allthistime · 4 years
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Last Kiss Day 7/9/2020
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wip introduction
THE GODS - Ten gods have ruled over the land as far back as Elerian memory goes. While they distance themselves from the world, their influence in the world is felt everywhere and enforced by their runners who move about the continent. Their seats of council are located in the fabled city of Alamara, a place where normal citizens speculate about and only the runners of the gods can access. The gods care little about the humans in Eleria, choosing instead to battle the ever shifting alliances of their council. 
THE RUNNERS - Handpicked by the gods, 30 youth are apprenticed every year to compete against each other, vying to be chosen as a runner for a particular deity. These chosen individuals will serve the rest of their lives following the gods, obeying their will and enforcing their rules. While the runners often get mixed up in the politics and squabbles of the council, they are both feared and respected among normal citizens. Their own influence is enormous, but comes at the cost of a lonely and dangerous life.
THE WORLD - Long has Eleria been at the whim of the gods, where the government is merely a figurehead and the runners dole out justice and peace. The newest batch of apprentices arrive at the town of Alamat for training; rumors follow one of them, a girl nominated by the god of death—something that has not been seen in generations. Amongst these rumors, there have been whispers of unusual and devastating conflict amongst gods, just as the forgotten legend foretelling their destruction arises once more.
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#12 for the writing asks!
12. What is the fashion like in your wip? Do you have any pictures saved of outfits your characters would wear?
An excellent question! because I’m still working it out
and rather than bumble my way through explaining with words that I’m not sure of yet, how about some pictures!!
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So these two are pretty close to what standard Runners will wear (the robes on top of the clothing to the left). The colors of the fabric are different based upon which god a Runner follows—in order to be easily identifiable—and are meant to be comfortable but sturdy. Runners are constantly traveling around Eleria and the clothes have to hold up.
They don’t really ever wear anything else; as their lives are entirely dedicated to the gods, there’s never an opportunity where they’re “solo” and can dress outside their job. For special occasions they may have a fancier version of their robes. Also, the robes will have embroidery and patterns on them, and again the colors based on which god they are a Runner for:
Inira: purple and dark blue
Soteus: red and gold
Thimos: white and blue
Voren: orange and yellow 
Xusia: dark red and coral 
Emmas: Pink and light yellow
Ojin: green and brown
Imazu: dark grey and silver
Heyar: wine (purple-ly red) and light brown
god of death: Black
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For normal women (and people dresssing “feminine”) this is close to what they’ll wear. Based on how much money you have will determine the type of fabric you use and how nice your clothes are. Other than that though, clothes will look pretty similar no matter what level of society someone belongs to.
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For men (and those dressing “masculine”) again, it will be similar to above. This is the general look of the outfits, and will vary based on color, fabric, sturdiness, decoration, etc.
Also! People who make clothes, whether for themselves or to sell, have to be very careful not to create anything that has the color combinations of the Runners. Aka, someone can’t make a solely red and gold dress (Soteus’ colors). This is considered REALLY bad luck and that the god who’s runner you’ve “impersonated” will curse you or somethin’. As well, it shows respect for the gods AND the Runners.
While clothes tends to be divided based on gender, overall people will wear what they want. Women will often wear trousers, men may wear longer tunics that emulate dresses, non-binary people are just having a grand ol’ time doing what they want, and it’s very very colorful no matter who you are. A reason why it is more “free” is because that’s how the gods are, and people follow in the footsteps of the gods
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A Short Conversation on Space Exploration // k.l.b.
I. There’s something to be said about man’s eagerness to launch themselves millions of miles into space wrapped up in a titanium and aluminum box in search of greatness that is only able to be reached by those who NASA deems brave enough and bright enough. How lonely must it be to step onto the dusty surface of the moon, see the Earth 92,955,807 miles away, and for a split second think “What if I never make it back down there?” Is this how space Voyagers, Rangers, and Discovery robots feel when they’re flung out into the always expanding universe with only human words stored in their hard drives to keep them company? They fly past Jupiter, Neptune, and little Pluto and then just keep going. We send them to investigate the very stars that emit the light we eventually see as we lay on gritty sand and look up above wondering if we could truly be the only ones among all these galaxies lightyears apart.
II. The most terrifying possibility is one of those brave astronauts will be on a moonwalk and snap just like that the cord that tethers them to oxygen, safety, and Earth is gone. They drift alone, away from what they know and enter the embrace of never ending openness; the kind where you’re in an open room that’s pitch black and your hands are out in front of you and it feels like they’ll hit something at any moment but they don’t. The only thing is that in space it’s more frightening because you can see everything in the distance but you can’t reach any of it. Your crew members, your loved ones, the planet where you gave your first cries and planned on breathing your last breath are just right there. Yet all you can do is float gently into that encompassing darkness and wonder how long it will be until the oxygen runs out.
People willingly give themselves up for these missions because, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind?” That progressing our understanding of a never ending, always expanding universe is more important than an astronaut’s life? Perhaps it is better to send our metallic friends who don’t have families waiting for them so they can spend the rest of their lives floating past comets, asteroids, and black holes in peace. That’s what these robots were made for, to go where no man dares to go or can go because we program the capability and boldness we cannot discover for ourselves into the grooves and ridges of our robot’s motherboards. They depend on us to devoid them of love and fear so that they can achieve the accomplishments that we cannot achieve ourselves.
III. Voyagers 1 and 2 were both designed with a 12 inch gold plated copper disk that contains the sounds and images that sum up all existence on Earth. Imagine that—thousands of years of cultures, languages, stories, and wonders contained in 115 images alongside “hello” in 55 languages and 90 minutes of music to be played at 16-2/3 revolutions per minute. 
That’s it. 
That’s Earth. 
That’s humankind. 
We can try to define our purpose and experience of living all we want, but nothing can do that more than the disks we sent out to say hello for us should one of our brave Voyagers encounter someone else in the universe. They’re still out there while we hope they’ll last for another 40,000 years until they even come close to another planetary system. We hope that we won’t have lost contact by then. We hope that our robots will do their job and find someone else out there who’s looking distantly at our Sun and wondering who orbits around it. Perhaps most of all, we hope that humanity will still be around in 40,000 years to see those discoveries happen.
Doesn’t that say something that we can have greater optimism for discovering something so far away that we will not reach it in this generation than the prospect that the billions of people living on this Earth will prevail just like the Voyagers, Rangers, and Discoverers created before us? It seems as if we spend more time arguing over the existence of extraterrestrials than discussing the possible methods of ending the issues that plague us daily. Maybe it’s because we’ve collectively given up on this planet and those who inhabit it. Why try to save a sinking ship? Find a bigger, better, and grander ship and sail that into the sunset; there are greater things to discover than the exact amount of time we have left on this planet.
IV. There is a black hole 21 billion times the mass of the Sun (whose mass is 1.989 × 10^30 kg) and one theory for why the universe is constantly expanding is: dark energy exists and our universe is 74% of this, meaning it weighs more than gravity and stretches out the universe. Why can’t we expand our thoughts like this? Allowing the dark things in our world to open our minds and broaden our horizons to solve issues. We all contain our own individual gravitational pull, bringing us close towards others in our lives. If the stars can do it, why can’t we? Watching a star’s gravitational pull can teach us something; not everything they attract is something extraordinarily wonderful for them, and not everything that attracts them aids them positively. Despite this, they determinedly continue to fuse together hydrogen nuclei into helium every moment until its last in a supernova that humbly reminds the star of its origins in the Big Bang.
And wasn’t that something, the Big Bang? Still just a theory, it was the split second when nothing went to everything, with protons and neutrons and electrons flying outwards at incredible speeds creating the canvas of the universe of which we get to paint the edge of the corner with our history. We remember when our atoms were just the same as any other atom in existence and demand that our place in the stars not be forgotten.
V. This is why astronauts fling themselves into space in tiny rockets and ships, to fulfill what we already are: daring souls ready to conquer anything, even unforgivable space because that’s where we’re from. We are made up of the stardust and elements that wish to go back to the great expanse we borrowed them from. Maybe that’s what makes the universe so lonely. It keeps expanding when all it wants to do is bring itself back together again with gravitational pulls that could almost be compared to the human experience called love. We are a part of that larger picture, a grand plan that was made by something or someone that even the universe doesn’t know. Maybe that’s why it’s expanding instead. Not dark energy, but rather a constant search for the spark that created the it. The universe expands past the known borders of itself, expanding into nothingness that cannot exist . . . yet something allows this expansion. Mathematical formulas can only say so much when the question of existence and creation is a feeling that when thought about too much turns a person away.
Because perhaps we were not meant to know. Actually, really not meant to know. Maybe that’s why we create our space robots, to send them out to the edges of the universe and then beyond and have them respond back to us their discoveries; that maybe they will be allowed to hear the answers we cannot, and just maybe they can tell us because we are desperate and hungry enough for what lies just beyond the plane of existence. But the cosmos has been hungry for far longer and still has not been able to find the answer. Something so phenomenal cannot find the answer and yet we are stubborn enough to believe that we will be the ones who piece it all together one day and take the first step past the edge. 
So we continue to believe that our space explorations and discoveries add to the never ending search of finding ourselves. We look up at the stars and try to comprehend the vast open territory between each pinpoint of light twinkling down at us. We look down at the earth below our feet and try to find a greater appreciation for the things that keep us alive at this moment in time. There’s always a possibility that one day we will not be here to receive the response of our Voyager robots, that it will just be a lonely satellite on the top of a plateau in the middle of some desert who will hear the answer. Even so, we will have discovered what the universe spent so much time pondering and looking for. It will still have been our robots that found that mystery beyond the edge and presented their gold covered copper disks to say, “look at what humanity was able to become.”
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Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! What inspires your world building? Tell us something cool about the worldbuilding you've done so far
Hi again! 
I’d say so many different things inspire my writing. I’m a very avid reader, so I think a conglomerate of stories that I’ve read inspires me, especially in thinking about how I prefer books to go, how authors write their characters, worlds, and plots, and what I wish could have gone differently. 
For me, a really big thing is not having static characters, and not having too many characters as to the point that you can’t have developed with them all. I love reading a book and really seeing how the things that are affecting the characters are changing them (whether for better or for worse). And I like my characters to be pretty realistic, I guess to how I view the world.
For a very specific example, I hate when characters are like “shoot I gotta keep my cool or everything is screwed up” and then they proceed to heck things up. Like okay, you can get away with that once or maybe twice, but when characters repeatedly do this and NEVER learn from the consequences of them acting rashly when they shouldn’t, no. stop. do not pass go. do not collect $200. 
I’m also very inspired by history and ancient civilizations, and the way that people interact with a world where religion/spiritually is a huge part of their reality. 
I’m also a sucker for a good enemies-to-friends-to-lovers trope. Gets me every time. *insert the “poetic cinema” meme now* 
So basically, what all that means is that these are some of the things that I am trying to really breathe life into within my stories. I want a book/series that I can look back at the beginning and say, “look at how different the characters are now, look at how they grown, look at how they’ve lost. But also, look at how they are the same, that the core of them is the same. Look at how they look back at how things used to be and consider the aspects of the world that changed them.” I love when books hit me right in the feels concerning the characters, and I can only hope that one day I can do the same with my stories
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:: Runner of the Gods ::
Character introduction: Freda Brinlow 
“I was born as a boy and then reborn as a girl. My life has been full of creation, and I do not fear the god of death”
i. Main supporting character
ii. 17 years old, soon to be 18  | 5′7″ | Soft spoken, intelligent, and unwise to land on her bad side
iii. Freda comes from a large family of farmers, living on the outskirts of Eleria’s capital city, Zarrun. Freda has very little fighting experience as she was never expected to become an apprentice. Befriending Mina early on in their apprenticeship, Freda slows learns how to defend herself as the world of the gods is more deadly than she ever knew. As they near the end of their year, rumors start to swirl that out of the remaining two apprentices for each god, only one walks out alive, and so Freda’s determination to become a runner begins to falter . . . 
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:: Runner of the Gods ::
Character introduction: Kirin Tanlem 
“I will follow in her footsteps, and I will do what she was unable to do—live; and along the way, I will bring ruination to those who dare to defy the will of the gods”
i. Main Character 
ii. 18 years old | 6′2″ | reserved, false bravado, unsure of himself, and fiercely loyal to his family
iii. Kirin’s mother was a runner of Death, and it was her duty to her god that caused her to pass away when he was young. Ever since, he has been determined to become an apprentice and follow the same path she took. Kirin has been angry at the world a long time, and believes that becoming a runner of Death himself is the only way to make things right. When Mina is shown as a favorite of the nameless one, she immediately becomes his biggest competition. Little does he know, a different god has his eyes set on Kirin, one determined to use him to bring justice to the world . . . 
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:: Runner of the Gods ::
Character introduction: Mina Hallows
“My god is not like the others, Kirin. Death does not speak unless necessary; patience is its virtue and so it must also be mine”
i. Main character, narrator POV
ii. 18 years old |  5′3″ | brash and impulsive, quick thinking, and loyal to those she deems worthy  
iii.  While every family in Eleria gives their children basic training in case they are chosen to be apprenticed to the gods, Mina comes from an upper class family that has dedicated their lives to ensuring that she would be chosen. Knowing that the life of a runner means giving up any chance of independence, Mina is conflicted when she is chosen. On one hand she can escape the confining demands of her family; on the other, she risks losing her freedom and her life to serving the gods as a runner . . . 
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