#ty for sending this hehe <3
hotluncheddie · 8 months
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How is it that I have not seen a Steve drawing with him having a body like in THIS exact bodyshot of Hopper?
That's a gross oversight.
but literally! this is the kinda body i'm thinking of when writing steve tbh, sometimes bigger or softer honestly but yeah i think this is like a thick former jock build which is v steve and v lovely
but god if someone drew steve like this i think that's my dreams coming true
or hopper in s3 when he's in just a towel?? crazy. see that's what i call 'Content'
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shuaberriez · 1 year
hihi aria !! i just wanted to pop in to tell you that i really really do love your gifs and i think you're a vv sweet person ^^
(also shua biased carats the prettiest people ever it's confirmed)
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ladymarlin · 5 months
Alejandro becoming fluent in Chinese after marrying Heather and Heather becoming fluent in Spanish after marrying Alejandro. Their families think they can trash talk them without being caught, but Alejandro and Heather understand every word.
Was waiting to respond to this bc I was gonna do a drawing but ermm I did not 😅
Anyway! Yes. Absolutely. And they mostly talk about Jose.
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lovedazai · 7 months
im a little late but i couldnt end my day without saying how thankful i am for all of u !! my mooties, my anons, everyone who has ever read my work or supported me & my writing ​​(⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝) ​<3 i love u !! ˖ ࣪⊹
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piraticusdorm · 7 days
may i ask for äte’s opinion on juno perhaps… i have been curious abt this for a while
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"What a lovely little thing Juno is! Has it been, what, a century or two since I saw a φοῖνιξ?"
"Noooothing can keep those guys down, believe me, I've seen it all! Best part is, doesn't matter what awful, painful, traumatic event gets them down, they have no choice but to get up again! For every death there's a rebirth, even if all that's waiting for them in this world is pain and betrayal. No matter how tired they are, they'll be made to rise again!! Immortal!? Isn't it hilarious!? The ones cursed for cheating death are the best long term entertainment~ ❤"
"It was hard, wasn't it? It was painful, right? That's all right Juno, I'll hold you tight while we wait for new poems to happen to you. You're not naïve enough to believe in happily ever afters, are you? ❤"
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I'm noticing a pattern, but I believe we also share love for poetry???
And our minds instantly go "Them, this is so them"
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MIMIIIII WE DOOOOO WE DO WE DO………. do you have any favorite poets to share ???? i’d love love love to hear abt them !!!! 🫂🫂🫂
my absolute beloved of all time is richard siken hehe…. if you haven’t read any of his poems before then!! just know i highly recommend them!!!! :3
AND SOOO REAL ABOUT THE ”that’s so them” THING….. 😭😭 i can never be normal abt my blorbos i need to make literally Everything about them. ALSO since we’re on the topic >:3 one poem that always reminds me soooo much of stsg is half-light by frank bidart!!! another of my fave poets (+ it’s my fave poem of his <3) would love to know your thoughts on it mimi my sweetie!!!
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guzmapkmn-archive · 11 months
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manasurge · 9 months
scoots into your asks about the commander love interest prompt.
i dont know who to ask you about so take your own pick but can i get uhhhhh 1, 4, and 10?
Omg I'm actually just hoarding these prompts atm (for later when I've had more time to post more of her fleshed out lore so it isn't all just in note form on my end sjldfsf), but for you, I'll still bite! (Tho a lot of answers could be subject to some change in the future based on what might develop down the road aslfjsf)
Fortunately (or unfortunately) I only have the one OC (Mourynn) bc otherwise it'd be too overwhelming for me lksjflksdf. Anywho! 1. Who are they and what's their dynamic with the commander? The main pairing I have is Mourynn x Caithe, and since they're both Firstborn (albeit Mourynn was a very late bloomer, like... a year late. More on that later), they have a couple dynamics going on. First being (what I've always interpreted as) the intrinsic bond Firstborn share. With Mourynn being the youngest (at least in my timeline), she looks up a lot to Caithe (and the others), and Caithe is also one of the only ones who can read her social cues and is patient with her (especially in the early years), and especially so since the Shadow of the Dragon still appears in her dream, so they still have that shared link + Wyld Hunt (though if anything it was more like a rescue mission as Mourynn would've died too it/was too physically weak at this time, and only remembers the bit at the end of the dragon attack. So Caithe is a bit of a hero to her to some degree as well). There's another dramatic lesbian arc in between involving Faolain as well (all 3 actually), but that's a hot mess for another day. During the Commander era, since basically her whole Commander arc is "Imposter Syndrome the Musical™", and with Mourynn feeling constantly behind the other Firstborn Luminaries, and trying to fulfill an important role that's partly due to trying to prove to herself (and others) that she is indeed capable. She is a bit naive in the beginning with trying to impress Caithe and fulfill their shared Hunt, and feels lost/depressed when she isn't around during these times. Basically there's a lot of slow burn and silent gestures and quiet intimacies and moments going on, but there's still the extra layer of the Faolain break up that Caithe is also struggling with, making Mourynn is too afraid to tread further due to the sensitive situation. In general they more or less have the same loner vibe, but Mourynn's a bit more whimsical and accident-proned. They're just glad to have each other around and lean on each other in different ways, a comforting bond with a bit of a mentor dynamic sprinkled in. Caithe is also one of the only ppl who understands Mourynn's weird quirks.
4. What was their initial opinion of the commander? Has that changed at all? I guess most of this was already answered above (lol). I'd say Caithe became a bit more proud to see her grow into her role as time went on and became more of her own person (and get a little bit more confidence). The dragon thing was a bit of a shocker though. Other than that, I'd say, surprisingly, opinions shared remains fairly constant (mostly bc they've known each other for so long) 10. Are there any events in the story that happen differently because of/to/involving them? UHM A LOT TBH. I'm lowkey using Mourynn's lore to also change a lot of points in the game story to better fit what I like best and want to see a bit different. In the case with Caithe, I'm having her involved a lot more (for self indulgent reasons), and bc there's a lot of situations I could expand upon. Also I'M INCLUDING ALL THE STUFF NOT INCLUDED IN THE ORIGINAL HoT STORYLINE!!!!!!! One very notable moment I have down is involving the Exalted and Aurene's egg. The Exalted DO NOT like Mourynn (jungle dragon reasons and all, they see her more as a threat sent by Mordy, and Mourynn will wind up hating anything gilded/gold bc of them bc of Exalted trauma), and with Caithe taking the egg first, that combo makes them both fairly distrusted by the Exalted (and others), which is... kinda bad. They both have to defend each other AND Aurene's egg, all while trying to convince the Exalted they are trustworthy (along with like, everyone else...). Then there's the Vinetooth Faolain fight... (that's gonna be fun :3c firstborn x firstborn Wynne mirroring, plus just the dynamic the 3 of them have in general. Mourynn almost dies, but that's normal. Caithe will get to do more fun things during the fight too)
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suashii · 4 months
hi my sweet sua, i am so glad to see you <3 you don’t have to answer this if someone has already asked you, but what are your valentines plans w your faves ? how are the rinnies and kaeya treating you this year ? <3
hellooooo risu ! :3 happy valentine’s day ! the rins are kinda split down the middle when it comes to plans — rinnie and rindou are taking me out for dinner, rindou bc it’s our norm and rinnie bc we really only go out for special occasions. sunarin, matsuoka, and kaeya are feeling like homebodies this year so we’re all gonna have a nice night in! we cook dinner and make little sweet treats for each other, very chill but fun too hehe ‪‪❤︎‬
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nygleskas · 4 months
HAPPY VALENTINES DAYYY💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💟💟 i love themmm <33 also i hope everyone here has a good day today ur fo's love u ^_^
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covenofthearticulate · 6 months
fic asks!!
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
💥 find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
💎 why is writing important to you?
Questions for Fic Writers
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change? God, I have no idea WHAT my style is, but I definitely know it's changed over the years! I think in the past, I used to think of the entire point of fic as just telling a story, with a beginning, middle, and end. These days, I approach fic as more of an exploration, or a character study. I let myself meander on tangents if I want to, and I spend a lot more time trying to let the emotions breathe so that the plot feels organic rather than just getting from point A to point B, if that makes sense. I spend more time on setting the mood and the tone, which I guess as a result has made my style more lyrical and less literal.
💥 find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
Weirdly, I have 3 fics tied for last, with 34 kudos on each LMAO but I think I'll say something nice about Permission because I've been kinda ragging on it in my other answers asdgsekfghjvbsdf
Even though it was an absolute pain in the ass to write, there are moments of Permission that I think hit really hard! I think my favorite passage in the whole fic is:
I am not like you, Louis whispers in that silent voice between only them. It gives me no pleasure. “Not like me?” Armand frowns, kneading at Louis’ hair as he rolls the words over in his mind. “My love, you are more like me than you will ever admit to yourself.” He lets the words land like a branding iron. Like a kiss. 
I didn't realize it when I was writing it, but I think this was kind of my thesis with this fic LMAO like I think it's really easy for Louis to dismiss his own desires when everyone is fawning over him all the time so I really wanted Armand to check him on that and remind him that he's just as needy and starved and depraved as the rest of them
💎 why is writing important to you?
Fuck if I know LOL! In a lot of ways I still feel like a little girl sitting in my bedroom and making up stories, but as I grow older and am wrestling with different griefs and different Life Things, it's nice to have a place that's familiar. If you asked me 10 years ago, I would've told you that writing was an escape, but right now, writing for me is an exercise in empathy, and it's so incredibly cathartic to be able to feel emotions outside of my own. Like, I get burnt out from Real Life Shit every day, so being able to sit down and like Cry over Louis is actually really important because then when I get up and go about my business, the world just feels a little less daunting and a little less lonely <3
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bachirasbodyguard · 8 months
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You really did leave this in the tags and go. OP, I NEED that essay asap. 😭. Would help a lot in fics.
Also, the idea that Shidou's playstyle is reminiscent of Young Rin's "free" playstyle before he started copying Sae and U-20 Rin. So the implications of Sae choosing someone so similar to him, narratively it hurts.
Shidou's past is so interesting to me, bcz his answers seem to be so melancholy in his interview. I saw this plausible hc of him living with his grandparents. Can't wait till manga reveals that.
I just...gsqvsjskjajkksksnns, I want to look at Sae, Shidou and Rin's relationship thru a microscope fr. Plz try to write that essay. You'll be doing the world a favor.
I love ur blog!💙💜💙
🥹🥹🥹🥹 (AAAa it never fails to make me happy to know that someone reads the nonsense that I write in tags)
Thank you!!! I actually have that essay mostly written and sitting in my drafts, but every time I look at it I think "This is completely insane" and never finish it. But you know what, maybe I should, I love talking about these characters. And Sae especially is constantly rotating in my mind at most hours of the day like a warm rotisserie chicken.
I do really want to wait to see what's happening in PxG though to get more insight into how Shidou's and Rin's relationship has developed, and also simply to get more information on Shidou as a standalone character and player.
((( I also have a lot of ideas about Shidou's backstory (I actly talked abt it here ))))
and thank you for saying that and sending this i appreciate it a lot !!!!(O.O)7
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tellerluna-stories · 1 year
i am kin assigning you hydro because you're so. YOU'RE SO !!!!!!!
you're very easy to get along with and go with the flow of all and any of my crazy conversations i subject you to LMAO but also!! you are so very kind and do give me the most elegant vibes because you're a dancer <3 closes ur eyes at being an egg
also because you're so silly like a majority of the hydro characters are LOL and because if u kin assigned me dendro then we can hyperbloom together <3333
it's why we click so well in our convos (REAL). you can't have plants without some sort of water source nearby!!!
also I can be a graceful egg!!! gudetama is very flowy (and lazy) and he's my role model in life so. I'm happy to be an egg and an elegant egg at that <3
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griffin-wood · 10 months
hello!!! if you’re still doing the infamous ask thingy: band name, performance, fans, wild card! for nyla pls <3
2nd take cause tumblr decide to erase it and freeze it welp. hiiii ri! thank youuu for sending in! <3 (infamous mc ask!)
Band name: How did they and the others come up with the band name? Has the name changed since it was founded?
oh god, band name questions. This one is kinda a blank slate still..because ngl, during the playthrough I just created their band name in an instant and it just stuck with me! but, i believe they would have a different band name during their time with seven, but i shall get back to you on that! but, their current name is 'the renegades'. In my head, it sounds very cool - but, for significant wise; i did look it up the meaning of the word, and it means like some kind of betrayal. It doesn't truly reflect to the band, but..I think it opted to the meaning of rebel. Music has always been a rebellion in some way, and for their band..i can imagine, it's just a rebellion to the well those who don't believe them. So, they're the rebels, the renegades. But, in terms of coming through the term, I feel like Nyla would definitely came across the word during one of her songwriting sessions and become very much attached to how mysterious it sounds...and it become a part of them somehow. and it fits!
Performance: What are they thinking and feeling while they’re performing? How do they act on stage?
For Nyla, when she's performing...and since the band's genre is alternative, it sorta have a mystique vibe to it. So, in her head during performance is like, a clean slate; there's like one goal which is the vision or known as the big picture for what she's been dreaming of. Like when she does on stage, she tries to picture herself and the band performing at somewhere bigger, so that's her imagery at. and that really become like a factor of her performance too. And what she's feeling the whole music in her veins. When she's performing, she is more of a let the voice and instrumental do the talking and it showed through her performance. The feeling of like goosebumps can be one of them, to listen to what they made and perform it to others. It's goosebumps, magical, and mysterious feeling at some sort. The way she acts on stage is like, confident mysterious one. Like, you'll never expect what's she's gonna perform, she tends to smile to the fans before the performance but as soon as the music starts and yeah, she's a whole different person in the best way possible.
Fans: How is their relationship with their fans? Do they go out of their way to interact? 
She has a good track record of the fans, especially on social media. She does react a lot to fans, like enjoys watching covers, the art, and definitely have came across maya's page before she even meet the girl before. But, she also has this fun habit to troll the hate pages, especially well.....the seven fans who has a dislike towards her, despite her being a fan of soft violence ofc. But, she enjoys interacting and living that...reality. like, "we got fans?!" but in a cool vibe yknow? but, with the botb drama with UW, well..i can see her limiting the interaction cause well, there's more fighting in her comments a lot and all, so she tends to become slower, but she does go out of her way to interact. I have this headcanon, like their first ever like big gig performance at this bar..and like there's the early fans, and like she hugged one of the fans who gave her a letter and like flowers to congratulate. she still kept both the letter..and dried the flowers, despite she doesn't really show that much of her nostalgia persona, she does care very deeply.
Wild card: Tell us something about your MC! Feel free to really just roll us over with an emotional steamroller and crush the souls out of our bodies, if you’d like. (You’re also welcome to choose one of the other questions to answer!)
gosh, i'm gonna lay out nyla and seven here mehe! so, miss nyla has this front like, she's so different around everyone else..and in front of seven. Like, she's like a switch not like a bad switch, she just...feels more comfortable to feel around seven. In general, nyla's personality is like uncaring (like hey idgaf, like she does not truly give an f towards the haters and all that jazz) and flirty outside but everytime she's around seven like in proximity wise. She feels SO MANY THINGS, like those she couldn't control too. But, after the break-up..she just keeps all of those feelings on her own, reminsicing it on her own, and letting well the love and every single feeling she has for seven flow through her. that photoshoot with seven and Blake like that honestly she would almost have a breakdown there and then (she already has one internally, but outside...she's calm cool and collected.)
Seven was like...some sort her anchor with well, the shitty parents and all that. And like after the breakup and the band breaking apart, let's just say...she loses that anchor and has to stand on her own. And this is where she's good and bad at it, in front of people and heck, even orion, she's the master of fake it till you make it, idc idgaf, who is even seven lawless? but, like in private..she just would have that silent moment and like..just to take a breath, and sometimes when she's at home..feeling a bit lonely on her own, she wears one of seven's old shirt that he never bothered to take it back. she would go through that blackout, of emotions of losing someone. and, when she's out of her place, out of her thoughts..she's okay again. I think Rowan might guess that, noticing that. Hell, maybe one day she'll tell Orion what happened with her and seven, but like she hides that how she deeply feels cause like focus on the fame, the cameras and everything (she's already a pro at that so dont worry!!!!) But hey, seven lawless will always be her weak link.
also phew that's so long omg! i'm gonna add a seven x nyla song i had in their playlist; which i believe some verses would fit them in some sort of way! (the chorus, giving me so many vibes..and seven vibes also???)
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leejungchans · 1 year
I bring you this et voila
HELLOOOOOO LOOK AT BABY CHAN OMG ☹️☹️☹️☹️ HE’S COME SUCH A LONG WAY 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 my love my sugarplum my everything
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i saw a fanart of them a while back, but i've tried to look for it, and i can't find it anymore ...
could it be this one??? 👀👀 i loveee this artist sm hehe, they drew them both so pretty!!!!
tbh i’m not rlly invested in getohime as a ship (though i think they could be really cute!!) i just . want them both ….. to dote on me ……… 😔😔 i just think they’re nice and pretty and sweet. that’s all!!! lately i’ve been consumed w getohime/reader thoughts though …….. 😳😳
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