#u try to gif but in every single set something goes wrong and u feel like u cant do it
blu-joons · 3 years
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Doyoung tends to love to be affectionate when it’s just the two of you. He’ll often cuddle up closely to you when no one else is around and whisper a lot of sweet nothings into your ear. And of course, leave his lips against your skin.
The two of you met through Johnny at a party for his birthday. You were stood at the bar all alone, and so Doyoung came over to say hi, as he was never one to leave a damsel in distress. He offered to buy you a drink to try and get you smiling again, and the two of you soon struck up a conversation with each other.
Your friendship soon blossomed into something more, you spent a lot of time together as friends, and not long after did the two of you begin to wonder if there was something more between you both then just being friends. Doyoung ended up confessing to you one night at the dorm when he invited you round for a quiet night, in the middle of a competitive game to try and take more of the attention away from what he said to you.
Your dates were often very homely, Doyoung loved being in his own space so he’d often invite you to the dorm and set up a romantic space for the two of you. Movie nights were very common between the two of you, wrapped up tightly in a pile of blankets and cushions as close as you could be together. Doyoung gives the best hugs, so being able to lay against him all night long makes for the perfect date night in your opinion. You’re happy doing what makes Doyoung comfortable, and if the dorm is it, you’ll never complain.
Dating was very much a mystery to Doyoung before he started dating you. When he fell for you, he fell with his whole heart and wanted to make sure that he did things right. He often turned to his elders in the group for advice and encouragement whenever he doubted himself. Sometimes, falling in love with you scared him as he never imagined himself falling so hard, but with the support of his friends around him, they’d always assure him that he was doing the right thing and keeping you happy.
At times, Doyoung could be a little bit snappy which led to a few squabbles between the two of you. He had a bit of a shorter fuse in comparison to some of his other members, and you weren’t an exception to feeling the wrath of that at times. He always tried to remain calm around you, but sometimes he just couldn’t help but bite back. When the row of you argued, Doyoung would often leave for a little while to give you both some space to think, and after a few hours, would return so that the two of you could talk things through with each other, and he could apologise for being so abrupt.
Doyoung couldn’t wait to introduce you to his family, he wanted to show off the girl that had stolen his heart. It led to a lot of expectation being placed on your shoulders, but every time you saw them, they loved you a little bit more than they did the last time they saw you, and saw how happier Doyoung was with you too.
His space was very valuable to him, so Doyoung didn’t want to rush anything when it came to moving you in. As much time as you spent at the dorm, knowing you still had your apartment was incredibly comforting, and seeing you give that up was often an intimidating thought for Doyoung in case anything went wrong.
He was the first one to say, ‘I love you,’ at the end of one of your movie nights after watching a harrowing romance. Doyoung found himself incredibly teary at the end of the film, and when his eyes met yours as the credits rolled, he couldn’t help but whisper those three little words down to you whilst you wiped away his tears.
There were definitely times when Doyoung would get jealous, selfishly he wanted to have you all to himself, but he knew that wasn’t possible. Whenever he got jealous, he would stare a lot, it was also a pretty subtle hint to any of the other members who were around you that they were overstepping the line. He couldn’t help but often be quite protective of you, even though he trusted you implicitly, it all often felt too good be to true as if he was waiting for someone better to come along and blow him out of the water.
Having children was definitely something that Doyoung saw in his future, but he was definitely in no rush. He wanted to take things slowly with you, even after several years he didn’t want to do anything that would scare you off. With that, he wouldn’t mention children around you often unless you brought it up and then he would know that you were happy to talk about it and wouldn’t get frightened if he suddenly brought it up.
The sound of your laughter was what Doyoung lives for, he loved being there to make you laugh, and also wear a proud smile on his face whenever you made him laugh too. You could often be heard by the other members laughing away in his room at even the most random of things. There was something infectious for Doyoung about being around you that just naturally made him laugh, his cheeks were always hurting whenever he was with you, there was never a dull moment as long as he had you with him to keep the smile on his face. Any time the two of you laughed together, usually spelt out mischief for everyone else.
Being on tour and away from you was always an emotional time for Doyoung. He hated the distance of being away from the dorm, and from you. You usually stayed at the dorm to keep an eye on things when he was on the road, but seeing that you were there and he wasn’t was almost like a torture for him. If there was one bonus about having you there, it was that as soon as he got home you’d already be there and waiting for him in his room. There were definitely a few occasions when Doyoung would get teary about being away from you, the other members would often see him wiping under his eyes with his sleeve to try and hide his tears before he was spotted getting upset.
It was a nickname that Doyoung hated, but you loved to call him ‘dodo.’ It was one you used to try and sweeten him at the end of an argument once, which just so happened to stick with the two of you, much to his disapproval.
He’s obsessed with your waist, he’s an incredible hugger, and loves to keep his arms wrapped tightly around your waist whenever he pulls you close to him or rests against you.
P ⇴ PDA 
Affection in public isn’t something the two of you are huge on, you’ll usually feel Doyoung hugging onto you from the side or behind, but that’s as far as anything goes. It’s enough to make sure that he knows you’re safe and with him which is all he worries about whenever the two of you are out in public.
The two of you would often ask a lot of questions to each other late night at just before you went to sleep, cuddled up to each other. Neither of you could ever just fall asleep, so you’d stay up and chat for a while about whatever thoughts came to mind for you both.
Every single thing that reminded Doyoung of you, he kept. Underneath his bed he had a whole folder alone dedicated to all of the cards that you’d given him over the years, either for his birthdays, anniversaries or something else. He found himself attached to it all, just knowing that you had given it to him meant that he didn’t have it in him to throw the stuff away, instead he’d hoard it all under his bed where no one else could see it.
Would often be a very cuddly affair, Doyoung would love to hold you as close as he possibly could to you so that his hands could run through your hair and his lips could press to yours. Doyoung loved to take his time with you, he was never one for a quick fix or to rush anything between you both, you were worth a lot more than that, and he wanted to spend a lot longer making sure that you felt loved and safe with him.
He’d often text you with suggestions of films for the two of you to watch that night or a takeout that he fancied ordering. He’d always ask you what you thought about it, and if you liked it, he’d always set it up for you both.
Doyoung loved welcoming someone into his own world, even if he enjoyed his own company at times, there was still something so comforting about knowing that you were even just in the room with him, even in silence.
The two of you never really tended to go away, you knew that if Doyoung ever had any time off then he’d like to spend it at the dorm and just enjoy his own comforts and his own personal space. You were more than happy to do whatever Doyoung was comfortable with, just being able to spend a bit of time with him was enough.
Doyoung doesn’t tend to whine too often, unless you’re spending too much time with the boys and not him. He likes to make sure he’s always your favourite member.
Whenever he cuddles you, he just can’t help but kiss you too. It almost comes as an instinct to him to kiss your cheek whenever you reveal it to him, or press your lips whenever there’s a short distance between the two of you. If you’re feeling down, Doyoung knows that a kiss from him will usually be the medicine to put a smile back on your face. More than anything else, he loves to make you blush by pressing as many kisses to you as he can.
Y ⇴ YOU 
You were his team mate, the two of you together were inseparable.
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
He’d cling to you every night, without fail whenever the two of you went to sleep together. He loves having you close when he sleeps, it’s incredibly comforting to Doyoung to know that you’re that you’re right there beside him, especially when he has a restless night.
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kaistarus · 4 years
Crush At First Sight
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Pairing: Nishinoya X Reader
Words: 2K
Summary: Attending the boy's volleyball finals was a no brainer-you'd take any opportunity to ditch school. You didn't think you'd find yourself getting so attached to one of the players...
Notes: I don't believe that someone could watch Noya play and not instantly fall in love, so I did him right
The only time you’d heard about the boy’s volleyball team was when someone called them ‘flightless crows’ in the hallway, which you assumed was a bad thing. However, when your friends mentioned they were skipping class to apparently watch them play in the Spring finals you were all for attending.
You’d take any opportunity to ditch school-even if it was to watch some guys lose a volleyball game.
The stadium was more filled than you were expecting. As you slid through the crowd to find three open seats you realized perhaps this was a bigger deal than you’d anticipated. Once seated, Michimiya passed everyone noise makers she’d picked up from some guys near the stadium’s entrance. You tested the bright orange cone-shaped objects by lightly tapping them together.
“So, they must have really improved this year, huh?” You said as your eyes wandered around the packed stands, apparently you weren’t the only ones skipping school today.
“They got a new coach,” Michimiya said, bouncing lightly from nerves and anticipation, “and a lot of talented first years.”
“Not hard on the eyes either,” Aihara nudged your shoulder and gestured towards the team congregated on the sidelines around their coaches. You nodded slowly as you scanned the group, lingering on the unfortunate boy who got stuck with the orange jersey.
At least he could pull it off.
The teams took the court, their anticipation radiating into the audience and extending even to you as you clutched your noise makers tightly. After the whistle was blown, and the first serve made, the game of Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa officially began.
A few minutes into the match you found your gaze latching onto the guy in the orange jersey. Shiratorizawa was terrifying, especially the big guy with his powerful spikes. You winced the first time you saw it because you couldn’t imagine receiving something like that without breaking your arms, but the libero guy was doing it like it was nothing. He had adapted to the playstyle and for every ball that made your stomach drop he would appear from seemingly nowhere and make a save.
There was something about the way he could go from intensely focused on the court to relaxed on the sidelines within moments that had you mesmerized, as well. You couldn’t help the weird fullness in your chest as he guzzled down water and smiled goofily to some of his teammates after their first set as if the pressure wasn’t weighing on him.
“What are you so focused on?” Michimiya asked while bopping you on the head with her cone.
“Nothing,” you said as the boys began to take the court again, preparing for the next serve. “Hey, what was number four’s name?”
Aihara’s brow quirked. “Nishinoya, why?”
“I’m just wondering...” You said, subconsciously smiling when he slid and barely saved the ball with one hand. “He’s just pretty good is all.”
“Daichi said he’s their ‘Guardian Deity’,” Michimiya wiggled her eyebrows at you.
“Boys are so dramatic.” Aihara scoffed.
You couldn’t argue that one.
As the sets continued you found yourself growing increasingly attached to Nishinoya: heart dropping if he missed a ball, swelling with pride anytime he made a play, and you’d even find your cheeks warming whenever you caught sight of him smiling to himself or a teammate. It was becoming embarrassing, truthfully, considering you’d never even talked to him.
“Alright, at least pretend you’re not obsessively staring at him.” Aihara nudged you playfully as the fourth set wrapped up and the boys were switching sides on the court.
“I’m not.”
Michimiya giggled, bopping you on the nose. “You geek out every time he touches the ball. It’s not hard to notice.”
“You’re one to talk. As if you haven’t been fangirling over Daichi.” Aihara leaned back, sighing dramatically. “I’m trapped between a pair of lovesick fools.”
“I don’t even know the guy,” you felt your cheeks warming. “Even if I did he probably wouldn’t be interested in--”
“Have you ever met Nishinoya before?” Aihara interrupted you. “Like, at school or in any context? Heard about him or talked to him… anything?”
You shook your head and they both started laughing lightly before Michimiya put a hand on your shoulder. “Trust me, you’ll be fine.”
You tilted your head in confusion, but before you could form a retort the ref’s whistle signaled the start of the final set. Your grip on the noise makers were tight as both sides fought strongly, neither willing to lose a single point and give up their chance for nationals. It felt surreal when Karasuno pulled that final point. Everyone erupted into cheers as the three of you held onto each other, jumping and shouting, unable to contain your excitement while celebrating the boy’s well earned victory. Boys who were currently dogpiled in the center of the court while the third years had tears streaming down their faces in disbelief.
It was an honor to be a part of and you couldn’t have been prouder to have them representing your school. When they lined up in front of you and bowed to thank you all for your attendance you clutched your hands against your chests. They really earned the win.
You were pulled out of your randomly emotional train of thought by Aihara’s grip tugging you behind her as they shuffled out of the stands.
“Where are we going?” You asked when they left the gym opposite the stadium’s exit.
“We’re going to congratulate the guys!” Michimiya sent a smile over her shoulder and your heart accelerated to an unhealthy pace.
“I don’t know if I’m mentally prepared for that scenario,” you pointed toward the opposite end of the hall. “Maybe I should just meet you guys outside and-”
“Oh no you don’t,” Aihara began pushing you forward by your shoulders and you started to whine in protest. “You are strong and fearless and no boy shall knock you down.”
Michimiya giggled ahead of you where she remained completely useless in your time of need. You let Aihara guide you through groups of people finding their way toward the exit until you all spotted the boy’s team in their telling Karasuno volleyball club jackets.
You did a quick scan of everyone, but didn’t see the spiked hair you’d been observing for so long. You weren’t sure if it was relief or disappointment you felt.
“There he is,” Aihara gave you a squeeze, pointing near the far wall where Nishinoya was digging through his duffel bag on the ground, eyebrows furrowed and tongue stuck out adorably in concentration. Your heart started pounding at the sight of him so close. The bizarre realization that he was in fact a real person finally hit which made your palms sweaty.
“As it turns out. I have decided to denounce myself from boys and am going to live a life of celibacy.” You nodded confidently, trying to make a u-turn, but Aihara annoyingly spun you around.
“Shut up,” she rolled her eyes. “Just talk to him. I promise it will work out.” She patted your shoulder. “Trust me.”
You glared at her, mumbling insults under your breath as you slowly walked over to where Nishinoya continued to dig through his mess of a bag. You took a deep breath and decided your best move was to just deep dive straight into your doom. What could possibly go wrong?
“Uh, Nishinoya, right?”
He glanced at you briefly, looking you up and down before continuing to dig through his bag.“Yep, do need you help finding someone?” He triumphantly pulled out some IcyHot before pointing toward where the rest of his team lounged. “Most of the guys are over there.”
“I was actually hoping to talk to you.” You winced as you noticed the bruises that decorated his arms when he started to peel off his jacket.
“Why? Is something wrong? Do you have a message for me or something?”
“No… I just wanted to tell you how amazing I thought you were today.” You quickly glanced away in embarrassment when he finally looked up at you with wide-eyes. You dug your toe into the ground as you urged yourself to continue, “I was watching you and just thought you were really cool and--”
“Sorry,” he chuckled and put a hand up to stop you. “I was actually wearing the orange jersey. Number four.” He pointed to the others in the center of the hall again. “The guy you're looking for is probably over there.”
You blinked. “Nishinoya. Orange jersey. Number four. Libero. Guardian Deity or whatever.” Your embarrassment was dissolving into frustration. “Is that you?”
“Then I’m looking for you.”
He stared at his bag as his brain tried to process the situation you’d presented to him. Suddenly, his gaze whipped up at you. “Holy shit,” he pointed his finger at himself. “You’re talking to me.”
“Have been.”
He tensed and locked his eyes on the IcyHot he was currently trying to rub on his back. He quickly threw it near his bag and you felt another fond smile growing on your face. “I’m Nishinoya,” he said, extending his hand toward you before shoving it down to his side. “Wait, you know that. Shit, were you complimenting me? Did you just call me cool?”
“I did do that, yeah.”
His face turned a bright shade of red, “but you can’t do that it goes against all the rules.”
“What are you-”
“Look,” He pointed his finger between the two of you causing you to raise a brow. “I’m supposed to flirt with and compliment you, then you say something mean that hurts my feelings.” He smacked his shoes for finality. “It’s a strict formula.”
“What’s the formula for when I flirt with you then?” You asked, a sly smirk spreading across your lips. His shoulders went up to his ears and he stared at his hands longer than you felt necessary for such a simple question.
He looked up at you defeated. “I don’t know I’m bad at math.”
You covered your mouth to hold back the laugh trying to force its way out. He was just so cute though. “Well, so am I, but mutual flirting seems like a good solution. If you were an interested party that is.”
“I’m a very interested party…” He murmured under his breath while narrowing his eyes at you. “Did Tanaka put you up to this?”
“I don’t know who that is.”
He furrowed his brow in thought before pulling a flip phone out from his duffel and holding it out to you, “can I have your number?”
Your cheeks dusted pink as you created your contact under Nishinoya’s intense gaze. He hurriedly checked it’s existence when you returned the phone to him, staring at it skeptically while he cradled the phone in his hands.
“I promise it’s mine.” You reassured him and he embarrassingly snapped the phone closed.
“Okay,” he mumbled.
“(Y/N)!” Aihara yelled from where the rest of Karasuno’s team was grouped and not so subtly staring at you both. Your face slowly blossomed red and in your peripheral you saw Nishinoya flip off the ones waving at him. “We’re heading out. Are you done or do you need more time with your-”
“I’ll be right there.” You interrupted, glancing back to Nishinoya. “I’ll, uh, talk to you soon?”
He shot you a double thumbs up and you couldn’t stop from snorting at how adorable that was, especially when he started at them in shame. You waved a good-bye and narrowly dodged the small group already sprinting to Nishinoya while you weren’t even a few steps away.
Aihara wrapped an arm around your shoulder as your eyes lingered on boys rubbing Nishinoya’s head, bouncing around excitedly, or giving him suggestive looks. You felt your stomach rolling from embarrassment at all the attention he was receiving from such a small interaction.
“Ignore them. They’re just stupid boys.”
“I guess…”
“But one of them’s your stupid boy.” Michimiya said, poking you in the stomach. You swatted her hands away, and chewed your lip to keep down a smile when your phone vibrated. The ‘hello :)’ from an unknown number made your heart flutter.
Yeah, one of them was your stupid boy.
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astxroiid · 3 years
What It’s Like
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Fandom: YouTube
Pairing: Ethan Nestor x Reader
Word Count: 1,623
Warnings: a short moment of angst, crying,
Summary: Y/N invites Ethan, her roommate, to come play Mario Kart and eat takeout with her after his Twitch stream.
Author’s Note: This is just a quick little thing I thought about the last night! Am I procrastinating to keep from writing those series? Yes. Yes I am. [thank you @soft-haas16 for proof reading and giving me feedback! Ur the best <3]
Tags: @bigdickdaddysatan , @staxryskxes , @soft-haas16 , @cas-loves-pizza
Masterlist // Read Before Requesting
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Ethan sat in his gaming chair in front of his monitors spinning side to side as he read the chat that was gliding up one of his screens.
“Spidie-cents, thank you for the bits!” He calls, eyes still following the words coming in.
He’d had an average day, nothing too outstanding and interesting about it. So why not spice things up with a surprise stream?
“When am I playing Among Us again? I don’t know. Hopefully sometime soon. I’ve been trying to get a lobby going with Seán, Corpse, Chris, and the rest of the usual bunch.”
He takes a sip of his water and checks his phone real quick. Nothing. He sighs and sets it back on the table, looking up at the chat.
“Are me and Y/N dating?” 
Ethan becomes visibly uncomfortable at the question. “Uh, no. We just live together. Not dating.”
Chat goes wild, teasing him and asking a thousand more questions.
Ethan struggles with reading while the chat is going so fast. Only making out different ship names and heart emotes.
“Guys. Guys. Calm down. I can’t read chat.”
There’s a soft knock on his recording room door. “Yeah?” Ethan calls out. You step in, looking slightly shy and nervous. The stream can’t see you, which your thankful for. But they can see the way Ethan is looking at you. Smiling with loving eyes and excitement running through him.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Oh, am I interrupting?” You ask, concerned.
“Oh. No, your fine. What do you need?” He reassures
“Well, I was gonna see if - when your stream ends - you would want to come play some Mario Kart with me? And maybe order some takeout?” You’re fidgeting with your hands, trying to maintain eye contact.
Ethan smiles warmly and nods enthusiastically. “Yes! Totally. I’m ending my stream in about an hour,” he checks his phone for the time, “is that okay?”
You grin. “It’s perfect. Thank you. I can’t wait.”
Ethan expresses the same feelings before you both say goodbye and you leave the room, giddily preparing to order food.
✩ ✩ ✩
Ethan comes downstairs after his stream, excited for a game night with you.
You’re sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone. You’re wearing a pair of dark grey sweatpants that you might or might not have stolen from Ethan, a black spaghetti strap shirt, and a silver chain necklace Ethan had gotten you for your birthday last year.
He smiles at the memory of you opening the box he’d been holding behind his back, gasping and giggling and completely at a loss for words.
You struggled for a few minutes trying to find a way and thank him for such a beautiful piece of jewelry.
You look up from your phone and smile wide. “Hey,” you greet, “whatcha smiling about?”
Ethan looks into your eyes. “Nothing, just thinking about your birthday present I got you.”
You absentmindedly reach for the chain resting on your chest and play with it, smiling.
“Thank you, again.”
He shakes his head, grinning, and saunters over to the couch. Ethan flops down beside you, placing his arm behind your shoulders on the back of the couch.
He slides down slightly, spreading his knees and rubbing a thumb on your shoulder bone opposite him.
Chills cover your body at every little gesture Ethan does. Especially the way his arm is around you and his thigh is pressed flat against yours. Your cheeks heat up and you pretend to focus on your phone.
“U-uh the food should be here soon. In ten minutes maybe,” you look over at Ethan.
He looks back at you, a goofy smile on his face. “Nice,” he squeezes your body against his with his arm and rests the side of his head on top of yours.
You start to get ready for a round of Mario Kart, choosing your characters and load outs and then moving on to which cup you should play.
“What cup do you wanna play?” You look over to Ethan.
“Well, I believe there’s only one good answer - the greatest cup out of the entire game.”
“The Star Cup.”
“The Bell Cup.”
You both blurt at the same time.
“What?” You ask incredulously.
“Star Cup?!” Ethan looks at you, shocked.
“What do you mean ‘Star Cup’? It’s the best one! It’s got Dolphin Shoals - which is hands down the best map in the game, Mount Wario, and Sunshine Airport. That’s the big three all in one cup!” You flop your hand to your thighs for dramatic effect.
“No. No. No. No. See, I hate to break it to you - but that’s where you’re wrong.”
You raise a questioning eyebrow and cross your arms over your chest.
“The best map on the game is Wild Woods, but the rest of the maps on the Crossing Cup suck. So that leaves Ribbon Road, Super Bell Subway, and Big Blue which are a trifecta of greatness.”
You shake your head. Before you can retort - there’s a knock on the door. The food has arrived. You thank the delivery person and grab the food, taking it to the living room and sorting out your’s and Ethan’s food.
“At least we can agree that Bowser’s Castle is the absolute worst,” you say, setting Ethan’s box in front of him. He nods his head, agreeing.
“Yes. Definitely.”
You both decide on Ethan’s Bell Cup first, eating your food and goofing the whole time.
✩ ✩ ✩
Halfway through the night Ethan realizes that he’s losing. In a desperate attempt to redeem himself; he snakes an arm around you and begins to tickle your side.
You jolt upward, almost throwing your controller while trying to fight him off.
“E-Ethan!” You cackle. “St-op!”
While you’re distracted, Ethan manages to send a blue shell your way and slowly crawl his way up to first.
You press the pause button and catch your breath. You both set your controllers on the coffee table and look at each other.
You’re panting and smiling at the goofy man next to you. “That... was so... unfair,” you accuse breathlessly.
“You never told me to play fair,” Ethan states like the five year old he is, smiling like a dork.
You roll your eyes and get up to throw your box of food away. Before you can get to it, there’s a hand gently in yours, pulling you towards him.
You crash into Ethan’s lap, giggling. “Lemme put my food in the trash,” you look up at him.
“In a minute,” Ethan looks down at you, pulling you closer to his chest - hugging you. You bury your face into his shirt, inhaling his scent. Your body relaxes into him and you smile to yourself.
This is all you could ever want in life. You and Ethan, holding each other, at peace. Then reality sets in. And you realize that you couldn’t be truly happy like this. Just friends.
All this is - is one friend holding another friend. And that’s all it’ll ever be. No ‘I love You’s. No kisses. No holding each other in bed every night. Just friends being friends.
You feel tears welling in your eyes and you try and hold them back but before you can Ethan pulls back to look at your face, smiling.
His face falls at the sight of yours, being replaced by fear and concern.
“Hey. Hey, what’s wrong? Did I do something?” He grabs your face, looking into your eyes.
A tear slips down your cheek and you shake you head but Ethan knows better. “No. Talk to me. What’s wrong?” He asks again.
You take a deep breath and move his hands from your face. “I—” you start but decide against it. Having no idea how to tell him. And do you really want to ruin your friendship?
Ethan’s eyes plead with you and there’s no way you can refuse him.
“It’s just,” you take a deep breath. “I don’t think I can do this,” you admit gently.
“Do what?” Ethan asks, concerned.
“Be just friends with you. It hurts too much to keep going,” another tear slips out. “I see you every day and I’m filled with this overwhelming sense of loss. And the pain in my chest everytime you look at me is so overbearing and I can’t keep putting myself through this every single day,” you look away from him, closing your eyes tight.
“Especially when I know you don’t feel the same. That’s the worst part about it, Eef. Knowing you’ll never feel the same,” you collapse into his chest, crying.
Ethan places a hand on your back, moving the other to the base of your skull and kisses the top you your head.
“Hey,” he says, softly. “Look at me.”
You look into his eyes, your own red and puffy.
“Who said I’d never feel the same?”
“What?” Your face contorts in confusion.
“Y/N, I’ve felt that exact way about you for so long. You have no idea...”
Your heart melts and you smile. “Really?” You wipe a tear from your cheek.
Ethan uses his thumb to wipe away your other tears and smiles. “Yes. Really.”
He slowly starts to lean in and you grin. “I think I do have an idea of what it was like.”
Your lips connect and move together in a sweet dance of love and tender longing.
You pull away and giggle, pressing your forehead against his.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him to the side, laying with him on the couch. You kiss him for longer this time with more intent.
“Can I go throw away my food now?” You almost whisper.
“As long as you take mine with you.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Ty guys for reading! And for 300 followers!! Ahh words can’t express how thankful I am for you guys <3333!
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Harry Hook's Daughter -Chapter 1
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Hello. I'm Harry Hook Son Captain Hook and First Mate To Uma daughter of Ursula and I have a two-month-old daughter name, Abaddon Harriet Hook.
My life change when Abaddon was born but I'm still the pirate that people are scared of on the isle and everyone told me that love is stupid but I thought so before Abaddon my little pirate princess came into my life.
Abaddon Mother is an ex-girlfriend of mine. When Abaddon was born her mother wanted to put her up for adoption bc she wasn't ready to become a mother yet.
When I got to hold Abaddon for the first time. I knew that this little girl is going to be my entire world and I was already wrapped around her finger.
Her mother told me to choose her or her daughter. I choose our daughter and I think that I'm made the right decision.
Her mother threw a fit like she was saying that our daughter was a huge mistake and it was my fault. Um, It takes two make a baby but something in me snapped that day.
Uma had to hold me back from Slicing her with my sword and I wanted to hook her so bad but when I thought about my daughter that hook her mother isn't worth it.
I told her to get off the isle of the lost and if she doesn't. It going to be a lot of blood everywhere and I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty.
Next time I see her, I'm going to let Uma have her and she can be fish bait or she can walk the plank tied up and feed to the sharks, Idc what happens to her, she is dead to me and my princess.
Abaddon doesn't need her mother in her life, she has me, aunt Uma, uncle Gil. Her mother is better off dead than in my life and my daughter.
People had told me that I'm cold-hearted and I don't care about anyone, they are wrong my heart already belongs to my daughter and I only care about her.
I would never change life for the one that I have now with my daughter.
I pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Abaddon crying. I'm coming to my pirate princess I said as I put my hook on my belt as I bent down over the crib.
Hey, What Wrong I said as I pick up my two-month-old daughter from the crib. I put her on my hip and show her my shiny hook and she stops crying.
Is that what you wanted I asked with a smile. She reached out to grab it with her little fingers. I'm taking that as a yes I said.
You are my daughter all right since I like shiny things to I said with a grin.
She just giggles.
We are going to see Aunt Uma and Uncle Gil Today, aren't you excited Princess I said.
She just throws her arms down and started giggling.
Let's get you dress I said.
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Now your dress, let's go see Uma, Gil I said. I grab her Pacific any case she started to cry and if she does Gil can do something weird and she will start gigging.
( Ursula Restaurant )
Finally, You are here Harry Uma said.
I would have been here fast if this princess didn't start crying I said as I look down at my daughter.
Aw, don't blame Miss Pirate Abaddon Uma said with a smile.
You want to go to Aunt Uma, I said.
She reached out for Uma.
Hey Miss Pirate Abaddon, Aunt Uma Miss You, Uma said with a smile. 
Harry Come on Uma yelled.
Coming Captain I said as I follow her and my daughter. 
Here You Go Uma said as she hands Harry his food and hands him Abaddon.
Hey, Princess did you have fun with Aunt Uma I asked?
She just threw her arms up and down and start giggling.
I take that as a yes I said as I eat another fish stick.
Uma turns on the tv and sees Mal and Ben.
Hey, I said as Uma took a fish stick and threw it at the tv.
Poser, She Yelled.
You wanted to throw one, my pirate princess, I said as I grab a fish stick and move it intAbaddon' son's hands and help her throw it at the tv.
Great Job it landed right on KinBen'sen face I said with a smirk. My daughter continues to giggle at the tv cover in food.
Traitor I yelled but nobody, not even Gipaysay attention t.
Hello?! Uma yelled.
All of the restarts booing and throwing their fooonat the tv. I walk over to the tv with my daughter on my hip. I would love to wipe their smiles off their face as I wiped the sauce and was about to eat it when my own daughter bet me to it.
Ugh, that snooty little witch who grabbed anything she wanted and left me nothing Uma said.
What my name Uma called out.
Uma I sad.
What my name Uma asked Gl.
,  U  m Uma Gil saidwitha h mouth full of food.
This is all hands on deck
Calling out to lost boys and girls
I'm gettin' tired of the disrespect
We won't stop 'til we rule the world
It's our time, we up next! (Next, next)
Our sail's about to be set (set, set)
They ain't seen nothing yet
Tell 'em who's in charge so they don't forget
What's my name, what's my name? (Uma)
Say it louder
What's my name, what's my name? (Uma)
Feel the power
No one's gonna stop us soon the world will be ours
What's my name what's my name?
What's it, what's it, say it, say it loud
(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuma)
All eyes on me, let me see 'em (Uuuuuma, Uuuuuma)
What's it, what's it, say it, say it
(Uma ah ah)
I'm the queen of this town
I call the shots, you know who I am
don't need to wear any fake crown
Stand up to me, you don't stand a chance
It's our time, we up next (next, next)
My crew's as real as it gets (gets, gets)
The worst is now the best
And leaving us herWillll be their last regret
What's my name what's my name? (Uma)
Say it louder
What's my name What's my name? (Uma)
Feel the power
No one's gonna stop us soon the world will be ours
What's my name what's my name?
What's it, what's it, say it, say it
You know what they say Bad girls have all the fun
Never learned how to count 'cause I'm number one
Ready here, we come We always get our way
It's a pirate's life, every single day (hey!)
She's the captain, I'm the first mate
Enemies seasick can't see straight
Call 'em fish bait, throw 'em on a hook
Uma's so hot they get burned if they look
It's all eyes on me, let me see 'em
I see your eyes on me boys, hey
You know what my name is
Say it, say it louder
Ho, woah
Come on
What's my name what's my name? (Uma)
Say it louder
What's my name What's my name? (Uma)
Feel the power
No one's gonna stop us soon the world will be ours
What's my name what's my name?
What's it, what's it, say it, say it
(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuuma)
All eyes on me, let me see 'em (Uuuuma, Uuuuma)
What's it, what's it, say it, say it
Oh, say it louder (Uuuuuma, Uuuuuma)
Oh, say it louder (Uuuuuma, Uuuuuma)
What's it, what's it, say it, say it
I set my change to rain down on Auradon, I will take it, they're going to forget that girl and remember the name.
Shrimpy! Gil said.
Even Abaddon sent a death pout to Gil as Aunt Uma glared at him and look at me.
Come On I said with my daughter on my hips as I pushed Gil outside with my hook.
I walk back outside and warned him again with my hook by his neck.
Uma we will be right back I yelled as Abaddon and I walk off the steps and into the town of the isle.
I move Abaddon to my other arm and trying not to wake her from her beauty sleep.
Never wake up my daughter from her sleep, bc it's not pretty and she will give death and mad pout at whoever woke her like Gil did one time.
I watch her lip turn into a little smirk, I just smile at that bc she already acts like me and she is only two months.
I'm walking through the isle with my sleeping daughter and taking whatever I wanted.
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I walk back to Ursula Restaurant with my sleeping daughter.
I walk in and I was about to put my sword in the bucket but I held on to it, bc Ik that Gil going to do something bad and it going make angry that I'm going try to kill him
I look around for Uma and Gil but I can't find him or her. They must be on the ship I said as I walk back outside to the ship.
( Uma Ship)
I finally found Uma sharpling her sword.
How did Miss Pirate Abaddon like the walk with her dad Uma asked with a smile on her face?
I think that she likes it since she slept the whole time I said.
Well, it was her nap time Harry Uma said.
Here can you hold her, bc I need to sharpen my sword as well I said?
I don't mind at all watching this cutie and she needs to spend time with her aunt Uma, without her father Uma said as she takes still sleeping Abaddon out of Harry's arms.
Uma!! Harry!! Gil yelled as he got onto the ship
Wah! Wah!
Thanks a lot, you woke her up, Uma said glaring
Oops, Gil said
I walk up to Gil with ann evil look in my eye and I just smile at him before I grab my sword and start chasing him with it
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I'm TO KILL YOU GIL FOR WAKING UP MY DAUGHTER I said as I continued trying to slice his head off.
I'm sorry Gil said before ducking from me swing my sword over his head
Get back here you little shit I said as I continued trying to kill him.
Uma!! Help Me!! Harry trying to kill me !! Gil said as he runs for his life
Nah I'm good and It would have been worst for you if I chase you, bc I will have tied you up and you would be fish bait for waking her up Gil, Uma said with a Smirk
If I catch you, I might slice off an arm or one of your legs I said as I chase him around the ship.
Uma!! I don't want to be murder by Harry, Gil said as he ducks again as Harry swings his sword at him.
This is your fault Gil isn't that right Miss Pirate Abaddon Uma said with a smile as she kisses the baby's forehead and watches Harry trying to kill Gil.
Hiya!! I finally Got You little shit, I said as I have my sword by his throat.
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( Later that night )
Harry goes home now Uma said. Captain, I can't, I have to work the night shift I said.
Please Go Home Now, Your Daughter can't even hold her open anymore that how tired she is Uma said.
Fine Captain, I will go home but what about the night shift I asked?
That is Gil Job now since he woke up this cutie Uma said as she rubs sleeping Abaddon's forehead.
Thank You, Captain,I said as I say goodbye.
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