#ty friend!! :]
maybeimamuppet · 4 months
Cadnis 22?
hellooooo friend tysm!!
22 cadnis “i’ve seen the way you look at me when you think i don’t notice.”
“What are you looking at?” Cady murmurs quietly, not looking up from her math textbook. Janis jolts and drops her pencil, quickly snapping her gaze away from where it had been roving over Cady’s face. Anywhere else.
“Nothing, sorry. You, uh… have a fuzz in your hair,” she lies quickly, desperately trying to remember where she left off in her chemistry notes. The ones she’s supposed to be studying, instead of studying the little strawberry blonde next to her.
Cady chuckles breathlessly to herself, a quick thing, and grins down at a graph.
“What?” Janis asks.
“You’re a horrible liar,” Cady replies quietly as she scratches something down in her notebook and flips to the next page in her text.
“I’m not lying!” Janis insists.
“Janis,” Cady says, putting her pencil down and looking up at her. “You are. I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice. You’ve done it since before Spring Fling.”
“And what way is that?” Janis asks defensively.
“Like you’re in love with me or something,” Cady responds with one of those gentle smiles that got Janis into this mess in the first place. Janis can’t help but crack a smile too.
“Plastic habits die hard, eh?” she jokes. Cady’s lips twitch and her smile falls.
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Then how did you mean it?” Janis asks quietly.
Cady turns away just a little, like she’s looking for any way out of this situation she can find. “I meant it like it wouldn’t be a bad thing if you were.”
Janis frowns in confusion. “It was a few months ago.”
“And people can change in a few months, Janis,” Cady replies with a delicately frustrated huff. “Realizations can be made. Boyfriends can be broken up with.”
“I’m gay, Janis!” Cady huffs, slamming her hands on the table and standing so quickly Janis’ chair tips backwards and she’s sprawled on the ground before she even knows how to respond. “Shit, sorry.”
Cady carefully helps her up and waits for her to settle again. Janis looks at her expectantly.
“I’m… bi. I like girls too,” she whispers. She’s known Janis is a lesbian for months, but she still cowers like she’s afraid Janis will kick her for daring to come out. Like she’s encroaching on her territory.
“Okay,” Janis murmurs, gently coaxing Cady to sit down again. “That’s cool. I’m glad you told me.”
Cady holds herself tightly as she stares blankly down at her textbook, pencil still lying forgotten on the page. “I guess I don’t like… girls. I like girl.”
Cady nods.
“Who is it?” Janis asks. Cady slams her head into the table. “What?”
“I’m questioning it now,” Cady replies into the white wood. “But it’s you.”
“Were you in space for this entire conversation?” Cady huffs, but she’s smiling as she sits up. “Yes, you, dummy.”
“Oh,” Janis squeaks in reply.
“Yeah. So no, not a bad thing if you happen to be in love with me,” Cady replies, suddenly back to holding herself in that painfully insecure way.
“Oh,” Janis says again. Cady bites her lip and snaps back to working again so quickly Janis jumps a little.
“Anyway,” she says with a trill of her lips.
“Wait,” Janis says, shaking her head to clear it of the gay alarm bells that have been ringing in her ears for the last few minutes. Cady hesitantly turns to look at her.
“…What?” she asks anxiously when Janis doesn’t move for a second. Damn it brain, move.
Cady gasps as Janis lunges forward and kisses her. She takes a second herself before she’s leaning back into it, pressing herself closer to Janis and smiling against her lips. Her little hands come up and cup Janis’ face, cool and callused in the most thrilling way. Janis winds her arms around her waist, and Cady eventually ends up straddling Janis’ lap.
“Wow,” she gasps adorably when they regretfully have to breathe. Janis chuckles and kisses her again.
“Wow,” she echoes. “Anyway, yeah, uh… might be in love with you. Or something.”
“That sounds tits,” Cady replies with a conniving smile. Janis gasps.
“I’ve taught you so well.”
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a11eya · 1 month
hello!! dystm has become one of my favorite reads i've been refreshing your page to wait for the update !!
(gif below representing me waiting patiently for an update to drop)
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the whole fic is so soft and cozy — what i (we all need honestly) need in a bakugo x reader centric fic making me go back and be delulu about bakugo again (in a good way!! i promise!!!) i can't wait for the next chapters! take your time in writing them 🫶
the way that gif made me laugh LMAO (it’s also me when i’m writing lol)
thank you for stopping by and leaving such kind words!!! i love that you describe dystam? as soft and cozy 🥺💕
you 🤝 reader character 🤝 me
delulu about bakugou
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arcademoss · 4 months
hi !!
just wanted to let you know i think youre cool & i appreciate you! i rlly like your color palettes & character designs ^^
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littlewitchbee · 6 months
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
Thanks for the tag @wingsofescape 💕
Last song: You Know I'm Down by Frog
Favorite color: Red (but like a deep red/burgundy)
Last movie/tv show: I'm currently sick in bed and that means I'm watching Frasier (idk why but it's tradition at this point)
Relationship status: been with my gf for almost 7 years now 😱
Last thing I googled: locations for my local Audubon society's Christmas bird count
Current obsession: I've been watching a lot of sculpting stuff lately and I'd love to get back into it! I really loved it in college
I'm a little too brain-foggy to think of 9 people to tag rn but if anyone wants to do this please feel free 💕
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heartofhubris · 11 months
Hello, as you are the top Harding blog...any HC you'd like to share? No problem if not, but a "hardy" congratulations anyway 👏
Ahhh thank you!! I've got a couple small ones, but as always, these are my own personal HCs!
He's a closed toed crocs truther. Originally, Harding swore by clogs that most doctors used, but it only took one time in the foam for him to realize that he was wrong on insisting on just the wood ones. He likes them well enough, but the comfort made the last 30 minuets of the surgery (closing up) a breeze. Plus cleaning and care are much easier.
Sex positive ace. He's a sexual through and through and never through anything of it because he's biromantic.... if he was introduced throughly to those terms. But, he's got Mar, and he really doesn't care if people are sexually attractive, since he wouldn't go after them anyway.
Low support autistic - type a or autistic, idc. He's so strict on the rules, so through on his reads and memories, his routines. Harding excels in social situations, meaning he never cared to think if he was autistic or not. The way he was was idealized in his field and family, so he simply thought himself playing his role - quite happily at that
One day post s1, Harding says something untold to Sung infront of Fran and within 30 seconds she swooped him away and was just "Harding!! Why??" Leading to his confusion, dismissal of Fran, and moving on. Until he mentioned it to Martha and she kind of hesitated, Harding asked why. Martha was slow to say "You do say racist things, dear. I think you should take Fran up on the class." And he does and though he never apologized to Sung, he does end up treating Sung much more like he does in the book - with some respect.
The only way Harding asks for support is in the middle of the night when he can't sleep and he slides into his partners arm. In the daylight, the best he would do is a tight squeeze of hand, and his smile only slightly more genuine.
He started the embroidered lab coats. He was made fun of for 3 months for the idea. Patients loved them. Hardijg once again pointed out the sanitary cost and the customization costs being roughly equal anyway. The lab coat became a right of passage. (He still has his first attempts)
If Harding really likes someone, he won't bring them to the bar or get to know them. He won't have lunch/dinner. He won't go to a Cafe. If he really wants to offer his emotions to someone, if he wants to really invite them close, he brings them to a park. If they're distracted by the bird calls naturally, he invites them into birding. If he has to invite them and they're excited, they're instructed on good sites and books. If they're dismissive, Harding doesn't treat them negatively, but he's certainly judged them harsher l.
He will openly and willingly teach anyone anything they'd like to know - providing they show humility. If they refuse to relinquish their pride, he will ensure they are treated to the highest of his standards.
What's modern media? Aka Harding just. Doesn't care to watch TV and media; he will watch instructional videos and he is not illiterate on technology, but don't ask him to summarize the most recent (Harding checks notes.) Game of thrones? Wait that's been off air for how many years?
When Harding was a young man, he had a very close friend. They'd been friends for nearing a decade when Harding was told suddenly by his wife the unthinkable. Due to stress at work and his life, he had taken his own life. Harding couldn't attend the funeral, but he did send the widow enough money from his funds to pay for the funeral and her own life for the year after his pension ran dry. To this day, Martha and he travel to see her and their children every year in that very month, as well as both deciding to send gifts for his three sons, and Christmas cards.
Martha was infertile. Harding, for his own merit, didn't have good faith in his own ability. When Martha told him her state, he laughed on accident, before very quickly explaining why. She was extatic, but they refused to foster as his job was too severe, and her career was too important to her.
Harding (book moreso) doesn't particularly care for alcohol. TV Harding isn't a huge fan but he likes to relax due to the first shot or two, but doesn't like how he feels after that.
Medical Marijuana? He's fucking THERE FOR IT.
Speaking of: harm reduction entered his vocabulary once and never left. Harding never wants someone to turn to drugs to dealjust with life, but fuck. Harding is going to encourage every damn oppuritinty to get someone better. He will encourage you if you succeed, and be extremely firm, though not hurtful, if you fail. He'd be there to remind someone of sobriety.
"A couple small ones" I claimed.
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I'm sooooo in love with him
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jackwolfes · 7 months
16, 29, and 45 for the Get to know your fic writer! asks if you're in the mood. 😌
[?s] // i'm absolutely in the mood because i do Not want to do my job rn 😂
16: How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
i don't want to count because it's way. way too many 😅 somewhere between 35 and 40 that i've had on the brain lately, maybe 10 or so that i've been more actively working on?? but in light of last week's netflix news i've been thinking a bit more about my SAB-verse wesper fics, namely the one where wylan goes back to his father's house and is like. lightly tortured then gaslit about it
29: What’s your revision or editing process like?
im aware this is mildly unhinged but i usually just leave a doc for a while, then go back to it, change the font colour so it's all in red, and rewrite it line by line as i go through and change the font back to black (or green) so i know what i've gotten up to. idk why it works but it usually does! or like, so long as there aren't any massive plot changes needed, which there usually aren't because i outline pretty tightly
45: Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
i do get an absolute thrill when people tell me i made them cry 👀 but also i like writing humour into things!! and i like making myself chuckle so do like to hear i've made people laugh 😊
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thekuraning · 2 months
Could I please have 7, 9, 16, 24 and 27 for the fic writer ask? 💙
as always... kura talk lots.... read more time!
7. your preferred writing fonts
For the longest time it was Arial, then basically from Covid lockdowns to maybe about a year ago I was a Comic Sans truther. But recently I've been using Optima and Trebuchet! There is something very delightfully round about them... they are soft like bunnies.... Bonus points, they're a bit of larger, thicker fonts, which makes is much easier for me to read. I have no idea if I'm dyslexic because I've never been tested but reading--while fun and one of my favorite pass-times--is like. So hard. And it feels like the longer I've been out of Lit classes the harder and harder reading gets. :') I've got a mountain of fics and books I'd like to read but it takes a lot of energy to keep track of what line im on that i gotta save it all up for writing... ive had city of dogs open in a tab for like months now bro i just wanna read.... TAT
But yeah I love me them thicker rounder weighted sort of fonts.
9. start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
so the last finished one-shot i posted was Who We Don't Expect to See, which took probably about six months to a year wrestling to get the dialogue to behave. The last complete multi-chapter fic was the Baristsa on Autumnal Avenue, which took about nine months!
As for unfinished works, I'm expecting Maelstrom to probably take another year , maybe year and a half at this pace! Ideally, I'd love to have it done by December which would mean a year and two months total, but we'll have to see thinking emoji
16. favorite place to write
I'm usually either at my desk in my office or on my couch lol and that's just a question of whether I feel more like writing on my desktop or my laptop! But since I started back at my local community college, I've found INSANE productivity at the campus cafe!! I don't know what it is, but as soon as my ass is sitting at the table with a coffee I'm like fucking sonic the hedgehog the way I start pumping chapters out. Probably about 80% of Maelstrom fic's been written in that little cafe!!
24. how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
banging my head against the wall until im creative again :( or until i knock myself out, whichever comes first
actually lol I spend a lot of my recharge time watching youtube or playing video games. I'm big into Splatoon and Phasmophobia! I used to be really into Fall Guys until Epic bought the game out. but mostly it's just youtube these days lolll cause once im out of creative juice thats like. it. my energy's gone and i tend to spiral, so I'll end up just snuggling my kitty and watching gamegrumps or something (i dont know why, he just really likes watching game grumps)
>:( we used to watch a lot of netflix together too but since they cracked down on account sharing and my parents managed the family account we can only get in on the desktop now... how are we supposed to snuggle like this!!! cozy kitty economy is in shambles smdh
27. your favorite part of the writing process
answered over here winky kissy face emoji
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voidsiblings · 2 months
5, 17 and 38, maybe? ✨
5. what made you start your blog?
well, I started my main blog to interact with the whump community (which I... don't do) and then needed a place to dump all the hk art when the hyperfixation took hold. 😅 interestingly, I had a previous account where much the same thing happened, but with a different fandom.
17. name 3 things that make you happy
greenhouses! farmer's markets! driving to music in the car!
38. fave song at the moment?
have another evanescence song (and one I was considering sending to you anyway ^^)
Like You - Evanescence (edited to add - cw for suicidal themes in this one, kind of?)
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rainbow-sheeps · 1 year
I don't know if you really do book recs, but I would wholeheartedly recommend UnClobber by Colby Martin and Transforming: the Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians by Austen Hartke as great entry points to and/or further study on LGBTQ+ theology! UnClobber breaks down the true meaning/context behind the "clobber" passages that many in the church use to argue against homosexuality, while Transforming talks more about gender in the bible and how it isn't always as straightforward as people make it out to be. Both are really interesting reads that helped me delve deeper into my faith and examine my place in the church. I believe they both also have accompanying video series that go over much of the same ideas for those who aren't into reading as much (though I haven't watched/looked for those myself).
i will look into those books, thank you so much friend!
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irlusa · 9 months
3 and 17 for the spotify ask game
3- how many liked songs do you have?
I try to clean them out occasionally but. Sitting at 471 rn aha
17- do you listen to any podcasts? Recommend one?
I doooont unfortunately orz
Used to be a massive nightvale person, but a lot of what I do these days is just watch youtube videos in the background- I know swell entertainment has put their videos out in podcast form and they're quite good!
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maybeimamuppet · 5 months
the character list with janis!!
eeee hi!! i think i did this with her last time so it’ll be interesting to see if my opinions have changed lol
favorite thing about them
her spunk! you can tell just looking at her that she’s a special character and getting to see that unfold as the story does in a way that makes her so unique is so cool to me
least favorite thing about them
the more i understand about myself and the mental illnesses (read: personality disorders but we’re not ready for that conversation) i have the less i think she’s intentional about it but hot dang bby girl is manipulative as hell!!
favorite line
so many hhh
fav emotionally is the “no it’s FINE” in sgh reprise
fav comically is either the “your mother called you baby girl?” or “those BITCHES” but only with the goggles. chefs kiss mwah
kevin!! i also think she and karen and she and gretchen (post redemption arc obvs) could have a funky little something going on
my lil jungle baby <333 i know she’s from the savanna shhh
also kevin!!
random headcanon
this girl eats sleeps and breathes sushi. will die by sushi’s hand and do so willingly will face god and walk backwards into hell as long as she’s got a maki roll in one hand and some chopsticks in the other and she has food poisoning at least once every three months
unpopular opinion
in terms of exclusively in the window of canon she is more of a ‘villain’ than regina. but she still is not the villain of the story bc the story does not have one
song i associate with them
i mean tbh the first one that popped into my head was irbm but i feel like that’s lame. but i also don’t listen to music so i’d say either like. some nights by Fun. or monster from frozen when she’s got that angst workin
favorite picture of them
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ickle <333
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scionshtola · 8 months
oooo what about 20 and 25 for Cori? :D for the WoL ask meme!
thank you owen!! 💗
20. Of all the places they’ve been to, which is their favorite? Do they like to go back there?
There are two places I think Cori really liked: Thavnair/Radz-at-Han and funnily enough, the Rak'tika Greatwood. Cori lived the early part of her life in Valnain, a port city in Dalmasca, until their family was driven out by the Garlean occupation (some time between the ages of 5 and 10...I change my mind a lot lol). After that they lived a bit deep in the Golmore Jungle until they were in their mid twenties at least. So Radz-at-Han and Rak'tika remind them a lot of home! The architecture, the food, being by the sea...it's kind of them getting to experience something that was lost to them? And in Rak'tika, it was just kind of comforting to be surrounded by nature again. But tbh Cori enjoys most of the places they've been! They just love getting to see new places and experience different cultures, and have a particular love of nature. They really like visiting the Steppe as well, especially when they're in a mood to star gaze.
25. Do they have any habits or rituals that they do to soothe themselves? I.e. Playing with their hair, chewing their lip, fidgeting, etc.
They will play with their hair, mostly running their fingers through it if it's down or tugging at the bottom of their braid, when they feel uncomfortable or anxious or tbh just when they're kind of thinking things through. I don't think they do much that will make it obvious they need to self-soothe, the real tell will be that they seemed fine and then disappeared off to the chocobo stables to brush Cilantro or go for a walk with him lol
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stevethehairington · 1 year
You might need anti frizz stuff or something of the right material to wrap your hair in at night. I know I have to use anti frizz stuff or just do hair stuff in the morning because I don’t have the right pillowcase (silk)
Also not drying your hair with a cotton towel is a big yes :)
oop a couple days late replying to this my bad!! but thank you for the advice!! i've heard the pillowcase thing a few times so i will definitely look into that bc i definitely do not have silk ones rn lol.
and oof i did not know that about cotton towels!
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littlewitchbee · 9 months
hiiii ana how are you today!!!???!??! throwing 29 and 30 at you for the ask meme thingy :)
Theo! Thank you so much :) I hope you're having a great day :D
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
So so so so many things lol (I'll be honest, the amount of fma fanart I've drawn is an anomaly. I'm enjoying this wave and I'll ride it as far as it takes me but I don't normally draw like this) But for this answer I'll say Elden Ring. I played so much and I was so obsessed with the world and the aesthetic. I just didn't feel any desire to create any art inspired by it. I think I drew my character once and that was it.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
I love* all of my children equally (*I don't like any of them at all lol) I'll use this as an excuse to dig up art from ages ago, though. You guys remember the adventure zone? 😅 I barely do! I barely remember anything I did in 2017, but here's this art I did.
Ask game :)
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🌙 moon runes: which of Tolkien's languages would you most like to speak?
tbh, i feel like adunaic would be really fun, just bc of all the consonants, and it sounds neat lol.
🎇 firefly: which (known) deleted scene would you most like to see?
🗺 arda: if you could travel anywhere in middle earth, where would you go?
easy, easy answer: dol amroth!!!!!!! i wanna go there SO BAD i know it'd be so much fun
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jackwolfes · 11 months
🍍: answered here!
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
i want to say the immediate aftermath of the auction scene in crooked kingdom! so like, the week after, from a wesper POV. i've written at least a couple that touch on it, and some specifically on it, but the immediate shift from the events of CK to a sudden lack of any stressors is just. so fascinating to me as a premise. like the things it does to the body wrt stress and the way wesper would cope (as a new and very young couple but also as 1) someone that is in the childhood home he was traumatised in and 2) someone that has never had this level of decadant comfort and has to now adjust) is so appealing to me
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