#tumblr is a functional website (lie)
angelkissiies · 1 year
almost had a heart attack ,, my tumblr came up with like 84739372 error messages and then just started acting normal again. the hell site strikes again.
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whereiswere · 9 months
So in the blocking follower bots mindset that I almost reported and blocked what I assume to be a real person rip
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powdermelonkeg · 9 months
Something websites (*cough* Tumblr *cough*) need to learn is that what retains an audience isn't an abundance of new bells and whistles to play with, it's a coherent experience overall.
When someone joins a website, you don't need to grab their attention and hold it. They're already testing the waters. They've agreed to sign up. You've won on that front, and they're there for something specific you already have that they're hoping works well.
What drives them away is frustration.
Frustration, frustration, frustration.
Learning curves are going to be a part of any new website experience; they're something the user comes to terms with, in their own time. But broken or bad features are going to make them jump sites.
On top of that, constantly adding new features makes them feel like all the hard work they've put in to learning what you have isn't worth it; your website looks unstable and your staff looks incompetent, because it gives the impression that you don't know what you're doing.
You are floundering. It makes your new users nervous. It makes your old users hesitate to bring anyone else on board. And why should they? Why should they put effort into it if you're going to throw that effort away next Tuesday? Why get used to a UI that you're not going to bother to keep? Why customize anything if you're going to whittle that customization away?
Between that and the broken, unattended features of this site—the tag organization failing, the inability to look up posts word-for-word, the video player either refusing to play or yanking you to the top of the dashboard, images taking forever to load, advertisements blaring at full volume when you scroll past, you have your problem.
You have the reason why your numbers are failing.
It's not that you're not interesting enough.
It's not that you're too difficult to understand.
It's that you aren't improving what you have, yet you keep adding more half-broken things and unwanted copycat features to the pile.
It's that you're losing your identity in pursuit of a hypothetical perfect customer.
It's that you are actively telling your user base that you prefer those hypothetical customers over them. And your user base, your real people who make you happen, are smart enough to know where your priorities lie.
The bulk of this post talks about Tumblr, but other sites have gone the same way. Twitter is dead and its corpse is decaying in the street. Reddit has sabotaged any trust its users had in its management. If you'd like a really old example—I used to use Fanfiction Net. It's not the most intuitive website in the world, but it was the first one I called home.
I used it to host my works. The adware now on it makes it a hassle to navigate. The bots make comment sections and private messages a dread rather than a joy. So I moved on.
I also used to use it to collaborate on stories with my now-roommate. The message limit was 300 a day. When you're writing dialogue between characters, that's nothing.
So I moved on. We started messaging on Facebook. It was better, it didn't have a limit. But then I learned Discord existed, and I could edit messages, make dedicated channels, etc. So I moved on from Facebook to Discord. And Discord had a steep learning curve, especially if you're trying to make your own server rather than contribute to one. But, most importantly, the payoff was worth it.
If Discord changed its layout every other month while I was learning it, and broke how its reactions worked, and kept shifting what it meant to create a channel? If it opted me into servers I didn't sign up for, in hopes of engagement? If its text never formatted correctly, or its search function only went back a day or two?
I would have gone right back to Facebook. Even if it's a more basic experience, basic is always preferable to unstable.
Figure out what you want, websites.
Slow growth, or a gamble?
You're paying for your magic slot machine in users.
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theharlotofferelden · 2 months
So I was checking out Greg Ellis' IMDB page to see if he's been in anything recently. I mainly wanted to know if the whole blowup between him and Mark Darrah 3 years ago that resulted in him making a YouTube video speaking in Cullen's voice while beseeching the Dragon Age fandom to rise up against Cancel Culture affected his career in any way.
This was swiftly forgotten, however, due to the fact that I got really caught up in the wall of text that is his Mini Bio.
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It's a lot, right? Usually when I see bios on IMDB they're less than a paragraph. But what got me was the inclusion of all these weird details. How Greg "mastered the Rubik's cube at 12" and that he's "skydived 10,000 feet above the earth" (so? ppl skydive, man, why is this important). But then there's this mention that he has over 20 action figures of characters he's portrayed in film and television. Like... seriously? This is really worth including in your IMDB Bio? Then right at the bottom it says the Bio was written by PR which lol
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Anyway, I didn't post on tumblr dot com just to dunk on all the questionable details Greg PR decided to include in his IMDB.
What I wanna talk about is this lil detail here:
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Now, I've read his IMDB bio a couple times over the years and have never really questioned whether Greg was truly nominated for an Emmy. Like, who tf would lie about being nominated for an Emmy? But then I started wondering what the Emmy was for (seeing as how he neglects to mention it in his bio) so I decided to do some digging into what he was nominated for.
Doing a general google search turned up nothing so I decided to try his website to see if he supplies more details, and he does.
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Again, he neglects to mention what the nomination was for, but says that he was nominated for his role on 24. So naturally I did a search for 24 Emmy nominations.
It is at this point I become aware that the Emmys have not only dedicated pages for shows that have won Emmys, but also a search function.
Guess whose name isn't listed on 24's Emmy Award page?
Guess whose name doesn't reveal any results for even something as basic as an Emmy nomination?
Even under his legal name? Or the other version of his legal name?
Okay, so maybe they just neglected to add him on the 24 page. If Greg was nominated for anything, it would most likely be under "Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Drama Series" as he was a guest actor for 9 episodes of the show (as Michael Amador) between 2003 and 2004.
He's not listed in the nominees for 2003, 2004, or even 2005 (just to be generous). And since I bothered to look it up just to double check, here's a YouTube video for every year in this category: 2003, 2004, 2005.
While all this may seem like a bit much just to emphasize that Greg is lying about an Emmy nomination, I need it to be understood that I did my best trying to verify its existence. On the off chance it turns out the nomination exists somewhere, let it be known I'll delete this post and apologize for misinforming people.
But I just gotta say, if it's not on the Emmy's website or even his own Wikipedia page, then where tf is it? Like, I get that Wikipedia isn't a totally reliable source, but Gregory Itzin, who actually was nominated twice on 24 as a supporting actor, has it not only mentioned on his wikipedia page, but also has one of his nominations sourced (if you click on the link it will download a PDF).
So until proof that he was ever nominated turns up, I'm going to assume he's lying about it. Which is funny when you consider he's not even lying about winning an Emmy, he's lying about being nominated for one. He's lying about losing an Emmy. Like, could you imagine if Tommy Tallarico lied about almost being on MTV Cribs?
Anyway please reblog this post and feel free to steal it because I find this extremely funny and would love it if someone asked Greg why the internet isn't turning up results for his Totally Real Emmy Nomination.
ETA - Adding a link to @aidanchaser pointing out that it seems like Greg is claiming he was nominated under the categories for "outstanding casting in a drama series" and/or "outstanding drama series" based on what he says about the nomination on his website, along with my reply as I was aware of those nominations but didn't make the connection between them and what he says on his website.
I'm only going to add here that his claim to this nomination is a huge stretch because, by similar logic, if 24 actually won either of those nominations, basically anyone who worked on 24 could claim that they're an Emmy award winning guest actor or production designer, which entirely misrepresents the award being given as it hollistically takes into account various parts of the casting and production. Like, there's a reason there's separate categories for this stuff, and the fact that he seems so comfortable making this claim on his IMDB that he's an "Emmy nominated actor" based on those nominations is such a wild stretch.
And it's clear to me this obfuscation was intentional because he could've easily said that he worked on the "Emmy award winning show, 24" because that's more accurate to the truth of his involvement with the production (i.e. that he worked on a show that won muliple awards). But specifically claiming he was "nominated" lends credence to the notion that he was nominated specifically for his work while still technically being true (despite that claim being bullshit).
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dokidokitsuna · 3 months
...I just remembered I wanted to make my own statement on the AI thing. ^^;
So you've probably heard, but in case you haven't: Tumblr just sold out everyone's data to the AI trash compactors, they probably did it long before they gave us the option to opt out, and even if you do opt out they're probably still taking and using your work anyway (telling people to opt out instead of actually asking for their permission is already scummy business practice, but when it comes to AI it's functionally meaningless. :/ It's always "well, we're telling them not to use these people's data and we're hoping they'll be nice and go along with it" with no regulations or consequences if they decide to just steal everything indiscriminately...)
Despite that, I am not leaving Tumblr anytime soon. I'm looking into other sites*, but at this moment in time, I have nowhere else to go. ^^; Besides, I still like it here. When I left DeviantArt I was already getting sick of the place, having my art stolen regularly by "fans" and paradoxically getting less and less interest in my work over time. By the time the devs turned the website into eye-blinding slop with Eclipse, I was more than ready to move on.
But I still enjoy using Tumblr. I like writing long text posts that no one would bother to read anywhere else, I like answering asks, and I like the unique sense of humor and style among the users here. ^^ It would take a lot to force me out.
Also, I can take a little solace in the fact that AI-bros do not value "low-quality" art like mine. ^^; If messy cel-shaded sketches with visible pixels ever become popular, then I'll worry, but for now I think it's highly unlikely that anyone will want to wholesale regurgitate my art. If anything, I think prioritizing it in their datasets would only make them worse...and on that note, if you do have "high quality" detailed/painterly/semi-realistic art that would be targeted, I'd recommend 'poisoning' it with Nightshade/Glaze. Although I heard a rumor a while back that AI is "building immunity" to Nightshade and already learning to work around it, but I'm really hoping that was just a wishful lie from the trash compactors themselves. I haven't heard it repeated since then, so I think it's still worth a shot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So anyway, like the post I reblogged said, I think the best thing we can do now is to make it clear that WE DON'T WANT AI ART. We don't care how easy it'll be to instantly generate thousands of hours of mindless 'content' to look at; we don't want it. Since regulation is lagging so far behind (wanna know why Disney's copyright hounds didn't shut this down on sight? Most likely, they're hoping to profit from it down the line) the only way to fight this right now is with individual litigation and consumer demand.
Don't support projects made with AI**; don't hate-watch them or spotlight them. Focus your energy on the millions of human artists who are still here, and need your support now more than ever.
*I've heard people mention moving to Twitter and/or Artstation: fam, you're jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. ^^;;; IIRC, Arstation was one of the FIRST art sites to start flirting with AI, and Twitter has been selling off its users' data for several months already. Go there if you must, but don't go under the impression that it's "safer".
**Please keep a cool head when discussing AI art, and keep in mind that it used to mean something other than "mass theft". Artists have and still do create AI tools that are built on limited data sets with permission/compensation, that are used to aid them in their work and encourage human artistry (Vocaloids and DAW's, for instance) rather than stamp it out. Until a specific word evolves into popular use for exploitative AI, we're kinda stuck with this confusion, so remember to get the facts before you speak out.
P.S. Praying every night that this is a dumb fad that will soon die and go to the same hell as NFTs. >_< Praying every morning that the influx of AI art into its own datasets will eventually corrupt itself and make it useless. >_< >_< Praying every afternoon for both at once! >_< >_< >_< Like to charge, reblog to cast, all that
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slavicafire · 11 months
I apologize if this is not something I should ask you but do you have any advice for new users? I still don’t quite know how to work this site.
oh goodness. no need to apologise, of course, but I doubt I can give any meaningful advice here - especially given that I've never really been a user of any other social media site and so most things about tumblr seem very obvious to me, like asking a native speaker of a language for tips to learn it - but I've seen plenty of useful posts going around, many of which can be found under the new users tag.
still, some things that I haven't seen mentioned all that much that might be useful for following and/or interacting with a blog like mine:
while there are some blogs (especially sideblogs) with very specific and consistent content, most users will have things that are Their Thing... and then a lot of other stuff thrown in there as well. using me as an example: I have my sideblogs which function as sort of e-shrines, devotional spaces, and these will have very specific and uniform sort of content pertaining to their very theme. now, my main blog - so the one you've sent this ask to - is mostly Slavic Paganism and Folklore related, but of course, as you can see, there's just... everything else I like here as well. it often will lie somewhere close to that Slavic and Folk domain but sometimes will go in such different or opposite directions that it might be surprising for someone used to really uniform spaces.
many blogs will have specific personal tags which are used as labels to categorise posts on the blog, be able to get back to them, signal a very specific sort of content, or allow followers to blacklist it. for example, I have the tag #żmija gada which is a tag I use for my personal posts where I talk about things. I have tags like #folklore which allow me to have some order to my blog but will also show up for users searching tumblr for that content in general, and then I also have tags like, for example, #bad luck confessions, which is a tag related to a very specific ask thread I have with people interacting with my blog and that makes very little sense outside of my blog.
even if you follow someone and like 99% of their content, don't be afraid to blacklist the 1% you don't like. sometimes this balance will even shift in the other direction and that's also alright: I follow users I really like but block like 80% of their content because I don't care for it. blacklisting/blocking tags is encouraged and not seen as a bad thing at all.
building a dashboard you will enjoy - observing or interacting with - will take time. while you can, of course, follow 100 recommended Big Blogs or Specific Content Blogs right away, chances are that you will experience much more enjoyment once you organically start finding new blogs you might like. if you like the content of a given blog, don't be afraid to check the blogs that person reblogs from or the blogs they interact with - and follow those, or look through them to find other blogs. community building works a bit different on tumblr and it takes time to learn it organically. there is no rush, don't worry.
don't be afraid to unfollow if you realise you don't like the content. it's okay, and it's much better than seeing something that bothers you all the time - or, gods forbid, messaging the user to ask them to change what they post.
if you want to ask someone something, sending an ask is much better than a submission (if they have them open) - submissions have to be posted instead of answered and it's a whole mess. also, not everyone will want to interact through DMs - sometimes they're really broken, and are, after all, direct messages, and not everyone wants to just start talking to strangers as if they're friends already.
honestly, take it easy. it's just a silly website, you can't commit some sort of grave social blunder that will haunt you forever - just take your time, find content you like, and have some patience with how the technical part of the experience works.
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biaswreckmepls · 3 months
Gentle reminder - reblog!
Hi everyone!
Not sure if you've been keeping up with all the changes that keep happening on tumblr, but every single time this website and company is acquired by someone new, they try their best to turn it into another facebook, or instagram, or tiktok, or whatever the cool new social media platform is. It's a fundamental misunderstanding of how this platform works and the benefit of the anonymity and workings of the unique algorithm. But every single time, they've tried. First when yahoo got it, then when it went to verizon, and then when they sold it to automattic. Now with the death of tumblr live, they're trying to do another rebrand.
Tumblr is one of the few remaining online spaces where we get the opportunity to truly curate our online space, and share and experience things in a way that can't be capitalised on. The concept of a tumblr influencer doesn't exist, because there's no advantage of it, there's no benefit of being an 'influencer'. But the only way we can keep this website around, is to keep using it as the way it was originally intended, in the way that other websites have not worked.
Likes on tumblr are not the same as likes on instagram or youtube, they don't really do anything! They don't help the creator, they don't help promote the post itself in any meaningful way, it's just a way to safekeep it for yourself later. And while that's a totally valid reason to want to like something, just as a reminder of something and a way to revisit a post later in the future, I would highly encourage everyone to try and reblog things as well!! Whether it's art of your favourite ship, whether it's a gifset of your favourite onscreen couple, whether it's a meta around a certain show, or whether it's discussions of the latest major current news event, the only way to truly circulate it and create a positive impact is by reblogging! The more people that get to see any given post, the better.
As an example, KOSA is becoming a thing again, and we're all being encouraged to act against it. I wouldn't have found out about KOSA if someone I follow hadn't reblogged it first, and then i reblogged it again. KOSA is one thing that could impact our online experience DRASTICALLY, and it's imperative that we spread the word about it - forewarned is forearmed, and only when we know about it can we take action against it, right?
I'm not saying this to try and promote this blog at all. I won't lie and say a few more reblogs on this blog here and there wouldn't be nice, but frankly at the end of the day my blog contributes little to nothing to the larger fandom discourse in the grand scheme of things. I'm saying this for everyone else out there. If you want tumblr to survive and thrive as our internet experience continues to evolve in the coming decade, keep using it as much as you can! Reblog anything and everything you can! Your one singular reblog can have a butterfly effect on a post. When you just like, the movement of the post stops there.
And tying into my blog (sorry lads, i'm only human and have to make it a little relevant for me as well 😭), if there's one type of post on the website you encounter anywhere that I strongly recommend you reblog, it's a poll. A poll only serves it's function if it reaches people who can actually vote on it, and we can only get a true reflection of the views of the masses when the most number of people get to participate in it. That's democracy, babey!
Anyways, that's my biannual rant. Back to your regularly scheduled programming, and see you in 6 months for the next big rant!
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charlesoberonn · 1 year
Like tumbler would ever do that! How dare you!first you lie and then you say this wonderfully built site would break that would never happen never I say
Tumblr is a perfectly functional website.
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variousqueerthings · 8 months
idk what is happening on tumblr.hell but ive only now noticed that you have been like . rbing posts from me bc it has not been showing up in my notifs at allllll. love you tumblr, the functional website ever . anyway your aro/ace doctor posts hit such a specific brainwave/brain itch in my head that has been haunting me about the show (ten specifically) ever since watching series 3 and it is nice !!! to see someone else w a similar pov. yea ten gets kissed by so many women but hes so aroace about it, can anyone hear me, do i sound insane. anyway i hope the dr who rewatch is going fun for you. show of all time
I was literally writing a post, but now I'm putting it under this reply (also um 👉👈 been really enjoying your watch, it's been a smidgen ahead of my own rewatch and it's given me leeway to see it through someone's eyes that hasn't watched it before!)
anyway below is the post I was in the process of writing, think it still applies (also I do note that there's a conflation of aro and ace identity, but that's because within doctor who it's often conflated, and because the doctor is aroace)
we've just watched partner's in crime so donna is officially onboard (woooo!)
want to note the "health and safety" joke, which I think perfectly encapsulates all the ways the doctor interacts with the idea of sex, which is bemused befuddled surprise
ten has that jessica rabbit:
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aroaceness to them. where others throughout the narrative keep going:
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(this including the showrunners, it's very funny)
the doctor responds by either completely missing the signals and moving on, or getting a Very Clear Hint and blinking in the headlights -- not necessarily in Discomfort, although often with a twinge of it. the response to cassandra and madame de pompadour was more like, "oh ok, so that happened (madame de pompadour with an added surreal hilarity)"
the only time there has been any form of initiation (with ten), it has been 1. related to scifi plot stuff (DNA imprint for distraction), 2. astrid was dying and it was a goodbye
and after all of that will-they-won't-they non-tension (because it's doctor who, they... won't), we get donna who in her very first "proper" episode establishes exactly where her boundaries lie, but so does the doctor (I just want a mate scene, my beloved)
if I'm going to over-analyse (and I always am) the doctor is constantly put in a situation where people want something from them that they cannot give. ironically john smith the human who felt like "he wasn't enough" is exactly the kind of fantasy for your average lady (in 1913, I don't think the pro-caning stuff would fly today), whereas the doctor, offering time and space and adventure and Purpose and companionship... is never enough, for sooome mysterious reason (aromantic mood)
donna's got it right: long streak of alien nothing that just needs a hand to hold
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nick-nocturne · 2 years
well, in the interim between tumblr becoming a semi functional website and the death of twitter ive finally made a fursona after all this time and i wont lie. you were some of the inspiration for them and i am fucked up at how fun they are to draw. what have you done.
The art's fun, I approve of your fellow infernal fursona!
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arisatominakos · 11 months
‘tumblr is not easy to use’ is a fucking laugh this is a incredibly easy website to use, the problem lies in staff deciding that accessibility is for chumps, the search system should be broken, the desktop site to look & function exactly like the broken app, & shoving useless features into the website that mean really nothing other than spray paint to cover up the rust of the broken code underneath. the website itself is easy to use, it’s not hard to understand. it’s a very simple blogging website. make text post make photo post hit reblog hit like. simple. thats not the issue at all but staff & automattic care more about profit & marketability than what users want. automattic’s slogan of ‘making the web a better place’ is such a absolute lie its pathetic.
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salted15 · 2 years
HI i was doing my monthly scroll through your account (it's so swag, you should know!) but I've noticed how even though you use tags such as "kirby" "meta knight" "gikabi" they never show up when i tap the search button. why? how? is it some feature i don't know about? would you help me? im confused. what is love, baby don't hurt m
that's a very good question my wonderful friend steam-"ticket"-punk but i have no idea other than Tumblr Being A Functional Website (lie)
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JAJWKWKEKEKE Tumblr is a functional website (lie)
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teamorningnews · 5 months
Dirt on Gaurav Srivastava aired in public as Tumblr shuts fraudulent blogs
Microblogging and social networking website Tumblr has confirmed that it has removed several accounts and posts from its platform after its site was abused by Indian businessman Gaurav Srivastava.
The Indian businessman used Tumblr’s backdating function to create posts that appeared to be from an earlier date, then used these posts as the basis for copyright claim to manipulate Google results for his name.
Tumblr said that the blogs and their posts were removed “for violating community guidelines” after they were used in an attempt to remove factual stories about the businessman, who abused the name of American secret service Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to defraud a Dutch oil trader. The complex, international fraud carried out by Srivastava is the subject of increasing media interest after other allegations about Srivastava’s history of fraud came to light.
According to an investigation, Tumblr accounts linked to Gaurav Srivastava lied to Google to get two articles de-indexed and removed from Google’s search results by claiming that the original investigative stories were published on Tumblr and not on the journalistic platforms.
According to legal complaint repository the Lumen Database, complaints were made to Google citing the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The complaints claimed that the stories exposing the fraud and deceit of Gaurav Srivastava on how he cheated a Dutch oil trader were a copyright violation of the stories published on Tumblr site.
Gaurav Srivastava has a well-known history of using false copyright claims to shut down fact-based coverage of his malicious activities. After critical coverage is published, he copies the work to a new anonymous blog with no post history (often on sites like Tumblr or Medium), backdates the post, and files a complaint to Google under DMCA.
The parent company of Tumblr, Automattic, confirmed in a statement their assessment that the blogs were set up to raise fake DMCA claims – by people linked to Gaurav Srivastava – and have been “removed from Tumblr for violating our Community Guidelines”.
The statement added: “Tumblr and Automattic take legitimate copyright protection very seriously. We take great care to protect our users from fraudulent or otherwise invalid takedown notices, and similarly we have a zero-tolerance policy for blogs using our services to abuse the DMCA.”
Gaurav Srivastava first targeted Project Brazen, a US-based investigative journalism outlet run by Pulitzer Prize-winning authors Bradley Hope and Tom Wright, in their original story about him, which contained their own original research and interviews. (https://whalehunting.projectbrazen.com/the-old-im-a-secret-spy-con/, https://twitter.com/brazenFM/status/1722563387983351948 and https://www.gripeo.com/gaurav-and-sharon-srivastava-family-foundation/)
Tumblr also confirmed that it had deleted the post published on its site used to raise a malicious claim against the Project Brazen investigation into Gaurav Srivastava’s fraud. Tumblr said: “Our team has reviewed earlybirdtimes.tumblr.com. This blog has also been removed from Tumblr for violating our Community Guidelines. Both Tumblr and Automattic take copyright protection very seriously. We will continue to manually investigate any reports of Tumblr blogs being used to publish content that is mentioned in these fraudulent takedown notices.”
Former Wall Street Journal reporters Bradley Hope, a Pulitzer Prize winner, and Tom Wright, a Pulitzer Prize nominee, revealed that Srivastava used a creative lie to complain to Google that the award-winning investigative journalism site had stolen the contents of story on Srivastava from another blog. By using Google’s copyright policy to his advantage, Srivastava used a fraudulent technique to get the story on himself de-indexed by setting up a fake Tumblr account and publishing the same content to claim it as his own – and then claimed copyright.
One of the reporters on the investigative story, Soobin Kim, tweeted: “Our @WhaleHunting_ story was removed from Google’s indexes due to copyright complaints. The complaints, saved on @lumendatabase, claim that we copied a backdated blog post, all content of which was lifted from our story. This is how fraudsters curate their online reputation.” https://x.com/soobinskim/status/1722747471888064525?s=20
Project Brazen from its official verified handle revealed the full scale of shocking fraud run on Google by Gaurav Srivastava to remove his expose from Google. In a thread, https://x.com/brazenFM/status/1722563387983351948?s=20 revealed:
“Our @WhaleHunting_ team recently reported on an alleged serial con man named Gaurav Srivastava, who masquerades as a CIA operative to swindle gullible business owners. Less than a month after the story ran, it disappeared from Google’s indexes. Instead, there was a note saying that search results had been removed due to complaints.
On @lumendatabase, which collects online content removal notices, we found two complaints submitted to Google by someone named Sherrie Hagen, claiming that our story had infringed the copyright of a blog post on Tumblr. The post purporting to be the original had republished the text from the public preview of our story on @WhaleHunting_ , word for word. It was backdated to Oct 8th, two days before our date of publication, but the blog’s archive reveals that it was actually posted sometime in Nov.
“This US-based Sherrie Hagen in fact filed four copyright complaints to Google in November 2023, with one even claiming she was based in the UK. The Tumblr blog post that was apparently the original source of this information has now been altered to a completely different story – a move that leaves little trace of reports on Srivastava’s fraudulent activity. Our @WhaleHunting_ team reviewed multiple court documents, transcripts, correspondences and more to report and write this story, which the blog claims as its own in the complaints submitted to @Google to get it de-indexed.
It even lifted the image made by @ProjectBrazen’s creative director – a photo of Gaurav Srivastava with swords in the background, inspired by the ceremonial swords he pretends to have received from various heads of state, when he actually bought them for himself. When you google “Gaurav Srivastava”, you can only find fawning articles that he likely paid for calling him a “philanthropist” and a “loving parent.” This is a glaring example of how copyright laws are abused to launder the reputations of fraudsters, and bury damning information.”
Another investigation published by a Pakistani paper was targeted on 24 December 2023. The Tumblr platform was used to publish the same story in the first week of January 2024 and then backdated, before Srivastava raised a claim to Google using US DMCA legislation to get the story taken down. According to Tumblr archives, the false report was made in January 2024 after uploading it in first week of January 2024 and the same post was removed from Tumblr site two days after the Daily Pakistan story was taken down – a clear case of how the Tumblr platform was manipulated.
According to the US laws, in order to make a DMCA notice the individual makes a legal commitment to tell the truth, which means that lying to secure a DMCA is effectively perjury and punishable by imprisonment and a fine.
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smallchaoscryptid · 9 months
tumblr is a functioning website (lie)
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jxpcloud · 2 years
I guess this is it
i wont lie ive searched the web countless times and all silly little blogging websites all ask for stupid card details, or have some extortionate "happy" feel to them and thats just not the vibe. so ive reverted back to my 14yo self and went back to trusty tumblr. unfortunately loading it up, i was greated loveingly by my deadname and countless images of gerard way so there was mixed feelings.
ive definately grown apart from my 14yo self in so many different ways but i am still them, 14yo me was living their truth. as difficult as it was i kninda knew who i was at that point...no clue now like man ive gone so far off the original plan. am i ahppy about that? honely im not sure but im definately not upset by this, im trying to live my truth and i think thats all 14yo me could ever ask for, that and my chemical romance tickets (that i wasnt able to get cause they sold out im so sorry)
im kinda here just to tell my story, consider it a one sided chat with a rando on the internet. honestly not even wanting to gain a massive audience or anything like that, kinda treating this like therapy at this point and if i can make one person smile or even see this and scroll passed because who uses tumblr dude, i think thats enough for me.
ill try not to be too trauma dumpy but its my tumblr i make the rules and unfortunately i am a bit trauma dumpy buuuut this means i have a great sense of humour so we have that to be thankful for. so if you want to follow a journey of self acceptance, trying not to die and unusable coping stratigies, maybe follow me. it might make you think theres others struggling too. so hello! my name is jxpcloud, i am a transgender youth (ftm) who stuggles quite badly with their mental health and is just so tired of it not functioning like nurotypical people. im also dyslexic and cant be fucked to spell check...you get me for me and somehow im making not correcting my spelling feel better for myself.
cheers :)
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