#valkyrie profile lenneth ending guide
ihearasound · 2 years
kinda wanna get back to valkyrie profile lenneth but ughhh i was following a guide but messed up and i dont think i can get the perfect ending anymore. i like the atmosphere of the game but its a bit tedious
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valkyrieprofilee · 4 years
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Listening Guide - Valkyrie Profile Voice Mix Arrange
“The concept behind Valkyrie Profile Voice Mix Arrange is uncommon yet simple: mixing in-game voice acting with arranged music. It has given birth to a most controversial game music soundtrack that was "epoch-making at the time", according to its composer, Motoi Sakuraba.” 
TRACK LIST -  (00:59:14)
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Note: Although this guide aims to help listeners better enjoy and understand Valkyrie Profile Voice Mix Arrange, it is recommended you have prior knowledge of Valkyrie Profile’s story/ knowledge of the Japanese language to enjoy this album to the fullest extent.
      The very start of the album sounds almost Baroque-oriented, with the familiar tune of "Requiem to a Predicament" played on an harpsichord. Quickly, the first voice of the album can be heard. Lenneth Valkyrie calls her companions to battle: "Shi no, saki wo yuku mono-tachi yo! / To my side, my noble Einherjar!". At first, the voice sounds distants and feeble, then, as voices from other characters start to gather around her voice, it becomes more firm and the background instrumentation grows in strength. At one point, all the energies have reached their apogee and the transition to the second part of the track is made as Lenneth commands "Ide yo! / Come forth!", unleashing the introduction to "Negative Roots".
     That rush gives more room to instrumental action at first, with a solid, rockin' arrangement featuring, where a dreamy synth pad replaces the original flute, and gives the melody much more appeal. Lenneth's voice is heard from time to time, still urging the warriors to fight by her side in the middle of action. At 2:48, the "Requiem..." theme comes back to mark a pause in the middle of the fight. This time, the harpsichord is accompanied by a violin and low drums. These elements, as well as the male voices talking about death, add more gravity to the scene while Lenneth continues to summon more warriors. The drums get louder and louder, and another "Ide yo!" switches back to the dungeon theme, this time shorter, and with even more battlecries. Eventually, "Requiem..." is played for the last time but Lenneth's voice disappears, leaving two isolated voices: a man in great pain and a surprised girl.
     I think this track constitutes a good, striking introduction that starts the story where it should. However, it isn't the best representative of the voice/music pairings that can be found on this album.
      The pace of this arrangement has been slowed down compared to the original "Ancient Fantasies", and the leading instrument has been replaced by synth strings, so that it protrudes better. On the whole, it still sounds very similar. That same little girl's voice (most probably Nanami) is asking for Valkyrie to wait for her. The volume and reverb of her voice changes to simulate it becoming more and more distant. Freya's voice is leading, sounding as self-confident and direct as Lenneth was in the previous track. Their alternating voices coupled with fast synth percussions makes me think about the runs my party did into the game's vast dungeons.       
     The second part of the track starts as the first reaches its maximum level of tension. The brisk beat of "Ancient Fantasies" is maintained while the quiet mood of "A Hollow Heart" gradually sets in with Freya's reassuring voice. As the beat becomes more regular, words are repeated again and again in the background, as if Freya was trying to hypnotize us. This arranged version has a nice soothing effect that is used quite well as a break between two dungeon sessions.
      The track ends with the second reprise of "Ancient Fantasies", using the very same quotes as the first one. At one point, a few words ("Waga na - Jougen no Shinri / My name - The Extend of Truth") are looped in the background while Freya continues talking. It is the beginning of the end: obsessional chaos seems to set in as layered voices endlessly repeat the same words...
     The confusion induced at the end of the previous track couldn't have been better to introduce the ominous tone of "The Crumbling Id". A gigantic, very low noise lurks in the background, as dark sweeping pads and hard drums produce a feeling of despair. The prevailing mood here is anguish; I feel like I'm looking down at a bottomless pit, at something impossible to fathom for me as a human being.
     The voices used in this track reflect that state of mind. Sakuraba illustrates "The Crumbling Id" with cries and supplications of a young man ("Ore no negai kanaete kure! / Please grant my wish!") while a girl is bursting into tears in the background. Her sobbing is emphasized by a strong reverb effect, which gives the impression that her voice is overwhelming the soundscape from all directions. The resulting atmosphere is gloomy, intimidating, and almost physically disturbing, as we don't expect the album to take this sinister turn at all after the first two action-based tracks. This is precisely where it really starts to be interesting: it's getting closer to the drama genre, but still has a strong musical dimension behind. 
     Note that this track is rather short and ends abruptly with a few piano notes. Was it all an illusion?
     By hearing the very first seconds, we know we're back into electronic action. After a few listens, I'm still wondering what the aim of this track might be. We're provided with a hardly recognizable electronic arrangement of the memorable introduction theme of the game. This version has a minimalist harmony, and focuses primarily on the use electronic samples and the building of a danceable rhythm. The impression of being in a nightclub is all the stronger as most of the voices are combat taunts of female characters. Nothing astounding here.
     "Out of Chaos" starts quietly, on a low and suspenseful tone. As Arngrim's self-confident voice introduces us to the heart of the track, warlike synth drums enter the stage to play a primitive rhythm. The voice gets distorted, and the track takes off after a final and provocative sentence ("Huh... taoreru made kirikizamu dake yo / Huh... Just a matter of carving you up till you die").
     This arrangement relies mostly on sweeping synths and bass used to create a hectic and surreal atmosphere. Arngrim's reassuring male voice fits rather well in that context. After two loops, the track ends abruptly on his "special attack" taunt: "Teme no kao wo miaki ta ze / I've seen enough of your face". 
Simple yet quite good.
     "Booze on a Moonlight Night" is the first track of the album that has been exclusively composed for it. It's also the first track of the album to have such a nonchalant atmosphere: the four same chords are repeated from the beginning to the end, backed by slow drum loops quite similar to what can be heard in rap music. In the meantime, you can hear all the male badasses of the game enjoying themselves. 
     Their inebriation is simulated throughout the track by several elements: the pitch of their voice frequently deepening all of a sudden, the oneiric feel given by the sound of the main synth, the reassuring — almost effeminate — appearance of saxophone solos, the drums sounding heavier and heavier as time passes by. Sakuraba succeeds in building a thorough and realistic picture of your generic tavern, late at night, clouded with smoke and full of tired warriors looking for comfort into alcohol and women.
    There's something hypnotizing about the buildup that introduces this track. The main percussion loop seems like giant machinery put in motion. The way the motif created by all the instruments alternates between ascending and descending motif creates a sound disturbingly close to something that emulates a giant breathing. This organic aspect is reinforced by a few "fat" synth notes added at key-moments in the main loop. Behind this monstrous sound, a man — most probably Gandar — can be heard. His voice is as confident as the machinery's motion is unstoppable. He's the main character, and his laugh is the trigger to the body of this track.
     The main melody is quite special: if you imagine it without the percussion, and with a slower tempo, it sounds like a very sad melody. However, forcing its rhythm to a dungeon-compliant pace makes it sound tragic and determined at the same time. According to the quotes that have been chosen, I think that's exactly how the character is like. The dramatic bridge of this track introduces a few battlecries, as well as a quote that will be heard until the end of the track: "Ore wa ore no tame ni ikiru / I live for my own sake". The mechanical drums of the beginning appear again, with this sentence looping in the background. As the end approaches, techno drums, a synth flute, and the man's voice participate in the final buildup.
     I must say that "The First Unison" is the first track that left a totally positive impression on me, because it sounds more elaborated and deeper in meaning than the previous others.
    Those who already know the Original Soundtrack will quickly notice that the pace of this famous piece of music has been dramatically slowed down, and doesn't sound like a battle track anymore. It's as if it has been stretched to offer enough room to paste sentences inside. A few voice effects have also been added to the backing percussion, including male gruntings; at least that's fun to listen to! 
     I'm not very convinced about this one, mostly because I can barely stand its nonsensical new pace. Seriously, it's such a sluggish battle theme... *nays*
    "Heads Magic, Tails Curse" starts with a nice piano solo introducing the soothing voice of Lenneth, with chirpings in the background. I'm not sure about what the latter are supposed to represent (Birds? Shooting stars? The world of dead spirits?) but they surely add something to the serene, almost oneiric atmosphere of this introduction. It doesn't last long, however. As Valkyrie invites us — almost intimately — to follow her ("Isshioni ikimasho / Let's go together"), the dream ends... and the second part literally bursts in.
          Now is that a nightmare or harsh reality? The contrast with the introduction is extremely violent, and we're surrounded all of a sudden by dissonant brass, berserk strings, and aggressive percussion. One thing is certain; what we're facing now outclasses human scale. Lenneth's last words resonate again, yet they are deformed. She sounds heartless, almost commanding. The metaphor is now much clearer; this track illustrates what happens to every character of the game, whose soul is taken at the moment of their death to become an Einherjar, a warrior spirit. From that moment on, their existence is dedicated to fighting demons along with Lenneth, hence that frightening and endless second part.
      The conclusion to this track is some kind of flashback to the initial piano and chirping mood, focusing on one of the sentences Lenneth said at the beginning: "Tasuke... tasukeru towa ittai. Dono yo na koto o sase / To save... to save somebody eternally. What kind of thing do you make me do?". 
     This track is a short interlude on the CD, summing up the fight with the dreadful Genevieve. The villain's taunts and laughs can be heard all over the arranged version of her own battle theme, featuring a cool organ improvisation in its second part. As expected, the track ends with a "oh no, I'm defeated!" verbose line, as well as a great organ/violin finale. I don't think it would have been better if it were longer.
     It all begins with one of these "ultimate showdown" moods: a monster's distorted voice responding to a man's determined voice, the whole being backed my a massive church organ toccata and electric guitar riffs. It all becomes weird when you realize that both voices are saying the same words.
     The toccata ends at the 1:11 mark to make place for the body of the track; the fight between the man and his deformed self, incarnated by an rousing arrangement in the tradition of Sakuraba's epic prog-rock style. Battlecries and imprecations are well-integrated this time, both in terms of timing and volume. "The Nonsense of Reality" is the most energetic and epic track of the album. But while its form is very accessible, its contents don't reach great depths.
    The first thing one should notice is how the oriental flavour of the original version has been enhanced — and its boorishness put aside — to make the track actually enjoyable. The basic percussion use is still the same, but the samples have greatly improved, and the bass line can now be almost labelled as sexy. Last but not least, the Arabian flute that appears here and there adds a twisted touch to this restless atmosphere. The main character's voice is accompanied by an harpsichord, illustrating its refined cruelty. You've guessed it, the guest star of "Evil Tales and Obligations" is no less than everyone's favourite necromancer Lezard Valeth! 
     In this track, his evil laughs and his disgustingly confident voice are resonating through the hallways of his tower, reaching our ears as we struggle to reach the summit. A true tribute to evil!
     Staying faithful to the game's spirit, the album continues on a tragic note, representing the death of a hero, illustrated by a grand orchestration of "Through a Thin Haze". More than that, if you succeed in getting into the track, the added voices will find their way to your heart, as they are cleverly used along with the intensity of the music.
     A woman's soft voice enters the scene, talking to someone: "Ne, isshou ni iko yo / Come on, let's go together". At one point, her voice becomes tainted with sadness ("Koko ni kure wa anata no ibashio kanjirarerumono / This sunset is something that makes me feel where you are"), and we suddenly understand that the person she's talking to is no more. She continues to supplicate ("Shini takunai! / Don't die!") until she bursts out crying as the orchestra reaches its climax. A beautiful violin and piano interlude follows to back her silent mourning. After that, a strident noise can be heard as pain and fear rush back to her, triggering another burst of tears. Finally, church bells come in after a last orchestral climax, to add a solemn touch to this moving scene.
     I'd place this track at the same level as "Epic Tale of a Holy Death" from the arranged album. However, I'm conscious of its hit-or-miss nature; these sobbings and cryings can be considered as annoying and ridiculous as I find them adequate. All is a question of believing in what is happening.
     "Bloody Panic" is the second exclusive composition of this album. This one sounds like an ancestor of boorish Gothic metal songs, with its apocalyptic synths and its deep intimidating groans ("Osore, uyamae... waga na ha Bloodbane! / Fear me, worship me... I am Bloodbane!"). At one point, a piano pops in to play a few minor notes that sound like they've been directly taken from these awful 4-seconds-long loops used in cheap rap music. 
     A few measures later, the track switches back to distorted guitars and Bloodbane's growlings to finish on his long-awaited death. Nothing really interesting here; even if you happen to like that kind of music, I'm sure there are better incarnations than this one out there.
     What would be better than the victory tune played at the end of each chapter to conclude this album? This orchestral arrangement is very enjoyable, though rather close to the original version. While the fanfare plays, a small girl's voice can be heard, encouraging us to go on with the adventure ("Watashi wa makenai / I'll never give up", "Watashi o mamori kudasai / Please protect me").  The track concludes after the last cymbal hit, with Lenneth's words "Shiawase ni narimasu yo / I wish you happiness". 
     In my opinion, the track is well-placed but the arranging and voicing effort hasn't been taken very far. It constitutes a decent ending nonetheless.
     I must say that when starting this review, I had a strong prejudice against the album, having read a couple of negative reviews. However, I hadn't gone through a real listen until I decided to review it. Believe it or not, I ended up extremely satisfied by this musical experience.
     What exactly is Valkyrie Profile Voice Mix Arrange, then? First of all, its musical material consists of arranged tracks, plus two new ones that don't belong to the Original Soundtrack. But music shouldn't be the main subject of interest here. What makes this album special are the added voices from all the characters of the game. Valkyrie Profile being extremely rich and deep terms of voice acting, what you'll hear won't be only digitalized battlecries; the chosen quotes cover a broad emotional spectrum.
     I think that people who listen to that album as any other work that can be played as background entertainment are quickly fed up with it because these voices don't stop begging for their attention. Indeed, it is especially difficult to focus on something else, since the voice acting is done well enough for everyone to be able to grasp the emotions of the characters. I'd say the best approach would be to "live" the album as an orchestrated series of plays, rather than a series of musical pieces with voices over them. The spirit of Sakuraba's work will appear by itself when you consider the characters as the centre of interest of each track. Note that it is not the same as a drama album either, because music is way more than background material.
     Should I advise you to get it? It all depends on whether you're a speedy "background listener" or if you are patient enough to actually listen to an album without doing anything else at the same time. One thing is sure, however : the targeted audience is definitely those who are familiar with the game and its story. Having played and enjoyed Valkyrie Profile for at least a dozen hours is highly recommended before you try and listen to the album. Rated 08/10 by Reviewer  ~END OF GAME-OST.COM REVIEW~ _______________________ NOTES
- Tracks 6 and 14 were not included in the original game
- Valkyrie Profile Voice Mix Arrange is the third album released for Valkyrie Profile, four months after Valkyrie Profile Original Soundtrack and three months after Valkyrie Profile Arrange Album
- Valkyrie Profile Voice Mix Arrange is the hardest to find of the three albums and is best obtained through eBay.
Alt. Track Titles: 01 – Heaven’s Requiem 02 – Long Generations of Anger 03 – Punishment Creed 04 – To an Anxious Earth 05 – Into Chaos 06 – Booze on a Moonlit Night 07 – The First Unison 08 – Confidence in the Domination 09 – Evil Mortals, Holy Divinity 10 – Circulate on a Windup Doll 11 – Responsibility 12 – An Evil Mechanism 13 – Sadness 14 – Bloody Panic 15 – To the Road of Light and Darkness
Catalogue Number:  FSCA-10134 Composed By:  Motoi Sakuraba Arranged By:  Motoi Sakuraba Release Date: 06/21/2000 Published By: First Smile Entertainment
Cast: Lenneth: Yumi Touma Lucian: Nozomu Sasaki Mystina: Wakana Yamazaki Arngrim/Aluze: Hiroki Touchi Lezard Valeth: Takehito Koyasu Freya/Frei: Maria Kawamura Loki: Mitsuaki Madono Yumei, Celia: Hiroko Emori Aelia, Genevieve, Millia, Claire: Ai Orikasa Jelanda: Kae Araki Badrach, Surt: Mitsuaki Hoshino Brahms, Bloodbayne: Kenji Nomura Nanami: Natsumi Yanase Fuyuki: Daisuke Sakaguchi
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thehallofgame · 7 years
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth Ending and Hint Guide
At the suggestion of yaseracat I’m putting together the Valkyrie Profile Ending Guide and Walkthrough I wish existed. I’ll list the method(s) for reaching ending A, B and C in as concise, spoiler-free terms as I can manage as well as some tips and tricks that may improve player experience. Scroll to the bottom for links to my sources and more detailed guides.
If you only want to know the steps to Ending A, B or C read the bolded sections only. The other bullets are meant to provide hints for difficult dungeons and instructions for finding the best items. This is not a complete guide or walkthrough and is intended for people who just want the cliff notes on getting a better experience out of the game without spending hours tracking down the information they need.
Some things to know before starting your first game of Valkyrie Profile:
Easy difficulty is sort of a misnomer. You cannot get the “true” ending, ending A in this mode. The early game is easier, but lack of supplies and experience make the late game much harder. Normal difficulty is fine but you only access all of the content by playing hard mode. Hard mode isn’t very much more difficult than normal and the additional supplies and recruits makes up for the slight difficulty hike. I recommend playing the game in hard mode.
There are three endings. Ending A is the ‘true/good’ ending and is quite difficult to achieve without a guide. Ending B is the default ending that the player is most likely to get if they play through the game. Ending C is the ‘bad/failure’ ending which is also quite difficult to get by accident.
Valkyrie’s “Seal Value” is the key to achieving ending A. Her seal value is listed on the status page which is accessed from the party menu. Seal value is distinct from her evaluation score. Evaluation monitors how well the gods think Valkyrie is doing on Midgard, and dipping too low results in Ending C. Seal value, however, is perhaps best described as Valkyrie’s faith in the gods’ leadership. Having low seal value during certain points in the game is what leads to earning ending A.
There are no stores in Valkyrie Profile. Instead at the beginning of every chapter you are given materialization points which can be spent in the ‘Divine Items’ section of the menu on the world map and at save points. Check back every chapter because new items will be added.
The more pleased the gods are with you the more materialize points and better items they will give you. At the beginning of every chapter Freya will give you a list of what she wants in an Einherjar. I recommend writing this down or screenshotting this. Of course you can also always look it up later. When you level up your characters they will earn capacity points (cp) which can be spent under the Skills tab on the menu screen. There you can improve their personality traits, give them new combat skills and purchase the skills Freya requested. Certain abilities like negotiation or swimming are not found here and the player must Divine an item that confers said ability. These items will be under the accessories tab on the divine item screen.
In hard mode all of your characters will begin at level one. This isn’t a problem because over the course of the game you collect “event experience” which can be doled out at will from the experience orb under the party tab on the menu. This is best used to prepare characters for Valhalla and get new recruits you want to fight in your party to an appropriate level.
The transmutation skill is extremely useful. It can be used under the item menu to transform items the player picks up into potions, new spells or skills. Valkyrie starts at level one transmutation and there are ways to increase her skill later in the game.
You can send up two einherjar every chapter but only need to send one. If you are shooting for ending A then I recommend sending only one well trained einherjar a chapter.
If you bring and einherjar back to a location that is important to them they may have a small scene with Valkyrie and collect a special item. I recommend doing these toward the end of the chapter and saving before you go to look so that you do not consume valuable time periods. This does not happen for all einherjar.
You can revisit a dungeon any time to train in it.
If you like you can keep the artifacts you find at the end of dungeons or give them up to Odin. Some of them are useful but most of them are not except for dematerializing for more Materialization Points.
As in many Tri-Ace games there is a very difficult post-game dungeon called the Seraphic Gate. You can collect all possible 8 Flame Jewels from dungeons on Hard Mode that will be useful in that dungeon so make sure to search every dungeon thoroughly. They will be in normal chests.
How to get Ending C: 
This is a joke ending more than anything. The easiest way to get it is to simply consume all of your periods resting (open the party menu and press start) every single chapter until your evaluation falls to zero. Freya will summon you for a scene and then the game will end.
How to get Ending B: 
If you want to get this ending and still enjoy all of the game’s content the easiest way is to never send the Einherjar Lucian to Valhalla. The tips and tricks for the dungeons in the ending A walkthrough still apply equally, just feel free to ignore the bolded sections listing rules for getting ending A. Scroll to the end to find tips for the Ending B final dungeon.
Ending A walkthrough:
Chapters 1-3: Do not visit Gerabellum, Small Meadow, Brahm’s Castle or remove the nibelungen ring. There is some wiggle room here so if you do any of these things it will not doom you. However I find it is easier to follow the above guidelines.
              -Some general tips:
If you find ‘broken’ items such as swords or armor, save them. You will be able to transmute them later.
Cave of Oblivion dungeons have very difficult enemies. Especially early in the game. Save these for the last thing you do every chapter. They consume 2 periods.
Chapter 1:
-        Artolian Mountain Ruins
You will find the Treasure Search Accessory here. I recommend equipping it and leaving it on for the rest of the game.
-        Solde Catacombs
The trick to this dungeon is to slash the stationary statues and push/pull the nearby stone obelisks to where the statures stood. Tap x to have Valkyrie grab the obelisk.
Take the Emerald Necklace Artifact at the end of the dungeon for yourself. If equipped it confers extra capacity points during level ups.
-        Don’t forget to send Freya an einherjar before using the rest of the periods in the chapter to train or rest.
Chapter 2:
-        Nethov Swamp
The only thing to note here is that the boss is at the bottom of a cliff in the forward-most section of the dungeon that you cannot climb up again. Jumping down the cliff to challenge it will end the dungeon so make sure you’ve explored as much as you want prior to that.
Claim the Bark of the Dryad artifact from the boss. This is transmuted to a useful accessory in late game.
-        Salerno Academy Dungeon
The trick here involves using different perfumes found around the dungeon. If you go straight right from the entrance you will find a journal with clues to the puzzle
You will also find ‘strong acid’ that you can use to slow a plant’s regrowth. When you use it try not to take side paths on the way to your goal because after some time some plants will still grow back (particularly the one blocking the boss).
Do not walk through the fountain as it will wash off perfume. Use a vine to the right to climb over the fountain.
The artifacts Holy Grail and Tiara of the Holy Empress are useful in the early game and you may wish not to send them to Odin.
-        If you return to Hai-Lan with Nanami after recruiting her you gain a very powerful early game staff.
Chapter 3:
-        Brahm’s Castle will appear as a dungeon in this chapter. If you are going for ending A DO NOT ENTER. At the very least do not challenge the boss this chapter.
-        Camille Village, where you recruit Kashell, is a dungeon you can choose to visit and collect two powerful swords from.
There are freezing beams and odd flesh walls in the dungeon that block progress. Use Valkyrie’s crystals to reflect the freeze beams to the walls. Valkyrie can shatter the frozen walls with her sword.
The Golden Fowl is a useful artifact and Grand Sting is a very good weapon for early game.
-        Clockwork Mansion
This is a difficult puzzle dungeon. You will find a door with a scroll with some basic instructions on the puzzle. I will post written instructions on how to navigate the rotating rooms but I personally find following along to this video more helpful: https://youtu.be/gw448m-EvU4?t=8m25s
This is a path that will get you through the rooms: Down-Right-Right-Right-Up-Left-Left-Up-Up-Right-Right-Down-Down-Right
The above path is from this FAQ https://www.gamefaqs.com/psp/931113-valkyrie-profile-lenneth/faqs/49087
If you make a mistake you are stuck. Stand still and a floating samurai head will eventually appear. Touching it will return you to the beginning of the puzzle.
The artifacts from this boss are the Mirage Robe, very useful mage armor, and the Mirror of Pleiades which carries a 50% chance of reflecting enemy magic.
Chapter 4: Beginning of the meta-plot. (It’s time to start bringing down your Seal Value).
-        Transfer someone who meets Freya’s requirements to Valhala right away as this raises your seal value. You can divine the Angel Lips item under the accessories tag in order to give a einherjar the negotiation ability.
-        Visit the Small Meadow in the North of the continent. (-15 SV)
-        Visit Gerabellum in the South West. (-15 SV)
-        Visit Brahm’s Castle, a dungeon marked by a red dot on an island in the west. When offered the choice decide not to fight the boss. (-15 SV)
This dungeon is timed. It is possible to get everything in one run of it but don’t worry if you do not. You can repeat the dungeon as many times as necessary, even if you don’t challenge the boss on your first run.
-        Cave of Thackus:
You will find a sorcerers’ corpse near the entrance. You can speak to his ghost, but also make sure to search his body to find an item needed to complete the dungeon.
You will find a floating orb on the other side of a waterfall. Strike the orb with one of Valkyrie’s crystals.
You can strike the underwater plants and they will float to the surface for use as platforms. You can also jump on them while they are still under water and they will carry you to the surface.
You may claim the Bracelet of Zoe artifact if you wish but you will acquire several more over the course of the game.
Talk to the sorcerer again on the way out for some bonus experience points.
-        Dark Tower of Xervah
Strike the giant hearts to progress through the dungeon.
Getting ‘eaten’ by the mouth traps in the floor will transport you to a stomach-like area. Standing on the grey mounds will suck you into a pipe and spit you out in another part of the dungeon. On the far right of the room there are some items hidden behind a fleshy blob, including a flame jewel for the seraphic gate.
For some reason there is a flesh-wall you can only pass after being eaten and coming out the middle tube.
The Hel Servant boss battle is a pain. You need to kill both enemies in the same turn or they will revive one another.
The Artifacts they leave behind are all good to have. The Manual of Resurrection is useful in late game, Holy Sword Seraphy is a good weapon and the spear Basilisk is useful if you use Lawfer or Aelia.
-        A scan will indicate an available Einherjar in Flenceburg. Make sure to save on the world map before going to Flenceburg because this cutscene will transport you directly into a dungeon. It is important to remember if you leave this dungeon before defeating the boss you cannot get ending A. I recommend having one save file on the world map and another save file for your time in the dungeon in case you find you need to level grind some to beat the dungeon.
You will enter a basement level with red  runes on the wall. Remember how to return to where you entered. After striking two shield carrying statues a teleport pad in the area will be unlocked which takes you to the boss. However, if you backtrack to where you entered the red-runed level you will find a second teleportation pad. Using it will allow you to collect the Creation Gem from a chest. Equipping Valkyrie with the gem unlocks level 2 item transmutation. If you have the Manual of Resurrection (an artifact found in the Dark Tower of Xervah) you can transmute it twice to make the Creation Jewel which unlocks level 3 transmutation.
If you have the Creation Jewel equipped you can transmute Unicorn Horns into the Unicorn’s Horn mage staff which is the most useful staff in the main storyline.
Additionally those ‘broken’ arms and armor can now be transmuted to powerful items.
Proceed to the boss battle.
This boss battle can be a little tough. I recommend giving Valkyrie a bow or the Mage Slayer bow and going after Lezard in the back first.
-        Remove the Nibelungen Ring before the Sacred Phase.
Chapter 5:
-        Arkdain Ruins
I haven’t tried this myself but this dungeon is supposed to be a good place to grind for xp. You can leave the ruins (but not the map) through the front door and renter and the enemies should have reset.
There is one tricky ledge with a save point on it that’s hard to get to. Create a crystal on the underside of the ledge as close to the edge as possible, then shoot another photon at it. Jump on the resulting sparkle cloud and use that to get up onto the ledge.
The bosses drop multiple artifacts. Take the Robe of Brytain. You will be given the wand and the star guard in the next sacred phase and in any case the wand is weaker than the transmutable unicorn’s horn (if you don’t have unicorn’s horn you may wish to take the wand now).
If you use Valkyrie’s crystals you can climb over the giant crystal at the end of the dungeon and collect a very useful item from a chest there.
-        Citadel of Flame
You can slash the fire balls to help you get through them. (There is a chest in the first room. It only contains an Eye of Heaven. Don’t worry if you have to leave it.)
In the first room in the dungeon there is a hole in the floor beneath a raised platform covered by the firestorm. Jump down the hole to progress. You’ll find a switch there.
At the end of the dungeon you will find a dead end. On the left side of the room there is a pot that you can pick up and throw through a gap in the wall. Have Valkyrie carry that pot and catch fireballs in it to unlock the boss.
All of the artifacts dropped by the boss are at least somewhat useful. The Eternal Lamp prevents freezing just by being in your inventory, Infernas is a useful sword for the end game and the Holy Water of Mithra is good to have around if you tend to use items in combat.
-        You must send Lucian to Valhalla in chapter 5 or 6 in order to get ending A. You can divine the Pearl of Karula to confer the ability to swim on an einherjar.
-        Remember to take the nibelungen ring off before the sacred phase.
Chapter 6:
-        Lost City of Dipan
Explore to find a strange contraption and trigger a scene.
Once that is over you need to go upstairs in the first Private Residence you encounter and speak with a person there. This will allow you to find a hidden room in the topmost and leftmost part of the castle. Approach the bookshelf there and press x.
The boss is located behind a stained glass window above the save point in the castle in the present day.
Reflect Sorcery is a good spell to have for this battle. Kill Gyne first because he is a healer.
If you are using Lawfer or Aelia you may wish to collect the Dragoon Tyrant. It is useful against dragons, and if you haven’t transmuted the Crimson Edge with the Creation Jewel, the best spear you currently have access to.
-        Sunken Shrine
This is a fiddly dungeon and if you have too much trouble I recommend following the instructions listed in one of the FAQs or the Let’s Play linked at the bottom.
Once you’ve managed to drain the water completely run all the way to the right and have Valkyrie pull a stone tablet there to the left. This prevents the tablet from blocking the door while it’s under water. The switch in the next room can only be used whilst it is underwater.
The thing to note here is the shattered pieces of Valkyrie’s crystals float. You will need to use these pieces to activate underwater switches. They look like brownish boxes on the roofs of underwater passages.
Take down the boss as quickly as you can. It hits hard. The artifacts it drops are Reflect Armor which is quite good, a merely okay sword called Farewell and Tear of the Cosmos which can be transmuted to Holy Water of Mithra if you like to use items in combat.
-        Check your Seal Value before sending anyone up to Valhala. Sending an einherjar nets +12 SV. Your goal is keep your Seal Value below roughly 38. If you have not yet sent up Lucian send him up now. If you’ve followed the instructions you shouldn’t have to worry and can send someone up. If you’ve taken some detours you may need to skip an einherjar this chapter. Your evaluation will take a hit but you’ll recover.
-        Remember to take the nibelungen ring off before the sacred phase.
-        If you have achieved ending A you will see a scene that takes place in valhahla during this sacred phase. If you have not seen this scene you are locked into ending B.
Chapter 7:
-        You are now on track for ending A or B. (if you want to stop reading now just know that you MUST visit the valley of weeping lilies before the end of chapter 8 to get ending A. Valkyrie will be summoned to it during a spiritual concentration.) You can send further einherjar to Valhala if you like but do not have to. As long as your estimated worth stays above 40 you will be fine.
-        Forest of Spirits
This will appear as a dungeon and the elves will give you tasks to complete before they repair the flame jewel.
Fire attacks are vital against the enemies here.
The true boss of the Forest won’t appear unless you visit a second time. Head to the mist where the elf village was. It is now a maze. Go down, left, down to reach the boss. The boss drops two decent artifact weapons though the ones you can make with the creation jewel are better.
-        Tombs of Amenti
This is a huge and complicated dungeon. Explore thoroughly because there is a Flame Jewel for the Seraphic Gate here.
The player needs to find and collect two jewels. After picking them up create a large crystal on the pedestal and break it. This will provide enough weight to open the door.
Kneel and slash to break the giant pharaoh heads’ beards and chins. You can now slide under them.
You may find yourself locked in a room after being touched by floating ghosts (like in the clockwork mansion). Break the pharaoh heads on the wall the exit. This nets you 20000 event experience so you probably want to get caught at least once. Equipping the Dimension Slip (transmuted from Bark of the Dryad) will allow you to pass the ghosts unharmed.
In the room where two spiked pillars are approaching Lenneth at once slash the bottom one to stop it until the top one passes overhead. Now jump over the bottom pillar.
Homosapiens is the correct answer to the riddle that opens the door to the boss.
The boss is able to heal himself if his HP falls to critical so try to take him out in one shot once he gets in that range.
The boss’s artifact drop is mostly useless. Mask of the Dead king is a decent piece of equipment and the Ambrosia may also be useful.
Chapter 8:
-        If you have achieved ending A you will be prompted to return to Weeping Lily Meadow. This is the point of no return so you may wish to get any additional training or item divination out of the way first. Do not run out of periods before entering the meadow because this will sacrifice your chance at Ending A.
-        The Orihalcon will become available this chapter to Divine. It is very expensive but can be transmuted into the best sword in the main game.
-        Arianrod Labyrinth
This dungeon is teleporter based. Set the switches to the number of the floor you wish to go to and proceed.
Path A (all items and the boss): 1, 10, 8, 18, 16, 21, 13, 12, 14, 7, 6, 11, 17, 25
As reported in this FAQ https://www.gamefaqs.com/psp/931113-valkyrie-profile-lenneth/faqs/49087
You can also keep track and hit every room and enemy in the tower for some good xp gain.
The artifacts Shadzard and Unicorn’s Horn can be taken at the players discretion. Secrets of Zolon is useless.
-        Palace of the Dragon
The key to the puzzle in this dungeon is to remember the numbers of the Tarot Card paintings you encounter. I recommend writing them down. Make sure to examine every painting as they often have items hidden behind them.
If you see a large obelisk blocking a door push it aside.
Inserting different stones you find in the dungeon into statues will teleport Valkyrie to different areas.
You will enter an area with four statues facing in different directions. Memorize or write down the directions they are facing. You will later unlock an identical room in the first area of the dungeon. Turning all of those statues to match the directions of the ones you’ve memorized will open a door.
You will eventually find several arches in a row that Valkyrie can enter that mimic a wall of paintings seen earlier. The order to enter these to solve the puzzle is 6, 5, 1, 4, 3, 7, 2, 8 where six corresponds to the far left arch and eight to the far right and so on.
You will encounter the guardian statues next. Touching them will transport you to a room in a labyrinth. If you keep running you will eventually come to a room with a teleporter statue you can use to try again.
Follow the first guardian statue and he will open a door in the middle of the room. Follow him into the next room and avoid him to collect the treasures in the area.
The next guardian you meet is much harder. You will need to jump over him four times before he ‘tires’ and stops moving. Approach him to take a new teleport stone. It is sometimes helpful to create crystals to use to help jump over to guardian.
The boss drops the Dragoon Faith which is a good piece of armor. The hourglass of the gods will transport you five periods back in time so if you feel you need more time to grind you can take it. Scroll of Golem is useless.
-        Celestial Palace
This dungeon contains a section where Valkyrie can fall off the map. If this happens Valkyrie will be returned to the world map. Note that most of the chests in this area are rigged with explosive traps. I find it easiest to jump and grab and overhead chain to avoid them, though running to the edge of the platform is usually far enough
The Berserker Bow and Armor of Aleph artifacts are both very good and worth keeping.
Asgard Hill Dungeon (Ending A):
The bosses here are deadly no matter how well trained you are. The best strategy is to equip the   Guts and Auto-Item (with Union Plume set to 100%) and tough it out.
Bloodbane (boss 1): I find him the hardest so don’t get discouraged! He will hammer your party hard so just keep attacking him without bothering to heal. He drops Levantine which is the most powerful sword outside the Seraphic Gate. Equip it.
Fenrir (boss 2): He is weak to fire and uses ice attacks. The artifact Infernas will kill him in one blow. Otherwise equip any freeze checks you have and use fire based attacks.
Using the save point after Fenrir unlocks the Seraphic Gate. You cannot return to the main game after saving in the Serpahic Gate so finish the game before entering.
Loki (Final Boss): You only have to survive the first part of the battle. There will then be a scene and Valkyrie will receive a significant power boost. She’ll do the most damage in this fight so launch her Nibelung Valesti as often as possible. There is a lot of variance here depending on the level of your party. It may or not be feasible for the player to heal/fight defensively. I prefer to hammer Loki to death either way and skip healing.
Joutenheim Palace Dungeon (Ending B):
You will find a room with three different colored flames and a pedestal. Put the red colored flame on the pedestal and then combine it with the blue. You will obtain the Daisy Fire and the ice walls blocking progress earlier will melt.
Bloodbane (boss 1): I find him the hardest so don’t get discouraged! He will hammer your party hard so just keep attacking him without bothering to heal. (Equip Guts and Auto-Item with Union Plume at 100% in the skills menu). He drops Levantine which is the most powerful sword outside the Seraphic Gate. Equip it.
You will come to a point with a large block of ice blocking the path onward. Note it. You will find the Fire of Purgatory later and need to make a dash back to it. The Dimension Slip will be a big help here.
Surt (Final Boss): If you use the same tactics as Bloodbane you should be able to batter Surt down with relative ease.
By Paul Michael aka VHAYSTE® this FAQ is extremely detailed and something I reference often. It also includes information on the Seraphic Gate, which I have not included, and step by step walkthroughs to every dungeon.
Crimeinpartner’s let’s play series isn’t the only one out there, but it is the one I’m most familiar with and the series I followed to do my first A ending run. It is very thorough and a great visual reference if you prefer watching and following along to puzzle solving solutions. He does speak quite a lot though, so if you’re bothered by that there are certainly many more series out there.
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smash-64 · 6 years
2018 Game of the Year Countdown!
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#3- Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth Sony PSP Created by: Tri-Ace (1999, 2006) Published by: SquareEnix (2006)
Geez, do I love portable systems. I hadn’t quite realized it until I got my PSP in late 2017, but just about every game I’ve really gotten into in the past year has been on a portable system, whether that be PSP or Switch. This game was heavily recommended by @boner-taunt and it did not disappoint. The gameplay is so different from every other RPG: a mix of platforming and action, with RPG elements. Many people missed the original on Playstation, which is now horrifyingly expensive and apparently doesn’t play well on emulators, but the release of this version on the PSP opened a ton of new people to the game.
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While the voice acting is probably best described as only “adequate,” it is still a trip down memory lane because about half of the Pokémon voice actors were tapped for this game. Valkyrie is voiced by Nurse Joy, you’ve got Ash and Gary in there, and Jessie also shows up. I really liked hearing Valkyrie shout “To my side, my noble Einherjar,” which is good because you hear it every time you enter a battle.
The music is actually kind of average for this game, which makes this game a bit odd for me to like so much since music is usually top of my list. Only one track really stood out, and it’s only in the very first dungeon, although it has the best name: Distortions in the Void of Despair. The rest is more or less forgettable.
The story is both good and depressing. I don’t particularly like all the Einherijar stories because they’re all about people who die. It’s not really a spoiler to say this because Valkyrie’s job is to recruit lost souls to fight for Odin, so everyone you recruit is dead. It’s just chapter after chapter of characters dealing with their own death. That’s the depressing part. The good part is discovering everything about Valkyrie, who I really came to love as the story went on. She is so cold and stoic, but has a history all her own. 
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There are three endings to the game, and you’ll probably have to look up a guide to get the best ending, but it’s worth it.The gameplay is what really won me over. Dungeons are 2D platforming adventures with minor puzzle elements, which was fun. But the combat is fun because it changes so many times throughout the game. There is plenty of experimenting with different characters, moves, weapons, and combos to figure out how to get the most out of your team, which is constantly changing as you recruit and send away new characters each chapter.Thank goodness this came out for PSP, because I probably would have missed it like most people did on the PS1, otherwise.
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homesteadchronicles · 6 years
Title: What a Fine Wish (Beyond the Gates of Glory) Series: Radiata Stories/Valkyrie Profile Characters: Mikey & Lenneth Valkyrie Chapter: 1/3 Word Count: 1,932
Summary: Mikey's unexpected encounter with the evidently divine could both change his opinion of the supernatural and present him with a proposal he cannot refuse.
Author’s Notes: As of late, I have drowned myself in the fanmade support conversations in @unassumingvenusaur's project for Fire Emblem: Fates/Awakening. Throughout my most recent readings, I realized how well that series would work with my favorite game of all time, Radiata Stories. Having support conversations between the countless characters in this game could add an additional layer of depth to each person and their relationship with their fellow teammates. That being said, I devised a handful of potential supports between my favorite characters in Radiata Stories and decided to turn this one into a full-fledged story!
Click “Keep Reading” to read the piece in full! If you would like to read the original piece on AO3, click here!
Mikey could recount from memory every ancient legend, of dragons that threatened their world and the unsung soldiers that slayed them, be they human or inhuman in origin. But songs of the gods? Tales of fictional deities? Stories of supernatural saviors? Only humans needed gods. Humanity invented divinity to supply them with the power they could not themselves manifest. Mikey knew each god by name, but believed in none. Now, he wondered whether those fairytales contained a facet of truth.
Mankind proclaimed Cairn Russell as a god amongst men - a champion of humanity, born of a bloodline fated for tragedy and triumph in kind. To stand before him in a corridor of distorted dreams shook Mikey to his core. Even Jack faltered in the face of his father. That ever-assured smile withered when confronted with a family member-turned-enemy, his hand wavering overtop the hilt of his sword. Cairn spared his son the pleasantries. Their pain was to be settled not with words, but with weapons.
Cairn nearly conquered them in but a moment’s time. His orb-blessed blade tore Fan from the sky before she could conjure a barrier to keep him at bay, her wings flickering before fading entirely. The frenzy of his former plague served as fuel for his fury, countering even Galvados in strength and in passion. Before long, the behemoth fell before his sword.
And then there were two.
Despite countless victories against unthinkable odds, Cairn still retained one tragic flaw - mortality. No man could escape his inevitable end, and Mikey intended to dig a grave here and now. In the end, Cairn proved himself a man no different than any other. He, too, succumbed to his destiny: death.
Mikey witnessed as the fabric of Cairn’s lifeforce unthreaded itself from reality, dissipating the apparition of the knight that once was. See? Mikey thought. No deities here. Just another human playing god.
As Jack stared at Cairn’s new resting place, Mikey distributed medicine to his teammates, helping each to their feet in turn. “Sooooo,” Mikey said when both Fan and Galvados stood resurrected, “where do we go now, boss?”
Mikey had expected Jack to crumble, buried in despair. Instead, he turned towards his team with that same, unshaken smile. “Not a clue!”
Jack slid the Arbitrator back into its sheath and shrugged. “How am I supposed to know where to go with all these stairs? It’d take forever to follow them all!” He huffed, and Mikey caught a glimpse at the child beneath the leader. “Maybe it’s best we split up. Everyone take their own hallway and meet back here when you find a way outta here!”
Mikey knew no worse idea than that. Had Jack Russell never read a single story? Every time that the team splits up, something terrible happens to one, if not all, of them! Then again, Jack and reading did not a realistic couple make. His teammates complied without protest. If even Fan neglected to complain, then Mikey would make no such objection. He hurried on his way with but a longing wave to his wayward friends.
Direction did not reign in the Distortion Corridor, instead surrendering to the chaos that threatened to engulf it. Even gravity relinquished its rule over reality, Mikey soon realized, as he stood upside-down atop a stairwell that led further down into this seemingly endless underworld. When the world righted itself once more, Mikey could scarcely stand. He needed any escape he could take. Yet the only option available to him came in the form of a staircase rising high into the heavens.
Mikey took the risk.
One after another, the steps welcomed his presence with a pulse of unearthly light. Each step further from the next than from the last. A trick of the mind or an enchantment to muddle it? Mikey could not say for sure. He wondered whether he even wanted to know the answer. Mikey stumbled up, step by step, until he reached their summit. He collapsed atop the apex, gasping for air.
“Are you lost, little one?”
The unexpected conversation sent a startled Mikey slipping down a stair or two. He propped his gaze up from the stairwell to find a woman of unfathomable wonder. Inquisitive eyes greeted him at the top of the staircase. He swore they shone with the same emerald radiance. Waves of silver hair adorned a head crowned with a feathered helm. Azure armor coated the length of her outstretched hand, the straps of her bracers weaving up her arm to embrace the breastplate fastened round her torso.
Mikey refused her offered hand. He had only one question: friend or foe? “No!” A lie. One they both knew, at that. “Well, I was. Not anymore.” Mikey rose to his feet, brushing the dust from his shorts.
The woman straightened in kind. The sword strapped to her waist clacked against her grieves before retreating behind the folds of her skirt fabrics. “Then you know where we now stand?”
I might be in hell, Mikey considered. Or heaven? Maybe I’m dead. Or this is all a dream! Just like in my stories. He only hoped they stood somewhere outside the Distortion Corridor.
Mikey opened his mouth to respond when his eyes caught sight of what lay beyond the woman. Golden gates, resplendent in their unrivaled glory, stood stalwart against the wall. Where they led, Mikey knew not - but he knew he wanted to.
“...maybe not.”
The woman hummed with amusement. “A good answer. Few understand it.” She continued on towards the gateway. Mikey found himself following. “Well then, what is it you seek? Me - or what I defend?”
Mikey furrowed his brow. “Neither.”
The woman stopped dead in her tracks. The heel of her grieves skirted around the stone floor. He had expected to find fury in her eyes, or perhaps confusion. Instead, he discovered something akin to sympathy. Or condescension? He could never tell between the two. “Everyone wants what I guard, child - whether they know it or not.”
“Not me. I’m looking for my friends.”
Her expression softened. “Then you’re in luck - many friends of yours lie beyond.” Her gaze rested on the bars of the gateway. Her eyelids sank, lips drooping. “They very much would like to reunite with you.”
Mikey released a sigh of relief. “Phew! I was starting to worry I’d never find Jack again!” He started towards the wall without hesitation. “Here he went, going on without me! Can’t say I’m surprised.”
“I’m afraid your Jack does not rest beyond these gates.” A moment passed, and the woman corrected her claim. “At least, not yet.”
Mikey turned towards her once more. “Then...what about Fan?”
She shook her head.
“Galvados? You know - big guy, all red, scary horns? You can’t miss him!”
“I’m afraid not.”
The hope that had lifted Mikey’s spirits disappeared. With this newfound disappointment, his heart sank deeper into his chest. “Then...they left me behind?” His gaze met the ground.
The sound of metal sweeping across stone signalled her approach. Only the careful caress of her hand on his shoulder caused him to meet her eyes. Empathy poured forth from her pupils. “Many leave before we wish them to.” She squeezed with surprising strength. “Do not fear, child. It is my sworn duty to guide lost souls home again.”
Home? Mikey could not conceive of this stranger knowing his home. He had stood guard at the gates every day since time immemorable. He would have remembered a woman of her magnitude. “You know of the Forest Metropolis?”
Silver locks spilled down her shoulder as she tilted her head. She furrowed her brow, exposing her suspicion for but a moment, before stating with the utmost certainty, “I know of a metropolis more beautiful than any forest could ever hope to be.”
More beautiful than the Metropolis? Not a chance. Mikey had dreamt that the world beyond their motherland could compare to that of their makeshift shelter. Yet his travels with Jack and company had only proven that nothing could surpass the nostalgic comfort and natural charm of the forest. If she spoke true, then that meant… “It sounds like something out of a fairytale.”
That appeared to please her. “The written word could never encapsulate its majesty.”
“And...you could take me there?”
She nodded. “If that is your wish.”
“My wish?” Mikey echoed. “Are you...a djinn?”
Melodious laughter echoed throughout the corridor. “I am much more than that.”
The woman extended her hand towards Mikey. In her presence, Mikey felt pulled towards her palm. His fingers gravitated towards hers without willing them to, yet he did not resist their draw. If a world of such wonder existed, he wanted to see this storybook kingdom with his own two eyes.
He took her hand in his.
Another voice, another startle. Mikey spun to face the source, only to find none.
“Hellooooo? Anybody home?”
Such a familiar voice, yet for a moment, he could not recall its owner. With the utmost caution, Mikey approached the entrance to the chamber. “...Jack?”
With his head stretched overtop of the stairwell’s summit, Mikey found Jack none too far off. Jack stood more than halfway up the steps, his hands cupped around his mouth. His eyes scanned the horizon before finding Mikey. Indignation painted his expression. “There you are! Where the heck have you been!? We’ve been looking all over for you!”
Jack hurried to reach the top. Fan fluttered behind him on newly-healed wings. Last but not least, Galvados ascended the stairwell with all the grace of an ox in heat.
Mikey motioned towards the woman and the world she defended. “I was talking with…” Yet, when he turned to invite his newfound friend to meet his comrades, she had vanished - along with the gateway she guarded.
Jack raised an eyebrow. “The wall?” His clammy hand mussed Mikey’s hair. “You weirdo.”
Galvados howled with laughter. “Little man talk to wall. Like broody hero in fantasy story, yeah?” His gargantuan hand clutched his comparable belly as he bellowed.
“I wasn’t talking to a wall!” Mikey’s cheeks burned red with rage. Once-open hands instinctively clenched into fists. “There was someone here - a lady!”
Fan grinned with devilish intent. Mikey recognized that look - it meant trouble for whoever she directed it at. “Oh ho, imagining the ladies now, huh?” She elbowed Jack. “You must be rubbing off on him.”
Jack drew back, hands resting behind his head as he balanced on his heels. “Nah, it’s all those romance novels! Kid’s always got his head in his fairytales!”
Mikey snatched the hat off of his head, too embarrassed to engage in their games. Instead, he tugged at the loose strands of blonde that Jack knocked astray. At least his hair could hide his shame. “How did you three find me, anyways?”
“You cackling, remember?” Galvados replied.
“We could have heard it from Helencia,” Fan amended.
Jack smirked. “It was kind of creepy.”
Laughing? Mikey thought. But I never…
Mikey lost the opportunity to complete his thought as Jack tugged on his arm. “Come on, chuckles. Let’s go home. I’ve had enough of this place for one day.”
His teammates hummed in agreement, Fan already plotting her next prank with Shin and Galvados his hunt to come. As Jack dragged Mikey out of their twisted prison, Mikey could not help but look back one last time at the place where his potential savior once stood. Still, it sat empty. Had it all truly been a dream?
Yet as they descended the steps, Mikey swore he heard her laugh one last time.
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savetopnow · 6 years
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amber-heard-us · 7 years
Price 4.99 USD (0 Bids) End Time: 2017-01-09 02:27:21 PDT Bid Now | Add to watch list http://dlvr.it/N3JgNz
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thehallofgame · 7 years
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Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
Release: 2006 (Original PSone in 2000)
My Rating: 7.5
The Long Story Short: Valkyrie Profile is at times frustrating and the best ending is obnoxiously difficult to achieve. Despite that it remains a fun, touching and beautiful rpg that withstands the test of time.
I’m trying to be as impartial as I can and so rated this game a 7.5 based on how I feel its merits stack up against its flaws. However, Valkyrie Profile is rated 10/10 in my heart and if I had to pick a favorite game this would be it. Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is the 2006 PSP port of the PSone rpg Valkyrie Profile. The PSP port preceded a second entry in the series, and also helped to make the limited run of Valkyrie Profile more accessible. (To this day I have only ever seen one copy of the PSone edition in person and still kick myself for not buying it then. That was six years ago.) Luckily the PSP re-release is much easier to track down. It features re-translated names (Rucian became Lucian, ect.) and new CG cutscenes. Beyond that I’ve not noticed any changes.
The player takes the role of Lenneth Valkyrie, one of three sister goddesses who serve Odin, and sets out on a quest to pick the strongest recently deceased warriors to send to Valhalla to fight in a war between the gods. Over the course of eight chapters Valkyrie flies around the world map, visiting locations where she senses a warrior is about to die and recruiting them. She also has a secondary duty: purifying the world of evil spirits and the undead. This second task is what forms the game’s dungeons. Valkyrie profile is partially a 2D side scrolling platformer in the tradition of the Metroid-vania genre of games (This similarity is enhanced by the fact the game’s art direction and enemies often lean European-Gothic rather than Nordic which is a slightly disconcerting choice). Valkyrie maneuvers around dungeons with the ability to jump, slide and swing along overhead chains and ropes. Valkyrie Profile introduces new flavor to its platforming by use of crystals Valkyrie can shoot onto flat surfaces, including vertical walls. She can stand on them, explode them under her to propel her in the opposite direction or stand on a floating cloud of the resulting particles and even break them and use the pieces. The game uses this gimmick to wonderful effect, making it central to several puzzles. The dungeons in Valkyrie Profile are often fun and a nice exercise in puzzle solving, but sometimes become too esoteric to solve without help or sinking hours into them which can lead to a lot of frustration.
In these dungeons Valkyrie will encounter roaming enemies. She can freeze them with her crystals to avoid them or strike them with her sword to initiate combat. Valkyrie Profile has an interesting combat system in which each of four party members is assigned a button on the controller. Pressing the button for a character causes them to strike with their default attack. This is a simple system to get the hang of and the game slowly increases the complexity as enemies begin to get better at blocking and the player has to balance weapon power versus number of attacks. If the player chains enough attacks on an enemy they unleash a limit break unique to each warrior or a powerful magic attack. Chaining can be vital in late game. Just as important is the ability to perform overkill on enemies so that they drop items, experience multiplying crystals and gems that reduce the cool down time on magic and limit breaks.
All of this is done to train einherjar for Odin’s war. Lenneth is asked to send up at least one einherjar with specific skills every chapter. At the end of each chapter her performance is rated and she is given rewards of items and Materialization Points which are used to materialize items from the party menu in place of going to a store. All this is a very solid foundation but there are several touches that make this game fiddly to play, and makes the ‘good’ ending almost impossible to earn without a game guide to reference.
First of all there are three difficulty settings for the game that are complete misnomers. Easy features reduced difficulty but becomes perhaps the hardest in the long run as the reduced experience and item gain takes its toll on character growth. Additionally the ‘good’ ending isn’t available on easy. Normal is somewhat better balanced. However, hard is the only mode that lets you visit all the dungeons and recruit all of the characters in the game. The difficulty hike from normal to hard isn’t that pronounced but it is exacerbated by every recruited character starting at level one in hard mode. This sounds frustrating but in fact as the player clears dungeons and solves puzzles they will be rewarded with “event experience” that can be doled out to any party member at will. It’s not enough to catch a new character up with the rest of the party, but it is enough to get them in fighting shape or prep them for Valhalla. In some ways this is an advantage because a large part of character growth is determined by Capacity Points that they gain when they level up. These can be spent on improving einherjar’s personality traits and giving them both combat skills and knowledge skills that Freya requests. CP pools stop growing at 999 so if you recruit characters in normal mode they often have capped CP and have lost a lot of potential growth.
When it comes to story Valkyrie Profile believes in show rather than tell. Very little is said outright to the player about the machinations of the gods or the state of the human world, but through conversations the player witnesses in Valhalla and the situations Lenneth sees when she recruits einherjar stories begin to come together. Far more is implied than is ever said so it’s easy to pick up new details with every playthrough, particularly if you also play the sequel. This is good because unless you manage to complete to rather unintuitive steps to reach the good ending the overarching plot of the game is pretty dry. The story is communicated mostly through dialogue, and unfortunately it’s partially acted. Unfortunately because all the text appears on screen anyway and much of the voice acting is wince-inducingly bad. Adding worse to bad, even in the Lenneth port, a great deal of the Japanese to English translation came out somewhat stilted and awkward.
Luckily the music of Valkyrie Profile is well worth listening to. It features several very nice pieces that straddle the line between retro synth and more modern orchestral soundtracks. The original game played most of its major scenes out in the 2D style of its gameplay, with a few CG cutscenes to display large set pieces and events that don’t feature any people in them. The Lenneth port adds a handful of pretty CG cutscenes to add flavor to major events (for the most part. Some choices for the CG were a little odd to me.) I found them very pretty and nice touches.
Valkyrie Profile is one of those games you either love or you hate. It has some fun hooks hampered by esoteric puzzles and a main story you need to jump through hoops to get to. That said, the story is worth tracking down, and with some patience, the dungeon puzzles are worth solving. Valkyrie Profile creates an interesting and complicated world that had amazing potential for more sequels than it’s been given thus far. I have my fingers forever crossed in hopes of more.
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