#uhhhhh i ran out of ideas for tags lmao
rosifyyy · 10 months
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arcaea shenanigans
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pawseds · 2 months
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I convinced our Delta Green game master to have a play-by-post (basically text roleplay) section in our game's server and uhhhhh maybe I've been having too much fun with it. Writing is faster than drawing comics, what can I say?
(Long ramble about writing stories below hehe oops)
While we're here! A bit about writing: I like writing! I've written for loger than I've drawn for (because school). I think I'm better at writing than drawing for that reason (I'm more confident at least). I've written short stories. I've written short stories about TTRPG things. I've also written a ~100k word novel by hand for 2 years. While writing it, I had 'writing class' (technically AS/A level Ennglish Language classes). It was the only class I had confidence in and high expectations for.
With those 2 combined, I burnt out pretty quick LOL. Specifically, I had a big perfectionism issue because of the high expectations I had from my teacher and especially myself -- it was the one thing I knew excelled at in school, so I better do it well! After I was done with the novel and A levels, I was supposed to edit the novel. It's been years and I haven't done it yet, and I wouldn't write non-assignment stories (except 2) until now. Writing became more nerverwracking than it was fun, so why would I?
To get back to the PBP thing: I've been in a campaign that was fully PBP. With my mindset being the way it is, hey! This is just one big writing exercise, so I ran along with that and had fun with it. I saw how some players would make their own PBP and essentially monologue/have a scene only with their PC. That was cool to see.
And now, my current Delta Green campaign (tagged 'Helvetia'). Hrothgar (guy in drawing) and his kids were ported over from a previous D&D campaign (the fully PBP one!), so the crew had a very well defined background already. Of course I get tons of drawing ideas for them, except I don't have the time to draw them all (compsci hard). But since the server has a PBP section, I had like 2 weeks to kill between session 0 and 1, and I was bursting with ideas... I made a lot of solo PBPs that were essentially short stories.
It didn't quite hit me until some time ago, but the PBPs actually made me enjoy writing again -- enjoy it a lot more, in fact! I think the format of Discord threads and messages removed most perfectionism tendencies I had. I just had to fire the story away, message by message. It didn't have to be amazing, and it was fun! (Also I really don't know how to shut up with them LOL)
I'll definitely be cleaning these PBPs up and posting them here as stories. Some of them are just silly, fun, slice-of-life character sketches. (These were the stories I wrote after my novel... and yes, they were about my other set of Delta Green characters LMAO) (and I've posted them here under pawsedswrite btw!) But some I see as legitamite short stories that I would edit more heavily and present as a short story. They were the kinds I could see myself writing on a document rather than on Discord.
Well, I lied. 'I would edit' is false. I have already edited one, because I spent like 5-6h writing this one PBP (oops) instead of writing the draft for my short story class/elective (oops 2). I joked to my two friends saying that I could just submit it as my assignment. Apparently, they both really liked it and said the dialogued slapped. So I did!
I procrastinated like hell on it though, because I was very nervous to go back into the PBP with an axe to edit it. Being in a writing class where nearly everyone else has been formally studying writing for some years kinda puts some pressure on ya!
Like the last assignment (which I'll post here after editing), I had a lot of worries. But the feedback and grade I got from my last assignment, the peer review I got from the current one, and also the support from those two friends (shoutout @katastrofish <3) made me feel more confident in myself. And also the fact that I had a lot of fun editing the PBP!
Uhhh this ramble was way longer than expected LMFAO if you've made it this far, damn, thanks for reading! If you also write or have similar experiences, feel free to share em. And have a good day!
(bonus POV editing)
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Okay so bc of how Meapless in Seattle would play out in the Relocation AU, Doof would have no reason to drink the liquefied cutonium. Cause he drinks it while trying to deny that he was there on a coffee date with Peter. Everyone is just playing keep-away with the container. (That said, it'd be funny if he DID drink it for some reason bc of the bit where the gang picks up the cutified Doof. They'd probably be like ._. "... That you, Dr. D?")
in general, the entire episode would play out way differently because the a- and b-plot gangs would inevitably end up joining forces. perry would definitely end up knocking mitch and balloony's robot suits around if they dared threaten phineas and ferb. (also i want to know what candace would think of balloony. i'm sure she'd have Words on that whole situation and it'd be super fucking funny to see.)
I should really start tagging posts about this au now... welp, live and learn lmao
Sooooo I’m going to stay up until 3 am waiting for the new Taylor Swift thing to drop on Disney+ so I can watch it with the rest of the fandom on twt, which means I have more than enough time to go off on tangents and I apologize in advance
I definitely think if/when I write this, I definitely want Heinz to drink the cutonium just for shits and giggles, but it didn’t occur to me until you said this that there wouldn’t really be a reason for him to do it, so, naturally, I rewatched the entire episode just to figure out that one scene and because I love that episode and I have a general idea of how it might go down:
It’s kinda the opposite of the actual episode, where it’s Peter and Perry are at the coffee shop and Heinz is outside (idk what he’s doing there tho bc he’s not visiting Peter uhhhhh help), and Heinz does something loud and stupid (probably falls over or something idk he’s clumsy he would totally do it) and everyone in the coffee shop looks out the window to see what happened, and Heinz looks through the window to see if anyone noticed (and they did). Obviously, Heinz sees Perry (and Peter but mostly Perry) and he’s like :))))))) and my original plan had been that Perry runs out to see him and gives him a hug or something cute like that, but my new plan is that Perry actually runs away because he’s afraid that if OWCA finds out that Heinz saw him, he’ll be relocated again and he was just starting to get used to Seattle.
Heinz runs around the building and tries to catch up to him, and he after Too Much Yelling, he finally gets Perry to stop around the same spot they were in the episode (with Peter slowly catching up). Idk what he’s gonna yell but it’s gonna be something really pure and heartwarming ig idk words are hard, but Perry’s gonna freeze and Heinz is gonna run towards him while paying absolutely no attention who his feet whatsoever and whoops he falls in one of the kids’ ditches.
*casual switch to present tense bc there’s literally no reason to write this in future tense*
Perry turns around and looks down at him and he can’t help but smile because he knows he shouldn’t be here but this man is just so freakin adorable and he absolutely remembers why he loved their nemesisship (not that he’d ever forgotten, of course, but it’s hitting him harder now that he sees him). Heinz’s just like “You gonna give me a hand?” (in a lighthearted way obviously) and Perry is absolutely not going to give him a hand because Heinz would end up pulling him in instead, but it doesn’t matter anyways because Heinz makes a really big gesture when he asks and he ends up knocking the cutonium loose. Perry hops down with him to check it out (and Heinz is lowkey offended that he’s more interested in this cup than his ex-nemesis) and then Mitch shows up and he’s like “Hey gimme the cup” and Heinz is like “nu-uh my cup” and Mitch is like “GIMME DA CUP” and Heinz is like “fine, take the cup!” and then downs the cutonium right in front of him out of pure spite and that’s why he ends up drinking the cutonium (and subsequently gets kidnapped by Mitch (after being tossed around like a game of hot potato))
Ngl I don’t really know how the rest of the fic is gonna go at all but you’re absolutely right that things are different so I’m gonna do some spitballing here,
For one, I feel like the kids would stop heading to the Flynn-Fletchers as much because it was just so sad, but for the sake of this fic, we’re gonna say that everyone was at the Flynn-Fletchers when this started so now Buford and Baljeet are there with them. They end up getting hold of Heinz the same way they do in the show, and Phineas absolutely does say “... that you, Dr. D?” (purely because I love when the kids call him “Dr. D” it makes my heart happy). And Heinz is like, “Perry the platypus is here!” and the kids are like 0_0 and even Phineas isn’t quite sure wtf is happening, but The Man Of Action Ferb pushes him out of the way and follows Heinz’s instructions (all while ignoring Meap talking about the cutonium bc this is far more important) and they find Peter and Perry still over by the ditch and someone yells down to them (or, more specifically, to Perry) and Perry looks up and sees them and starts tearing up, and they let him and Peter in and Perry just jumps up into Phineas’s arms (he can’t exactly jump up into Ferb’s because he’s driving) and it’s a very heartwarming moment and Ferb hands Buford his handkerchief and everything and then someone ruins the moment. Idk if it should be Meap being like “Someone wanna fill me in on wtf just happened?” or Heinz being like “Wtf Perry you ran away from me but not them?” but it sure do ruin the moment, that’s for sure
Uhhhh idk that’s all i got on that. I guess Mitch gets Heinz back and then the kids team up with Perry (and Peter this time) and go get him and stuff happens? And there’s a running “gag” ig where Buford is the only one that thinks it’s weird that Heinz drank the cutonium out of spite and he keeps bringing it up and everyone else is like yeah that sure did happen whats your point
Oh my god tho I need the kids to see Ballooney. Literally everyone else would be like “oh no it’s an evil balloon ex-best-friend we should be scared” and Candace is like WHAT THE  F U C K  IS THIS THING and she is the only one to question why the fuck there’s a sentient balloon man there fdhfsjadfhsjkad
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agirlinhell · 5 years
Tagged by : no one!!
1. Real name: Angela
2. Nicknames: Angie, ladyimaginarium, nerdy cupcake,
3. Zodiac sign: Cancer ( Western ) ; Dragon ( Chinese / Eastern )
4. Gender: Female ; Questioning??????????? idk??? im a little confused on this?? like i’m a girl but i wouldn’t necessarily be offended if someone called me by they / them either.. is that normal?????? idk man
5. Nursery: Home??
6. Primary school: Public
7. Secondary school: Public
8. Hair color: Dark brown - I wanna change that tho
9. Long or short: I have medium length hair??
10. Loud or quiet: Quiet, my brain’s loud enough as it is and it won’t shut the fuck up 
11. Sweats or jeans: Sweats!
12. Phone or camera: Phone
13. Health freak: Nah not really that just sounds ridiculously tiring and exhausting
15. Do you have a crush on someone: Not currently???
16. Political orientation: Uhhh... idk.. Centrist leaning towards the left??? idk man i don’t really give a fuck tbh
17. Piercings: nada
18. Tattoos: None, i kinda want one tho
19. Airplane: I wish :C
20. Car accident: Nope
21. Fist fight: NOOOOOOOOOO, I hate confrontation LMAO
22. Piercing:NADA
23. Best friend: uhhhhh kindergarten????
24. Instrument: I played the xylophone for a cultural showcase w/ my class - i also play the keyboard - the only thing i have left of my grandmother who died a year ago
25. Award: UHHHHHHHHHHH i think it was an award for being the best writer in my school and for winning a contest for remembrance day??? other than that i never really won an award, i’m nothing special
26. Crush: I...... honestly don’t remember?
27. Language: English
28. Big vacation: Montreal a few years ago????
29. Person I talked to: uhhhhhh my mom / my cats?? i uh..... i don’t talk to people much
30. Person I texted: uhhhhhh @rcdhccdie​ ( we know each other irl ) ??? LOL
31. Person I watched: Uhhhhhh i don’t watch people LMAO
32. Food I ate: chicken tornadoes w/ chives + rosemary and thyme
33. Movie I watched: u h h h h  hh  h hh fantastic beasts 2: the crimes of grindelwald
34. Song I listened to: ride - lana del rey
35. Thing I bought: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh gummy bears?? idr
36. Person I hugged: My mom.............. i’m a lonely bitch and i don’t get hugs often ok
37. Food: chocolate???????? pizza??????????? apples????????
38. Drinks: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fruit punch????
39. Clothing: Anything comfy???
40. Book: the a song of ice and fire series
41. Color: teal!!
42. Flower: rose!!
43. Music: i like literally everything but uh if i had to pick a genre it’s probably indie??
44. Movie: disney movies????
45. Subjects: history :>
47. [❌] Kissed in the rain
48. [✔️] Celebrated Halloween
49. [ ✔️ ] Had your heart broken
50. [✔️] Went over the minutes on your cell phone
51. [✔️] Someone questioned your sexual orientation ( deeeeeeefinitely my mom,,,,,, and myself LMAOOO BUT NOW I KNOW WEEEE )
52. [❌] Used a weapon
53. [❌] Breathed fire ( oH I WISH )
54. [❌] Had an abortion
55. [✔️] Done something you’ve regretted
56. [✔️] Broke a promise
57. [✔️] Kept a secret
58. [✔️] Pretended to be happy
59. [✔️] Met someone who changed your life
60. [❌] Pretended to be sick
61. [ ❌ ] Left the country
62. [❌] Tried something you normally wouldn’t like, and liked it
63. [✔️] Cried over the silliest thing
64. [ ❌ ] Ran a mile
65. [✔️] Went to the beach
66. [✔️] Stayed single
67. Eating: nothing
68. Drinking: nothing
69. Getting ready to: internally scream and go through yet ANOTHER existential crisis :’D
70. Listening to: when the party’s over - billie eilish
71. Plans for tomorrow/today: No plans
72. Waiting for: I don’t know.... a way outta here?????? to be given a hug??? someone to run their fingers through my hair while i sleep??? a change????? to watch the stars with someone late at night?? something exciting?? to get out of this hellhole?? someone to tell me i’ll be okay???
73. Want kids: nah, if i did, i’d probably adopt tbh but again i...... highly doubt it. LOL
74. Want to get married: maybe? :OOO
75. Careers in mind: hmmmm something to do with traveling or photography??? maybe a writer as a side job??
76. Lips or eyes: Eyes<33
77. Shorter or taller: I prefer my partner to be taller than me, but I wouldn’t mind it if they were shorter - honestly size doesn’t matter to me
78. Romantic or spontaneous: Both!
79. Nice stomach or nice arms: Doesn’t matter to me
80. Sensitive or loud: Both!
81. Hookup or relationship: Relationship
82. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant; I don’t want to be in a situation where my partner is causing trouble, unless if it’s something like minor like a small prank.
83. Lost glasses/contacts: I don’t wear glasses/contacts
84. Ran away from home: kinda?? more like walked too far from home and had to walk my ass back LMAO
85. Held a weapon for self defense: No, I was never in a situation where I needed to
86. Killed somebody: No, and I don’t plan to
87. Broken someone’s heart: idk maybe?? if i did i have no idea, no one ever said “i love you” in a romantic way and meant what they said to me sooooooooooo
88. Been arrested: HELL NO
90. Miracles: yep!! though it varies from situation to situation
91. Yourself: Not as much as I should be!! LMAO
92. Love at first sight: Kinda. I bet there’s someone out there who found love at first sight, but I doubt it’ll happen to me LMAO
93. Heaven: I like to believe that there’s an afterlife!! otherwise... what’s the point??
94. Santa Claus: I did until i was like what..... ten?
95. Easter Bunny: Same thing as Santa Claus LMAO
96. Magic: sure, why not?? :OOO i’d like to think so!
97. Is there one person you want to be with, right now: my sisters? idk i don’t have anyone in mind
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: .....no :C
99. Are you happy with the person you’re with: I’m not with anyone at the moment :C
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 5 people: @paulklee-guild @rcdhccdie @dcadrct @stillgcod @prctecthem @morefinesse
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ashesofeternity · 7 years
tagged by @heartoverblade, ay thanks for the tag koji
1. Real name :
2. Nickname(s) : Teb
3. Fav. color: This oscillates a lot, but I guess the most constant one would be indigo
4. Male or female : Male
5. Nursery/Kindergarten : Shit, I don’t remember, but it was like, half here half in Japan.
6. Primary School : Here in Brazil it was in a place called Third Millenium College (college doesn’t mean that in here), that had a crazy director and I think it’s closed down by now lmao, but there one or two years were in Japan too, brazilian schools though.
7. Secondary : Saint Germain College (saying school sounds wrong but just take it to mean school alkçsdfjlksdf). Good name because if you go google that you’ll find like 7 just here in São Paulo lmao.
8. College : São Paulo Technology (Word that’s not university or college help what do I do how do I translate this) - Eastern Zone
9. Hair Color : Black
10. Tall or Short : Tall in here, but average around the world.
11. Sweats or Jeans : it’s too hot for sweatpants but jeans are evil so uh these comfy things that I don’t know how to call sjdkfgk
12. Phone or Camera : Phone
13. Health freak : I’m probably dying but I’ll only go to the doctor once I’m dead
14. Orange or Apple : Uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is... hard... ... ... apple
15. Do you have a crush on someone : not specifically lmao
16. Eat or Drink : CRONCH
17. Piercings : no
18. Pepsi or Coke: coca
19. Been in an airplane : ay
20. Been in a relationship : nope
21. Been in a car accident : nope
22. Been in a fist fight : ...technically I guess
23. First piercing : none
24. Best friend(s): Raf OH I WAS WONDERING WHO I’D TAG IN THIS
25. First award : some best student shit when I was like 8 or something whatever
26. First crush : Grape juice. that tasteless vegetable, “why” are the keywords here for that situation which I barely remember lmao, but it was not cool and I was like uh 7 or 8
27. First word : how the hell would I know
28. Zodiac Sign: leo
29. Last person you texted : mom probably, I only ever text her lmao no one still texts here everyone just uses whatsapp instead
30. Last person you talked to: uhhhhh mom? IDK
31. Last person you watched a movie with : Lily
32. Last food you ate : yakisoba
33. Last movie you watched : Chicago
34. Last song you listened to : Cruachan ~ The Children of Lir
35. Last thing you bought : shit... I’m not... I have... no idea...
37. Fav Food : T U N A (well not really I don’t really have a favourite I love too many types of food for this but)
38. Fav Drink : C O F F E E
39. Fav Bottoms : underwear socks and crocs, my daily outfit
40. Fav Flower : uhhhhhh orchids? 
41. Fav Animal : sto t
42. Color/s : HEY 
43. Fav Movie : gh I DK I don’t have one that’s a hard fucking question
44. Fav Subject : uh idk the semester’s just started i don’t even remember them all lmao
(Put an X in the brackets if yes) (? when probably but not that I FUCKING REMEMBER)
45. [x] fallen in love with someone.
46. [x]celebrated Halloween.
47. [x] had your heart broken.
48. [x] went over the data on your cell phone.
49. [x] had someone like you
51. [ ¥(人 ᴥ◉‿ ʖs งo ᴥ ==ᴥ◉%人‿ ◉ʖ₩ ͜ ◉ 人‿ ᴥ ◉ᴥʖ) ¥  ] got pregnant.
52. [ ] had an abortion.
53. [x] did something I regret.
54. [?] broke a promise.
55. [x] hid a secret.
56. [?] pretended to be happy.
57. [x] met someone who changed your life.
58. [ ] pretended to be sick.
59. [x] left the country.
60. [?] tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it.
61. [ ] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [ ] ran a mile.
63. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [x] got into an argument with your friends.
65. [x] disliked someone.
66. [ ] stayed single for 2 years since the first time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend.
67. Eating : paçoca cake
68. Drinking : coffee  
69. Listening : Sabaton ~ Resist and Bite
70. Sitting/Laying : Ehhhh laying
71. Plans for today: do the thing with the thing that you breathe, go to bed
72. Waiting for : gacha to be all four again so I can sepnd these 60 quartz aND DEFINITELY ROLL CASTER NERO
73. Want kids : yes
74. Want to get married : yes
75. Career : Sell my soul to the system, make a shitton of money, spend it all on the gacha
76. Lips or eyes : eyes
77. Shorter or Taller : uh shor-ter?
78. Romantic or spontaneous : uhhhhhh both?
81. Hook-up or relationship : relationship I guess
82. Looks or personality: uhhhhhh bot h?
83. Lost glasses/contacts : just a part of my glasses, this little pin thing that keeps the right side together so I just fucking taped it because fuck this
84. Snuck out of a house : nope
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense : nope
86. Killed somebody : I hope not
87. Broken someone’s heart : not reaaaaaaaaaally
88. Been in love : wasn’t this already in the
89. Cried when someone died : ...fictional characters
90. Yourself : the only thing I believe in
91. Miracles : nope
92. Love at first sight : nope
93. Heaven : idk probably not
94. Santa Claus: saber alter
95. Aliens: they’re here
96. Ghosts : mm not really
97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now : eh nah
98. Do you know who your real friends are : sure
100. Post as 100 truths : I mean, technically not, I redacted that first one, but otherwise
tagging @rafswildridethroughtheinternet @kyuubi-hime @justanothersaberface @kitragnell @sil-heart @blazingpride @unbenchthekench @a-swiss-panda @hazzoitalianfast
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odingyuu · 7 years
Tagged by @sumeragimikoto​ !! Thanks miko kyaaaa! Under cut bc it’s super long!
Idk if i have anyone to tag so i wont wooo \o/
1. Real name : Odin gyuu
2. Nickname(s) : Odin, Odun, Ochin, Udon, Ood etc!
3. Fav. color: PINK!
4. Male or female : female
5. Nursery/Kindergarten : uhh
6. Primary School : SHS
7. Secondary :  WGC
8. College : I’ve been to 3 lol but rn QUT
9. Hair Color : Dark brown!
10. Tall or Short : short!
11. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans!
12. Phone or Camera : Phone!
13. Health freak : absolutely not--
14. Orange or Apple : APPLE
15. Do you have a crush on someone : Nope but ofc I love Otoya the most!
16. Eat or Drink : Hmmmm i need both always
17. Piercings : One each ear!
18. Pepsi or Coke: Coke!
19. Been in an airplane : Yup!
20. Been in a relationship : Nope thank god DJKGLASD
21. Been in a car accident : yes actually!
22. Been in a fist fight : uhhhh I sparred at karate?
23. First piercing : it was before my 4th bday!
24. Best friend(s): my ichiban is @reachintothesky​ :3c
25. First award : uhhh birth certificate SDGJKLADG
26. First crush : 2015 DGJKLSADG
27. First word : “There!“
28. Zodiac Sign: Cancer
29. Last person you texted : My mom! Last person I messaged was Gaah tho!
30. Last person you talked to: Gaah! We were watching Tsukista!
31. Last person you watched a movie with : Ehh an actual movie-- probably Miko! But if you count stageplays then Gaah! They’re just as long right-
32. Last food you ate : LMAO I HAD BK
33. Last movie you watched : Ousama game live! But if you count livestages then the first Tsukista live Black ver!
34. Last song you listened to : WELL JUDGING BY THE TSUKISTA ANSWERS I WAS PROBABLY Gravity! by Gravi?
35. Last thing you bought : BK,,,
37. Fav Food : Japanese Curry probably LOL
39. Fav Bottoms : Otoya, Rikkun-- wait you mean clothES-- /SHOT and skirts!
40. Fav Flower : Sweet pea! And Hydrangea!
41. Fav Animal : DOGS P7 I LOVE YOU
42. Color/s : pink, white, red, purple!
43. Fav Movie : Spirited Away!
44. Fav Subject : English!
(Put an X in the brackets if yes)
45. [x] fallen in love with someone.
46. [x]celebrated Halloween.
47. [x] had your heart broken. (By a friend tho)
48. [x] went over the data on your cell phone.
49. [?] had someone like you
51. [ ] got pregnant.
52. [ ] had an abortion.
53. [x] did something I regret.
54. [x] broke a promise.
55. [x] hid a secret.
56. [x] pretended to be happy.
57. [x] met someone who changed your life.
58. [x] pretended to be sick.
59. [x] left the country.
60. [x] tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it.
61. [x] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [x] ran a mile.
63. [x] went to the beach with your best friend. (NZ is a beach so i guess?
64. [x] got into an argument with your friends.
65. [x] disliked someone.
66. [ ] stayed single for 2 years since the first time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend.
67. Eating : air
68. Drinking : water!!!
70. Sitting/Laying : SITTING!
71. Plans for today: Sleep,,,
72. Waiting for : me to get my shit together?
73. Want kids : like maybe but not really
74. Want to get married : ughhhhh like if it turns out that way but for me there wouldnt be much of a difference if i married someone or not
75. Career : no idea
76. Lips or eyes : what does this even mean
77. Shorter or Taller : I would love to be even shorter
78. Romantic or spontaneous : YIKES i just wanna take it easy
81. Hook-up or relationship : Relationship but honestly neither
82. Looks or personality: Personality!
83. Lost glasses/contacts : uhhhhhh no
84. Snuck out of a house : nope but ive broken into my own house!
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense : uhhhhh no
86. Killed somebody : hah (no)
87. Broken someone’s heart : Uhhh in a friend way 
88. Been in love : uhhh yes i guess?
89. Cried when someone died : always
90. Yourself : guh in my own way i do! Sometimes you have to, esp if a person is more anxious than you are!
91. Miracles : yes!
92. Love at first sight : Uhh not for me but for others i can!
93. Heaven : yes!
94. Santa Claus: Uhh i dont think about him much but i know my santa was my mom LOL
95. Aliens: scawy but yes
96. Ghosts : yes!
97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now : P7
98. Do you know who your real friends are : that’s scary, don’t ask me that
100. Post as 100 truths : No because my name isn’t actually Odin Gyuu
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