fourwallsandaroof · 2 years
EK Instragram Tidbit 9/27/22
So EP Angela Kang has been counting down the days to 11C’s premiere with behind the scenes pictures from each season. Today was season 5 and she posted one of Beth at Grady. Nothing too suspicious on its own, Beth had a somewhat big arc in the first half of the season. But then EK put it on her instagram story with a 💫. 
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This could be absolutely nothing too serious, after all, EK does use the 💫 emoji a lot. It is however interesting to me that she uses it so much in terms of its meaning and how that meaning could relate to TD.
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It basically means dizzy/disoriented, which could relate to Beth possibly waking up disorientated after being shot. I assume that would be expected with such a traumatizing wound. Or, it could refer to being intoxicated, or sick. Remember how in season 4, a huge part of Beth and Daryl’s character development was looking for alcohol and drinking together. Daryl even asked Beth if she felt sick.
I also remember this 💫  emoji being called a return star but I can’t find much evidence of that other than the 💫  symbol coming up in my google searches. If  it really is also called a return star, that could point to many other things symbolically related to TD.
While this is most likely just EK using an emoji she uses a lot to share AK’s post her character was included in, it stands out to me for more reasons then an innocent repost. I could be reaching, but whenever EK uses this emoji for TWD related things, it feels like a hint almost. 
Anyway, I hope you’re all having a good Tuesday!
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fourwallsandaroof · 3 years
Suspicious callback to the S5 Trunk Walker
So a lot of people who believe Beth is alive think that she was left in a trunk due to a herd coming in and the group not able to get out of the city if they carried her body. They may have tried to go back for her body only to find a empty trunk or maybe they just didn’t come back. If not having a brief funeral or at least showing a burial for Beth, the scene where Maggie is freaked by the blond walker in the trunk of a car is the reason people think that. Lately Beth has been brought up more than the usual amount, in my opinion. Why did they have Maggie mention her by name in one of the bonus episodes so long after Beth’s “death” ? Why did they have NR talk about Beth the way he did in Daryl’s origin episode? Why have Emily on the holiday TWD special and an upcoming TTD ( if the rumor is to be believed)? There must be a reason for this. Okay, yes Beth is a fan favorite and Emily is a very likeable person, but there has to be more to it. And then to top it all off, right on season 11 premiere day, Lauren Cohan posts this season 5 throwback pic of the trunk scene.
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Idk 🤷‍♀️ sure is an interesting choice for a throwback picture on a big premiere day. Why not a previous season premier or a big Maggie moment? Perhaps because this is a big moment for Maggie’s arc and it’s important to remember there’s a whole 17 days unaccounted for back in season 5. Later, I’ll try to compile some more social media posts that I find interesting as a TD enthusiast.
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fourwallsandaroof · 3 years
EK’s deleted Instagram Story
So if you’ve been paying attention to what Emily posts on Instagram for a while you pay have noticed that she often uses the 💫 emoji. A quick google search reveals this emoji usually means dizzy or out of sorts. To me it seems like she uses it as dreamy or magical. Whether or not the actual meaning of it is important or not, she uses it A LOT. 
Earlier today (Tuesday morning) I noticed she posted this close up picture of the hands from Michaelangelo’s The Creation of Adam painting with the  💫 emoji as the caption on her Instagram story.
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I don’t have a screenshot because I didn’t expect her to take it down and thought it would just disappear a day later like normal. It was gone when I went through her stories a little later to see a few newer things she posted. I didn’t think much of it at first but then I remembered she uses that emoji often with things TD-ers find Beth related or think there’s some kind of hidden meaning to. To me, her use of that emoji doesn’t necessary mean anything because she literally uses it all the time for anything. To me, the fact that this picture wasn’t a repost off of anyone else’s account and that she chose to seek it out and post it means more. The Creation of Adam has of course biblical meaning which connects to Beth as there’s always been biblical/religious symbolism around her. One of the most obvious ones that come to mind is that she was wearing a cross bracelet just before she was shot. We might connect the cross bracelet and Beth’s resurrection to Jesus’s cross and resurrection. I’m sure this isn’t something that hasn’t already been said before but the Michaelangelo instagram story really ties in the religious symbolism around Emily/Beth. I think the gap between Adam and God’s fingers could symbolize the gap between Beth and Daryl. Maybe thats a reach and this was just something Emily liked and decided to post then decided it didn’t fit between the advertising for her merch and podcasts posts.
 I hope she reposts it later because I’d like to be able to have proof she posted this. Either way I plan to make a more in depth post about the religious symbolism around Beth and what I think it means or suggests as well as a little tidbit about the Jesus character from the show and what I think he was meant to parallel if TP had decided to stay on the show longer. Anyways I hope everyone has a good Tuesday! (Maybe I should have waited until Friday to post this so I could have said good Friday...get it?? Like Jesus’s resurrection = Beth’s resurrection...okay thats enough religious puns for me.)
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fourwallsandaroof · 3 years
Suspicious Beth Greene Topp’s trading card
First off I would like to say that I never would have noticed this particular trading card if @twdmusicboxmystery​ hadn’t posted it a few days ago.
This is the card that stuck out to me and is important in my little theory:
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Now I never really catch these trading cards as they come out unless @twdmusicboxmystery​ posts them. This particular card came from S4 when Beth and Daryl were in the house playing the drinking game. The choice to put this green “spy filter” over Beth in that house is weird to me because if anything they would have been being watched in the funeral home. Remember how there was food in the funeral home and makeup on a walker like someone was giving it a funeral? And the dog followed by a swarm of walkers that forced them to get out? People of course probably think the Grady people were the ones setting up this trap as their car was conveniently just outside waiting to take Beth. But perhaps they were being watched before that and this is a hint to that. Why else would a filter like this be put over her if not to signify someone was watching?
It seems a little out there because how would the Grady people know where they would go next and have food there? But then again it doesn’t have to be taken so seriously as if it was meant to be a hint to an underlying storyline. It could just be yet another Beth Greene card they’ve chosen to release years after Coda to bring attention to her. They release many of deceased characters but there happen to be a lot of Beth ones. The release of one like this right before we see the Commonwealth and CRM storylines definitely has my attention because it gives me large community/military that takes in people vibes. *cough cough CRM*. Well not sure when exactly it was released but if it was recently the timing is a little interesting. 
Anyway just wanted to add my piece as throughout the years I see stuff like this that gets me thinking and I have so many ideas as to how Beth may return coupled with suspicious media about Beth that makes me really think it could be possible. I do have some more theories/things that stick out to me that I hope to post soon as well.
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fourwallsandaroof · 8 years
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fourwallsandaroof · 8 years
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Pittsburgh ☁️
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fourwallsandaroof · 8 years
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fourwallsandaroof · 8 years
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fourwallsandaroof · 8 years
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“And I don’t wanna waste another day Have you got room for my suitcase? Oh, baby, call me over Beg me to stay And I’ll never leave LA” ~Never Leave LA by Emily Kinney❤️
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fourwallsandaroof · 8 years
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What if a light switch was all it took to escape reality?
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fourwallsandaroof · 8 years
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fourwallsandaroof · 8 years
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Eye of the suspecting
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fourwallsandaroof · 8 years
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fourwallsandaroof · 8 years
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Used a ceiling light and flash to capture this one
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fourwallsandaroof · 8 years
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apples, sweaters, and stories make colorful beginnings
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fourwallsandaroof · 9 years
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Obviously, I edited this a little, you don’t need to know what highway I was on.
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fourwallsandaroof · 9 years
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Took this last spring, if you have a heart, look at this baby ducks forming a heart
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