#users jb
merrigel · 4 months
I want it back = I drag its dead weight forward
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melrosing · 2 years
grrm created lsh as a shocking devastating plot twist that would keep readers anxious for twow but he has left it so long man I can’t sustain it. in my head she is now simply the angry zombie supporting character in my mental twow jb romcom
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swordmaid · 2 years
“do I see you?” jaime could’ve laughed, but it was too painful. “do I see you?” damn it; she was all he ever saw!!!!!!!!!
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julienrosebaker · 2 years
julien making sure a sick fan is safe and okay!
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dykehayleywilliams · 7 months
julien baker 100 dollars cover
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foreverautumn89 · 2 years
Can't stop thinking of Boyfriend by Dove Cameron when thinking about Byergrove [because of Stonathan]:
Headcanon for Byergrove: Just to be clear, I LOVE Stonathan and always will. It was my first ST ship and it is my favorite one and I love Steve, so don't take offense to this; in certain parts I'm only trying to get into Billy's mindset and show his perspective on it, its not my own personal opinion about Steve.
Jonathan and Billy meet when Max and Will become close. Max feels alone and like an outsider in her own friend group and Will feels the same way, so when Max realizes, she quickly connects with Will and they become besties [and El is included in their best friend group of course].
Billy and Jonathan both had abusive dads and would understand what the other is going through. Billy would finally feel like he could connect to someone and would appreciate Jonathan's existance alone. While Jonathan would finally have a friend who understands and appreciates him [which Jonathan really needs considering he is hated by most people in Hawkins just for being a Byers]. Since Jonathan is wiser and has been overcoming that abuse all on his own, he'd be the one helping Billy through his, not the other way around, but its ok because he likes feeling needed and wanted.
Jonathan would give Billy one of his famous speeches and instantly get through to him in a way no one else has before and Billy would keep coming back for more speeches, not entirely sure why.
Jonathan would show Billy how to be a supportive older brother to Max like how he is to Will whether he actually shows him how or Billy sees Jonathan and Will together and how they interact and changes how things are between him and Max. Jonathan inspires Billy to be better. If Jonathan was abused and can be a great big brother to his younger sibling than why can't he? Jonathan makes him a better person.
Billy continues his rivalry with Steve by going after Jonathan/flirting with him all the time especially when Steve is around. He automatically scoffs when he learns that Jonathan is dating someone like Steve Harrington of all people when Jonathan could be with someone much better: him [obviously]. Steve couldn't possibly understand Jonathan or protect him from people [Billy would know] and before they got together, Steve had been bullying him for the last decade. Billy never bullied Jonathan for years like Steve had, so he'd instantly be one up on Steve. Plus, Billy knows hes better looking and superior to Steve in every conceivable way.
When Billy finally meets Jonathan, he is kind of surprised. Hes heard a lot about Jonathan from around school and especially from Tommy H., but Jonathan isn't anything like they said he was. It was a lot of insults and badmouthing coming from their classmates, but from Billy's perspective Jonathan was the only worthwhile person in this shitty town besides Karen and he knew Jonathan would thrive in a place like California which was better than Hawkins in every way. Jonathan had no filter, he used dark humour, and was sarcastic as hell and Billy liked that. Jonathan was the only person who could genuinely make him laugh. Jonathan was fun to talk to and hang out with. Billy decided Jonathan not having any friends wasn't because of the reasons that Tommy H claimed, but it was due to the fact that the people in Hawkins are just a bunch of shitheads and wouldn't know something good if it smacked them right in the face.
He still talks to Karen Wheeler [for one reason or another] When Jonathan's name is brought up, Karen makes it clear that she absolutely adores Jonathan. When she tells Billy about Jonathan she sings his praises and Billy trusts Karen's judgement a lot more than what the rest of Hawkins has been saying. Billy sees the good in Jonathan that hardly anyone else does and knows Jonathan is too good for Hawkins and finds it laughable that the people of Hawkins think about it the other way around.
Jonathan and Billy bond over sharing their love of music together and they get a lot closer while babysitting Will, El, and Max together because they are a handful. El with her powers and Will with his sass and Max just being a badass in general.
Billy will openly flirt with Jonathan whenever he sees him no matter who is around and that includes Steve.
Billy reminds Steve often enough that the moment he trips up and messes things up with Jonathan [like goes back to Nancy and leaves Jonathan behind] that he'll be there waiting to take Jonathan off his hands.
Billy is overly protective of Jonathan and would kick Lonnie's ass when he came around Jonathan or any of his family again.
Billy NEEDS someone who will worship and praise him in bed, which Jonathan happily does without being told or asked.
When he takes Jonathan's shirt off and sees the scars and Jonathan just says 'Lonnie' dismissively and in explaination of where they came from, Billy makes sure to kiss every scar as if to heal them.
Billy really loves certain things about Jonathan like how he gives these inspiring speeches about morality and the importance of love. He loves that Jonathan will cover his mouth with his hand while hes laughing softly about something. But the thing he especially especially loves about Jonathan is that hes full of surprises like the fact that Jonathan has a long list of kinks, will beg him to do stuff to him in bed, and asks for Billy to tie him to the bed.
Billy is the dominant/top and is very protective of Jonathan and doesn't think anyone else is worthy of being with Jonathan except for him because well…Billy Hargrove knows hes amazing and hes the only one great enough to be worthy of Jonathan Byers.
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falllpoutboy · 1 year
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sandsofdteam-moved · 2 years
Do. do you think that's what the teens, the people are doing right now with Dream? Projecting their life anger and frustration into vitriolic hate towards Dream like kids from 2009 do towards Justin without actually knowing anything about him??
I think antis who hate on him with the misinformation they do have (which I’d say is a good chunk of ‘antis’ or just general haters) aren’t projecting at all—I mean with the stuff they probably hear Dream did, I can’t blame them for hating him. Do I hate the misinfo to begin with yes, but I can see where it’s coming from. People back then just hated JB for being a kid singing with a high voice, and that’s not what’s happening here.
There was 0 reason back then for the collective public to dislike JB, but I’ll be the first to say Dream’s a guy who’s made a lot of mistakes, has been bad in the past—most gamer guys in those spaces have—and there is valid reason to dislike him even from the stuff that’s true, so I don’t rlly think the two situations are comparable? JB’s sitch was hate for the hell of it, Dream’s is hate by misinformation and heavily doxxed/dug up details. It’s horrible both ways, but yeah idt they’re really anywhere near the same
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minhosimthings · 3 months
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happeehippie · 4 months
instagram j.b.
summary: follow along with joe and his girlfriend evie as they go through his football career.
*this was originally a yn fic but i changed it around*
*face claim is Yasmin Quintana*
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liked by sam_hubbard_, joeyb_9, millyg, and 89,736 others
breezyevie: i’d follow you anywhere jb. 🐯💜
view all 2,363 comments…
user: geaux tigers!
user: king burrow
joeyb_9: i love having you visit, it doesn’t feel like home without you.
> breezyevie: are you saying i’m your home? swoon.
user: your boyfriend is a smoke show
> breezyevie: tell me something i don’t know lol. 🥵
millyg: ohio misses you, come home.
> breezyevie: are you sure it’s just not you that misses me mills?
user: geaux joe joe!
user: pulling for the tigers today!
user: this relationship will last no time outside of that ohio bubble. see ya later.
> breezyevie: i love to see so many people cheering for us.
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liked by breezyevie, hichasestokes, lsufootball, and 28,737 others
joeyb_9: I saw an alligator the other day.
view all 900 comments…
user: okayyyy hottie
user: yeah bro i see you shining
breezyevie: weird flex.
> joeyb_9: ur jealous.
user: marry me?
> user: he’s spoken for! his gf is @breezyevie
user: i love this picture.
user: yes but did you eat it?
> breezyevie: i freaking hope not!
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liked by joeyb_9, sam_hubbard_, lahjay10_, and 95,951 others
breezyevie: @joeyb_9 checking in with me from the field. 👍🏻
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user: how could he do my gators like that?
> breezyevie: LSU BABY!
user: #joeforheisman
> breezyevie: 🤞🏼
joeyb_9: i had to make sure you were impressed.
> breezyevie: i’m always impressed. 💗
user: fucking yum!
> breezyevie: he is isn’t he?
lahjay10_: my man
> breezyevie: OUR man.
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liked by joeyb_9, lahjay10_, oliviarodrigo, and 357,878 others.
breezyevie: 4 years together and now I’ve been replaced by a hunk of metal. #nattys
view all 1,738 comments…
joeyb_9: I am a Champion.
> breezyevie: no time for losers.
user: #geauxtigers
> breezyevie: 4life
user: so wholesome, i can’t believe you’ve been together for 4 years already!
> breezyevie: luckiest girl in the world. 💗
user: joey b the heisman winner & national champ!
> breezyevie: hell ya he is!
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liked by joey _9, lahjay10_, bengals, and 508,116 others.
breezyevie: i’m so proud of you jb, and i’m grateful to be on this journey with you. the last four years have been the best of my life and i can’t wait to keep cheering you on forever. from the buckeyes, to the tigers, and now onto the bengals! no matter what team you’re on, you’re still my joey. 💗 i love you forever.
lahjay10_: 🐐🐐🐐
user: it’s good to see he has someone from the beginning!
user: just the perfect couple!
bengals: Welcome to the Jungle
> breezyevie: WHO DEY!!!
user: please get married! 😩
user: so happy for joe!
joeyb_9: i’m so lucky to have you. we did the damn thing baby!
> breezyevie: hellll yesssss!
breezyevie’s ig stories:
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malfoyfarms · 1 year
She Loved You (extended)
JJ Maybank x Routledge!Reader
Word Count: 721
A/n: part two you’ve all been waiting for; side note @softboystarkey i saw ur user on the list and fangirled, ily
The moment John B had seen the familiar scrawl on the outside of a large manilla envelope, he called everyone over to read it. So here the group sat, sitting on the deck as JB pulled the papers out. 
“JJ this one’s specifically for you.” He started to hand it to the boy, but he was cut off.
“No, read it aloud. I won’t be able to get through it.”
So that’s what John B did. He started to narrate his best friend’s words. 
I really truly hope this letter gets to you. I didn’t want to put a return address on the envelope because I still can’t come home. I do, though, have something very important to tell you. 
For starters, I am safe. I have a roof over my head, a job, and maybe just one friend. I hope you and our gang of bandits are doing alright. I hope JB has forgiven me, because I fucking miss my older brother. It’s taking me longer to detach from you than I thought it would, mostly because you were my whole world. But also because I couldn’t stay away from the ocean. You and the sea are slowly becoming two separate entities, even if I see your eyes every time I look out my bedroom window. 
I hope you found happiness. I hope you are with Kie, giving her all the smiles, hugs and affection that only you could muster. If not her, I hope someone is receiving all the love you have to give. In our time growing up, the two of us have seen many marriages fail (I mean we were both raised by single fathers), and many survive. Miserably survive. That was also why I left. I didn’t want us to end up like either. 
The day you told me how you felt about Kiara had been one of the worst days of my life, and hearing you tell me you wanted another girl wasn’t even the worst thing. About two hours before I met you at the bluffs I took a test. And it was positive. Your pull out game fucking sucks. But so does my ability to take birth control apparently. 
John B stopped reading, as Sarah uttered a “shut the fuck up,” and JJ was paling by the second.
I was terrified, then over the moon, then shattered. I didn’t want you to feel like you had to stay with me because I was pregnant, we’ve seen how that plays out time and time again. I thought about getting rid of it completely, then maybe adoption. Once I heard your confession later that day I knew I had to keep it, so I could have a little bit of you no matter what happened. 
What I’m trying to say is you have a daughter. She was born on October 17th, healthy and happy. Her name is Quincie, Quincie Jay. She’s so beautiful, JJ. She has your blonde hair, my dark eyes, and loves to test the limits. Quincie loves the water. And the beach. Especially the sand. 
I’m coming home soon. I never want to keep her from you, I just wanted to let your universe work itself out before she made an entrance (and boy was it grand). She needs her dad, her two uncles, her two aunts and she needs to learn how to be a cockroach like the rest of us. I want you in her life, she needs to experience love from a Maybank boy. I added a picture to the bottom of the envelope so you could see her. 
All my love, 
Y/n (& QJ)
John B shook the package and a 4x6 photo of both Y/n and Quincie fell out. Y/n had eyes so full of love for her daughter, they were shining so bright the group barely noticed her now darker hair, free of charms, thread and braids, or the lack of her freckles. Quincie Jay on the other hand, she was laughing, her mouth was open, and Y/n was right. She looked like JJ with her mother’s eyes. His girls looked so lovely. 
The group was frantic trying to take a peek at the baby girl in the photo. But all JJ could think about was that his girls were coming home. 
@eddiemunsonhero___ @lilacreader7 @gengen64 @123anonymous123456 @solargazes @Taintedxkisses @shamelessatoru @folkorelover888 @taurusvic @nadinenoa02 @softboystarkey @VOIDRANBOO @Tvdnmf @blueray222 @simp4holland @onehellofabisexual @idli-dosa @byycassie @bokutosmeatythigh
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melrosing · 5 months
feel like there’s a certain type of user who will tell you if you buy into JB and/or the redemption narrative you’re undermining Jaime’s complex grey character and then you look to see what they think of Jaime and it’s just ‘stupid irredeemable little demon man with no arc terminally obsessed with Cersei’ and it’s like oh right wow. can’t believe I was missing out on all this fine character work I’ll delete my blog
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paniniqueen · 1 year
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Just a tired old cliche…
I’m 23 years old and just waking up to the fact that I will never achieve what I thought I would. The person I am now is so vastly different from that smart and talented 16 year old with so much potential.
tumblr user @raenprabhaker // tumblr user @ritikajyala //Alias, Regret // Taylor Swift, “this is me trying” // Comment by Pinterest user Inatoli // Taylor Bickett, “Quarter Life Crisis” // Taylor Swift, “right where you left me” // my notes app diary // tumblr user @jb-blunk // Alias, Regret // Taylor Bickett, “Quarter Life Crisis” // tumblr user @ritikajyala
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monocle-teacup · 2 months
A huge problem is that a lot of stuff didn't get enough of a chance to breathe. If I had things my way, here's some changes I'd make:
Season 1 -Twitch and Thrash would be the only Terrans (the other 3 show up at the end of the season) and would serve as audience surrogates for learning more about the War through Alex -I know a few users already mentioned this, but I'm in total agreement about Dot being more hesitant about accepting Twitch and Thrash because of her wanting to get away from TFs -Focus on making Witwicky into an actual town -GHOST wouldn't be cartoonishly evil so no bear episode -More stuff on Croft -Set up OP as being shady BUT NOT MAKING HIM INTO A MORON -The season would end with the Age of Evolution 2 part episode
Season 2 -The first episode would be a flashback to the Battle of the Bay -Characterization for Nightshade, JB, and Hashtag -The Bot Brawl stuff would at least take up half the season. It would be a good way to introduce classic characters as well as actually explore more of humanity's views on TFs. Home would be the midway point of the season -Dot and Alex would actually make a fuss about trying to find a way to get the sleeves off Robby and Mo -THE ALEX AND MANDROID REUNION WOULD BE DONE PROPERLY
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crowley1990 · 2 years
We’re all too focused on a possible influx of Twitter users onto tumblr that we’re neglecting the most important thing, girlblogging
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I want a Sunday kinda love | JC X JB
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Liked by Thebetterchasetwin and 936 others
Just_.chaseyyyyy :Happy birthday to my bestie for the literal restie, my leech(mosquito), my fave and my rock. From the day you hit me in my four year old face with a football and then took care of me all day🥹🥹.love ya to pieces❤️❤️
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Lsuteaaaaa: @j.sheisty and @just_.chaseyyyyy at joes birthday party last night
Thebetterchasetwin: @j.sheisty@just_.chaseyyyyy explainnnn
Alana.b12: @j.sheisty@just_.chaseyyyyy
User-1: @j.sheisty@just_.chaseyyyyy
User-3: @j.sheisty@just_.chaseyyyyy
User-2: @j.sheisty@just_.chaseyyyyy
Just_.chaseyyyyy: @j.sheisty what did we do ?????
J.sheisty: @just_.chaseyyyyy I’ll text you
Jordyn’s phone:
My baby😍❤️:this
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My baby❤️😍:yeah…
Jordyn:did my brother see
My baby❤️😍:definitely and they posted on that damn lsu drama page
Jordyn:double homicide
My baby❤️😍:at least we don’t have to hide it
Jordyn:I’ll be brave and post
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Liked by lsuteaaaaa and 2,679 others
Just_.chaseyyyyy:yall caught us or wtv (sorry jamarr
Alana.b12: finally 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊
Thebetterchasetwin: I respect it i guess lol @j.sheisty still gotta watch the hands tho
J.sheisty:@thebetterchasetwin I can’t agree to that💀💀
Thebetterchasetwin: @j.sheisty wtv
Lsuteaaaaa: thank yallll��💛💜💛💜💛
User-1:warrrrrr issss overrrrr
An:did yall like it🫣🫣
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