#ughhhhhhh i hate talking about my appearance with my mother
baccan0pe · 2 years
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transboygenius · 5 years
SE4SON: Chapter 17
[*Back in medieval*]
Before they were ready to eat, Jimmy helped Nick out of his armor.
"Do you plan to wash this silver paint off any time soon?" Asked Jimmy. "I thought about it, but then I realized how pretty it makes my armor look. Gotta have bling!" Replied Nick. "*Light chuckle* (Real Nick is so extra.)" "Also, may I change the subject here? About our secret... While I can trust Diana to keep her mouth closed to Mitzi, I'm pretty sure both Rodent Girl and Benson overheard us, and how do we know they won't snitch?" "Well, they are our friends. What friend would snitch on another friend?" "Sheen." "Good point and I hate it."
A cold, familiar voice was then heard. Guess who's back?
"Did I hear the word 'secret' coming from you two?"
Jimmy and Nick recognized that cold, familiar voice. They both turned their heads around, and found that Mitzi had returned from work. She was looking very displeased at them, as usual.
"MITZI! Uhhhhhh... We were just discussing a personal matter amongst ourselves!" Said Jimmy. "How personal might that be? ...demons?" Asked Mitzi. "Very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very, very-" "That personal matter is how you'll never be able to find where we hid our newly built time machine, since we know you sabotaged the last one! You can search this acre from top to bottom, left to right, but we hid it REAL good! Both of us are from the future, which means we're way smarter than you think! It's out of sight, and out of mine! Try to guess where it is, sister!" Nick had to butt in. "It's on the barn roof." "Completely random answer! WRONG!" "I'm looking at it right now."
Jimmy and Nick then looked up on the barn roof. There was their time machine, just like she said.
"Time for plan B." Said Nick.
The tall boy rushed to the shed, took the ladder, and then broke it in half.
"Good luck learning how to fly!" "Good luck to you, too." Replied Mitzi, before walking away from them.
Nick just destroyed the only ladder, which means him and Jimmy won't reach the time machine themselves. The boy genius doesn't know which idea was more stupider: Nick not thinking before breaking the ladder, or putting the time machine on the roof in the first place. Jimmy glared up at Nick, with his arms crossed.
"What? I only had one brain cell processing at the moment!"
[*That night*]
"Thank Rodent Girl's greediness! That moose will be gone by breakfast!" Said Nick. "I can't wait to gorge down on some pizza when we get home. I really miss food with saturated stearic acids." Replied Jimmy. "Big mood. I just wanna eat ice cream straight out of the carton." "(First 'brain cells,' now 'big mood?' Does Nick own a blog on Tumi?)"
Just as the two boys were about to enter the barn, Jimmy stopped for a moment, standing funny.
"Eeeeeeehhh, you might have to excuse me. I hear Diana calling my name. Behind that bush." Then Jimmy ran for it.
Nick is obviously aware that Jimmy needs to take a number one, but is too embarrassed to tell his friend. Although Nick wouldn't care otherwise, he still respects his friend's privacy. The boy walked into the barn, ready to settle in bed. Only, to come to a Goldilocks surprise...
"(Somebody is sleeping in my bed.)"
It was that little girl he thought was following him awhile back. Nick hovered over the tiny sleeping human, still believing that it's just a construct of his imagination. Just out of curiosity, he poked the child a couple of times. He poked it so much, it eventually woke up to say "Stop poking me! I'm trying to sleep!" Frightened, Nick let out his signature high pitched girly scream.
"Nick?" Jimmy had returned from his bathroom break. "Oh. Jimmy! Tell me the next storm is coming soon! My mind is in a spiral right now, and I'm starting to hallucinate! There's that little girl, who I presumed had been following us, right there on my bed! And it spoke! IT SPOKE! I'm not gonna make it, man!" "It's okay, Nick. Calm down-" "No, it's not okay! My head is playing tricks on me! What's worse is that I think my brain is trying to send me a message, only I don't know what it's suppose to mean!" "It's okay, cuz I see her too." "You do?" "*Nods head*" "Then that means... AHA! I WAS RIGHT AFTER ALL! SUCK IT, JAMES! Sorry. Sorry, the enthusiasm went way out of hand there." "No biggie. I deserved it anyways."
The little girl then stood up. She appeared to be the same height as Jimmy. Next, she spoke.
"*Ahem* My apologies, majestic ones. I meant to wait for you so I could appropriately introduce myself. I got a little drowsy from all that waiting, so then I just nodded off, I guess. My name is Sally Philip, daughter of Joseph Philip. Does that name ring a bell to you?" "I've met a Joseph Sander, Joseph Winslow, Joseph Miller..." Nick began to list. "Bob Philip. Shelia Philip. Donny Philip. Don't-Remember-First-Name supermarket bag person Philip..." Jimmy also listed. "Sorry." Both replied. "Hmmmmm. Perhaps this will refresh your memory: You were with him by the time he were my age? You know, that little runt that always followed you around, pestering you with conversation starters, begged to be taught magic and learn a knight's fighting honor?" "I'm afraid we have no idea what you're talking about. I've had a little 'brother' just like that, but he never begged me to teach him magic, or battle mechanism." Said Jimmy. "You have a brother?" Whispered Nick. "I'll explain it later. He's currently serving time on the moon." Replied Jimmy. "So, you don't remember?" "I am certain we never met a Joseph Philip in our life!" Exclaimed Nick. "Perhaps you mistook us as someone else." Also exclaimed Jimmy. "How could I mistook the Wise Wizard and Silver Knight?" "WHAT-?!" Both Jimmy and Nick. "Don't tell me you don't remember who you two are. You, *points at Nick,* does the name "Silver Knight" come to mind? And you, *Points at Jimmy,* I don't know any sane peasant who walks around in a cloak and pointy hat!" "It was the only thing in my size." Said Jimmy. "And is it a coincidence that you two happen to travel as a duo? The Wise Wizard and Silver Knight never travel separate!" "Sounds like a coincidence to me." "How 'bout the fact that the Wizard bears fair skin, chocolate brown locks, and sapphire blue eyes?" "Still a coincidence." "What about me? Any info for the knight?" Asked Nick. "Nawwww, my father never seen your face. WAIT, maybe the trouble isn't that you can't remember who you are! But, you probably have amnesia!" "I'm sorry, but didn't you mentioned that your dad met these weirdos when he was around, your age? How old are you?"  "I'm eight." "So, if me and Jimmy were around that time, we wouldn't be standing right here with our young selves! I believe you're looking for old men,  who each own a ridiculous wizard costume, no offense bro, and a silver suit of armor!" "But your partner here is master of sorcery, better than any wizard the people knew! Actually, he was the only wizard people knew. He could conjure up the elements of animal communication, size changing, and a de-aging process! You probably lost your memory in the middle of the spell. He did mention there were side effects." "(Now this girl is delusional.) One, there is no such thing as magic. Two, where do you get all these descriptions if you weren't born by then?" Asked Jimmy. "My father wrote it all down."
The little girl pulled out a big, thick, diary book, titled "Joseph's logs," and then handed it to Jimmy.
"I think it will help regain the memories you've lost. I will do whatever in power it takes to overcome your amnesia!" "A lot of questions come to mind, but I have only one in particular right now: Does your parents know you followed a couple of strangers to an isolated farmland, and then slept on said strangers' bed?" Questioned Nick. "No. I'm sure they wouldn't mind anymore." "Why's that? Are they easygoing?" "No. They've been hanged."
An awkward silence took place. Nick now feels bad for all the sass he's given. The poor girl lost her parents. And she had a lot of guts to just say it without hesitation.
"I'm sorry for your loss." Said Jimmy. "No need for pity. I've gotten over it *About to cry again, but she manages to hold it back in* a couple days ago. I shouldn't be crying. Mother always told me, real women don't cry." "Are you currently under a guardian's care?" "Please, nobody is placed under anybody's care around here. Waifs get taken into the custody of child labor." "Man, that must suck! They'd do that to kids?!" Said Nick. "You could always book in with us. The Faithful Five Plus Two, I thought of the name, always opens their arms to the unfortunate ones in need! We have enough food and shelter!" Jimmy suggested. "Is this one of those hospitalities where I'm expected to carry my weight around?" "Well, this hut land is owned by the She-Hulk, so I don't think freeloading is an option." Said Nick. "Ughhhhhhh, I hate chores. It's good! I feel at home already!" "You can stay, but on one condition. Please stop addressing us as the funny little characters in your dad's made up fairytales." "The Wise Wizard and Silver Knight aren't made up! They're real! Ask anyone! Anyone who is old! Second, I came to you two cuz I thought you would help overthrow the king and save us all from our poverty! You're the town's saviors!" "I wouldn't go far to call us that, but don't worry. We have a plan that is already setting in motion!" Said Jimmy. "You're gonna turn him into a gerbil!" "Huh? No. We got through to the king with a settlement. All we have to do now is figure out what he wants over dinner." "And then you'll turn him into a gerbil!" "There's no such thing as magic! We've just set a bargain with him!" "Set a bargain? Do you two have a death wish? You're more ill-minded than I thought! I recommend you look through my father's diary right now!" "Trust us! We've got this under control. He was very polite to us, and he seemed interested in our standpoints." "It's deception, guys! I just know it! This is a man who hanged his last chancellor for eating the last raspberry scone!" "How 'bout we at least figure out what the king wants first? If anything the king offers sounds suspicious, we could always turn the tables on him. We may not have magic, but we do have our brains." "That's what he said." "What?" "That's exactly what the Wise Wizard would say! 'It's not always about power that makes your enemies yield, but also using your brains to find their weakness!' Though your memories are lost, you still hold a piece of yourselves deep inside you!" "We're not who you think we are! I'm Jimmy Neutron, and this is Nick Dean!" "I can't believe I'm the first human being to actually learn your real names! *Fangirl squeal*"
Jimmy then turned to Nick for help.
"Nick, it's hopeless! What do we do now?" "I think we should just let her use up all her energy and then wait until she falls asleep?" "Can't you think of anything else but your beauty sleep?"
[*One hour later*]
Turns out Nick's suggestion worked after all. Sally eventually tired herself out and fell into a deep sleep. Fortunately, so did Nick. He was lying on his back, while Sally slept on top of him. Jimmy put a blanket over them, just to keep them both from getting cold. He wasn't feeling all that tired right now, so he decided to read the diary Sally handed him earlier. Each entry was dated, around the late 1400s. They were stories, based on young Joseph's experience with the Wise Wizard and Silver Knight, as well as the duo's own.
The Wise Wizard used to be a clinician who'd give medical treatments to peasants for no charge. Food and shelter was never a problem for him. His home was his laboratory, which he used to brew potions or experiment on new spells. Whenever he needed to feed himself, he'd just magically conjure up his own food just by taking a measly sample. He could turn a crumb into a whole cake, or a seed into a full fruit. Sometimes he'd use his magic for the sake of helping others, but they always end up having a sense of hostility around him. Sorcery was considered as a threatening concept. The way people looked down on this man never stopped him from helping the weak. However, only the children enjoyed his presence.
The Silver Knight was the kingdom's top-class, superior warrior. He possessed the highest quality of fighting strategies. His defense skills were beyond compared. He successfully rallied up more foes than any knight has achieved. The fellow knight has saved King Todd's butt for about 16 times. He rescued his daughter 10 times. No knight dared to challenge him in a joust, because he triumphed every single one. He was unbeatable, and unstoppable. Brave, strong, and smart. Nothing has killed him yet. The king honored his excellency by giving him a new suit of armor, encrusted in silver. Not only that, but he was also welcomed to dine with the king at the table, and he teaches combat tactics to his own school of knights. Everything about him was perfect.
Except, he wasn't happy with himself. He was extremely miserable. The Silver Knight never took breaks, any vacation time, or even showed some real emotions. He had a very strict father that trained him to be the boldest man alive. The training put a dent in his childhood, and lives up to the mighty macho figure he is today. He has risked himself many painful injuries during battles and wars, and is expected to not be bothered by them. Many peasants are out having fun, while he's stuck with his job. He flirted with any female civilian that is infatuated by him, despite the fact that he is not fond of women. The knight has strayed away from sweets and only consumed big meaty dishes. He prefers sweets over savory foods, but what man would that make him? He was alone, bored, and secretly scared. He stayed in his armor at all cost because he feels more comfortable with his true self hidden. Behind his helmet, he is always crying.
Enough is enough! Early in the morning, he snuck out of the castle and paid a visit to the forest, where he interacted with the adorable woodland creatures. Suddenly, he heard smooth, faint talking. He picked up his spear and followed the sound. He found a funny dressed young man, giving company to a brutally injured deer. Finding his actions suspicious, the Silver Knight ran up to the wizard, and pointed his spear at him. The wizard merely explained that he was trying to heal the deer, and proved it in front of him by showing off his magical feats. After the deer's injuries disappeared, with a slight of glittery hands, it managed to get back on his feet and then lick the wizard as a thank you.
Dropping his weapon in shock, the knight was very amused by the young wizard's talent. He has never seen anything like it, nor has he ever heard of magic. While most adults in the middle ages adjudged magic as being menacing voodoo, due to witch activity, this was a whole new discovery for the knight. He asked the wizard if he could do it again, even willing to stab himself in the arm for it. Instead, the wizard suggested he try some new tricks. He turned an acorn into a full grown tree. He shrunk himself and the knight down to the size of squirrels, and shared a large apple together. He gifted the knight the ability to fly, which only lasted for five minutes. The two bonded for three hours, and the knight didn't care if he was behind schedule. He finally got a break like he always wanted, and now he has been rewarded with a friend.
It was fate that brought these two together. One year later, they grew even closer than ever. They rebuilt the lab even bigger so the knight could move in. They'd fool around with magic for a bit, sometimes have long conversations, or hang out at the area they first met. The wizard was allowed to visit the castle whenever he pleases. The knight is learning to do magic, although he's very bad at it. He finally decided to take time off every now and then, just like the other knights. The wizard had showed the knight that it's okay to have fun. It doesn't make you less valid than you already are. Your happiness is just as important and healthy. If the Silver Knight haven't met the Wise Wizard, he would have never come out of his shell. Nobody understood him more than the wizard.
They were always very protective of each other, too. The wizard would assist his friend in battle, even though he tells him it's too dangerous. The knight would shield any insults thrown at the wizard. They had an adorable knack of doing good deeds for one another, because of how much they cared.
One afternoon, while the two men were chilling in their favorite calm zone in the woods, a little boy, named Joseph, showed up out of nowhere, with a cherry cobbler as a peace offering. He used to be one of the orphan children the Wise Wizard entertained for. He was also a big fan of the Silver Knight. Seeing them together was like a match made in heaven. Being a fan of both, he begged them to teach him magic and fighting skills, since their powers influenced the child so much. Instead, they each gave him an autograph, and politely asked him to leave. Unsatisfied, he pestered them for a whole week, including popping up in places he's not suppose to follow them in. They eventually gave in, and decided to teach him during their leisure times.
Joseph was one of the worst trainees the two had dealt with. He kept screwing up magic spells, and his battle tactics were too careless and aggressive. The truth was, Joseph never really cared about magic or warrior skills. He just wanted to feel the nurturing presence of parents, since he was an orphan. Joseph either wanted one of them, or both of them, to be his fathers. He was hoping they'd soon come to their senses and then adopt him. Who wouldn't want two awesome dads as these? They have showed him more love than any adult he interacted with. And speaking of love....
The binding chemistry between the Wise Wizard and Silver Knight was quite questionable to the young boy. The best of friendships can be as much passionate and bonding, but he has never seen a more complex friendship as theirs. They'd hold hands. The knight loved to serenade his own written tunes to the fellow wizard. They gave each other some cutesy pet names such as sweetheart, darling, and my dear. He even witnessed them kiss mouth-to-mouth, without catching a glimpse of the knight's face. Their relationship was what you'd compare to a romance, rather than a platonic union. Joseph was still convinced that they were just friends, despite the obvious signs in front of him. A few months ago, the king offered the Silver Knight to take the princess's hand in marriage, but he rejected that offer. The Wise Wizard didn't have a female lover of his own as well.
Based on how he was raised, Joseph just can't picture two men showering each other in romantic affection. From all the books he's read, and every public relationship he's seen, it has always been a man and woman together. Just men kissing women, and men marrying women. He didn't think something like that could happen to two people of the same gender, maybe because he has never acknowledged it before. No one has ever taught little Joseph that love could be diverse. The only way he'll find an answer if he asked one of them. The first person he came up to was the Silver Knight. Just as he questioned the friendship between him and the Wise Wizard, he responded with,
"Such a naive child you are. What me and my dear wizard have is more than of a friendship."
Jimmy stopped reading right there. It sounded as though these two characters, who are both men, are in love with each other. Two men in love? That's repulsive! Women and men were meant for each other! Aren't they? It... It just doesn't seem normal! That's what he was raised to believe. Jimmy thought back at the book, and Joseph's perspective on the wizard and knight's relationship kind of reminded him of himself, except it was towards his certain feelings for Nick. What he feels for Nick right now holds the same vibes he had for Betty, Sally, April, and Cindy. Him and Nick have grown very close to each other in this past week. He was fond of him for his kindness, his modesty, his relatable interests, and just now, he realizes how handsome he is. No wonder girls used to swoon around him.
Maybe... Maybe love isn't suppose to just work one way. Science never claimed love worked one way. Love could work the other way, both ways, or no way at all. It could also be based on the factors of your prenatal testosterone and estrogen, running in your genes. If gender can be a spectrum, then perhaps romantic or sexual attraction can be too. But just because science never claimed love was meant to be hetero only, doesn't mean he has fully explored on this topic. Jimmy could be in love with Nick, and he's afraid it might be true.
"(I can't call myself a scientist if I don't know everything! Why don't I know everything? 'Specially a question as simple as this?)"
[*Back at the castle, five hours earlier*]
King Jason was sitting in his main throne room, playing with the servants in his favorite game: Hang-man. The king was winning as usual. They always let the king win. All of a sudden, Richard poked his head into the room, interrupting the game.
"Pssssssssssst! Sire?" "*Sigh* What this time be, Richard?" "Can I have a moment to speak with you? In private, if you wish."
Rolling his eyes, Jason requested his staff to clear the room so he could speak with his chancellor alone.
"Couldst this personal subject beest any more important than my game time?" Asked Jason. "Well, in sooth, aye. About those boys..." Richard replied. "What about the boys?" "It- It's not like you to forgive someone after trespassing on your domain, and posing as your authorities! Those two could've been thieves!" "But it turns out they weren't. Get over it." "I'm just curious, sire. What is't about these two dram troublemakers do you find interesting?" "You mean you don't recognize them? Their outfits are a dead giveaway!" "Frankly I don't. Please-don't-hang-me." "Maybe this sketch drawing, that I happened to illustrate myself a long time ago, will give you a clue!"
Jason then pulled out a piece of paper with two stick figure designs on it, with the word "SICKOS" written above the two characters, who were dressed like a knight and wizard. It looked like it was drawn by a kindergartner.
"Uhhhhhh... Still doesn't ring a bell, sire. But that's a very, very, wonderful piece of art!" "IT'S THE INFAMOUS WISE WIZARD AND SILVER KNIGHT, BLAST IT!" "Huh- Ohhhhhhh, them! I remember now! Although I've never seen them, I have heard of them! My mother used to tell me stories about their adventures during bedtime- My apologies, sire! I didn't mean to suddenly make this about me! And another question dawns on: The two gentlemen you were talking to a while back were boys. Weren't the Wise Wizard and Silver Knight men?" "You don't know what they're capable of doing, don't you, Richard?" "Well, they save the day, aid the poor-" "None of that nonsense! The Wise Wizard is most acclaimed for his talent in phenomenal enchantment feats! (Shame that he wasted it on poor souls) One of them being the power to de-age oneself! Don't know why they did it, but possibly as a rebirth form to stay alive longer than any mortal would! Ever since they walked out of the village to start a new life, I knew it was now safe to establish my biggest scheme yet, since there was no hero to stop me from that point on! Father would have never suspected his own son to poison him. Hahaha. Those fools are to thank for!" "You, poisoned your own father? I thought he committed suicide!" "Shhhhhhhh! Now that you're the only person I've ever told, I am sure of it you'll never let my secret leave this room. Because, you know what will happen if you don't." "W-word of honor, sire! Word-of-honor." "They helped me reached my place to the crown once, and they'll do it again." "But sire, you're already king! What more could you want?" "I wanna rule the universe, not this filthy boxed up mudhole! I want to step up my status! I want the whole world to look up on me! Those two are the only ones who can make that happen!" "How can they make that happen?" "You'll see soon enough, Richard! You'll see!" "And is it alright for I asked one more question?" "Hmph. Shoot." "Whatever happened to your older sister? Have you poisoned her, too?" "Nah! I pushed her off the top of the castle. Unfortunately, she survived the fall. So I had her hanged instead. Ah, yes, it was also my very first hanging at the time. I had that noose bronzed, by the way! Wanna see?" "No thank you, sire. I've seen enough."
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