#ultimate madoka cosplay dress
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♕♕Beautiful Cheap Puella Magi Madoka Magica Ultimate Madoka Princess White Cosplay Costume $69.99 Wig Shoes available at Trustedeal.com
🛒Shopping Link->https://www.trustedeal.com/Puella-Magi-Madoka-Magica-Ultimate-Madoka-Princess-White-Cosplay-Costume-2-p1980206.html
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interstellerace · 2 years
Danny's New Duds
Danny hovered outside the massive nest of web and rock that constituted the lair of the Divine Spider. He didn’t like the idea of going into a spider’s web, but Clockwork had told him this was where he needed to go. Though that was likely to get a bored Danny out of the clock tower; Danny only being there to avoid his parent’s new ghost hunting invention and not because he had a time quest or anything.
Danny had asked Clockwork how Vlad had changed his clothes. Thanks to one of said time quests, Danny had seen what Vlad was wearing when he first became a half-ghost and that wasn’t what he was wearing now, so he had to have changed it somehow. Made it worse, in Danny's opinion.
Clockwork seemed to consider what to tell him, but ultimately said, “He probably went to the Divine Spider. She’s the one who originally made the royal garb of The Ghost King.”
So, Danny took the map of the Infinite Realms and found the lair of the Divine Spider to see if she would be willing to make him a new costume. There was nothing wrong with his old jumpsuit, but it was built to lower the risk of ecto-contamination, not fight crime in.
He cautiously floated into the cave, careful to avoid touching any of the webbing, but he didn’t want to surprise the ghost he was there to meet, so he called out, “Hello? Miss Divine Spider?”
He saw movement from the back of the cave, but as he got closer it changed from a terrifying web-cave into what looked like the inside of an apartment. A couch that was big and comfy looking, a table with a few chairs around it, a flat-screen TV mounted on the wall… Danny could barely believe what he was seeing. He floated past a book shelf filled with anime DVDs, manga, and figurine dolls. There was a matching one on the opposite wall filled with American movies, comic books, and action figures.
“Uh, hello?”
Suddenly, there was movement and a door opened. There stood a creature that looked like a centaur, except instead of a human torso attached to a horse body, it was a human torso sticking up out of a spider where it’s head should have been. The spider was covered in fine white fur, and it’s two most front legs look more like metal scythes than a spider’s legs. The human body sticking out of it looked like a young woman, with long white hair and pale skin and her eyes glowed a ghostly pink. Her human half did wear a lovely white dress that used patterns and 3D sewing to add design, depth, and detail.
“Hello,” She said quietly, her eyes scrutinizing Danny as an intruder to her lair.
Danny swallowed down his discomfort at the spindly creature before him and forced a smile while he said, “Hi, I’m Danny Phantom, and I heard you can make ghost clothes?”
The spider woman immediately lit up with a huge smile on her face, and her entire posture and presence changed. “Oh! Yes, I love making all kinds of clothes and costumes, especially cosplay! I love making outfits based on my favorite movies and anime. I actually just finished making a Madoka Magica cosplay.”
The spider woman quickly ducked back into the room she had been in but quickly stuck her head back out and said, “Oh, I forgot to say, I’m Kumoko! And It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Danny said as she vanished behind a closed door.
She then came out with a new dress on, a perfect replica of the main character’s puffy magical girl dress. She gave him a twirl as she excitedly explained, “Isn’t it perfect? Though, I did think about making a Homura cosplay first, she’s tied for my favorite character, but pink is my favorite color.”
Danny grinned. Oh, this horrible monster was a total geek. “It looks amazing!”
She blushed at the compliment then asked, “Did you come here for cosplay?”
“I’m afraid not,” Danny said, rubbing the back of his neck. “But I am hoping to get some cool clothes.”
“Oh, what did you have in mind?”
“Well, I’m a hero,” Danny said while motioning at his current outfit, “but my jumpsuit just isn't made for it; it'll tear at the slightest bit of friction. And look at how formfitting it is. I guess that can be good because it means it doesn’t get caught on things, except that it does get caught on things, all the time, and it always tears from that too.”
“It’s also pretty plain,” Kumoko added.
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No, but it’s not doing you any favors with the formfitting thing,” She said and started to circle Danny, her scythe legs coming off the ground and poking at his jumpsuit. “And it’s not like you have a lot of muscles to show off either.”
Danny huffed at her bluntness, “I guess I don’t mind it too much, but it would be nice to leave that kind of thing up to the imagination.”
She smiled and started waving her hands in a circles in the air, shimmering white strands of silk started to form a small doll that looked exactly like Danny, changing color to match his hair, skin, suit, and eyes. “So, the black and white color scheme is good for hiding in the shadows and catching bad guys, but how about we add some lines down the sides like this to break up the big black sections.”
The doll’s clothes changed as she explained, like it was responding to what she was thinking. “And you should have an actual utility belt instead of just a waistline reinforcement … and we should add some reinforcements around the knees and elbows, I think they should still be black, but if we want to break up the arms we can ... some thicker soled boots with more ankle support too … and- was this supposed to have a hood? That might be useful if you’re fighting in the rain or trying to hide your face... do you want to add a mask... Oh, but if we make your sigil green, it would really pop and people would recognize it! Like the bat-signal!”
They spent several more minutes talking about what would look good, what would be useful, and what would make good branding for marketing deals. And at the end of it, the spider woman handed Danny the little doll of himself and said, “I think is going to look great when you’re done with it!”
Danny looked at the doll, “When I’m done with it?”
“Yeah, you said it wasn’t cosplay right? That you want it to be your default and not a costume?”
Danny nodded, “But, I don’t know how to sew or anything.”
“Oh, do you not know how to change them yourself?” Kumoko asked and Danny shook his head. “I thought you just came to get some design advice! Okay, but you can definitely change your own clothes. You have to focus on the design you want, which you can use the doll as a reference for, and the ectoplasm that makes your current clothes will change into the new shape you want!”
“What? Really? Is it really that easy?”
“Well, some people find it easy, it can take a long time to get it right tough. Most people just prefer to keep their death clothes or have me make new clothes for them.”
Danny nodded, “I was hoping for you to make them.”
Kumoko gave a bright smile. “Okay! What did you bring for payment?”
“You weren’t going to make me work for free, were you?”
“No, I didn’t think you were going to work for me at all, actually,” Danny said then sighed, “But, if we treat this like a consultation, how much would it cost to have this hero-suit made for me?”
Kumoko hummed and reexamined the doll, “At least a dozen high quality chocolate bars.”
Danny stared at her, “Chocolate bars?”
Kumoko nodded, “High Quality Chocolate Bars, or maybe some chocolate and some cookies. High quality cookies, of course. Or a strawberry cake, I haven’t had one of those in so long.”
Danny laughed, “Alright, I make the request for you to make the suit now, but you don't have to start it until I’ve given you enough sweets. How does that sound?”
"Since your hero reputation is on the line, I'll start working on it right away and you can pay when it's done." Kumoko held out her hand, “Make it a deal.”
Danny wasn’t sure how long it would take Kumoko to make the clothes he wanted, and he forgot to ask her too. So, he decided to play it safe, give her two weeks, and if that wasn’t enough time, he’d give her a "down payment" and ask how long it would take after that.
So, there he was again, floating into the web-cave of The Divine Spider, this time with a bright pink cake box. “Hello? Miss Kumoko?”
The door in the back opened and the spider woman stepped out, seemingly surprised to see him, “Danny! I thought you forgot about me!”
“Of course not, how could I forget about you?”
“It’s been two weeks! I also thought you might have been scared off by last time.”
Danny rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah, I wasn’t sure how long it would take to make the hero-suit and I didn’t want to bother you while you were working on it, so I just… waited to come see you again.”
Kumoko nodded thoughtfully, “I should have told you it doesn’t take long at all for me to make stuff with my silk. I only needed a few hours, I do have eight legs and two hands that can work at the same time after all.”
“Really, just a couple hours?”
Kumoko nodded then ducked back into the back room for a moment then coming back with some folded clothes and some accessories. “I did have to go get some materials for the non-cloth bits, but I think it was worth it just to see how cool it is!”
She handed it to him and watched expectantly as he examined each piece of clothing. “Wow, Kumoko, this is amazing!”
“So, I put the hood on a jacket so that if someone tries to grab it, you can just slide it off,” Kumoko said taking and showing off the jacket, “It’s also got your sigil on it! I hope you don’t mind, I did put your sigil on each separate piece. So everyone will know that if it has that symbol it’s yours, or if someone has it, they’re your friend. And For branding! maybe - you could do some merchandising… maybe give your designer a cut.”
"I don't know how to do that, but I can look into it."
"So what you're saying is," Kumoko pointed at herself, "you need a branding manager."
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molloywhitley · 2 years
Why There’s No Better Time To Keqing And Klee Genshin Cosplay Costumes
You've come the right place If you're looking to purchase costumes for keqing or a klee folkshin cosplay costume. These two anime series are great for cosplay. There are numerous options for purchasing the t-shirt you require from a variety vendors. There are many aspects to consider when choosing an t-shirt. These include the size and color. Also, consider the dimensions. A t-shirt that's too large may not be the best fit. Customized klee genshin cosplay One Cosplayer is an expert in all cosplays, and one of them is amino1229! She even went to extreme measures to create the Klee cosplay. She even included pyrotechnics in her video! Ultimately, she achieved her goal of looking as if she'd just come out of the video! Here are some tips to help you design the perfect cosplay. Customized keqing cosplay
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This costume is one of a Keqing cosplay outfit based on Genshin Impact's character. It's designed to fit your Asian size, and is an excellent option for cosplay conventions as well as Halloween parties. It has white and purple satin dress, and is complete with a bejeweled choker and purple tassel. This is the perfect costume to make you look like a demi-god! The blazer you choose is essential to your cosplay success. A blazer with several panels is a great option. The use of translucent fabric with silver highlights or faux leather is an excellent choice. This costume is also great for dress pants. Twintail wigs are also an extremely popular option for Genshin Impact cosplays. Other accessories that you'll need to complete the look include the red dress as well as a hat and a backpack. Cosplay sales of the keqing Keqing is a popular character from the manga and anime series, Genshin Impact. Due to her adorable look and enthusiasm for bombs and kaboom Keqing is a popular character in the game. Fans want to look as her in real life. If you're interested to get a Keqing costume, take a look at these photos uploaded by HoYoLAB user Madoka Kaname. genshin impact costume was wearing the red outfit and she even has a Dodoco plush that hangs from her randoseru bag. Her arsenal of Kaboom! bombs and Jumpy Dumpy grenades are not only for appearances They are practical as well.
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shizukateal · 3 years
Request: witches count as magical girls, right? I'd like to know your thoughts on Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service and Akko and Shiny Chariot/Ursula from Little Witch Academia
I could be entirely wrong, but I think I've seen more fanart dressing up Kiki than most other ghibli characters. Which makes sense in my opinion, since she's one of the few ghibli girls that has expressed an interest in fashion (I mean, Sophie makes hats, but still). The purple/black dress had to be kept plain so that the animators could focus more on giving us that gorgeous flying movement, but that damned ribbon made all the difference and promptly rocketed her to the upper echelons of the cuteness ranking in ghibli characters. It is the perfect contrast, the perfect accessory. It all makes her an ideal cosplay character: simple, comfortable and iconic. And yet, it also makes her very tempting to dress up in other clothes, just to see what looks good on her. That's because there's this sort of unspoken rule that if your character follows a certain baseline of realism, with no flashy colors in their complexion or an extra complicated hairstyle but just recognizable enough to pass the silhouette test, that makes them more manageable in the fashion department (see Sakura Kinomoto and Yui Kasuga).
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Akko works a bit similarly, although Yoh Yoshinari knocked it out of the park with the Nova Luna Uniform. The colored sashes are a brilliant idea to distinguish them from other similar uniforms in the anime world, but the main version feels very distinctly English, but Akko modifies it and the other to fit her more otaku-minded fashion sense by shortening the skirts. Her hairstyle is also very well thought-out: it's remarkably japanese, but also ideal because her half ponytail disappears perfectly inside the witch hats, and it also looks realistic as a way a girl her age would do her hair. So even though Akko looks "plain" by the standards of most of the other characters she still stands out and looks realistically foreigner to the culture surrounding her. Her whole thematic conflict after all is that she is a bit too modern and fond of flashiness for the tradition-steeped culture she's trying to fit in.
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The sports uniform also has a very good understanding of... lets call it "priorities", in the sense that, similarly to Kiki the main dress is very plain and amorphous, which means it can fit a variety of bodytypes, with only the sash holding the wand giving a flash of color and breaking the silhouette, and at the same time that allows the hat and the boots to stand out. It is also a very well thought out detail that the boots cover the knees since, again, this is the sports uniform and that it seems like the girls wear the same button up under it than in the main uniform, which means that the dress was designed so that it could be easily swapped out between classes.
Chariot and Ultimate Akko's outfits are also very good, but sadly they both have these leaves that don't end up flattering their silhouettes as much as they think.
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Akko's aren't even connected to her top, which is a big yikes for me, and also a pity since the rest of her get up is excellent. It's kind of a diametric opposite to Madoka's: where she was going for a witch-like fairy, Akko is aiming for a prince-like witch, with a dash of superhero with the cape and primary colors. Admittedly the prince part is a bit unexpected since I don't recall Akko having a connection to that particular archetype beyond that time she almost kissed Suzy, but I'll still take it, you go girl, embrace your gender-nonconformity.
With Chariot I get the feeling that the leaves where included to justify the belt, to which I reply why didn't they make it directly attached to the skirt instead? I get that the outfit is designed to be as otaku-appealing as possible, which is why I'm almost willing to forgive the detached sleeves, but if sexiness is a priority then why not just keep the corset short? God, it even bulks a bit where the belt cinches. Did they do it so that the skirt would blow more? Dude, just give her an actual waistband, put the belt there and let the skirt be even shorter because of that, you are Yoh Yoshinari and this is a Trigger production. If I can come up with this fix so can he, unless he was weirdly insistent about adding some form of tail, in which case he should have restructured the top into something that would allow for more flow and not these stiff leaves that only look good when she's sitting in the poster.
Still, her look is very attractive, distinct and action-figure like so all things considered the design does serve its purpose.
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arisharadiance · 3 years
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Combining the last three days into one post lol Magical Girl May 2021! Day 17: Your Favorite Modern Magical Girl Series Puella Magi Madoka Magica! It's what got me back into the genre because it was such a great twist on the formula. The gorgeous visuals and wonderful cast is a pleasure too. For how dark it is, I think there's still some fun in it. I'm watching Magia Record right now and it's so far nice. Day 20: Your Favorite Magical Girl Outfit A tough one. Very. The eternal sailor scouts (Sailor Moon), Ultimate Madoka/Akuma Homura (Madoka Magica), and the iconic pink dress from the first Card Captor Sakura opening are so gorgeous. For a standard look, I'm actually going to say Homura Akemi's magical girl outfit. It's quite cute, versatile because of Homura's appearance changes (Braids w/ glasses and hair down no glasses), not over the top and very practical. I could fight in it probably, haha. If I had to go with a powered up one, eternal sailor scouts for being pretty diverse, more practical but still really pretty. Day 23: Your Favorite Pretty Cure Character Confession: I have seen a lot of beautiful and adorable cosplays, and some memes from this series but have yet to sit down and actaully watch it. At most, I think I saw it on 4Kids as a kid...that's all. I've seen a lot of Hanadera Nodoka and thought she was lovely; being voiced by Madoka Kaname is a plus! I don't see any wrong answer to this at all though. On this pic, another Kyoko selfie for this! CPAC 2015. Same exact bathroom cause I was still super happy about this look 🙂 despite further changing my make up over all lol Kyoko Sakura costume made by Torihime Cosplay & Design No clue where the wig is from lol, selfie by me! #kyokosakura #madokamagica #magicalgirlmay2021 #magicalgirl #magicalgirlmay #magicalgirlcosplay #puellamagimadokamagica #kyokosakuracosplay #girlswhocosplay #cosplaygirl #cosplayersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CPPGHwSLLQ_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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graceful-cure-swan · 5 years
I want to see you in a cosplay of any Madoka Magica character
And so, Tsubasa chose to cosplay as Ultimate Madoka. Her hair wasn’t long enough to completely imitate the look, but at least the dress was still pretty!
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rikudera · 7 years
3, 9, 11, 30!! c:
3. Next three cosplaysHoltzmann in the jumpsuit with the pack, Battle City Bakura, and ending duet Victor Nikiforov9. Most detailed cosplayProbably Mami from Madoka, just because of all the different parts. Magical girl outfits are fiddly.11. Favorite cosplayI'd put Riku here, but I'd need to redo the vest and at this point, I'm just gonna wait until his kh3 outfit is fully released. That taken into account, probably god tier Dirk because as high-maintenance as that wig is, I'm still very proud of it.30. Ultimate dream cosplayOh man, I dunno. I used to say duelist Utena or Davesprite for this, but now I've made both of those (not that I can't/shouldn't redo my Davesprite dress completely lol). Probably either Shepard or Tali from Mass Effect, in that case. I wanna do another armor cosplay, and redo my armor for Terra, too.
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geekade · 7 years
Revisiting a Favorite: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
About the time the holiday season barrels down upon us, I always feel drawn to watch an old favorite TV series in order to relax. This year I felt I hadn’t watched enough anime and chose to revisit one of my favorites—Puella Magi Madoka Magica (2011). Cute costumes, magical girls, and surrealism: what’s not to like? On top of all that, throw in a thoughtful twist on the whole Magical Girl genre and you’ve got a delightful anime series on your hands.
Madoka Magica basically shows the hidden downsides to the whole magical girl lifestyle. The lead character, Madoka, and her good friend, Sayaka, are actively recruited to be magical girls by an odd alien cat-like creature, Kyubey. But the magic comes with strings. The girls get to choose whether or not the magic girl lifestyle is for them, which is a new twist. If the girls accept Kyubey’s offer, they receive a wish granted in exchange for a dangerous life fighting witches, which will ultimately culminate in the girl’s demise. A complication comes in the form of a Homura, a mysterious magical girl, who is ultimately trying to protect Madoka. Homura’s wish when she contracted with Kyubey was actually to keep Madoka safe, allowing her to keep reliving the same place in life until Madoka finally ends the ultimate fate of all Magical girls with her Contracting wish.
One of the first things that draw fans like me to Madoka Magica is the fantasy visuals. First there is Kyubey, the alien cat-like creature. As much as you can tell there is something not quite right with Kyubey, he’s just so cuddly. His first introduction is designed to inspire a sympathy that clings after his darker purpose is revealed.
hen there are the Magical Girl costumes: gorgeous frilly icing. They are some of the cutest, frilliest, most to-die-for costumes ever. Most of the characters are the very epitome of Lolita style. I am absolutely in love with Mami’s jaunty gun-toting corseted uniform and Madoka’s ever-so-sweet poof. Even though they are not my style, I love to analyze what it would take to make one of these dresses for cosplay. What cosplayer could see these costumes and not drool?  
Madoka Magica tends to be a polarizing series, though, due to how they depict the enemy monsters, the witches. It tends to be a love-it or hate-it situation with the enemy and accompanying battle scenes; it really depends on your appreciation for surrealism (which I love). In this magical world, evil witches are seen as German surrealistic visual overloads. (Yes there are German phrases sprinkled in.) With all the moving parts and reality alterations, it’s amazing that a Magical Girl can win; but they do—sometimes. And it’s really a sight to see.
Between the stock storyline turned on its head and all the inventive visuals, Madoka Magica has wormed its way to being one of my favorite animes. I mean who couldn’t love the Magical Girl life gone wrong? It’s Sailor Moon in a Salvador Dali painting. But it is definitely not for everyone; I have heard it referred to as a bad acid trip. Some people just can’t get past the visuals, but I love surrealism, and Madoka Magica’s creativity must be praised. Needless to say I enjoyed my unusual accompaniment to the holidays. It was quite soothing after all the hustle and bustle. I hope you find comfort in an old favorite too. 
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CGR brought to you by Product Placement!
Woo, guys, it’s statistics time! I’m not really sure in what way to present most of them, so I decided to put out these statistics first! This is a new category in my data that collects which songs have been played in the fic, what merchandise has been shown, which shows are watched, other references etc.
I’m gonna list everything by chapter, since some have more and some less product placement in them.
Following chapters contain no band names or any other copyrighted subject: 1-5, 7, 11, 12, 15, 17, 26, 32, 39 and 42
mcr - Famous Last Words
mcr, fob, Linkin Park and Green Day are mentioned as being played, but except for Nanana no other specific song is mentioned
fob tshirt (Azusa)
Homura’s occupation is mentioned to be writing HomeStuck fanfic.
patd, no specific song is mentioned tho
patd shirt (Azusa)
vocaloid shirt (Ko)
mcr tshirt (Azusa)
invader zim tshirt (Azusa)
gir patterned pyjama pants (Azusa)
danganronpa pin (Hitomi)
vocaloid keychain (Hitomi)
fob tshirt (Azusa)
mcr tshirt (Luna)
pikachu hoodie (Esther)
shipping debate over death note
mcr tank top (Azusa)
invader zim “pagamas” (Azusa)
vans hat (Luna)
azumanga daioh winter seifuku shirt (Shatter)
keyblade necklace (Yami)
undertale “referencing” crop top (Azusa)
Toriel’s fight music from undertale
marilyn manson shirt (Yami)
zatsune miku dress (Hitomi)
misa amane cosplay (Luna)
jack skellington jacket (Shatter)
Death Note L Necklace (Yami)
Conchita’s clothes are described as being similiar to Ryouko Matoi
Azusa eats coco pebbles/count chocula
Shatter plays pokémon on his game boy. In 2008.
The squad watches Nightmare before Christmas
fob - thanks for the memories
bring me the horizon hoodie (Shatter)
mcr tanktop (Hitomi)
imagine dragons shirt (Yami)
pokemon pyjama pants (Yami)
kagome cosplay (Hitomi)
death note, tokyo ghoul, visual kei, "emo bands" and british bands posters (property of Shatter)
mcr - thank you for the venon
imagine dragons - demons
an mcr charm on azusa’s phone
emily the strange tshirt (Azusa)
mcr - Thank you for the venon
mcr charm on azusa’s phone
patd - the only difference between materdom and suiside is press covrage
fob - grenade jumper
simple plan - perfect
30 second to mars nightgown (Azusa)
patd tshirt (Akira)
Azusa buys a “Simple Pan” album
Blood on the Dancefloor tank top (Azusa)
All Time Low Tshirt (Shatter)
Panic at the disco - Camisoda
mcr reference ["NO IM NOT O FUCKIGN K!!" I shouted (shotout to all the mcr fans reding this!)]
mcr - demotion lovers
gc tank top (Ko)
mcr charm and invader zim stickers on Azusa’s phone
Azusa watches Edward Scissorhands
Nightmare before Christmas pajama pants (Azusa)
Sailor Moon shirt (Shatter)
Azusa drinks Ramune (does this count? since she’s usually only drinking non-branded water n’all.)
led zeppelin tshirt (azusa)
nirvana tank top (esther)
North Face hoodie (Yami)
One Direction Reference (put in by lily, said by Kisumi)
Sailor Moon shirt (Shatter) 
mcr hoodie (akira)
guns n roses tshirt (luna)
exo shirt (conchita)
40 (all of these are Halloween costumes)
Rin and Len Kagamine (Ran and Ren)
Remila Scarlet (Azusa)
Genderbent Tony from DHMIS (Akira)
Ultimate Madoka (Hitomi)
Tifa Lockhart (Conchita)
Umbreon (Esther)
Marty McFly (Yami)
Eleventh Doctor (Shatter)
VY1/Mizki (Kou)
VY2/Yuma (Kisumi)
Kirigiri Kyouko (Kimmy)
Leafa (Ruruka)
Junko Enoshima (Chiasa & Chiriko)
Monokuma (Masahiko the cake baker)
“laxytown” t-shirt (luna)
mcr t-shirt (shatter)
monokuma t-shirt (conchita)
bring me the horizon tank top (hitomi)
“pan at the disco” shirt (Kisumi)
adele - hello
botdf - scream for your ice cream
bring me the horizon nightshirt (azusa)
I literally don’t care anymore how this whole thing is formatted I mean look at this thing
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