#uss excalibur
alphamecha-mkii · 5 months
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The Stargazer and the Excalibur by Robert Bonchune
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an-adventurers-log · 2 months
The alarms rang overhead. The sick bay full to the brim. Mostly with people that could not be saved.
The doctor was dead. Bryana wasn’t meant to be in this role sure she knew what she was doing. But she wasn’t this type of doctor.
She bandaged the child’s arm as security guarded the door.
“I managed to get a distress call out.” She captain said from her seat on the ground.
“Let’s hope someone is out there listening.” Bry replied, returning the child to his mother.
Another crew member was brought in on a stretcher. His leg was clearly injured.
“Give me your belt…” she says to another.
There’s a jolt that shakes the ship.
“We’re being boarded…” she captain frowns.
“More Klingons?” Bry asks.
“Security at the ready!” The captain commands.
The Excalibur came out of warp, and Arthur leaned forward in the command chair when the view screen showed a Klingon ship attacking a Federation ship. “Ensign, open a hailing frequency.”
“Klingon ship, this is Captain Arthur Knight of the USS Excalibur, you are firing on a federation ship within our territory. I’m giving you one minute to withdraw, or we will open fire.” He warned on an open channel.
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arachnidiots · 2 months
born in st louis, they spend their childhood and adolescence exhausting every opportunity to try and stand out to their parents. when it all more or less fails, they apply to the starfleet academy, both as a last attempt to get recognition and a means of getting away.
at the academy they studied exobiology, astrophysics, and environmental chemistry. they worked on the uss excalibur while a cadet and later as an ensign and lieutenant junior grade. 
their transfer to the enterprise followed the temporary out of commission status of the excalibur for extensive repairs. the ship had been damaged severely and nearly lost to a spatial anomaly. liam was aboard a shuttlepod which was pulled into a spatial anomaly before it could be towed out by the escaping excalibur. damages to the shuttlepod were substantial and liam was the sole survivor. 
initially, there were believed to be no lasting effects from their experience with the anomaly and liam was given clearance to return to service. the impacts would begin to manifest after a period of a couple months, first beginning with headaches and then loss of short-term memory and inability to recount the passage of time. eventually, it is discovered that, as a result of the anomaly, liam experiences their life nonlinearly. day to day, they find themselves sometimes with greater awareness of history and events and other times lacking it. 
on the enterprise, liam works in the sciences division with specialties in environmental science areas. despite their condition, they are stubborn and determined to prove themself as a still valuable member of the crew.
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prue84 · 1 year
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Star Trek/Merlin: the crew manifest
Fandom: BBC’s Merlin AU / Star Trek (reboot) AU: Merlin Trek Series: Fandoms in Trek AUs [masterpost] Related: ship’s patches (seal, enamel coin)
SF:\Starfleet\Starships\USS Excalibur>NCC_1664>_
“Once and Future” Ship’s Name: U.S.S. Excalibur Ship’s Registry: NCC-1664 Command History: Captain Arthur Pendragon (2258-PRESENT) Ship’s Class: Constitution Class Ship’s Type: Heavy Cruiser Ship's Assignment Patch: << click to open file >> Ship’s Overview: One of the so-called "Big Sisters", the twelve Constitution-class ships currently designed as the premier frontline Starfleet vessels, in an in-joke with the surname of the current captain, it has been unofficially nicknamed by its crew "The Den of the Dragon". It has made the reputation of the one ship with the most anarchic management and most eccentric leadership, for its captain promotes and sponsors those he considers fit for a specific position, uncaring for the division the officer comes from. Ship’s Service History, abridged: _ Constructed at the Great Dragon Shipyard, and planned to launch in late 2258, its maiden voyage was hastened to replace the starships lost to the Narada attack. << access complete service history >> Status: Active (2261.18) Crew complement: 1,098 (1,100) Crew manifest: _ <read more for the extensive list>
Liaison officer: Admiral Uther Pendragon Captain for 25 years of the Albion-class USS Camelot and head of the powerful Pendragon clan, a surname that had been Earth's elite dating back to centuries before the foundation of the Federation, Uther Pendragon is Startfleet nobility at its purest. He embodies the most severe side of the institution, the commanding officer who accepts that lives under his command will be lost, that a captain will always have to choose what is right for the benefit of the ship, Starfleet and the Federation over the lives of their officers. Ambitious and self-driven, he's widely known within Starfleet for his sternness that borders on tyranny - infamous is the so called "Purge", the implementation on the Camelot of a strict non-fraternization protocol between all the crewmembers under his command, an harsh policy that led to demotions and forced transfers to other ships. On top of his own personal career, Uther's focus has always been on his son, from whom he expected to always excel. He made use of his family's power on top of his ever-growing personal connections to have a say on his son's career, starting from cadet Pendragon's first assignment to space duty on a warship, but moved heaven and earth until he managed to get his son on the Camelot. Any concern about a potential conflict of interest between his role of Ensign Pendragon's direct superior and his role as the officer's father was soon proven to be unfunded. Arthur Pendragon's harshest judge, his choice to ask a court martial for his son for the "Troll Tax Crisis" raised few eyebrows within Starfleet HQ, as did the confinement to the brig for the unauthorized Mortaeus mission (despite Lieutenant Pendragon's risky gamble saved the lives of many crew members) and the threat to have him demoted over the "Queen of Hearts Incident". Worried about his son's inability to keep a yeoman, he is the one who - as captain - choose Crewman Emrys for the position and forced him to Arthur, at the time security chief; while Emrys proved more than once his sense of duty and loyalty toward Arthur, Uther might've regretted his decision more than once, for he has the feeling it has been Emrys who ruined an officer who was reliable and dutiful before. When it was the time to assign command of a new batch of Constitution-class, Uther spent his personal leverage to get his son included in the list of potential captains; displeased by Starfleet's initial choice to assign the Excalibur liaison officer position to someone else but him, his status allowed for the role to be assigned to him. He's a member of the prestigious British gentlemen's club Five Kingdoms, alongside Albion-class former captains Olaf and Alined.
Commanding officer: Captain Arthur Pendragon Born into a wealthy family, as the only son of Starfleet nobility Admiral Pendragon, and orphaned of the mother (the late Commander Ygraine de Bois of the USS Camelot who died immediately after childbirth), Arthur's childhood was marked by the oppressive shadow of his absent father, who clipped his wings and imposed him an heavy study course. Talented in many sports, with a promising career in the British fencing team, plenty of gold medals already in his pocket and an invitation to be part of the team for the next Olympic Games, he had to give up his dream of ever fencing at the Interplanetary Games to enlist at a young age at his father's wishes, although he indulged a little rebellious strike by applying for operations track instead of command. The pressing need to best Morgana, his father's ward and unofficial adoptive sister, gave him the necessary will to go through the Academy, from which he graduated as a security officer, trained in combat arts and the use of weapons. Moving from ship to ship, always his father's behind any assignment, he raised through ranks until gaining the stripes of lieutenant commander. Reassigned to the Camelot as the new chief security officer under the captainship of his own father, here he met his long-time friend and platonic half, then Crewman Emrys. After a brief stint as acting captain, to replace an ill Uther, his father orders him to return to the Academy and finally get his Command School post-graduation, unless he plans to forever be someone's second. Dragging Emrys with him, Arthur obeys and when he's back to ship's duty, Uther managed to have him assigned as the commanding officer of the Knights fighter units until it's time for Uther to accept his promotion to admiral; with Arthur ready for the three stripes, Uther makes good use of his connections to have Arthur picked as his successor on the chair of the Camelot for the last leg of the ship's journey. Initially planned to be a quiet year in space before seeing the ship off to a deserved decommission, his first captainship turned out to be turbulent as the Camelot is dragged in a series of skirmishes, including the destruction in Camlann system; the victory warranted him the title of "High King", bestowed on him by the system's inhabitants he saved from the brutal Saxons who attempted to invade and destroy their planet. Uther's plan to buy Arthur's time and prepare him for a more high-profile captainship pay off. With Arthur's recent achievements, it's easy for Uther to get him included in the list of captains to be considered for a Constitution-class and Arthur's own clout gets him the Excalibur. The day Arthur is officially assigned the ship in a ceremony is Uther's happiest day. Called by his crew "Chief Dragon", he's a captain who spends more time off the chair than on it, preferably leading an away team to check a new planet. He will stop at nothing to protect his ship and the people living on it (friendly named respectively "the den" and "the hoard" by his half-sister). In an in-joke with the ship's name, the captain's inner circle is called "The Round Table", with the security branch of them taking the name "Knights of the Round Table". Long-time rival of the USS Essetir captain Cendred, who never forgot him for the promotion to a Constitution-class, he has an enemy in Captain Lot of the USS Dumnonia since the time of the Camelot - Lot's son died in an incident on the Camelot, where he had been assigned as a cadet for a quarter, and he blames Arthur as his son's direct superior. Selected to be team leader for the secret mission labeled "The Eye of the Phoenix" to retrieve an ancient alien artifact, was assigned the code name of "Courage" by the mission supervisor, Lieutenant Grettir. He's member of the Hot Shots, the group made by the younger generations of captains and lead by James Kirk of the Enterprise.
First officer and Weapons specialist: Commander Guinevere Smith Daughter of an engineer, to follow her father's footsteps has never been Guinevere's ambition, an earthbound life was what she wanted. But with a best friend as boisterous and ambitious such as Morgana Gorlois, she was doomed. To give up one own's path to follow a friend to university is not unheard, as it isn't two friends that apply for Starfleet Academy willing to stay together. What's unusual is that not only both pass the entrance test and are admitted but that the friendship lasts despite the choosing of different tracks and the heavy study course that leads to graduation. Thanks to the connections of Morgana's guardian, Uther Pendragon, they always serve together, moved from ship to ship as if they were married. The only time they are forced to split is when Guinevere has the true chance to shine on her own. Her reliability and honesty helped her raise through ranks until earning the stripes of lieutenant commander. Chief communications officer on the Camelot for the last months of the ship's glorious service, she earned the respect of Captain Pendragon by proving to be a good mate to have at the side on a planetside mission. Seeing in her the seeds of a future captain, it's Pendragon who fights with Starfleet HQ to have her as his first officer for the Excalibur, despite Guinevere not having any command school training. (Arthur chose to fight for her promotion because he was tired of being told that only command school could be first officers and that USS Enterprise's Spock was the exception to the rule; it's his way to rebel to a rule he thinks stupid, a rule that forced him to return to the Academy if he wanted to ever hold a commanding position). The unofficial captain of the Excalibur, she spends most of the time sitting on the command chair in stead of Captain Pendragon, who takes part to every single planetside mission. She's undoubtedly the most level-headed of the whole senior crew. With a passion for craftsmanship, she learned how to bend gold and metals from her father, and she made jewellery-making her hobby, her favorite shapes are keys and small swords replicas to be worn as pendants. She's the only female member of the "Round Table" club. Everyone but the captain calls her by the nickname Gwen. Chief engineer Elyan Smith is her brother.
Chief science officer and Third officer: Lieutenant Commander Merlin Emrys Curious and hyperactive and with an uncanny natural affinity for every science branch, as much as unconcerned by rules and with no care for any form of hierarchy, Merlin is the kind of chief science officer a captain would never want to have on the ship. Despite his inability to be tidy and the tendency to improvise, he's still a genius in a blue shirt and he hides his intelligence behind a facade of goofy, always happy simpleton. He also doesn't know what "chain of command" means. Inexplicably, Captain Pendragon always refused to kick him out of the ship and went out of his way to save his scrawny ass too many times to count, and he's also the only officer on board who have the galls to refer to the captain as "a dollop head" and other kinds of epithets in his face. Having grown together in the field and having stricken an (almost unhealthy) close friendship bond, he has the captain's ear and his complete trust - so much that the crew affectionately refers to him as the éminence grise of the Excalibur. There are mornings in which he wakes up and can't still believe he's been put in charge of a whole department like his father, the Camelot's late chief science officer Balinor, had been. He actually can't believe that in a couple of years he raised through the ranks until becoming part of the senior crew. And that he managed so despite starting his career as a non-commissioned officer. The captain might be a prat, but Merlin won't thank him enough, since it was Arthur that half talked/half ordered him to apply for the Academy in the science division, promising he'd wait for him to graduate before set out to space again - Merlin paid back by speeding up his academic course and making it in two years and half instead of the standard three for enlisted officers. He hides a powerful strike of authority under his friendly demeanor and the science department almost reveres him like a god; since that one mission in which he was mistaken by the locals for a warlock, when his knowledge of science impressed the primitives, the crew started to call his department "the Magic People". At the start of his career, when he served as then-Commander Pendragon's assistant for his first assignment (posted there by Admiral Uther Pendragon in person), he was tutored by Lieutenant Blaze, whom he considers some kind of adoptive father figure. He's a member of the "Round Table" club. His father is officially MIA since he vanished not much after "the Great Purge" of the USS Camelot; Merlin hopes that, one day, he'll be able to figure out what happened to him. He took part to the "The Eye of the Phoenix" mission with the assigned code name "Magic".
Chief armory and tactical systems officer and Second officer: Lieutenant Commander Leon Cameliard Son of a wealthy family, he received the best education and attended the most prestigious schools of Europe, Earth. His preparation had him admitted to Starfleet Academy with high scores. Unfazed by the reputation of the red shirts, he chose operations track, interested in a career in security. Reliable and trustworthy, perhaps a bit overzealous, his bravery earned him his officer's commission during the third year. The meeting with Arthur Pendragon is what will shape his life. Leon is a ensign fresh of graduation, the Pendragon is a second-year cadet serving a semester on the ship. Sharing interests about ancient weapons and medieval melee, they strike a friendship that lasts even when Pendragon ends his assignment and returns to the academy. They manage to serve again, and Leon doesn't mind that the younger offices gets promoted over him; facing side by side dangers in planetside missions, Leon develops a strong sense of loyalty toward a friend that he recognizes as command material. Never afraid to speak up if he feels his superiors make questionable choices, it's such honesty that wins him Pendragon's respect. Then-Lieutenant Pendragon eventually raised to the position of chief security officer on the Camelot, supported by assistant security officer Geraint Sir. Leon is happy to take orders from the two. The sadness for the loss of Geraint is mixed with the honor he feels when Pendragon chooses him as his new second. Together they make a good couple. He's promoted security chief when Pendragon suddenly leaves to return to the academy, and he's still serving in such position when Pendragon comes back to the Camelot as the new captain to see the ship off to a well-deserved retirement. Picked to resume the position on the Excalibur, few months later he's gravely injured during a mission. To heal he was forced to take a leave of absence but when he returned his position was taken by his former assistant, Lieutenant Du Lac, and the captain seemed reluctant to demote Du Lac. Knowing about Leon's expertise on weapons, Captain Pendragon bought himself some time by offering Leon to temporarily take over the vacant chief armory officer position; Leon faces the new assignment with his deep sense of duty. The change proves to be welcome: after years of stressing about assuring the safety of others and to maintain order above the ship, it feels refreshing to be in charge of virtually every weapon aboard the Excalibur and he's not eager to return to his stressful previous position. When the captain is reassured that his friend and loyal subordinate is happy with the current assignment, he promotes Leon to chief tactical systems officer as well so he might be responsible for the efficiency and improvement of the starship weapons on top of the status of the small arms and weapons stored in the armory. He's known to give dissertations to every crew member who happens to ask him a weapon. If you are in need of a weapon for a specific mission, he shall find the perfect one! While considered the most serious of the "Knights of the Round Table" club, he always joins his peers in their jokes and teasing.
Head nurse: Lieutenant Gaius Blaze Gaius enlisted as a young boy and most of his service record is related to Admiral Pendragon. Despite his almost decennial experience built on the field that brought him to the position of head nurse and the rank of chief petty officer, it never occurred to him to take a leave to obtain a medical degree that he could easily get. Thus his career stagnated, until then-Commander Uther Pendragon forced a leave on him with the order to enroll in the Academy and get if not the medical degree (that would grant him a chance to run for the position of CMO) at least the commission. After graduating, Gaius returned to service with Commander Pendragon and followed him at every transfer until they both settled on the USS Camelot. After Uther was promoted and the ship reassigned to Arthur Pendragon as his first captaincy after the brief stint as commanding officer of the Knights fighter units, he considered his obligation to continue to serve on active duty by following Uther's son and, by doing so, he met the boy-now-man he considers the child he never had: Lieutenant Commander Emrys. His Eyebrow is made of legend and its renowned in the whole 'Fleet, second only to Enterprise Spock’s: he will make you do what he wants just by silently staring and pointing his Eyebrow at you. Alongside CMO Cara, he's the only active crew member who served under both the Pendragon father and the Pendragon son in a senior capacity. He recently rekindled his romance with Chief Petty Officer Manticore after twenty years of separation.
Chief communications officer: Lieutenant Gwaine Lotson Son of a red shirt died under late Captain Caerleon's command when he was little, Gwaine grew resentful of high-ranking officers, as he blamed Caerleon for his father's pointless death. Reckless and carefree, he embarked as security on freighters traveling in dangerous space areas, learning the job on the field. He stumbled upon then-security chief Pendragon and his loyal shadow, then-Ensign Emrys, under disguise in a shady place, and was dragged in a brawl, where soon weapons popped up and Gwaine ended up having a close encounter with a knife. Gwaine woke up in a Federation starship's sickbay, where he discovered whose life he tried to protect but, definitely enchanted by Emrys contagious smile, he grudgingly accepted to help the duo in their mission, proving he and Pendragon made for an awesome team. Gwaine parted ways from his new friends with the promise of giving the Academy a try (according to Pendragon, he was wasting his talent with freighters and Gwaine was getting bored anyway). He failed the exams on his first entry but, out of stubbornness, he decided to try another time: thanks to his high scores, he was allowed to reapply the following year, when he was accepted. To his surprise, he soon met the Dynamic Duo again in San Francisco, where they had transferred back to the Academy. Pendragon complained for the whole duration of the course that Gwaine was ruining Emrys, but Gwaine was just dragging his favorite science cadet to a place or two to show him how to live la vida loca: it's not his fault if Pendragons are stuckup bores. He speaks much, and most of the time his blabbering makes the captain develop a headache, but he's the most reliable communication officer one would wish to have at one's side when dealing with hostile aliens: he specialized in languages while training as security officer after serving for years on freighters traveling the worst backward routes of the quadrant, after all. He's the one who came up with the term "Knights of the Round Table" to call the red shirts of the "Round Table" circle like himself. Personally picked by supervisor Grettir as the third officer for the small team that would sneak into hostile lands to retrieve an ancient artifact under the secret mission labeled "The Eye of the Phoenix", he was assigned the code name "Strength".
Assistant computer systems officer: Lieutenant Commander Morgana Gorlois Daughter of Lieutenant Commander Gorlois, late security chief of the Camelot, Morgana was orphaned at ten when her father died during a tragic mission planetside. Feeling guilty for the failure of saving the man he had been friends with since the Academy, then-Captain Uther Pendragon applied for her custody and provided the best schooling his money could buy. Despite not asking for an official adoption, he treated her as a daughter and she and young Arthur grew to consider each other as some kind of reluctant siblings. Always competing for any scrap of attention the absent Uther was willing to offer, they took their never-stopping rivalry to the Academy, where they applied the same year. Despite her penchant to give orders and dominant attitude, Morgana declined the appeal of command track and picked science instead. Gifted in hand-to-hand combat and a fierce épée fencer, a sport she practiced since she was in primary school, she was part of the Academy fencing team where she excelled as one of the most talented of the recent years. She and Arthur both won golden medals to the Academy in any tournament; although she claims she could beat him, they never publicly faced each other on the Academy piste. Her best friend is Commander Smith. Close since Morgana came to live in the Pendragon house, they enlisted together and managed to be roommates for all four years. Morgana had no qualms in asking Uther Pendragon to intercede so they could serve together in every assignment they got. Her presence on the Excalibur is a mix of stubbornness, entitlement and nepotism. When news of Pendragon's captainship was official she decided she wanted to be assigned to a Constitution-class as well to not be undone by "her stupid little brother". But when Arthur managed to convince Starfleet to let him pick Lieutenant Commander Smith as his first officer, Morgana knew her place was on Excalibur as well, to help her friend manage the unruly captain. Arthur, initially adverse, relented to her request out of exhaustion and Uther interceded, buying a dispensation to the rule that requires siblings to serve on different ships. Always eager to learn more about computers and their language, Morgana is the only one on board, with Lieutenant Emrys, who can backtalk to the captain and not end up in the brig for insubordination. She might abuse of her ability to manipulate Captain Pendragon, but always for the good. Usually. Eager to "get her hands dirty", she tries to impose herself to the away parties. Every time. And she usually gets it her own way. He has won the nickname of "high priestess of the computers" because of how magical her skills happen to be. Her late mother Vivienne cheated on Gorlois with Uther, an affair during which Morgana was conceived, thus making her the blood older half-sister of Captain Pendragon. Vivienne didn't reveal the truth to her husband and Morgana was thus never told her true parentage. For his own reasons, Uther Pendragon is resolved to take this secret to the grave.
Security chief: Lieutenant Lancelot Du Lac Grown up on a small planet outside the Federation borders, he witnessed the destruction of his village at the hands of interstellar bandits. Vowing to never be helpless again in the face of tyranny, he dedicated his life to study with the dream of enlisting to Starfleet, the formidable force of peace that provides security in the quadrant. His dream got cracked when, in front of the recruitment booth, he discovered that non-Federation citizens candidates cannot attend the Academy if not sponsored by a command-level officer. Lancelot had no connections but he managed to qualify for the limited list of non-Federation applicants allowed to apply as non-commissioned personnel and thus Lancelot signed up as yeoman for the services department His training brought Lancelot to the Camelot, where he had the chance to met then-Lieutenant Pendragon, who managed to get him transferred to security. A planetside mission gone wrong, in which Lancelot defied orders to save a life, drew on him the rage of Captain Uther Pendragon, who filled in an immediate transfer with a black mark on his file. Despite Arthur's reassuring words, Lancelot left the Camelot knowing his career is ruined and retires, returning to a civilian life. Two years later Lancelot, who was working as security for a ruthless businessman called Hengist on a small planet in the middle of nowhere, is reached by a letter of reference written on his behalf by just promoted Captain Arthur Pendragon. Stunned, Lancelot took the first ship leaving the planet and got admission to the Academy Preparatory Exam and the high score opened him the doors of the Academy, where he applied for Security. Here he met cadet Grail, with whom he'll share quarters for all the academic years. His hopes to return to the Camelot are crushed when news of the ship decommission arrive and Lancelot is still a cadet. But, once again, Arthur Pendragon looks over him because, as soon as he graduates, Lancelot is assigned to the new Excalibur, where raises thorough the ranks and soon is assistant chief security to Lieutenant Commander Cameliard, who then replaces as chief security officer. Despite Admiral Pendragon not approving of his promotion (and being vocal about it), Lancelot proved he earned the position in countless times and has the complete trust of his captain. He's the most reliable and serious of the so-called "Knights of the Round Table", the operations branch of the Round Table circle.
USS Excalibur mainframe conduit: Ensign Freya Bastet Affected by a mood disorder that started after an assault she was victim to when she was seventeen, Freya's life is a precarious balance between extreme happiness and extreme depression. Despite early diagnosis and medication that prevents relapses, she developed a sense of shame that lead Freya to a solitary life, scared about letting people get close to her to then see them leave as soon as they discovered about her "curse". After years serving at a research station that had started to feel like a prison and worsened her mental health, Freya longed for a change and applied for a transfer on a starship. With her medical history she could've never thought her application would be not only accepted, but that she would be ordered to report to one of the Big Sisters. Freya was very nervous at the prospect of serving on a starship the size of the Excalibur, too many people, a high risk of stressful episodes. Skittish and defensive, she actively made sure to not draw attentions on herself. Her service record granted Freya a quiet post in one of the many small control rooms of the big ship and she was fine. This until chief science officer Emrys was made aware of her apparent aloofness and, as head of the science department, approached her to see if everything was fine. Freya even today can't explain how and why, but she grew to trust Emrys and eventually opened up until, for the first time, she revealed her "curse". Unlike all the previous people in her life, Emrys doesn't judge her and put himself instead into slowly introducing her into the crew. She's long since embraced the potential of living on what is a moving big village made of people who consider themselves an adoptive family. Freya now has many people she can call friends, she smiles whenever she goes on duty and feels welcome as person as much as valued as officer - with positive effects on her mood disorder. She still gets her regular stabilizers injections and she's been assigned a psychotherapists to follow and assist her. She loves lakes, as they remind her of her happy childhood, the quieter the place the better is her mood. First officer Smith discretely includes Freya's name in the landing party when a lake presence is confirmed in the place the team will visit and the planet is deemed safe.
Deputy security chief: Lieutenant Percival Grail Easygoing and funny despite his ruff appearance, he has become the running joke of the starship because the tunic fabric doesn't stand the power of his biceps (and he's the only competitor that could beat Enterprise's Kirk outrageous record numbers for the Award of Most Shredded Shirts). His has been the only request to have sleeveless tunics added to the standard array to ever reach Starfleet HQ. Despite his size and intimidating looks that - in conjunction to his strength and skills - make him a formidable security officer, he's softhearted and possibly the most gentle of the so-called "Knights of the Round Table". He's the right hand of security chief Du Lac with whom he's struck a friendship when they both were cadets; when Lancelot was ordered to report to the Excalibur, he followed suit without even blinking and applied for the same ship. His best friend and partner-in-crime is chief Communications Lotson.
Chief computer systems officer: Lieutenant Commander Morgause King-Gormause After a course of studies at the most exclusive schools of the planet and a Master of Science in computer systems, she enrolled at the academy where she picked operations track to become a security officer, her goal to climb Starfleet Security. An expert in hand-to-hand combat, she practiced several combat sports since a young age. She served on different ships, including a brief assignment on the Essetir as chief security officer but, unimpressed by the captain and tired of risking her life to protect unworthy men, she decided for a drastic change: return to the Academy to resume her studies in science. Promoted to the chair of Advanced Computer Programming, he was the teacher of cadet Gorlois, for whom she found a natural affection; under her tutoring, cadet Gorlois had the highest overall score in the class and finished her thesis two weeks earlier than her classmates. Despite the disdain for male captains grown through the years, she cannot resist the lure of the chief computer position on a Constitution-class, although she accepts the offer with mild pleasure after discovering that her former pupil, now-Lieutenant Gorlois, will be on the crew as well. It's easy for her to get Gorlois assigned to her as her second in the computer systems department. A firm believer that women are superior to men, she finds it hard to serve under them, and her hopeful ambition is to see Morgana Gorlois eventually replace her adoptive brother Arthur as captain of the Excalibur and, with herself as first officer, finally restore discipline on the ship. The poor girl still has to understand that the USS Enterprise has established a glorious tradition of insubordination that leaked through the rest of the Constitution-class fleet, a tradition to which there is no cure. She has an on-and-off sexual relationship going with her former commanding officer, Essetir Captain Cenred, through virtual means such as private communications channels. Obsessed by her since her stay on the Essetir, Cenred worships her and would do anything to win her over, including offering her the position of first officer. She welcomes such groveling but she hasn't the slightest intention of trading the Excalibur for a promotion on a lesser retrofitted ship. In truth she isn't much interested in a relationship on equal terms with a man, gender she believes should exist only to serve women in any capacity they might be able to. She learned to work with men, she doesn't want to live with one. And she definitely wouldn't take orders from the man she has sex with. Entrusted to an extremist cult based on ancient beliefs and made only of women when she was an infant, any record of her parentage has been lost; she isn't unbothered by this fact, though, for she considers the Nine Sisters - the heads of the cults - her own family.
Chief engineer: Lieutenant Elyan Smith Brother of first officer Guinevere, he happened on the Excalibur by fate, when the Constitution-class stopped at Star Base Fyrien where he was staying as part of the USS Essetir crew. He bumps into his sister and it's a shock for both, as they hadn't seen or heard from each other in four years, but they have the chance to sit down and smooth any disagreement. Captain Pendragon, hearing about them from Lieutenant Emrys, decided to ask Starfleet to give him Elyan, with the hope that the siblings could catch up the time lost - he does it for his first officer, but stealing a crew member to Cenred is a bonus point and a chance he doesn't want to miss. Besides, Cenred was under-employing Elyan, and the Chief Dragon doesn't like it when talent is wasted. He has inherited the passion for engineering from his father, who served many years before as maintenance engineer under Uther Pendragon's captaincy of the Camelot. In the four years of service previous to the transfer, he served on four different ships under dozens of capacities, picking up many skills, thus making him a well-rounded and capable engineer worthy to be entrusted the very pulsing heart of the ship. He's one of the so-called "Knights of the Round Table". He's been recently possessed by the spirit of a boy, and the experience left him shaken.
Chief medical officer: Lieutenant Commander Nimueh Cara The medical officer who followed Commander Ygraine de Bois's pregnancy, she was in charge of the medical team that oversaw the delivery and the one who certified the commander's following death. Her role in the tragedy and her inability to save his wive drew on her the brunt rage of then-close friend Captain Uther Pendragon, who had her kicked away from the Camelot with her career in shambles. A ship assignment suddenly forbidden, Nimueh returned to Starfleet Medical and then accepted a position on deep space starbase Isle of the Blessed. At first the newest and youngest doctor out of nine, with time she climbed the ladder until she was left in charge of the medical facilities: as the senior medical officer on the small outpost, she learned to run a sickbay with despotic manners, expecting anyone under her charge to bow the head and obey. Years later, the announcement of a future launch of the Excalibur under the command of Uther Pendragon's son forced Nimueh out of her semi-retirement on the Isle of the Blessed. Eager to keep an eye on the son of the late Ygraine, that small boy she was the first person to hold after the birth, she asks to return to ship duty and applies for the position of chief medical officer for a Constitution-class: her track record makes her qualified for the job while her own connections pay off and do the rest, getting her the assignment on the Excalibur before Admiral Pendragon can have a say and put a veto on her name. The nightmare of every patient, she acts as if she were the ruler of the sickbay. She disdains most of the crew, and resents the rest of them, but she's learning that the Excalibur isn't a place too bad to settle in.
Security officer and Security area chief: Lieutenant Junior Grade Mordred Bane Grown up in a small colony made of a simple life, a barely teen Mordred just arrived on San Francisco with his guardian Cerdan when an incident that killed Cerdan left him alone and lost in one of the biggest cities of the Federation founding-planet. He roamed for few days before he picked the attention of Morgana Gorlois, who offered him a place to stay and some help while her adoptive brother Arthur found a way to get in touch with Mordred's family and volunteered to escort him during the necessary shuttle trip. Grateful, he promised himself that he would eventually repay the siblings kindness. Years later he enlisted in Starfleet. Initially set on a non-commissioned officer career, he briefly served on a ship with then-Lieutenant Gorlois. Once again planetside, he met once again Arthur Pendragon, at the time back on Earth to graduate from command school, who convinced him to apply for the Academy and helped him prepare for the entrance test. His assignment to the Excalibur was sponsored by Lieutenant Commander Gorlois, who had felt a bond with him since that time years before. He is the youngest member of the crew and one of the youngest commissioned officers in the whole Starfleet (sharing the record with USS Enterprise's Chekov). Eager to learn and improve himself, he looks up to the captain who accepted him in the Hoard and wants nothing more than make both of his siblings sponsors proud of him. After a very secret and very embarrassing initiation carried out by the "veterans", he's been recently admitted to the exclusive and completely unofficial club of the "Knights of the Round Table".
Counselor: Lieutenant Commander Alator Catha Gifted with a superior intelligence and high esper ratings, Alator graduated in many science branches before enlisting to Starfleet with the mission to further deepen his knowledge. Ten years after rotating through assignments on science vessels, he makes the decision to return to Earth to study psychology, of which he soon becomes a renowned specialist. Researcher of cognitive psychology and everything related to the mind, he wrote many dissertations and signed important science papers. His work brought innovations and inspired other scientists, including the revolutionary doctor Adams of the Tantalus Penal Colony, but his dedication was then diverted on helping people who suffered amnesia to recover the information still archived in their brains: with his team he developed the prototype of a device that gave promising results. When his research was confiscated by Section 31, and his device used to extract information from unwilling prisoners in what could only be labelled mental torture, saddled with remorse, he put aside all his studies and returned to ship duty, where he served as science officer. Picked to serve on the Excalibur, after getting to know his superior officer, he considered it an honor to serve under Lieutenant Emrys as his second. When Starfleet, after a successful trial on the Eagle, decided to roll out the figure of the counselor on all the Constitution-class starships, his was the name selected for the position. Initially reluctant, it was Emrys to convince him to accept. A man of few words, controlled and reserved, he instills respect and awe in others. In front of him, even the most reluctant crew members eventually open up.
Records officer and Historian: Lieutenant Geoffrey of Monmouth Professor of Monmouth, renowned for his publications about Earth medieval period (including the famous chronicle "The History of the Kings of Britain"), was asked to take part to an expedition as cultural observer on a planet where society and development resembled that of the Late Middle Age in Earth's Europe. He easily settled in, recording events and crossing them with what is known about Earth's history, for ten years before a war erupted and, in the state of anarchy that followed, an extraction mission lead by then security chief Uther Pendragon of the Camelot successfully saved him from falling victim of a deadly disease. A forced prolonged stay on the starship taught him that an historian figure should be required on every starship assigned to exploration in uncharted space, so when he was finally able to return to Earth, he took the decision to enlist. Captain Pendragon welcomed him back on the Camelot, where Geoffrey served as records officer for nearly twenty years, before retiring from active service to teach Earth history at Starfleet Academy instead. Captain Pendragon's son Arthur and ward Morgana studied at his course. The promise of new civilizations to discover in a five-years deep space exploration into uncharted space lured him out of his retirement and Admiral Pendragon convinced him to resume his position as records officer on the Excalibur, under Arthur's command. On top of compiling and managing information regarding the ship's missions, he is working on the last draft of his recollection of the stay on the medieval planet. He's passionate about paper books. Every wall in his home on Earth has been turned into a shelf to collect all the ancient tomes he acquired through the years.
Senior helmsman: Lieutenant Tristan Lyonesse One of the few, in the whole crew, who dared to openly disagree with the assignment of a brand-new Constitution-class to a green captain like Admiral Pendragon's son and point out the giant elephant in the room (nepotism within Starfleet), Tristan's pastime is still to grumble about the captain's oddities (first of all his protectiveness and propensity to always not be where he should - namely, with his ass on the chair), although he long since changed his mind on Arthur Pendragon's worthiness of sitting on the chair. His hatred for Starfleet's so-called nobility, and the power these admirals wield within the service, makes him distrustful of any officer with the wrong surname, and each of them have to prove themselves before earning his trust, but when he opens up he's the most loyal officer one could hope to find. He's in a serious relationship with his duty partner, Lieutenant Blanchmains, although they often claim that they won't marry, as they're already "partner for life" and "don't need any paper trail to prove it".
Pet FSN-345-58-0047: Crewman, 3rd class Kilgharrah Emrys The not-so-cute reptile pet of Lieutenant Commander Emrys. He hates cuddling but, at least, he is quite calm and isn't a nuisance. He belongs to an alien species that resemble Earth's mythical dragons, although they're more like cats, both in size and temperament; very intelligent and possibly able to understand the human language, at least at its basic, their favorite place to laze off is a human's shoulders as they like the warmth humans radiate. Emrys inherited Kilgharrah from his father Balinor, who had discovered him during a planet exploration and brought with himself during his tenure on the USS Camelot. For this reason, Kilgharrah is used to living on a starship and what it entails.
Chief navigator and Tactical officer: Lieutenant Isolde Blanchmains Brave and loyal, she usually balances the more aggressive side of her other half, Lieutenant Tristan, and she's the only reason why the Excalibur wasn't about to leave spacedock for her maiden voyage without her senior helmsman (Tristan really didn't want to serve under the "halfwit Pendragonling captain"). She and Tristan spend their on-duty time gossiping and commenting about the rest of the crew (and especially the commanding crew). Although her main duty is sit at the helm station, she always volunteers herself (and Tristan) whenever there's an undercover mission on the workings: inexplicably, their disguise of smugglers always works. She bonded with Commander Smith over the mutual curse of having to temper an impulsive male counterpart they cannot outrank.
Transporter chief: Chief Petty Officer Mary Collins In her previous assignment, Yeoman Collins was part of a away team visiting a science colony when a strange radiation affected her and her peers, causing rapid aging. The medical team of the small vessel was unfortunately unable to find a cure. The destruction of the radiation source stopped the accelerated cells degrading her and her mates suffered, but Mary was left with a body she didn't recognize and a heavy psychological trauma. Judged unfit for duty in her aged state (and out of a perhaps vain but understandable wish to see her beauty and age return), Mary took an extended medical leave to buy herself and her career some time. Some years later, by now resigned to her fate, and with her psychological status degrading as her body did before, she was considering taking her own life, when a communication from Starfleet Medical offered her some hope: the USS Enterprise encountered as similar effect and their advanced, state of the art medical department found a cure to save their senior crew. It's uncertain if the cure will work on her, as too much time has passed by, but it's Mary's last chance: the procedure to counteract the decaying effects is long and painful but her body slowly but steadily de-ages. When she's finished, and psychological support clears her, she's returned to active duty and her physical and psychological pain is partially recompensed with an assignment to the Excalibur as its new transporter chief. The renowned soprano soloist and performer of the acclaimed musical piece "The Witch's Aria", Helen Mora, is her twin sister.
Senior medical officer: Lieutenant Aglain Serket Gentle and kind-hearted, Aglain embraced a pacifist way of life since a young age. Passionate about meditations practices, he spent years researching the many techniques of Earth, mastering them. Eager for knowledge, his personal journey to achieve higher peace brought him to Vulcan, where he studied the teachings of Surak and was given access to the meditations techniques of the Vulcans. He's one of the few outworlders afforded the honor to spend time in a Vulcan temple and given access to the most secret traditional rituals that bring the fusion of spirit and intellect. Driven by the wish to help those in need, he attended medical school and then brought such a mission with him when he enlisted. Through mastering the meditation techniques, he achieved an emotionally calm and stable state that helps him manage the stress that come with working on dangerous conditions such as a starship assigned to deep-space service. Quiet but assertive at the same time, he can keep his mind cool and not loose control even during a crisis such as a red alarm condition or under fire. Completely different in both attitude and nature, he's the stark contrast to his superior officer, CMO Kara. During his time on Vulcan he volunteered at an animal sanctuary, working with a small colony of serkets, the big scorpions native to desert planet, from which he took his surname. He's teaching Lieutenant Commander Gorlois meditation to help her manage the bouts of stress that make her sleeping path erratic.
Assistant Chief Engineer: Chief Petty Officer William Ealdorsprince Native from the same small colony, William and Merlin have been buddies since when they were toddlers. Their friendship came to a screeching halt when Merlin expressed his wish to enlist, a choice Will didn't understand as both had grown up fatherless because of Starfleet. They parted without even a goodbye, Will too stubborn to go see his friend one last time. Merlin returned into Will's life out of the blue, during a shore leave, dragging along his new best friend as well as superior, then-Lieutenant Commander Pendragon, a pompous Starfleet Brat with a powerful surname and likely richer than most of the colony in its whole. Will immediately confronted Merlin on his very dubious tastes in friendships (a Starfleet Nobility, seriously Merls?) and did nothing to get along with the oh-so-important-dragon-something, but Merlin is nothing but stubborn and pushy that somehow Will found himself agreeing into enlisting instead of wasting further time on a small farming planet. In front of his bulging eyes, Merlin had wrung out of Mr. Starfleet Prince the promise that there would always be a position open for William whenever the Pendragon got his captaincy. Will might still not like the 'fleet Brats, but never to say that Arthur Pendragon doesn't keep his word because, as soon as the name of the Excalibur's captain became official, he got the offer to transfer there. He might've changed his mind on Mr. Prince of Starfleet, but this doesn't stop William from joking about it now and then. His superior, chief engineer Smith, finds his jabs hilarious anyway.
Navigator and Tactical officer: Lieutenant Commander Mithian de Nemeth The only daughter of admiral and member of the Starfleet Aristocracy Rodor de Nemeth, graduated with the highest scores and set on the path to get her own starship in the future, Mithian's arrival on the Excalibur happened out of a betrothal that almost lead to a rushed marriage. She and Arthur Pendragon met when, both cadets of Command College at the Academy, were invited to Advanced Tactical Training and made captain of respective team Beta and Alpha. While rivals in the course, they found out they shared plenty of interests and started to hang out in their free time. Their growing attraction didn't hinder their performances in ATT: Mithian, with her Beta team, beat captain Pendragon's Alpha team in the first contact (the Lands of Gedref scenario) and science finals (the Hunter's Heart scenario), Pendragon won the security mission (the Sorrow scenario). The engagement came out of nowhere, a surprise to both their fathers and they were one step away from the marriage when they came to their senses and realized they were perhaps too much invested with their respective careers for an healthy relationship to work: marriage would mean they would always get assignments on the same ship, limiting their chances. They parted ways as friends. When Pendragon was assigned the captainship of the Excalibur and was invested with the task of putting together a crew, Mithian was one of the first names that came to his mind: facing such a challenge such as a Constitution-class, she was one of the officers he wanted at his side. The invitation to serve on the Excalibur wasn't what Mithian expected, but she jumped on the honor to work on one of the Big Sisters - although Pendragon couldn't offer her the position of chief navigator he initially promised her. Mithian and the captain's relationship is one of mutual respect and their past together doesn't come in the way: she actually is proud to be considered one of the captain's most trusted friend. An Arthur Pendragon in skirt, as Merlin would grudgingly say, she has drawn the attentions of Lieutenant Gorlois, who still has to decide if she hates or loves Mithian more (she has with Mithian the same conflicting relationship she has with Arthur Pendragon).
Pet FSN-682-43-1054: Crewman, 3rd class Aithusa Gorlois Cute and loved by virtually everyone aboard - with the only exception of the captain who hates both the overgrown lizards - she makes many happy sounds and steals everyone's attention. She loves cuddles and scratches. Officially she is registered as belonging to Lieutenant Commander Morgana but she might be drawn to Merlin. She is very confused about which two-legs is her favorite. She's of the same kind of Lieutenant Commander Merlin's Kilgharrah, but much more younger, as she hatched from an egg Merlin acquired recently.
Helmsman: Lieutenant Commander Elena Gawant Daughter of Admiral Gawant and last heir to a wealthy family that can trace its origins back to a noble lineage from Britain, for as much as his father tried to shelter her, she has grown up breathing Starfleet and it felt natural for her to follow her father's steps, especially when it became clear that she wasn't suited to mingle into high society. She's highly efficient and skilled at the helm as much as goofy as soon as she leaves her station. Receptions and gala are her worst nightmare, she always embarrasses her peers when she's forced to sit at a table amidst flag officers and she doesn't hold her tongue in presence of politicians. She hates the dress uniform, skirts and gowns - one of the reasons why she opted for the trousers female duty uniform. She loves horse riding and her favorite pastime, whenever she's allowed leave, is to set a horse off, brace herself, and let the animal ride wherever it wants. She loves frogs and has a themed collections that keeps growing every time the Excalibur stops at a planet or starbase: every officer that stumbles upon an object that resembles a frog at an alien market eventually buys it as a gift for her.
Captain's yeoman: Chief Petty Officer George Brass George is the perfect yeoman, a role he is proud to cover. Often he's asked which position he'd like to be promoted or move to, but he genuinely likes what he does, and he feels honored to do it so for the captain of one of the Sisters. His best quality? Efficient to perfection. Which might also be quite irritating, if you ask the captain who, nonetheless, never fails to point out to Merlin how much of a better yeoman George is. Unfortunately, his humor is made only of cracks about clean and shining surfaces.
Medical officer: Lieutenant Edwin Muirden Only son of two doctors, Edwin breathed medical science since he was born. With his parents he traveled the quadrant, on a mission to cure those in need, but his life changed when they stopped by a small planet home to a primitive race. Accused of witchcraft because of their extensive medical knowledge, an helpless young Edwin witnessed the death of both his mother and his father on the pyre - his attempt to either follow them or save them left him permanently scarred. The trauma cast a shadow that followed him through the years. Saved by the Camelot that arrived too late to prevent the tragedy, the orphaned Edwin was entrusted to some relatives. Edwin put all of himself in his studies. Curious and passionate despite his dark past, his superior intelligence allowed him for a quick course of study and opened him the doors to the most renowned medical schools. Moved by a secret vengeance, he enlisted in Starfleet to have the chance to get at then-Captain Uther Pendragon whom he blamed for the death of his parents, by the time he had earned the stripes and could apply for an assignment to the Camelot, the warship was retired and Uther Pendragon promoted admiral. Serve on the Excalibur, captained by Uther Pendragon's son, felt a natural choice: the plan was to exact revenge on the admiral by striking at Uther's beloved son. But he's long since decided that the young Pendragon doesn't deserve to pay for the crimes of his father.
Yeoman: Petty Officer Sefa Ruadan Shy and always uncertain about herself, young Sefa only wished to lead a quiet life, but her father Ruadan had different aspirations for her. His application to Starfleet Academy rejected, Ruadan wanted for his only daughter the Starfleet career denied to him. Enlisted on her father's pressure, Sefa never felt the call for stars and discovery that drives all the young cadets, and she faced the training with mild interest with no inclination for a specific subject. The Excalibur is her first assignment in space. Fit in such a big crew is an hurdle for her. Surrounded by hundreds of people who chose this path and strove to arrive on the Excalibur, she fears that her peers will eventually discover that she never had such a big starship in her sights and she will be singled out. Despite everyone reaching out to help her feel home, she feels out of place and undeserving. First officer Smith, who keeps a close eye on every new crewmember, notices Sefa difficulties to mingle and takes the yeoman under her wing. Serving on rotation, Sefa is thus assigned to communications, as one of the yeomen working under Commander Smith.
Nurse: Lieutenant Iseldir Chieftain Born in a self-sustaining small ecocolony in the which there was no concept of private property and everything was shared, Iseldir grew up as one of the community children, his father all the men, his mother all the women. His formative years were spent in the woods, learning to become one with nature. The call of the stars eventually reached him, driving him away from the simple life afforded by the colony, and he left his home with only the clothes he owned and a dream to become a doctor and visit far away worlds. It turns out that the bare education received in the community isn't enough to enter medicine school, too much to study to catch up, too many years to spend earthbound. Iseldir, longing for space, thus chose to become a nurse instead, a shorter course in a similar field. He loves his job and every night, before he retires to sleep, he prays his gods and thanks them for giving him the chance to be of help to those he assisted in the day about to finish. No amount of ambition can be find in him: happy for his current position, he's uninterested in a promotion.
Tactical systems officer: Lieutenant Helios Southron Born in a small independent system where the survival of the fittest was the rule, Helios trained and became a soldier in the army of his tribe. Growing cold and harsh in a world where the winner takes the spoil and the weak becomes slave of the strong, he raised through the ranks until becoming a respected warlord. Always hired to fight someone else's war, the war eventually arrived on his planet when the Klingons came to conquer it. The system was aided by the Federation, and the Klingons were driven back, and its leader chose to became part of the Federation. With mercenary activity forbidden by the new law, Helios is left with the choice of enlisting. He's taken a fancy into Commander Smith, but he's loyal to Lieutenant Gorlois, for whom he would be willing to single-handedly conquer the captainship, if she only asked.
Assistant science officer: Lieutenant Finna Bendrui Enrolled to an exclusive science academy that trains the most renowned scientists of the Federation, she failed to meet the exceptionally high standards of the institution that claims to compete with the Vulcan Science Academy and resorted instead to enlist to Starfleet. Kind, sensitive and polite but with an iron will, she's provided with a strong sense of duty: if she's given a mission, she will put her everything to carry it out. When Lieutenant Commander Alator is appointed counselor as the first for this new position, Finna is the natural choice to succeed him as assistant science officer. With Emrys permanently sitting at the science station on the bridge, the coordination of the science division is in her competent hands.
Security officer: Ensign Kara Freedom Stubborn and set into her beliefs to the point of being blinded, Kara stands her ground whenever she feels she's right, and this lead to a couple of insubordination reports that mark her otherwise spotless service record. Completely unable to hide her personal disdain toward the captain - and not willing to even give it a try - her attitude is a reason of many headaches for her boyfriend, security officer Bane, who just wishes to live a quiet life on the Excalibur and not to be put in front of the though decision of choosing between his new family and his love. Kara's stay on the ship is secured as long as the captain turns a blind eye to her behavior just for Bane's sake, but Mordred knows it's just a matter of time. Kara genuinely loves him, but her hatred for the Pendragon family blinds her, for she blames now Admiral Pendragon and his arrogance for the death of a relative she was close to, and she just sees Uther Pendragon in his son Arthur. She and security officer Bane have already shared a romantic relationship back at the Academy, before his graduation took him at the other side of the quadrant.
Physician: Chief Petty Officer Alice Manticore Skilled doctor, after practicing in her small town, Alice felt the call of the stars and enlisted as medical officer, not expecting that on a starship she would find love. With Captain Uther discouraging personal relationships between his enlisted and non-enlisted crew members, she and Lieutenant Blaze were forced to hide their relationship and kept their engagement a secret. Thus, when "the Purge" happened and the axe fell on Alice's head, Gaius couldn't request HQ to transfer them on the same ship; desperate, Alice appealed to the captain, hoping that by revealing him about the engagement, Uther Pendragon would make an exception for his friend's sake. He didn't - actually, this drew Uther's petty and vengeful hatred on her. Uther's power reached everywhere and knowing that her chance to ever enroll in the Academy was gone forever and that Uther would make sure to ruin her career wherever she went, Alice was forced to take a long absence of leave and practice as civilian doctor on the outer frontier. She took a chance to return to Starfleet and active duty on ships only when the news of Uther's promotion to admiralty reached where she was living: she hoped now he'd be too busy to pay attention to her return. Thanks to what she'll always claim was a favorable astral conjunction, her application for an assignment on the Excalibur slipped under the powerful admiral's radar and her transfer was countersigned. She and Gaius have long since resumed their romance. This time they're not willing to waste more time and bother with secrets, and they've already planned for a private marriage ceremony: captain Pendragon already agreed to officiate. From the outer frontier she brought with herself a curious (and quite ugly) alien pet animal that looks like coming out of Earth's myths, some kind of cat-sized lion with a scorpion tail and the head resembling the one of a human; despite its looks and the threatening stinger, it's harmless and spends most of his time in a box, napping.
Engineer: Petty Officer Tyr Seward A humble and simple boy with a love for his job, Tyr takes much pride in serving in the engineering of such a fine ship like the Excalibur under Captain Pendragon's command. He doesn't care that he's just one of the hundred of operations that swarms about the room, or that he'll never see a stripe around his wrist: he wears his red shirt and his petty officer pin with upmost pride. He likes to compare himself to just one busy bee who does his share: for how much little it might be, it works toward the goal of keeping a huge hive like the Excalibur thriving.
Yeoman: Ensign Gilli Ring Gilli was raised by his single father, a war veteran turned strict pacifist. Remaining true to the vow to never use violence again, the man refused to resort to weapons or his training to defend himself when he was attacked by three thugs for refusing to pay them protection bribes. His resulting death left a mark on Gilli, who grew ashamed of his father and his attempts to hide who he was. The admission to a good school was the compensation he was looking for, but he was singled out by a couple of bullies during the whole course. Quiet and mild mannered, he tried to be respectful and polite, but such experience hardened further his hearth: firmly believing that he was owed respect, he swore that he would now get it at all costs, he would learn how to fight and to never hold his fists. Putting aside his science inclination, he enlisted in Starfleet Security. His life changed when, a couple of years later, he met then-Ensign Emrys on a starbase. Mistaking Emrys for a civilian who could use some help from two drunk obnoxious Starfleet members, he stepped in. Sitting at a small table at the cafeteria, Gilli shared with Emrys his harsh view of society and what he was set on achieving, that he was set on rising through the ranks at all cost. Emrys attempted to talk him into a different approach but failed. Two days later the same arrogant crewmembers singled out Gilli again. Ready for a fight, this time it was Emrys to step in, revealing his rank and suffusing the situation before it could escalate. Emrys sat down with the frustrated Gilli explaining he took the liberty to take a look at his records and eventually convinced him to attempt the entrance test to the Academy and get an officer's commission, with the promise that Emrys would do his best to find him a place wherever Emrys would be assigned next. Emrys kept his promise. Fresh from graduation, Gilli is assigned to the Excalibur and Emrys, now a senior officer, immediately took him under his wing. After a rough planetside mission in which he was forced to kill to protect himself, Gilli finally made peace with his father's views, for years a source of shame. Now he understands why his father clung to his believes so much as to give his own life. Polite and eager to learn, he hung at the science labs too much; Emrys had him quickly transferred to the science department to tutor him. His most precious possession is the special forces class ring that belonged to his father; the object is always on his middle finger.
Communications section chief: Lieutenant Commander Vivian King Daughter of awarded Admiral Olaf King, she grew up sheltered and spoiled, surrounded by richness. Entitled and haughty, she walked through the academy course as if high rates and commendations were her birthright; such an attitude didn't win her any friend. Her father's protectiveness is legendary, scuttlebutt say that then-captain threatened any cadet that tried to woo or get too intimate with Vivian. To escape her father's oppressive clutches, she asked an assignment to deep space, hoping to get as far from Earth as she could. Her reputation precedes her wherever she goes, and when she arrives on the Excalibur, any crewmember expects to work with a conceited officer. She makes no effort to change any expectation. Firm believer that only those who graduated in command track should be promoted to senior positions, she's quick to develop resentment toward Commander Smith, a red shirt not only promoted first officer but also her own superior officer in the communications department. Captain Pendragon just grins and bears it, to not make an enemy of Admiral King her father. All in all, she shows competence and high efficiency in her duties so, for as much as he wishes to, he can't find any reason to force a transfer. An incident with some alien chemical that acted like a love potion on her and Captain Pendragon and almost got them to elope and get intimate, left Vivian with lingering one-sided feelings for the captain. In the hopes to win his love, she decided to change. It's a slow mission, but she's putting all of herself in it. Luckily for the captain, Admiral King hasn't discovered about the incident, or he would be running to the Excalibur to challenge Arthur Pendragon to a duel.
Orderly: Crewman, 1st class Daegal Druidson Orphaned since a young age, Daegal learned from very early to tend to himself and not expect much from others. His decision to enlist came for a lack of choices, an occupation like any other that would take him away from the poor colony where he grew up, for a person worth nothing like he thinks he is. With no specific skills to distinguish him, he was set on becoming one of the nameless redshirts that come and go unnoticed; it was with surprise that at orientation he was suggested to pick science division, after his attitude tests showed a caring and nurturing disposition. The one on the Excalibur is his first assignment in space. As orderly his duty is to aid medical officers with non-invasive and menial tasks, but his extreme kindness toward patients have quickly caught the attentive eye of senior doctor Serket, who monitors each member of the medical family. Eager to improve, willing to serve double duties and humble enough to accept and welcome any reprimand whenever he makes a mistake, Daegal is liked by most of the medical personnel, and to many comes natural to tutor him on how to do things pertaining to his job, or explain him instruments and procedures. His quiet presence in sickbay is acknowledged when he assists Lieutenant Commander Emrys during his recovery from a poisoning. Emrys, impressed by the efforts and caring Daegal showed toward him, complimented the orderly and then suggested CMO Cara to nurture an officer who, quoting, "had the gift". Daegal was then ordered to shadow head nurse Blaze, from whom the young crewman may learn more about the medical field. Daegal's wish is now to earn a promotion to medical assistant and then, one day, perhaps have the chance to study to become a nurse, so to better cure patients and people in need of a medical help.
Archive vault officer: Petty Officer Julius Borden Pupil of Lieutenant Blaze, he served as an orderly in the Camelot sickbay for his first years in space. When the big crew reshuffle known as "the Purge" happened, Julius left his mentor and the ship without any word, to then soon retire from Starfleet to purse his own interests. After dedicating almost twenty years of his life to the search of the triskelion, an alien artifact said to be the key to access an ancient tomb that hides an immense treasure, he found himself with just a piece of the ancient item acquired, the other two parts missing and no idea where to find them. Broke and disillusioned, he decided to return to Starfleet in the hopes of using the service's unmatched resources to complete his quest. Switching to operations, so to broaden his chance to be assigned to different positions that could get him in away parties and get privy to any information pertaining his search, and after working hard to earn the trust of any superior he served under, he finally managed to get himself transferred to one of the Sisters as the new archive vaults officer. He didn't foresee to meet his former mentor there, of all places (he thought Gaius retired from active duty when the Camelot was decommissioned and Uther Pendragon promoted to admiralty), but he immediately took preventative measures to protect himself in case Lieutenant Blaze suspected his reason to return to Starfleet after all the years spent as a civilian doing shady businesses: always quick to find out who really matters in an environment, he went straight to befriend the powerful éminence grise of the Excalibur, Lieutenant Commander Emrys, by showing interest in that odd (and annoying) pet of his, thus securing his stay on the ship. Ironically, he's unaware that he's never been closer to his goal, as both the triskelion missing parts he seeks belong to the families of two officer he serves with: one has been in possession of nurse Iseldir's family, and the third part was acquired by then-Captain Uther Pendragon and now is on display as part of his alien artifacts private collection at the Pendragon mansion.
Updated version of version of an edit posted in April 2017. If you really, really want to see it, you find the original version here.
Notes The USS Excalibur is TOS canon: is one of the four ship involved in the test of the M-5 ("The Ultimate Computer"), and its registry was confirmed only in 2008 as NCC-1664.
Reflections about how can Uther be Arthur's boss, and a reason for all the characters that were left out at the addendum post.
I deliberately didn't specify any pair (unless Tristan and Isolde, which is a given, and a Morgause/Cenred), so everyone can enjoy this "AU". Personally, I'm torn between an Arthur-Gwen with a side of Merthur, or a Merthur with a Gwen-Lancelot but you're free to not agree with me. Or also a gen, because they can work well even without romance complicating things.
About the “made up” roles Liaison Officer, Computer Officer, Armory Officer and Security Chief don’t exist in either canon or non-canon Star Trek and were made up by me. See more at this post.
About assignments, ranks, surnames and other changes and reflections: to not disrupt the post into turning it into a textwall, these have been collected at the addendum post.
Crossposted: Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/62323.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/57454.html Deviantart: edit (deviantart.com/prue84/art/Star-Trek-BBC-s-Merlin-crew-676312191) and text (deviantart.com/prue84/art/Star-Trek-BBC-s-Merlin-crew-the-manifest-940818683) AO3: archiveofourown.org/works/43584367 SquidgeWorld: squidgeworld.org/works/46637
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dexofhastting · 8 months
Just In Time Of First Contact
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Upon Arriving at the 4th Planet in the Tantalus System, The USS Excalibur bore witness to the first warp flight of the young civilization on Tantalus IV.
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kaseywoods · 1 year
as an avid enjoyer of helluva boss, i tried to immerse myself in all that the fandom has to offer, and that includes the fanfictions. i’ve found many promising ones on AO3 and Fanfiction.net and i would like to share them with you.
the first is Saving Blitzo
this fic is not for the faint of heart as blitzo gets tortured and it isn’t pretty.
the next is Imp on Fire
this fic is also hard as Blitz loses someone very important to him and goes on a rampage.
and the last one is simply one where Octavia is raised by Blitzø and Loona is raised by Stolas
warning for the previous : dark themes. viewer discretion advised.
now we get to the fun stuff, the crossovers. the first four i’ll cover are harry potter related.
here we have a story where moxxie used to be someone else on earth: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30086754
one where young mr Potter was raised by M&M: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13739375/1/
one where Mr Potter was raised by Lucifer and Lilith (my favorite): https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13987167/1/
and a series of 5 (so far) books where stolas and blitz raise him:
1- https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13843578/1/An-Imps-Guide-to-Raising-A-Boy-Wizard
2 https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13965590/1/An-Imps-Guide-To-The-Chamber-Of-Secrets
3 https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14020639/1/An-Imps-Guide-to-Raising-A-Boy-Owl
4 https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14042443/1/An-Imps-Guide-To-Burning-Goblets
5 https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14183975/1/A-Goetias-Guide-To-Phoenix-Orders
next, we have a story where the Hazbin crew meets the Mystery Twins:
and where the crew of the USS Excalibur finds their way to hell through a wormhole
i’m sure you must be overwhelmed after reading all of this, correct? we’ll rest assured, i only have one more fanfic left to list. it’s easily the most popular helluva boss fanfic, but it’s also the most popular SCP fanfic. it’s called One Helluva Broken Day.
in this fanfiction, if you don’t know about When Day Breaks, the sun goes wonky and anyone who touches its light starts to melt and turn into a monster that only desires to bring more people into the light. now Blitz and the rest of IMP have to work with a Foundation security guard to find a way to stop the sun, and prevent this tragedy from entering hell.
and as stated before, this fanfic has dark themes and is not for the feint of heart.
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raenparade · 1 year
weekly update #4 - 13/03/23
So it’s been a couple of weeks! A couple of long, slow weeks. And unfortunately I don’t have a lot to show. Going home for Consolidation Week meant I was being a bit more of a parent than I anticipated, but I’m still going to show off the few things I did do!
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I started off with some designs for Jamie and JJ’s parents, who are both top-level physicists working on the Excalibur Project. I’d like to do some colour keys/change things up a little bit, as I need to remember that the more I refine an idea, the more I’ll like it! 
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I also started another podcast - called Wolf 359. It’s set aboard the fictional USS Hephaestus, orbiting the titular red dwarf. It starts off like the Golden-Age of radio shows, but evolves into more of a thriller when there’s a glimpse of potential extraterrestrial contact. After listening to a lot of horror-themed media, something that was science fiction but still has the same level of narrative enthusiasm was really fun, and it prompted me to do a few character studies! It made me want to pinch some of these designs for TSTSU, so I might just do that. 
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I managed a few little sketches/notes of potential characters, and I think I’m going to need to set a bit of a limit, especially because I don’t want to spend a lot of time developing characters who won’t appear at all in my storyboards.
I only boarded something small, to try and shake off the dust that tries to settle on my brain. I used a character belonging to a friend of mine, just to get over any perfectionism I’m still feeling using Jamie and JJ. I spent about an hour and a half on this, and was pretty happy with the result!
Finally, during Consolidation Week I attended a short Zine Workshop at Wadham College at Oxford University. It was run by Imperfect Bound, an Oxford-based queer zine collective, and it was both something different and something fun! With it only being an hour and a half I had to work pretty quickly, so I cut my pages down by binding (no pun intended) my zine with some fabric I’d found!
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While not really anything to do with TSTSU, this is another example of experimenting with different types of media, and I intend to make another blog post about what I’ve been getting up to! 
This isn’t a lot of work for two weeks, so I’m hoping being back at uni will instil that routine in me once again, and I’m looking forward to what I come up with!
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tailsrevane · 2 years
[tv review] tos 2x23-2x26 (1968)
2x23 “the omega glory”
yeah i misspoke when i said that “the alternative factor” is the worst episode of star trek. now, admittedly, “the omega glory” is a bit less of a chore to watch. but everything about it is just so antithetical to what star trek is, and so unbelievably offensive and racist regardless, that it’s just genuinely pretty hard to watch. captain tracy is a much better villain than… evil lazarus? i don’t even remember what the fuck was going on there, to be honest. and the episode might be more engaging, but for being so loudly and unavoidably the opposite of everything good about star trek, this is the worst episode. d-rank
2x24 “the ultimate computer”
the enterprise is chosen to test the new “m5 computer,” an artificial intelligence from famed scientist richard daystrom. you hear that name over and over in golden age trek because the federation’s foremost computer and robotics laboratory is named after him. he also invented the revolutionary technology that starfleet’s computer systems are based on when he was a very young man, which the episode presents as giving him a bit of a complex about having made his greatest achievement when he was so young and then watching others get famous building upon his work while he seemingly stood still.
the m5 is going to be tested via some war game simulations pitting the enterprise against four other constitution-class starships–the lexington, the potemkin, the excalibur, and the hood.
super star trek nerd note: interestingly, all four of these are legacy ships! or, at least, ships carrying the same name appear in later installments of star trek. the lexington is a nebula-class ship that has brief background appearances in both tng and ds9. the potemkin is an excelsior-class ship that appears in at least one episode of tng, but is referenced on numerous occasions because will riker served aboard it. he also briefly served aboard the ambassador-class uss excalibur as acting captain in tng’s “redemption, part 2,” but the ship is perhaps more famous to hardcore star trek fans as the hero ship of peter david’s star trek: new frontier book series. lastly, the excelsior-class uss hood appears frequently in tng, and is referenced even more frequently because of its former first officer, one will riker.
… hold on a second, really? will riker served on ships named after three of the four ships (four of five if you count the enterprise) in this episode? are we sure he never served on the lexington?
at any rate, no sooner is the computer installed on the enterprise than captain kirk has to be thinking “i’m gonna have to talk that thing to death aren’t i?” and mr. spock and dr. mccoy have to be thinking “jim’s gonna have to talk that thing to death, isn’t he?” and particularly savvy members of the audience who have picked up on how bizarrely often kirk has to talk robots or computers to death are likely thinking “kirk’s gonna have to talk that thing to death, isn’t he?”
and wouldn’t you just know it, the computer malfunctions and begins treating the war games like they’re real, and attacks the other starfleet ships with fully-powered phasers rather than low-powered simulated phasers. shockingly, kirk ends up talking the computer to death. truly no one could have foreseen this outcome. b-rank
2x25 “bread and circuses”
they copy/pasted the “patterns of force” script and used find/replace to change all instances of “nazi” to “roman.” so they did this dumb alternate earth development thing with two of the four eras of history that the history channel used to cover pretty exclusively. one presumes they would’ve gotten around to ancient egypt and civil war america eventually if the series had gone on for longer.
seriously, “patterns of force” wasn’t that many episodes ago, and that makes some of the plot points in this episode so unintentionally hilarious. like when they’re looking for this captain guy and they’re all like gee i wonder where he could be he’s probably not doing exactly the same thing as that other captain guy from the previous episode right, and then they find out that rome’s “first citizen”--a sort of lapdog soldier of their emperor–has a name that sounds virtually identical to his and they’re like whoa hey that can’t be him right, he’s definitely probably not doing the exact same thing that one captain guy did a few episodes ago in virtually identical circumstances right?
oh wait this does have one distinguishing feature from “patterns of force.” i mean, aside from the fact that roman costumes are way less offensive than nazi costumes but also they put way less effort into the authenticity of their roman costumes than they did into their nazi costumes. ummm awkward. anyway uh yeah! the episode also had several moments where the characters stopped just short of turning directly to the camera and saying “hey nbc is thinking about canceling us tell them not to and also that they suck because regardless of whether they cancel us or not they suck.” sort of like the movie network, but even less subtle or funny. d-rank
2x26 “assignment: earth”
so just in case the moments in the previous episode where the characters stopped just short of turning directly to the camera and saying “hey nbc is thinking about canceling us tell them not to and also that they suck because regardless of whether they cancel us or not they suck” and the fan letter-writing campaigns didn’t succeed in stopping star trek from being canceled, gene rodenberry decided to devote the last episode of the show’s second season to a backdoor pilot for his backup plan.
it’s really funny that roddenberry acted like star trek was his baby and he deeply cared about it when he spent what he had every reason to believe could have been the last episode of the show devoting all of his time to the television equivalent of “hey, this is the new guy who’s going to be replacing you, please train him” instead of like, i don’t know… doing something that felt meaningful to the rest of the series or its characters or something? also his super original, creative concept for his next show is just… it’s just bad doctor who, guys. it’s just drastically worse doctor who.
oh and things not making sense isn’t… usually something i bother pointing out in tos. okay, that’s honestly probably a lie, but i mostly only point them out because they’re funny not because i think they’re worth pointing out. but this episode just opens with a captain’s log where the first words after “captain’s log, stardate [whatever]” are “using the light-speed breakaway factor, the enterprise has moved back through time to the 20th century. we are now in extended orbit around earth, using our ship’s deflector shields to remain unobserved. our mission – historical research.” like it’s just the most casual shit ever and they do it all the time. and i don’t know i’ve just always found this so glaringly dumb that it feels wrong not to mention it.
but yeah, i don’t know. at least it gives us the crucial information that mr. spock instinctively likes kitties!!! i knew he was the smartest. d-rank
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spockvarietyhour · 4 years
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Select Starfleet Ships, Vol. 7: TOS Edition
Top to bottom: Antares-class U.S.S. Antares “Charlie X” Constitution-class U.S.S. Constellation “The Doomsday Machine” Constitution-class U.S.S. Exeter “The Omega Glory” Converted Antares-class Woden “The Ultimate Computer” Constitution-class U.S.S. Lexington “The Ultimate Computer” Constitution-class U.S.S. Excalibur “The Ultimate Computer″ Constitution-class U.S.S. Defiant “The Tholian Web”
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ship-o-rama · 4 years
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Name: U.S.S. Excalibur
Registry: NCC-26517-A Class: Galaxy-class
Year: 2379
Affiliation: Starfleet
Captain: Mackenzie Calhoun
Background: The ship’s computer is merged with the intelligence of Morgan Primus. Recalled from Starbase Bravo after it appeared that Admiral Jellico had stolen the prototype starship Paradox. Orders were to initially shadow the stolen starship but a vision from Mark McHenry (an alternate version who had possibly gone insane with his Q-like powers) showed Paradox destroying Starbase Bravo with his wife (and base commander) Elizabeth Shelby. 
Calhoun immediately ordered Kat Mueller and Trident to rush to the station to protect his wife while he got to the bottom of the Paradox theft. They caught up with a disabled Romulan scout, and took aboard its sole occupant, a Romulan officer named Lucius. While he was subjected to Kebron’s vacation pictures, they downloaded the data of that’s ship’s encounter with Paradox and cleared a virus that had been left in that ship. 
They received a message from Soleta, aboard Paradox and Morgan Primus used that to break a piece of herself into that ship, she had done so earlier to warn her daughter that Paradox might be headed for New Thallon. When Paradox seemed parked near Bravo, they released Lucius to his ship on the condition that he helped them when the fight came, he agreed. 
The Alternate McHenry found Morgan on Paradox, trapped and tortured her. As a result, she vanished completely from everywhere she was and essentially left Excalibur without a computer system. Calhoun and his counterpart were taken away from their respective ships to by Alt-McHenry to open alternate Calhoun’s mind as to why using Paradox to rewrite his galaxy would be bad. 
The computer crash left Excalibur unable to manoeuvre but they were still able to join in the fight and destroy Paradox, with the help of Trident the alternate Excalibur.
Appeared in Star Trek: New Frontier “Turnaround” issues 1-5. First introduced in the New Frontier novels after the original Excalibur was destroyed.
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defconprime · 5 years
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Cover for New Frontier comic "Double Time." Cover art by Brian Stelfreeze, 2000.
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1stofficerspock · 5 years
Star Trek Adventures - USS Excalibur
We're not RPing until the 2nd Friday in September, but the plot is churning away in my brain. I'm jotting down notes now, and I suspect I'll be building NPCs, space stations, and starships this week.
One thing I love about RPing Star Trek is that it's not all about greed and violence. It's about discovery and the protection of life whether that life is aware of the Federation or not. In Starfleet they'd rather have a drink with an enemy than shoot them.
A good game requires the tugging of heartstrings and finding that quest for knowledge that gives the players hope for a better future. 
Of course on the other side of the coin, my Discord crew is playing Mirror Universe, and they're a bunch of power hungry dicks.
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startrekships · 7 years
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USS Excalibur by Patrick
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starbase118 · 2 years
MacKenzie: =/\= MacKenzie to the senior staff. Report to the briefing room. (beat) That’s on deck 1 for those of you who are directionally challenged… =/\=
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prue84 · 2 years
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Star Trek/Star Wars: USS Republic seal
Fandom: Star Wars (Prequels Trilogy) AU / Star Trek (reboot) Series: Fandoms in Trek AUs [masterpost] Companion piece: USS Republic enamel coin Crew manifest: (WIP)
SF:\Starfleet\Starships\USS Republic>NCC_1999>_
“To Bring Peace and Prosperity”
Ship’s Name: U.S.S. Republic Ship’s Registry: NCC-1999 Ship’s Class: Constitution Class Ship’s Type: Heavy Cruiser Status: _loading… Crew complement: _loading… Crew manifest: _loading error…
About the starship The USS Republic (registry number NCC-1371) is TOS-canon: it's the ship where Kirk serve with Ben Finney. However, its status by 2267 (Court Martial) is unclear. Also, its belonging to the Costitution-class is uncertain and not canon. We only know that Jim served on it in 2254, at the start of his career (when he likely were still a cadet). The Kelvin Timeline established the Enterprise's launch in 2258 instead of the 2240s of the main timeline (the specific date, 2245, was made canon only with Discovery, but this year was already referenced in production material from Enterprise). In the comics they partially tried to explain this difference with the existence of a previous Enterprise, commanded by Robert April and lost during a mission (a plot I'm not much fond of). Anyway. If the Enterprise in this timeline could be launched 13 years later, I guess the Republic could be younger as well. Or. There could be a Republic, where AOS!Kirk served for a round as a cadet, and a newer Republic, a Constitution-class that was given the name of the vessel that had been just retired/turned into training ship (can the fleet keep two working ships with the same name or they need to retire one before assign the same name to another?). I decided for this option, mostly because I want to keep my hands free: I like to consider these Fandom Crews canon in my own AOS, so I wouldn't want Jim to have to serve as a cadet under captain Palpatine, lol - besides, I want him to be "Constition-class-virgin" when he gets on the Enterprise: the Enterprise is his one and only Constitution-class. Also, this way I can pick the registry number. Speaking of which. The number is the year The Phantom Menace was released, and the first time we saw on screen the Republic. Does the 1999 makes sense, given the Enterprise's 1701? No. But canon registry numbers for Constitution-class don't make sense either, going from 1664 of the Excalibur to the >1701 of the Constitution referenced in the movies.
About the motto "Together we shall bring peace and prosperity to the Republic" is a quote from The Phantom Menace, when Palpatine - just elected Chancellor - reassures Amidala. I decided to pick this quote and turn it into the infinite a la "To Boldy Go" of the Enterprise. (Confession: I actually didn't find anything else).
Notes I have the crew manifest on the works since 2020. Hopefully I'll complete the graphics sometime.
Behind the seal The red comes from the Republic flag as seen in the fifth season of in Clone Wars, in a shot of the Republic military headquarters on Coruscant: the flag features the emblem on a field of a specific shade of red. In the comics the flag appeared in the white/black/red palette similar to the one later used for the Galactic Empire, but I elected to use the one from Clone Wars as it should be more canon, I guess? Actually, I didn't want the redundancy. The logo itself is the one used in Clone Wars, where the six clogs are shorter than the classic version used in comics.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) The seal was done in April, but only in late August, while on a roll, made the coin version. It took me a while to make it work and still I'm not completely satisfied but, whatever.
Crossposted Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/90678.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/82672.html Deviantart: deviantart.com/prue84/art/Star-Trek-Star-Wars-Prequels-USS-Republic-seal-932248731
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gunrunnersarsenal · 7 years
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So I’m playing an excessive amount of ‘cosmoteer‘ atm.
I love building spaceships. AND I fucking love me my Akira-class - so it was just a matter of time till I would make me one ingame.
I actually made another one initially, but its like 10 times as big as this one, but it lagged horrible, this one runs smooth and still looks nice imo.
This one’s the “NCC-1190 USS Excalibur”
its the name of an old RP unit i used to play in/with (the number isnt accurate as i dont remember it, but its the actual number of crew on the ship - it fitted so i run with it)
I cant describe how much I love playing this game right now, I hope they add new stuff soon...
...oh and btw... its currently 100% free to play (and it runs super smooth in my experience)
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