bloomingru · 1 year
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Hey, hi, have some stuff that will probably never be finished. 
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Archduchesses Maria Annunziata and Elisabeth Amalie of Austria, by József Árpád Koppay, circa 1900
Via Liechtenstein Princely Collections
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benetnvsch · 11 months
wouldn't it be funny :) if I just :) did not finish this final :) submitted it as it is :)
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souldagger · 4 months
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found a rough unfishined oc comic from earlier this year... something about robots + "there's a place where someone loves you both before and after they learn what you are"
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sadclowncentral · 1 year
Love your input on space law, fascinating and extremely cool, thanks for sharing 😊
thank you!! now everyone join your hands together in a prayer circle for me so that I- instead of talking about space law on tumblr dot com - start talking about it in my unfishined thesis document
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politijohn · 2 years
I work as an artist for Trader Joe's, who claims that they love supporting neighborhood artists and giving back to the community. One of the things they're often praised for is the fact that all of their signs are made by artists in house. I get paid the same as the rest of the crew. Not what my skill as an artist is worth, I know, but it's almost enough to pay the bills. I found out today that they are downsizing the art department across the board. I'm beyond heartbroken, I finally got into a place where I could do what I love only to find out that it's being taken away from me. They're limiting our supplies, shrinking what little space that we have, giving us less time to work on projects, and giving the rest of the (untrained) crew the permission to make signs. They're basically stripping us of our implied job title, our resources, and preventing us from actually doing what we love. When this goes into effect at the end of October, the signs are going to be rushed, unfishined and probably ugly and theyll still claim to support artists and the neighborhood. They lie. Help me be annoying about this, please
If you want to know more about how they actually treat their artists I'm happy to share
This is really sad, I’m so sorry. Companies “care” about issues insofar as it helps their bottom line. If they can ever retract their good deeds to make a little more money, they will
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i never posted them here so have these silly (unfishined) things
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theknightoc · 2 years
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While there were some unfishined plots/ideas, the final battle was epic and had a proper ending.
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soupbeezoo · 8 months
the baby marathon
i'm so bad at building its truly laughable( ´థ౪థ)hence alotta stuff happened but also it's not my fault bc these animals are ALOT
also i don't need to document every little thing but also these are my baaAAYYBIEEES
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AAMINA AND DIALLO MATED A SECOND TIME AND WE HAVE UHERI JUST HANGIN' OUT IN THE BACK *casual thumbs up emoji hehe * an-knee-way these two are the first mating couple maybe it's a sign ...? [ no it's not i'm just fishing for drama these are literally pixels ( Ŏ艸Ŏ) ]
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makena had her baeeeeby (〜^∇^)〜 and his name is ooooooobi ~( ˘o˘~) he's such a cuuuuuutie ( ノ ^o^)ノ and his name means heart bc he has the entirety of mine (´ε` )♡ and he's a brooooooonze boi (ˆ⌣ˆ)
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this is eshe and she's like the cutest lil bean she's so smol i have a new favourite HAHAHA and look at her running around immediately after being born i bet her favourite colour is pink and she likes tuesdays and cozy things and beef stew uwu ♡⌒ヽ(´ ❥ `) and eshe means life which is actually SO fitting <3
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this is abeba and she's zuri's bebe and she's a gold'un and diallo even came over to say hi look at this lil (branch of a family ALSO LOOK AT THE UNFISHINED SHELTER IN THE BACK HAHAHA IT'S SO UGLY(థ ՞ਊ ՞)థ <- i don't even know what that is but it fits the vibe BAHAHAH
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and this is lulit and diallo and diallo is so BUSY and itoro is just chilling KSJDFKJSDFK and i have no comment actually lol (sorry lulit but i'm moving on)
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AND THIS IS FARASHUU AND SHE'S A CUTE LIL BEAN TOO SO MAYBE IT'S NOT THAT ESHE IS SUPER CUTE BUT THAT BABY THOMSON'S GAZELLES ARE SUPES CUTE HAHAHAHH (no but i still lub u eshe *finger hearts*) but also bruh i got the notification that aamina was expecting offspring so i watched her for like five minutes and nothing was happening and i was like hUUUH? so i checked and her lil baby was runnin' around somewhere BAHAHA so farashuu is a lil butterfly teehee *more finger hearts*
so yes i'm cutting off episode 2 here because it's unexpectedly long but also because part 2 is a bit of just a spam L O L (oh hey look <- dats a lil dude bowing down) and also a bit of a shocker *home alone shocked face*
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Project Reflection
Overall I am happy with what i have acheived with this project. I diverged off into the relm of printmaking with staying true to myself and using natural materials. Whilst it could be critiqued as a staying too 'pure' to natural materials it is something i feel and connect strongly with, as Jane Bennett describes, it is the enchantment of the materials i find to be fascinating and enjoy exploring the scope of what they are capable of. I was pushed in this project by the changing nature of the materials (The vat of ferrous iron for making my ink) and was forced to change and adapt around it. The final piece is vastly different from what i had imagines, being purple for a start, i am glad that i just didnt simply expose the original images to a screen and print. I explored a new printing technique and the final piece has echoes of its beginnings which i find poetic. Working through this project has made me realise that perhaps the originals were never unfishined and are resolved pieces in their own right. I should learn to understand be able to step back and see when something is right.
What i feel i could have improved with my project as always is time management. Life has seriously collided with college on a whole this year with illness, death, work commitments, editing, growing my photography, and normal daily activities and commitments. Its impacting my stress and capabilties to produce a higher standard of work and in the second semester i need to try and minimise, down scale or try and shuffle my priorities. I enjoyed in this project to just be free with the process and it is something that i will take and continue in for my creative research project and creative enquiry.
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slowestpitstop · 2 years
found my old (obviously unfishined) extremely self-indulgent good omens f1 au and i'm like. i can actually write i just need to be completely obsessed
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maxellminidisc · 2 years
I've had my time to sit with Gasoline as a whole and put my production cap on so here are my two biggest thoughts: My only gripes with Gasoline as a single is the fucking midi horns, Key deserved real full on spectacular brass!!!!! And that bridge could've been extended just a liiiil bit more but it's not too much or really even that much of a damper as it is. And my only gripe with Gasoline as a full album is that sometimes the musical tension in certain songs feels off, like the build ups and release feels stunted or even missing in some places that take a song that could be a full on 10 to a solid 8. For example, Proud feels like it ends on only half an unfishined phrase instead of finishing out a whole one and it being the final track makes it extra weird to my brain. Bound as well, there is slow building tension that simmers marvelously but theres a lack of release; the chorus does give a sense of rising rension but it doesn't hit high enough for release as a listener. I do very much love both those tracks though and in Bounds case I think it's a lil in theme with the title so I dont take too much gripe with it lol
I also think it helps to remember if you got attached to those heavy synthwave/retrowave sounds in Bad Love you need to hang that up at the door before you walk in. Yes that EP is a master work of how to properly utilize the retrowave sound and craze but it had its time and you can enjoy it whenever you want after you give Gasoline its space. Gasoline has a more dance/electro pop feel that's still very much retro, it feels like a love letter to those dance pop sounds of the mid to late 2000's that were very much descent of things from club cultures. It's not about that big atmospheric synth heavy sound anymore, and I frankly like that he made that move because Key is making it very clear he is an artist and as an artist he wants and will expect the liberty to play around and use a variety of sound as his pallet and listeners should definitely respect that.
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Me when trying to write fic with many chapters
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Also me, but writing one-shot fics also drabbles.
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Ps: Followers who read my multi-chapters fic that I sometime share here…I’m so sorry.
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starlightshore · 4 years
aster during the whole ass story of Angle’s Lullaby like
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accidentally made a very angry Geralt for a Thing
(full disclosure a lot of this is traced over a screenshot from the game)
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tyrian-sexual · 7 years
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Learning 3DSMax is a lot like learning advance math.
When you have a problem and you think it’s really complicated or dealing with the renderer, but in reality it was because everything in the scene is too goddamn big. 
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