#ty bb for asking 💕
userlaylivia · 1 year
Top 10 OTPs!
awwww thank you bb <3
damon/elena (tvd)
bellarke (the 100) & stydia (teen wolf)
betty/jughead (riverdale)
pacey/joey (dawson's creek)
chuck/blair (gossip girl)
spike/buffy (btvs)
zeke/michaela (manifest)
sawyer/kate (lost)
jackie/hyde (that 70's show)
jess/rory (gilmore girls)
honorary mention: archie x veronica, barney x robin, scott x allison, adam x cassie, michael x alex
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teyamsatan · 1 year
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andra bb im wishing you the best weekend ever!!! i hope life becomes less stressful for you and you are able to take a break soon xx either way you are doing absolutely amazing, ily my queen 💖🤞
KENDRA😩😩😩 i love you so much and I appreciate your word’s massively, you besties have made me feel so loved and i want you to know that 💕
My study ends next Thursday so i will be taking off the longest weekend known to man and i’ll be back to bothering all of you loves with my writing in no time 💕💕
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thornsnvultures · 1 year
4, 5 and 40 from those!!
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handwriting asks 🖊
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shadesofblades · 2 years
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life? --for Aoki!
Aoki is the type of person to have minimal belongings. Because of this, any room he may occupy is extremely neat to the point you may not even realize someone was living there. He is very meticulous and cleanly, so his clothing and armor are always in good condition. Aoki always cleans up after himself. This could mean washing and drying his dishes right after eating on them, or cleaning and sharpening his blades after a fight. He tries his best to keep everything he owns in an excellent condition. This also helps him save money, making sure things don’t wear down or go bad quickly. And lemme tell you, he’s kind of a cheapskate. 
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jadedvibes · 2 years
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welcome back mi amor 💜
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celestie0 · 3 months
ellie bae u probably do know what I’m talking abt 😭 I’m just very bad at explaining things
BUT OMG YES HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES (theyre all lowk sad) AND THEY HAVE SPOILERS ‼️SO IF ANYONE ELSE WANRS TO WATCH THEN BE AWARE WMDNSN (i’ll mark which ones) it wont let me add links bc anon so just c&paste the links 🫠🫠
NANAMI AND HAIBARA: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLF2c9J8/
ITAFUSHI: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLFj2msC/
first years 🥲 (SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2/MANGA): https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLFjdmfc/
SATOSUGU: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLFjNqkt/
you don’t have to watch all of these ofc they’re just some of my favs 😆 (this also may or may not be my acc ??)
- 🦌 anon
stoppp the itafushi one w exile killeddd meeeeee ur so crueeeell n not the first yrs trio 😭💔💔 pls nanami is so protective of yuuji im so sad he probs thinks of haibara for sure :(( AND THE SATOSUGU ONE. WHY DONT U JUST PUT MY HEART IN A BLENDER PSLKSKDJDJ
you just might be worse than gege for this🧍🏻‍♀️
- ellie 🦢
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callilouv · 9 months
If you didn't see the reblog then here (tumblr's being a pain these days) <33
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AHHELP DW I SAW IT!!! i just forgor to reply PLS😭 BUT THANK YOU BB!! gasp im a 6 star........ first 6 star ever (real) HELPOJIHB
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soleilnomoon · 11 months
hey miss kaia 😼 I wasn’t sure if I should message you or send it this way butttt I’d love a strawberry-mango mai tai (crocodile or shanks) w/ songs 12, 15, and 23 from the playlist 👩🏾‍💻
hiiiii bb 🥰️ ty for requesting! i am so so sorry this took so long, but it’s here at last. also this was my first time writing crocodile, so i was v excited and wrote more than necessary but lbr i’m a long-winded mfer ok, that’s just how it is there’s no cure unfortunately; anyway i like how it turned out and if i kept writing we’d be here forever ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡
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2.1k words (don’t look at me), fem reader, nsfw, 18+ mdni; fluff if you count him not choking her as fluff & smut (and angst that u didn’t ask for but i gave it to u bc i’m unwell like that 😊; feat. post-time skip crocodile in denial (he’s king of it clearly), reader who is (rightfully) in her feelings abt everything, smoking, established relationship, exes 2 lovers bc that’s my jam, a lil bit of miscommunication, crocodile is bad at emotions and reader is too emotional — they’re perfect for each other obvy — rough sex, is it considered knife play if he has a hook (asking 4 a friend), a lot of kissing (hello romance), probably other stuff but idr. crocodile comes w. his own damn warning tbqh. reader sippin that clown girl juice like a champ, i’m proud <3
(if u see spelling/grammar mistakes no u didn’t 💕)
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it’s late at night when he arrives at your doorstep; you’re in the middle of flipping through a magazine, the ceiling fan silent and slow, the heat a little more than tolerable as you sip a cool drink. you have no intention of entertaining anyone, but when you recognize the heaviness behind the loud knocks, you make an exception.
of course, you do, there’s no other choice but to do so.
sir crocodile is a man that takes, and takes, and takes without remorse; there’s an insatiable greed — hunger, rather — that he can’t seem to satisfy. or maybe it’s that he’s been denying himself for years and it’s finally become too much for him. a small, quiet buzz infiltrates your body when you yank open the door. you half expect to find someone else there, so you stare openly, disbelief and shock holding you in place.
he peers down at you when you stand there and don’t bother to invite him inside. he knows his presence is probably more than you can handle, but he’s a selfish man and his time is very limited right now. with a subtle nod of his head, almost as if he’s telling — no, commanding — you to let him in; he’s always been like that, wordless commands that he expects to be followed without question.
if you had more sense, you’d slam the door in his face. but sadly, you don’t.
you try not to appear too affected, but as crocodile walks inside, dark eyes taking a sweeping glance around your modest living space, you suddenly remember how to speak.
“h-how did you find me?” your voice is much too soft and timid, something he clicks his tongue at, annoyance slightly bubbling underneath his skin. maybe it’s because he hasn’t seen you in so long, or maybe it’s because he’s much too taken by your beauty — something he tried to forget but was wholly unsuccessful.
he doesn’t spare you another glance as he hangs up his coat, doesn’t bother asking for permission before he rummages through the cabinets in your kitchen to pour himself a drink, and doesn’t think anything of his overly familiar actions in a home that doesn’t belong to him when he makes himself comfortable on one of the plush armchairs in the living room.
you scurry after him, steps soft and hurried, the smoke from his cigar wafting towards you the closer you get. he tilts his head back and exhales deeply, eyes closed as he blows smoke above him — a heady, intoxicating scent that triggers memories of the nights you spent with him before.
not that it matters, but crocodile’s nerves got the best of him before he arrived; he hasn’t seen you in two and a half years, and he always wondered if someone finally snatched you up. he told himself, a long time ago, that he would wreck whatever relationship you found yourself in anyway, but the uncertainty still lingered.
do you still care for him like you claimed you always would?
it’s a question he refuses to ask you because he’s convinced that the answer will ruin his plans no matter what your response is.
when you finally snap out of that momentary stupor, you stand in front of him, eyes glossy, as if you’re holding back years’ worth of tears. but somehow, you both fall back into the same routine you swore you’d never go back to — you straddle his lap, shorts riding up your plush thighs, his golden hook cold as he uses it to lift your chin up.
you remind yourself to keep focused, to not fall for his charm again. you don’t tell him that you’ve stayed single this whole time, mostly because everyone who came into your life after him didn’t compare.
“i hate the smell of smoke,” you declare boldly, voice strained, and maybe a little needy — even though you closely press yourself to him, even though you’re shamelessly rubbing yourself against him with slow, deliberate rolls of your hips. an inescapable, irritating heat passes through him, threatening to burn him alive; already his cock gets stiff when you move on him like that. if he had a bit more sense in him, he’d just leave right now.
but old habits die hard, and for some reason, your presence alone throws him off completely.
in a good way. even though he claims otherwise.
he reminds himself that he’s only here to talk as he runs his large hand along your thigh, admiring the smoothness of your skin — the sensation oddly calming to him. the feel of his rings along the back of your thigh triggers a vivid memory that makes you inhale sharply — you remember that the last time you saw him, you were on your knees and gagging on his cock. that night he fucked you like he knew he’d never see you again; you remember how you felt like melting into him every time he buried his cock deeply in your cunt.
you want to hate him all over and never think about him again.
except you can’t, can you?
there’s a brief pause before he takes another drag from his cigar; and when he lets the silence hang for longer than necessary, you find it hard to breathe.
“and i hate liars,” crocodile says finally, conveniently forgetting that he’s a notorious liar himself. you blush and turn your face at the hidden meaning behind his words — a poor attempt to deny it — but when you look back at him, he blows smoke above your head and fixes you with a pointed look.
an absurd thought occurs, making you curl your fingers as you tug on his shirt and finally question his reappearance. jealousy coils itself tightly around your legs, making your movements sluggish and ineffective. unbecoming, utterly childish, and unavoidable — but you know he won’t listen to that sort of rhetoric. not after being away from you for so long.
you lick your lips and muster enough courage to say, “i wrote to you.” several times, in fact. you figured he was either dead or didn’t want to speak to you. a part of him wants to ask if you’re serious, but from your demure demeanor, he already knows the answer.
crocodile lets out a humorless, pitying laugh.
“it must be nice to live in delusion,” he says bitterly. you look at him, confusion evident in the way you press your lips together as your brows slope down slowly — so he just sighs, defeated by your genuine naivety that he finds terribly charming. when he drags the curve of his golden hook along your jaw, your starts beating faster than necessary, the noise so loud you can barely think straight.
he knows that when he talks to you, he has to… mind how he phrases things, and while it annoys him, he does it anyway. “do you think impel down just allows former warlords the luxury of personal mail?” it’s a rhetorical question, but you shake your head no anyway, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you grab onto his shirt again.
guilt has a nasty habit of making him more considerate than he’d care to be, especially if that guilt comes from you. it has him putting out his cigar and tossing it onto the floor; he’s not sure who kisses who first, but his lips slant against yours and move with familiarity.
your soft whimpers are a honeyed, melodic experience; they wrap around him possessively, driving him to tear through your clothes with his hook, shredding the fabric into large, unusable pieces that languidly slide off your body. a flush settles on your skin, making you feel lightheaded — each kiss more electrifying than the last as he licks inside of your mouth, tongue stroking against yours hotly.
crocodile pulls away suddenly, already feeling like the control he’s kept is practically nonexistent because your mouth is much sweeter than he remembers. your fingers tremble slightly and a breathy moan tumbles out of you when he slaps your ass hard.
the impact is a surprise — one that has you whine pitifully, arousal dripping from your slit in a way that should be embarrassing, but you’re too far gone to care. a lust-induced haze circles around him, nearly clouding his vision as you unbutton his shirt, fingers roaming against his stomach, exploring the dips and grooves between his abs. your touch is much too gentle for a man like him; he knows you deserve better, but he’s too selfish to tell you that. his cock is stiff and heavy in his pants; you relieve that ache as soon as you tug his zipper down and wrap your soft hands around him.
he watches you, amused at your focus and determination when you stroke him faster; and while he’d like to take his time with you, he doesn’t have that luxury tonight. he grabs onto your wrist, halting your movements quickly before biting your lower lip and kissing you greedily; it’s all-consuming, scalding, and possessive.
you should ask him why he’s kissing you like that when he has no intention of staying, but you know it would be an unfair question given his circumstances.
still, your curiosity eats you alive, although not for long.
he lifts you with ease and you sink down onto his thick cock, pussy tight and warm. part of what kept him sane while he was in prison was thinking of you and how much he missed being with you like this — another truth he refuses to reveal, deciding to suffer through the consequences of another failed confession on his part.
you scratch at the skin on the back of his neck the moment he bucks his hips against yours, burying most of his cock inside of you. his thrusts are quick and brutal; you do your best to match his movements, moaning loudly as he wraps an arm around you. he kisses down the length of your neck, teeth grazing your skin roughly as he bites and sucks on your skin harshly. you know there’ll be bruises and marks in the morning, but you don’t care.
all you care about is enjoying this moment with him, one that you’ll commit to memory forever.
his name comes out of your mouth sweetly, like a rhythmic and lyrical poem you crafted for him specifically. he shouldn’t care about any of that, but he can’t stop himself; and maybe he’s just tired of denying it. he tells himself that when he fucks you harder, breasts bouncing and rubbing against his hard chest; he tells himself that when he angles his hips, thrusts frenzied and powerful.
sweat glides down your skin and the heat threatens to suffocate you, both of you are panting and moaning in between kisses. you doubt your poor little heart can take much more of this, but you power through anyway. and maybe it’s because you’re tugging on his hair roughly, almost impatiently, but he takes that as a challenge, holding you steady as his cock bullies into your wet cunt. between the lewd, squelching sounds coming from your pussy and the way he simply can’t stop kissing you — like there’s a thirst he can’t seem to quench, no matter how many times he fucks you — a warmth spreads through your chest.
unbeknownst to you, though, he’s going through something similar; he realizes, belatedly, that he might not be able to let you go after this. impossible thoughts pummel through his mind, ones that he desperately tries to shove aside. intimacy and vulnerability are deadly, in his opinion, but he decides to make an exception for you — and only you.
you cum unexpectedly, hips bucking against his wildly, pussy clenching around his thick girth without remorse. you actually feel your heart skip a beat, like you’re in some romance novel, when he calls out your name — his own orgasm finding him shortly after, thrusts slowing, his cum thick and hot as it spills inside of you.
your legs turn to jelly, making it impossible to move right away, so you slump against him weakly and take deep breaths to calm yourself. he closes his eyes briefly and runs his hand up and down your back; here’s another opportune moment to say something, to say anything, but he swallows back the words, instead opting to kiss your forehead softly.
“you’re an impossible man,” you say with a sigh, blinking as you look up at him; he raises a brow at that, but doesn’t offer a rebuttal. “don’t break my heart.” you jab a finger at his chest, but your features soften when he chuckles at your demand.
another long silence follows, before crocodile speaks again, voice low, but certain as he says, “alright, i won’t.”
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userlaylivia · 10 months
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity! (no pressure ofc!!)
my husband and daughter
watching videos on youtube
my mutuals on here <3
my family
listening to music
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pinkished · 21 days
∞ for the favorite lyrics ask!
ty for the ask bb!!! 🥰💕
from hozier's song all things end
"If there was anyone to ever get through this life
With their heart still intact, they didn't do it right"
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teyamsatan · 1 year
there’s gonna be a hot angry neteyam in the next chapter, and I can’t wait to see that (no need to hurry and no pressure at all, only sharing my thoughts with you ❤️‍🔥)
ARGH every time i think i’ve found my favourite neteyam, smth comes up and now i’m in my angry neteyam era cause damnnn!!!
And yes, in chapter II, we’ll be seeing angry, charming, frustrated, sexy, every kind of neteyam we all like 😉😌💕
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stevethehairington · 1 year
✨WIP (almost) Wednesday Game✨
ty to the wonderful @cheatghost @fastcardotmp3 and @stargyles for the tags!!
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
head over heels down bad absolute clutz in love no game whatsoever flustered to hell eddie munson (LMAO thats a long title but that's what i chose sdlkfds)
steve can't bake
wayne pov part 3
wayne pov part 4
mermay shenanigans
bb fic/stobin zine piece (again, ones i can't necessarily share much from, but i still gotta chip away at them so i'm adding them here!)
Snippet (from hohdbacilngwfthem aka the long one on the ^^ list and my brand spanking new wip bc i have NO self control lmaoo):
But, if he doesn’t do something about this, these feelings that are bubbling closer and closer to the surface, he’s going to lose his mind. Eddie is but a man; his constitution is weak. There is only so much of Steve he can take before his heart is fit to burst right out of his chest like some fucked up love xenomorph. Thing is, if he wants to keep that from happening, he has to actually talk to Steve. He has to leave the relatively safe confines of his van and go inside the damn store. Which — is a lot harder than it looks. He’s been sitting outside of Family Video for ten going on fifteen minutes now, trying to psych himself up. But every time he comes close to finally bucking up the courage to get out of his car, the wind is knocked from his sails before he even touches the handle. The only saving grace here is that he is positive Steve and Robin haven’t noticed him. Surely one of them would have come outside to see what the hell is up if they had. On their own they’re worriers, but when they get together it’s like it gets amplified by ten. Eddie squints through his windshield, through the double front doors where he can just make out Steve laughing at something Robin says. His head drops back, his throat bares, and his teeth shine, even from this far. Eddie’s heart squeezes in his chest, and his stomach twists into knots. “Don’t be such a coward,” he tells himself. “Fucking— go.”
tagging: @withacapitalp @toburnup @riality-check @hexiewrites @stevecarrington @strawberryspence @steveshairychest @stevesbipanic @harmonictechnicality @2btheanswertothequestion @yournowheregirl @thefreakandthehair @pizzaqueen @wynnyfryd @sidekick-hero @legitcookie @maxinemaxmayfield @maxineholtzmann and anyone else who wants to participate!! 💕
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osachiyo · 7 months
CHIYOOO MY LOVE :(( I'm so sorry for making u worry lovely, I've just been very burnt out and pretty stressed recently n ig I just kinda lost interest for writing :') and because of that I've been neglecting Tumblr 😞 plssss don't worry chiyo, I'm perfectly well n happy outside of Tumblr!! I wasn't planning on interacting w u until I came back but I saw ur post n felt soo bad n I miss u sm too :( I hope ur doing well lovely, I scrolled thru everything I missed on ur acc and omg HELP it looks like I've missed out on a lot 💀 but n e ways, I wish u the best and I'll come back vv soon I promise!! Ik I said that last time but trust 😭🤞++ thank u for saying I'm ur fav skz writer it's such an honour 🥹 ur also my fav writer chiyo <33 okok fr tho bye now sorry for the long ass paragraph 😭
JSKSIAJSJSBS RAY OMG I THOUGHT U LIKE QUIT SKAJWBW SO GLAD U DIDN'T :( literally ur one of my first mooties ever so likeee I can't afford to lose u 😢😢
it's totally okay to feel burnt out/stressed, love ! I'll be here wit u every step of the way <3333 I'm glad ur happy n doing well outside of tumblr, angel <3
AND YEAH U MISSED SMMM HELP but it's okay, we can catch up ! dm me anytime sweetie <3 dms are always always alwayyys open for mooties <3
dw ! even if you don't come back soon, I'll be waiting for as long as you need ! and ofccc who else would be my fav skz writer like I only read urs <3 TY HEHE I'm glad to be ur fav writer BB 😍💕
don't apologize btw, I wouldn't even mind if the ask was longer <333
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aayo-whatt · 11 months
💖* 💚 💕 💗 💘 💝 🦜
and if you gonna play that game with me, 🐦!
* [ only joking bc a) I think you're probably too young for me to ever consider truly crushing on lmao and b) I don't do that really, as an aroflux nightmare human sorry bb, if I wasn't like this id probably be all about it xo ]
💖- crush /j ahdnmweuifrwni <333 and dw lmao, i think of it as platonic either way, and /j just adds the comedic value to it more-
💚- queer-platonic squish awwwhhhhjdjkfekwjfwihwfnjo for me??? 🥺🥺
💕- i'd like to be closer yesss pleaseeee 🙏🙏🙏 i beg of you, please
💗- i'd kiss you, but it doesn't mean anything 😫 ty for the forehead smooch im returning it tenfold <33
💘- i need you to like me soooo bad you're in luck, i fuckin love you <3333
💝- i want to be closer with you and your friends pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease ily already and i want to get to know you as much as possible, literally ask me anything and i will answer i give no fucks and have no filter please
🐦- WHORE !!!!!! i AM lmao, whoring myself platonically for the beloved mutuals and whoring myself slightly less platonically for certain uh people irl (/hj on that last one-)
[heart ask game]
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mainveyn · 1 year
I went to tumblr to search for sakunami x reader as a, haha no way it existed i shouldnt get my hopes up, joke but when i saw ur fic i legit screamed and cried aosnekndiwjsjs TY FOR WRITING AN X READER FOR MY BB I LOVE THAT BOI TO BITS 😭😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕💕
OMG SORRY I MISSED THIS ASK 😭 haven't been active for soooo long but THANK YOU 🥺🥺🥺 for sending this in and reading my stuff!! that fic was rlly short and there isnt enough precious boi sakunami content in the anime so i hope i got his character right in there 🫣 i'm glad to hear u enjoy it ILYSM!! 😫💗💗
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celestie0 · 5 days
hi!! i've nvr really done an ask before so sorry if i sound awkward 😔 ‼️ i first started following you due to stumbling across kickoff one day, and i immediately loved your writing style and the story line -- like girlie you are so talented and creative 🙂‍↕️ !! but even after that, your vibes are so chill and funny, i always look forward to your brainrot posts :)) AND ALSO -- can i just say how inspirational you are!! i'm a pre-med student in my 2nd yr of college, and it is so cool to see how you are able to actually put so much care and thought into your hobbies as well (QUEEN ENERGY 😤😤) it's really inspiring to see, at least for me, so ty ty :) >>> i wish you all the love and good fortune!! have a great night/day!!
oh hii my dear omg thanks sm for the ask 😭💕 this has made my night you’re too sweet :””)
to hear you enjoy my silly little fic is 👉🏼👈🏼 an honor beyond WORDS THANKS SO MUCH n LOL i feel better ab my brainrot shitposts now 🤣💕 you’re too kind
AHHHH my sweet sugar plum PREMED i jusy wanna eat u up youre so cute i miss my underclassmen premeds from my clubs in college 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺 i hope you’re doing well n studying harddd but also take breaks when needed bb <3 i’m so proud of youuu. and yes!! haha this past six months or so has been the least busy i’ve ever been since i’m just chillin in my gap year LOL i’m really savoring it. anywho, to hear i’m an inspiration to you warms my heart so much!!
also honey you don’t sound awkward at alllll you have CHARMED ME!! i wish you all the loveliest things as well bb <33
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