and with your own beliefs and superstitions like anyone. The rumors and sightings of witches, vampires, and werewolves was things you didn't concern yourself with. At least until you sighted it yourself, and you got pulled in.
Taking slight dnd logic, at least in the sense that the vampire that turned you ended up in control over you. You were trapped there along with quite a few other vampire spawn, all subjected to the same type of abuse and torture over decades. You got used to it, the drive to get away was beaten out of you as you blindly obeyed your master.
You had lost hope of rescue or even just the sweet relief of actual death, until the castle got raided by military. You fought against them by command of the vampire lord, but in a moment of clarity you ripped yourself free from the clawing grip it had on your mind. You pushed against your master, and killed them in their already injured state, granting you the freedom you had wanted for so long.
You still had your immortal strife, but now a free vampire spawn, you finally had a sense of will again, you had hope again. You didn't know why the military decided to spare you, they had butchered your brothers and sisters along with your creator, but someone took interest in you.
And free from one prison you went right into another.
It quickly became clear to you that their goal was to make you something short of a super soldier. Your vampirism gave you a heightened set of abilities, and with a few drawbacks they could utilize you well during missions. Despite your attempts of escape, your newly granted freedom was put on a new leash. You were given a handler, someone to train you into obedience as if you hadn't spent decades being under the control of a single person.
It didn't matter how much you protested; they were insistent that you owed them for "saving" you. So reluctantly you leaned into it, you found that you actually had a lot of fun on these types of missions they would send you on. You did various things; a lot of your time was spent on hunting other monsters like yourself. Both werewolves, vampires, witches, and other mythical creatures since you were much better at sniffing them out.
You proved yourself time and time again, and eventually you became rather trusted. Eventually you would outgrow your handler, unlike them you weren't burdened with aging mortality. So, every few decades, an accident or event would stage your death, and you'd come back under a new name and skillset.
Every single persona you carried got known around the military for different things, though they all had the monster hunting specialty in common. The only people knowing the truth being yourself and a select amount of your higher ups that handled you.
Now you've found yourself settled in your life in the military, it isn't what you expected but you deal with it easily enough. Until the call comes that you're going to be working with a certain Taskforce 141, and the group you meet change everything.
You're paired up with them for an indefinite amount of time, the goal being hunting a cult of monsters that's been stirring up things and risking the public eye figuring out about the existence of monsters. Laswell contacted your handlers for your assistance and thereby sort of became your new temporary handler. In the start she was the only one that knew of your vampirism, and you tried to keep it that way, but it was hard when the others were quite observant of their new addition to the team.
You get along just fine with them, there's a distance between you all at first. A professional distance that doesn't allow you to get to know them all too well. It's a distance you try to keep up, try to maintain but quickly crumbles when you find you enjoy their company a lot more than normal.
Soap always finds a reason to talk to you, either inquiring you about what you're doing or info dumping about his latest find. You allow him to stay, listening to his ramblings with a gentle smile on your face, as you continue typing up your report.
Gaz likes to engage you in different activities, be it card games, video games, training together. It's often paired with Soap and creates quite the chaotic environment, but one that never fails to make you laugh like you've never done before. You even start to suspect that the two of them are teaming up on getting you to open up to them.
Price has his way with complimenting you, he observes your work and your determination with great interest. He notices how much hard work you put into the missions and even outside of missions. He appreciates having someone who's so dedicated, but he also knows you can't possibly be resting enough and finds himself pulling you away from your work to have rest together, however that might be.
Ghost isn't as quick to accept you as the others, he respects you from a work standpoint but other than that there's something about you that doesn't sit right with him. He chalks it up to you just being an unpredictability, an uneven equation to the stability he's used to with the other 141 members. He genuinely tries to get closer with you when he sees how much the rest enjoy your company, but that uneasy feeling is still something he can't shake.
Ghost is probably the first to start suspecting things, maybe even fully figure it out. Everyone probably starts to notice things every now and then, they're smart men, they're hunting a cult of monsters that includes vampires, they know of some of the behaviors.
It also gets harder and harder for you to mask your instincts, the more comfortable you get with them the more you forget to be careful. You start feeling too safe with them, forgetting the fact of who you are. They start noticing how you don't really eat, at least never with them. Every time they invite you to join them, you find some convenient excuse.
Another thing they start to notice is your adverse nature to light. Your room always have the blinds closed and lights off. You gravitate towards the shadows, you feel more welcome in them, and Ghost swears that one time he saw your eyes glow red in the darkness.
Every time you're out in the sunlight, you wear extensive gear or covering clothes. Full balaclava, sunglasses, gloves, almost none of your skin is ever shown to the rays of the sun. The one time Soap asked you about it, you gave the excuse that your skin is just very sensitive to the sun, that you get sunburns easily because of sensitive skin and just prefer the shade.
Your heightened sensitivity is something Price and Ghost notices quick. Your sharp movements, your overly quick thinking, your stamina, and strength don't line up with the humanely possible. Not to mention the way you stare at blood a little too intensely when you come across it.
Whenever Price asks Laswell about you, every bit of information he gets out of her is vague and doesn't always add up. Even when he gets his hands on your file, and goes over it with the team, despite how impressive your record is, there are things on it that doesn't make sense with how long you've supposedly been alive.
The breakpoint happens when Gaz finds your stash of blood packs. He didn't even mean to be nosy in your room, but he was looking for something of his that you had borrowed, and stumbled upon them. His eyes wide as he looks back at you, the things he's been thinking, and the small whispers he's shared with the rest about you, now all confirmed to be true.
You try to talk him down, but you know by the way he looks at you that you're starting to form as a threat in his mind. He tries to get away, maybe to get backup or find something specific to defend himself with, but you manage to tackle him down. Not exactly helping his griping fear. Only then do you manage to talk him down, assure him that you aren't a threat and that you won't hurt anyone.
He leaves it reluctantly, mumbling agreeance, but you're aware that he's not going to keep it secret. It's just about who moves faster now. You like the relationship you've built with the 141, you're even starting to get through to Ghost, and it wasn't something you were keen on losing. So, Laswell calls a meeting, it was time to let them know.
Everyone gathers, confused at the sudden emergency meeting, except for Gaz who is staring you down, his leg bouncing furiously against the ground. You do your best to not look threatening, to prepare yourself for possible worse reactions.
"They're a vampire spawn," Laswell tells them, ”And they've been helping the military control the remaining monsters in the world for a very long time now." she states as if it's most normal thing in the world to have a free vampire spawn on your team you're supposed to trust. Though their response surprise you.
"We know"
At first you think you weren't quick enough, that Gaz got to them before you did. But you quickly find out most of them have been suspicious for months, and eventually came to terms with it. Gaz's outburst just stemmed from shock and impulse thinking. They all have quite a few questions, ranging from trivial to stupid and some just plain curiosity.
You're most surprised to find that they don't want to view you any different than they already have, that they enjoy your company just as much as you've enjoyed theirs. They still want to work with you, they still want to be around you. It makes your unbeating heart flutter, and your nonexistent blood rush in excitement of the future possibilities.
They've accepted you into their own little pack, you don't know it yet, but they've already claimed you as theirs. If they could have it their way, and they will, you won't be working for any other taskforce again in a very long time, and you think that this might just be the most interesting decade yet, in your long, long life.
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I really wanna write more about this, vampire tropes always have me frothing at the mouth-
Sorry for the word vomit but i had to get this out my head, i can't be the only thinking about this, the potential-
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swordsandholly · 29 days
Ch 2: Just Be Nice to the Gentlemen, Fancy
Previous | Next | Ao3
Vampire! Poly 141 x Fem! Plus Size! Reader
Word Count: 7k
Summary: A permanent darkness rests over the city. You’ve lived here your whole life - in the slums, just another human to be pushed and pulled at the whims of the vampires that run it. Another human made to bleed and crawl their way through a meager life.
Maybe, just maybe, a meeting by happenstance will change your fate for the better.
A/N: Y’all are getting updates to two fics in a row bc my Wellbutrin has well and truly kicked in. Say thank you to big pharma or whatever
A week passes. You tucked that wad of cash into your special hiding spot behind the vent above your bed. It still feels like it’s burning a hole through you. You made lists of things everything you could possibly spend it on, how much each item costs individually, how much it might help if you save it. In the end, you decided - rather impulsively - to get all new water filters for your entire apartment. The shower head and both sinks. It eats away most of the cash but you’ve never felt so clean - never realized the amount of sludge sticking to your skin until it wasn’t anymore.
The four men haven’t come back, at least to your knowledge. Most likely they’re done with you after that single meeting. They’ve gone back to Cherry and you’re back to working as a server - having meager tips shoved down the bust of your dress and too rough hands grabbing your inner thighs.
After the gentile treatment you received, though, you feel a bit disgusted. Reminded that they choose to be this way. That vampires aren’t just like that, they aren’t made like that, they choose to treat you - to treat humans - terribly. It makes your gut churn with anger in a way it hasn’t since you were an over-achieving teen sneaking out to attend protests in the lower city square.
It is what it is. Life goes on.
The train lurches on your way to work, as usual. News and advertisements scroll along the screens lining the top of the cabin.
With grit teeth you tear your eyes away. People around you whisper, conspire about what might be going on. As if you all don’t already know what’s happening. As if there isn’t a cancer in this city centuries old.
Nothing is new under the constant night.
Life goes on.
You sigh, quietly checking yourself in the mirror before locking up your things in the employee break room and punching in your time card. Before you can even step foot toward the main floor, a girl with pitch black hair begins charging toward you.
“You!” Cherry stomps up to you, voice cracking with anger. Her platform boots raise her up above your level.
You nearly jump out of your skin, instinctively backing away and against the wall. “W-what -“
“You stole my clients!” She shrieks.
“I- what?”
“Cherry.” The owner warns, appearing behind her. A shadow looming over the two of you. A man ready to grab the scruffs of two warring kittens. A few other girls who just arrived for their shifts stare with wide, nervous eyes.
The last time there was a fight here a girl got her eye stabbed out.
“You took them! They’re my best paying clients and you took them! What did you do, huh? You suck their cocks for free?” Her face is barely an inch from yours and a sharp acrylic nail pokes your chest so harshly you’re surprised it doesn’t break skin.
It’s your turn to fume - face hot and hands balling into fists. “How dare you! I swear to god I-“
“Ladies!” The owner booms, grabbing both your shoulders, effectively putting an end to this little spat before it can escalate further. “Quiet. Our guests will hear you. Cherry, go smoke a cig and cool the fuck off. Fancy, follow me.”
You feel a bit like a child on their way to the principles office as you follow the owner toward the bar, wringing your hands and glancing around wildly. Despite your irritation, fear creeps through every part of you. The other girls are staring - whispering to each other behind perfectly manicured hands.
“I - sir - I really didn’t-“ You stop when that same gold tray is shoved into your hands.
“I don’t care what you did or didn’t do.” He sighs loudly. “They’re requesting you.”
“But I don’t-“
“I. Don’t. Care.” He points at you in much the same fashion as Cherry before him. “Your job is what our guests want you to do. So go do your job”
Your jaw clicks as you shut it. Cherry is glaring absolute fucking daggers at you from the back room, her sparking red dress nearly matching the shade of her face. You can’t blame her. You’re taking her clients, her paycheck, her survival. It makes you feel a bit monstrous, if you’re honest with yourself. There isn’t any time to focus on that too much as you’re ushered to the private booths. There’s no reason for you to give this up, either. If they want you they want you, and it’s their fault for kicking her to the curb.
It’s your survival too, at the end of the day.
It feels eerie to walk down this corridor again. To stand before that heavy curtain again. Your hands don’t shake this time, though. Even with the added tension from your previous interaction they remain steady.
They’re seated the same as before. Simon’s mask is different - a regular balaclava as opposed to the skull. You realize that his eyebrows and lashes are blonde - so strangely soft for such a harsh looking man. They’re all dressed far more casually, it seems. All the way down to Johnny’s sneakers that probably cost more than your entire wardrobe based on the brand. John has traded his suit coat for a simple one with sherpa lining. Kyle braided his hair since last time.
“Evenin’, Fancy.” John smiles warmly. The way it makes your heart flutter is utterly shameful.
“Hello.” You smile, tilting your head and setting down the tray. Same as before. Rinse and repeat. They ordered liquor this time - bourbon, you think. Maybe scotch. Same difference. “You’ve gotten me into trouble.”
“Have we, now?” John drapes an arm over the back of the booth.
“Cherry isn’t exactly happy.” You fake pout as you hand out the glasses. “Thinks I did something salacious to steal you away.”
“How do you know you didn’t?” John gives you a once over. Blue eyes dragging down every curve and angle of your body.
“I suppose I don’t.” You sigh. “Nothing in my right mind, though.”
“Sorry about that, love. It’s for your own good.”
“Right.” The only thing more powerful than plausible deniability is actual deniability. “Can I get you anything else?”
“Can get yer pretty little arse over here.” Johnny grabs you by the waist, setting you down in his lap. You gasp at the sudden motion, wrapping an arm around his broad shoulders for balance.
“I think ‘little’ is a bit of a misnomer, there, hun.” You snicker.
“Aye, as it should be.” His hand wanders to pinch your hip.
“You’re a dog, Mr. MacTavish.”
“Och, ye wound me, lass.”
You glance over at Simon briefly, eyes meeting his. He tilts his head forward. Those dark eyes hold no less intensity than before. They take you in like they want to eat you whole. He probably does.
John must signal him - a nod or a curl of finger - because you’re being passed into the center of the booth again and set right up at John’s side. Vampire covens are simple things. Strong hierarchies that are rarely challenged unless a leader falls or fails spectacularly.
Top dog gets the chew toy.
“I like the change of attire.” You smile, tugging at the soft sherpa of his coat.
“Suits not your style?”
“They’re nice… I see so many of them, though.” You lean into his side, letting your head fall back on his shoulder. “Besides, this fits you better, I think. Matches the beard.”
You let your hand venture up to trace along his jaw, reveling in the gentle scratch of his beard. It’s pleasant. Well cared for. You briefly wonder what his budget for beard products is. He leans into the touch. You’ve always wondered how you to feel to them. Is it a gentle warmth or a scorching flame? Either way, they never seem to mind.
“You boys planning on talking business tonight?” You tilt your head.
“Ah, not tonight.” He chuckles, taking your hand and pressing a light kiss to the back of it. “Tonight is purely about rest and relaxation. Need it after the week we’ve had.”
Somehow the other three manage to melt into the background. You might not know much - if anything - about him, but John Price is the type of man to fill a room all on his own. You felt that the first time you saw him.
“I can certainly help with that.” You grin, letting your hand trail up his thigh. You move slowly, waiting to see how he reacts, and go to hook a leg across his lap to straddle him.
To your surprise, he just grabs your waist and sets you back into your seat. “Don’t need to do all that, luv. Just talk with us.”
Part of you wants to laugh. There’s no way guys like this are the lonely, chatty type. But then, as you take in his face, you can see the exhaustion in his eyes. Vampires don’t get bags under their eyes or stress lines, but it still shows. Still swirls in their irises so distinctly.
“Wanted to pick your brain about somethin’, actually.” John sighs, taking a slow sip from his drink.
You scoff. “Me?”
“You’re a smart girl.”
“Am I?” You can’t help but laugh. “What, you need help picking out some lingerie for your mistress?”
John rolls his eyes at you. Kyle chuckles behind him. They’re far more quiet than last time. At least, the little bit you remember form last time.
“Our company has had some recent… expansions.” John mulls his words over carefully, which sets of alarm bells in the back of your mind. “We want to take the opportunity to do something for the lower city.”
“Why?” You spit far too honestly - involuntarily dropping the facade of an escort. What are they doing to pull this out of you? Is it compulsion?
Just as John opens his mouth to answer you, a phone rings. Loud and piercing through the tension in the air. Simon sighs loudly and answers, speaking so low you aren’t sure if he’s speaking at all. All eyes are trained on him. Except yours. You look around at the strain in their faces. The dread.
Simon grunts something before hanging up. “We’ve got a problem.”
“What kind of problem?” John demands.
“The kind we can’t leave til’ tomorrow.”
There’s a collective groan throughout the room. Johnny looks like he wants to smash the closest thing he could find.
“Fuckin’ hell…Sorry, darling. Looks like we’ll have to resume this another time.” John sighs loudly and takes your hand to help pull you from the booth. He pauses with you off to the side - glancing over his shoulder and nodding to the others as they pass through the curtain before turning back to you. “Can I trouble you for a kiss at least? To tide me over?”
“Always.” Once again, the response is far too automatic for your liking. Then again, there are worse things than happily kissing a good looking man. Even if he is what he is.
John chuckles. It’s low and rich and causes you to lean forward despite yourself. Sometimes you forget just how alluring they’re built to be. Made to draw you in. An angler fish. John leans forward to meet you, still holding your hand in his. His lips are cool, a little rough but also gentle. There’s a hint of almost desperation in the way he pushes closer before who you can only assume is Simon clears his throat.
“Pay for a full night plus tip - as an apology for leaving so suddenly. Take the rest of the night, dove.” John smiles down at you and presses another tied roll of cash into your palm. “Don’t want my favorite girl having to scrape by for tips after we leave. Bad look, that.”
“T-thanks…” You murmur, keeping your eyes locked on him. Almost afraid to look down at the amount in your hand. There’s a heft to it that you both appreciate and are terrified of.
John pats your hand and leans forward to place a rather chaste kiss on your cheek before disappearing out the curtain just like that first time.
You’re not sure how much more unbridled tenderness you can handle.
It’s not even a full week before they’re back. This time, it’s just Kyle and Johnny who greet you on the other side of the curtain. That fact should relax you - not having to focus your attention on so many men should make it easier. Instead, it feels foreboding after the way they left last time. It makes your shoulders tense.
Why are you worried about John? A little voice in the back of your head questions. Why are you worried about a fucking vamp?
“Hello.” You murmur, setting the usual tray on the table seemingly in slow motion. “Just the two of you today?”
“Don’t sound so disappointed.” Kyle grins. “We’re more than enough company.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.” You hum, passing out their drinks and sliding into the curved booth to get between them.
“Nothing to cure a shit week like blowin’ off a little steam with a pretty woman.” Kyle tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, his other hand coming to rest on your thigh. Dogs without their leashes.
You hum. “Work got you down? You had that ‘problem’ last time.”
“Och, aye. Been a right bitch lately.” Johnny groans, tilting his head back and slinging an arm around your shoulders on the back of the booth. “At least we got that one bit sorted.”
“It was your own damn fault.” Kyle scoffs at him.
“Oi. Maybe if you payed attention to who-“
Kyle grabs Johnny’s lips, pinching them shut. “Price said not in front of the girl.”
You glance between them. The last thing you need is to be sat in the middle of a vampire brawl. Goodbye mortal plane if so.
That seems to be enough to get Johnny to drop it, opting to throw back his drink in one fell swoop and scoot in closer to you, strong arm looping around your waist.
Kyle’s hands trace down over your shoulders. “You’re a fuckin’ luxury, baby girl.”
“Can I have a kiss, hen?” Johnny leans close, fingers tracing your jaw.
Your lip quirks up. “Can you afford a kiss? Seeing as I’m such a luxury, apparently.”
It’s Kyle who moves next - pulling you fully into his lap and pushing you further into Johnny. “We can afford much more than that, love.”
The tip of a fang grazes your neck. It’s slow, gentile, not nearly enough to break the skin. Not quite a threat.
A promise.
It’s barely a hair of movement. A slight tilt, a minute lean and your lips press against Johnny’s. His lips are cold but softer than you expected. Your hands find his shoulders, his tongue darts across your lower lip and you part for him. A well memorized dance. Kyle’s hands drag up your hips to rest on your waist, holding you in place between them.
“D’you have any idea how good you smell?” Kyle murmurs in your ear.
“Or taste.” Johnny sighs into your lips. You pull back, snickering and wiping your lipstick off his lips. He has the prettiest, dopiest smile you’ve ever seen.
“Come home with us?” Kyle asks, lips grazing the shell of your ear. “We’ll take such good care of you.”
“You just got here.” You murmur.
“An’ now we’re askin’ if ye’d like tae come home with us.” Johnny grins.
You tilt your head back, debating on how to ask about pay. It’s a question that needs to be asked, but a sensitive one at the same time. You don’t want to offend, but you don’t want to end up walking away from their home empty handed. Just as you go to open your mouth and subtly talk rates, you’re cut off.
“How’s 5k sound, lovie?” Kyle murmurs. Are they fucking mind readers?
You pray they don’t notice the way you choke briefly, body tensing for a fraction of a second. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit! That’s more than twice what you make in month.
“I’ll take that bewildered stare as a yes.” He laughs, moving a hand from your waist to knead at your hip.
They call a car. You don’t have to explain where you’re going to anyone - being pressed between them is enough. It used to be a little shameful for you to walk out on a man’s arm for the whole club to see. When you were young and not quite so resigned to the state of the world - when you hadn’t quite realized that the only god you should care for is green and made of paper. These days you couldn’t care less. They all know, and they’re all taking part in the same debauchery (or jealous that they can’t afford to.) It’s all goods and services, at the end of the day.
Johnny wastes no time pulling you into his lap as soon as you climb into the car - a massive, black SUV that still smells brand new. At least the seats are soft on your knees as you hover over his lap.
“No, no, full weight on me, bonnie.” He grabs your hips and pushes you to sit on his thighs. “Tha’s it.”
His hand disappears under your skirt, two fingers tracing up your sex through the thin cloth of your underwear. Messily grinding while placing sloppy, open mouth kisses along your neck and shoulder. You gasp and whine as he presses against your clit. Just enough to tease, always moving away before you can properly grind down on him. Fucking tease. Kyle watches with an appreciative grin lazily spread across his face.
Your eyes widen to saucers as you pull up to the building. One of the biggest residential skyscrapers in the city. A glowing paragon. One of only five you can see at all times from any part of the city. You’re pretty sure, if you could get to the top, that you would be able to point out your apartment. If you could see it through the smog, that is.
Kyle pins you to the wall of the elevator, lips intertwined with yours and a hand twisted in your hair. Yours knot into the material of his coat. He tastes like liquor and something you can’t quite place. Something sweeter than candy and far more satisfying.
You glance over his shoulder at Johnny just as the man readjusts his pants. He grins, keeping his hand there to palm himself as soon as he catches your eye.
Cheeky bastard.
The elevator stops so gently you might have missed it if not for the dinging and the doors parting. Kyle pulls you out into a small foyer while Johnny fumbles for a keycard.
You think you might have a heart attack when they slip you through one of the two massive front doors. It has to take up the entire floor - or at least most of it. There’s a whole pool on the right side of the balcony. An area that looks like a greenhouse mirrors it to the left. Floor to ceiling windows allow you to see the faux stars so clearly up here.
“Do you all live here?” You ask quietly, staring around the massive penthouse.
The decor is simple. Dark, heavy woods and expensive, rich toned fabrics. It doesn’t have that sterile air that so many vampire homes have. It looks lived in. Used. Even with the obviously untouched kitchen. To this day you don’t understand why vampire homes have them at all. A formality, you suppose.
Johnny nods. “Och, aye, but John and Si are… workin’.”
You decide it’s probably smartest not to pry into whatever “work” means. “So, the mice will play while the cats are away?”
“Somethin’ like that.” Kyle nods, a little smirk playing across his face.
You glance away, debating on asking a possibly invasive question. You can’t ever be too careful with the hierarchy of covens. “And John doesn’t mind you… having me first?”
They blink at you for a moment before bursting out laughing. Your face heats. It makes you feel childish, as if you asked a stupid question. It’s not a stupid question. It’s perfectly valid! At least thats what you’ve heard from other working girls…
“Oh, no, doll. He doesn’t care.” Kyle grins and hooks an arm around your shoulders.
“Might be a bit miffed he wasnae here tae join in on the fun but he’s not jealous like tha’.” Johnny mimics him with an arm around your waist as they pull you to the side.
The two exchange a look briefly with grins plastered across their faces before turning you to the right and leading you down a short hallway. A large, wooden door opens into a bedroom that could swallow your apartment whole. The decor is a bit chaotic - clothes lay across the floor leading to the bathroom and two walls are covered from the floor to halfway up with drawings and paintings.
You know what you’re here for but you can’t help wandering over to them and staring. They’re so intricate. Every detail rendered perfectly. Some are from the city, others are from far away places you aren’t sure exist anymore. A few portraits of the boys here and there and some other people you don’t know. A sketch of a man with scars littering his strong face catches your eye.
“Whose are these?” You ask in a hushed whisper, as if speaking too loudly will disrupt them.
“Ah, mine.” Johnny saunters up behind you, hands resting on your broad hips.
“They’re beautiful…” You’ve only seen art like this in the museums you visited in school.
“Could do one of ye. Ye’d make a bonnie portrait.” He murmurs, pressing his cheek to yours.
Your gut reaction is to say yes. Is that how you want to be remembered, though? Just another face only immortalized on some creature’s wall. A nameless face from eras gone by. Would he write your name down? Would they remember you in a hundred years? In fifty years? In ten, even?
You settle on a gentle “Maybe.”
Johnny takes the hint, turning you toward the bed where Kyle is already leaned. “Gonnae tear a hole in my damn pants if we donnae get a move on.”
The bed is huge, to say the least. Circular and outfitted with layers upon layers of soft pillows and probably the highest thread count sheets you’ve ever seen. It’s unmade, the comforter falling halfway off one side of it. Not that you need it for what’s to come.
Johnny kneels behind you as soon as you step between Kyle’s legs where he’s sat on the bed. Deft hands unbuckle the straps of your heels. Little nips and kisses trail up your thighs. Kyle reaches around you and presses his lips to yours - so softly - before carefully pulling down the zipper of your dress.
It’s so easy to let them take charge. To be a doll for them to do as they please. There are worse things in life than being delicately undressed by two handsome (and well paying) men. Their hands are far more gentle than you expected while they strip you, muttering little appreciative hums and compliments so low that you almost miss them. You stand bare before them, letting them take you in. Hands and eyes roaming. Johnny presses a sweet kiss to your cunt before standing, sending a little jolt up your spine.
He grins like he won some game you didn’t even know you were playing.
You turn to carefully peel off Johnny’s shirt. Your lip catches in your teeth as you run your hands over hard muscle and through a layer of thick, downy hair that leads to the waistband of his pants. So distracted by the sight before you that you don’t notice Kyle pressing against your back, locking you between them as they kiss above you. A shiver runs through you as you watch their jaws flex and hands grapple for one another.
Fucking Christ.
Sometimes you forget how good it is to fuck people you’re actually attracted to. Even if they are paying customers the same as the rest.
An unceremonious squeak escapes you when you’re suddenly flung onto the bed. Not hard enough to hurt but enough to bounce until Johnny appears on top of you, fingers pinching at the soft fat on your sides and laving at your neck with a cool tongue. He keeps his teeth out of the way as he moves down your body to take your nipple between his lips. Much appreciated.
“Need a taste, bonnie. Ye smell so good. So sweet.” Johnny whines, kneeling between your legs. You watch him lower himself slowly as Kyle slots in behind you, shirt long forgone and hands tracing up your sides to knead at your breasts.
As much as you want to pout at not getting to see Kyle undress, you can’t focus on much other than Johnny’s mouth diving into you. Your instinct is to close your legs at the sudden onslaught, but Johnny’s hands keep them solidly in place - spread wide and hooked around his arms.
“Fuck.” You gasp, head tilting back onto Kyle’s shoulder. Your hand wanders down, carding through Johnny’s mo-hawk. He places a harsh suck to your clit and your fingers tighten around the hair at the base of his neck involuntarily pushing him further into you.
You expect him to be upset, for a brief moment, that you’ve been too rough with him. Took too much charge. Instead he just keens desperately against you, picking up the pace - devouring you like a man starved.
“C-Christ, Johnny!” You gasp, fingers digging further into his scalp and the sheets.
“He likes it when you’re mean t’him.” Kyle murmurs in your ear. “Got him fuckin’ pussy drunk already.”
You roll your hips down onto his tongue as he flattens it against you, grinding his face into your pussy. He shifts, never breaking contact, and slips two thick fingers inside you. You whine, eyes screwed shut as you ride it out. Kyle grabs your chin, tilting you back into a kiss. All it takes is Johnny curling his fingers to send you toppling over the edge, back arching sharply.
Johnny rears back onto his haunches just as you peel your eyes back open, chin slick and shiny. His hands desperately pull at his belt and fly. “Cannae take it anymore.”
Kyle chuckles, smiling down at you. “You’d think after two centuries he’d learn a little patience.”
You smile back, quip dying in your throat as Johnny grinds his uncut cock between your folds - coating it in your slick. Fuck, he’s thick - punching every bit of air in your lungs as he pushes in.
“So fuckin’ warm.” He moans, brow furrowed and lips parted.
Lord help you, he’s beautiful. Even beyond that statuesque perfection all vampires have, he must have been gorgeous in life. Kyle is too, you realize as you tilt your head back to kiss him. You wonder what they would look like with ruddy cheeks - with faces warm as yours is. If Johnny would blush all the way down to his chest. If they tanned. Burnt. Freckled. Ran warm or cold. All the little differences that come with a beating heart.
All thoughts disappear at once as Johnny rolls his hips into you. You gasp, “Please.”
That’s all he needs, apparently, setting a brutal pace off the bat. Pushing you back into Kyle with every thrust with enough force that your teeth nearly knock together. Kyle’s fingers continue to pluck at your nipples. You can feel his still clothed cock pressing against your back, hips twitching at the brief friction.
“Fuck. Alright.” Kyle grunts, moving from behind you - leaving you flopping back on the bed with your hands fisting the sheets. You can hear his belt coming undone but can’t bring yourself to focus on it with Johnny relentlessly pumping into you. That is until Kyle taps the head of his cock against your lips, kneeling beside you.
He’s pretty. Not as thick as Johnny but perfectly proportioned. He doesn’t even have to ask or press forward, you want it between your lips. Seek it out. It’s cool on your tongue, calming under the relentlessness that is Johnny.
“Been tae long since we had somethin’ so nice an’ soft in our bed.” Johnny whines. As if that fact genuinely pains him.
Kyle hums in agreement, taking his time fucking into your mouth. “That it has.”
He reaches over to grab Johnny by the back of the neck, pulling him until their lips crash together. Johnny’s hands tighten where they hold you and Kyle’s pace picks up.
“Fuck, she likes tha’.” Johnny pulls back just enough to speak. “Clenchin’ down on me.”
All you can manage is a whine in response - body on fire. Every nerve feels like it’s pulsing, the whole of you utterly consumed by them. Johnny lifts your hips off the bed, arching your back so that he can fuck up into you. The new angle leaves you desperately moaning. Practically singing around Kyle’s cock as your climax hits you like a train. Rocking through you and tensing every muscle.
“Thassit, love, doin’ so good f’us.” Kyle cards his fingers through your hair. It’s strangely gentle, considering the way his cock now bullies the back of your throat while Johnny’s ruts against your g-spot. “How’s she feel, Johnny?”
The man in question just babbles incoherently, fingers digging into your wide hips enough that they’ll surely bruise. At least he’s aware enough not to crush you entirely. Kyle chuckles at him, the sound cutting off in a moan as you angle to take him deeper and wrap your hand around the length you can’t take.
“G-gonnae cum.” Johnny stutters, rhythm faltering and becoming more shallow as he approaches the edge. He pulls out with a choked groan, fucking his fist as he spills onto your thigh.
Kyle mercifully pulls away, letting you gasp for air. Your voice will be raw tomorrow, but fuck if it isn’t worth it when you’re getting fucked like that.
Johnny sighs, collapsing on his back. “Gi’ me a minute…”
“Gettin’ old, Johnny?” Kyle quips.
“Feck off.” He grunts, turning to look at you as you catch your breath. You can’t quite interpret the look in his eyes - whatever it may be - before Kyle is lifting you up at the waist.
“C’mere, love.” Kyle pulls you, sitting back on his haunches and turning your back to him. Your legs tremble uselessly, but he doesn’t seem to mind as he moves you into place. He doesn’t waste time sitting you on his cock. Kyle isn’t as rough as Johnny, taking his time with lifting off and dropping you onto his cock. A slow motion of your hips while his hands squeeze the soft layer over your waist.
“Fuck, Kyle…” You sigh, head lolling against his shoulder.
“Y’like that, baby?” He murmurs, kissing up your shoulder and neck. One hand moves from your waist to travel up the valley of your breasts. It doesn’t quite wrap around your throat, just rests at the base of it - index finger hooking into your necklace.
It’s a leisurely roll of your hips against each other. A break from the brutal pace before. He’s not desperate like Johnny - instead taking his time whispering sweet nothings and dirty words into your ear. Movements slow and easy.
You think, for a moment, that this is the closest you’ve ever been to “making love.”
Then again, maybe you’re just cock drunk.
You don’t notice Johnny getting up until he’s in front of you, hands on your thighs and lips crashing against yours. Already hard and leaking again after only a handful of minutes. Even for a vampire, that’s pretty damn impressive.
“Bonnie, please.” He moans into your mouth. Cool hands take yours and wrap them around his cock, setting a rhythm to match Kyle’s thrusts into you. “Yer fuckin’ perfect.”
It’s overwhelming. Kyle’s hands roam over your body as you bounce on his cock, draping himself over your back and nipping at your ear. Johnny’s tongue continues to explore every part of your mouth as he thrusts desperately into your hands. His fingers slip down to your clit, moving in leisurely circles that have you bucking forward into him.
“Gonna cum f’me, pretty girl?” Kyle groans into your ear. “Chokin’ my fuckin’, cock.”
You whine against Johnny’s lips, eyes screwed shut. He’s close again, pace quickening. His fingers roughly grind against your over sensitive clit. Someone is chanting, begging, and it takes longer than it should to realize it’s you. “Please, please, just - fuck - I can’t - fucking Christ-“
“Thassit, thassit, fuckin’ hell look at y’two.” Kyle pants, bottoming out with every thrust.
You cum with a choked cry, falling forward against Johnny as he coats your hands and moans. Kyle isn’t far behind, painting your back with a pretty, low groan and a jumble of praises for you and Johnny alike.
Your body feels like jelly, limbs trembling and weight leaned entirely against Johnny. He coos at you and soothes down your hair. A strong arm wraps around your shoulders to steady you. Kyle comes back with a warm rag - when he left, you’re not sure - gently wiping you down with a an unfamiliar level of care.
“I can do it.” You reach for the cloth.
“No, no, love.” He says gently, taking your hands and carefully cleaning them off with precision. He stops to rub the back of your hand with his thumb, something unreadable and warm behind his eyes.
“Drink this.” Johnny holds out a glass to you. When did he even get that?
“Tap water?” You frown slightly, looking him up and down.
“What’s wrong with tap?” He snorts. Oh. Right. Upper city.
“Thanks.” You murmur, chugging it greedily. The physical exhaustion begins to creep up your bones, your legs already practically useless. Keeping up with vampires is a young man’s game and you’re just starting to see the signs of aging out. “I better g-“
“Better lay down.” Kyle cuts you off, taking the glass and pushing your shoulders to lay flat on the bed.
You chew your lip. You don’t usually stay at client’s homes overnight. Then again… the sheets seem to envelope you in a cool cocoon. Calming on your too-hot skin and tired muscles. Muscles that do not want to walk all the way to the train depot. Besides, Johnny and Kyle have been so nice. If they want you to spend then night then what’s the harm, right? You’ll just sneak out in the morning.
So, you let them crawl into the bed bracketing you on either side. Johnny’s arm slings over your waist, cool breath puffing against the back of your neck. Kyle lays in front of you, placing small kisses across your face before pulling the comforter over the three of you.
There are worse fates than sleeping with two handsome men on high thread count sheets for a night…
You wake shivering violently. Between the cold air and Johnny and Kyle’s cool skin you feel like an icicle. Your throat burns and you croak out a groan as you try to sit up. Kyle was rougher than you’d realized in the moment. Johnny has your back pinned against his chest with a strong arm thrown around your waist, not even breathing. It’s so easy to forget that they don’t have to. Kyle truly looks like a statue like this. Entirely still, solid as marble and just as perfect.
You sigh, quietly and carefully wiggling your way off the bed. You don’t pay attention to whose clothes you grab - some tshirt that’s more fitted than you’d like but covers enough to get the job done. You hiss at the slight creak of the door. Neither Johnny nor Kyle stir. If they woke up, they don’t react to you padding out to the main house.
That first door across the hall is slightly ajar, a low stream of cool toned light pooling in the floor just below it. Against your better judgement, you stop, looking around before peeking inside. Not that you can make out much other than a large bed with a dark canopy pulled closed around it. The rest of the room looks barren - the only source of light coming from what you assume to be an attached bathroom.
“Lookin’ f’somethin’?” A baritone voice grunts behind you. You squeak quietly, whirling on your heel and coming face to face with Simon. Well, face to chest considering his sheer height.
“Sorry!” You croak, voice still hoarse. “I didn’t mean- I-“
“S’fine.” The corners of his eyes crinkle in amusement. You hope it’s amusement, at least. “Need somethin’?”
“J-just getting some water.. sorry to bother you-“ You begin backing away, giving him a wide birth as you step toward the kitchen. Even without inhuman strength you fully believe this man could snap you in two.
“Come on, then.” He nods toward the kitchen, stepping in front of you. You nearly protest, but opt to just follow. He already caught you snooping at best - at worst he thinks you were planning to steal. If letting him accompany you keeps you alive and out of trouble with them then you’ll gladly trail behind this behemoth of a man.
You pause by the kitchen island as Simon goes to grab… a mug? You watch him fill an electric kettle and flick it on, digging through the cabinet to produce a small packet. A tea bag labeled Honey Vanilla Chamomile.
“Y-you don’t have to-“
“How’d our boys treat you?” Simon asks as he opens the little packet with deft fingers - oddly precise for the size of them.
“Good.” You blurt, hands wringing as you shift your weight side to side.
“Johnny behave himself?”
“The picture of civility.” You snort. If leaving bruises on your hips from fucking you six ways to Sunday counts as civil.
Simon chuckles but doesn’t say anything else. Just puts together a little mug of tea for you, stirring and steeping perfectly before pushing the thing across the counter. You take it slowly, eyeing him. Waiting for some sort of tell that you shouldn’t drink this. Then another shiver runs down your spine and you grab the warm cup happily.
“Should get a heating system put in…” Simon grumbles under his breath, looking around the apartment. You wonder just how much more he can see than you in the near pitch black environment.
“Why?” You snort. “You don’t need it.”
“You do.”
You blink at him rather stupidly - brain too tired and muddled to make sense of whatever that might mean. Probably just means humans in general. They probably have plenty of women and men over on a regular basis. Even if it is just for the night. Oddly considerate, either way.
“What’s the deal with the mask?” You blurt again, the slight lapse of silence putting you on edge.
Simon just shakes his head. “To ‘ide my face.”
“Booooring!” You boo, throwing out a dramatic thumbs down. To your surprise, you’re not met with annoyance. Just a deep chuckle and another shake of his head. “Thanks for the tea.”
Simon nods and snags the now empty mug from you. You chugged it far faster than you realized. It worked, too. Your voice isn’t as hoarse and your throat doesn’t sting when you swallow.
“I should probably…” You murmur, looking back toward the room where Johnny and Kyle are assumably still sleeping away.
Simon grunts in agreement, following you back to his own door. You don’t know what possesses you to stop beside him. To turn and meet his gaze with far less confidence than you’re used to wielding. You owe him for the tea, though.
“Do you want…uh…” You murmur, glancing into the room behind him.
Simon looks from you to the bed behind him - only to turn back with those smile lines forming in the corners of his eyes once again. “Not tonight, pretty girl. You’ve ‘ad enough.”
You jump involuntarily when his large hand cups your cheek - thumb caressing ever to gently over your cheekbone. Maybe it’s the exhaustion, maybe it’s the fact that non-sexual touches are so rare in your life, but either way you find yourself tilting into it. Just a little.
“Sleep well, sweet’eart.” With that he steps into his room, shutting the door with near deathly silence behind him.
You stare at his closed door for a few seconds too long, a slight furrow in your brow before turning back to Johnny’s room. The two of them haven’t moved much since you left, though Johnny has somehow ended up spread eagle across most of the bed. With some gentle maneuvering you manage to curl up in the crook of his outstretched arm with your head on his chest and back pressed against Kyle’s.
These men are going to be the death of you.
A/N: I wanted to put more into this chapter but I had to draw the line somewhere so it’s going to just have to get pushed to the next one.
Part of me was worried they’re fucking too early but then I remembered I can do what I want🫡
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amazeingartist · 1 month
this was meant to be another doodle, man I got carried away lmao. anyway I rewatched underworld today and obviously made me think of death dealer ghost & human turn lycan soap
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