#trr x roe
tessa-liam · 2 months
Isle of Misfits 
Chapter 9 – Inconvenient Truths 
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Fandom: TRR x Platinum x OH x CoP x TNA x ?
Series: Isle of Misfits, Round Robin 24, hosted by @choicesprompts 
Word Count:  1405
Characters: TRR – Liam Rys, Leo Rys, Olivia Nevrakis, Madeleine Amaranth 
                       RoE – Katie Rys 
                       TNA – Sam Dalton 
                       CoP – Trystan Thorne 
Warnings: M *(swearing, references to depression, alcohol abuse, suicide, infidelity) 
“Something’s burning…” 
Leo stopped short. The scent was subtle, but unmistakable. 
Olivia and Leo exchanged worried glances, before darting down the corridor, following the faint acrid scent to its source. 
It didn't take them long to track down the fire, the smoke was now billowing out from beneath the door at the end of the hallway. 
Olivia pushed Leo back. "Get back! I'm calling the fire department!" 
"Just do as you're told, for once in your life!" the fiery redhead ordered, already stabbing at the numbers on her mobile phone. 
Leo's shoulders raised in defiance. But no sooner had he complied, than the door to the suite burst open, and a large plume of dark grey smoke billowed out. 
Coughing and spluttering, Sam Dalton, was waving the acrid haze out of his face. 
"Sam?" Leo exclaimed concernedly, stepping forward. "What the fuck, man.!?"
"I'm okay!" Sam assured him, trying to clear his throat. 
Olivia put her phone on hold, her eyes darting over the wayward billionaire, looking for any injuries. "Are you sure?" 
"Yeah, I'm sure..." Sam said, taking a few shaky steps into the corridor. 
Olivia's sharp eyes narrowed. "Are you drunk?" 
"No," Sam scoffed, before reconsidering his statement. "Well, a little. I may have had one or two shots." 
"Or a whole bottle," Olivia murmured, rolling her eyes. 
"I don't know about that..." Sam muttered, looking around himself in bemusement. "I was just trying to put together some food, and... well, next thing I know, there's a fire. Must have forgotten to turn off the hot plate." 
"Are you kidding me?" Leo exploded. "You nearly set the building on fire, just because you couldn't be bothered to make a sandwich?" 
"Yeah, yeah, I know..." Sam mumbled. "It was stupid." 
"I'll say!" there is a Michelin star chef here on the island, why are you even trying to cook?"
"It wasn't like I was trying to kill myself or anything," Sam grumbled, as he staggered off in the direction of his room. "I just couldn't remember if it was gas or electric. It's a common mistake." 
"No, it's a common sign of early dementia," Olivia retorted. 
"Nah," Sam scoffed, raising his middle finger and slammed his door shut.
The sound of an elevator sounded down the hall. Countess Madeleine Amaranth, a member of Liam's council and Leo's former betrothed, strode towards Leo and Olivia.
Madeleine's cold green eyes took in the smoke damage to the door. "What's going on here? The building is still standing, I see."
Liam had enlisted Madeleine to help reform Leo as a role model for royal decorum since she was a stickler for etiquette and was the queen of spin. True to his promise.
"It's called karma, you idiot," Olivia muttered back, folding her arms and smirking. 
"Oh, what fresh hell is this?" Leo growled.
"Ah, Madeleine," Leo greeted her, turning on the charm. 
"Leo," Madeleine acknowledged coolly. 
"What brings you here, on this fine evening?" Leo asked.
"Liam has requested my assistance. Apparently, you need remedial lessons in proper manners." 
"Yes. We have already seen that you cannot handle an engagement," she says, glancing at Olivia, who glared back, "or a marriage, or a mistress, or even a simple friendship..." 
"You're not seriously still mad about that, are you?" Leo exclaimed. 
"About being publicly embarrassed, or humiliated? Oh, no. That is water under the bridge," she mocked. "However, Liam has asked me to tutor you in proper decorum. So, if you are finished with your tantrum, perhaps we can begin?" 
Leo's jaw tightened. 
"Well, I think we've got things sorted here," Olivia said, laying a hand on Leo's arm. "If you'll excuse me, Maddy." 
Madeleine's eyes narrowed. "You're not going anywhere. You are to meet with Trystan Thorne. I'm sure he'll find that your presence will be beneficial during his sessions." 
"What? You're not my superior." Olivia objected, glaring at the tall blonde. 
"I am if Liam says so," Madeleine shot back. 
Leo's shoulders raised as Olivia's grip tightened painfully. 
"Now, if you don't mind," Madeleine continued imperiously. "I need to have a chat with my wayward student." 
"Your wayward—!" 
"Ow!" cried Leo, wincing. "You're going to leave a bruise, Livvie..." 
"That's the plan!" Olivia retorted, digging her fingers into his bicep. 
"Come on, Olivia," Leo implored, gently prying her fingers loose. "Let's just get this over with." 
Olivia looked like she wanted to argue the point, but Leo's pleading gaze eventually softened her resolve. 
"Fine," she growled. "But you're on your own next time, your highness." 
"Sure," Leo agreed, sighing. 
Olivia gave him a warning look, before stomping off down the corridor. 
"Shall we?" Madeleine prompted Leo to offer his arm for her to take.
"This is pointless," Leo announced, leaning back on the lounge chair and closing his eyes. After many hours of intense etiquette lectures, role plays, quizzes and more, he felt his stomach rumble as they waited for lunch to be prepared by the Michelin chef, sans alcohol. 
"What's pointless is the amount of money Liam has spent on trying to make you a decent human being," Madeleine bit back, flipping the cover of her personal binder of court decorum closed. 
"I am a decent human being," Leo countered, frowning. "I'm a far better man than you'll ever know." 
"Oh, really?" Madeleine challenged, raising her eyebrow. "Then how come your wife is threatening divorce?" 
"That is none of your business, or Liam's for that matter," Leo snapped, opening his eyes. "And just for the record, my life is none of yours either. You don't know the first thing about love, or me." 
"I know you can't keep it in your pants," she retorts, rolling her eyes. 
"So do I," a voice came from the doorway. 
Leo turned towards the speaker in shock.
"Katie," Leo breathed shallowly, pushing himself upright. 
"Don't get too excited," Katie told him, folding her arms. "I'm not here for you. I'm here for the kids." 
"You're... you're..."  Leo stammered nervously. 
Looking at her husband, she almost felt sorry for him. Almost. 
"Why are you here, Katie?" Leo demanded, standing up. 
"Your brother sent me to help," she explained, looking everywhere but at him. 
Madeleine excused herself and quietly sauntered out with her binder in hand.
"Yes. He thought it might help to have me here. Help you remember what is important. Family, love, loyalty." 
Leo shook his head, moving slowly towards her. "You don't get it. I'm not the same man anymore." 
"Then maybe it's time to prove it." Katie said. 
"That's what I'm trying to do!" Leo shot back, stopping in place. "I'm here, aren't I?"  
At that moment, Leo understood why Liam sent him to the island. His epiphany.
"I have to go," Katie said, her eyes softening. "I'll be back later, when you've had time to process this." 
Leo watched her walk away, a sense of unease settling in the pit of his stomach. 
Later, Leo found himself sitting on his balcony, staring at a glass of scotch. He had resisted the urge to drink it, but he was still tempted. His phone buzzed on the table, and he reached for it. 
"Hey," came the reply. 
"I made a grave mistake ..." 
Leo paused, relieved at the sound of his fellow 'in-mate'.
“How so?” 
"Well, remember when we met at the bar with your brother. I should have believed your brother. That he would be true to his word with his threat." 
“Oh boy, this sounds painful.” Leo smirked, already knowing where this conversation was heading.. 
“Who did he partner you with?” 
“Olivia Nevrakis! She is terrifying! Put a dagger to my throat when I dissed her. She threatened to go lower if I didn't pay attention.” 
"Did she now? Maybe she's the one you need to focus on," Leo mused. 
"She's so intense, it's scary. And she has no interest in me. She is only here because Liam asked her to be.” 
"And here I thought she was coming here for me," Leo sighed, taking a swig of the scotch. 
"Hey, what happened with that countess?" 
Leo paused. "I... I... what did you hear?" 
"That she's going to stay a couple more days." 
"That's just great," Leo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just what I need." 
>>next writer @twinkleallnight
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CFWC F/AotW - April 7 - 14, 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA
Back on Vacation 🎨| Imtura Tal Kaelen, Nia Ellarious, Valax, MC - @myautumnrose
Five of Cups ✒️| Gaius Augustine - @thosehallowedhalls
The Sock Giveaway ✒️| Adrian Raines x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
A Begining ✒️| Ruby Webster, F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
Movement ✒️ | m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
Second Language (Series) ✒️| m!Trystan Thorne - @inlocusmads Chapter 1: "What's that song you sing for the dead?"
Annabelle Parsons Fanart 🎨by @artbyalz
Ernest Sinclaire Fanart 🎨by @storyofmychoices
Cloud Watching ✒️| Beckett Harrington x F!MC - @storyofmychoices
The Press Secretary (Series) ✒️| Chris Powell x F!MC - @eadanga Chapter 12
Aiden Zhou x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 art by @callmebeem (C: @cadybear420)
Lincoln Aquino x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @weetlebeetle (C: @storyofmychoices for @abelflints)
Noah Marshall x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @payroo
Uncharacteristic ✒️| Gabe Ricci x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
Disembodied 7/8 ✒️| Adrian Raines x MC, Nik Ryder x MC - @mynotsohealthyobsession
TRR / RoE / TNA / CoP
Isle of Misfits ✒️Ⓜ️| Multiple Characters - @tessa-liam Chapter 9: Inconvenient Truths
Bound by Fate (Series) ✒️| Nik Ryder x F!MC - @ladylamrian Chapter 3: The Unknown
Complete Open Heart List - Week ending April 13th
Prince Clarke x MC Fanart 🎨 by @bri1234
Comfort ✒️| Thomas Hunt x F!OC - @thosehallowedhalls for @storyofmychoices
Behind Closed Doors (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈| Maxwell Beaumont x MC, Liam Rys x Maxwell Beaumont - @angelasscribbles Chapter 1: The Invitation
A Bird in Hand ✒️| Liam Rys x MC - @angelasscribbles
Catch & Release ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x MC, Drake Walker x MC - @dcbbw
Dance Under the Rainbow 🎨🏳️‍🌈 | Hana Lee x MC - @uselessgay10101
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twinkleallnight · 2 months
Isle of Misfits
Chapter 10: Dealing with the Paparazzi.
Fandom: TRR x Platinum x OH x CoP x TNA x ?
Series: Isle of Misfits, Round Robin 24, hosted by @choicesprompts
TRR – Liam Rys, Leo Rys, Olivia Nevrakis, Madeleine Amaranth
RoE – Katie Rys
TNA – Sam Dalton
Word count: 1240
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The phone pinged.
‘1 new message’
Leo sighed and picked up to read. He was tired of explaining himself to Katie. The world never understood him or his desire to live a care free life. The paparazzi won’t let him breathe. But he thought Katie would understand. She would always know. He had tried to be honest with her, always.
He was struggling to stay abreast sailing through the rough waters when his brother decided to take the corrective action for Leo’s deeds . He was forced into this PR stunt of a circus with his childhood friend, Bertrand, playing the ring master. And as if Gods had not had enough of entertainment, he was paired with his ex, Madeleine! Just perfect!
Coming out of his reverie, he tapped his fingers on the home screen to check the new message .
‘Meet me at the beach restaurant in 10minutes to collect your dossier .
Countess Madeleine .’
“Better than having Sam Dalton as a mentor” he consoled himself. “His brains function through that Rocket in his pocket. At least Madeleine has her head over her shoulders.”
He dragged himself out of his bed. Sharp after 10 minutes he presented himself in front of the Countess.
“What do you plan to do with this?” He lifted the heavy bundle of papers filed into a folder neatly. ‘Prim and proper. So much like Madeleine.’
But Madeleine’s reply was totally off beat. “why you have not shaved?”
Leo shook his head as if trying to decipher. “What?” He moved his fingers through the over grown messy beard.
Madeleine scoffed, “ Let me make it clear Leo. You are constantly under lens.”
“That’s exactly what I don’t want.” He cut her off.
“You were the crown prince.”
“And I abdicated.” He tried to prove his point.
“Doesn’t matter. You can’t change who you are born as.”
“Why?” He pulls his fingers through his sandy blonde hair In frustration.
“Prince Harry abdicated too. But he is always in news.”
Leo scowled, “For heavens sake! Can’t they let me live in peace?”
“Only if you don’t give them chance to rip through your peaceful personal life.” She air quoted.
He nods in agreement. “And I can see, you are here to tell me, how.”
“Now you are talking business.” Madeleine smiled.
Leo closed his eyes for a moment. He had to do this for Katie, for his children. He took a deep breath. “Okay. Tell me what am I supposed to do?”
“You need to look perfect when you walk in public. It shows that you are leading a perfect and happy life.”
Leo smirked, “Yes it’s a very happy life.”
“Make it look like one and I can tell you, they will stop chasing you.”
“Fine! What next?”
“I have appointed a valet for you. He will help with your attire, hair and your over all appearance. You will not leave your room before he checks you.”
Leo rolled his eyes. He had no other option but to accept what was thrown at him.
For the next hour he went back and forth over the plans Madeleine had laid out for him.
Bertrand’s office next day
Olivia was seated across Bertrand, discussing their next modus operandi. Olivia had successfully completed her task with Raleigh Carrera and was now assigned to the case of the exiled crown prince, Trystan Thorne, of Drakovia.
An urgent knock on the door brought them to a halt. They both looked at each other. Bertrand voiced, “Come in” , wondering who was their uninvited guest for the meeting .
Leo stormed in and slammed a tabloid onto the desk in front of Bertrand. Olivia stared back at Leo’s fuming face while Bertrand looked in confusion, “ What does this mean?”
“Open and see for yourself.” Leo pointed out his finger.
As soon as Bertrand picked the newspaper and unfolded it, his eyes went wide with shock. Olivia leaned towards him to peer into the news.
The newspaper had images of Leo and Madeleine sitting in a cafe. The first one had Madeleine gleaming at Leo and the second one showed them shaking hands near the exit. The tag line read ‘Former crown prince Leo Rhys, spotted with his ex, Countess Madeleine, at leisure on a private island. Do we smell something burning in Katie Rhys’ sweet home?”
A smile played on Olivia’s lips.
“Seriously?” Leo asked looking at Olivia’s reaction.
“It’s not about you.” She fanned away with her hand.
“From what I can see, it’s definitely about me.” He turned to Bertrand angrily, “This is how you were going to help me save my image and my marriage?”
Olivia spoke instead, “Its not his fault. Madeleine should have been more discreet while planning her meetings.”
Just as on clue, Madeleine stepped inside the office. “Speak for yourself. I know my job well.” She snatched the tabloid from Bertrand’s hand and glanced at the pics, dismissing it in an instant.
She focused on Leo, “ This is the reason I insisted you need to dress up properly. Had you been in a formal attire, this would have been ignored by the media as just another business meeting.”
“Great ! So now it’s all my mistake? You know what my mistake is? Trusting you guys with my future.”
Bertrand replied in a calm note, “I think you are over reacting. It’s just two pics, we can change the flow of events. My PR company can assure you, we are good at turning the waves in your favour.”
Before he completed his sentence, the doors to his office opened with a bang. Drake barged in raging in anger. “The hell you turn things only in your favour. You Beaumonts are the most mean and selfish men walking on this damn planet.” His voice echoed across the halls outside the office.
Bertrand’s eyes roamed behind Drake to check if there were any audience at his doors. He settled his gaze back on Drake. “May I know the reason for this intrusion?”
Drake sneered, “You call yourself CEO of a PR firm yet you don’t have updates of the newsflash on TV channels across Cordonia?”
Bertrand gave Drake an irritated glare and picked up the remote to switch on the flat screen hanging on the wall across his table. The screen brightened up with flashes of red haired lady bouncing on a dance floor. All of them in the room knew that was Olivia but the next few moments left everyone’s mouth hanging open.
Bertrand came into the frame trying to dance. He made some lewd gestures and then grabbed Olivia into a smooch.
Leo and Madeleine jolted back at Bertrand. Even Olivia had shock written all over her face. Definitely she was drunk that she didn’t remember this incident.
Bertrand gulped and fumbled with the remote to switch off the TV. He didn’t want to listen or let others in the room listen to the reporter’s remarks.
“I... I ... I can explain”, he said nervously.
Drake sprinted to him in two steps and held him by collar. “How many times are you going to explain? First my sister, then your back stabbing brother took Riley and now you target my girl friend?”
“Riley is with Max?” The baritone voice from the entrance of the office brought everything to standstill. They all turned to see Liam standing in a thunderstuck state.
Tags : @angelasscribbles @alj4890 @tessa-liam @lizzybeth1986 @3pawandme @annabellewynter @bascmve01 @bebepac @busywoman @dcbbw @choicesficwriterscreations @harleybeaumont @iaminlovewithtrr @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @neotericthemis @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308 @princess-geek @sazanes @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg @tinkie1973 @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @rubiwalker @703cowbarn @kyra75 @likealotus @kskvb20 @marietrinmimi @aussiegurl1234
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choicesprompts · 4 months
Isle of Misfits (Round Robin 2)
Second @choicesprompts round robin.
Writer order and rules
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Chapter 1: Welcome @angelasscribbles
Chapter 2: Untitled @christina-stark-skarlet-stileto
Chapter 3: Untitled @sender-paulson
Chapter 4: Initial Meeting TRR Olivia x Platinum Raleigh @alj4890
Chapter 5: Don't Call Me Angel OH Bryce x F!OC and Tobias Carrik @peonierose
Chapter 6: A Royal Kidnapping. Leo Rys. @aussiegurl1234
Chapter 7: Three Princes Walk Into a Bar. TRR, ROE, COP. @thosehallowedhalls
Chapter 8: Burnt by the Truth TRR, ROE, COP, TNA @karahalloway
Chapter 9: Inconvenient Truths TRR, ROE, COP, TNA @tessa-liam
Chapter 10: Dealing with the Paparazzi Mostly TRR @twinkleallnight
Chapter 11: The Final Cut Mostly TRR @angelasscribbles
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karahalloway · 2 months
Isle of Misfits: Chapter 8 - Burnt by the Truth
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Fandom: TRR x Platinum x OH x CoP x TNA (so far...)
Series: Isle of Misfits Round Robin hosted by @choicesprompts
Word Count: 1,200
Characters: TRR's Leo Rys, Liam Rys, Olivia Nevrakis (RoE's 'Katie Rys', TNA's Sam Dalton and CoP's Trystan Thorne mentioned)
Warnings: M (swearing, references to depression, references to alcohol abuse, references to suicide)
“You’re still angry, aren’t you?” Liam asked as he and Leo stepped out of the bar following their randezvous with Trystan Thorne.
Leo threw a scoff back at his brother. “Why on earth would you think that, Your Majesty?”
Liam heaved a low breath as he watched the former Crown Prince of Cordonia stride off into the warmth of the night.
Leo had always been the more opinionated of the two of them — which certainly got him into a lot more hot water with their father than Liam believed was strictly healthy for one’s constitution — and this latest ‘divergence of opinion’ was no exception.
His brother just had to be made to see that the intervention was for his own good.
Brokering a peace alliance between warring states would’ve been easier…
But, soothing ruffled feathers is what Liam had been trained to do since he could talk, so if anyone could make his obstinate brother see reason, it was him… right?
“Leo, please,” he pleaded, jogging after the shadowy form of his sibling. “If you will just—”
“Why?” came the bitter response. “So you can tell me how much of a disappointment I am? How much I let you and the kingdom down? Don’t think I haven’t heard that speech a thousand times before…”
“Actually, I was going to try and apologise…”
His brother’s words caused Leo to stop short. Turning slowly around, he regarded Liam under the moonlight. “You pulling my leg?”
“No,” Liam insisted, spreading his hands to show his sincerity. “I genuinely am sorry. The entire situation could have been handled much better. You’d come back home to try and get away from the unfortunate situation you found yourself in — quite accidentally, but all accounts — and instead of offering you the moral support you so clearly carved, I annihilated your trust by going behind your back.”
“So, why did you do it?” asked Leo, folding his arms. His brother’s words had touched him, but he wasn’t going to give Liam the satisfaction of caving to the clearly well-rehearsed words to just hug it all out. “If there was an issue, you should’ve just come to me.”
“I… I couldn’t,” Liam admitted, his shoulders dropping a fraction of an inch.
“Why not?” Leo demanded suspiciously.
“Because Katie intimated that you would never do something like this voluntarily,” Liam explained tightly. “And… if you didn’t do it, she was going to file for divorce.”
The breath left Leo’s body like oxygen being sucked out of a vacuum chamber. “She what—?"
Liam looked up at his brother sympathetically. “Why didn’t you tell me that things had become so fraught?”
“I didn’t realise that they had…” Leo admitted in a hollow voice. “I knew she wanted me home more, to be with the kids, and stuff, but… Oh, Jesus, I’ve fucked this royally, haven’t I?”
“It’s not too late,” Liam consoled, stepping up to his brother to lay a hand on his shoulder. “She’s willing to give you this chance. But you have to commit to the program. Bertrand has had success with several clients already, who were arguably in bigger strifes than you.”
“Not with their wives, though…”
“No,” Liam conceded with a smile. “But that’s why you’ve been paired with a mentor — so they can guide you through—”
“Sam Dalton is a dick.”
“I am afraid I have not had the opportunity to—”
“He left his wife to be with his maid,” Leo spat. “What the hell does a man like that know about love, commitment, the sacrament of marriage, of—”
“You left Madeleine in the lurch when you announced your engagement to Katie…”
Leo opened his mouth, only to quickly close it. “That’s not the same thing.”
“Bertrand knows what he’s doing,” Liam assured him. “Give this a chance. Who knows? You might be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.”
“Why couldn’t you have found me a normal rehab in Switzerland? Or, better yet, California?”
Liam couldn’t help but snort. “Because you escaped the last rehab centre that Father sent you to. In the middle of a blizzard.”
“Yes, that was certainly one of my more daring jailbreaks,” Leo admits whimsically. “But the food was terrible. I had to bail.”
“Yes, well, you are on an island this time,” Liam reminded him wryly. “And the Beaumonts have a Michelin star chef on retainer, so—”
“Yeah, yeah,” muttered Leo with a sigh. “I’m stuck here.”
“That’s the spirit!” quipped Liam with a grin, slapping his brother jovially on the arm.
Leo rolled his eyes at him.
“But in all seriousness,” Liam added. “I hope you make the most of it. And are able to patch things up with Katie.”
“Yeah…” agreed Leo with a low exhale. “I hope so, too.”
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“Rough night?”
“You could say that…” Leo admitted, shuffling across the polished marble floor of the foyer.
Despite the tense start to the heart-to-heart, he had managed to make up with Liam before his brother’s departure back to the mainland. But the revelation that his own wife had been the instigator behind not only the very frightening kidnapping, but this mandated exile as well, was going to take longer to digest than the remnants of the copious amounts of alcohol he still had floating around in his system.
Dropping the magazine that she’d been casually perusing, Olivia swung her killer heel clad feet off the arm of the Chesterfield sofa she’d been lounging on, and moved to join Leo. “Need a hangover cure?”
“This is going to take more than a pair of raw eggs and some Lythikosian pepper sauce…”
She grabbed his arm to pull him to a stop. “Liam told you, didn’t he?”
Leo’s eyes met Olivia’s flashing emerald gaze, before falling to the floor. “Yes…”
The Duchess of Lythikos’ mouth hardened. “He shouldn’t have done that. It was not his place.”
“Yeah, well… The cat’s out of the bag now…” Leo grumbled, continuing his weary trudge back to his room. “That’s got to count for something, right?”
“Not really…” Olivia muttered. “Because now you’re going to fall into a chronic bout of depression, try to give yourself liver poisoning, and seriously contemplate jumping off the twelfth storey balcony, and I’m going to be the one who has to try and talk you out of it… Again.”
“Hey!” Leo objects, coming to a halt. “It wasn’t that bad! I—”
“If I hadn’t booked you on that Mediterranean cruise against your will, you’d be lying six feet deep, rather than merely lying to yourself.”
“But accurate,” Olivia replied. “Which is why I’m going to throttle our beloved King the next time I see him. He’s single handedly set you back by at least two weeks.”
“Well, considering that I’ve gotten absolutely nothing out of the first two weeks I’ve been here, I’d say we’re simply back to square one!”
“Eugh…” groans Olivia. “You Rys are going to— What’s that?”
“Ow!” cried Leo as Olivia’s blood-red nails dug suddenly into his forearm. “What the hell are you—?”
“Something’s burning…”
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leelee10898 · 1 year
Dancing with our hands tied.
Pairing: Leo x F!OC
Word count: 1,339
Warnings: swearing, but mostly fluff
Setting: This is a flash back to Leo's social season, before Madeline was chosen and before he ran off to go on a cruise.
A/N: Life has been super crazy, with the end of the school year, holidays and work I haven't had much time to write. I quickly got this together to post so, sorry for any errors. 😬
A/N 2: I have an idea for this to become a series of some sort. More details to come. Also as always if you'd like to be added to the tags, let me know.
This was written for @choicesflashfics using the prompts;
"How long have you been standing there?"
"You're allowed to fall apart a little."
"That's all I really want and need. Some time with just you "
Song inspiration:
The social season was well underway, just a few short weeks and he would be forced to choose a bride. Five suitors from five noble houses across the country and globe with Cordonian ties all vying for his hand. He should be gloating about having five women throw themselves at him, wanting a piece of whatever attention he chose to give, and under normal circumstances he would relish in it. He was dubbed the playboy prince after all but this was something else entirely.  The desperation in their voices when he spoke to them, some doing a better job than most if their words didn't give them away their faces told it all. He was trained to read people from a very young age, body language, and touch, all tell a story and these women wanted one thing, the crown. 
Leo stood in the middle of a crowded room speaking to Lady Jessica and her parents Lord and Lady Britton. Jessica was one of his suitors, as he listened to Lady Britton ramble on about being a suitor during Constantine's first social season, he felt the panic spread through his chest. Of course, she didn't leave out the part where Constantine chose his mother, the mother who couldn't cut it as a Royal and fled, leaving him behind. Lord Britton seemed to have enough of his wife's antics he cleared his throat at the mention of Lady Britton's talents of playing the flute. 
"Yes, Our Jessica is also very talented in the musical area. She mastered playing the piano at the age of four. Isn't that right, Jessica?" He turned his attention towards his daughter. 
"Why yes, Father. That is correct. I am also skilled in archery, ballet, and painting." She answered right on cue, giving a shy smile and batting her eyes. 
"All wonderful skills a wife should possess, wouldn't you agree your highness?" Lord Britton's attention was now on him. 
"Why yes, Lord Britton. I agree, all wonderful talents." Leo politely answered, desperate to find a way out of his current conversation. 
"Splendid?" Lord Britton laughed before turning serious.  "The end of the social season is quickly approaching, if I may be so bold as to ask, have you made a decision yet?" 
The panic now had spread throughout his body, his nerve endings were tingling and his hands began to sweat. "No. I have not come to a decision yet." Leo carefully chose his words, "The decision does not come lightly, choosing Cordonias next queen is something to be taken seriously, I intend to take careful consideration in choosing my future bride." He settled on a quick, sharp answer, in hopes to shut him up; it seems to have worked as he watched the fear flash before lord Britton's eyes. He nodded stiffly. "Of course your highness." 
Leo hated making small talk with the suitor's parents, his eyes did a quick scan of the room and finally, he spotted his out. 
"Now if you will excuse me, there is a matter that requires my attention." Leo cut the conversation off at the knees, he turned to leave, "Lord Britton, Lady Britton, Lady Jessica." He nodded to the three quickly walking through the ballroom and disappearing behind a door on the far side. He walked down the long hall and into one of the studies his father often used to discuss private matters during events.
He stripped his jacket off immediately, tossing it onto the floor, loosening his tie as he paced the room. Breathing in and out he gripped a hold of the tie yanking it free from his neck. Leo walked over to the bar cart and poured a large glass of scotch, quickly letting the contents burn its way down his throat. 
"It's too much. To much. I, Im not cut out for this. I can't do this." He began to pace, grabbing a fist full of his hair and letting out a frustrated growl.  He turned, stopping dead in his tracks to find a beautiful brunette standing there with a nervous look on her face. Lady Ava was attending the social season with her uncle, one of Constantine's Allies from Australia. She and Leo had grown close during the season, and while she wasn't one of his suitors, he still found ways to be around her. 
"I'm sorry, I. I should go." Ava stammered, averting her eyes. 
"How long have you been standing there?" Leo breathed out. 
"Not long." She quickly answered, casting her eyes to the side. 
"Long enough I'm sure." He let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Well, I guess you'll be running for the hills now. Now that you know what a freak show I am." 
"Is that what you want?" Her question threw him off, guard.  It wasn't a question he was asked often, no one took into consideration his wants. 
"I don't understand." Her question confused him. 
"I didn't think it was a hard question." Ava closed the door and made her way across the room. "Do you want me to leave? Is that what you want?" 
Leo stood there staring at her. Out of all his suitors, she was the only one he made a real connection with only she wasn't a suitor. "No." He finally answered. 
"Do you want to talk about it?" She questioned and he shook his head. 
"What do you want me to say? I fell apart, I lost my composure, I cracked under pressure, what a fucking great king I'll make." He let out another sarcastic snort. 
Ava closed the distance between them, "You're allowed to fall apart a little." She placed a comforting hand on his arm. "Even the best of us fall apart sometimes, I know this has to be hard, I can't begin to imagine what you are going through. I know this isn't what you wanted out of life." 
"It isn't but, it's what I was born to do, literally. I don't get a say, what I want doesn't matter. I don't get time to myself. " He turned away to stare out the window. 
"It matters to me." She spoke and he turned to look at her again. "Is that what you want? Time alone? Because right now, you're not in a ballroom, it's just the two of us." 
Leo crossed the room closing the distance between the two of them. He reached out softly cupping her face with his hands. "That's all I really want and need. Some time with just you." He lowered his voice, eyes searching her face.
"Leo." She breathed out, closing her eyes. 
"You're the only one who gets me here, you see me as more than a crown." Leo lifted her chin forcing her to look at him. 
"Because you are more than a crown. You're more than all of this." She motioned around to nothing.  "At the end of all of this, when you make your choice, Just remember that the crown doesn't make the man. You can shape yourself and this country in whatever way you see it." Ava smiled at him and with that Leo leaned in claiming her lips in a soft kiss, before pulling away and resting his forehead on hers. 
"I do not know what the next few weeks will hold," he spoke. "But just know that you are special to me, Ava." 
Ava wrapped her arms tightly around Leo's waist. The two stayed that way for a few minutes before reluctantly pulling apart. 
"We should probably get back before someone notices we are both missing. What a scandal that would cause." She giggled.  
"If it's a scandal you're looking for, I can arrange for something more worth it than a hug." Leo waggled his brows which earned and eye roll. 
"You sir, are diabolical. Now Let's go." She motioned towards the door. 
"Its all I have going for me and wouldn't want to be any other way." Leo shrugged and smiled. He wasn't sure who he would end up with at the end of the season but he would hold her memory for a lifetime.
@kingliam2019 @ao719 @emichelle @annabellewynter @twinkleallnight  @tessa-liam @riseandshinelittleblossom @blackcatkita @katedrakeohd @tinkie1973 @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld @lovingchoices14 @indiana-jr @txemrn @bascmve01 @queenwalton @sfb123 @umccall71 @choicesficwriterscreations
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moodmusicmonday · 1 year
🎶 Playlist for 12/6 - Click here! 🎶
We are trying something new this week to see if this will fix the crazy tagging problem we've been having for a few months! Click on the link above to listen to this week's mix! And trust us... you want to check it out! It's so good! 🎵
Another lovely week of MMM! Special thanks to all of our writers for sharing with us their music inspo for their upcoming fics/recently released fics (Look for 📖--this means this fic has already been released and there is a link to click on!)! Remember to check these fics out, and while you're stopping by, be kind and leave a comment or a reblog!
Also, thank you to those who faithfully share and comment! We appreciate you SO. FRIGGIN'. MUCH!
See you in TWO weeks! Remember to tag us!
“Ready for Anything” - Landon Austin; Vancross, Chapter 10: We’re Ready For Anything (TRR AU, multiple crossover; Liam x f!OC)
“I’m Doing Fine” - Mike Waters; Breaking Point, Chapter 9: I Need Your Hand But I Don’t Want To Burn It; (TRR; Liam x MC)
“Forget Me” - Lewis Capaldi; The Pact, Part 6 (TRR; Liam x f!OC)
“Christmas List” - Anson Seabra; Everything I Want, Holiday 2-3 parter (TRR; Liam x f!OC)
“Silent Night” - the Temptations; School Dayz: Holiday Vibes (TRR AU; Liam x Riley)
📖 “Thunderstruck” - AC/DC; Sleepless in New York, Chapter 8: Minutes To Midnights [TRR; Drake Walker x f!OC (Harper Gale)]
📖 “No Ocean” - EXES, Jome; Irreplaceable, Chapter 24: I’d Cross the World for You (TRR/RoE; Leo x Riley; Driam)
Midnights Like This, Part 1: Tell Me That I’m Alright [(TRR; Leo x Riley; Liam x f!OC (Marena)]
- “Midnight Rain” - Taylor Swift, series inspo - “Hard Times” - Paramore, chapter inspo
📖 “You’re on Your Own, Kid” - Taylor Swift; Midnights Like This, Part 2: You’re On Your Own, Kid (TRR/RoE; Leo x OC; Liam x MC)
📖 “Wounded” - Maddie Wilson; Wounded, a Royal Roulette (TRR/TRH post-series; Liam x Riley)
“Awaken Love” - Lacey Sturm; Awaken Love; sequel to Wounded (TRR/TRH post series; Liam x Riley)
Tags in the Comments: if you would like to be added/removed please let us know; if you have been overlooked, please be gracious and just let us know! We love you guys! Thank you for your support!
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aprilchallenge · 1 year
Fics of the week
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Open Heart
Characters involved: Cassie Valentine (F!MC), Sienna Trinh
Day One (1/?) 🌸 @liaromancewriter
Characters involved: Cassie Valentine (F!MC), Sienna Trinh
Day One (2/?) 🌺 @liaromancewriter
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee) feat. Tobias Carrick
A Different Fate...Part 2 - Ethan's POV 💐 @jerzwriter
Characters involved: Open Heart // f!MC (Celia Moore), Sienna Trinh
Midnight Talks 🌼 @trappedinfanfiction
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine)
Beautiful Stranger 🌹 @liaromancewriter
Pairing: None. Kid!Liam with the head chefs of the palace, really (OCs, though Anais has been mentioned in canon)
B(re)aking Bread 🌼 @lizzybeth1986
Pairing: Queen Eleanor & Prince Leo + Liam (mother-sons/siblings), Leo x Damien (mentioned in RoE) (romantic), Liam & Jason (OC) (platonic).
Eleanor's Kitchen - Chapter 4: Garídes Saganáki 🪷 @lizzybeth1986
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Sophia (Sophie) 
Marabelle 🌻 @tessa-liam
-4- The Beaumont Bash 
- Mature -
Pairing: Liam x Savannah 
Estranged 🥀 @twinkleallnight
Artwork & Edits
Open Heart
Characters involved: Sienna Trinh and Victoria Clarke
In the woods 🌺 @potionsprefect
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey)
Bubble T 🌼 @jerzwriter
Artwork 🖼️ + fic
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC)
Flipping Love 🌹 @storyofmychoices
Wake the Dead
Artwork 🖼️
Pairing: Eli Sipes x F!MC (Zoe Rivera)
A Capy Ending, indeed 🌷 @jerzwriter
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cadybear420 · 7 months
which choices scene lives in your head rent-free?
Literally every scene with Aiden lmao. But here are some particular favorite Aiden scenes:
At Brian's party where MC can show Aiden "some sexy moves". A bit of an awkward scene I have mixed feelings about but I headcanon Aiden eventually tries to learn some of those kinds of moves to impress MC. And when he actually shows them off to MC it just stops them in their tracks lol.
The scene where you can listen to Aiden play piano. That was the "no going pack, point of no return" moment for me, where I knew he was the LI I wanted to pursue in HSS.
When Aiden shows up to MC's door to ask them to homecoming with a violin tune he composed solely for that purpose.
And then when he has the audacity during the carriage ride scene at the carnival to go "I wish I could plan stuff for you" as if he didn't just compose a whole ass song just to ask MC to homecoming with.
When Isa tries to make Frank escort Aiden from the basketball game and you can have your MC stand between them to "defend Aiden's honor".
When you explore the basement with Aiden and you find out Isa wants to expel your MC and Aiden gets all like "I'll do everything in my power to make sure you're not expelled."
When MC and Aiden become official and Aiden straight up cheers and jumps in the air when MC says yes.
When they dance together to a Singin in the Rain song at the Golden Griddle
The scene where they walk along the beach at Caleb's party
Aiden's entire promposal CG
Their post-promposal cliffside picnic scene
MC and Aiden confessing their love for each other at prom
Many of the moments in their scene on the balcony, but especially when you can choose to shout the Circle of Life song to make an echo and how that eventually leads to MC liFTING UP AIDEN !!!!!
And as for non-Aiden scenes...
Kamilah saying "I'm her queen, and she's mine" in the climactic scene of BB book 2
Getting to spin Tyler in MAH in the scene where he and MC dance on the football field
Getting to defend Tyler from asshole jocks in a MAH premium scene
ROE Newlyweds where you have options to choose how MC and LI go into their new house together. Either having them walk in at the same time, having LI carry MC in, or having MC carry LI in. Obviously I chose the 3rd one and it did not disappoint. For the record I think all romance scenes in Choices should follow this kind of formula whenever possible.
[NSFW warning] TNA 3 was a trainwreck, but the smut scene in Ch1 gives you an option to play with Sam's ass and they describe MC slipping a finger between his cheeks. It was a very small scene, but I'm pretty sure this is the first time in PB history that a female character was allowed to get into her man's bootyhole and I was very here for it.
In a premium scene with Tom in Ch1 of ILB, you can choose to say this lil flirty compliment to him and he just jumps and scatters stuff on the boat everywhere.
All the moments in the Imtura/m!MC route where it's just so shamelessly r/RoleReversal. Like when she picks MC up, or lifts him and spins him around when they dance, when he wraps his legs around her waist, the numerous times they draw attention to Imtura's flexing biceps, etc.
Estela going "Do. Not. Touch. My. Husband!". I haven't played her route yet but this moment's mere existence is why I need to do an Estela x m!MC route immediately.
ES Book 3 Ch8/9? when they're in some cave/dungeon thing, Craig sees Zahra's decoy skeleton with the streak of maroon hair, and just screams and breaks down. Those two were easily my favorite relationship in that series and this scene cements it.
Drake's swimsuit CG in TRR 1. One of the few rare times where a male character wears an actually flattering swimsuit lol.
The premium scene in TRR 1 Ch1 where you can take Liam on a boat ride to see the Statue of Liberty. Fun fact, TRR 1 was the first Choices book I ever started, right when I first downloaded the app. Once he started talking about how much he appreciated my MC for that boat ride he won my heart almost instantly.
HSS:CA Book 2 ending where Ajay calls my MC "janu".
Val Greaves referring to empress Azura as "She Who Craps Lightning".
That one CG of the stripper running in BP.
Man I'm sure there's more lol.
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lorirwritesfanfic · 5 years
A Guardian Angel’s Tale
Author's note: One more late submission for Choices August Challenge. [Leading characters are owned by Pixelberry Studios and original characters are creations of the author.] Book: Rules of Engagement x The Royal Romance Characters: Leo, King Liam, OC (Ava), OC (Emma) Rating: PG Word count: 719 Summary: Leo tells his daughters his favorite bedtime story. Based on the prompt: Choices August Challenge Day Twenty Two - Angels
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Ava grabbed her favorite teddy bear and went to her father's king-size bed while he finished brushing her twin's hair. It was their first week in his new house and despite his many efforts to convince his daughters to stay in their room,  he didn't have the heart to say no when they asked to sleep with him. He missed them too much to pass that up.
"All set, honey," Leo kissed the top of the toddler's head. "Did you pick up hugsie?"
"He is sleeping, daddy," Emma pointed to a penguin stuffed toy already in bed, next to her sister.
"Good. Now let's keep him company." He picked up his daughter in his arms and took her to the bed and tucked them in. 
"Daddy, tell us a story," Ava asked.
"Which one?"
"The guardian angels!" Emma beamed.
"Again? Didn't I tell that story yesterday?" 
"Pleaaaase," the girls said in unison.
He smiled, sat on the bed next to them, cradling the twins with one arm and cleared his throat. "Once there was a boy, a little guardian angel, who lived in a castle of clouds, in a kingdom up in the sky. He was destined to become the guardian of the kingdom like his father and he had these beautiful white wings, but he couldn't fly because his mom and dad said it was too dangerous for him. Because he was a good boy and believed them. He thought his life was perfect and his parents were happy, but then one day his mother left the celestial kingdom to live on Earth and she never returned."
The girls pouted, tugging at their father's shirt.
"His father knew they needed a company, so he got married again. His second wife was a beautiful and caring woman, who gave him another son, but he didn't have wings. The little guardian angel loved his baby brother more than anyone else and protected him from all evil things, even though they fought and played pranks on each other sometimes."
"Do sisters fight too, Daddy?" Ava asked.
"Yes, but it doesn't mean they should. Fighting is bad. We have to solve problems using words, okay?"
The twins nodded.
"When the boy with wings grew older, he saw a glimpse of how life on Earth was. The trees, the animals, the sea. He was mesmerized with it, but he still wasn't allowed to leave. He felt like he lived in a cage, so he would run away from time to time. One day, he fell in love with a human and she fell in love with him too, but humans weren't allowed couldn't in the kingdom on the sky and he couldn't live on Earth as an angel, so he gave up everything to live on Earth with her."
"Was she pretty?" Emma smiled.
"Ah, yes! She was the prettiest human he had ever seen, with her long brown hair, sweet innocent face, she was funny and joined the guardian angel in many adventures."
"She was like mom," Ava affirmed.
"Yes, she was a lot like mom," Leo smiled. "But as I said before, he was destined to be the guardian of the kingdom and his parents were angry he wanted to leave and tried to obligate him to stay. However, his baby brother saw how madly in love his big brother was and defended him at all costs. So he got his freedom and gave his wings to his little brother. And at that moment, he realized the true meaning of being a guardian angel. Their life mission wasn’t just protecting the kingdom in the sky, but to protect the ones they loved. The former guardian angel began to live on Earth, he had his children and he was happy, but he never gave up on his life mission. He always looked out for his loved ones, just like they always looked out for him too."
While Emma was fast asleep, Ava crawled to the other side of the bed with her teddy bear, and lied on her father's large chest, rubbing her hands on her eyes.
Leo kissed the twins' foreheads and grinned to Ava, gently stroking her back until she drifted off. He was about to pick the book on his nightstand and read before sleeping when his phone buzzed.
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lovemychoices · 5 years
Before There Was You-5B
Song Inspiration : Ruelle - War of Hearts
Three years ago while travelling in Europe, Eve Sommers was involved in a car accident. She woke up from her coma two weeks later with no memory of what happened to her in the past seven months. Three years later and still no recollection about what happened to her before the accident. But all of that is about to change. Will she finally know the truth? Will there be consequences?
Characters except my OCs belong to Pixelberry, I am just borrowing them
Word count : 2300.
Chapter Summary: It’s the night of the masquerade ball will Eve impress the royal family?
A/N : This is my first fiction series so it will definitely not be 100% perfect. In other words be kind :). Feedback and comments are welcomed, also hit that reblog button if you like what you read. Sorry for any grammatical errors! I only proof read this like once or twice.
So this is my last posting of the series for this week. Chapter 6 will come up sometime next? I’ve honestly been having a bit of block lately 🤣 But no worries I won’t leave ya hanging for too long.
Catch up with the series HERE
Warning : I’m rating this PG18 cause there will probably be PG18 stuff that’s going to happen in future chapters. So if you read this series you acknowledge that you are 18 and above.
BTWY TAGLISt: @thecordoniandiaries @leelee10898 @ao719 @annekebbphotography @desiree-0816 @rainbowsinthestorm @emceesynonymroll @the-soot-sprite @carabeth @cora-nova @charliejane-blog @dcbbw @hopefulmoonobject @cmestrella @jlpplays1 @pixieferry @romanticatheart-posts @kingliam2019
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As the clock struck six, Liam took his place in the palace foyer next to his father the King and stepmother the Queen and started to greet their guests as they entered. Each time someone approached Liam would take a peak at the person standing behind hoping that it would be Eve. Outside he was stoic but inside he was as anxious and excited as a five year old at a theme park, after their short encounter this morning he couldn’t wait to see her again and introduces her to his family. He finally catches a glimpse of her standing in line behind Lady Kiara, she might have been wearing a mask but he’d remember those emerald eyes and smile anywhere.
Finally it was her turn to walk up and greet the royal family. “Good evening your Majesties.” She greets with a curtsy and a soft smile. “Thank you for inviting me to join the social season it’s such an honour.”
“Father, Regina. I’d like you to meet Eve Sommers, she is the one I have been telling you about.” Liam smiles as he introduces her. The King and Queen both scan her head to toe, she looks the part but can she pull the act. They thought to themselves. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Eve, Liam was so excited when you accepted his invitation. I Eve you’ll have a wonderful stay throughout this Event and look forward to seeing more of you.” Constantine says with a rueful smile on his face.
“Thank you your Sir, I’m sure I will.” She grins and turns to face Liam.
“Eve why don’t you go and join the rest inside the ballroom. I’ll see you in a bit. Save me a dance?” He smiled with a wink.
“I will be looking forward to it your highness.” She grins dipping a low curtsy before walking away.
Walking through the large white with gold trim doors a little gasp of awe escapes Eve as took in the sight of the magnificent ballroom. They didn’t call it the Grand ballroom for nothing. The room had a huge ceiling decorated with paintings, massive crystal chandeliers hung above illuminating the entire room. The walls were consumed by great arched windows finely decorated with gold paint which matched the velvet drapes. Eve continues to decends down the grand staircase scanning the room for someone she knows. Where is Maxwell? she thinks, it was so hard to tell which of these nobles was him with everyone wearing a mask. She notices Hana standing by one of the table tops, she could recognise her from her outfit which she wore when they ran into each other earlier on. She smiles and proceeds to walk towards Hana when she feels someone pull her to the side as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“So you must be the infamous Eve Sommers I’ve been hearing about this past month.” The Red head woman sneers. Eve yanks her arm off the Redheads grip scanning her head to toe trying to figure out who she is only to smile when she does. “You must be Olivia, Liam told me about you.”
“That’s Duchess Olivia Nevrakis to you.” She retorts with both hands placed on her waist. “And if Liam told you about me then you’ll also know that we’re very close and I love him like a brother, so if you EVER hurt him intentionally.” She roughly pulls Eve close to her and whispers in an intimidating voice. “I carry knives under my outfits wherever I go and wouldn’t hesitate to use one on you should I need to.”
“Olivia!” Drake hisses, his eyes narrowed at her. Olivia gave him a sharp sneer, she let’s go of Eve’s arm and straightens the wrinkles on her dress. “It was nice talking to you Eve, I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of each other very soon.” She smirks then walks away.
Drakes steps closer to Eve rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry about that, Olivia can be a little bit protective when it comes to Liam.”
“She’s not the only one.” Eve shrugs. “And you didn’t have to step in, I could have handled it on my own.”
Drake heaves a sigh. “Look, I’m sorry if I was an ass back on the plane. I didn’t mean to make it sound like you were a crown chaser cause you’re not Eve, I know that. I was just trying to protect you to protect Liam, this place might look all glittery and glamorous on the outside but behind the curtains shit happens. Especially to commoners like us, just be carefull alright?”
Eve’s lips forms into a thin smile and gently nods. “I understand your concern but I can take care of myself, plus if you think nobles like Olivia scare me you should see the mean girls I had to deal with in prep school.”
Drake chuckles “No thanks, I’ll take my chances with the Olivia. So anyway are we still friends? He asks holding out his hand.
Eve smiles and shakes his hand in agreement.“Friends. Now I’m hungry, wanna get some food to eat by the horderves table?”
Drake snorts “I’m not sure those are classified as foods but sure why not.”
After all the guests have arrived it was finally time for the royal family to take their place by the entrance of the ballroom. Liam took a deep breath and exhaled as he waited to the herald to announce their entry, he could wait to see Eve again and have their first dance together.
Eve, Drake, Hana and Maxwell were standing near one of the high tables enjoying their drinks while chatting when the herald announces the Royal families arrival. First enters the King and Queen followed by Prince Liam from behind.
“Heads up little blossom.” Maxwell nudges with a wink as Liam approaches their direction.
“Eve...May I have this dance?” He asks with a soft smile. “It would be my pleasure your highness.” She grins.
Liam takes her hand and whisks her out onto the dance floor of the grand ballroom. All the nobles started to stare some began whispering to each other, all wondering who the mystery woman who got the prince attention was. Was she a princess or a duchess maybe from a foreign country? The look on their faces when they knew she was nothing more than a commoner and not just that an American as well.
As the orchestra plays the music, Liam leads Eve in a waltz around the room. They both glide effortlessly together and soon the other nobles began to join in.
“Your pretty good at this.” Liam grins. “Your not too bad yourself Mr.” She winks playfully. “Honestly I didn’t even know I could waltz until today it all just came naturally to me. I hope I’m doing it right.”
Liam chuckles. “You’re doing fine as long as you don’t step on any toes. So I see you’ve managed to make some new friends.”
Eve snorts. “Yeah Drake may not admit it but I know he’s starting to warm up to me and I met Hana in the boutique earlier on she seems nice.”
“That’s good to know.” He smiles and they continue to dance.
A few moments later the song starts to wind down, Liam’s hand still lingers on Eves waist, He’s eyes searching hers.
“Eve there’s something I need to tell you, I haven’t been really honest about why invited you here and—.”
“Ahem, sorry the two of you but if you don’t mind Eve, I’d like to cut in, me and the prince have a few matters to discuss.” Olivia interrupts with a smirk.
“Oh… of course.” Liam says with a rueful smile and turns to Eve. “Sorry, I’ll find you once I’m done and then we’ll talk?”
Eve gives a light nod and walks away from the dance floor. I could you a drink. She thought and walks towards the champagne table. She’s about to take a glass when she hears some of the ladies talking about her a few meters away.
“Can you believe she’s a commoner?” One of the ladies mocks as she scans Eve from Head to toe. “She does have great taste though, I love that dress.”
“I heard she and the prince met when he was on vacation in New York apparently they spent time together while he was there. They had a connection.”
“It doesn’t matter if she and the prince have a connection, she’ll never last a week in court.” A woman with blonde hair and green eyes shrugs.
Eves jaw began to clench her grip on champagne flute began to tighten. If they were in New York she’d probably give them a piece of her mind, but she knew she couldn’t not without embarrassing Liam. Breathe in breathe out, you’ve dealt with meaner girls in highschool. She thinks to herself. “I need to get some air.” She says and heads to the balcony with a drink in her hand.
Leo leans towards the balcony looking out at the palace gardens taking a sip of his scotch. He could hear the faint sounds of nobles chatting and gossiping from behind him. He always hated how two faced the nobles could be, always out and about in other people's business, most of them would stab the other in the back if they thought it benefited them. It was the reason why he chose to stay for the social season he needed to be there for his brother especially now that Liam needed to prove that Eve would be the perfect Queen for Cordonia and for him, it's the least he could do after he abdicated and left this hell of a mess behind.
Eve’s the girl his brother is head over heels for, the same girl he fell in love with three years ago and even still till this very day. He snorts as he thought about the irony of it all, but she deserves better and so does his brother.
He is slowly pulled from his thoughts when he hears the sound of soft clicks from someone's heels walking towards him a gust of wind blew by and he could smell her perfume from where he was standing, he’d recognise that scent anywhere.
“Hey you,” Eve greets him with a smile, “I didn’t see you with the rest of the royal family when I came in, where were you?
“Formality isn’t really my thing.” He grins. “I prefer sneaking into parties. It’s easier to avoid the spotlight that way.”
She chuckles at his answer and he smiled. He always loved it when she smiled or laughed. It was good to know after all these years how good she was doing for herself, then again she couldn’t remember all the heartbreak he had put her through, the secrets and lies he kept from her during their six months together.
“So Eve, why are you out here instead of in there by my brothers side?” He asks.
“Well Olivia interupted us, said she had some thing to discuss with Liam. I couldn’t find anyone nice to talk to so here I am.” She answers and take a sip of her drink.
Their conversation was cut short by Liam as he walks out onto the balcony looking for Eve. “There you are I’ve been looking all over for you” Liam smiles, walking right next to Eve wrapping one arm on her waist while leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek. “Sorry that took a little longer than expected.”
“It’s okay, the duties of a prince.” She winks.
“Leo, what are you doing alone out here? Normally you’d be with Maxwell by now having one your shenanigans.” Liam jokes.
Leo chuckles. “The night is still young brother, but speaking of Maxwell I’d better go find him before he does anything stupid without me.” Leo looks between Liam and Eve. “Besides I’m sure the two of you must have a lot of catching up to do.” He winks playfully then leaves in a huff.
Liam turns to Eve and takes her hand in his smiling fondly at her. “I’m sorry I couldn’t spend much time with you earlier on.If there is anything I can do to make it up to you.”
“Well.” She paused for a moment biting her lower lip. “I did remember you promised me a personal tour around the palace.”
Liam chuckles. “That could be arranged in a few minutes, but there's something I need to tell you.” He took her hand in his. Eve purses her lips, she wonders where this is going. “Eve, I haven’t been completely honest with you. By the end of the social season my father will be stepping down and I will take his place as king.”
“Wow that’s amazing news Liam, congratulations.” She beamed then searches his eyes, she could tell from the look he gave that there was more to it than he’s letting on. She lifts her eyebrows as her smile slowly fades. “But there’s something else?”
Liam give a slight nod his lips forming into a thin line. “Cordonia traditions and law demand that a prince has to be married or at least engaged before the night of his coronation.”
“Oh but that means—.”
“I have to pick someone as my fiancée by the end of the social season. My father proposed that I take Countess Madeleine a my future wife but I rejected his idea because,” Liam paused biting his lower lip, he felt his heart racing afraid of how she would react from what he was going to say. “Eve, I like you a lot and getting to know you this past month was the most happiest I’ve ever been and I wonder if you feel the same way because I want us to be something more.”
Eve cups Liam’s cheek with both hands and looked into his eyes. “Liam, I like you too. But asking me to be your fiancée when we’ve only known each other for more than a month that just sounds reckless.”
“Eve, I’m not asking you to marry me right away but at least give us a chance until the end of a social season. We’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other see if we’re compatible.”
Eve lets go of his face, her lips forming a thin line. “And if we’re not? If either of us realises this is not what we want? Liam we’re not just talking about potentially destroying our relationship but our friendship as well.”
“It won’t I promise you, no matter what happens, no matter what you chose.” Liam said, once again taking her hand in his giving it a soft squeeze. “So what do you say Evelyn Sommers? Five months is all I ask for you to give me a chance. To make you fall in love and sweep you off your feet. Are you willing to give this a try? Are you willing to give us a try?”
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CFWC F/AotW - Apr 14 - 20, 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA
A Discovery ✒️| Mal Volari x F!elf!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
A Stagger in the Woods ✒️| Mal Volar x F!human!MC - @thosehallowedhalls for @storyofmychoices
Safe ✒️| Mal Volari x F!human!MC - @storyofmychoices
Lily Spencer Fanart 🎨by @bayleedraws-sometimesx
Move In Day ✒️| m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
My Brother's Keeper ✒️Ⓜ️| Vasili Thorne, Sebastyan Thorne - @gaiuskamilah
"One Word From You and I Would" | m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
Second Languages Part 2 ✒️| m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
Spring's Eternal ✒️| m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @jerzwriter for @moominofthevalley
Trystan Thorne Fanart 🎨 by @/ohheyitsjulia (IG) C: @corynnellis)
Trystan Thorne x F!MC Fanart 🎨by @weetlebeetle (C: @peonierose for @jerzwriter)
Cursed Heart Fanart🎨| Thistle Bat by @bri1234
TFS MC 🎨 by @/ohheyitsjulia (OH) (C: @choiceswithmika)
Gabe Adalhard & Cas Harlow Fanart 🎨 by @gaiuskamilah
Maybe Someday ✒️🏳️‍🌈 | Gabriela Adalhard x Cassie Harlow - @livelaughlovecassie
Harper x Tom Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @lilyoffandoms for @cadybear420
Noah Marshall Fanart 🎨by @payroo
Two Birds on a Wire ✒️| Lincoln McQuoid (Aquino) x MC - @saibug1022
The Way to Rome ✒️ by @noesapphic
Not My Birthday ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Various Characters - @aces-and-angels
Bound by Fate (Series) ✒️| Nik Ryder x F!MC - @ladylamrian Chapter 4: Lovers & Strangers
Complete Open Heart List - Week ending April 20, 2024
Zoey Wade Fanart🎨by @artbyalz
Forevermore (Series) ✒️ | King Marquise (Liam) x F!MC - @khoicesbyk Chapter 5: Joy of Winter
The Royal Romance Crew's Point of View Chapter 2 ✒️ by @choiceswithmika
TRR / Platinum / OH / CoP / TNA
Isle of Misfits (Round Robin)✒️ | Multiple Stories | Liam Rys, Leo Rys - @twinkleallnight Chapter 10: Dealing With the Paparazzi
Marabelle (Series) ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!OC - @tessa-liam Chapter 11: The Game of Kings 2
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lorircreates · 5 years
Ah, the headcanons...
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butindeed · 6 years
Silent third (Riley x Drake)
Tags: @decisso
-Well, this ball in particular isn’t completely hideous. - He said to Maxwell as he re entered the ballroom.
He mentally recalled the events of the night: he had waltzed with Riley, she had made him a drink from scratch, and would now be one of his favourites forever, and... they had kissed. Twice. He felt so drunk, and it wasn’t even the alcohol, it was her, it’d be always her. Crown or no crown, engaged... or not.
He had opened up to her, out there in the gardens, than to anyone during his whole life, maybe even more than Liam himself. It was so easy to confide her...
He was deep lost in his own thoughts when he realised that Maxwell hadn’t replied anything to him.
-Is everything allrig...?
-There you are-He heard Bertrand approaching them, I’ve found her, come with me at once.
Maxwell followed his elder brother and Drake was left there alone with his thoughts again.
He took another sip of the silent third Riley had made him, and scanned the room searching for her. He finally saw her with the Beaumont brothers, heads together, discussing something that seemed important.
-I wonder when you’ll realise you don’t have to be such a loner- He heard as someone rested a heavy arm on his shoulders
He turned his face to see who was it and flashed a wide grin to the young man standing next to him.
-Leo! You came!
-Well, it’s my borther’s coronation, he’s due to pick a bride and all... I couldn’t have missed it!
- We’ve missed you so much man!
-I can’t say I have though - he said as he laughed heartedly.- I’ve been on a mediterranean cruise of adventures.
-Say what now?
-I met this amazing woman, Caterina. She’s ... - he sighed and continued talking about how wonderful Caterina was, but Drake was thinking about his own amazing woman and could barely listen to what Leo was saying - The most funny thing about this whole thing, is that she has to get married in order to get this inheritance, so she’s dating other people, as if it was a contest or something! Can you imagine? I broke off the engagement with Mad just to become a suitor for a woman I barely know! Who would do that?-He laughs heartly
-Well I can think of someone.. -He says longing at Riley
Leo follows his gaze - Oh, she’s something... - he says devilish while bumping shoulders with Drake. -Is she the reason why you gave up whiskey?- Leo grins while pointing at Drake’s glass with his very own.
-Well, technically this has whiskey, she made it, so...
-So, she made it, huh... I’ve never seen you so hung up on a girl before
-What? I’m not h... you are! Whatever- Drake rolled his eyes and punched him playfully on the stomach.
-Better go talk to her, huh? Get to know her? The mystery woman... - He stated as he turned  winking an eye at Drake.
-No, wait, Leo... -but it was too late, Leo had headed towards Riley and was now talking to her and Maxwell.
When Liam approached them, he knew it was his queue to go somewhere else, so he headed towards the bar to ask for another drink. Neat whiskey this time.
When King Constantine started with his speach, he found Riley and the rest and stood up with them, listening, carefully. He dreared the moment when Liam would announce the lady he was going to marry. He knew marrying Liam was Riley’s best option, not only because she deserved so much better than him, and Liam was falling for her, not even because she would be an excellent queen and a great couple. But also because it was the safest option... by marrying Liam, she would have the protection he couldn’t offer, by marrying Liam her ex would be kept at bay, by marrying Liam her fairytale would be completed.
He looked wistfully at her and softly brushed his hand at hers.
The moment in the gardens, the kiss, everything seemed scarce, he wanted more, he wanted a lifetime with her.
He begged for Liam not to choose her, he knew it was selfish, he knew it was wrong, but he did it nontheless. 
There he was lost in his thoughts again when the speech was suddenly interrupted by some advisor and the room filled with buzzing phones,
When he realised what was it about, his world crumbled into pieces. 
The rest of the night happened in slow motion.
As he tried to fight the guards to release her, he catches Riley’s panicked look.
-Get you hands off her!- he shouts
Hana was trying to reach Riley as well, but the guard members stop her and Drake, impeding them to get even close.
They were dragging her like a paraiah, like an outcast, the story was repeating itself, it was Savannah all over again, he had failed her sister... but he wasn’t thinking about her anymore. 
He took out his mobilephone and quickly dialed a number.
-Hello? Who is it? It’s 3 in the morning- a voice on the other side mumbled
-Hi, Kai? My name is Dra...
-Drake, Riley’s Drake? It’s everything all right?
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kaitycole · 3 years
The Scorn & Betrayal of Brothers
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Summary: What if Liam didn’t accept his rise in station with grace? What if he let his brother’s betrayal take the reins and guide his decision on how to handle the abdicated prince? 
Pairing: Leo x Katie
Word Count: 1298
Warnings: Poorly written physical violence (like two punches and a shove)
A/N: The bold sentences are dialogue from The Crown where King Edward VIII is confronted by future King George VI about his abdication. (season 1 episode 10).
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“I hereby abdicate the throne.”
Leo’s words weigh down the surrounding atmosphere, enacting a variety of emotions: fear, anxiety, and even relief. It’s no secret that Liam is viewed as the better option for king, many going as far as to saying that it was a total waste that he was born the spare. Being within the line of succession is a burden no one outside of it could understand, no one outside of it could fathom what those expectations did to someone, and unlike his brother, Liam has been able to fulfill his duty.
Liam, although he hated the term, lived up to the expectations of the spare, the second born, embracing all the jobs and tasks that came with it. There’s a whispered rumor at court that many spares covet the heir’s position, that the desire to rule drives many royals to commit regicide to ascend to the throne, but Liam has never wanted his brother’s role. The loud clinking of silverware being slammed down brings Liam back to the present, a cold chill running down his spine as he begins to feel uneasy, the uncertainty of his position leaves him feeling unbalanced.
“Because I love her!” The declaration snaps Liam’s attention up to his brother, Leo’s pushed himself up from his seat, slamming his hands on the table, his face red with anger or maybe adrenaline, probably a mixture of both.
In all his life, Liam has never seen his brother so passionate about anything, Leo has spent most of his life just breezing through the things he couldn’t completely run away from. A split-second passed where Liam wonders what kind of king Leo could be if he had that kind of passion for his role of Crown Prince. Their father quickly motions for the servants to clean up the table, announcing that the dinner is over, glaring at his eldest son before the two head off to Constantine’s office.
Liam is the last to leave the dining room, not really sure where to go, surely his father would need him, but the uneasy feeling is pooling in his legs, making them heavy and harder to walk. The palace suddenly feels a lot bigger than it has before, even bigger than when he was a small child. The staircase seems to have an endless number of stairs, the halls seem large enough to swallow him whole and the portraits, the portraits seem taller and the eyes of those who ruled before suddenly seem to hold more expectations, their glares now weighing him down with a more overwhelming and suffocating burden that they previously didn’t.
** The last couple of weeks have been intense, but also a blur for Liam, everything he had planned to do suddenly uprooted and that extended to both professional and personal duties. Projects he’s worked on for years instantly taken away, the only reason he’s given is that they are now beneath his station. His days now filled with rapid-fire courses on ‘how to take the throne when your selfish brother abdicates for love’, they include all the things that the spare-in-training courses didn’t teach him. Part of Liam feels like he should’ve seen this coming, after all he’s the only one who truly seemed surprised, but the other part of Liam just wants an aspirin and a nap.
Nothing Constantine said could get through to Leo, get his eldest to change his mind, in fact it seems that every royal objection simply makes the mess that much bigger. Where Liam’s days are filled with learning the ropes, trying to get him caught up to at least the bare minimum he needs before his coronation, Leo spends his time giving the press news for yet another headline. Royal scandal always sells, pictures of Leo and the American Katie litter the newspaper stands and just made a bigger headache for their press secretary.
Liam takes a deep breath before he’s ushered into his brother’s study, a bit surprised to see her since Leo was asked to remain somewhat professional in his last days, clearly, he couldn’t manage to even do that. Katie looks embarrassed, her eyes widening as she tightly wraps her sweater around her, leaving the brothers alone.
“Is she really worth it?” Liam wrings his hands together, trying to calm himself down, he wants to support his brother, but he can’t help feeling betrayed.
“I love her with all my heart.”
“Of course,” he looks up at Leo, meeting his eyes for the first time in weeks, trying to search for a bit of remorse, “but more than your own…country? More than your own brother?”
“Yes.” Leo’s tone is flat, there’s no hesitation in his words, no regret in his eyes.
Of all the Rys men, Liam’s known for being the most composed, most stoic, the one able to refrain from letting personal feelings get in the way of his royal duties, but in this moment, he’s pissed. Furious that his brother takes his duty, his responsibility to the crown like it’s an annoyance, essentially treating their country, their people like nothing more than a fly insistently buzzing in his ear.
He clenches his hands into fists, digging his nails into the upper part of his palm. “If you stand down, I shall want you and that woman gone for good.”
“Pay me to, brother...“ Leo smirks at his brother, tilting the glass in his hand towards Liam, “and I'll be gone forever.”
Liam lets out a breath, the desire to lunge at his brother, to knock him off this pedestal he seems to hold himself on is strong, but instead he storms out of the study, brushing by his advisor, holding his hand up dismissively when they try to tell him about a meeting. The space between brothers was getting bigger, but it wasn’t helping his anger, instead each step just reminded him of how angry he was.
How dare he? How dare he think that he can abandon his country, throw his responsibility onto me and make out like a bandit.
Then he stops, stops walking, stops thinking before turning around, storming right back into the office Leo’s in, fuming at the smug expression on Leo’s face.
“Come to negotiate payment?”
“Something like that.” Liam lets go of all his logic and reason, slamming his fist into the side of Leo’s face, shaking it briefly before punching his brother again.
Leo staggers backwards, Liam not giving him time to compose himself before he shoves his oldest brother to the ground, straddling his torso before he starts hitting both first against his chest, not hard, but enough for the abdicating prince to feel each hit.
Tears fall down Liam’s face that’s now red from anger and probably his elevated blood pressure, repeatedly asking, “what did I ever do to you?” Trying to pour out all of his irritation, all of the betrayal he felt each time his fists pound into his brother’s chest, with every tear that slips down his cheeks.
The guards finally pull the two brothers apart, Katie rushing over to Leo, wailing about the soon to be bruise on his cheek, but all Liam can hear is the beating of his heart in his ears. Liam pushes himself off the ground, wiping off the back of his pants, feeling calm for the first time in weeks. Liam turns to leave the study for a second time, this time for good before he glances over at his brother, who's still sitting on the floor, stunned and disheveled as Katie fusses over him.
“You have 48 hours to vacate Cordonia.”
Liam puts on his best diplomatic smile, something a bit sinister behind it, “if I see you after the allotted time, I’ll have you arrested for treason.”
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likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated!
interested in more? -> master list
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moodmusicmonday · 2 years
Good gracious... We knew it was too good to be true to think that maybe our tags were working correctly this week! NEWSFLASH: they're not. Ugh, our apologies if you got a tag for the 9/20 post... again. Who wants to yell it with us? You ready? *clears throat*
On to better things...
Check out this AMAZING ✨NEW✨ playlist! I can vouch that this group of songs will get you up and grooving to your chores! Give it a listen!
And the best part: several of these fanfictions have ALREADY BEEN RELEASED! They are linked below (look for the 📖), so go give these creators some love! Read, like, comment and reblog!
Thanks for another fabulous MMM! We'll see y'all again SOOOOOON!
📖 “Don’t Let the Light Go Out” - Panic! At The Disco; Don’t Let the Light Go Out (OPH; Tobias Carrick x MC)
📖 School Days, The Adorkable Liam Rys (TRR; Liam x Riley)
“Take Me There” - Blackstreet, Mya, Mace, Blinky Blink “Gangsta’s Paradise” - Coolio, LV
“Toothbrush” - DNCE;  Falling for you, one-shot (Forged in Fire AU) [TRR/Perfect Match; Damien x MC (Jessica Garcia)]
“ME!” - Taylor Swift ft. Brendan Urie; Needle in a Haystack, one-shot (Prince Charming AU Pencil Chronicles) [TRR/TRH; Liam x MC (Jessica Garcia)]
“Angel by the Wings” - Sia; Dying young, part 1 (OPH; no pairing)
“Footprints” - Sia; What dreams may come, part 1 [TRR; Liam Rys x MC (Jessica Garcia)]
📖 “Shine a Light” - BANNERS; Irreplaceable, Chapter 21: I’m Only Looking for a Little Peace (TRR/RoE; Leo x Riley)
📖 “Beige” - Yoke Lore;  Irreplaceable,  Chapter 22: Do You Wonder if Every Stupid Little Thing Has Led Us to This? (TRR/RoE; Leo x Riley)
📖 “Night Changes” - One Direction; When in Rome: Changes (TRR/RoE; Leo x Riley)
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@21-wishes @alj4890 @ao719 @aussiegurl1234 @axwalker @bebepac @burnsoslow @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @choicesmonthlychallenge @foreverethereal123 @issabees @jerzwriter @karahalloway @kat-tia801 @lovingchoices14 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @peonierose @phoenixrising308 @queenrileyrose @quixoticdreamer16 @sfb123 @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @zaffrenotes
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