#uri rpg games
artphi · 7 months
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Pedestal by URI is free play it if you love mystery and toxic yuri
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vintagerpg · 6 months
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Imagine riding a horse. Now imagine the horse is the size of the whole world. This week on the Vintage RPG Podcast, Momatoes is back to chat with us about her new RPG, The Marvelous Children of Inang-Uri. It’s a worldmaking game that spans generations, has a splash of hidden traitor mechanics for flavor and involves a culture living in symbiosis with a gigantic creature/entity that they also call home — that’s the world that the players make and that the characters must safeguard (unless they’re a traitor, in which case they want Inang-Uri dead). As with ARC, a game that plays with both the idea of looming doom and also the embrace of hope in the face of it. It’s gorgeously illustrated and laid out, too! And best of all, its available NOW!
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g0mitrash · 1 year
First post!!! Hello RPG maker community pls play PEDESTAL by Uri tysm 🫰
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shslargue · 1 year
uri’s PEDESTAL having aroace rep is NOT what I would've expected but it was a very pleasant surprise anyway. good game
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odysseys-blood · 8 months
is it bad i could recognize that my brother was watching someone playing ao oni from the game sound effects alone.
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keitarin · 9 months
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I'm back at it again on Twitch!
Tonight we dive into Uri's Strange Men series with The Crooked Man!
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execgoldiebillion · 1 year
My Thoughts on Pedestal (New RPG Game by Uri)
Trigger warning tw mentions of depression and su*c*de and includes spoilers (don't recommend reading this if you haven't played this game)
Recently, I completed the Pedestal game recently translated by Vgperson. Honestly, I was blown away.
From the beginning to the end, this game kept me hooked, I loved how the plot unraveled with little red hints that lead to the hidden truth of the investigation.
This game encompasses many themes involving mental health, friendship, and setting boundaries. Most importantly, a person(s) you may look up to may not be necessarily who you think they are, there are multiple sides to them that one may not realize; those different sides to them can be shown towards different folks based on their trust or motives towards that person.
After reaching the true ending, this sent me on a loop because I was invested in Aoi who wanted to uncover why her idol at school, Shiori did the inevitable. To see Aoi be let down by someone closest to her was shocking even for me. Unfortunately, there are people who betray us as such that we may come across, and it can be painful to the point you feel guilty for ending the relationship...when in fact you had every right to based on the alarming 'red' flags (pun unintended ofc~).
As for the true end, I think in the long run it will be a happy end for Aoi as thanks to the investigation, she made friends who respect her and want the best for her. Furthermore, she knows now how to set boundaries and is keener on any red flags conveyed in any type of relationship she's part of.
Uri's games always fascinated me, especially when it comes to the plot and how the story unravels through gradual hints. Each installment of the Strange Man series had a unique storyline to offer and each game held a vibe that aligned with the storylines perfectly.
I look forward to many more RPG Maker games from Uri! Thank you @vgperson for the translation.
P.S Sakura is an actual sweetie
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hi! my name is alice and i’m looking for someone to roleplay the strange men series (boogie man, crooked man, hanged man) by uri. it’ll be an oc x cc double up roleplay!
i’m willing to do another rpg game for your side of the roleplay, but mine will be focused around “the hanged man” rpg game. my oc is also a detective that works with keith and they both get assigned on the murder case. she goes with him to the hospital/shelter and they work together there. i’ll send you my oc in messages! let’s pretend keith isn’t married for the sake of this roleplay 😅
please be semi-literate to literate and use third person pov for this roleplay! have good grammar as well and no asterisks. thanks!
like this post for a message from me or just add me on discord at
graduate 🤩#9468
emoji and all! thanks!
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lembrosgame · 11 months
The Crooked Man - Part 2
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flareblitzedyt · 1 year
Pedestal (RPG Horror) - Part 9:
Game: https://vgperson.com/games/pedestal.htm
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vgperson · 5 months
What Did I Do In 2023?
Whatever I wanted, mostly.
As I mentioned last year, my site now has an RSS feed with basically everything I've done back to 2020, so this will mainly be going over the same stuff from that, just with added context.
In January, I finally sat down and properly realized an idea for a short story I'd had sitting around for a while: From the Sidelines, about a fantasy RPG expedition going sideways. I remain very proud of it in both concept and execution, and hope people read it.
In February, Your Turn To Die was released on Steam Early Access, receiving character profiles and some bonus mini-episodes, adding two more later in the year.
After finishing From the Sidelines, I carried that momentum to revisit my Ut0p1a story series about funny computer animals. I'd always meant to continue it - and conclude it - but hadn't been satisfied with the ideas I had for it until totally rethinking them this year. In March, I posted the remaining stories one after another: Right to Code and Left to Code. I'm very proud of these as well. Also in March, Kenshi Yonezu released LADY. (Video, interview)
In April, Uri released the Data Book of the Strange Men Series, a big collection of the writing she's done on the games in the series, with a lot of new parts as well, all translated by me.
Then in May... uh, well, let's see. In April, Capcom released the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection. I always adored the Battle Network games, and was initially excited that they finally did the thing... but by the time it came out, I was pretty disappointed by how, while you certainly couldn't call them low-effort ports, the effort didn't extend everywhere I thought it should, with the biggest offenders being the total absence of any "convenience features" except Buster Max Mode, the bad font, and the almost entirely untouched translations.
So, I ended up deciding I might as well just replay the originals, and that was a fun time (aside from the parts that were bad). Doing this, I couldn't help but notice how... turbulent the translations were, even if I'd always known they were less than ideal. I mean, the first two games just used periods for ellipses despite the tight character limits, then in BN3 they had an ellipsis character... but it's center-aligned, Japanese-style? Aside from the intro, which has normal ones? Gosh, somebody should fix that - it's simple enough to find and edit in YY-CHR. "JapanMan" is silly, too - I wonder if anybody made a patch for that? Wait, what do you mean there's just a tool to extract and insert text in all the Battle Network games including the Legacy Collection???
Thus began a journey that sort of occupied the rest of my year. First I did the BN3 Translation Revision, trying not to worry too much about cross-referencing the Japanese text unless something seemed wrong, so that I didn't spend too long on the project. Then I began to consider BN2, with its unfortunate "foreigner" text that would need some more significant reworking. I established more convenient tools for comparing with the Japanese script, and thus did a much more thorough job with it, releasing the BN2 Translation Revision in June (AKA Princess Pride Month).
Finally, after giving myself time to recover and actually finish replaying the series, I knew what I had to do to close things out. With the BN4 Translation Revision, you can finally play Battle Network 4 with a translation that isn't such a mess. Whether you'd want to is for you to decide, though if you can get over the structure, I don't think it's the worst game in the series by any means. (Oh, and in December I also updated the BN3 Revision to 1.1, doing a thorough pass with the methods I'd honed. But I think I'm pretty much good on MMBN translations now.)
Anyway, backtracking to other things that happened during my Battle Network haze... June had Kenshi Yonezu's Moongazing (video, interview), and July had Globe (video, interview, interview).
Last but not least, released in November, I translated Refind Self: The Personality Test Game, a short game from Lizardry (creator of 7 Days to End with You) with a fun concept.
Obviously I was right to have said "no promises" last year. But really, Your Turn To Die should get its final part on Steam sometime next year, maybe even early-ish in it. That's certainly the goal.
I'm also hoping to buckle down and finish one of my own games, but as usual, who knows how that'll pan out. Letting my whims carry me this year let me finally finish From the Sidelines and Ut0p1a, which was great, and it also led me down a Battle Network rabbit hole, which was... fine, but definitely for a narrower audience. I'd always like to get back to more free game translations and the like, too, but it takes effort to find things I'd want to translate. For now, I think my increasing desire to be able to let loose some of these original games I've been planning, and the stories in them, might come out on top.
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kirvia · 1 year
Hey, do you have any rpg maker horror game recommendations?
here is my veryveryvery subjective list of rpgmaker games that i personally played thru. i probably forgot some sorry
(edit: just gonna use this as a masterlist of stuff that i went through)
playing through and/or on the to play list
forest of drizzling rain remake
lisa trilogy
in stars and time by insertdisc5
faves ever
OFF(!!!), mad father (original not the remake), ib, witch's house (read the light novel)
love these
wadanohara, omori, zeno, cat in the box, hylics, elevator hitch, any of the yume nikki stuff (my favorite is yume 2kki online)
like these too
to the moon, cold front, end roll, shtdn, hello charlotte, the gray garden, eloquent countenance, flesh, blood, and concrete, tide up, 8:11, oneshot
just silly
ao oni, superassfuck rpg, misao, too impatient
trashy but i like them but i wouldn't recc these to most people
yanderella, mogeko castle, corpse party
neutral/no strong opinions/mixed feelings; someone will probably find more merit out of these stories than me LOL I know i'm in the minority for my thoughts on certain titles here.
uri's games (mermaid swamp, strange men series, etc.), hello hello world, escaped chasm, angels of death, dreaming mary, grave of traumarei, underworld capital incident, hello...? hello?, alice mare, ayakashi akashi, faust's alptraum, pocket mirror
I did not like these.
savior of the abyss, alone, ann, the dark side of red riding hood
liked a lot but i'm waiting till it's released on steam to finish it
your turn to die
hiatus/dropped but I hear these are worth completing; i just experienced complications on my end
yuppie psycho, witch's heart, dweller's empty path
emphasis on Subjective please don't kill me </3 there are some other games in the #game recc tag that i've made that you should check out!
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g0mitrash · 1 year
She purrs in her sleep (⁠=⁠^⁠・⁠ﻌ・⁠^⁠=⁠)
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rinayeas · 6 months
Played the ib remake heres some food 4 thot
Garry has transmasc swag. But i am open to other interpretations
I almost felt sorry for Mary but on my 2nd run i did all the endings and the together forever ending still makes me feel all the rage and discontempt as it made me feel 10 yrs ago
When i got to the true gallery it clicked that Garry vs Mary was supposed to be a difficult choice for the player so now im a bit dissappointed abt the fact that Mary is such a cunt in her ending and that garry is 100x more favoured by the narrative and i wish it could have gone further w the concept
In the 2012 game when something important happened or there was a cutscene the caracter party would separate to show their individual sprites and the remake doesnt do that??? Which is very weird honestly why wouldnt they do that
I still love u garry. My first anime crush....
Ib's dad is not hot anymore 💔
Honestly?? Beyond the direct support for the team + graphics overhaul, you're good playing the 2012 version honestly. If you want a diff experience with the puzzles and the chance for a whole lot more garry dialogue then play this one. But i have to say im a bit dissappointed
Not a lot bc the base game is still awesome and i love it but with the other remakes it felt very different??? Like witchs house is fun and i always love to replay it and adds a bit more lore from the ellen novels and the Sen games are the best remakes so far with better graphics, fun gameplay and completely new puzzles + the death counter for Misao so this one left me a bit empty
I hope more rpg maker remakes come soon!! I love replaying these and the more the merrier
Side note bc im never touching the topic again: the mermaid swamp remake is cool bc ooo shiny new graphics but im not a fan of the characters not having portraits (i feel like thats intentional for the atmosphere but i also really wanted some new art for rin and seitaro) and also??? The ending Cg???? Theyre better but they lack the grainyness of the og, except for the rin crying one that one was such a downgrade
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wonderfulxhappiness · 6 months
Anyway vani opinion. For my horror game visual novel ocs.. should I make sprite assets of them or should I stick to normalized portraits done traditionally? And also.. are rpg visual novels a thing ..
depends on the vibe? if you look at like, say, uri (who did the crooked man rpgmaker game, if you know that from back in the day) they have the rpg maker sprites, but then more traditional/anime-styled portraits - which works bc those allow you to convey more emotion
so if you want more visible emotion on the characters, i'd say traditional portraits. if your focus is more on the story and not the characters, then sprites are probably fine
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hantheheart · 6 months
Good News! New RPG Maker Horror Games are still being made and are still great! Games that have a lot of stuff out and are still being developed that I love especially are: Witch's Heart, Your Turn to Die, Midnight Train!
Itch.io also has so many completed RPG Maker Horror Games! I recommend the ones by Hatoge, Racheldrawsthis and AstralShift.
A shitton of remakes of beloved classics came out recently as well! Ib, Mermaid Swamp, The Forrest of Drizzling Rain, Witch's House and Pocket Watch all got a Remake!
The creator of The Crooked Man (Uri) released an super interesting Investigation Mystery called Pedestal too!
Then there's the Zeno Remake and SHTDN (also on itch)!
There's more to play than there is time ;;
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