roucaelum-art · 3 months
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octobertomarch · 1 month
Going to library to study see crush.
Guilty peeps raise your hands!! 😂🤣
For prompt "Library" from @dailytwiyorprompts
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The books on first panel are ones that I've read 😆😆. Are you familiar with these titles? My favorites are Pride and Prejudice and d'Artagnan romances ( 3 musketeers - ten years later). Most of these books, I've read them by downloading pdfs from Project Gutenberg. If you can't get your hands on physical copies, I strongly recommend this website.
As for the Jane Austen book that Loid is reading, it's the one that's been waiting for me for a very long time. I bought a copy about a year ago and still haven't read it 🥲😅😅
I'll reblog this later with complete review of the books through my main blog 😉 hope this made you smile.
Ps.: This really looked like something straight out from kdrama 😂🤣. Kdramas make good inspiration and reference for me 😂😂
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pikinanouart · 1 month
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Twiyor Prompt Rabbit
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marchtooctober · 1 month
Prompt: "Can I Kiss You?"
Another day, another slavery.
It's a Saturday, an ideal day for park picnic and strolling. But the unfortunate Loid Forger is being beckoned to work. He could only envy Anya and Bond who are still sound asleep.
Loid is now groggily walking towards the door, his coat and suitcase with him. It's time to go but the lethargy that's latching to him kept him from leaving. He glanced at Yor and knew exactly what can make it go away. The one thing that will definitely charge him up.
"Is everything okay, Loid? Need anything else?" Yor asked.
"Hm?! I'm all right." Loid answered.
His eyes met Yor's. Suddenly, he felt like he's being drawn in by those warm and gentle orbs. In attempt to keep his composure, he lowered his gaze. A wrong move that made his gaze land on Yor's lips.
"Are you sure?"
Yor's voice made Loid refocus. He did his best to brush off his thoughts, now that the temptation is right in front of him.
'Yes." He answered, his eyes staring at Yor's lips once more.
"Okay. Take care."
Loid turned away and reluctantly reached for the door. But before his hand could touch the knob, he drew back and faced Yor again. He didn't want to face the day without a bit of life in him.
"Actually I..."
"Can I... Well... C-Can I ki-"
Loid barely had the time to finish his sentence as Yor's lips caught his. He felt a sweet rush of energy course throughout his body. He let his instincts take over and deepened the kiss but it wasn't for long. Yor broke away with slightly burning cheeks.
"H-How many times do we have to go through this, Loid?" Yor asked.
"I'm sorry."
"You don't need to ask me."
Yor snatched the hat from the stand and pushed it down Loid's head.
"So, can I have another one?" Asked Loid with such a straight face that he received a pout from his wife.
"Go home early and earn it."
And with that, the door closed right on Loid's face. He left with a sheepish smile and headed to work with light, carefree steps. His mind, afloat.
The idea seemed silly but Loid felt like he can conquer the world and beyond with his revived strength. Truly absurd. He only needed to get through the day and come back home for his reward, another of Yor's divine kiss.
I wrote something cheesy for a change in spite of the voices in my head that kept on telling me to write angst 😂🤣. I kept this short because my queue of fic ideas is LONG
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dailytwiyorprompts · 3 months
Welcome to Daily Twiyor Prompts!
Please read the image below before sending your contributions for private message!
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gijipaw · 3 months
«¿Algo de esto fue real?».
Las palabras resonaban en la mente de Twilight mientras observaba el atardecer desde la esquina, camino a casa. El viento de Berlint jugueteaba con sus cabellos, pero su mente estaba lejos, atrapada en una caja que guardaba en su bolsillo y en los recuerdos de un día que había sido una montaña rusa emocional. Ser espía parecía más desafiante que nunca en ese momento.
Era un día rutinario para la familia Forger. Como de costumbre, cada miembro iniciaba la jornada con destinos diferentes: algunos iban al trabajo, mientras que otros se dirigían al Edén. El desayuno transcurría con normalidad; Anya comentaba sobre las clases que tendría ese día, mientras Yor prometía llegar temprano.
En medio de la conversación animada, Loid sonrió, pensando en compartir parte de sus planes para la noche, hasta que recibió una llamada telefónica.
La voz al otro lado del teléfono le comunicó una noticia que sacudió su mundo. Desde WISE, la voz de su superior resonó con seriedad, anunciando que debía ir a la sede de manera urgente. El shock inicial se convirtió en confusión mientras intentaba procesar la noticia. Sin embargo, la única respuesta que recibió fue que se apresurara.
Los rostros decepcionados de Yor y Anya por su repentina partida no se hicieron esperar. Su hija, en particular, parecía sentirse dolida y nerviosa por su partida. Twilight atribuyó su estado de ánimo al ambiente alegre que se había desvanecido repentinamente.
—Ve con cuidado, ¿sí? —fue la respuesta de Yor antes de darle un beso rápido.
Las muestras de afecto entre ellos habían cambiado. Eran genuinas, realistas. Aunque pareciera contradecir parte de su trabajo, Twilight estaba bien con eso.
—Volveré —les aseguró, tratando de reconfortarlas—. Y esta noche haremos algo especial juntos.
Twilight había anticipado que sería como siempre: una crisis que lo dejaría con algunas heridas y un gran agotamiento, pero que no impediría su regreso al corazón de la operación Strix y a lo que quería mostrarle a su esposa. Sin embargo, lo que siguió fue aún más desconcertante.
Al llegar a la sede de WISE, que ese día estaba particularmente llena, Twilight se encontró con una atmósfera extraña. Varios agentes novatos y experimentados lo rodeaban con miradas serias, pero algo en sus ojos le hizo preguntarse si estaban ocultando algo. Había una tensión palpable en el aire, como si algo estuviera a punto de revelarse.
De repente, Nightfall lo interceptó, y Twilight no necesitó más que un segundo para darse cuenta de la tristeza en su rostro. Le había dicho que ocultara sus emociones, pero lo que veía en ella era una emoción claramente expresada.
—¿Nightfall? —preguntó, tratando de comprender lo que estaba sucediendo.
Sin embargo, la repentina solicitud de Sylvia para tener una reunión a solas aumentó el misterio. Su superior, una mujer que siempre había sido rígida con él, inclinó la cabeza con notable tristeza cuando le entregó una carpeta.
Dentro encontró una leyenda hecha realidad: un grupo de las sombras, asesinatos y otras cosas que Twilight nunca habría imaginado.
—¿Cómo…? —intentó decir, casi perdiendo la fuerza al ver el contenido de la carpeta. Una fotografía que no podía imaginar tener ahí—. ¿Cómo es que ella…?
—Tu esposa es Thorn Princess, Twilight —reveló Sylvia.
Mientras estudiaba el documento en busca de respuestas, Twilight descubrió que Yor había estado asociada con The Garden desde una edad temprana debido a una deuda de sus padres, antiguos miembros del grupo. Su presunto jefe en el ayuntamiento era su representante y padrino, quien había estado vigilándola. Los momentos en los que ella mostró su fuerza no eran más que una manifestación de sus habilidades de asesinato y no de defensa personal.
En su interior, Twilight encontró el sabor amargo de la traición.
Todo en esa carpeta arrojaba luz sobre la vida secreta de su esposa.
Sylvia ni siquiera se molestó en decir algo cuando dejó la oficina para darle espacio a Twilight. Estaba absorto en la información, preguntándose cuánto de la vida que Yor le había compartido había sido real y cuánto había sido una fachada para ocultar su pasado.
La verdad, aunque dolorosa, le otorgó a Twilight una nueva perspectiva sobre Yor y sobre sí mismo. La mujer que había conocido como una esposa y madre dedicada resultó ser mucho más compleja y peligrosa de lo que jamás había imaginado. Casi quería reír cuando se dio cuenta de que podría haberla cruzado antes. Datos que coincidían con misiones que se habían resuelto gracias a un asesinato inesperado, un accidente de su objetivo.
De alguna manera, encontró una conexión que trascendía las circunstancias.
Al final de su tiempo a solas, Twilight decidió regresar a su departamento a pesar de las miradas de algunos agentes. Nada debería cambiar al final del día. WISE solo lo había llamado por una situación de emergencia más, y afortunadamente, no había sufrido daños graves más allá del agotamiento extremo.
Algunas verdades eran sorprendentes. Y aunque nunca podría entender cómo había terminado eligiendo a una asesina como su esposa, sabía que llevaba a su lado a alguien excepcional.
Así, con el corazón lleno de preguntas, Twilight observó cómo era recibido por la sonrisa de su esposa mientras dejaba su abrigo y sombrero en el perchero. Yor hablaba animadamente sobre el día de Anya en la escuela y cómo se había ido a la cama cansada.
Todo eso lo dejó preguntándose una vez más: ¿Algo de esto fue real?
—¿Loid? —la voz de Yor lo sacó de sus pensamientos.
—¿Eh? —respondió, volviendo al momento presente.
—¿Qué quieres decir con que algo de esto fue real?
En su mente, resonaron las palabras no dichas: «Nuestra relación. Lo que siento por ti. Lo que iba a darte como prueba de que yo quiero ser real».
«¿Algo de esto fue real?», se preguntó una y otra vez mientras se sumergía en la conversación sincera con Yor.
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briefhottubcoffee · 2 months
My quick fic for the Daily Twiyor Prompt “my heart belongs only to you.” Because it made my heart ache, thinking of them.
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djmarinizelablog · 2 months
Tango (a TwiYor drabble)
“I want to make sure that we’re not stepping on each other’s toes in this mission,” she tells Loid.
The main hall is festive, bright lights from the chandelier adorning their presence amidst crimes against humanity. There is a live orchestra playing in front, guests making conversation over food and music. A nearby waiter is offering glasses of champagne, but Yor catches her husband’s disapproving face and knows she’s not having any alcohol tonight.
She’s here to finish off a certain Sascha Koslov, the main sponsor for this masquerade ball. “Unfortunately, no highly-protected client comes without a throng of bodyguards." She shrugs. 
“Interesting,” Loid comments. He’s eyeing the quickest exits and possible escape routes in the interior while the orchestra music is slowly fading in their ears. “I have to intercept an exchange of photos regarding Koslov as well. The man who spoke to me was the first contact.” 
The conductor raises his baton to begin a new song. People partner off as a sultry tango starts with a slow start before the instrumental gradually escalates to the accustomed rhythm.
At this point, the floor is crowded, civilians and criminals alike. Armed guards are patrolling the corridors for any suspicious activity. Three on the left, two more on the right. Yor surmises she’ll have to get past them if she even wants to face her target tonight. She’s merely biding her time, waiting for an opening amidst all this dancing. But at the rate things are going, her client is bound to slip away from her before she can even call it a night.
A civilian elderly married couple is showing off their performance, their movements more rigid than a cardboard box. “Aren’t you two joining?” 
Yor has half an inkling in her mind to pull out her weapons to spare herself the trouble, but Loid is quicker when he tugs her by the arm. “Come on–” He leads her to the floor, away from the suspicious guards.
She flushes when her husband pulls her by the waist. “What are we doing?”
Dancing, yeah. She knows how to do this, sort of. It takes two to tango, right? Wait a minute, what? Yes, the wonderful Loid Forger has taught his wife the steps to this intricate and complex activity before (yes, activity, among other things). They might as well act like elites. He lets her rest her hand on his shoulder, while his other hand threads their fingers together. Yor bites her lip once they begin moving as one, with Loid’s broad frame a source of support for her clumsy movements. She’s concentrating real hard not to step on her husband’s toes, but there’s no avoiding their legs brushing against each other for the duration of this song. The challenge, really, is avoiding the gaze from his blue, blue eyes. Loid looks so devilishly handsome right now; it's not fair to the world, Yor thinks. The black tux does wonders to her brain, and his blonde hair slicked back is very agonizingly neat. Yor’s lips tremble as Loid guides her to keep up with the pacing of the music. The more he gets closer to her, the more intoxicated she gets. Yor doesn’t understand why. Sure, she’s danced with people before, mostly as a ploy to prevent them from committing an assassination in the middle of a ballroom, but it feels so different when it’s Loid.
“Yor,” her husband breaks her train of thought, his voice restrained from an invisible pain, “You might want to relax your grip. You’re crushing my knuckles.”
“Sorry!” She’s about to let go, but something in the way they’re locked in this intimate position makes her feel at ease. The suspicious onlookers are gone now. Their movements are becoming more fluid by the second–every twirl and turn, every gesture and angle perfectly fitting their bodies.
The violin part heightens once Yor hooks her leg onto his hip, and she notices that quick glance from him marveling at the supple thigh that dares to peek from the slit of her dress. Loid clears his throat to compose himself, but Yor’s definitely not imagining it when his hand slides underneath her calf while Yor is bracing him for support. They stay like that for a while.
“I found my other contact,” he whispers in her ear, “What about you?”
Her eyes scan the dance floor real quick. Sascha is nowhere in her periphery. When she shakes her head, Loid leads her to a different area. Without warning, he dips her real low, his hand supporting her spine. She gets an upside down view of her surroundings. 
“What about now?” His blue eyes are questioning behind his mask.
She spots Sascha Kozlov standing by the balcony door in the corner. “Target locked.”
The conductor raises his hands and the music comes to a halt. There’s a round of applause that reverberates around them.
“I’ll see you at home.” Loid slowly lets go of her, but before he completely detaches, he takes the rose from his boutonniere and places it on her palm, closing it before gently pressing his lips against the rim of her knuckles. “Be careful.”
hola i'm now in the sxf brain rot era pls hmu fam
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twiyorbase · 3 months
Please read all the following carefully.
Hello! Firstly, I’d like to thank our over 3,300 folowers on Twitter. We’re very proud and honored of that achievement, and it’s all thanks to you. As you probably know, this account started as Twiyor Week, created by a fan who saw the need for such an event. Today we’re a community that keeps on growing, which is wonderful! We would like to keep working with you, that’s why have the following announcements: First Announcement: We’re expanding with a new account, called Daily Twiyor Prompts on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TwiyorPrompts Soon, we will create the Tumblr version.
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This account will post prompts daily for everyone to participate without any time limit pressure. This will be especially beneficial for those who are unable to participate in the main events, so they can contribute to the fandom as well. Clearly, this account will be dedicated to Twilight and Yor, so we’ll accept prompts of them as a couple or as individuals, as long as these prompts don’t go against the Twiyor ship. The prompts can be simple words, short phrases, or any kind of idea that we’ll build as a community.
Second Announcement: Weekly Mission QRT. This is an activity in which we ask artists, writers, colorists, analysts, and any kind of content creator to quote a post by Twiyor Base once a week with their contribution. This will happen once a week and will pause whenever there’s other events on the main account (Twiyor Base). On the other hand, Daily Twiyor Prompts will not be affected by any special events, since it’s a separate account.
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Finally, as a community, we’d like to thank all the people who have contributed with any creative work and to those who have helped during these last events. On this note, we may be asking people to participate as admins. We’d like to remind you that we’re on other plattforms like Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and Facebook. This can be tiring for a single admin. That’s all for now! Thank you! Sincerely, Twiyor Base.
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ao3feed-twiyor · 3 months
twiyor prompt fills
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Heh78SP by surrenderer Various short fills for twitter prompts. Summaries and tags are in the notes before each chapter! Words: 456, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Anime), SPY x FAMILY (Manga) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Anya Forger, Bond (SPY x FAMILY) Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess Additional Tags: Prompt Fic, Prompt Fill, Minor Canonical Character(s), Ficlet, Ficlet Collection, Twitter: twiyorprompts, Cross-Posted on Twitter, Rating May Change read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Heh78SP
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marchtooctober · 2 months
Drabble contribution for twiyor prompt: "Don't Go"
"Y- Thorn Princess... This is not only about us. You need to leave me." He said as he held Yor's hands to his lips and kissed them. He could not look Yor in the eye as he himself teared up.
"If you won't, I will."
"No! You're not going anywhere! You can't lea-" Yor protested but was cut off.
"Don't you see? It's impossible! There's no future for us..."
Yor knew that all too well. She didn't need to hear those words.
If this is all there is between the two of them, then there's no more reason to hesitate. It's better for her to concede and ease the suffering. She's aware that they are simply, sacrificial soldiers. In their world where love is nothing but a liability, cutting ties is for their own good.
"Is this what you want? So be it. I will leave." Yor said and casted down her eyes.
She turned away and wiped the drying tears. After taking a deep breath, she picked up her weapon resting on the marble table. As she gets nearer to the door, she questioned her own resolve.
What else could she be waiting for? The only thing left for her to do is to leave. So simple yet so difficult.
Yor is so lost in her thoughts until a warm embrace from behind took her out of the abyss of misery.
"Loi- Twilight?" She said in surprise.
The man did not say anything and only responded by tightening his embrace. For a moment more he is silent before finally speaking.
"Please.... Thorn Princess. Call me by my name again." He asked, his voice filled with agony.
Yor started to tremble, her tears threatening to flow once more.
"No. Because you won't do the same." She said.
Their breathing and heartbeat are all tangled, raging in their chests. The blowing breeze and faint glow in the sky signaled the coming sunrise but they didn't care.
"Can I see your face one last time, Yor?"
At this, Yor mustered all her strength not to look back but the bittersweet voice in which she heard her name and the warm comfort of embrace anguished her. At last, yearning took over her and she dared to see him just one more time.
And turn she did.
But perhaps it was a mistake because before she could say a word, she was immediately cut off with a heated kiss. Fierce and filled with maddening rush of emotions. A fervent plea that begs for her mercy. When she felt like giving out, strong arms kept her upright as the prolonged kiss pushed her deeper.
Yor could only surrender as she gets completely intoxicated by him. She doesn't deny to herself that she wanted so much more.
"Loid... I don't want to leave."
Yor was out of breath when she spoke. Slowly, she raised her eyes to look at the man that she loves.
"Believe me. I... don't want to, either." Loid said in return, just as breathless.
Loid must have known that Yor can kill him easily. But to him, gambling away his life for this moment is his only salvation.
"I wish I did things differently but I don't regret being a spy of many names. Because if I wasn't, I wouldn't have met you." He said as he caressed Yor's cheek with his hand.
They're both wishing for a chance to be together. How happy would they be if they were given the freedom to do so.
"Of all that I had to be, there's one that I really like. Do you know which one? It's Loid Forger." He added.
"My husband..."
Yor leaned to his touch and smiled bitterly. She then wrapped her arms around him, craving for another kiss. Loid's cool azure eyes stared right back at the burning crimson ones of Yor.
But their eyes only reflected their future without each other.
It is what it is 🤷‍♀️
I hope you liked the angst.
And I'll be honest, I'm so into writing loiyor/twiyor kisses lately. I'm going crazy.
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dailytwiyorprompts · 2 months
Hi! This is the prompt of the day: “She is our daughter”.
You can mention us, use the hashtag “#twiyorprompts” or cite this post with your fics, HCS, AUS, drawings, etc.
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dailytwiyorprompts · 2 months
Good morning!
You can mention us, use the hashtag “#twiyorprompts” or QRT your contribution.
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dailytwiyorprompts · 3 months
Welcome to Daily Twiyor Prompts! 🕵️‍♂️🌹
Please read the image below before sending your contributions for private message! (Rules updated on February 6, 2024).
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dailytwiyorprompts · 3 months
Good morning!
This is the prompt of the day: “I think only you can accept me as i am”
You can mention us, use the hashtag “#twiyorprompts” or QRT your contribution.
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dailytwiyorprompts · 1 month
Hi! This is the prompt of the day: “Family is more than just DNA, it’s about people who care and take care of each other”
You can mention us, use the hashtag “#twiyorprompts” or cite this post with your fics, HCS, AUS, drawings, etc.
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