#undertale location swap au
murrao2 · 26 days
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Here's the final four main characters of LOCATIONSWAP, excluded from the original post because I didn't have their designs yet.
Hope (The Surface) -> Frisk A young human, living in the forest on their own. Accidentally stumbled upon the monster world one day.
Dr. Ares Malgam/"AMALGAM" (The True Lab) -> Asriel/Flowey The previous royal scientist and creator of Corinthian. A towering deer-like monster, however his body and mind have been almost completely destroyed as a result of his own experiments.
He prays that someone will help him.
He prays that someone will kill him.
He prays.
He prays. He prays. He prays. He prays. He prays. He prays. He prays.
... But nobody came.
"The Warden" (The Barrier) -> Chara ???
Please reblog these posts if you like them, as that will get more people to see them!
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Undertale Yellow AU idea: SequenceShift
Since my boyfriend @cent-the-proto and I still have severe Undertale Yellow brainrot, we decided to make an AU together. The main concept is UTY characters taking the places of OG Undertale ones, and mashing plot beats from both stories together with some new locations (which are a hybrid of Japanese and Western inspiration).
While this is a 'shift' AU, I'm keeping the personalities of the characters intact rather than swapping both character placements AND personalities. It's what I found frustrating about most Shift AUs: changing the personalities just defeats the point of the AU in the first place imo. I'll be honest, I haven't looked into many other AUs, so if our concept is too similar to someone else's, please let me know. Also, we only figured out the characters and setting, so any suggestions are welcome! (comments or ask box) . Also, should go without warning, this has spoilers for both Undertale and Undertale Yellow, so read at your own risk. Again, not an artist, so I don't have any drawings yet.
Also, quick shoutout to @s0ckh3adstudios and their Undertale Gold AU for inspiring me to make my own.
With that out of the way, let's get into the core characters of SequenceShift! (title is a placeholder, unless I can't think of anything else)
Clover, The Fallen Human
Gunhat Clover is largely unchanged from their cannon standpoint. Cowboy-themed human, fall down to the Underground intentionally to search for the six fallen humans (yes, six, they're taking Frisk's place), embodiment of justice and all that. Not much else to say, so let's move onto the big changes.
Kanako Ketsukane, The Crown Princess
Kanako takes the place of Asriel/Flowey. Daughter of Empress Ceroba and Prince-Consort Chujin, before having passed away years ago in what has only been publicly stated as 'natural causes'. She's also reincarnated as Flowey (who might or might not get a name change), but she takes the form of a Japanese Water Iris this time around. She also acts as the SAVE function like Flowey in OG UTY, keeps up the friendly facade all the way through, and insists on calling Clover Gunhat despite knowing their actual name.
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Ceroba Ketsukane, Empress of the Underground
Ceroba is the Asgore of the AU (originally it was going to be Toriel, but I thought it'd be more interesting). She is the Empress of the Underground, generally seen as a level-headed, yet passionate monarch. However, following her daughter's demise, she has grown a bit of a more bitter streak, and like Asgore is focusing on collecting the souls of fallen humans. Unlike Asgore, she doesn't hold malice for mankind as a whole nor is she interested on waging war on the surface. Instead, she merely collects the souls of humans in the hopes of resurrecting Kanako. Also, both she and Chujin are boss monsters in this AU.
Chujin Ketsukane, the Prince-in-Exile
Chujin takes the place of both Toriel (with a bit of Gaster) in SequenceShift. Originally, he was the Royal Scientist, who's kind nature and ingenuity caught the attention of then-Princess Ceroba, who he eventually married. They lived happily at first, but things took a turn for the worst after Kanako's death. Ceroba's obsessiveness with collecting human souls displeased him and he refused to take part in the experiments. He's since gone into self-exile within the Remnants (aka the Ruins but with a more Japanese architectural influence) and has settled within Ceroba's childhood home. Here, he keeps a watchful eye for any humans who fall to the Underground, hoping to keep them away from the Empress's grasp.
Dalv, the Introvert
Dalv takes the place of Nabstablook. As much of a socially awkward looser (affectionate) as ever, and corn obsessed. Like the OG, he was friends with Kanako before her death, tho I'm not sure if I'm keeping him being a victim of Integrity's bs. Unlike the OG, he's not restricted entirely to the Remnants and actually has a place within the Dunes. He also has a bit of a secret crush on the leader of the Royal Ranger Starlo, just to satisfy you Corn Yaoi lovers.
Moray and Mooch, Ranger Sentries
Moray and Mooch take the place of Sans and Papyrus, respectively. They act as sentries of the Royal Rangers (the Feisty Five taking the place of the Royal Guard), who are responsible for apprehending humans and bringing them to Ceroba. Mooch is as mischievous as ever, still trying to get her hands on every shiny object she sees, much to her partner's dismay. Nevertheless, they remain vigilant at watching over any humans that emerge from the Remnants. In this AU, they're responsible for surveying the region of Lakeside, which is modeled off of the rural Japanese countryside, and takes Snowdin's place.
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North Star/Starlo, Sheriff of the Royal Rangers
Starlo is obviously the Undyne of the AU, being the leader of the Royal Rangers. A lot of his backstory is the same, him crushing on Ceroba and sadly not getting her, but still remaining good friends, even after she was made Empress. He and the Feisty Five started in the Sand Dunes (aka just the Dunes from UTY with a bit of Waterfall inspiration) similar to how they were in the original, before Ceroba elevated them to being her personal enforcers. He's still pretty self-centered and idealizes Western culture (hence why he still refers to himself as Sheriff), but he does have a more serious and dedicated side to him. He knows what he's doing is wrong and while he hides it, he's fairly reluctant to bring more humans to Ceroba. Nevertheless, he still carries out his orders in the hopes of making his childhood friend happy. One fun fact, we had the idea for his pacifist encounter taking you to Frostpeak (a MT. Fuji inspired area taking the place of Hotland), where the chase there leads to him freezing, kinda like how Undyne overheats. Bro is not built for the cold.
Martlet, the Royal Scientist
Martlet, surprisingly enough, takes the place of Alphys. Like in UTY, she started as the protégé of Chujin, helping him out with the Steamworks and in building Axis. However, after Chujin fled, Ceroba made her the next Royal Scientist. She works at the Steamworks, which take the place of the Core and instead located in Frostpeak, where it harvests Geothermal energy to power the Underground. While Martlet actually is pretty competent at her job, she's as scatterbrained as ever, leading to a few hiccups in her work and leading some to wonder why she's the head scientist. This is actually due to the fact that she has been tasked by Ceroba to continue Chujin's work on humans. She's complied so far, for now, but she might reach a breaking point soon enough...
And that's the main cast so far! Axis and Dalv still being worked around with and I gotta think up ideas for the side characters along with whatever the OG cast of Undertale is up to, but we got a good thing going on. Again, my comments and ask box are always open, so if you're wanna know more or have a suggestion to bring forth, we'd love to hear. And if my AU is too similar to a concept that's already been done, you're more than welcome to yell at me.
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lover-of-skellies · 1 month
Sans Fight Night - Round 2
Fight location: an empty AU. Think classic undertale, but completely empty. There's no one around, and our contestants can go ham without any consequences
Contestant 15: Swap Nightmare
Strengths: N/A
Weaknesses: N/A
Note: I know literally nothing about him, so I hesitate to list any information here. I'd assume he's still weak to positivity, but that's all I can say. If you know more information and wanna reblog this to add propaganda (for lack of a better word), be my guest!
Contestant 16: Fatal Error
Strengths: N/A
Weaknesses: N/A
Note: This is another one where I don't know much about him. I know he's like a fusion of Error and Geno, but again, idk. Propaganda is welcome and even encouraged, if you'd like to reblog and leave it for other people to see
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taffitoast · 2 months
Hello! I am TaffiToast!
Ref of Taffi
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WOOO AU Directory!
This is a directory of my work and AUs!
(Star designs created by @littlebluem00n as one of my Discord mods, they have great art, go follow :])
(Feel free to ask me questions about any of these below, or ask any of the characters something :]. That includes Hypno Ruin, Sun, Moon. KillCode Sun, moon, KCS, Dreamrealm Info, Dreams Curse Dream, Nightmare, SAMSWarAU Taffi, gaurdians Curse characters (all star sanses and bad guys))
︶꒷꒥꒷·.‧₊【-Table of Contents-】₊‧.·꒷︶
Sun and Moon Show
OC/Personal AUs
Archive (Written Works)
Other Socials
︶꒷꒥꒷·.‧₊【Sun & Moon Show】₊‧.·꒷︶
╭﹒✮﹒﹕Hypno Ruin AU is derived off if Ruin was Actually full on evil and hypnotic. Using Sun as leverage against Moon for his plans.
╰﹒✮﹒﹕SAMSwarAU is a multi-animator AU that involves many people. Me included, it is an AU based of Eclipse winning and erasing the world with the Star. Lord Eclipse AU where the SaMS animators were kidnapped and brainwashed.
﹕・︱KillCode Sun is a "What If" AU, involving Sun gaining a killer code side of him.
╭﹒✮﹒﹕Fnaf draw series is me taking every animatronic I'm asked to draw and literally drawing them in a phone wallpaper size canvas
╰﹒✮﹒﹕My Fnaf Fanart is me doing any other type of fnaf art.
╭﹒✮﹒﹕DreamRealm AU is a comic I've started, Most info can be found in my YouTube or Discord Server :]. Short disc: Bunch of people made me versions of their OCs to be a part of a comic story I am making
﹕・︱OC Fanart: I basically draw people's OCs for fun (mostly from discord)
╰﹒✮﹒﹕OC art is where I just draw my Own OCs. Pretty simple ngl.
╭﹒✮﹒﹕Dreams Curse AU is based off a Dream, it's kinda silly ngl. It is on Archive. Dream has a dragonic Curse lol.
╰﹒✮﹒﹕Gaurdian Curse AU: The dreamtale twins have Blaster forms, ones they don't typically show the others. Until a bad fight erupts between the Star Sanses and Nightmares Gang. Causes the truth to be revealed. Also on Archive.
︶꒷꒥꒷·.‧₊【Archive/Written works】₊‧.·꒷︶
All located on Archive of Our Own
Dream Curse AU (above)
Undertale AU Oneshots (Random Short Stories)
The Deadly Games (Undertale AUs stuck in a game where they try not to kill each other
Gaurdians Curses (above)
Swaps Double Life (Underswap Sans has two lives, one that the Star Sanses are unaware of. Would they hate him if they found out?)
Youtube (TaffiToast)
Artfight (TaffiToast)
My Discord Server
Featured Friends Youtube (LittleBlueMoon)
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spectroscopic-gayety · 5 months
There this undertale MV fic that literally makes me happy stim and I have thoughts. More importantly a very crazy idea on where this is headed.
If you haven’t read the fic, you really should, it is some of the best Undertale Multiverse writing I’ve ever read! Here’s the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43143874/chapters/108428305
Ok so one of the things I really like about Buddy’s fics is that Buddy very clearly has read the original error!sans ask blog. They describe Error knitting in ftfo and recognize Error as an alternate timeline of after!tale.
Why is this important? Well, these references don’t just exist in ftfo, they are also in Spilled Ink, but in a very interesting way.
For those who didn’t follow the original error blog, it didn’t really end with a finale. CQ, the author, graciously left us readers a summary of what she planned for the story. Specifically, I’m talking about Blueberror.
Blueberror, is an underswap sans specifically named Blueberry (this will be important later) who gets kidnapped by Error, left alone in the anti void until he goes insane and starts hearing voices. Notably, the voices of the askers (since it’s an ask blog).
Now, who do we know in Spilled Ink who hears voices and has anti void trauma? Yeah Ink!
Spilled Ink shows Ink heading the voices of the Creators, who like the askers in ask error!sans, live in our world and control his life. Unlike Error who is insane, Ink struggles through the existential horror of being played with for entertainment.
So, what I think Buddy is doing is linking the creation of destroyers to protectors.
They are both made in the anti void.
They both hear the voices of the creators.
This makes some very interesting parallels between Error and Ink.
It also makes some very very interesting parallels between Ink and Blueberror. Ink in Spilled Ink is implied to be a version of an Underswap sans, Rus compares Ink to his own brother in his pov chapters. Several other characters remark the ink is “short for a sans”.
In Crayon Queen’s, summary of how ask error would have ended, she describes Blueberror not becoming a destroyer but moving into the omega timeline. He eventually works to protect the multiverse by convincing Error to help fight a larger threat. Hmm, a protector, where have I heard that before?
So, conspiracy theory time.
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What if the determining factor that makes a sans stuck in the anti void a protector or a destroyer is whether or not they’re a swap variant?
So, wouldn’t it be Wild if there was a theoretical swap sans that we don’t know the location of? And wouldn’t it be just insane if a future plot point of the askerror blog was that Blueberror let another swap sans take his place in his au?
What if, the Blueberry in Spilled Ink was turned into Blueberror? How? Great question, idk. Maybe Ink’s friends get too close to figuring out who took him and the creators want a red herring? But like remember in chapter 5 when they were at the omega council meeting and the whole council was convinced the new out code was evil? I wonder what would happen if blueberror showed up right after Ink gets kidnapped. He’s covered in errors, that must mean he’s a new destroyer to counter Sketch right?
Extra angst: the only person who can recognize him is currently be tortured by Nightmare, and no one believes him when he says he used to be a member of the star sanses. His whole world is gone, and everyone he loves hates him and he doesn’t know why.
Does this make sense thematically? Kinda, it’s one really angsty way Ink can get his dearly lost friend back, but at a sharp cost. It would also allow Buddy to use dramatic irony again like how Sketch is hiding his moderator status. Except in a sad twist, Blueberror is trying to show his protector status but no one believes him.
I love this fic so much, and I can’t wait to see where the author takes the story next!
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Undertale: Scattered Extension
What is it?
Undertale: Scattered Extension is a roleswap AU that takes place years after one of Undertale's canon Neutral route endings. While the characters' canon personalities have been left mostly intact, the events that transpired between the end of Undertale and the start of the AU's "game"* have caused their roles and locations in the new story to be shifted from what they originally were.
Technically, I actually created the AU way back in 2016 after being inspired by Storyshift, but nothing much ever came of it, and I never shared it with anyone. I've decided to reboot it, changing major aspects of the first iteration of the AU to make it more interesting, but keeping the swaps I had chosen!
* There will not be a fangame for the AU, even though that'd be neat. I can't promise an official comic or fanfiction, either, but the plus side to that is that I won't be keeping secrets or anything about plot events or lore!
What is this blog?
This is a hub blog of sorts for the AU! While some of the art I've drawn was posted to my art blog first, anything I make for Scattered Extension will also be found here!
This is also the ideal place to ask any questions you might have about the AU! As I said previously, I don't plan on keeping things secret or hiding "spoilers", so pretty much anything is free game to ask about! Sending in asks is also a great way to keep the blog more active, since there will likely be long gaps of time between any art I make for it.
Summary of the swapped roles:
Papyrus takes Flowey's (and Asriel's) role
Sans takes Chara's role
Chara takes Alphys' role
Alphys takes Asgore's role
Undyne takes Toriel's role (but also reprises her original role)
Toriel takes Mettaton's role
Mettaton takes Papyrus' role
Napstablook takes Sans' role
Trace is the new human who replaces Frisk
Flowey and Asgore are dead
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disordered-fates · 16 days
I'm a bit new to making a whole blog for an AU, so I thought I'd start here by laying out a little information!
Disordered Fates is an Undertale role-swap AU created by myself, @bvnnycat. The primary inspirations for this project are the AU's @otherswap, and @tsunderswapofficial. I'm a big fan of these as (in my opinion) particularly distinct examples of role-swaps, particularly in OTHERSWAP's case of using characters only currently seen in Deltarune.
Speaking of characters, the main cast of the AU are as follows:
Asgore Dreemurr → Asriel Dreemurr
Toriel → Ruinkeeper
Asriel Dreemurr/Flowey → Monster Kid/Sunny
Chara → Kriss
Alphys → Dr. Mettatron
Mettaton → Noelle Holliday
Undyne ↔ Gerson
Sans → Suzy
Papyrus → Berdley
Some characters are, as most of this AU, still being written. I have a handful of side character swaps as well that I'm eager to flesh out better and share in the future, as well as...
Locations! A particular inspiration shared from both OTHERSWAP and TS!Underswap are the overhauling of known locations in the Underground. This I will continue to work on and discuss in the future!
Overall project is currently a work-in-progress! (I'm sort of kicking myself in the pants to make this post frankly, for the sake of working on it more/sharing it) I'm very excited to share this, as making an AU has been something I've wanted to do for a very long time.
I hope you all enjoy and stay tuned...and feel free to inquire about the AU!
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triglycercule · 21 days
question, did ever feel like the stuff that happened in 0.7 pt2 was like, forced? like it didn't make any sense. Like cross wasn't aware of how much ink knew and didn't know when it came the torture that Xgaster put the xtale cast through so wouldn't he be more angry at ink even though inks knowledge about it was limited? (i don't think cross is aware of that so thats why he should be more angry at ink by logic) even though ink was unaware of most of the stuff going on in xtale, he did know about the crap xgaster was going to do to undertale, and wound up betraying everyone in the process. Heck cross doesn't even know that fell and swap were killed by xgaster cuz he was brought back just a moment later! But Dream is aware, and ink betrayed dream too!
the thing is, I feel that inks actions were swept under the rug like "oh we allllll make mistakes". I'm not hating on ink or anything, but it feels weird for this to happen when one of the major things about undertale is that actions have consequences. heck he hasn't even apologized and DIRECTLY said what he did was wrong to cross. Like i said earlier all he does is like, "whoopise? i betrayed you cuz i though xgaster plan was good and now all Au's and a bunch of others are dead but now i see its bad so were all good." Of course its an exaggeration and there's still awkwardness between the two but there should be more anger towards ink from cross.
it doesn't matter that they were friends because by that logic then shouldn't cross be on his way to forgive X!Papyrus for attempting to murder him? (and in the comics that Jakie creates that take place outside the canon Underverse timeline, that doesn't happen. According to those, their relationship is rockier than Mt. Ebott during an avalanche) And Xgaster as well (okay maybe i'm pushing it). but you get the point
all im saying is that ink should be suffering more serious consequences other than a punch to the face from cross and a standoffish dream. Cross shouldn't be so willing to forgive him after everything he's done because it just feels so forced and fast (and im not sure that even fits into his character) and dream/core???? Dudes should at least call out Ink for what he did. I feel like both of them are dancing around the fact that because of ink (indirectly) an omnicidal manic has destroyed all au's except for outertale and undertale timelines, and now xgaster has control over the OG undertale and is screwing it up so badly it might separate from the multiverse.
For goodness sake if the XTALE gang is chill with ink after finding out what he had to do with Xtale, i'm just done. There should be at least, AT LEAST some misplaced anger towards ink, and some valid anger too.
And i swear if the multiverse gives xgaster the same treament i'm going to explode.
had to rewatch 0.7 pt2 to answer this one ‼️‼️‼️ (an excuse to rewatch underverse)
ill be so damn honest. 0.7 p1 and 2 have been confusing because of the constant scene changes and character drops. like wdym fresh and cross head from the omega timeline to the antivoid while ink goes from doodlesphere to antivoid ans then errors there for no other reason than to whine and complain and then it all swaps over to aftertale and then fatals weird black fight void??? it's just a bunch of scene changes and character additions (where the fuck did fatal come from) and ngl i think all these squeezed in characters and locations is just for the fanservice (haven't seen error since 0.4 and fatal errors been teased for a long LONG time)
also cross and ink and xtale and xgaster aren't exactly my expertise since yk yk im all about the m. t. t. but i'll still try 2 answer this ask ‼️‼️ i feel like you're totally right about how cross should be WAYYYY more angry because all he did was spend a good 30 seconds punching ink and berating him and then the rest of 0.7pt2 was just them having playful banter. i get that crink were good friends and cross probably still likes ink but if i came to found out that my friend was in kahoots with the one guy that i absolutely despise (and like you said cross probably didn't know the full extent of what ink knows and by that logic he should assume ink knew everything) i'd be wayyyy more pissed than just punching the fella once
i think that dream and core aren't calling ink out because of a writing standpoint. inks supposed to figure out what he did was wrong and stuff and grow from that on his own personally but i doooo still think that he should see the effects his actions have caused because omega timeline is probably in a state of emergency from how many people thatve been displaced. ink is due a few more harsh scoldings. but aside from dream and core nobody else really gives a shit that the multiverse was destroyed (or theyre not ALIVE to gaf 💀💀) since the only universes (timelines) left are classic adjacent and most classic adjacent ones r probably busy dealing with their own stories
overall yaaa i definitely agree that the recent underverse parts have bern a bit rushed but i think that's mostly just a writing issue. the fact that underverse is animated is probably hard to juggle with all the lore and stuff compared to if it was a fanfic or smth. the people wanna see more of the story/animation and jakei has to squeeze in all these little plot points into a feasible animation without making underverse 100 episodes long and having cross and ink reconcile in a realistic time period probably didn't fit into the narrative that jakei wanted to tell
underverse still goated tho but we allowed to be critical of things we like ‼️‼️‼️ (THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!! IT GOT MY GEARS TURNING!!!!)
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swapplates · 5 months
General Information
SwapPlates is a swapped AU based off of @zarla-s Undertale AU, Handplates. In no way is it associated with Zarla or any of their official Handplates content.
Secondly, I cannot emphasize this enough: If you have not finished Handplates, go check it out first! All credit for Handplates goes to Zarla, and you will have no idea what is going on here if you haven't read the comics. I'll link the website for Handplates at the bottom for ya'll- show Zarla some love! (not LOVE, haha)
While there will be similarities to Handplates, notably similar scenes regarding 1-S/Sans and 2-P/Papyrus, SwapPlates will focus primarily on its two doctors, River and Nexus, as they are the main characters. More information on the characters will be posted in time.
Finally, this is a HEAVY work in progress. The most we have at the moment are various assortments of rough sketches, eight scripts, a couple non-canonical shorts (also in script form), and a rough timeline of events. We're also still in the process of figuring out how to create the comics, either ourselves or with an artist (that we don't have at the moment.) Funnily enough, we've got everything else (even voice actors)!
Alright I'll wrap up now. Until we're able to post the actual comics, we will just post random, goofy, non-spoiler drawings, as well as the character info. I will also be posting the locations, as edited from Undertale's locations. Stay determined!
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fennecthunderfox · 6 months
Do you have any details about your Swap and Fell aus? I am curious about it!
Hey, sorry it took so long for me to respond to this. I had meant to answer way sooner and then I got sucked into other projects and meant to work more on this and then just… forgot. But I’m here now and I’m just gonna sum it up as best I can. It may be a bit scatterbrained, so I apologize in advance. 
It's been a while since I’ve worked with them, but I can give a basic rundown on them! They’re part of my “False AU Trio.” In which all the AU names have a prefix that means or implies “fake” so people know upfront they’re different from the typical swaps and fells on purpose. 
With QuasiSwap, my personal twist on it is in the environment. In QS, it’s not just the characters that swap, the area aesthetics swap too. 
-The Ruins become monochrome like New Home and are now called “Old Home.” 
-Snowdin Forest/Snowdin became cybernetic like The CORE and is now called “Loggedin.” 
-Waterfall is still dark, but instead of pretty cyan waters it’s now crimson red magma making this location “Magmafalls.” 
-Hot Land is now “Hot Springs” due to its proximity to Magmafalls heating up the water. 
-The CORE is now called “The Nexus” which is not a name that means much of anything, but it is VERY cold here. CDResort (MTT Resort) is actually built somewhat inside The Nexus because CDR likes the cold better than the hot. 
-And finally New Home- which I can’t remember the fun name for- is purple and plant covered like the Ruins. It might just be called "The Capital" sorta like how "The Ruins" is very self-explanatory as a name.
Character swaps are about what you’d expect. And while they all have codenames, they call each other by their real names with a few exceptions. Those exceptions are the skelebros and the ghosts, but I will list all swaps and codenames below.
-Chara with Frisk. Code named Chipper and Fable. Chipper because they’re generally a happy kid- usually smiling and Fable because you hear stories about them. 
-Asgore with Toriel. Code named Usher and Arch. Usher because he’s the one guiding Chipper through the Ruins and Arch is short for monarch.
-Papyrus with Sans. Their code names are P and CSG, and while it’s rare for anyone to actually call Sans CSG, it’s a lot more common for people to call Papyrus P. This is because my take on Swap Sans is basically just Brian David Gilbert- BDG for short. For an example of the energy this swap sans has, watch this compilation I found on YouTube.
-Alphys with Undyne. Codenamed Alpha and Psi-- after Greek letters. Alpha cause she’s a leader and Psi cause it looks like a trident and also is used as a symbol for “Water potential in movement of water between plant cells,” says wikipedia. 
-The Ghost Cousin Trio does a Rotation Swap. Napstablook takes Mettaton’s role, their name becomes CD Rob and Cyber Duke [REMIX] depending on their form. (While “duke” is typically a masculine word, CDR is still a nonbinary character. Duke is just a title I chose.) Mettaton takes Mad Dummy’s/Mad Mew Mew’s Role and is called Shining Dummy and Shining Wan Wan after possessing a life-sized vocaloid-style statue. (He becomes a dog boy instead of a cat girl.) And Maddy takes Napstablook’s Role, known to her friends as Rabbit, but her full name is Rabenant (A port-man-teau of Rabid Revenant.) These three go by these names in the story.
-Flowey/Asriel is too important to swap roles with anyone. He still changes, however. Instead of saying “Howdy” like Asgore he says “Greetings” like Toriel. And instead of a golden flower, he’s a crimson flower to match up to the red leaf aesthetic the Ruins have in the actual game. Flowey’s codename is “Leaf” and apparently I never gave Asriel a proper codename in this AU. I’ll give him one later.
-Temmie gets swapped with the Annoying Dog because both of these characters represent an actual person and it’s good to remember that Temmie- while not the creator of Undertale- made a lot for the game. 
PseudoFell is interesting, because instead of the codenames being an out of universe thing for me to differentiate who I’m talking about, the pseudonyms are actually a feature of the AU. Every pseudonym (should) start with the same letter as the character’s real name. 
Fray (Frisk)*, Facet (Flowey), Treason (Toriel)**, Sin (Sans), Punishment (Papyrus)***, Uproar (Undyne), Naething (Napstablook), Mauled Doll (Maddy), Macabre (MTT), Apathy (Alphys), Agony (Asgore), Axiom (Asriel), and Cairn (Chara). 
*Used to be spelled Frey, but I have since changed to the correct spelling.
**Considering changing her name.
***Sin will absolutely shorten Punishment’s name to “Pun” and he HATES it. 
As a bonus, Annoying Dog and the Tems are Toil and Trouble. AD used to be Toil, but I think AD being Trouble while all the Tems are Toils would be better. They can say “TOi!” and I have no doubt that Pun would consider AD to be nothing but Trouble. 
The reason the pseudonyms happen is because of trust issues and an old belief that giving someone your real name gives them some sort of power over you. Therefore, if someone actually trusts you enough to tell you their full name, it’s a real big deal. 
The main difference, however, is that I’ve introduced a special 2nd form monsters can take called a “Phobos Form.” The Phobos Form is typically a sharper, scarier version of the monster. Final Froggit would be the Phobos form of Froggit in this universe rather than a stronger, separate monster. 
The more powerful a monster is, the bigger, scarier, and stronger their Phobos Form is. The bosses in the game basically become Kaijus. I used to have concept art of these Phobos forms-- and you can still find them if you look hard enough-- but I find them to be… not great designs these days and would rather not present them as if they’re definitely canon to my AUs still. 
You didn’t ask about this one, but of the trio I have talked about this one the least so you may not have known it existed. 
FauxSwapFell takes the location swaps of QuasiSwap and the pseudonyms and phobos forms of PseudoFell and combines them into one AU. 
The character swaps are mostly the same, however the Ghost Cousin rotation swap rotates counter to the QuasiSwap rotation. So Mad Mew Mew becomes the idol, Mettaton becomes the ghost snail farmer, and Napstablook becomes the dummy/doll. 
The other thing is that rather than becoming big scary kaijus, the Phobos Forms in FauxSwapFell are more like cryptids or scary on an unsettling level. Some forms may not have one distinct shape and shift between two forms. 
As for the pseudonyms in this AU, there is no theme for the characters’ names. Sans and Papyrus are named Neon and Argon in this universe and are color coded orange and purple respectively to match the colors of those two noble gases. (Gaster is Krypton and Corsiva- if you know who that OC is- is Xenon.) 
All this being said, most characters in this AU don’t have a codename yet. This is the least developed of the 3 AUs and the only reason it’s developed at all is because of being a combo of the other two. 
On the subject of color schemes, in my head the whole world is really desaturated except for the bright pops of color the characters have like Neon’s orange or Argon’s purple. Because of this I sometimes refer to FauxSwapFell as "Swapfell NEON" because they only standout colors on the characters are the bright highlight color.
Aaaaaand that's about it for now. I'd love to do more someday, but at the moment I sadly don't have time to really do much of anything with these AUs. There is a glimmer of hope that the overtime at work will end soon, so maybe I'll be able to get back into fun fanworks next year. Until then, thank you for listening~
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x2joincircus · 1 year
*mc fnafverse is a fnaf (minecraft😨) roleplay i'm not from original fnaf lmao (special interest go br) 💖 - please doubles ✅ - doubles fine ❔ - doubles unsure (aka willing to try meeting some) 📍 - Doubles iffy ❌ - no doubles ❣️- oc
IDs: Peridot (steven universe) - ❌ Bendy (bendy) - ❔ Ace (oc) - ❣️ Leslie (oc) - ❣️ Jake (mc fnafverse/handful jake popgoes) - ❌ Magic (Peppers playhouse (roblox)) - ❔
High kins: Shadow bonnie (mc fnafverse/thefamousfilms fnaf) - 📍 Blue/Swap!sans (undertale au / Ask error!sans) - ✅ Ben drowned (creepypasta) - ❔ Pico (friday night funkin+picos school) - 📍 Felix (andys apple farm) - ❔ Shrignold (dont hug me im scared) - 📍 Virtual freddy (mc fnafverse/thefamousfilms fnaf) - 📍 Ben (mc fnafverse oc) - ❣️ Fandroid (fandroid lore) - ❌ Yellow guy (Dont hug me im scared) - ✅ Sundrop (fnaf au) - ✅ Lancer (deltarune) -❔ Sorbet shark cookie (cookie run) - ✅ Jevil (deltarune) - 💖 Venti (genshin impact) - ✅ Fizzaroli (helluva boss) - ✅ Twisted/Glamrock bonnie (mc fnafverse/thefamousfilms fnaf) - 📍 Spamton (deltarune)
Mid kins: Moon Man (weirdcore oc) - ❣️ Huggy wuggy (poppy playtime) - ❔ Sonic (sonic movies) - ❔ Skid (spooky month/friday night funkin) - ❔ Popee paraphone (popee the performer) - ❔ Agoti (friday night funkin mod) - ❔ Spinel (steven universe) - ✅ Senpai (Friday night funkin) (please call me sen or thorns) - 📍 Kapi (friday night funkin mod) - 💖 Wooly (amanda the adventurer) - ❔ Bluey/partypooper (backrooms oc) - ❣️ Broogli (broogli sona/backrooms) - 💖 Eyeless jack (creepypasta) - ❔ Hanzou (picos school) - 📍 Alucard (picos school) - ❔ Argos (the world of mr plant) - 💖 (double warning-highlight to read)Sammy lawerce (bendy) - ✅ Ink!sans (undertale au) - ✅ Mochi (Carousel garden/Mc fnafverse) - ✅ Rasazy (friday night funkin mod)- ✅ Chance theater!Jane doe (chance theater ride the cyclone) - 💖 Glamrock helpy (mc fnafverse/thefamousfilms fnaf) - ❔ Napstablook (undertale) - ✅ Ralsei deltarune - 💖 BLU (baldi’s basics oc) - ❣️ Moxxie (helluva boss) - ✅
Low kins: Mcq!error!sans (undertale au) - 📍 Cassette girl (friday night funkin/newgrouds mascot) - ✅ Camilo (encanto) - ✅ Mcq!fresh!sans (undertale au) - ✅ Fresh!sans (undertale au) - ✅ Flowey (undertale) - ✅ Nina the killer (creepypasta) - ✅ Ribbon Dancer (welcome to dream world) - ✅ Scribble (mc fnafverse/pretty depressed productions fnac) - ✅ Chessire cat/Chessie (mc fanfverse/pluless Nights in wonderland) - ❔ Fylan (mc fnafverse/pretty depressed productions fnac) - 💖 Circus baby (fnaf sl) - ✅ Benjamin (little misfortune) - ❔ Nobe (mc fnafverse/invisible davis) - ✅ Virgil (sanders sides) - ✅ Colin (dhmis) - ✅ C!grian (hermitcraft) - ❔ Cartoon!bendy (bendy shorts) -✅ Starlight (welcome to dreamworld) - ❔ Tails doll (creepypasta) - ✅ The projectionist (bendy) -✅ Vincent lin (adamandi) - 📍 sl!Funtime freddy (mc fnafverse/pretty depressed productions sister location + fnac) - ✅ Tord (eddsworld) - 📍 Rockstar bonnie (mc fnafverse/thefamousfilms fnaf) - ❔ Mettaton (undertale) - ✅ Cindy (mc fnafverse/ pretty depressed productions fnac) - 💖 Noibat (pokemon) Kay (fnaf kids)
Other: Faekin Robotkin Angelkin demonkin Rabbitkin
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murrao2 · 1 month
Tumblr media
Here's most of the cast for that location swap AU I talked about before, now under the title:
(How original, I know.)
Additionally, there's now a mostly-finalized role list.
Runas (The Ruins) -> Toriel A tree-like monster, original ruler of the Underground before being left behind by her people. She tends to seem like a forgetful but kind grandmother.
Wintra (Snowdin) -> Papyrus An arctic rabbit monster, an attention-seeking rebel with crushing self-esteem issues. Loves fashion and Christmas, her fur always feels cold despite living in a desert.
Marshal (Waterfall) -> Undyne A squid monster, and commander of the Underground's military force. He is highly knowledgeable on monster history, and is very quiet and contemplative.
Magmillie (Hotland) -> Alphys A lava monster who pilots a small mech. Very kind and outgoing, but also clumsy. She wants to be helpful, but she tends to accidentally make situations worse. Loves romance novels.
Corinthian (The CORE) -> Mettaton A robotic mercenary created by the previous Royal Scientist, who persistently hunts the protagonist down to self-destructive levels. Its body is composed of many parts, allowing itself to shift its mass and pieces of scrap metal to form weapons.
Scalene (The Last Corridor) -> Sans A jackal-like monster made of glass. The Underground's judge, he watches the protagonist throughout their journey, observing their every move and weighing their sins before they are allowed to meet the ruler.
Castle (New Home) -> Asgore A stone monster that looks like a castle tower, they are the current ruler of the underground. Sentimental of the past, however, they are worried that they're unable to live up to Runas' legacy.
There are some roles that haven't been shown here and that's because I'm still figuring them out lol.
Please reblog these posts if you like them, as that will get more people to see them!
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gmanwhore · 8 months
I remember when i was into Undertale i made an au where the locations swapped but the characters didn't, the first monster you found was Undyne
Oh that is cool
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ivyprism · 10 months
Swapfell, Fellswap, and Underswap AU Lore (Worldbuilding)
Ahehehehe, felt like writing this down.
The undergrounds of Swapfell, Underswap, and Fellswap are frequently inverted from Undertale and Underfell, with Snowdin becoming Hotland and the Ruins becoming Waterfall. The New Home and the Core are the same as in canon, although the environs have more evident degradation.
Isn't this quite standard? No, not exactly. The climates of each AU are radically altered in Swapfell and Fellswap. Instead of lava lakes and a scorching environment, it becomes like Snowdin, but you can fall into the frozen lava lakes and end up with fall damage from strong snowstorms; as a result, many people were forced to travel between the two locations, displacing a large number of people. The Swapped Hotland resembles a hotland but is filled with water and mud which you can slip on it and if you're not careful, you could also end up drowning if you slip on a batch of mud.
New Home and the Core are collapsing, barely clinging together by the seams, and echo flowers appear to be blooming in New Home. The switched Ruins is still the switched version, complete with echo flowers and water, but the echo flowers are quickly dying and the water is turning virtually corrosive. Swapped Waterfall is rapidly becoming its canon counterpart, with trees and Echoflowers sprouting from the pavement.
Thank you for coming to my infodump.
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prpfs · 1 year
💀 Hello! 21yo NB back at it with a request for "undertale" specifically looking for some AU crossovers! Only accepting 18+ partners
This will include: Underfell, Underswap, NSFW content, Dead dove content
The going idea for now is when Gaster originally made his first set of skeletons he decided to flat out make a few sets for various locations in the underground, with the original pair being for snowdin, fell for Hotland, and swap for waterfall (I'll expand on this later c; )
We can discuss dynamics and Nicknames for the various pairs + shipping, I am open to fontcest/selfcest and already have a few pairings for both platonic and romantic dynamics
I'll be making a server for us to use to make things more organized once we move over to my preferred platform DISCORD
I'm a friendly person so i usually am pretty talkative ooc, sending tikoks/memes/headcanons/ect is always encouraged with me!
Please Like this post and I'll get back to you!
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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revenant-coining · 2 years
looking for terms for a pale (swap!ink undertale) fictive
themes are
white, grey, and black
monochrome & colorless aes
emotionless / unfeeling
small splashes of color
anything source related
i couldn't find anything for splashes of color, but i found terms for everything else:
Whitegender: a gender connected to the color white.
Gendergrey: a gender where one's gender is the color grey. This could be any shade of grey, from the lightest to the darkest, or something in the middle
Nyctogender: a gender where one's gender is pure darkness. It could also be a gender consisting of darkness or relating to it.
Monochrome/Colorless Aesthetic:
Darkgender: a gender that can be described with the absence of color or can be described with dark colors/shades, or a gender that feels as though it is absent of color or is of dark colors/shades, or a gender that relates to the absence of color or relates to dark colors/shades.
Monochromegender:  a gender on which one's gender feels a connection and validated to monochrome aesthetics.
Gendernumb: a xenogender where one's gender changes when they feel numb or emotionless.
Underswapic: a gender connected to the Undertale AU Underswap.
Unmulnati: A natiden identity that can only be fully understood with context from cultures / societies in the Undertale Multiverse.
Ruinsic: a gender connected to the ruins location from the game undertale
Snowdinic: a gender connected to the snowdin location from the game undertale
Waterfallic: a gender connected to the waterfall location from the game undertale
Hotlandic: a gender connected to the hotland location from the game undertale
Newhomic: a gender connected to the new home location from the game undertale
Radiomogai's undertale theme tag
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