#ty for the question
minkshame · 3 months
Would Tords family know it wasn’t Tord if Clord decided to pay a visit for any reason?
I’ve thought about this
Clord would arrive to an empty house if he managed to remember where it was. The Lagesons would have moved.
But if he did meet them, I think he wouldn’t want anything to do with the family… too close to original Tord and he’d like to separate himself.
Anyway to answer your ACTUAL QUESTION, they might sense something was odd. They would blame it on england’s influence or Tord just being a general disappointment to them. Tord’s parents are entirely emotionally distant, he did not receive any warmth in his upbringing, so whether it was clone or original they met, they would be cold about it. 🙁
I think Reginald would have some puzzled feelings. Clord has a different face shape in a way and his nose is slightly different as well in the way I draw him these days, but he could shrug it off as changes from getting older. Reginald last saw Tord when he was like 11years old, so there’s bound to be changes to his appearance and voice.
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emolatinaa · 1 month
Do you have a top three favorite tumblr blogs?
I have so many favs but top 3 for me I’d say @mzmilano @whodykejones @virtuheaux 🎀🩷💕💗💖💞💓🌸🌺
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n0phis · 1 year
What other fandoms do u like/are in
theres a shit ton that i like. know of but that don't take up much space unless im actively reminded of them tbh
MCYT and everything it encompasses is my main guy that i think about in all of my free time 100%, but the longest running other fandoms that id still love to draw for are warrior cats, zombies as a general concept bc theyre important enough 2 include, and the podcast wolf 359!
if i was to do any non mcyt content itd probably be one of the 3 above
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katetorias · 8 months
How did you guys bring up your plurality to your therapist? I've been meaning to bring it up mine as I have just started accepting myself as a system. I feel as if being able to express ourselves would be great and would relieve stress.
Is there any ways to mention it without stating "I think I'm multiple"? Do they give you a diagnosis? If they do diagnose you, where do you go with the diagnosis?
I apologize if this is too much to ask, I just can't seem to get straight forward answers anywhere.
P.S. Love ur art, it's genuinely so beautiful.
hi!! im really happy you’ve come to accept yourself! i have very limited experience being “open” about being a system and it’s mostly restricted to online/interpersonal relationships and my therapist. we’ve only just recently been genuinely open because Jack struggled to not be during his session. im not diagnosed with anything as it’s only been a couple of sessions
personally, i started trying to explain the dissociative symptoms first, like how things don’t feel real and sometimes it feels like someone else is piloting. i tried to describe the physical sensations and how things felt wrong/there’s amnesia(emotional or otherwise)/my names, gender and pronouns would change, i would suddenly feel very uncomfortable with my appearance, etc.
i think starting with these things, especially connecting it to the other trauma/mental health things I already go through helped her follow the dots more directly. and since I was being vague, as if I didn’t really know the exacts, she filled those gaps in for me. she was like, “well.. we do see a lot in traumatized children that they compartmentalize or dissociate to make “someone else” deal with the trauma” and i was like “woah… for real..”
i hope this makes sense! Genuinely being honest will help, explain how many years you’ve noticed these things and anything that can affirm that it’s not something else.
on the diagnosis process I’m not sure, im sorry :( idk if I want to get a diagnosis and more so recognized, so you’ll have to find other sources
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voidzphere · 19 hours
does the epiciller in ur dni stand for epic/killer orrr… cause i never heard that one before
haii !! epiciller is the ship name for epic x killer. i prefer not to see content of this ship since im irlz of both killer and epic ^_^
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poppy-purpura · 1 year
Do you have any rainworld ships?
Hhh not really? Maybe Artificer\Gourmand. Well I draw also SRS\FP, GW\SoS, NSH\LttM sometimes. But I'm okay with them as a good friends.
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topazshadowwolf · 1 year
Fuzzynight- how do they feel about pda?
Fun questions! So when it comes to PDA:
Lyra will not show affection beyond hand-holding and hugs when children are around. But, in a room full of adults, she has no problem with nose nuzzles, simple kisses, cutesy talk, and cuddles. Nothing extreme, but these are basic and healthy expressions of love for another that she feels should be permitted to be seen by the appropriate audience. She used to do this with her Asgore and started to do so with another...
Nightmare, though, is not used to affection, and as much as he enjoys it, he is unsure about letting others see. Seriously, the guy is not used to this! He is hated and feared by most, and what affection he has been shown over the course of his life was brotherly or fatherly. Hugs he's okay with. Even then, most hugs for his henchmen have been behind closed doors during or after they have a moment of bearing emotional wounds to him. It's an act of healing support versus romantic attachment. He struggles with it and is just... confused by all these nice ways to show love.
He is not sure about others seeing these acts of affection because he doesn't know what he is doing or how he should react. Lyra understands this and tends to keep PDA very mild with him for now. Will this change as he adjusts... you better believe it! As Nightmare grows used to affection, when around those he trusts, he will not mind showing mild affection to the woman he loves, and she will enjoy displaying it back.
(That's not to say she might not currently rescue "the boys" from a numbingly long lecture with some PDA. A simple kiss on the back of his skull while softly saying, "I think they get it, my sweet Nightstar," should be enough to derail any train of thought he had.)
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pencil-amateur · 8 months
✍️ and ☕️ for any s/is for that selfship ask game ^^
I'm gonna do this for blivian!!
✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
I'd say some msties would enjoy blivian and her silly shenanigans, while some people would find her annoying and shoehorned in. I think most people would like how she plays off kinga and max though! I think she'd be considered a more minor side character, but a few people are super into making art and writing for her :]
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
hmm! possibly stuff about them raising their daughter zai (and mira, when she's introduced later) or going to either of their home planets together! short silly fluff would also be common
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madame-mongoose · 2 years
what’s ur ocs favorite animals - do they have pets
Oh I am SO glad you asked. One of my favorite lil tidbits about Zeki is she LOVES crocodiles they're her favorite animal!! (second fav is sharks) Earlier concepts she had a pet saltwater crocodile who lived on the boat. Thing was HUGE they can grow up to 14ft iirc. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out a way to keep em in the story without making it a bit cluttered but her love for them is still very much there!!!
Cassia and Marina don't really have favorite animals tbh. Cassia bc she's just too much of an emo rage machine to really find happiness in anything and Marina bc she's more invested in people than in animals. Tho I would definitely say Marina likes dogs and probably had a pet dog before she ran away. Cass would probably be the type to own snakes or fish.
The Librarian loves cats he's the type of guy to only have cat memes saved on his ancient brick computer. Unfortunately due to the nature of his existence he won't be able to see one irl
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cistematicchaos · 1 year
15 for the physically disabled ask game
15. when and how did you discover the cripple punk movement?
Ooh, this is a fun question. I discovered it by accident a couple years back. I was trying to work through a lot of trauma shit and I met a bunch of crippled trans communists.
💀 FR, that's how. And through getting to know them, I got familiar with the movement and its politics. Which is one of the only things that's kept me alive as I've gotten more severely crippled, so I honestly think that was some of the best luck I've ever had. The cripple punk movement found me before I even realized I needed it and it's been there for me since. \o/
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lord-squiggletits · 2 years
What fic has been most consuming lately for you? How did you come up with the idea for We are the Music Makers (and is the title from something you've already written or from an outside inspiration)? (I am very interested in how people come up with titles because I cannot for the life of me come uo with any)
Funny that you ask about WATMM in the second question because that's exactly the fic that's been preoccupying me the most?for the past several months, because I've been writing it for the TF Big Bang and I'll be posting it on October 9 for all the MegOP fandom to cry about enjoy. :3 It's been forever since I've written something so long without uploading it immediately chapter by chapter. Not since PUE chapter 10/12.
The title comes from a poem called Ode by Arthur O'Shaunessy (sp). It's a beautiful poem on its own, but it also has a lot of nostalgia for me because I first heard part of the poem in the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (with Wonka played by Gene Wilder). Luckily for me, the poem ended up fitting the plot of WATMM almost perfectly. So perfectly that I almost feel like I have to add a "spoiler warning" disclaimer if you decide to read the poem on your own haha.
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synthetic-rust · 2 years
Woah, did you paint the faces from scratch?
With the Rheneas image specifically, whilst a lot of it was me painting over it. What I actually did first was paste his (cgi) face onto the smokebox as a base, then I went in and painted and edited over it till I eventually got the end result.
With the other edits I also cut out images of their faces and pasted them onto the smokeboxes, but I didn’t paint over them as much (it was mainly just correcting some of the details and the shading).
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shackld-a · 2 years
Despite her situation, what would Yuno say is her favorite food/drink?
Yuno lies primarily on energy drinks and microwave meals. Her favorite is the buffalo mac n cheese one because that is MY favorite. “What about actual food and drink?” No such thing she’s in charge of 40+ criminals who beat her up constantly.
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journen · 2 years
What do you use to draw?
Ive mostly been using Procreate on the iPad recently, but if i do any artwork on my computer it’s with photoshop! 😊
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arcandoria · 2 years
Incredibly specific OC question: how have Dante's haircuts changed over his life?
That gave me something to do in this fine saturday evening, thanks anon!
Overall, Dante doesn't massively change his hair. He prefers it short, and likes undercuts. It's a preference he developed during his teenage years with the assassins because it's easier to groom and gives very little headache upkeep. He also inherited this beautiful deep red from his mother and doesn't feel like changing it color-wise.
I also made a through the years post that talks a little more about his progress and it helps make sense of his hairstyle choices a bit!
Important: Dante's hair is wavy, I just haven't found a mod that quite gets it correctly, and have not modded my own properly yet.
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Spiky troublemaker hair. Grows this chin tuff to mimic his father's.
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Lets his hair grow and uses a bit of a more stylized cut to fit Arasaka’s social appearance standards. Moustache joins the goatee.
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Recently broke up with Meredith. Tired and worked to the bones. Hair thins down and gets harder to stylize due to stress.
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Settles for a mid-length of what he usually wears. It’s often disheveled (It’s supposed to have some fading on the undercut, but I haven’t modded it yet).  Lets the beard grow to full but keeps it trimmed, firstly because he can’t really ass himself to shave (specially post-Act I), but later because he likes how it looks.
After that, with the nomads, he keeps it mostly the same. Sometimes he allows it to grow a little bigger, but as soon it starts getting long enough that it can be put in a bun, he cuts it.
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hastyprovocateur · 3 months
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"... you got a girl"
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"a preetty girl!"
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"How does that work?"
Blue Eye Samurai (2023)
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