#twd season 11 episode 17
justinewt · 1 year
Let Bygones Be Bygones - TWD REWRITE Chapter Seventeen
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Summary: Anna had had enough with the Commonwealth. She wasn’t going to be spend her whole life in this place. It had a semblance of security and they could have a more comfortable life than they did out there but it wasn’t home to her, and it would never be. She was already on edge and seeing her father showing up at the door of the apartment she shared with Carol, it set her off. 
Words: 5.7k
Warnings: TWD spoilers season 11 (episode 17 “Lockdown”, episode 18 “A New Deal”, mention of episode 19 “variant”), angst, yelling, grief, loneliness, rant, blood, deaths
For a couple days after the birth of her baby girl whom Anna had named her late mother, the infant had had to remain at the hospital since she was a premature baby, well, she was a late preterm baby. That’s how the doctor put it. Because she was doing really well and was a healthy baby, Anna got her back. She breastfed her quite often and was doing just so before joining the others in the living room. Judith, RJ and Gracie were all seated at the table, quietly drawing and coloring while Carol was going through a pile of sheets of paper, or something like that, leaning on the kitchen counter. The apartment was peaceful, if it weren’t for Adam, trying to run to his mother as she sat down on the couch, her baby resting on her chest. Carol quickly glanced at her and gave her a sweet smile. Now that her and Alden’s child was born, she would soon be out of here. Maybe would she see her father again, she had no idea if he would ever deign to come back. He left, so he probably didn’t care about her or her children anymore.
“Aunt Carol?” The latter raised her head at Judith calling to her. “The blueberry pancakes are burning.”
“Oh. Oh, no.” She let go off the documents she was looking at and turned around to the cooking board, grabbing a spatula and picking the pan up from the hob and joked; “You don’t like them burned?”
“Not really.” The children chuckled while Judith stood up. Anna was only listening to them with one ear as she rested her eyes, Lucille sleeping curled up on her chest and Adam sitting next to her on the couch.
“You’re missing out.”
“Kelly took these?” Anna slightly opened her eyes, rolling her head to the side. Judith was by the kitchen counter and what the young woman had thought were documents were actually a bunch of pictures. Carol nodded. “What for?”
“So we can learn about this place. Keep an eye on things.” She said, putting the pan back and wiping her hands with a towel.
“When are Uncle Aaron and Uncle Daryl coming back?” Judith enquired.
“Why? You like their cooking better?”
“No way.” She giggled. “Unless there’s a campfire, Daryl has no idea what he’s doing.”
“My dad’s a good cook wherever he is.” Gracie added proudly.
“They’ll be back soon.” Carol then told them. It was understandable that the children were worried about their loved ones being away from home. Anna knew the feeling too well, and it wasn’t nice. It got her wondering where her dad had gone, maybe he was dead by now. It would be easier to dislike him if he was never coming back at all. She could mourn him while still be angry and never having to think of forgiving him but as always, despite the fact that she felt hurt, she still somewhat wanted him back. It was a never-ending cycle. Anna was about to close her eyes again, but she saw Carol step towards the window and look out, her face tensing up for some reason.
“What is it?” She asked, apparently voicing Judith’s thoughts as well.
“Maybe nothing.” She then walked back to the counter. “All right. You guys get up. We got to move.”
“But breakfast…” RJ was a bit disappointed as everybody started moving around, putting their things away. Anna stood up and Adam hoped off the couch, clinging to the bottom of her top.
“No, we’ll come back later. Right now, we got to play the quiet game.” And on her words, they all went to hide in different spots around the appartement and sure enough, a couple minutes later, two people walked inside their home and looked around. The children hid in the cupboard in the kitchen while Anna and Carol stood on the balcony, where they couldn’t be seen from inside. They only got out when the two finally left the place. Carol helped the children pack their things. Anna put Lucille into her baby sling which she wrapped tightly around her chest to hold her baby in place while someone helped her by carrying Adam for her. Wherever they were going, the toddler who wasn't yet 2-years-old, wouldn't be able to keep up with them. “We’re just gonna have a little adventure today, okay?” When she turned to the door, she froze in place. Footsteps were seemingly coming their way. “I need you guys to go back to the bedroom and wait. And don’t come out until I call. Go.”
“Come, Adam.” Judith took the little boy’s hand and brought him along with them after Anna asked her too. The children left, jogging back to their room. Carol glanced at Anna over her shoulder as she walked to the door and the latter stayed there. The grey-haired woman only opened the door when someone on the other side of the door told her it was clear and Anna saw Jerry standing in the hallway but once the door was fully opened, she felt her heart stop for a minute and just stood there in shock and surprise, subtly shaking her head, taking a step back without even realizing. Jerry wasn’t alone. Her father was there too. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It felt like seeing a ghost.
“Turns out you might’ve been right… I probably should’ve stayed in the goddamn cabin.” He adressed Carol, having not looked inside yet and seen his daughter standing in the background but when he noticed there was someone else after Carol looked behind her and he followed her gaze, his smile dropped. They stared at each other for at least a dozen of seconds before Jerry cleared his throat and stepped inside, putting an end to the awkwardness of the moment. The shock on Anna’s face quickly let other feelings take over, showing her anger and resentment. It had been six months already, since she learned from Maggie that he decided to leave her on her own. She was taking it as an abandonment and was beyond hurt. The young mother gave him the cold shoulder when he tried to approach her, just turning her back to him and leaving the room to go put her baby girl in her cradle before joining them around the table, which was now cleared from the children’s stuff. The wound he opened by abandoning her wouldn’t be one easy to mend. If their relationship ever was to heal from this, it would take some time, and a lot of effort on his part. He was the one that hurt her after all. She only ever wanted him to be by her side through her pregnancy after she lost Alden, and he just failed her, again. She was probably going to remind him of that if he tried apologizing. It was probably childish, but she wanted him to feel bad because of his action because to her, it was nothing compared to the pain she felt and loneliness she went through. Anna sat on a chair, facing her father and crossed her arms, kind of slouching back and either staring at him when he spoke, or looking at the table. She didn’t realize that she was sitting in a similar manner as he used to at the Sacntuary. Jerry was guarding the door, watching the hallway.
“Hornsby tried to scare Maggie by interrogating Hershel. So the thought is that he is somehow gonna try to use the kids to draw our people out.” He explained.
“That’s why they came for Daryl.” Carol concluded, frowning and Negan nodded. “But if Hornsby sent those two, he’s trying to keep it under the radar. Which means we might be able to get ahead of them… and him. Jerry, do you still have access to that attic space?”
“Yes, ma’am. Stocked with supplies, like you asked.”
“Keep the kids there and get word to the others. Tell them to be ready to move on your signal.”
“I’ll start the chain.”
“Ready for what?” Negan wondered. “I mean, this doesn’t seem like the kind of place that you can just stroll out the front gate, hand in hand.”
“That’s why me and you are gonna go try to get some insurance.” Before they all went their way, they checked everything and Anna went to grab her baby, and her father appeared in the doorframe, hesitantly stepping towards her. The rest of the children walked back to the living room, and they could hear Carol and Jerry quietly speaking for a second.
“How are you?” Anna stopped what she was doing, just clutching onto the bars of the crib and let out a short and bitter laugh, turning to him.
“How can you possibly ask me this? The same day, I learn that Alden’s dead and that you took off cause of what? You were scared Maggie was gonna kill you someday? I can actually believe this one, but that you left because you thought I’d be better off without you?” She shook her head in disbelief. “Where did the “it’s you and me now” go? What happened to sticking together?”
He was left speechless by her rant and she walked out of the room after securing her baby in the sling. Jerry helped by carrying Adam as they made their way across the protest going on outside. After some shady things that the son of Pamela did, people were understandably angry, and out in the street demanding justice. Jerry and Anna were constantly looking around them, fearing to see the two people that came into the apartment earlier following them because they could guess those people didn’t want them any good, to them and to the children. A minute later, Jerry looked over his shoulder and Anna followed his gaze and that’s when they saw those exact two people tailing them, a little further away in the crowd. Jerry put a protecting hand behind the children.
“Little help. I got a tail.” He addressed a man standing to the side, holding a sign. The latter didn't enquire further and nodded, taking other people with him and they blocked the way to the man and woman following them, giving them a head start. Jerry bent over to the kids. “Keep up with me and Anna, okay? Come on. Go.”
The small group quickened their pace, taking a turn as they left the square. They passed a building. Towels and clothes hung on lines, drying in the open air. Jerry pulled out a long towel after they passed to hide them a bit as he trotted over to the platform leading to the fire escape running up the apartment building, and hastily pulled the ladder up so he could climb up, all while holding firmly the little boy with one arm. Anna looked behind them, a hand on her baby dozing in the sling, her head resting against her chest probably lulled by the beating of her heart. Jerry urged the children to climb up the ladder, one after the other and once Judith joined them up there, he turned to Anna, motioning for her to go. She didn’t waste any more time and climbed. Once they were all up there, Jerry quietly pulled up the ladder and they took the stairs to hide higher up while the two people tracking them were already there, looking for them just below their feet. The children and Anna sat on the stairs, close together and Jerry crouched down in front of them, holding himself against the wall, away from the railing and looking down through the bars. They just had to cross their fingers that they wouldn't be found.
Jerry accidentally pushed some of the hay on the ground and it fell as the man was walking away. He turned around and looked up. Everyone had a worried and anxious expression on their faces. Anna held Adam on her laps, holding her breath. After what seemed like an eternity, but was really only a few seconds, the man finally left and they could all breathe a sigh of relief. Jerry turned his head to the kids, giving them a reassuring wink and looked up. Anna followed his gaze, seeing a gray-haired lady watching them from the window. She must have been wondering what the hell they were doing there hiding on the emergency stairs on her floor.
“Hello there. Small favor, please.” He glanced at the children as he spoke. The lady was confused and puzzled but she nodded and came to open the door, letting them in the building.
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They then joined Daryl and the others near a hangar on the outskirts of the Commonwealth. While Daryl packed guns into bags and carried them into the back of a carriage parked there, Anna stood facing the forest after she had just finished breastfeeding her baby girl. She had secured Lucille in her sling already so her arms were free, when Adam came trotting to her, almost tripping on a stone. He lost his balance and grabbed hold of his mother's leg. She looked at him with a tender smile stretching her lips. She had made drawings of Alden, to remember him, but these two children were living memories of her time with Alden. She never wanted to experience the gut-wrenching heartbreak of losing a significant other, ever again so she promised to herself never to let that kind of love poison her heart a second time. Even though she had never envisioned herself as a mother, let alone a single mother, she felt an unshakable love for these two little ones and would sacrifice anything for their safety which meant that if she did give her father one last chance and he did something putting the family she built with Alden in danger, he would be a goner. She walked in front of the hangar, joining the others. Aaron and Maggie just finished talking, walking off in opposite directions; Gracie and Judith chatting in the doorway of the warehouse and Carol talking with Lydia. Some of them were getting the car ready to head off to other communities but she stayed here. Still, it was safer for now to stay with her children in the Commonwealth than to wander around in the wild with a newborn and a toddler.
“Anna.” Head lowered, looking at her dozing baby in her arms, Aaron's voice snapped her out of her contemplation, and she turned. They weren't particularly close, but Aaron had always been kind to her. She remembered how he had always trusted her even when no one else would, and how worried he was to let her go to the Commonwealth after Alden's death, but he still never allowed himself to question her decisions. She was an adult and her own person, and he was certainly not her dad. Gracie was lucky to have him. He smiled at her as he came to talk to her before leaving. They hadn’t talked at all since she left Alexandria, over six months ago. “How are you holding up?”
“We survive.” She answered vaguely, shrugging. He gave her a sympathetic look and then smiled at the baby. Anna followed his gaze. The newborn was staring at him with her big eyes.
“Hello you.” He said softly. “What’s her name?”
“Lucille.” She paused, biting her lip. “It was my mother’s name.”
“Well, I’m sure she’s very proud of you, Anna. Take care, okay?” She nodded, mumbling a “yeah” and he carefully drew her into a hug, giving her a friendly smile as he walked to his own daughter near the warehouse. Anna let out a deep breath, closing her eyes briefly and wiping away a tear with her thumb. She wished her father were there, comforting her like he should, but he wasn’t, and she resented him for it. She met Lydia's gaze, who was busy near the carriage with Elijah, and the two young women waved to each other with a smile. Lydia was a good kid. Anna watched the carriage leave with Jerry at the reins and Aaron, Lydia and Elijah on board. Only Anna, Maggie, Daryl, Carol and the kids stayed. After a few seconds looking at their friends driving away, they left the warehouse, going back into the Commonwealth. They were preparing to leave this damn place with the rest of their people still inside. The children stayed outside in the square while Carol went to see Ezekiel and Anna went home to the apartment.
She put her baby in her cradle and let Adam play with some toys left on the floor and she walked into the living room, breathing a heavy sigh, hearing her son chuckle in the background. She opened the patio doors to let in the fresh air and pulled a folded sheet of paper from her trouser pocket as she leaned against the kitchen counter. She unfolded it and observed the sketch she made of Alden smiling. The more she looked at the picture the more she felt the tears welling up. She let out a sob and brought her hand to her mouth, her lips quivering, letting her back slide against the counter and she sat on the floor. She cried quietly so as not to alert Adam and after a minute or so, someone knocked at the door. She stood up, looking at the door in confusion as she was wiping away the tears that had flowed. It was strange. If it was Carol, she wouldn’t have had to knock because she already had the keys. Anna put the drawing on the counter, went to wet her eyes with cold water so that they seemed less puffy after she had cried and she approached the door to look through the peephole. There was her father on the other side of the door and a woman with dark black hair next to him. She had no idea who this was and frowned as she opened the door, not giving them a very warm welcome.
“Carol isn’t here. What do you want?” She didn’t even open the door at first, really not wanting to see her father face to face because given the look on his and the woman’s faces, they were here to talk to her, not Carol or anyone else and Anna didn’t like not knowing why.
“Anna, please. Can you open the door?” Anna eventually gave in and unlocked the door before stepping away, arms crossed over her chest and stood near the window, looking out. She heard the door open and close and turned around, glaring at the two of them.
“Who the fuck is that?” The woman took a step forward and Negan glanced at the latter as he started to speak.
“I meant to introduce you to each other. Anna, this is Annie, my, uhm… my wife.” Anna felt her heart and stomach sank to her boots and let her arms fall to her side as she took a step back, unconsciously. Her eyes widened. She had such a bitter feeling at the back of her throat. She couldn’t believe it and shook her head, her lips pursed, staring at her father like he just told her he had a bomb about to blow up the whole town. This was maybe the last thing she wanted to hear him tell her; that he got a new wife, after leaving her to her fate.  
“Anna…” He came towards her.
“No.” She rose her voice at him, gritting her teeth, rage filling her eyes and he looked at her saddened by her reaction. “Tell me this is all a fucking joke, and you didn’t abandon me after my boyfriend died, when I was pregnant and already had a son—” She was trying so hard to keep it together but the whole situation was so frustrating and aggravating for her that she could no longer fight the trembling in her voice and the tears that clouded her eyes again. She thought she was beyond hurt by his departure but discovering that in the six months she had been alone in the Commonwealth, he had built a new life for himself. She couldn't accept it. He tried to approach her, reaching out his hand to her but she pushed him away vehemently. “Don’t touch me.”
“Anna, please. Your father—”
“No.” She cut Annie off, walking past her father to face the woman he had just called his wife. “You don’t call me. You don’t talk to me. You just don’t.” She sighed, closing her eyes for a second. “Just get out.”
“Get the fuck outta here!” She turned to her father, shouting at him as she pointed at the door.
“Mommy.” When Adam’s voice rose from the hallway leading to the bedrooms, it was as if the heated argument had been put on hold. She stopped, turning her head to her son as he ran towards her and held out his arms for her to carry him. It was as if he sensed something was wrong and ran to help his mom. She placed a kiss on the head of the little boy of almost 2 years. Annie didn't seem to blame Anna for her reaction and smiled tenderly seeing her interact with the toddler while her father was torn, wanting to smile as well but he felt too bad and too shameful in front of his daughter to do so.
“I'll take Adam back to the bedroom; you better get out of this apartment before I get back. Especially you.” She said calmly, looking at her father sideways as she walked away. Entering the children’s room, she could hear Annie and Negan exchange a few words quietly and the young woman exhaled when she heard the door open and close again. Anna told her son to play in the room and that everything was all right and she returned to the living room, where she had the unpleasant surprise of finding Annie still there, facing the counter, looking at something she was holding in her hands. “What are you still doing here?”
“This was your boyfriend? Alden?” As she turned to Anna, the latter saw that what she was looking at was nothing less than the drawing she had left lying on the kitchen counter before they entered.
“Yes.” She replied sharply, snatching it from her hands. She looked down at it for a few seconds and swallowed before folding the sheet up and putting it back in her pocket, addind a little comment to show how different he was from Negan. “He was a good man who would never have abandoned his family.”
“I know who your father is, and what he did.” Anna responded with a bitter laugh.
“You don’t know shit.”
“Maybe. You are his daughter. You have a history with him and I'm not going to come into your life thinking I know everything about you. Because he talked about you very often, you know?” She was talking to her in a very calm and composed tone but Anna didn't let her coldness towards her fall, which didn't seem to upset Annie at all. She might have liked her, in other circumstances. Still, she wanted to hate her with every fiber of her being but she let her talk. “None of us have clean hands, Anna. I’ve seen what people will do to each other to survive, sometimes it was done to me other times I did it to them. I’m not proud of it but it happened. All I can do now is try to be better, just like him.”
“Maybe.” Anna lowered her voice to match Annie’s tone and she stepped next to her, talking right to her ear. “You think you know him, but really, you don’t. I was convinced I could change him into a good person. It took over six years for my father to be as you know him today. And he showe me it’s still not who he really is. I know what to expect with him and I love and hate him for it. Be careful. What’s bred in the bone comes out in the flesh. Just keep that in mind.” She nonchalantly walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to get some water. Without realizing, she had the very particular underlying menacing tone but with the detached air that her father took when he spoke to the people at the Sanctuary. “You can't act like I didn't tell you when he bashes someone's brains in without blinking.”
“I don’t believe he’ll ever be the man he was at the Sanctuary again.”
“You have great faith.” Anna shot up her eyebrows, taking a sip of the glass she had filled with water and leaning against the counter. She watched Annie walk over to the door. Before the latter clicked the handle and left the apartment, she glanced at Anna.
“There was something else we wanted to share with you. I’m pregnant. And he wanted you to come with us to the hospital since I have an ultrasound to do. You can join us there if you want. You’ll always be welcomed.” If looks could kill, Annie would be lying dead on the floor right now. Anna wanted to yell and swear at her but the shock of this news had frozen her in place. She was shaking when she walked over to the couch, leaning on her knees, resting her forehead on her clasped hands. Aaron told her that her mother must be proud of her but the young woman kind of doubted it after seeing herself get so upset and aggressive. All the shit she went through had messed her up. If Alden was there, it would all have been very different. She would have been less lonely and depressed throughout her pregnancy and maybe, she would have held less grudges. Maybe.
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After she finally found the baby carrier she was looking for, she got the children ready and walked out of the apartment., crossing the city to go to the hospital, where she would find her father and Annie. She stopped by the front desk. The person at the reception told her the floor on which she would find them and she thanked them before taking the elevator, still wondering why she had even come here.She walked down the hallways, looking at the number on each door she walked by, trying to stay out of the way of the doctors and nurses. She called out to a doctor who was coming out of a room. Anna didn’t who she was as it wasn’t the practitioner who had cared for her during her pregnancy.
“Excuse me, you wouldn’t happen to know where I can find Negan Smith and, uh, Annie? I’m Annabelle Smith. He’s my father.”
“Oh, well, they're right there in this room, you can go see them now.” Anna nodded, giving a brief smile at the doctor before she turned around and walked away. Since the young woman had addressed as she closed the door behind her, it was still ajar. Anna hesitated a little more and reminded Adam to keep quiet, just like he was in the hallway. They then stepped in the room and stopped behind a wall when she heard her father and Annie talking.
“This all getting too real for you?”
“No.” He assured. “But it is real.”
“It’s all gonna be fine.” There was a silence and Annie spoke again. “Staying here isn’t an option.”
“It’s not.” She insisted. “There are people looking to us. I can’t risk them. I won’t.”
“You know, I keep hearing my dad’s voice inside my head…” He chuckled. “saying, “your life is… is not your own once you have kids. It’s never the same”. I always just wanted to know what that meant.” Anna quietly breathed out, closing her eyes as she leaned against the wall. “And I got Anna, and I did mistakes after mistakes. I disappointed her and failed her over and over. I never seemed to get it right with her. I got to know what it meant, and I threw it all away.”
“Then do better. Give her time.” Annie said softly. “Be there for her and her kids. Be there for our child. We don’t need this place. ‘Cause it’s us now. The six of us.”
“Yeah.” Negan replied in a whisper. Anna pursed her lips, gulping and walked out of the room. Like Annie said, she needed time to accept this new situation, no matter if she forgave her father for the times he let her down in the past. At least she had the proof that he did feel bad about it and it made her somewhat less angry but she was still too hurt to have this conversation with him just yet. Later that day, as it was Founder’s Day in the Commonwealth, stalls and other entertainment were set up in the town's main square, with the biggest event of the day being a boxing match. Anna was too preoccupied and upset to attend with the others, so she stayed at the apartment, her daughter napping in her crib and her son playing in the living room. She was sitting in the frame of the French windows and watching the festivities below through the bars of the railing of the small balcony. She could hear the locals cheering and booing the contestants, who were dressed in funny boxing clothes as it was really for entertainment purposes rather than real fighting. Punches and falls were controlled and calculated. She saw Judith, Daryl and Carol in the audience. Anna found it was a lot of fuss for a not-so-interesting sight. After the fight was over, the audience chanted and clapped while a man carried a lottery ball machine and put it down on a small table at the center of the ring. Pamela took a microphone that was handed to her, a big smile on her face and spoke.
“Let’s extend a hearty thank-you to our combatants!” The public cheered some more, and she continued. “And now, to continue with this wonderful day, my son, Sebastian, has prepared a few words.”
“Thank you.” He looked down at at a notebook he held against his chest every now and then. Squinting her eyes, Anna saw that people were whispering and giving each other annoyed looks. “It is, uh… It is an honor and a priviledge to be with you today to celebrate the, uh… to… I, um…” He stopped reading whatever text was in the notebook and closed it, looking directly at the audience. “I know that a lot of you don’t think very well of me. I know that I probably deserve that. Now, it is gonna take a long, long road for me to earn your trust, and live up to my legacy. I don’t have the words to describe what this place means to me. But my grandfather did. So, humbly, if you would join me in listening to the wise words of President Milton, founder of the Commonwealth.”
A recording then started playing but it wasn’t at all what was expected. It wasn’t this President Milton but rather Sebastian’s voice, playing on speakers for everyone to hear as the son of Pamela spoke ill of the community and its people, discrediting the entirety of the Commonwealth’s government. Anna smirked, standing up and leaned on the railing, looking at the gathering in the distance, listening to Sebastian’s crap and looking at the people looking at each other in confusion and disappointment. Pamela was quietly talking to him on the ring, looking angry. Sebastian looked around and yelled at someone in the audience and a woman started running off. On her side, Pamela ordered for the tape to be stopped while people started throwing things at her, not giving a shit about her asking them to remain calm. Anna watched the whole Founder’s day turn into chaos with amusement in her eyes. This was the most distracting thing that happened today and if it was bad for Sebastian’s public image, it wouldn’t be too bad. Though her smile quickly faded when she saw walkers in the square. This would get ugly, but Anna and her children were safe inside their home. She knew Daryl, Carol and the others would take care of the kids, and they knew how to handle themselves anyway. Unlike these Commonwealth people, their group had lived in the wild all throughout this apocalypse. They knew how to survive. People quickly began to fall, blood spurting everywhere. It was such a mess that she couldn't see where her people were anymore. At some point, a crowd formed a circle around Sebastian who was on the ground, struggling against a walker, crying for help but no one would help him. He screamed at the top of his lungs when the undead bit flesh off his neck. Blood flew onto his shirt and out of his mouth until the walker was shot by Judith, but it was too late anyway, Sebastian was choking on his own blood, seizing.
After the riot, Eugene had been blamed for Sebastian's death, but he had quickly disappeared and wasn't anywhere to be seen. Anna knew their group was hiding him. Daryl told everyone in their group that they would leave this place at dawn if they could. It was to be hoped that they would be able to because many of them didn't want to stay there, apart from Ezekiel, from what Anna had heard. The latter had gotten stuck in the Commonwealth after deciding to accept Lance's offer when he visited a still-ruined Alexandria with Eugene. The only good point is that she had had more security for her delivery, but she hadn't felt at home in the six months she had been here. Despite the presence of Carol, Daryl, Judith and a few others, she had known only loneliness in her grief.  
[To be continued…]  
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Published (01/15/2021) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405 @kika64
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sunnydaleherald · 8 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, October 11
JOYCE: Okay. What's wrong? BUFFY: It's nothing. JOYCE: Come on. You can tell me anything. I've read all the parenting books. You cannot surprise me.
~~BtVS 2x17 “Passion”~~
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In The Dark With You, Chapter 23 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Geliot99
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I want to live, Chapter 1 (Xander, Charmed xover, FR21) by OniRinku
What It Means to Be a REAL Savior, Chapter 1 (Scoobies, TWD xover, FR15) by Buffyworldbuilder
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What the Drabble?, Chapter 23 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
A Place in the Sun, Chapter 29 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
Autumnal Shorts, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
These Endless Days, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by violettathepiratequeen
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Risque Roommates, Chapters 1-4 (Buffy/Faith/Spike, E) by shithappens
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Spike from Buffy the vampire slayer (worksafe) by softremains
Artwork: [Spike in his crypt - drawing] (worksafe) by ilformichiere
Artwork: Something hot (Buffy/Spike, NSFW) by lialivingart
Artwork: [Spike - drawing] (worksafe) by softest-butch
Artwork: Alive - Meeting after the end of the series (Buffy/Spike, worksafe) by lialivingart
Artwork: The scene lives in my head rent free lmao. Also, really wanted to draw them all together (Buffy, Willow, Xander, worksafe) by pocketsizedann
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Once More With Feeling (Better than Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark) by fancoloredglasses
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer S02E05 First Time Watching || "Reptile Boy" by JabberwockyReacts
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1x10 "Nightmares" Reaction by Justalowly Channel
"Becoming, Part 1" & "Becoming, Part 2" (2x21-2x22) | BTVS REACTION by cass reacts
**ANGEL MAKING MOVES** Angel Season 2 Episode 8 "The Shroud of Rahmon" Reaction: FIRST TIME WATCHING by Nick Reacts
His teeth?!?! Buffy The Vampire Slayer | 2x18 'Killed by Death' | Blind Reaction by Vic
I Hate Ted! // Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode 2x11 Reaction // I get mad! by Brooke Whipple
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PODCAST: Episode 107: Tough Love by Myth Taken BTVS
[In Search Of]
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Just Finished BtVS for the First Time and I'm All In for Spuffy! Need Recommendations! requested by ennaecha
[Looking for a BtVS season 8 fanfiction I read many years ago] requested by TheGingerTS
[Fandom Discussions]
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I was thirteen when Buffy season 6 aired [tw: depression] by spuffybot
The Zeppo is a ridiculous episode by purest-love-deepest-pain
No idea if this is an unpopular opinion or not but I despise the Willow x Xander romance in season 3 by hibiscus02
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Reclaiming ‘Buffy’: How Amber Benson’s ‘Slayers’ Reintroduces Spike, Tara and Anya continued by multiple posters
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You can’t say Buffy didn’t at least try to be honest with her mom by AndrewHeard
Let’s talk about The Body by Syrtion
Just starting Season 6 again, on episode 3 and a few thoughts by davect01
The first three seasons are about the group dynamic. The latter seasons are about the group dynamic being very different, or even broken. by V48runner
So a lot of people throw gate at Xander for some of the things he said or did by celticanger
If you could change something... by duchessofmardi
Did Lilah love Wesley? by JellyfishDry9464
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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CONVENTION: James Marsters to Attend Infinity Con in Dusseldorf 11-12 May 2024 | Ent_Event via James Marsters News [LiveJournal]
PUBLICATION: Reclaiming ‘Buffy’: How Amber Benson’s ‘Slayers’ Reintroduces Spike, Tara and Anya — and Finally Gets ‘Justice for Cordelia’ (EXCLUSIVE) by Variety.com
PUBLICATION: This Buffy Season 8 Romance Still Gives Fans the Major Ick by Screen Rant
PUBLICATION: Slayers: Charisma Carpenter, Amber Benson Talk Reimagining Cordelia’s Fate and Finally Seeking Justice by TVLine.com
PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 8 Best Scooby Gang Members, Ranked by Game Rant
PUBLICATION: New Buffy Project Finds 'Justice for Cordelia' as Cast Takes Control of Beloved Characters (Exclusive) by TooFab
PUBLICATION: How Buffy The Vampire Sequel Plans To "Give Credit & Justice" To Tara & Cordelia by Screen Rant
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korradoras · 1 year
this is in no order but it will be numbered for my sanity.
1. slexie - mark and lexie/greys anatomy
• i am so attached to this ship, i have never sobbed so hard an my life than when i first watched the season 8 finale/season 9 premiere of greys anatomy. i still rewatch only their seasons quite often.
2. catradora - catra and adora/SPOP
• ultimate comfort ship, i rewatch she ra whenever i am going through it. i first watched it when i was 15 and i still watch it for comfort. 15 is a nostalgic age for me, she ra reminds me of what it was like before anxiety. 😩
3. korrasami - korra and asami/LOK
• another comfort ship, comfort show, etc. lok and avatar are more shows i watched when i was 15, when the pandemic hit i was almost 16. i was locked up in my room, no school, no going out, no friends. i had a basement room with a couch and a huge tv, i spent MANY weeks watching netflix on that couch and the feeling was immaculate. i rewatch the atlau shows VERY often.
4. bellarke - bellamy and clarke/the 100
• once again another comfort show, i rewatch the 100 annually and have been watching it since season 4 came out. my dad started watching it, then my mom, then my sister. it became a show we watched all together, and i had a little ritual when it came to new seasons. i am an impatient person in some ways more than others, i do not have the patience to maintain interest when watching episodes weekly but i have no issue waiting for the whole season to be out. so every year as the episodes came out, i ignored them. when they all hit netflix, i would binge. however, for season 7 of the 100 i waited 2 years. i think i was procrastinating letting it end. bellarke was THE slowburn. i was so sure they would end up together, in a way im glad they didn't, but i loved them so much. i cannot describe the way that i feel when watching them and this show.
5. clexa - clarke and lexa/the 100
• GAY SLOWBURN. y'all i have so many fics i read consistently about clexa. i have like 3 on shuffle that i've read 10 times minimum. i cry like a bitch every time i rewatch s2-3 of the 100.
6. avatrice - ava and beatrice/warrior nun
• so i had heard a lot and seen a lot about this show before i actually watched it, which was actually in january of this year, several months after the 2nd (and final 🥲) season came out. i QUICKLY fell in love w both avatrice and ava/beatrice as individuals. i also read a lot of avatrice fics and cry thinking abt it being cancelled 😭
7. stydia - stiles and lydia/teen wolf
• BEST SLOWBURN OF ALL TIMEEE. it's weird to think teen wolf ended SIX years ago, this is another show i rewatch annually and what's funny is when i was 12 watching this show i did not care for stydia. i liked scott's relationships with allison and kira, never paid much attention to stiles and lydia until i was 16/17 and i rewatched and realized that they are AMAZING.
8. sameena - sam and deena/fear street
• MORE ANNUAL REWATCH SERIES. i LOVE LOVE LOVE these movies, and when i say sam and deena i am also including sarah and hannah. ex's/enemies to lovers in HORROR? forbidden love? sapphics? say less.
9. glaggie - glenn and maggie/twd
• so this was my first ship ever. started watching this when i was 11, i watched it over and over and over, i read the first 3 compendiums of the comics, then season 7 rolled around, i watched three first episode live then never watched another episode last season 6 again.
10. delena - damon and elena/tvd
• honestly they sort of give me the ick now but 12 year old me ATE that shit up, would also like to add they were my sexual awakening. i remember watching one of their spicy scenes and feeling a little funny 🥴
11. wayhaught - waverly and nicole/wynonna earp
• hottest ship ever. i fucking love them and i still need to watch the most reason season which is not that recent.
12. (honorable mention) camren - camila and lauren/5h
• camren gets only an honorable mention bc i don't ship them anymore, but they were MY gay awakening. when i was 13 i discovered fifth harmony and, naturally, i discovered ✨camren fanfiction✨ i literally did not know i was gay until i started reading fics about them. it just clicked when i felt more reading than i ever had for real life boys. :) anyways i don't support shipping real people anymore at my ripe age of 18.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
TWD S11 Theories
***Please ignore. Just updating my index.***
Beth’s S11 Template 04/08/2021
How Scars MIGHT Relate to Daryl and Leah 08/21/2021
Titles (Especially Acheron) by weaponn13whitefang 06/25/2021
Ask About Acheron Titles 06/25/2021
Ask About Rendition 06/28/2021
Ask About Daryl/Windmill/Yellow Brick Road 07/10/2021
Origins Episodes:
Daryl’s Origin Story:
Analysis of Daryl’s Origin Story 07/17/2021
Comments on My Analysis 07/18/2021
More Commentary on Daryl’s Origins Story 07/20/2021
The Pattern of the People Daryl Searches For 07/19/2021
Maggie and Negan’s Origins Story 08/02/2021
Carol’s Origin Story
S11 Trailer Analysis 08/03/2021
Clues in the S11 Preview Special 08/16/2021
11x01: Acheron, Part 1
Analysis 08/22/2021
Details and TTD 08/25/2021
11x02: Acheron, Part 2 
Analysis 08/29/2021
The Talking Dead 08/31/2021
Details 09/02/2021
Rabbit Theory for S11 09/03/2021
11x03: Hunted
Arc Analysis 09/05/2021
Details 09/07/2021
The Talking Dead 09/11/2021
11x04: Rendition
Analysis 09/12/2021
Details + TTD 09/14/2021
More Theories About Leah and the Reapers 01/31/2023
11x05: Out of the Ashes
Analysis 09/20/21
Details 09/21/2021
11x06: On the Inside
Analysis 09/27/2021
Details 09/28/2021
11x07: Promises Broken
Analysis 10/04/2021
Details 10/06/2021
11x08: For Blood
Analysis 10/11/2021
Details 10/12/2021
TTD Analysis 10/16/2021
11x09: No Other Way
Connection Sam’s Drawing/Missing S5 Scenes 02/19/2022
Analysis 02/21/2022
Analysis Part 2 02/22/2022
The Classroom Analysis 02/23/2022
Suspicious SM Posts That Aired the Sunday 11x09 Aired 02/22/2022
Sam’s Picture/Negan Leaving Theory 02/25/2022
11x10: New Haunts
Analysis 02/28/2022
Details 03/02/2022
11x11: Rogue Element
Analysis 03/06/2022
Details 03/08/2022
11x12: The Lucky Ones
Analysis - Eugene and Max 03/13/2022
Analysis - Secondary Arcs 03/15/2022
11x13: Warlords
Analysis 03/21/2022
Symbolism and Foreshadow 03/22/2022
Weirdness of Distances and Timeline 03/26/2022
11x14: The Rotten Core
First Analysis 03/28/2022
Details 03/29/2022
11x15: Trust
Analysis 04/03/2022
Details 04/05/2022
Emily’s Second Appearance on TTD This Season 04/09/2022
11x16: Acts of God
First Analysis 04/10/2022
Details 04/12/2022
Leah’s RxR Ties, TWOO and Grit in the Gearbox 04/13/2022
Leah and Duality Pairings Part 1 04/14/2022
Leah and Duality Pairings Part 2 04/16/2022
Leah and Beth’s Head Wounds - Comparisons 04/15/2022
Ep 16 TTD - Norman as Guest 04/22/2022
11x17: Lockdown
Analysis 10/02/2022
Beth Mentioned on TTD 10/04/2022
11x18: A New Deal
Beth in Ep 18′s Opening Montage 10/06/2022
First Analysis 10/09/2022
Analysis, Part 2 10/11/2022
Analysis, Part 3 10/12/2022
10x18: Apples and Train Platforms 10/14/2022
11x19: Variant
First Analysis 10/16/2022
Analysis, Part 2 10/18/2022
Smart Walker Theories 10/19/2022
Time and Clocks 10/20/2022
11x20: What’s Been Lost
First Analysis 10/23/2022
Analysis, Part 2 10/25/2022
Analysis, Part 3 10/27/2022
11x21: Outpost 22
First Analysis 10/30/2022
Analysis, Part 2 11/01/2022
Analysis, Part 3 11/02/2022
11x22: Faith
First Thoughts 11/06/2022
Why Donnie, Once Again, Is Not a Canon Thing 11/08/2022
Analysis, Part 2 11/09/2022
Analysis, Part 3 11/11/2022
11x23: Family
First Thoughts 11/13/2022
Beth’s Musical Template and Why She’s About to Appear 11/15/2022
Analysis, Part 2 11/16/2022
Analysis, Part 3 + Red Hair 11/17/2022
Connections to Golf Club Walker via @ wdway 11/19/2022
11x24: Rest in Peace
First Thoughts 11/20/2022
Daryl, Judith, and Rosita 11/22/2022
Pamela, Time Jump, and Ending 11/23/2022
Angelthe1st: Rick/Beth Parallels 11/23/2022
Rick & Michonne + TTD Event 11/25/2022
Record Player and More 12/04/2022
Sleeping Beauty and Other Symbols 12/05/2022
Aurora Borealis and Roman Goddess of Dawn (Frangipanilove) 12/05/2022
1-Year Time Jump + Chronology 12/6/2022
Parallels Between Rosita’s Death and Bethyl 12/09/2022
More Theories About Leah and the Reapers 01/31/2023
Back to How Rest in Peace Ended 08/23/2023
Parallels Between Still and 11a 01/20/2022
Daryl Origins Episode + Social Media 01/23/2022
11b Trailer Analysis 01/24/2022
Rabbits on TTD 01/25/2021
Game Traps and Chevrons in Alone 01/27/2022
V-Trap Part 2: Utility Belt and Cross Bracelet 01/28/2022
11/23 Spoiler Photos (Daryl Carrying Judith) 02/26/2022
Maggie/Negan Spinoff - Isle of the Dead 03/09/2022
The “Show Me More” Special for 11a: Acheron 03/16/2022
TTD + Madison’s Return 03/23/2022
Emily on TTD. Again 03/30/2022
Emily’s Second Appearance on TTD This Season 04/09/2022
Walker Speed, Jenner and the Super Walker, and Charleston 05/20/2022
Behind the Scenes Photos from 11c 07/05/2022
Beth/Connie Clothing Parallels 10/01/2022
Cavaraggio Paintings Ask 11/18/2022
Breakdown of Emily’s “Talking Sherm” Clip 12/03/2022
Bethyl Head Canons. Just Cuz. 12/10/2022
More Theories About Leah and the Reapers 01/31/2023
Comicon 2022:
Walking Dead Key Art is Yellow 08/01/2022
Comicon Trailer Analysis Part 1 08/02/2022
Comicon Trailer Analysis Part 2 08/03/2022
Press Conference Clues 08/09/2022
Daryl Promo Art 08/09/2022
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
2022 in Review: 11 Dumb Things TV Did
By Team TVLine / December 19 2022, 9:08 AM PST
Netflix screenshot, Warner Bros. Animation and ABC
Attention to all of TV’s Powers That Be: If you’re looking to make a resolution in 2023, we’ve got a suggestion: Make better choices.
That’s right, it is that time  in TVLine’s annual Year in Review, where we take stock of some “questionable” calls made over the past 12 months. And we are not talking here about individual cancellations; that’s low-hanging fruit, well-discussed in dozens of other places on this site.
Best TV Shows of 2022 | Stranger Things, The Boys, Andor, More
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No, we instead are raising our collective eyebrow at dubious decisions such a spinoff announcement that killed much tension during The Walking Dead’s final season… a “recasting” misstep on So You Think You Can Dance… CBS going AWOL on a major TV milestone… and The Great British Baking Show‘s half-baked approach to “Mexican Week.”
Also due for dings this year are ABC effectively pitting Bachelorette vs. Bachelorette, some less-than-fantastic fantasy-TV scheduling, and Netflix’s haste in whipping Knives Out 2 out of theaters.
But perhaps foremost in everyone’s minds is the whole HBO Max mishegas! Which wasn’t about any one cancellation but an ongoing “death by 1,000 cuts.”
Review our curation of the Dumb Things TV Did This Year, then feel free to let loose with your own loud, wet raspberries!
Photo : AMC
Heading into The Walking Dead‘s 11th and final season, fans already knew that Daryl and Carol would walk out alive, given that in September 2020 it was announced that the twosome would front their own spinoff. (Melissa McBride’s Carol is no longer involved, however.)
But then, with 13 episodes still left to air — including a stretch that strongly suggested that Negan would be executed — another spinoff was announced, revolving around Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s Negan and Lauren Cohan’s Maggie. Meaning that two more fates were effectively spoiled well ahead of the series finale.
“I’m still not sure why we announced that already,” Morgan grumbled in a podcast. “It was sort of a shocker to me.”
TWD showrunner Angela Kang measured her own words a bit more carefully when speaking with TVLine at season’s end, but allowed, “It was definitely on a creative level sort of challenging, because when things are announced is not really in the hands of the actors or producers or whatever. That’s more the studio having to make announcements for their own timing reasons.”
Photo : Fox
After Matthew Morrison was booted as a Season 17 judge for breaking “production protocols,” we were hopeful that his replacement would have the dance knowledge to match that of fellow judges JoJo Siwa and the late, great Stephen “tWitch” Boss.
Instead, So You Think You Can Dance tapped… Leah Remini? The sitcom vet was perfectly pleasant in her critiques, but she made about as much sense on a dance competition panel as Ellen DeGeneres did at American Idol‘s dais.
Photo : Netflix screenshot
We said it before, some have argued with us, and yet we say it again:
With the long-delayed arrival of Stranger Things 4 nearly three years (!) after its Season 3 drop, and given the new episodes’ XL to XXL length, Netflix was gift-wrapped a perfect opportunity to dabble in weekly releases and make the hit series’ return a weeks-long “event” (and without the appearance that the likes of weekly-releasing Disney+ made them “blink”).
They could have really made Stranger Things 4 “appointment” programming for all its fans to consume, scrutizine and speculate about, non-stop over multiple weeks.
Instead, Netflix stuck to its trademark “binge release” model (save for the final two, truly supersized episodes that followed a month later).
Photo : Courtesy of ABC
Honestly, this one’s on us: We’re not sure why we expected any less from a show as blatantly manipulative and disingenuous as The Bachelorette. And yet, when Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia were announced as co-leads of Season 19, we assumed they’d be emotionally supported in their pursuit of true love…
…only to learn that both women would be dating the same pool of men, paving the way for humiliating rose ceremonies where Rachel’s roses were straight-up rejected, or several men confessed to Gabby that they preferred Rachel’s looks and personality.
Eventually, yes, Gabby and Rachel got their own separate groups of suitors, but the season was hard to redeem — and neither woman found her forever love, anyway.
Photo : Courtesy of HBO
For some reason, HBO decided that its adaptation of Audrey Niffenegger’s 546-page sci-fi novel could not be done justice as a closed-ended miniseries, but instead should be spread out over multiple seasons — meaning, that when the drama got cancelled not two weeks after its freshman finale aired, viewers were left thoroughly, and needlessly, unsatisfied.
Photo : Courtesy of HBO Max
What a strange few months it has been! And to think that at first, we thought the madness would be limited to the random-at-the-time scrapping of the HBO Max-bound, significantly completed Batgirl movie (and some Scooby-Doo! offering).
And hey, we totally get it. Warner Bros Discovery boss David Zaslav has some $3 billion (with a B!) in debt to reduce, by any means necessary. But that doesn’t change the fact that the harsh calls made across the entire WBD catalog — be they cancellations (Westworld), “un-renewals” (Minx), snuffed premieres (the animated Batman: Caped Crusader) or the removal of titles from the streaming service (Raised by Wolves, Gordita Chronicles) — add up to what feels like a death by a thousand cruel cuts.
Practical from a business sense? Sure. Inelegant and seemingly insensitive in execution? Yep.
Photo : Courtesy of Everett Collection
Over the course of one week in September, four (4!) CBS classics celebrated the 50th (!!) anniversary of their respective premieres: Maude (on Sept. 12), The Waltons (Sep. 14), The Bob Newhart Show (Sep. 16), and M*A*S*H (Sept. 17).
M*A*S*H, to single out one, is widely hailed as one of the very greatest TV shows of all-time, and its seres finale shattered viewership records. So how did CBS commemorate the acclaimed war comedy’s milestone?
By doing nothing. Not even a lazy, one-hour clip show during the sleepy stretch preceding this fall’s Premiere Week.
Instead, Alan Alda was left to tweet out a photo of him and onetime scene partner Mike Farrell toasting the occasion.
Photo : Courtesy of Peacock
Telling the loyal fans of a lonnnnnnnng-running daytime soap opera that it will no longer will be available on traditional NBC, but is moving to “streaming,” was a lot for people who are very set in their ways to swallow.
It also created a lot of anxiety for fans at the time, so we have to wonder why NBC Universal didn’t take a flyer and announce in tandem that Days of Our Lives had been renewed for at least another year beyond its current deal that last into 2023? It would have lessened the blow, and made a Peacock subscription feel like a better long-term value.
Photo : Courtesy of HBO; Courtesy of Prime Video
Talk about “feast or famine,” fantasy fans! Way back in August 2021, Amazon announced — way in advance — that its long-awaited Lord of the Rings prequel series would debut on Sept. 2, 2022. Eight long months later, HBO decided that its long-awaited Game of Thrones prequel series would debut… not two weeks prior to its fantasy-saga rival. The significant overlap between the two projects fueled a “Which is better?” narrative that inarguably distracted from each series’ particular strengths, instead of letting each enjoy its moment in the pop culture spotlight.
Photo : Netflix screenshot
We can’t blame the hapless British bakers for being utterly unfamiliar with Mexican cuisine — although Carole’s pronunciation of “guac-ee-molo” will forever haunt our dreams. But what could’ve been an instructive introduction to a vibrant culture instead became a woefully ill-conceived train wreck, plagued by outdated stereotypes, peeled avocados (???) and a truly bewildering taco-making challenge. (Tacos aren’t baked!!!) Let’s just hope the next time Baking Show goes international, they do a bit more homework first.
Photo : Courtesy of Netflix
At best, Netflix’s release plan for Rian Johnson’s follow-up to his 2019 hit was “curious”: The mystery thriller was given a one-week, limited theatrical release on Nov. 23, after which it would hit the streamer on Dec. 23.
But a funny thing happened. Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery exceeded any expectations at the box office, based on third-party estimates. (No, Netflix doesn’t release theatrical data either!) And amid a quiet stretch at the cineplex, it has been estimated that the sequel could have enjoyed a $40 million to $50 million opening weekend if it had enjoyed a proper wide release befitting a sequel to a hit.
Meaning, many suspect Netflix left a lotta box office bucks on the table by constricting Glass Onion‘s theatrical run in favor of hurrying along its streaming debut.
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sidecastr · 2 years
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For Tonight, Mon Nov 14:
Sidecastr’s social DJs curate the best comments from the live tweet stream for:
The Voice: 'Season 22, Live Top 16 Performances' (NBC, 8:00p ET) #TheVoice, DJ'd by @melanie616
Bachelor in Paradise: 'Season 8, Episode 13' (ABC, 8:00p ET) #BachelorInParadise, DJ'd by @daniellek86
NCIS: 'Love Lost' (CBS, 9:00p ET) #NCIS, DJ'd by @alijen
The Good Doctor: 'Hot and Bothered' (ABC, 10:00p ET) #TheGoodDoctor, DJ'd by @alijen
You can watch this repeat episode tonight with Sidecastr's web app  or Sidecastr for iPad for synced replay of best tweets curated from its original airing:
Modern Family 'No Small Feet' (CW 11:00p ET - 1st aired 12/13/17) #modernfamily
Last night’s recap:
DJ @alijen chose 355 tweets for #TheEqualizer (~6/min)
DJ @wat2384 chose 798 tweets for #SNF (~5/min)
DJ @pthalocyanine chose 471 tweets for #TWD (~8/min)
DJ @alijen chose 334 tweets for #TheWhiteLotus (~6/min)
Go to our Sidecastr web app or Sidecastr for iPad for a time-synced feed of our chosen tweets - whether you're watching live or later via your TV, laptop or any other video source. To see which shows we curate, check out our Covered Show List.
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wntersnow · 2 years
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The Walking Dead 11x17 Exclusive Sneak Peek Season 11 Episode 17 [HD]
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fourwallsandaroof · 3 years
Suspicious callback to the S5 Trunk Walker
So a lot of people who believe Beth is alive think that she was left in a trunk due to a herd coming in and the group not able to get out of the city if they carried her body. They may have tried to go back for her body only to find a empty trunk or maybe they just didn’t come back. If not having a brief funeral or at least showing a burial for Beth, the scene where Maggie is freaked by the blond walker in the trunk of a car is the reason people think that. Lately Beth has been brought up more than the usual amount, in my opinion. Why did they have Maggie mention her by name in one of the bonus episodes so long after Beth’s “death” ? Why did they have NR talk about Beth the way he did in Daryl’s origin episode? Why have Emily on the holiday TWD special and an upcoming TTD ( if the rumor is to be believed)? There must be a reason for this. Okay, yes Beth is a fan favorite and Emily is a very likeable person, but there has to be more to it. And then to top it all off, right on season 11 premiere day, Lauren Cohan posts this season 5 throwback pic of the trunk scene.
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Idk 🤷‍♀️ sure is an interesting choice for a throwback picture on a big premiere day. Why not a previous season premier or a big Maggie moment? Perhaps because this is a big moment for Maggie’s arc and it’s important to remember there’s a whole 17 days unaccounted for back in season 5. Later, I’ll try to compile some more social media posts that I find interesting as a TD enthusiast.
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nerdsworld · 3 years
The Walking Dead's Final Countdown 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️ 🙄
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So,now I am going to have to actually watch that other spin-off.
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Shippers-> Maggie and Negan?
Are you guys/gals high on rotting corpses fumes?
Yuk...Yuk..Yuk..and more YUK! 🤢
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Last night was the first time I caught season 11 as it aired, TNT's Animal Kingdom season ended last week, how I truly love the Cody's.
Anyways,notice that even the regular cast members from TWD are no longer ACTIVE on social media to promote the show,like Norman Reedus and die hard fans (what's left) have noticed.
No AMC or Skybound (physically) at New York Comic Con this weekend, except the virtual panel celebrating the "Badass Women" of the three shows: The Walking Dead,Fear The Walking and The Walking Dead: World Beyond.
The virtual panel moderated by the "number one fan" Yvette Nicole Brown, was joined by Angela Kang,Lauren Cohen,Paola Lazaro,Julia Ormond,Jenna Elfman,Aliyah Royale.
Cast of Season 11
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The Walking Dead's eleventh and final takes a break after last night's episode, and returns in February.
World Beyond has just begun it's FINAL season,while Fear The Walking Dead starts season 7 on Sunday Oct 17.
Monday October 11,2021
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walkerwords · 4 years
Walker Words TWD Question Tag!
I was bored and drinking so I came up with this! Feel free to reblog it and answer the questions yourself! I’m curious to see what ya’ll answer!
*contains spoilers for entire aired show*
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Magna, sorry not sorry
Walkers, obviously
It’s a tie between season 6 and season 10
Rick, Daryl, Negan, Aaron, and Lydia
Absolutely. I think people tend to forget that Rick and people killed so many damn saviors and Negan literally only killed 3 of them by his own hand. I think that he is a much more complicated character than people think. I think his actions in both seasons 9 and 10 show that. Give me redemption arc!
Carl, I couldn’t stop crying
Either Alpha and Joe from the Claimers
Daryl with the chain in the loading dock
Probably Daryl or Maggie
Yumiko’s compound bow or Michonne’s Katana
No Sanctuary and Squeeze
Whisperers, only because they scare the shit out of me
Either Tara or Alicia from Fear
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Meet the blogger
I was tagged by @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash because yall love tagging me in these and i love it lmfao
1. How/why did you choose your URL?
Idk it came to me one day and i thought it was fitting. Then after i changed it i realised the last word is spelled wrong and someone else has the same name but spelled correctly lmfaoo
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and explain why you have them
Nah I am 100% on mobile and i dont have the energy for that shit. I just have the one dumpster fire and that's all
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
I recently had my 9 year anniversary for this fuckin thing. Holy crap.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Pfft fuck no lol. I'll que a couple things here and there for date-specific shit but thats all
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Hell i dunno i was in high school and a bunch of my friends were on here. I never had steady internet acess until about 3 years ago so i never did much on here until recently
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It's just my face. I never had this as a fandom-specific page so i figured might as well.
7. Why did you choose your header?
It fit with the url and i still like it today. Used to be James Hetfield from Metallica there for a while lol
8. What's your post with the most notes?
Oof uh i think a TWD one i made during an episode of season 9? I dont remember what it was and im on mobile so fuck if I'll be able to find it.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Ballpark 10-15 i think? 8? I dunno
10. How many followers do you have?
Uuuuh 335 or so. I block all bot accounts but if I didnt it would be pushing 2k probably lol
11. How many people do you follow?
Wow only 120 jeez no wonder my dash is so dry sometimes. If you're reading this far reccomend me some cool shit
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Hell probably. I don't post stuff that often really, i just reblog stuff i like
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
I usually use it to wind down at night or read a new chapter of a fanfic (shouts out @letsby for these primo Tony Stark fics lmao) so a couple hours a day or so. Used to be a lot more but tiktok is stealing my soul i stg
14. Have you ever had a fight/argument with another blog? Who won?
No. I dont care enough lol
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
I hate them. Idc how much i agree with the post, the moment i see that "i don't care what your page is about, you have to reblog this" I specifically will not out of spite.
16. Do you like tag games?
Heck yeah. I get 2 notes per but i dont care lmao
17. Do you like ask games?
Eeh, i dont see them much anymore and i never got any myself so I don't really care
18. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Tagging @tortoisesforhire and @araviixi because why not.
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rickbisexualgrimes · 5 years
TWD  (show) asks
1.  s1 - s5  or  s6 - s9 ?
2.  what character has been or was very underused to you?
3.  who do you wish was still alive in the show? (list up to 5 characters)
4.  which season do you enjoy that a lot of people don’t ?
5.  richonne or gleggie or both?
6.  rickyl or sharick?
7.  do you ship regan (rick x negan) ? 
8.  least favorite minor pairing? 
9.  what are some of your headcanons (for any character etc) ?
10.  name some of your favorite episodes from the earlier seasons (1-4) 
11.  favorite songs that have been featured on the show so far
12.  top 5 minor characters
13. top 5 major characters 
14. favorite kids that have been on the show or are currently
15. what are some of your favorite bottle episodes?
16. least favorite story line ever
17.  what’s some fandom drama that you absolutely can’t deal with?
18.  what’s a lesson that you’ve been taught while watching the show ?
19.  top NOTP 
20. least favorite episode plot
21. which character is most like you in your opinion?
22. what character were you not a fan of right away but eventually loved? 
23.  what do you wish TWD did more or less of in terms of storytelling etc. ?
24.  most - least favorite in terms of the villains/neutral characters in the TWD universe
25. do you wish the show had stuck by the comic material?
26.  favorite woman characters 
27.  which community would you live in (other than Alexandria) ? 
28.  what’s a song that makes you think of  (insert character)  ?
29.  what do you think about the show’s current state ? 
30.  do you have a favorite TWD writer or director? 
31.  describe your ideal episode 
32. what’s something you’d change about the show in general? 
33. do you miss rick? 
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olyphant-tim · 5 years
i was tagged by wonderful @natashasromanofff and @nvtasha <33
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
Doctor Who
Stranger Things
Good Omens
The Walking Dead
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
cole turner!!
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
amy pond tbh
3. What is your favourite episode of 4?
oh BOY i loved them all but if i have to choose, the final episode maybe??
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
definitely the first 3 seasons, the 4th one was considerably good but then it all went downhill and i completely lost interest after finishing season 5
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2?
adsskfn i would die for phoebe and cole ANY DAY OKK
7. What is your favourite episode of 1?
hnnnn the girl in the fireplace, the shakespeare code, the unicorn and the wasp!!, smith and jones, the family of blood, the christmas invasion.... so many of them
8. What is your favourite episode of 5?
oh god i can’t even remember, it’s been so long since i rewatched this show
9. What is your favourite season of 2?
season 3 is always gonna have a special place in my heart, closely followed by season 4
10. How long have you watched 1?
oh damn that’s like 7-8 years now?? 
11. How did you become interested in 3?
i kept seeing gifs and edits on tumblr so i got curious and decided to give it a go and honestly, one of the best decisions of my life
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
david tennant
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
2, charmed all the way, i could watch that show 24/7 and never get bored of it
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
well considering the fact DW has more seasons than stranger things.. i’ve seen more of 1
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
ooooff i’ve always wanted to be a witch of some kind so i guess Anathema Device?? that would be cool
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
i mean they’re both dealing with paranormal concepts so why the hell not, i’d watch it for sure
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
errrrrr.............. i’ve got nothing??
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
oh definitely 3, i just lost interest in TWD when they started with killing off the originals and adding millions of new characters, i just couldn’t be bothered anymore
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
OH DAMN. i was growing up with charmed so that song owns my heart but good omens has such wonderful opening credits and the tune is catchy adhsadsk so IDK.. i’d go with 2 i guess??
tagging: @mariahiill, @inejwraithh, @buckeybarns, @cptnbucky, @wandazmaximoff + whoever sees this and wants to do it, consider yourself tagged ;))
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
TWD Symbolism Analysis Vids (YouTube)
Episode 1: Welcome and Explanation of Account
Ep 2: The Many Types of TWD Symbolism
Ep 3: The Evolutions of Daryl’s Romance Arc
Ep 4: The Weirdness of Beth’s Death
Ep 5: Missing Season 5 Scenes
Ep 6: What Happened After Coda
Ep 7: Intro to 5x10 - Them
Ep 8: Sirius Symbolism
Ep 9: Deer Symbolism
Ep 10: Clock Symbolism
Ep 11: Strawberries
Ep 12: Color Schemes
Ep 13: Rule of Threes
Ep 14: The Cure Theory
Ep 15: Clues in Beth’s Cell
Ep 16: Big Spot (Not Watchable)
Ep 17: Pattern of the Death Fake Outs, Part 1
Ep 18: Pattern of the Death Fake Outs, Part 2
Ep 19: Foreshadows at the Big Spot
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raineeace · 5 years
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
Thanks for tagging me @lindszeppelin (love ya!) :)
1. The Walking Dead
2. Queen of the South
3. Stranger Things
4. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
5. The Exorcist
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Definitely Pote. Pote all the way and a close, CLOSE second, Teresa (They switch sometimes).
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Most of the kids pretty much. Pipsqueaks that I would love to drop kid (but they’re all already dead so 🤷‍♀️)
What is your favourite episode of 4?
Damn. I really can’t choose because every episode is so chaotic in this show, but definitely anything with Pimento in it.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
The first one. It stayed true to the original roots of the movie it was based off of.
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
LUMAX. end of story.
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2?
I don’t really have one honestly. But if I have to choose, I guess Jeresa (James and Teresa)
7. What is your favourite episode of 1?
brUH. I have a few, but definitely No Way Out in season 6; 100%.
8. What is your favourite episode of 5?
Oof. Probably episode eight of season one, or the finale.
9. What is your favourite season of 2?
Number three. (Maybe I would say season four, but i haven’t watched it yet).
10. How long have you watched 1?
Since it came out. This show is the only show that can bring me to tears because I basically grew up with it since I was seven years old.
11. How did you become interested in 3?
I joined the train when season 2 came out via my best friend and sister (i think?).
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Definitely Andy Samberg, Stephanie Beatz and Terry Crews (no doubt about it).
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Yikes. I really can’t pick; i love them all (sksksksk).
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
I mean The Walking Dead does have more episodes, but I have watched ALL episodes of both shows. You can argue TWD but, I’d say it’s equal.
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Rosa Diaz/Charles Boyle. 100%.
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
Honestly, YES. That would be fucking hilarious though.
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Rosita and Daryl. I’m on that goddamn ship already anyway.
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Stranger Things. PERIODT.
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
Queen of the South doesn’t really have an opening theme sequence so Brooklyn Nine-Nine of course!
Tagging: I tag: @mnemosyne98 @rottenvicious @slasher-cxm @thotticusmaxximus @n-marie-ep @tsukicloverfield61 @karinavictoria11 @movedyourchair505
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sidecastr · 2 years
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For Tonight, Mon Oct 17:
Sidecastr’s social DJs curate the best comments from the live tweet stream for:
Bachelor in Paradise: 'Season 8, Episode 6' (ABC, 8:00p ET) #BachelorInParadise, DJ'd by @daniellek86
The Voice: 'Season 22, The Battles Part 2' (NBC, 8:00p ET) #TheVoice, DJ'd by @melanie616
NCIS: 'Guardian' (CBS, 9:00p ET) #NCIS, DJ'd by @alijen
The Good Doctor: 'A Big Sign' (ABC, 10:00p ET) #TheGoodDoctor, DJ'd by @alijen
You can watch this repeat episode tonight with Sidecastr's web app  or Sidecastr for iPad for synced replay of best tweets curated from its original airing:
Modern Family 'Grill, Interrupted' (CW 11:00p ET - 1st aired 4/1/15) #modernfamily
Last night’s recap:
DJ @wat2384 chose 820 tweets for #SNF (~5/min)
DJ @pthalocyanine chose 386 tweets for #TWD (~6/min)
DJ @alijen chose 307 tweets for #HouseOfTheDragon (~6/min)
Go to our Sidecastr web app or Sidecastr for iPad for a time-synced feed of our chosen tweets - whether you're watching live or later via your TV, laptop or any other video source. To see which shows we curate, check out our Covered Show List.
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