#uf papyrus was definitely a wanderer
capricioussun · 4 months
Forgor the addition lol anyways of course part of what brought that thought up was thinking abt that uf au where monsters surface much earlier and Gaster raises Sans and Papyrus on the surface. He'd regularly use Papyrus as a personal heater. Papyrus will just be minding his own business and then Gaster is like Have I told you how much I love you recently son? And then hug him for fifteen minutes to warm up. Papyrus is used to this. In the winter he has to sit in the middle for movie nights so Sans and Gaster can use him as their kotatsu
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So here's some ideas I had for the Mythology bros. My thought process is that each set are the same species, with a few exceptions.
Sans- Fae Papyrus- Fae (Seelie court, tricksters but but help keep order)
Anne's Thoughts: This has pretty much been decided. I'm going to have to research more about faeries, but I do like this idea (and @manicdepressive-dreamgirl's ideas on it).
Blue- Mermaid/Siren Stretch- Mermaid/Siren (Honestly I would kinda love Stretch to be a Siren and Blue a Mermaid. Stretch is just too lazy to lure people to their deaths and just passes for a mermaid.)
Anne's Thoughts: Interesting! I think they might both just be merskeletons, but Stretch could joke about being a lazy siren...?? Not sure...
Red- Lamia Boss- Lamia (Just feels like it suits their personality, I can see them being two different types of snakes)
Anne's Thoughts: I'm gonna give this a solid maybe, mostly because I don't know a lot about lamias or snakes in general. Other suggestions for these guys are welcome.
Black- Vampire or Shinigami Rus- Werewolf or Grim (I kinda like the idea of them being polar opposites but on the same side for the Vampire/Werewolf combo or with the Shinigami/Grim the relationship of one that collects souls and one that defends them)
Anne's Thoughts: I do like this one. I think Black would really like being a vampire (in the vein of Dracula) and Rus would be fine with the werewolf thing. I also like the combo because book Dracula has a control over the "children of the night" (wolves) and it would be an interesting dynamic.
Sansy- Wendigo or Brownie  Sweets- Wendigo or Brownie (Ok so Wendigo is pretty on the nose and makes me feel guilty XD. Brownie is more of a after. Protectors and caretakers of house and home, but also can become a boggart causing mischief or worse. Can be placated back into their brownie self with kindness and food.)
Anne's Thoughts: I'm not going with Wendigos. Aside from the sad implications there, it comes from a folklore and culture that I don't know well. What I do know is that I've seen that folklore/culture disrespected to do wendigo stuff. So...not wendigos. The brownie/boggart idea is interesting, though...Hmm...
Bones- Fae Lucky- Fae (Unseelie Court, not necessarily evil but more disruptive and chaotic)
Anne's Thoughts: Again, more research needed, but I like the idea that they're a different kind of fae from the original brothers but still similar.
Smiley-Dragon Grim- Dragon (Sharp pointy and loves gold, need I say more?)
Anne's Thoughts: This could be very fun! If I don't go with dragons for these guys, I might for the UF brothers instead. :)
G- Changling Aster- Changling (Because they are not the people that people think that they are, they have just little differences to make them stand out. Wandering about in search of themselves and why they are so different, maybe? Maybe shapeshifting?)
Anne's Thoughts: I do like this one. Something to do with shapeshifting would be really fun for these guys!
Comet-Harpy Captain- Harpy (I feel like they should be something winged or able to fly.)
Anne's Thoughts: I think you're on the right track with winged/flying creatures, but harpies might not be the right ones for us. (For one thing, I believe harpies are almost always female...) Maybe winged horses/pegasi?
Break-Centaur or skidder Tango-Centaur or skidder (I just see them dancing, well Tango anyway, with their clicking hooves. Skidders with their many legs, but also I thought about the spiders that do the mating dances.
Anne's Thoughts: I don't know what a skidder is (big spider?). Centaurs is a good idea. Maybe fauns? They followed Dionysus in Greek mythology and were involved in a lot of dancing...Maybe Break is disillusioned with the whole thing and doesn't anymore?
In general, I really like all these ideas, and thank you so much for getting them all thought out and written down! I will definitely be using some of them, and doing research into others. Feel free to send in more, guys! Let's build this AU together!
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hahanoiwont · 3 years
1. What kind of relationship does WT Frisk have with Nightmare & co? Is it family-like or is it friendship-like? Does WT Frisk get along with all the bad sanses?
2. What if WT Frisk met Ink and Dream first? What would their relationship with Frisk be like?
3. I know that in your fanfic Whither then, Frisk has some kinda nonchalant attitude about dying again and again. What kinda of reactions would the skeleton bros have when finding out that Frisk has died so many times to point of Frisk becoming numb to dying?
4. I know I’m asking a lot of questions, so sorry about. But I love your fanfics and they make me happy and sad when reading them. If Frisk agreed with Red to stay immortal and stop aging, would all the multiverse sanses and Papyruses be happy about that?
Thank you so much for answering my long winded questions. 😆
oh no this was buried in my askbox, I am sorry for losing it for so long! So without further ado:
1. Does WT Frisk get along with all the bad sanses?
Yeah! I'd say in the bad sanses au (mostly readable here) Frisk gets on well with mostly everyone--those of them with specifically Frisk/Chara-related trauma might take a while to adjust, but most of them have already met Frisk before they even get to Nightmare's place. This is after Frisk and Dust have been traveling together for a while, so of course they get along. They actually have to work more on the idea of being separated sometimes, when Dust goes on missions and Frisk isn't constantly with him. They've been traveling together for several universes, and while Frisk is an independent kid, Dust has been about 3 feet from them, max, for much of that time. Mostly because he doesn't actually have any means of traveling through the multiverse himself, besides just catching on Frisk's shoulder as they go. If they'd happened to go and leave him behind, he'd be stranded. Thus, the two of them were more or less attached at the hip, especially towards the end of any given run. I think that habit would be hard to break, even when they're rooming with several new people and Dust has a sorta-kinda real job.
Likely, this starts out with Frisk just hanging out with Horror, and Dust coming with them as a matter of course while they do things he's not particularly interested in. So, Dust and Horror reach a comfortable mutual tolerance fairly quickly, mostly because Dust is apathetic and Horror is busy enjoying the reunion. But I imagine the first mission they go on is a whole stressfest for everyone involved, given Horror's abandonment issues, Frisk's abandonment issues, and Dust's discomfort with addressing social situations without Frisk to run interference. So, that would be a Time.
2. What if WT Frisk met Ink and Dream first?
Hmm. Let's say it's maybe a sort of Outertale situation, where Ink and Dream happen to be in a world that they're monitoring for Shenanigans when, lo and behold, a Shenanigan drops in their laps!
This is never covered in Outertale bc Comet doesn't know about it, but the general outcode community deals with people not being where they belong by trying to find some place they can belong in. Being as it's pretty unsustainable to try sending Frisk back to UF, they'd likely try to set them up with an AU that's expressly for homeless universe-wanderers. That way, Frisk isn't wandering through AUs that aren't supposed to have an outcode presence in them, and there's a minimum of interference. So...I think that lands Frisk in some place like the omega timeline, or haventale?
I think somewhere like that would be pretty good for them, actually--they're surrounded by people who have all also lost their homes, and loved ones, and who are also trying to build a new life after all of that. Somehow, I see them making friends with a post-genocide version of one of the swap bros? Or. actually. Disbelief!Papyrus. To my understanding that's Classic Papyrus as the survivor of a genocide run in which Sans was killed before the Judgement Hall, so Papyrus is the one to wait in the Hall and confront the human for murdering his brother. I think that Papyrus would have a lot to say about Sans as a flawed but beloved individual who is now gone forever, which Frisk would be able to empathize with after their experience with Red. I think after some initial wariness, they could be dear friends to one another.
3. What kinda of reactions would the skeleton bros have when finding out that Frisk has died so many times to point of Frisk becoming numb to dying?
Well! Not best pleased, of course--learning that a loved one has died, even if they're back to being alive now, can't be easy. Of course, the Sanses generally know, or suspect--Red absolutely knows they've died, and has some specific deaths that he deduced in fairly accurate detail from Frisk's reactions and his own nightmares/deja vu moments. Ironically, he also has some nightmares about deaths that didn't happen, and assumes that those are also real. Blue, if you recall, thought he'd killed them in a past genocide run; Black and Slim were both aware of the possibility that they could time travel but ultimately dismissed their suspicions when Frisk proved to be able to REFUSE instead. US!Papyrus has learned that they can time travel and has done his best to take it in stride, but has avoided thinking too hard about the implications of that. Shy was also intellectually aware of the possibility, but he decided he didn't want to know.
However, in terms of new information, I think Fell would take it the hardest. He would see it as an absolutely crushing failure--not only did he not keep them safe from their own brother, he didn't keep them safe at all. He would seriously start to question whether he's of any use to them at all--which, given his ideas about attachment, would lead him to feel he doesn't have a place in their life. He would definitely take it personally that they died so much when he was purportedly protecting them.
I think his ultimate decision, reached without discussing the matter with anyone else, would be that he's Definitely Failed as a brother, both to Red and to Frisk, and he's just not capable of keeping anyone safe. Clearly he is simply not meant to experience love. He can save his world from itself but he can never keep a single person from suffering. I think at this point US!Papyrus would step in, because clearly someone has to, and remind Fell that he's still extremely violent and paranoid. If it came down to a duel to the death to keep their respective siblings safe, Fell would win by a landslide. This would actually make Fell feel better. Surely, if US!Papyrus is worthy of love despite being totally unable to kill a dozen people in an afternoon, Fell must be fine. He will just do Better from now on. No One Will Ever Die Again. Which is good, considering that murder is illegal now due to Fell's extensive efforts.
4. If Frisk agreed with Red to stay immortal and stop aging, would all the multiverse sanses and Papyruses be happy about that?
Well, I think that depends on exactly how they come to be immortal...I think the easy answer would be to absorb a boss monster's soul, since boss monsters don't naturally age, and go from there. Which would be an unpopular plan, generally. Especially since Frisk is quite young currently, and not at immediate risk of dying, barring unusual circumstances. It would just seem like a drastic move for a time that's so far away.
I think it would also depend on Frisk's attitude on it--if it's something that they're relieved about, or something they were pushed into, or even something they approached Red about in the first place.
Exceptions exist--Red would be both smug (he did a Good Thing. no one else even thought of it but he did) and quietly relieved; Fell would disapprove of Red being a bad influence on Frisk if the method were particularly violent but would notably not obstruct the process and not let anyone else stop it, either; Slim would be all for as long as Frisk was alright with it; and Black would insist that it's their choice and his approval or disapproval isn't what's important here. Though he would be likely to corner Red later and convey his gratitude through terrifying and questionable means.
Sfrisks would think that all of these people are insane.
Hoo boy this got long, but,, thank you for sending in these asks! I love answering these questions, even if it takes me a while to actually get to the answering bit. I appreciate it!
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creative-poptart · 4 years
What are the guys favorite seasons?
Oh, this is actually pretty tricky! Let’s jump into it and get the ask going!
UT Sans/Vanilla: Fall. The world is starting to turn colors, and he doesn’t feel too uncomfortable wearing his favorite hoodie out in the open. The cold air isn’t enough to remind him of Snowdin, and he’s content with it.
UT Papyrus/Creampuff: Summer! There’s much more to do while the sun’s out all day and he has much to do! He’s also fond of the beach visits, ice cream trips, and the fact that the stars seem to be even more bright.
UF Sans/Red: Winter. He’s got one season he likes the most, and it’s the one he can stay inside without making excuses for it. Besides, this time of the year is coldest and helps keep his skull straight on his neck.
UF Papyrus/Fell: Spring. The air is cleanest around this time, just before the pollen hits, and he feels the most comfortable. The flowers and beginnings of all the new life are also a bonus, but he won’t say that to most people.
US Sans/Blue: Fall. The world around him is definitely most beautiful when the leaves start to change colors. He’ll wander around and look at all the beauty in nature, and his jogs are just a little less sweaty during fall days.
US Papyrus/Stretch: Summer. While he won’t be outside too much for the duration of this season, he loves the flora it brings. Additionally, roasting marshmallows and getting all of the campfires are his favorite things.
SF Sans/Black: Winter. This particular season makes him happy because the cold air helps him to think clearly about anything he needs to. He’ll take the time to go on wintry walks in the snow, just to think peacefully.
SF Papyrus/Rus: Summer. This is the most productive time he has because he can stay inside to do all his work. Additionally, there’s more than enough time for him to finally eat all the cold sweet treats he loves.
HT Sans/Axe: Spring. All of the new stuff coming up reminds him that not everything in life is horrible. He likes to sit in flower gardens and look at all of the things that have changed from winter. 
HT Papyrus/Sweets: Spring! The new growth of life is one of the most exciting things for him to see each and every year. It’s the one time of the year he’s most happy to see come around, and he can start gardening when it does.
Thanks for the ask, @chibijessykat!!
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
Captive Love   1
UF!Sans x Reader (or Frisk if you wanna)
Summary: (Y/n) has a time she won’t remember, thanks to her fever. Luckily Sans is there to keep her safe…?
A/N: So, here’s the first real chapter, just setting up everything. Interested to see what the reactions is. So, in this chapter, the reader is sick, and it’s enough that she’s starting to get that fever haze where you can only vaguely pay attention, and don’t really remember anything afterward. I should also note, that Sans and Papyrus do love each other, but they don’t know how to express soft feelings to each other, and can be abrasive toward each other, but it’s really just a product of the place where they grew up.  
Also, Warning:  A certain amount of being captive (staying at home to be safe- how relatable! to those of you in quarantine… I wish I was in quarantine…)
Masterlist      Series Masterlist
Cute when you blush.
(Y/n) stumbled to a stop, leaning on the rough brick wall at her side, feeling the rough texture under her hand as the other swiped over her forehead, running through her hair, then down her face.
Dizziness made her vision and mind swim.
Get home , she thought. Water. Medicine. Bed.  
It would be easy. Make it home to her shitty apartment through the bad neighborhood with ever rising danger, get water to take the medicine she’d gotten from the dollar store, take the medicine, and pass out on her bed covered in blankets so high she’d sweat this flu out overnight, even though her body was telling her that it wanted to pass out for at least a billion years.
(Y/n) shook her head, realizing that it was a bad idea when her vision swam again. She closed her eyes, trying to get her mind together.
Meds , she told herself, her legs pausing as her face scrunched, knowing that that was wrong.
Home . Yes, that was right, she nodded to herself and started forward. Home, bed, meds- no… her movement paused.
Home… Water- that’s right, home, water-
She’d nodded to herself again and started forward, determined to get to her apartment before she passed out on the sidewalk. On her second step, though, she crashed into a solid form, feeling it move only slightly, and hearing the sound of groceries tumbling from their bags.
“Uhnno,” (Y/n) half slurred through her scratchy, sore throat, ducking down to gather the things and putting them back into the bags that had fallen with them. “’M so sorry…” It had been meant as a genuinely sorry exclamation, but tumbled out as a piss poor mumble.
She gathered herself and stood, handing the bags back to the dark shape in front of her. She could see it, he wasn’t a blur or anything, but her brain wasn’t focusing on any details, leaving her with mostly just impressions and colors.  
She hated being sick. It didn’t happen often, at least not seriously, but when it did, it tended to hit all at once making her nearly unable to function for a day or two before she was past it and feeling almost completely better.
The dark shape in front of her dropped the bags, letting them crash to the sidewalk, and her mind had just had enough time to start processing this information before it was assaulted with an overwhelming amount of new information.
She was moving.
Something was against her back.
It was a little darker- that made her wonder if a cloud had crossed in front of the sun.
The thing behind her was rough- bricks.
The person was still in front of her.
They were bald, or their hair was slicked back really tight, and wearing a baggy, thick hoodie or coat- that’s what the dark part was.
It was starting to hurt- she was being pressed against the wall.
She couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen for some reason.
(Y/n) blinked her eyes harshly, her vision clearing a bit.
Dark eye sockets with glowing pupils met her, formed in an angry expression, hanging over sharp teeth.
Her hand wrapped around the thick, but boney wrist near her throat.
A smile twitched at the corner of her lip, her hand sliding up the sleeve of the hoodie/ coat, drifting over his jaw.
His scowl hardened, but a nervous prickling ran over his spine as her eyelids fluttered lower.
something is not right here…
Her hand guided him closer, and in his confusion, his hand loosened, and heactually went with her, wondering what the hell she was doing.
When they were nose to nasal cavity, (Y/n) kissed his face, between his cheek and mouth.
Surprise shot across his face, lighting his cheeks up red.
God, he’s so cute, blushing like that at a kiss! (Y/n)’s dizzy mind contemplated. She couldn’t remember exactly what had happened immediately before being in this situation, but he was cute, and so close, and she felt like she needed to kiss him again.
A half strangled giggle pushed its way from her sore throat as her other hand went to his other cheek, holding on to each side and pulling him back to her.
Her lids fell shut as she leaned forward, her lips meeting his mouth, his boney lips fitting hers as her head tilted.
Sans felt his bones stiffen in the extreme uneasiness of this situation, shock at this human woman’s crazed boldness at the first kiss, and his cheeks burning more as a soft, pleased noise left her and her arms wrapped around his neck, deepening the kiss enough that he felt her tongue run over his gold toothed canine before she passed out and fell limp in his arms.
oh holy fuck-  
This girl, this human woman, had just laid down some smooth moves on him after he’d slammed her into a brick wall.
He hadn’t wanted to, but being in front of all those people, human and monster, on the street, and being the brother of one of the Royal Guard Commanders, he felt like he had no choice but to put the little human “in her place” for “daring” to run into him.
Sans felt his soul thumping against his ribs, his face heating more and spreading the red glow over his cheek bones as he felt frazzled, looking down at the woman in his arms.
She still had the slight smile on her face, her lips slightly parted from kissing him, one hand had managed to clutch on to the zippered edge of his coat as she slid down…
His fingers moved from around her neck to support her better in his arms, a burst of warm feelings hitting his cheeks and filling his chest.
she’s so fuckin’ adorable!  
The phalanges of one hand smoothed over the skin of her cheek as he stared down at her in his arms.
she’s so soft!
His fingers trailed over her again, his eyes taking in her figure, how soft and squishy she was, but was interrupted by the sound of his groceries being kicked around out on the sidewalk.
Sans looked around the alley he’d pushed the human into, seeing nowhere he could put her, no stranger’s yard he’d hope would be good to her, no store that would let him in, or that didn’t have monsters, who would either eat, or do other horrible things to her.
He felt pressure building; Papyrus was expecting him to be back with the ingredients for dinner soon, the ones that were on the sidewalk- but what the fuck was he going to do with this woman?! He couldn’t just leave her laying in an alley! His race may have been called monsters, but to leave someone who hadn’t done him wrong to possibly be tortured; he wasn’t as bad as that!
The pressure built, making him feel like his heart was being squeezed in a vice.
fuck- fuck fuck fuck!
what the fuck am i going to do?! Sweat started beading on his forehead, and he ducked his head, pressing his face into the woman in his arms.
Strangely, he felt calmer.
When he realized that, he lifted his head and looked down at her. A mixture of astonishment and confusion moved over his face as he looked down at this little lady in his arms.
He knew that some of the other, more “top ranked” (see power hungry), monsters had kidnapped humans who wandered into their territory, a few of them even keeping them as “pets.” He’d always thought it had something to do with holding power over the “more powerful” race, having control over them, holding them captive as they had been, but… maybe it had something to do with this calming feeling, too?
Sans clenched his jaw, grinding his back molars as he thought.
He really didn’t feel right about leaving her there… besides… something about her just seemed to make him feel better.
Why couldn’t he have a pet?
Even if it was pretend, just until she was able to go home- and he’d take her, too, teleport her straight back here and walk her home- but she couldn’t defend herself like this.
Sans gritted his teeth harder.
It would have been easier if she’d been rude, if instead of saying sorry and picking up his bags she’d pushed past him and scoffed, if she’d run in to him on purpose, if she’d cursed at him or called him names… then his conscious would be a bit clearer to leave her racist ass there in an alley to whatever would happen to her, but… she hadn’t.
She’d smiled, kissed him- twice! No demanding what he thought he was doing by pushing her into an alley, which he definitely would have deserved.
No, none of that. She was such- such a- a…
“s-sweetheart,” he murmured, feeling an embarrassed grimace twist his hot face, his soul thumping against his ribs again.
Fuck. He’d probably stay here holding her close in this alley all day if he didn’t have to leave…
The clink of cans knocking around again pulled him from the train of thought he’d left on.
Sans bent, laying the woman gently on the ground. “be right back, doll- promise. ain’t gonna let nothin’ happen ta ya.” He quickly gathered his stuff from the sidewalk and came back to her, picking her up to lay against his chest and almost over his shoulder before situating his bags and teleporting to the house he shared with his brother.
Sans looked around outside, the field of tall grass and flowers so different than what he was used to in Snowdin.
He didn’t see Papyrus anywhere, so he carefully opened the door, checking there as well.
The taller skeleton wasn’t anywhere to be seen, so Sans dropped the bags on the counter and carried his little sweetheart to his room, tossing the sheets from his bed back and laying her down, looking over her to see what he could do to make her more comfortable.
i could take off her shoes… her jacket… He did what he could, tucking her in, leaving a glass of water on the nightstand.
He was just leaving, closing the door behind him when his brother walked into the house.
“SANS,” he called in his higher, scratchy voice. “SANS! YOU LAZYASS! WHERE ARE YOU?!”
Sans sighed softly before heading to the kitchen. “wazzup, bro?” He asked, forcing a more neutral tone in his voice.
“i hadda use th’ bat'room. ya want me ta take that all in there wit me?” Sans shrugged him off.
Papyrus didn’t seem able to figure out what to say to that, or maybe what to say first…
“We Have Been Eating A Lot Of Human Food, Lately,” he finally muttered to himself. “WELL GET OVER HERE AND DEAL WITH IT, NOW, THEN, YOU LAZY BAG OF BONES!”
Sans felt the irritation crawling over his back.
Maybe he should have actually smacked his brother when he was still smaller than him. To be fair, though, they’d had no idea that Sans would turn out so much shorter than his younger brother.
“sure thing, boss,” he grumbled.
Through dinner and cleaning up, Sans felt on edge, worried that the human would wake up and his brother would find out about her. He didn’t know what his brother would do, necessarily, but he might do something awful just to be a dick to him. Just to remind him who was in charge. Or maybe he was just thinking this because he was nervous.
Sans shoved the last dish into the cupboard and turned, heading toward his room.
“WHERE ARE YOU GOING?” Papyrus asked.
“ta my fuckin’ room, ya gotta problem wit that?” Sans snapped back.
His brother just grumbled to himself.
The door closed behind him, and he let out a tense sigh, looking over to his bed.
His room was a bit of a disaster, things tossed around carelessly on the floor, but his bed was nice and clean after he’d tossed everything off of it earlier.
nice and clean and full of a gorgeous girl.  
Sans punched his femur to rid himself of his irritation at his brother, then tossed his coat and shoes off and onto the floor before going to the bed and crawling in, pulling the blankets up over himself.
His guest was in the middle of the bed, so he was at the edge, but he tried not to mind, instead focusing on her sleeping face. He wondered what kind of person she was that she could kiss him as though it were a normal thing, smile at him, after he’d been purposely aggressive to her.
After he’d almost fallen off a couple of times, Sans reached out and brushed her hair out of the way so he didn’t move onto it and hurt her, then scooted closer to the middle. “sorry, sweetheart, gotta move ya a lil,” he murmured to her, going to shift her. “my boney ass keeps fallin’ an’ tryin’ ta pull me wit it.” He only succeeded in moving her a few inches, rolling her to her side as he moved closer, and her scent seemed to fill his nasal cavity.
It felt like a hug.
Sans clenched his teeth, hesitating for a moment, but scooted closer and wrapped his arms around the woman, pulling her flush against him.
He tried to distance himself from it, not wanting to be creepy, but the top of her head was right in front of him, and he buried his face in her hair, his arms squeezing around her a little. His eyes pressed closed tightly as he felt the heat from her body seem to seep into his bones, her scent continuing to calm and comfort him.
“ggh- fuck, doll, ya tryina steal my soul or somethin’?” He murmured, trying to joke off the serious feeling with a weak huff of laughter, but he fell silent again, giving her another squeeze.
“i hope y’re alright, sweetheart,” he whispered to her. “don’ wanna have hurt ya bad when ya been nothin’ but sweet…”
A/n: I’m going with the cannon that monster food is absorbed in the mouth, and human food goes all the way through you, and expanding on it that monsters can eat human food, and it goes through them the same way, with their magic digesting it as though it knows how. Also, yes, dis gettin’ smutty. Just wait for Reader to wake up, Sans isn’t a complete perv lol
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vex-bittys · 4 years
What instruments do you think best describe each of your lamias? I can see krauts being flutes or something equally melodic and peaceful, but what about the others?
*This question took quite a bit of thought, but I have settled on some answers that I think fit the lamias’ personalities.
Papython (UT!Papyrus): a marimba or ocarina because of the light and cheerful music they can make
Corny (UT!Sans): a trombone for the pun or a kazoo for the comedic effect depending on your Corny
Krait (Gaster): harp or flute because the peaceful and relaxing sound of them, they are delicate but lovely
FireRing (Grillby): definitely piano because it’s so expressive that you could almost imagine a FireRing communicating with it, or the pyrophone organ variant because combustion
Honey Bo (US!Papyrus): a digeridoo because it’s funny to say but makes a very unique musical sound that would represent their love of music
Pygmy (US!Sans): synthesizer or fiddle because they make bright energetic music that represents their zoominess
King (UF!Papyrus): violin or bagpipes, musical instruments that are elegant, yet powerful
Coral (UF!Sans): handpan or steel drums for their love of touch and cowbell because they can be discordant
Chain (SF!Papyrus): ukulele for its relaxing, laidback sound and harmonica because they are wanderers
Mamba (SF!Sans): drums or xylophone (anything percussive really) because hitting things with sticks... and war drums
*Feel free to leave other suggestions in the comments! 
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battlemaiden13 · 5 years
Hi, I saw your blog and wanted to ask (If requests are open of course and you're okay with this request) how would UT/UF/US/FS/HT bros react when they are relaxing with there S/O (S/O has depression) and the S/O seems to be losing focus and before the skeles can ask what's wrong, S/O grabs their hair in anger and shouts "Why am I sad!? Everything is good now! This shouldn't be happening!" Before breaking down. (It happens to me sometimes I would just like to see what they would do)
13: What a good prompt! I hope you enjoy the answers, and I’m sorry it took so long to answer, But i want to let you know that I think your doing great!! even if you don’t think so or are having a bad day, your doing good. 
SansHe just sits there with you patiently waiting. He’d see if you want contact and if you do he would hug you close and gently run his hands through your hair. He won’t force you to speak, just let you know that he is there for you whenever your ready. He knows that sometimes you just have bad days but he wants you to know that he is there for you.  
PapyrusTo begin with he’s taken aback by your sudden outburst but he quickly pushes his shock aside and pulls you into a hug. He tells you that you don’t need to be happy right now, take your time and everything will get better. Sometimes you just are sad and that’s ok. If there’s anything he can do to make you feel better tell him and he’ll do it.
RedHe softly grabs your hands and moves your fingers with gentle persuasion. He kisses your hands gently and lets them fall to his chest. He asks you to try and align your breath with his and listen to the gentle thrum of his soul. No matter where your mind wanders come back to the sound of his soul. He holds you gently and tells you that right now is shit but hold hope that’ll get better. You have been through hard times before and survived through them. That you are strong even now in this moment.
EdgeHe hands you some chocolate that he knows Red keeps around the house for when he has his own moments. He tells you that it’s alright and you shouldn’t have to be happy all the time, you need the sad parts to make the happy moments happy. He’ll pull you into a hug and draw gentle circles on your back until you feel better.
BlueInstantly springs into action telling you that everything is ok and you allowed to be unhappy. He brings out an emergency kit full of your favourite snacks, a movie or two, a fluffy blanket and a teddy bear before he wraps you up and settles you into the couch for some well deserved cuddles and relaxation as he tries to calm you down.
OrangeHe immediately wraps you up in a blanket before chucking on some funny movie or video and pulling you close to his chest. He tells you that you are doing great and that he’s so proud of you before gently kissing your forehead.
BerryStands in front of you and demands your attention as he recounts some story that’s probably entirely made up or goes into great detail about some complicated trap. All the while demanding all your focus as he keeps asking questions effectively trying to take your mind off of your depression and focus on anything else.
SyrupHe starts to laugh, he honestly can’t help it, he wasn’t expecting you to just yell out like that for no reason. However he doesn’t like seeing you like this and so proceeds to suggest some, uh, physical activities that may help you take your mind off it for a while and will definitely make you feel better in one way or another
LordDoesn’t know how to deal with this situation. In fact he finds it kind of irritating. He understands that you can’t help being sad, that it’s out of your control but you are with him at the moment and should be happy! He tells you this and demands you suggest something the both of you do to make you feel better.
MuttHe not so helpfully informs you that your sad because your serotonin kinda sucks sweetheart, and it doesn’t work quite right before kissing your forehead and internally panicking. Usually people have to deal with his depressed ass he doesn’t know how to cheer people up! He does understand how you feel though and will ask if there’s anything he can do to help you.
AxeHe leaves you on the couch alone for a few moments before coming back with a pile of food in an attempt to make you feel better. He anxiously tugs at his socket as he practically orders you to eat in an attempt to calm you down. He also tells you that it’s ok to feel sad even when everything is going ok.
CrooksThis outburst gives him a panic attack. He knows you didn’t mean to and that you can’t help it but it just came out of nowhere and he’s not entirely sure what to do. After pacing for a while trying to figure out what to do he settles for bringing you a big plate of warm food and gently stroking your back while you eat
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undertaleowl · 5 years
Hello! Could I get a matchup? I'm a short non-binary person who has a passion for both writing and visual art, and occasionally cookd and bakes. I prefer to stay in with some fast food and watch Netflix, but I wouldn't mind going to a bar or traveling to a city. I also have a thing for space, and I love to make people laugh. I also sometimes have depressive epidsodes, and my mind wanders into space a lot. Also, I think puns are underrated tbh XD
Come in, come in, to Owlie’s Match-Making Parlor! Same with the Netflix and food though XD Match-up is underneath the cut!
I match you with…UF Sans!
Doll, is he asleep? Because he thinks he just found his dream-mate.
Bars? Bars. This UF boy would follow you like a your number one fan if you decided to go on a bar crawl. While he is one of the lazier Sanses, an exploration date in the city with alcohol somehow involved does sound like his definition of a good time, especially if you two sample the night life while you’re there. Hell, maybe even getting a nice hotel room to observe the city life and enjoying a night of luxury, even if it is just for one night, is a good way to spend time with one another.
However, he definitely doesn’t mind being lazy either, so a lazy day with Netflix and cheap fast food sounds good too. Wanna watch horror movies? He’s got some cuddly blankets and an arm to clutch when it gets tense. A comedy? Hell yeah, let’s laugh. A romance? …. He’ll sleep through most of it, but he will definitely enjoy the way you two are sitting or laying on the couch together.
On the days where you feel like cooking or baking, Sans is the ultimate taste tester and will gladly taste and eat anything that you make. He spent years downing Grillby’s food and Papyrus’s “lasagna”, so baked goods like brownies and chocolate chip cookies and lemon bars make him practically cry with joy. They don’t even have to be professional quality, so you don’t feel any pressure about making them completely 100 percent perfect. And not that he doesn’t enjoy Grillby’s greasy food, but there’s something that great-tasting home-cooked meal has over grease-soaked burgers and fries.
You’re kind of a counterpart to UF Sans, not in a clone type of way, but more an “idealized morale” type of way. When you both make people laugh, both of you feel a sense of accomplishment but for different reasons. Sans feel accomplished because enough people kind of like him to laugh at his jokes. You’re happy because their laughter means that you have made them happy. This “two-sides-of-the-same-coin” scenario allows for the both of you to grow as a couple and as individuals. Sans accepts now that he is accepted in his circle of acquaintances, that he doesn’t have to earn his place, and you learn from him that sometimes jokes are first off about making yourself happy first.
The “two-sides-of-the-same-coin” perspective also applies to when either of you have depressive spells. Sans is from Underfell; honestly, having depression or some other type of mental illness is not all that uncommon, so Sans has experienced some symptoms from not only himself, but his brother as well. However, the symptoms manifest in different ways. This is why, in your relationship with UF Sans, communication is key. Sans’ depression manifests itself in sad self-loathing for himself and irritability towards other people. Often, these symptoms are mistaken for annoyance or even dislike. If you are in a relationship, Sans is in it for the long haul, so don’t be scared off by his pissiness brought on by depression. Likewise, make sure he knows what’s up with you too, so you’re on an equal playing field.
UF Sans Pick-Up Line: Hey, I’m here. What are your other two wishes?
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@miss-me-chispy said:
MK!!! What’s up?! Heard there was a party over here on this blog 😉
So, I’d like to give the matchmaking process a whirl. I guess I’ll start off with describing myself.
I’m what the kids call ObnoxiusTM. My favorite thing to do is embarrass my little (teenaged) brothers by dabbing and doing fortnite dances; their cringes fuel my “big sister” powers. So yeah, I have very little shame when it comes to having fun. Additionally I need constant stimulation (visual, auditory, sensory, doesn’t matter), and my mind is prone to wander as well as my feet. I have been known to meander away from my group on field-trips/vacations, but it’s only because there’s so much to see (and I want to see it all).
Despite the above description, I’m definitely introverted, and while I love people and getting to know them, being sociable takes effort on my part. I’m only ever really recharged whenever I’m by myself or with one or two other people who are very close to me (i.e. family and besties).
Creation is a pretty large motivating force for me. As you know I love to draw, but I’m also learning how to code. Something about the practical, hands-on disciplines excite me, even though my degrees are in Biochemistry and Medical Laboratory Science (more analysis than production). And if we’re throwing in SOUL traits, mine is a toss-up between integrity and determination; I haven’t really settled on one yet.
Okay, now about the Baras. I’m looking specifically for a close/romantic relationship. I’m open to anyone, but being in an environment where harsh words are leveled at me constantly is a big no no. I’m fairly stubborn, and one thing I will not tolerate is toxic behavior, especially since I’ve seen so many family and friends go down that path of getting involved with abusive people. In some ways this also makes it harder for me to open-up romantically. While I desperately crave the companionship, I do have trust issues, less concerning loyalty and more concerning the way I’ll be treated. However, once I love someone, I’m all in, and my primary displays of affection are physical touch and quality time.
I shall bring three gifts: 1. A tiny music box because I’ve always been fascinated by their mechanics and love the little melodies. 2. A potted baby succulent because they’re cute and I have several sprinkled about my house which makes it feel more like a home. And 3. A lovingly framed picture of the Old Spice Man on his horse because why the hell not?
Sorry it’s so long, I got carried away lol. (Psst, also please don’t feel obligated to choose Spicy because I have UF!Papyrus as my icon. I want to see who you would genuinely pair me up with.) Thanks friend ^3^ ~<3
"Throughout your description one of the biggest things I noted was that you should not be paired with a Spice, actually," MK says with a shrug. "They're much too aggressive and Tsundere for you, and that always comes in the form of compliments thinly veiled as insults, so yeah, no."
"I THINK A HONEY WOULD BE GOOD FOR HER! OR A BERRY!" Papyrus offers, handing you the pamphlets for the mentioned breeds.
"Oh, absolutely," MK says. "Honeys and Berries are notorious for treating their partners with respect and admiration. Berries are incredibly vocal about their affections first and foremost, and though they aren't as easily attached they do make sure you know they think about you when they have to be away. They're big fans of hands-on crafting and sewing, making costumes and sparring alike, but are also gentle in touch and pacifists."
"A Berry might be a bit much, since they are incredibly social and attention-seeking. They firmly believe in not wasting a moment of the day. Honeys want attention but they can get it in the quiet of doing nothing together." MK pats Stretch's jaw gently as he leans over to rest his head on her shoulder. "So it's really up to you!"
Honey or Berry?
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elasticglue · 6 years
Ooooooh what if the lazy boys (UT, UF, US, SF) had a crush who just had the shittiest day and instead of going home they come to him. I'm talking curl up with him and whimper when he tries to leave kinda upset.
Comfort post♡ (Warnings?: uh…crying?) This seems rushed to me too. Ugh sorry this took long too. Thanks for waiting enjoy^^
Ut!Sans: you two are very close friends so it’s no surprise when you randomly pop up at his home however, something seemed off about your demeanor. You didn’t greet him like you usually did, not to mention the lazy wave you gave him. He was going to ask you what was up, that is until you plop yourself beside him curling up closely to him. Sans sucks in a breath…okay…this was…new. He was hesitant to wrap his arms around you, so his hands just kind of hovered around you as if you’d disappeared if he touched you. It wasn’t until you started sobbing that he start hugging you. Sans no longer cared what was wrong, all he knew Is that he needed to help you feel better. Sans rocks you in his hold shushing you in the process telling you that everything was going to be okay. Wiping away your fresh tears Sans looks you in the eyes, his face showing pity. His heart ached for you, and he internally cursed whoever made you like this. Sans plants a gentle kiss on your forehead. “It’s going to be okay, I’m here for ya. I’ll make everything better, okay. You don’t have to tell me what happened, but just know that I want ya to be happy,” Sans explain gripping your hand tightly before bringing it to his lips, kissing you reassuringly. “I love you.” 
Us!Papyrus(Stretch): What’s going on, Buttercup? He notices that soemthing is off as soon as you arrive. From the way you groaned as you threw your bag on the ground to the way you leaned on his shoulder with a sigh. Stretch cracks a joke before patting your head. Silence fills the room, something was seriously going on. You usually laughed at his jokes. He so badly wanted to ask you what was up, but stretch wasn’t sure on how to approach it. He opens his mouth to ask you, but, he was cut off by your crying. Stretch attempts to get up to get you tissues, yet he was stopped by you whimpering, gripping onto his sweater. “Don’t g-go…” You whine rubbing your wet face into his jacket. Stretch couldn’t help but frown at your sadness. He gently pats your head, “Hey what’s goin on?” He attempted to ask, which only caused you to sob more. “Okay, not a good question,sorry.” He shushes running his fingers through your hair. Stretch ’ s mind began to wonder. Who did this to you? Someone from work? Maybe a friend? Jeez, the thought alone made him upset. Of all people, someone as kind, funny, and sweet as you gets their feelings hurt. He sighs, he’ll put the thought away for now. Sitting you up, he urges you to look at him. Stetch gently grabs your chin wiping your tears with his sleeve before leaning in to kiss your cheek. “Hey…it’s gonna get better, alright. We can work through it together. I’m here for ya.” It felt really good to see you come to him for comfort. You trust him a whole lot, enough that you came to him for consoling. Stretch decides that once you were better…..he would discuss how he feels about you.
Uf!Sans(Edge): Edge was chilling out on the sofa flicking through channels when you quietly closed his front diir behind you as you enetered is home. Edge gives you a small greeting as he keeps flicking through channels. Edge can be kind of oblivious at times, so when you flop on the couch laying your head in his lap he doesn’t really do much. However, he can’t help but run a bony hand through your hair. You’re too cute sometimes. Usually he wouldn’t hesitate on such a compliment, since he’s been known to playfully flirt with you. But….he could hear you sniffling. Were you crying? He didn’t do anything wrong did he? Edge kind of starts panicking and even removes his hand from your head. The frazzled skeleton attempts to move away from you only to have you sit on his lap stopping him from moving anymore. You bury your face in the crook of his neck letting your tears fall. Edge was more than surprised. You’ve never done this before, and he knows you’re upset but he can’t help but enjoy this…intimacy. Putting those thoughts away, Edge wraps his arms around you, “Hey uh…did I do somethin’?” When you shake your head no Edge let’s out a sigh of relief before hugging you tightly. His face buried in your soft hair. While he wasn’t too sure on how to comfort you, Edge tries his best. “Yer okay sweetheart. Ain’t no one gonna hurt ya. Not while I’m here, kay?” The tears definitely did throw him off because honestly he’s never seen you like this. Why were you like this? Who hurt your feelings? God help that person if Edge runs into them, cause they were going to have s terrible time. Edge takes a deep breath to calm his wandering mind as he contuies to slowly rock you. He plants a kiss atop your head. This felt so right. He could feel you beginng to calm a bit, “Just like that, yer doin great….I love ya, sweetheart.” That was the first time he’s sounded so serious about anything.
Sf!Papyrus(Rus): The both of you were laying about on the couch when you decided to wrap your arms around Rus’ waist. His cheekbones grow warm but he chuckles nonchalantly. “You never do this? What’s up?.” He’s enjoying the close proximity at the moment. Your soft hands around him and the way your forehead leans on his sternum. Patting your head, he smiles, but something disturbs him. He feels something wet on his shirt, not to mention the way your shoulders gently bounce up and down….were you crying? Rus frowns attempting to pry you off him to look at your face, however you cling to him keeping your face hidden whimpering at his attempts to move you. “Hold on there, what’s wrong? Ya gotta tell me, darlin’” he worries patting your head. “Please.” What’s going on here? Are things not going well at home for you?" The more you cried the more worried Rus became. He wraps his arms around you as well pulling you closely as he gently rubs circles in your back. The least he could do is console you. “No, don’t cry, please. It’s gonna be alright….shh. I’m here, let it all out.” Gosh, this was not how he was planning on spending his time with you. He was planning on helping you relax. The two of you were supposed to unwind…and tonight…..he was going to confess his feelings for you…“(Y/n),” he whispers running his fingers through your hair before pulling away just enough to grab your chin carefully tilting it upward so your eyes meet. He leans in close pecking you on the lips. “Come on, I’ll make it better.”
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skeletorific · 6 years
Hello, may I request a fluff imagine/headcanon? How would UT and UF Sans (who I imagine are space nerds) react to finding out that their s/o (who they've recently started dating) works at a planetarium/observatory complex when the s/o takes them on a date there? They also tell them the reason they kept their work a secret is because they didn't want to appear like a huge nerd in front of the cool skele. Oh, and the skele can come by anytime as long as the s/o worns their boss beforehand
UT!Sans: Okay, it will be a MIRACLE if he doesn’t already know. Sans spends a lot of time at the planetarium. Given that monsters went Underground centuries ago their understanding of astronomy is way, waaay behind the times. He’s done his best with the sci-fi novels and occasional textbooks that fall into the dump, but it's very piecemeal and sometimes hard to tell what’s real and what’s just a sci-fi trope. After he and Papyrus get settled he spends a lot of time wandering and figuring out what he can. He’s relieved the moon landing was real (or was it…no its real).
He’s seen you a couple times but just assumed you were a regular like him (the dress code is basically just formal wear for you). You were pretty cute, and he ended up striking up a conversation after you’d ended up responding to his bad joke (”that solar system exhibit’s so nice I wanna put a ring on it”) with one of your own (”yeah, must’ve taken a long time to planet”). 
You’d talked for a while and he’d walked away for your number. Normally Sans isn’t the type to move fast but clearly, there was some kind of gravity at work here (heh) so it wasn’t long before you’d had a first date. Then a second.
Third date planning went something like this:
Sans: what do u think, brave enough to try Paps spaghetti again tonight?
You: as appealing as that sounds, I’ve got work late tonight :’(
Sans: nooo
You: yeah…
Sans: eh, it's okay. can always try for another night
A pause. And an idea struck you.
You: u know what? Meet me at the planetarium at 10 with some food.
Sans: ok?
Sans: u don’t have time to get to my house but have time to get to a closed planetarium in the middle of nowhere?
Sans: that sounded sarcastic tbh i’m sorry
You: you’re good xD. and trust me. it's a surprise ;)
Sans oooh~
He showed up at ten on the dot, not late for once and holding McDonald's. He looked around for you on the front steps when the locked doors opened and you were on the other side, trying to stifle an excited grin. “hey”
“uh, hey. How did you….” he smacked his forehead. “I’m an idiot. you work here?
”yeah. I mean, to be fair to you, I’m upper management, so I don’t wear the uniform.” You held the door open for him and he walked inside.
“still, might’ve picked up on it. how come you acted all mysterious about it?”
“I dunno.” You led him down the dimly lit hallway, shrugging. “its kind of nerdy, I guess? not like the glamourous nerdy, like NASA or something. Like, low budget never enough funding nerdy.”
“hey, what part of this made you think I wasn’t into nerdy?” He gestured to himself.
“I don’t know, it's dumb. and I’m hungry” You made a grab for the food and he pulled it out of your reach.
“hmm, I dunno..” His perpetual grin widened and he waved the bag tauntingly. “don’t know if secret keepers deserve food…”
You grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him in for a brief kiss. He flushed bright blue and you took advantage of this to snatch the bag out of his hand and stuff some fries in your face.
“heh, you play dirty, kid”
“so what did you want me to see?”
“Same reason I had to stay late” You rolled up the bag to save the rest for later. “we’re opening a new special exhibit, and well…got special permission from my boss to give a special tour.”
“…..you didn’t”
“I did” You grinned
“you didn’t”
“come on” you grabbed his hand and pulled him along
It was a small theatre with about twenty seats in it. You led him to the front row and then dug around in your bag, pulling out two pairs of 3D glasses and handing one to him. “its this recreation of a satellite’s path. Goes out pretty far and the effects are fan-fucking-tastic” You sat down next to him
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “hey i think i’m in love with you, is that normal?”
You stuffed some fries in his mouth, smiling. “just don’t spill food, the janitor will murder me.”
You sat there in content silence for the full thirty minutes, listening to the narration as it took you on a tour of the galaxy. You’d seen the video a lot of times at this point and spent most of it watching him.
He looked like a kid at a theme park. It was honestly kind of adorable. Sans didn’t show open excitement often, but he was so lost in the film and the visuals that he wasn’t at all self-conscious about his facial expressions. His smile was wider than you’d ever seen it and he kept squeezing your shoulder whenever something particularly cool came on screen.
You settled against him. Enjoying the silence and the warmth, and the moment between you.
UF!Sans: “what is this uniform even for?”
“stop going through my clothes, ya creep,” you said, snatching the blue polo out of his hands and pulling it on.
“up until about five seconds ago you were naked but it's noticing the clothes that make me creepy” Red sat up and stretched, pulling back the blankets on the bed.
“no one ever said I made sense” You pulled on some dark slacks too, turning to the mirror leaning against the corner and trying to get your hair into something approaching decent shape. 
Red sidled up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing toothy kisses along the crook of your neck. “sure you gotta go?”
“yeah, got work.” You smiled, humming softly at the attention.
“could call in sick…” His hands crept lower, towards your hips. “stay a little longer…”
You flushed and gently pulled his hands off.“ my boss would actually kill me.”
“trust me, your boss ain’t seen nothin like me yet” He grinned.
“hey, be nice to my boss, I actually like this job” You adjusted your shirt.
“like it so much you won’t even tell me what it is.”
“is it important that you know?” You pull on some shoes
“nah, just a weird thing for me to not know.” He rolled his neck, groaning softly.
“I’ll tell you someday” You pulled on a jacket and grabbed your keys.
“unless I find out first” He smirked sharply.
“that threat would be a lot more credible if you were wearing pants right now instead of just boxers”
“that a challenge?”
“take it how you will. I gotta go”
“hey” You turned your head to face him and he caught you in a slow, soft kiss. “have a good day”
You smiled. “yeah. you too.” And with that, you were out the door.
You’d been seeing Red for a couple months now. What the battle-hardened, rugged, smooth-talking skeleton saw in you you’d probably never know, but all that mattered right now was that his jokes made you laugh (even the bad ones) and his kisses left you weak at the knees. You’d be an idiot to give that up.
Which….is probably why you hadn’t told him about your job. Like, you hadn’t been actively hiding it or lying to him or anything. But you’d skirted questions and tried to avoid talking about anything that happened at work. Red was a badass. And you were slowly realizing that he was probably a genius too, based on what little he told you of his life Underground. And there was something kind of embarrassing about telling a person like that that your place of work was a planetarium gift shop.
As if you needed more reasons to feel inadequate next to him. You knew you were being kind of stupid about the whole thing, and you kept meaning to tell him. But every time you’d get so nervous about what he might say or think that you couldn’t make yourself.
Which was a shame, because you really did like your job. Sure, some of the customers could get a little annoying, and the pay wasn’t super great. But there were definite perks. Watching little kids chatter excitedly about planets and comets and asteroids to their parents/teachers. Getting to wander around the exhibits on your breaks and after work. Even the occasional chance to talk to guest speakers in between lectures. You were fascinated by space and space-related stuff. No interest in becoming an astronaut or even an astronomist but you loved the opportunity to learn in a more casual setting.
Still, by the end of your shift, you were ready to get home and clean up for your date. You and Red were planning on going to a movie.
One problem. You couldn’t find your keys.You dug around in your pockets, the break room, even the space behind the counter in case they fell out, but nothing. You searched for nearly forty-five minutes, making a general nuisance of yourself to the person who came to swap you out.
Your phone buzzed.
Red: where are you?
You: sorry, still at work, can’t find my keys. be home soon
Red: want a lift?
You: you don’t know where I am.
Long pause.
You: Sans-
Before you could send it you heard a familiar, amused voice behind you. “really should know better than to leave your location on, doll~”
You yelped, nearly dropping your phone as you whirled around. “Red-!”
“so, where are we-’ His voice dropped off and his eyes went wide as he took in his surroundings. 
Your face slowly grew redder. “I…..I know its nerdy and I swear I was gonna tell you eventually but…” Your voice died off as you realized he was chuckling. “….what’s so funny?”
“stars, doll.” He hooked his fingers under your chin and pecked you on the lips, eyes lidded. ‘if I believed in soulmates i’d say you’re getting pretty damn close to one.”
“….you’re into space?” Your cheeks felt like they might catch on fire but your heart leaped in your chest. 
“uh…” His turn to look slightly awkward. He rubbed the back of his head. “yeah, honestly. one of those interests I keep on the down low, but…yeah.”
“…do you want a tour-”
The movie fell by the wayside (you found your keys in your car later on). You walked, handing hand through the planetarium, and got to watch as your gruff and tough boyfriend turned into a hyperactive twelve-year-old over all of it.
Comforting to know deep down, he was just as big a nerd as you are.
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thepopatochispfren · 6 years
Dunno if you have too many asks or not but I just wanted to ask how would UT UF Sans and US FS Papyrus react to an S/O who has a beautiful singing voice? Like they can hit high notes w/ perfect ease. The S/O only sings when alone and the skele walked in on them one day. The S/O says they were a performer once but they stopped when someone took advantage of their talent, but if the skele really liked their singing, the S/O is willing and happy to sing just for them.
UT!sans: you were singing a lovely melody to yourself as you were preparing yourself a snack. but when you turned around a short smiling skeleton was behind you, seems like you weren’t just singing to yourself. “s/o you sing *re*ally well, i know this might sound *chord*ny but i think you’re an amazing singer *so* *fa*r from what i’ve heard.” you blush a bit at the punny compliments which makes him chuckle and lay some more on you. afterwards you explain how you used to be a professional singer until somebody took advantage of you. he looks sad hearing of what happened but he puts an arm around you with a comforting smile. “don’t worry talented singer, as long as i’m around you’ll be safe.”
UF!sans: he had some suspicions before, but now hearing you sing he’s definitely convinced that you’re some kind of angel. he walks over to you clapping with a grin on his face. “sweetheart i didn’t know you could sing. seriously that’s low *key* pretty awesome, like you sing so well it’s *note* problem for you.” he’s just telling you a bunch of music puns from the top of his head. it wasn’t until you explained your history is when he stops joking around. for a minute his grin is gone and eyelights are out. unsettled, you ask him if he’s alright. he snaps out of it and looks at you with a grin. “oh uh, yeah i’m fine, don’t worry ‘bout it.” he’s really pissed that someone took advantage of you and he might try to find them and pay them back for the trouble they caused you. but for now, he asks you to sing something for him.
US!papyrus:he was napping on the couch when he was awoken by an angelic singing voice… is he actually dead? he mumbles to himself something like that should be in hell for his past mistakes instead, but he realizes that it’s you who is singing. your voice is so nice and calming and… zzzz. yes, he fell asleep again. it isn’t until later when he asks you about it. when hearing of what happened he simply nods with a unreadable expression. he then pulls you into a sleep pile to relaxinate. whenever it’s time for bed he now he always asks you to sing a lullaby for him.
FS!papyrus: he just came home after having a long day, all he wanted to do was have a smoke and maybe take a nap. but then he heard someone singing. at first he thinks it could be some intruder who was stupid enough to make themselves known or think that they were alone, so he wanders around the house looking for the owner to the voice. he finally spots someone, but it’s just you. he nearly forgot that you moved in a couple weeks ago. he sits down on a nearby chair and listens to you. he didn’t know that you could sing. he doesn’t make much of a fuss about it, but you catch him humming one of the songs he heard you sing. you tell him of what had happened in the past, and he nods with a lazy grin and tells you he’ll be out for a moment. he eventually comes back after a few hours and when where he was he just says he took care of some business. he lies down on the couch and asks you to sing a song for him. confused, but deciding not to question it, you sing him a song. he grins and drifts off to sleep.
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UT, UF , and SF bros go take a nap at their best friends house. When they have a realistic dream about their friend. Only they find out that they are now mates. And they have a child together already. But when the brothers wake up and find out it was a dream. How would they react towards their friend? Would they see them as more instead?
[I think I understand what you’re asking? I’m gonna see what happens. This also took eight years, I apologize.]
Undertale Sans - Sans
Sans actually assumes the dream was a past timeline, and that’s not a good thing for him. He’ll probably start thinking that he’s only hurting himself by being friends with you and will grow distant, but he won’t tell you why he’s like this unless you confront him alone. Even then, you’ll really have to be close to him to get him to open up. If you’re lucky, he might ask you if you’d want to go out sometime.
Undertale Papyrus - Papyrus
Papyrus would probably be bummed when he woke-up, and maybe a bit surprised that he slept at all. He’s not gonna act differently, but sometimes his gaze lingers longer than normal, or he hugs a bit tighter sometimes, or at movie night he wants to be closer to you. It’ll get to him sometimes, and he wants to be closer, but he wants you to decide when. He doesn’t want a dream to wreck the friendship you have.
Underfell Papyrus - Black
He’s gonna be indifferent, and brush it off as a dumb dream. Days later, he might find his thoughts wander to what-ifs and he might start to act differently around you. Nothing major at first, just less of his usual royal guard act. He’ll slowly try to get closer to you, but he knows that he isn’t really the best monster for anyone, he has LV and he’s done a lot of bad stuff, but he’s gonna wait until you want to start a relationship. He just doesn’t trust himself.
Underfell Sans - Crim
He takes the dream as something that could be possible, but whether or not he takes the chance depends on how close you are as friends. Though if he fell asleep at your house, then he probably trusts you a lot. He’ll ask you out when he thinks it’s a good opportunity, but he won’t mention the dream, heck he won’t even act differently after the dream.
Swapfell Papyrus - Rus
To Rus it’s just a dream, and sure it would be nice to get closer to you, but it just doesn’t seem like something he’d be able to have outside of a dream. He might get lost in thoughts of what could happen and how he could try to get that relationship, but that’s it.
Swapfell Sans - Razz
He’s the very definition of chase your dreams. He’s gonna try and win you over, but definitely not with any subtlety. You’ll probably find random gifts all over the place, always with notes in comic sans in all caps from “YOUR GREAT AND AWESOME SECRET ADMIRER”. Yeah, he won’t rest until you go on a date with him.
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creative-poptart · 4 years
Oh. My. Goodness! Asks are open! I got a fluffy one for you, as I am a slut for fluff. US Sans, HT Sans, UF Paps, and SF Sans come home late because reasons, and they find that their s/o is still awake and waiting for them. When asked and/or scolded, they state that they could not sleep without them home, as they get worried and they also feel they are only safe when they are home.
Aww, this is absolutely adorable!! I love it! You’ve also managed to find the ones who are the most concerned with their S/O being in bed on time!
US Sans/Blue: He often stays a little later than he initially intends to, as a personal fitness trainer. Blue likes to stay active, and the pay at his gym is excellent, more than enough to sustain his livelihood. When he starts dating you, he tries to stick a little closer to his schedule, purely because now he wants to spend more time with you. While the efforts are not entirely in vain, there are days where it just takes longer to get done with clients. When Blue comes home late to see you’re still waiting up for him, even after he said that you could go to bed, he gives you a gentle lecture about sleep and rest. You explain that you don’t want to go to bed without him because that’s when you feel safest, and he melts a little on the inside. From that point on, Blue is definitely having a cut-off time on his schedule so that you both can rest. 
HT Sans/Axe: While Blue may be doing a lot of work that keeps him out of the house later at night, it’s a lot less common for Axe to do that. He’s much more of a homebody, preferring his home over any other place that he could go to. As a result, when he does go wandering out and about in the streets, it’s most likely because he forgot something that he wanted. He does his best in improving his memory, but on one particular night, Axe had to go out and find something for tomorrow. As he returns from the house, he realizes how late it is and heads up to find that you’re battling off sleep, trying to stay awake. Seeing you like this is both adorable and somewhat concerning, as you’re clearly exhausted. Axe will tell you that he didn’t mean to scare you, and you explain that you feel safest with him to sleep. If he needs to get something next time, he’ll take you with him.
“honestly, ‘s cute that you wanna stay up and wait for me, but you don’t have to. you can sleep on my shoulder or something if you go with me to get things.”
UF Papyrus/Fell: Of all the skeletons on this list, Fell is the most likely to be gone later at night. His work as a lawyer is proficient, but at the same time, he does some side work as a bouncer at a local club. He does a great job with it, but it’s only part-time and, more often than not, is just for a little extra income if the lawyering is slower. The few nights that he does end up coming home a little later, he comes in, tired and ready for sleep, only to find you still up. Fell won’t question it until the morning, but when he does, there’s undoubtedly going to be a lot of him wondering why you do it. When you tell him that he’s the only reason you feel safe sleeping now, he softens. Fell understands better than most people how it is to keep an eye open at night. He’s always sure to message you before he goes home so that you can be getting ready for bed around the same time. 
SF Sans/Black: Of course, his work is something that will take up a lot of his time, but there’s not much he can do about that. When Black continues to work on his projects, he often ends up taking it with him to the house if he thinks he’s going to be late in coming home. However, he knows that you prefer him to not do that, so there are a few times where he works late at the office. When he comes in to see that you’re sitting up, reading, and waiting for him to come back, Black is concerned. You’ll get the gentlest scolding ever, a lecture telling you that waiting up for him is not necessary. When you counter his talk by saying to him you don’t feel safe to sleep without him, he stops. This is one rare moment where you’ll have successfully flustered Black, and he doesn’t know what to do. In the end, he just decides that he will try not to work late nights anymore.
Thanks for the ask, @fantasticaldreamer!!
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ayy idk if this is nsfw but i hope this isn't troubling or anything. what would the skeles from ut, us and uf do if they saw their s/o in a very R E V E A L I N G outfit for a beach party or something? heheh ;OOO (tysm this blog is so cute haha)
{ I can do only 4 Characters for ask, so I chose to do them this time. Then, I missed so much Lewd! Blueberry, he’s too precious~Uhm, jokes can be considerate something NSFW? I am not sure– And thank you-! } 
⛱️ Sansy ⛱️
He is not usually flirty or something but you are crossing the line if you show yourself in that way. At first, he is so embarrassed and he tries to respect your personal space avoiding your body and your curves but it’s not that easy so he looks in another direction. Actually, he seems a maniac because his stare is so intensive and concentrate to the people that a woman gets worry because it seems Sans was watching her kids with his deep look that is not so comfortable. Yes, he is still a skeleton and people can get scared. He feels more embarrassed than before so he tries to look somewhere else until he sees you in all your glory while you are coming out from the water like a mermaid. In his mind, this scene goes in slow motion. Your skin so wet and bright under the summer sun and he feels warm, too. Different parts of him are so warm and he tries to ignore them.When you approach him while you are patting yourself with a towel, he tries to chill out because he needs to breath after this show. You know what his method to chill out is. Using some funny jokes: « A man was sunbathing in the buff at the beach. For the sake of civility, and to keep it from getting sunburned, he had a hat over his private parts. A woman walks past and says, snickering, “If you were a gentleman you’d lift your hat.” He raised an eyebrow and replied, “If you weren’t so ugly it would lift itself"». No, it was the wrong joke. He can do better than this, he is just too nervous. Give him another possibility! « A harp is a nude piano», ah, this was cute. Brief yet intense, you are laughing, well. « Little Johnny came home from school one day and went by his mom’s room. The door was open, so he looked in and saw his mom lying on the bed naked moaning and touching herself saying, “Ooh, I need a man! I need a man!”The next day, Little Johnny got home from school and saw his mom lying on the bed naked with a naked guy on top of her. So Little Johnny ran to his room, stripped down naked, and started to touch himself, while moaning, “Ooh, I need a bike! I need a bike!“». Oh, it’s cool too, you are so amused. Yeah-! It seems he is flirting with you using these jokes but he uses them to calm himself but you decide to hug him, kissing his cheek saying he is so funny so he is going to faint soon. Sans becomes as blue as an Avatar for the embarrassment. No, it was not the right method to chill out-!
⛱️ Reddy ⛱️
Oh, you are provoking him, it’s clear. And you are doing it very well because he feels so provoked and hot, too. His eyes are wandering around your body as if he is studying your figure because he has to prepare an important exam about you. Let him study you more closely. Do you want he get a good grade, aren’t you? It’s a good way to do some anatomical lessons. Then, he thinks you are also sadistic because you are still wearing something and it does not matter how small the outfit is. The next time, he will bring you to a nude beach so you have no excuse to hide yourself. Smarty!When the two of you are in the water (actually, he hates water and he cannot swim so he remains when he can touch the ground so he is not going to drown) he will do his best to bother you. He splashes you with the water and he pretends to be a shark but his fundamental aim is one: take your little outfit off. Such a moron-!Sans likes doing this kind of joke and he also throws you into the pool when you least expect it. Oh, funny days!We have the second round of the most hilarious jokes of the existence… Maybe you would like to end your own existence after you heard them…«What is the definition of Confidence? When your wife catches you in bed with another woman and you slap her on the ass and say, “You’re next Baby… !”», he is saying you this bullshit while he is message your back and you can see his hands are going down, down, down… He wants to distract you using the jokes! « Yeah. I’m an asshole, but will that stop me from getting in yours?» After this, you should go away but you are still here so you know what’s going to happen! «Wanna hear a joke that will make you laugh your ass off? Oh wait I see you already heard it.» Ahahaha… No! « Mom: If a boy touches your boobs say “don’t” and if he touches your butt say “stop”? Girl: But mom, he touched both so I said “don’t stop”».No, he cannot stop neither. You are too booty-ful-!
⛱️ Stretch ⛱️
Oh, lord-!What’s the occasion? You are exposing so much skin so maybe he has to expose his bones as well? Even if he will never appears as gorgeous as you. Oh, maybe you want to participate to a contest about little swimsuit? He can be your personal judge if you ask, and you already know how to buy his vote, it’s not that difficult.Since he is a first-class jerk, he will bother you in any way possible, touching your belly with his long fingers so you will laugh like crazy (if you are ticklish), or doing weird jokes about your presumed nudity just like these:«How do you know Adam was a Canadian? Who else could stand beside a naked woman and be tempted by a fruit?» and Papyrus is tempted by you as well. He is just ignoring his sin now but it exists. He can perceive it crawling on his back. He adores it!«Two parents take their son on a vacation to a nude beach. The father goes for a walk on the beach and the son goes and plays in the water. The son comes running up to his mom and says…"Mommy, I saw ladies with boobies a lot bigger than yours!” The mom says…“the bigger they are, the dumber they are.” So he goes back to play. Several minutes later he comes running back and says…“Mommy, I saw men with dingers a lot bigger than Daddy’s!” The mom says…“the bigger they are, the dumber they are.” So he goes back to play. Several minutes later he comes running back and says…“Mommy, I just saw Daddy talking to the dumbest lady I ever saw and the more and more he talked, the dumber and dumber he got! » next time, you will think twice before you decide to wear like this. Your libido is dying while you are hearing his wonderful joke, « A couple at an art gallery see a picture of a naked woman with only her privates covered with leaves. The wife doesn’t like it and moves on, but the husband keeps looking. She asks, “What are you waiting for?” He replies, “Autumn.”». Instead, he is getting hot with all these jokes. They are the ultimate weapon of seduction!
⛱️ Lewd! Blueberry ⛱️
Oh, it’s his birthday and he does not know it? What a wonderful surprise but it seems there’s anything to unwrap since your swimsuit is so small and it leaves no room for imagination. He is not going to complain about it. You can dress as you want and he’s not a stupid bigoted and he truly appreciates the view of your pretty exposed skin, the way your ass moves and all that jazz. It’s too perfect.Then, Sans is very discrete so he compliments you saying how beautiful your outfit is even if he means that you cannot be hotter than this. Sans is a little devious in his words and attitudes and you have to understand his intentions since he says a thing but he means another.  He will use all his cuteness and cordiality to hug you and caress you in the less malicious way since his gestures are so sweet but he wants just to touch you and he is too cute to deny. You cannot say No to Sans, he knows.He will ask to you, with his pretty voice, seeing you with those puppy eyes, to apply on your delicate and soft skin the sunscreen. His hands travel towards mysterious places of your body. It’s a mistake if he is touching you here and there. How could you blame him?He is touching you very well, you are unable to control your moans and giggles, and he is so glad you seem so happy. Maybe it’s time to change the background and go somewhere else where you can enjoy more his attentions. He would suggest going in the locker room so he can finally tear that little outfit apart… With delicacy, obvious.
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utimagines · 7 years
US Pap,UT Sans,UF Sans,and SF Pap react to drunk s/o for the first time who just blabbers about how cute/hot their skele boyfriend is and gets really handsy??
Alright, so here’s my first Imagine as a mod for this blog~ Let’s see how I do~Admin Lost
Well, seeing you drunk was definitely a new one for this lazy bag of bones. But, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t find it cute how pink your cheeks got when under the influence. When your tongue gets away from you and you start gushing about him, then it’s his turn to start blushing up a storm. It only gets worse from there when wandering hands find purchase on his body. He tries not to get too rattled but hard not to when you’re giving him those kind of eyes…
Sans (Red)
Red’s too busy getting hammered himself, chugging down his third bottle of spiked mustard to really pay attention to your intake. He smirks devilishly at the compliments, leaning over to softly purr as you continue to stroke his ego and wrap an arm around your waist to move you to his lap instead. Of course, this prompts a more “hands on” type of gushing and this skelly is all too happy to oblige in giving you more ways to sing his praises.
Papyrus (Stretch)
At first, Stretch is all for it since he knows that once you cool down from your intoxicated rant about miscellaneous topics was over, he’d get to cuddle the night away with you. But, what was it you just said? You think he’s… hot? He wasn’t quiet sure how to take that, knowing you loved him dearly, though really drove the point home when hands latched onto the pull-strings of his hoodie. Gazing at your glassy eyes, he couldn’t help but fall for you all over again with a boyish smile… literally. The two of you fall back off your seats to tumble to the floor and laugh about it later at home as you curl up together on the couch and watch reruns of your favorite show until your hangover goes away.
Papyrus (Rus)
The compliments flatter Rus into blushing faintly, sipping at his drink as you sit with him. He wanted to join in with his own sweet words of bliss about how amazing you are when he suddenly feels hands snaking up the front of his jacket into the sleeves to press you two close. Blush darkening, he smiles sheepishly though catches the glint in your eye. He can’t help himself but lean down and kiss you deeply, silently sending all the love he has for you through the contact. Of course, when your drunk, he won’t let you go anywhere and keeps you in his arms or on his lap for the remainder of your intoxication; your aftercare/hangover was in good hands with Rus.
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