#tw s1e06
arcanespillo · 5 months
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Skin, SPN S1E06
Leonard Betts, TXF S4e12
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greendreamer · 4 years
Torchwood S1 Ep6 - Countrycide
Wow, this song really tells you when this set. Nowadays there are barely any songs in the Whoniverse, but back then they were in nearly every episode
And she’s seen and gone before the title opener
Owen is great and relatable in this!
*burger scene* Ianto.exe has stopped working
“No other race in the universe goes camping.” Really?
I do not get the look Jack gives Ianto when he says Lisa is the last people he snogged. Is he salty because Ianto is lying?
Again the lack of budget doesn’t effect this show, like the corpse props look great
Of course, Jack would take the team to a cliff edge, just to pose
There’s goes, Gwen. she’s really learning what Torchwood really is in this episode
I don’t know much about medical stuff, especially bullet wounds, but this looks pretty realistic, although I’m not too sure of the bullet wound(s) itself
Poor boy, I take it that he never experienced anything like this when he was at Torchwood 1
“You need to know something. A long time ago, I was pretty good at torture. You see, I had quite a reputation as the go-to guy. My job demanded it at the time, you see?” I want to know more about this
This episode is soooo goood!
*Here he comes in a ruddy great tractor!*
Are there any deleted scenes of Jack? No.
*remembers the scene from Broken set after this episode*
How did the rest of the team cope after this episode?
Also what sort of excuse did Gwen/the team come up with to tell Rhys regarding Gwen’s gunshot?
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malevolentmrdual · 3 years
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Where’s Gordon?
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Just saw the prompt list + i am IN LOVE with your last fic (the angst will kill me one day but its SO GOOD, i wss on the verge of tears) so could you work your magic with 30. “Just because I did it doesn’t mean you should too.” ? Malcom isn't a whump snack, he is a four course meal of whump!
Oh, good! That makes me so happy to hear, thank you very much! I hope you like this one, too! ❤
She found him on the floor.
His head was slack. One arm was splayed out on the ground, and the other was across his chest, rising and falling with every slow breath. His eyes were ringed with awful bags, signaling days without sleep. He was finally getting some now, but there was no relief to be found in the fact. Any relief she might have found was destroyed, when she saw the bottles.
The two empty bottles.
The two empty liquor bottles.
“Malcolm!” At first, her cry was angry. But when her son didn’t so much as twitch at the cry of his name, Jessica’s anger slowly faded. Her face fell, and a horrible mix of concern and confusion began to swamp her instead, as she rushed to him. She knelt beside him, reaching out to put one hand on his shoulder. The other grabbed his chin and pulled his head back center, to her. “Malcolm?” Still, he didn’t rouse. He reeked of alcohol. Her twelve-year-old…reeked of alcohol. “Malcolm!”
It took her yelling square in his face to get him to open his eyes. Even when he did, he barely managed it. She just saw a telltale flash. She heard him whine in the back of his throat. His forehead creased. “Malcolm!” His eyes opened a little more. “What did you do!?” He said nothing. But when he lifted his eyes to meet hers – slowly, so slowly – there was nothing to see but disoriented anguish. The depth of the sorrow was almost enough to take her breath away. She was disarmed. But it only got worse.
Malcolm squeezed his eyes shut tightly, whining again as his expression broke. He started to cry. All he could manage were weak, pitiful sobs. They were so quiet. But they were sobs that immediately tore her heart open. Sobs that punched her in the stomach, that made her own eyes sting. For a couple of moments, all she could do was stare at him, still holding her hand against his cheek. Watching and listening as her son’s crying only got worse. It was late. The house was dark. And she was just kneeling there, looking from her son to the empty bottles, surrounded by his sobs.
For a heartbeat, she almost broke. Her own expression started to crumble just like Malcolm’s; she ducked her head and her lower lip began to tremble violently. She felt her foundations shaking. She felt all her bottled-up frustration, sadness, anger, bubble up to lodge hard in her throat. She wanted to cry, too. She wanted to let it all out in sobs, just like he was. She wanted to cry along with him. She wanted to break, as well.
But she couldn’t.
Jessica took in a deep breath. She pushed everything down, and made sure her voice was completely blank when she said: “Come on.” She reached down and got her hands underneath his arms. He kept crying, but didn’t fight her. She got him up and made sure she had a secure hold on him. She led him back to his room. His steps were unsteady; he was practically tripping on every other one. The entire way up, he kept crying. She wished she could tune it out. She wished she could carry him, so he didn’t have to walk. She wished she hadn’t been so careless as to leave the liquor cabinet unlocked.
She wished for a lot of things.
It took much longer than usual, but she eventually reached his room. She guided him to the bed and helped him lay down. He collapsed in a heap. He was still crying, that awful, pathetic sniffling. She struggled to keep herself together. She just covered him up. She put a pillow behind his back. She tucked him in and smoothed out the covers. She fussed over every detail, just because she knew that once she was through, there wouldn’t be anything to distract her from what was happening. But the distractions didn’t last long. They never did.
Once she was done, she sat on the edge of his bed. She was still trying to keep her voice in check. But it cracked on her when she asked: “Malcolm…why did you do this?”
He kept crying. At first, she thought he wasn’t going to answer. She didn’t really expect him to in the first place. But then he gasped in sharply and replied. She could barely understand him, his voice was so clogged and slurred. “You— d’ it…”
If she thought she’d been winded by his crying, it was nothing in comparison to this. Her eyes went wide and she froze completely. She almost couldn’t make the connection as to what he meant. She didn’t want to. Once she did, all she felt was an overwhelming sense of shame. Her mouth ran dry. Her stomach twisted into knots. She knew she hadn’t been handling things well. She hadn’t been handling any of this well. She knew a couple nights it got to be too much and she’d resorted to drinking. But…she hadn’t…done it that often…had she? In front of Malcolm?
She realized the fact she couldn’t remember was answer enough.
This time she couldn’t keep herself from breaking. She flinched, as though she’d been struck. Her throat burned and her eyes welled up with tears. She sniffed, forcing herself to open her eyes again and look at her child. Drunk and crying and upset. A tear traced down the side of her face. Her lips shook. Malcolm didn’t see any of it. His sniffling had quieted now. He’d closed his eyes, red and puffy from crying, and his breathing had slowed. He’d fallen asleep. The only reason all that sorrow was off of his face was just because he was unconscious.
Her heart broke, as she stared at her son. Knowing she had caused this.
Eventually, she forced herself to speak. It was nothing more than a choke.
“Just because I did it, doesn’t mean you should, too…”
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chevalier-tialys · 4 years
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I thought I’d list all my HDM fics in one place for convenience! Admittedly they’re mostly about Lee and Lyra, but the list will be updated as new stories are added.
The Tales of Lee Scoresby (Series)
*TW: non-graphic violence, referenced character death
lookin’ for somethin’ (haven’t found it yet) [Ao3]
After months of fruitless searching, Lee finally finds a way to an old friend in need.
Set before and during the opening scene of S1E04. And exploratory piece about what led Lee to Trollesund.
Over the Hills and Far Away [Ao3]
In the middle of the night, the Tartars ambushed the gyptian camp, and another child was taken. The fight of Bolvangar starts here. 
Set between S1E05 and S1E06.
Bolvangar Lights [Ao3]
The Station was ambushed by a group of gyptians determined to get their children back. Lee might not be a gyptian, but he'd sooner tear down the entire facility than give up on Lyra...
Set during S1E06
Fog and Ice [Ao3]
In the dark, everything seems a lot worse than it is. Come morning, and an old friend to help you on your way: Lee is offered a choice that he couldn't ever refuse.
Set before and during S1E07
Tales of Tomorrow (Series)
*Contains heavy spoilers for the HDM book trilogy
*TW: implied character death, daemon touching, intercision
At the Edge of the Abyss [Ao3]
"Belacqua? No, you are Lyra Silvertongue." An old friend's declaration comes true once more as the light in the gloom in the land of the dead. Lyra distracts the ghosts (specifically Lee) with stories, and gets a surprise when the War is over.
Just North of Oxford [Ao3]
Short moments where Lee is the dad Lyra needs (and deserves). Mostly unrelated scenes from their lives after the book trilogy.
*Spoiler warnings in notes of each chapter
Into the Mountains [Ao3]
Sometimes, it's good to look at things from another perspective. One might just learn something new about themselves, if they do - even people as in tune with themselves as Lee.
*Companion piece to Chapter 6 of Just North of Oxford - in which Lyra and Lee talk after their visit to Bolvangar, and Lee finds out he’s aromantic.
The Legacy of Svalbard [Ao3]
Things are slightly changed, and Lee found himself thrown into the same cell in Svalbard as Lyra. Thinking quickly, he goes along with her story to make sure that Iorek stays alive long enough to fight an angered Iofur Raknison.
AU of the show where Lee ends up on Svalbard with Lyra 
The Smokeleaf Tin  [Ao3]
What Lyra did to the spy-fly.
A Study in Dæmons, Told in Four Parts  [Ao3]
Pantalaimon observes people and their dæmons, over the course of their journey to Svalbard. 3 dæmons Pan observed with their humans, and one honorary dæmon's appearance.
A Strange New World  [Ao3]
*Heavy spoilers for the book trilogy
“Don’t you go before I do.” “Lee, I couldn’t abide to be anywhere away from you for a single second." The balloon was gone, and now it was time to walk the earth. Lee was familiar enough with the skies, but the land always promised new paths...
Canon Divergence from The Subtle Knife where Lee survives
The Path Foretold  [Ao3]
Lee and Serafina’s conversation in S1E06, as experienced by Lee and overheard by Lyra.
can’t see forward ‘cause it disappears [Ao3]
*Written for His Dark Materials Fan Week 2020
Lyra returns to the campsite after chasing a ghost. It doesn’t quite go the way Lee expected it to.
Escape [Ao3]
*Spoilers for S02E03: Theft
Lee makes his escape from the Magisterium outpost.
TW: mild blood/gore, aftermath of torture, references to child abuse, referenced past minor character deaths, passing mention of alcoholism and gambling
Distorted Reflection [Ao3]
Lee encounters Marisa again. This time, he's not alone - but he's, quite literally, backed into a corner.
Alternatively, a discussion in a cave that leads to several revelations.
TW: referenced canonical child abuse, child death (all past events, non-graphic mentions)
After the Garden [Ao3]
*Spoilers for The Amber Spyglass, written for His Dark Materials Fan Week 2021
Will wonders what to do with his knife, now that he has no more use for it.
one day’s coming (but the next day’s here) [Ao3]
Lee Scoresby, from rancher to ranch hand to amateur aeronaut. TW: gun violence, non-graphic minor character death
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mrcarlgrimes · 7 years
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FTWD: Liza Ortiz + “The Good Man”
⇢   Other Episodes   ⇠
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greendreamer · 4 years
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Nothing says good bonding time than taking the whole family out into the countryside, where everyone gets traumatised in some sort of way.
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