#tros marketing
wizard-amulang · 1 year
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post TROS smuggler Hux and slave Kylo AU
They didn’t hope to meet each other alive
For Hux, this sudden encounter at the slave market was a little bit disappointing. He thought that his only weakness had finally sunk into oblivion and remained in the past forever. But it wasn’t. Of course, Hux couldn’t help but take pleasure in the idea that the cause of his muny suffering in the past would be his thing now
For Kylo that was salvation. Maybe, it would be unpleasant to meet a traitor-exlover for someone else. But when Kylo lost touch with the force, he became weak enough to cling to glimpses of the past. He was really blessed to see Hux
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quickswiper · 2 years
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Space Travels (Post-TROS!AU) pt.3 - market
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Oh my god the Mandalorian s3 decisions being a push to make Bo Katan more marketable for women makes so much sense.
I’ve been watching the flames of season 3 for afar wondering what possibly possessed them to sideline the wildly popular duo of Din and Grogu in favor of this Bo Katan stuff, aside from the obvious future content advertisement… it’s because it’s popular with women…
Like it’s a known pattern that corporations hate when something they’ve created aimed at men is disproportionately popular with women because they strive to keep a very distinct line between Boy things and Girl things. Anything Star Wars is for men, except the acceptable Girl Things like Leia and Padme and Asoka. But then the Mandalorian became wildly popular with women and they can’t just cancel a cash cow like the Mandalorian without milking everything they can from it so they’re like “well let’s bring in Bo Katan she’s for the Women now start making the toys”
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I am so late to this but that meant time to simmer and seethe over Disney's decisions before and lately, and things I've read over the years about how corporations market to their target audiences, and how little things have changed.
I saw rumors and theories that KKKennedy (y'all sorry I keep calling her that but iykyk) meddled a LOT with The Mandalorian and Jon even threatened to quit, but at the end of the day the Mouse House has the final say and we're stuck with their decisions. I really don't know how the final numbers will look, how it'll affect their merch sales, and what it means for the future seasons of The Mandalorian. Maybe the hard pivot to redeem Bo-Katan for the bajillionth time will be the new cash cow or the canary in the coal mine (for The Mandalorian; I'm sure Ahsoka will be a hit no matter what). Maybe they gambled right or they've lost too many viewers who wanted Din and Grogu to be the heart and soul and center of this particular show. It's called The Mandalorian after all. If they want to claim that it could be any Mandalorian who's The Mandalorian of these season, then maybe Season 2 should've followed a different Mandalorian and established this before scamming us with Season 3. They were already trying that with TBOBF before having Din and Grogu steal the show.
But now that I've seen those rumors and theories, I could not fucking stop thinking about what happened when the ST was rolling out and when Rogue 1 and Solo came out. I could not stop thinking about the casting choices for Rey, Jyn, and Qi'ra, could not stop thinking about how white and brunette they were. I could not stop thinking about KKKennedy and others talking about how they wanted to bring more female fans to Star Wars, acting like Star Wars was exclusively a male space, which, what a fucking insult. I could not forget pictures of her wearing "The Force is Female" shirts and pushing this message so fucking hard that it would keep showing up in critical reviews of TLJ/TROS/ST as proof that Disney didn't know what it was doing.
Rey, Jyn, and Qi'ra were lucky to not have the kind of long history that Bo-Katan already had in the gffa by the time she made her live-action debut. It didn't take much to google her involvement in TCW and Rebels, and see what she'd done. I've seen commenters say she redeemed herself in Rebels by rallying the Mandalorians but are you sure about that? Are we still having trouble with writing redemption arcs after the fucking horrible one Disney put Kylo Ren through to the detriment of every other character not named Rey?
I wouldn't have minded Bo-Katan having greater involvement in Season 3 if she didn't basically take charge of not just the COTW but also the entire show. Watch out for the new merch of her with the Darksaber now. Probably the most we'll get out of Din is whatever happens to him in the season finale because Disney gotta make more money, amirite? Grogu got a new accessory so that Disney can sell new versions of him, so why not Din?
I truly envy the poeple who are having a good time or don't need to have these thoughts constantly in their heads while watching. I didn't have a good time and I can never turn those thoughts off. I don't have the luxury so I'm never shutting up about this.
ftr I unfollowed Okiro after the billionth time he called Din, Grogu, and Bo-Katan "Clan of Three". what the fuck had she done to earn equal footing?
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
I also heard recently that apparently Reylos made up all of their harrassment as a cover for their racism in not shipping Finn/Rey, and to be perfectly honest with you I think racism is not a fandom-specific issue but kind of a social issue where you aren't insulated from it based on what you do or don't ship? And shipping isn't political activism? I wouldn't be granted rhetorical immunity if I did, in fact, ship Finn/Rey, because I could equally be responsible for perpetuating racism in writing their dynamic (and in addition to that, romantic relationships are not free of sexism or racism; how does this immunity hold coherently at all?) and in fact, I don't like Finn/Rey because I don't like enjoy how it services their characters. If Boyega were cast as the main villain we'd be having a different conversation.
If you wanted to reckon specifically with the ST's racism, we can start with TFA where TFA refuses to expand upon Finn's psychological evolution and turns him into a sanitation worker as a fucking dramatic punchline at the end of the film, or is unceremoniously knocked out by Kylo so he can't do anything narratively? Or just being there for bathos-esque quips? No matter what you say about TLJ, Finn's epic confrontation with Phasma and the potential of a Stormtrooper rebellion is there, and instead in TROS it's turned into... some people are just born right and others deserve to be Stormtroopers. *shrug*
That is not a fucking Reylo problem. That is, in the first place, teasing Finn as the 'main' character and then doing a reversal with Rey, and choosing to focus a new Star Wars series on the Skywalkers again. A Black Jedi with his own original story not contingent upon white legacy characters could've worked but by design it was not made so, and then they erased his character from Chinese marketing anyway. That should tell you were D/isney's priorities lie. If they actually had any gumption that is what they would've done following the ST to mop up what they did with Finn and actually got onboard original storytellers who were not looking to rehash nostalgiabait.
I'm particularly sore about this because I don't enjoy the implication that racism is a fandom-specific issue or that fandom is where the conversation starts and ends, or not that on some level these commercial productions with millions of dollars behind them influence the conversation. Or that there is a competition of socially-minded interests. Or that if we got rid of the Bad Shipping fandoms we would only have the Good Ones left with no problems forever. That's not how it works.
But inventing harrassment is an interesting accusation. We're just outright accusing each other of making up our experiences now? We're allowed to do that? I've never been 'in' the mainstream Reylo fandom enough and if there were evidence of Reylos behaving badly or, in the case of this context, being racist, I'd take it seriously as much as I can and challenge it, but I'm not sure what other authority I do have in intercommunity politics. Fandom doesn't work like that. There is only so much you can do. But accusing us of making up our experiences when I know that I personally keep to myself because of it is a new one.
I don't want to tell you the things I've seen or experienced myself in the Reylo fandom. Sure, the ceaseless crossfandom stuff is bullshit, but anti-Reylos are probably people I wouldn't get along with anyway and people can draw boundaries as they see fit. There are a bunch of ships and fandoms I don't want much to do with. I don't even think that anti-Reylos themselves are uniquely -ist in whatever given way; they probably just enjoy the opportunity to be sexist or racist or anti-Semitic against someone they think deserves it (and it always comes out when the opponent is sufficiently Of the Wrong Sort).
I think it is extremely dangerous to treat activism as a performative endeavour where I ship the right ships and interact with the text in the way I have been mandated to. Because it doesn't actually insulate me from racist behaviour or beliefs. I think it is true that there are times this notably happens, but equally, is shipping Finn/Poe alongside Rey/Kylo a way to mitigate this? How do we square it out?
I think this conversation with Reylo is probably over. Reylo's online legacy is always going to be mixed at best. But I don't think the anti-racist conversation begins or ends with it.
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i-restuff · 10 months
Omg, I just thought ab sm for the new mutant mayhem movie!
A lot of ppl are saying how mondo gecko is so cool and that he gets really great w mikey! (which we can see in a lot of clips)
What if the whole group that mondo gecko is in betrayes the turtles?(I forgot the name of the group-)
I mean, from what I've seen in clips; it's not a bad guess to think that humans find out about the turtles
But, I've figured something out; yk how in earlier versions of tmnt mikey would get betrayed by mondo (I'm not sure is it in every version but I know for sure in the 87' version and 2012 version)
Idk, I just thought ab mikeys and mondos relationships tro times and realized that Lil connection
What do you think about my theory?
sorry for the late reply. possible spoilers below.
ohh, that's a great take!
okok here's mine. before that, I blame the marketing people for this movie since they pretty much spoiled some parts.
you're probably right about Mondo betraying the turtles or at least standing on a different side from them, considering his association with Superfly.
the promos clearly show a big monster attacking the city, suggesting that Superfly might have been double-mutated. but In another promo, Mondo and the rest of the mutants (excluding Superfly) are seen teaming up.
so, my guess is that Mondo probably did betray the turtles at some point but changed his mind since he didn't like whatever Superfly's motive is.
maybe. can't wait to find out.
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frumfrumfroo · 5 months
(Sorry if I am belabouring the point, so feel free to ignore this ask) no yeah I'm definitely the same way and you're never wrong for having personal reasons not getting into something immediately - I think some of the fandom anxiety comes from the fact that things get cancelled so quickly without sufficient viewership (or even with sufficient viewership, which is a whole other nut). It puts a weird amount of onus of a show's success on the fandom, which is even stranger in the time of broken trust and active resentment of audiences/audience engagement with a text/trying to 'outsmart' us. But ultimately there is something severely rotting at the root that I don't think we have any control over.
And yeah the popular perception of TD season 1 is that it's grimdark because its protagonist is deeply wounded and many a fanboy is butthurt about its celebration of redemption. It's an incredibly, incredibly dark show, and so that tragic beginning is hard for a lot of people to get past, I think, when it's not the final conclusive thematic remark*. I would say that Dark is similar to this if you want an idea of the tone. Somehow we have ended up where the children's modern day fairytale is grimdark and nihilistic and shows inured in tragedy are idealistic and redemptive.
Anyway, very thankful for your blog in keeping me sane in the time of psychedelic narrative rules, and being Principled, because sometimes I feel like a stick in the mud lol.
And the asterisk is there up above because I have heard this exact description of a popular book series (A Song of Ice and Fire) and I disagree with this conclusion, partly because the series is unfinished, partly because I think the fanbase on Tumblr is overly optimistic, and also because TD has an absolute conclusion which is idealistic. So I just want to note this so it doesn't seem like I'm misrepresenting or overstating the show lololol.
It's also extremely unsavoury the way big name fans and the former twitter cabal, wherever that hangs out now, will take advantage of this anxiety and use it as a bludgeon to make a captive audience feel like they have some 'duty' to support the financial success of giant evil corporations. Giving Disney more money and bullying people for not giving Disney more money is not a moral victory, I think we should all be able to agree. Abusing calls to support artists by co-opting them into the service of mindless consumption of branded refuse is fairly repugnant. Saying 'vote with your dollars' between a choice of Disney Extruded Movie Product A, B, or C is both hilarious and sad.
eg: that tie-in comic, I think it was the TLJ one? The one with the terrible art. It's a commissioned product, the artist was paid once and as little as possible to create it for solely marketing purposes. Applying fandom etiquette to it or saying it should not be criticised because of high turnover times is frankly fucking ridiculous. It's a professional commissioned product they were selling for profit. They had all the time and all the money in the world, there's no excuse for it to be awful and absolutely no one should have felt obligated to buy it or keep quiet about how bad it was. Maybe the artist could have done better under better working conditions, but that doesn't make the actual product we're being asked to purchase acceptable. Giving Disney your money is not going to improve those conditions and it's not going to help that artist.
The same with the tros defenders saying they tried therefore you can't criticise them. A) they did not try B) this was not a sincere piece of art and pretending otherwise is just insulting and C) it's a corporate product made by a near-monopoly who employed alleged professionals. Nothing could possibly be more fair game for harsh criticism.
Ultimately putting this onus on fandom of you must throw your money away on this thing or be a free shill for this brand or maybe they'll stop throwing us any crumbs... like it's debasement. Given all the many recent examples of how public support doesn't matter unless it's that first weekend a show drops on a streaming platform or the opening box office, how being the 'wrong' audience makes you irrelevant no matter how many of you there are, how even very successful shows are dropped after two seasons because producers don't want to pay actors, etc. etc. it's even more silly. We should be demanding better, not propping up this nonsense. Creative people are being profoundly fucked over by this system and are often still fucked even if they make something successful.
If people want to support artists, buy independent and small label media. Go see original, mid-budget movies at the cinema (if you live in a city where you have any chance of one playing, that is).
And see, I have no problem with darkness, angst, and tragedy if I know it's going somewhere positive. Having to really go through it can make the journey and the ultimate conclusion feel even more rewarding. As long as it's not angst for angst's sake, but is doing something meaningful and necessary, it only enriches the hope at the foundation of redemption or recovery stories.
Idealism is brave, challenging, and requires sincerity. When the modern fairy tales are being produced in cynicism and by committee to meet a quota for the shareholders...
Thank-you ❤️
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tuvanmarketingtongthe · 7 months
AB testing Facebook là gì? Đóng vai trò gì trong marketing?
AB testing Facebook là gì? Liệu có cần thiết để triển khai trong chiến dịch marketing? AB testing Facebook (A/B Testing Facebook) là một công cụ quan trọng trong lĩnh vực tiếp thị trực tuyến, giúp các doanh nghiệp đo lường và tối ưu hóa hiệu suất của các chiến dịch quảng cáo trên Facebook. Chỉ với một chút hiểu biết về cách thực hiện AB testing trên Facebook, bạn có thể tạo ra các chiến dịch marketing hiệu quả hơn và tăng khả năng thành công trong kết nối với khách hàng.
Xem thêm: https://tinhte.vn/thread/ab-testing-facebook-la-gi-dong-vai-tro-gi-trong-marketing.3736630/
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quillsmora · 1 year
Hopefully it's okay to ask you a question because I'm wondering do you know why Gamora hasn't been included in the vol 3 merch? I ran across some stuff a while ago and when she wasn't included I assumed it was just a one off incident. But I just ran across some other merch and she's still absent. So I'm not sure if they are waiting for the movie to create merch for her or what
Firstly, it's always okay to ask me questions about this stuff! I love talking about film marketing (I did study this stuff for 2 years after all). Always feel free to send me asks about anything!
As for your question here's my honest answer: I'm not entirely sure. There are a few logical conclusions though.
Spoilers. Historically the first wave of MCU merch is very clean when it comes to the events of the movie, only featuring characters we know will be in it and vague aesthetics that align with the plot. So far the main advertisements and merch for Vol 3 have featured the Guardians in their comic-accurate group suits, which we haven't seen Gamora in. She might end up getting that suit in the movie, but we have no idea and that would be a major spoiler, so it's easier to leave her out of cereal box promotions and toy box art to keep that unified aesthetic.
Along the same lines as spoilers but deserving of their own point is the LEGO sets. LEGO sets are 50/50 when it comes to being accurate to the events of the movie because again, spoilers. The Endgame sets they released to go along with the movie had absolutely nothing to do with the actual plot because sets get leaked so often and Disney didn't want the plot of their biggest superhero movie ever to be ruined. The Wakanda Forever and Multiverse of Madness sets were also pretty vague if I remember correctly. It's easiest to leave Gamora out of sets like the Guardians HQ or the Bowie because while she might actually be in those scenes, we won't know until the movie comes out (we can assume she'll be on the Bowie at one point based on that shot of her pulling out a knife but it's not official). Since the LEGO sets and toy lines release weeks before the movies, it's again easier to exclude Gamora from these first waves of merch.
The historically bad representation of Gamora on merch already. Outside of figures like Funko Pops and Marvel Legends, it's always been nearly impossible to find officially licensed merch of just Gamora, especially cute good looking merch. This has also been an issue with most of the MCU's female heroes but it's definitely gotten better these past few years. Unfortunately due to Gamora's role in Vol 3 being pretty secretive, that positive change doesn't get to apply to her this first wave.
So basically TL;DR, don't stress about this too much. We're still 2 months out from the movie's release and a month away from promo and press starting. Yes, it sucks that so far Gamora isn't being featured in anything outside of posters and trailers, and yes it's valid to be upset and frustrated with that. But remember that there's still a whole other wave of merch to come after the movie's release, and Zoe Saldaña is still second-billed. She and Chris Pratt were the last two (humans) to wrap the movie. James Gunn wouldn't have brought Gamora back if he didn't want to. If you're still feeling uneasy or worried (which I totally get!) @enigma731 has some great posts about why Gamora will be fine.
Sorry this is so damn long, I kinda got carried away lol. But yeah I do wish there was at least like a Funko Pop or something and find it ridiculous that Kraglin of all people is getting more merch than the female lead, but I'm personally not getting too worried right now because we still have two months until the movie. It's not looking completely terrible right now. (Trust me, I was a Star Wars sequels stan during 2019 TROS press. That movie's plot was leaked via an official German Burger King ad. If it ever gets that bad for Vol 3 you will definitely hear about it from me lol).
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deafblindshorty · 1 year
Watched Moon Knight for the 60th time
I noticed some similarities the Moon Knight system has with both Poe and Rey from Star Wars.
Let's start with Marc and Poe:
-Both Poe and Marc ran away from home at 16/17 (Marc was WAY more justified, but still)
-Both joined shady groups (Poe, the Spice Runners of Kijimi, Marc, Bushman's mercenary gang)
-Both were left for dead in a desert
-Both have a high kill count (but so do a lot of fictional characters, actually...)
-Both went on "fetch quests" and ended up losing the thing they were questing for (The map to Skywalker in TFA and the Wayfinder in TROS/the scarab leading to Ammit's tomb)
-Both have similar witty banter ("So who talks first?"/"What are dancin'? We fightin'? What are we doin'?")
-Both are badass drivers (Well, pilot in Poe's case)
-Both kept secrets from their friends because they were ashamed of it.
-Both have issues with jealousy (Poe with Zorii in Free Fall, BB-8 and Leia in the ST [Rey "stole" his droid and his mentor]/Marc with Layla)
-A little dark, but... both were indirectly responsible for the death of a family member (Poe ran away from home, his father, Kes tracked him down and he ended up bitten by a poisonous alien creature. We still don't know if he's alive, but still... And Marc brought his brother into a rainy cave where he drowned)
-Both tried to rescue prisoners of their respective gangs, but were sliced up/shot (Poe in Free Fall, Marc in his backstory)
-Both tried and failed to convince their respective higher powers of threats (Poe tried to convince the New Republic that the First Order is a threat, Marc tried to convince the Egyptian Ennead that Harrow is trying to release Ammit)
-Their love interests (Past love interest in Poe's case) have a family friend who is a bit on the criminal side (Layla has Lagardo who is a forger, Zorii has Babu Frik who is a black market droidsmith)
Poe and Steven:
-Both dealt with a bad boss (Holdo/Donna)
-Both kept messing up their comrade's respective missions because they weren't told everything
-Both...ah...were "mind raped" by their respective villains (Well, Poe was. Steven's scales were read by Harrow)
-Then Steven was kidnapped and questioned about the MacGuffin by the same villain like Poe was
I don't know enough about Jake to make any similarities.
Poe even has a few things in common with Layla:
-They both want to follow in their late parents' footsteps (Rebel pilot/archeologist)
-Both were calm and helpful when their friends couldn't figure out an escape plan (Steven in Summon the Suit when they barracaded themselves in a room in Harrow's cult lair/Rey in the short story Through the Turbulence in Stories of Jedi and Sith)
-Both made badass rescues of their friends from the bad guys (Layla in Summon the Suit, Poe in TROS)
-Both made friends with (Well, I assume Marc and Layla were friends before they got married) people who have ties with people responsible for their parents' death (Marc worked for Bushman who killed Layla's father. Rey (who hadn't even been born yet, but still) was Palpatine's granddaughter. Poe's mom fought the Empire as a pilot. She eventually developed bloodburn and died of it)
-Both went to their old shady friends for help against the big bad which ended badly (Layla reached out to Mogart, an artifact thief which lead to an all-out battle. Poe reached out to Zorii, which lead to her wanting to turn Rey in to the First Order for a bounty, then her planet was destroyed.)
Rey and Marc:
-Both wear white hoods (Marc's Moon Knight suit, Rey's outfit in TROS)
-Really minor, but, both caught red pieces of fabrics and had shocked looks on their faces (Rey caught a marker ribbon and was suddenly struck by a vision, the teen cultist Marc was holding over a ledge cut his scarf that Marc was holding and threw himself off).
-Both had connections with people they hate, but they eventually helped them. (Rey had a dyad connection with Kylo/Marc was Khonshu's avatar)
-Both have secrets they're ashamed of (Marc blames himself for his brother's death and his mother abused him, Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter)
-Both ran out on their friends because of their shameful past and because their mother-figure died (Marc ran out on Layla and Frenchie because of Khonshu after his mother died, Rey left her friends because she's a Palpatine after Leia her mother figure dies)
-They were killed by evil cult leaders (Harrow shoots Marc dead and Rey defends herself against Palpatine and is killed)
-Both returned to life and healed with help from people they hated and had connections to (Khonshu healed Marc when he returned to life, Ben gave up his life force for Rey)
-Both engage in a beam-of-war with evil cult leaders (Rey deflected Palpatine's lightning with by crossing two lightsabers, Marc deflected Harrow's...uh...beam with his arms crossed.)
-While engaged in battle, their friends rush to help, but they both push their friends back (Finn rushes to help Rey while she's fighting with Kylo but Rey force-pushes him back/Layla rushes to help Marc with his beam-of-war with Harrow, but Marc pins her to an overturned car with one of his crescent darts)
-Both have golden weapons (Marc's crescent darts, Rey's golden yellow lightsaber, which she didn't get until the end of TROS, but still)
-Palpatine drained most of Rey's life force which was painful for her, Harrow starts to disintegrate Marc, which was painful for him.
-Both were forced to face their pasts by their enemies (Marc by Dr. Harrow and Rey by Kylo)
-Both looked helplessly up at the losing battle (Marc looked helplessly at Ammit defeating Khonshu and Layla under fire. Rey looked helpless at Palptatine shooting lightning at the Resistance fleet)
-Both have a surprising twist at the end having to do with a new name ("Meet my friend, Jake Lockley." (Marc's third alter), "Rey Skywalker.")
Rey and Steven:
-We see their daily routines when we first meet them.
-They have friendless backgrounds
-They have bad bosses
-Their lives were upended and they were dragged into the main conflict
-They stole a vehicle and were chased by the bad guys (and the owners of said vehicles run after them yelling "That's mine!")
-Companions of one of their co-leads find them (BB-8/Layla)
-They have connections with someone they hate (Kylo Ren/Marc)
-They cope by pretending (Steven pretends his mother is alive and they have a good relationship/Rey pretends that her parents are still alive and are coming back to her)
-They are both frozen at one point (Rey was frozen in place by Kylo, Steven was frozen in sand)
-They are both kidnapped and interrogated about the MacGuffin (Rey and the map to Skywalker and Steven and the scarab)
-They are both encouraged to use their respective powers, but can't (Poe encourages Rey to use the force when she had trouble accessing it in Through the Turbulence, Steven... well, Layla think's he's Marc, still, but she encourages him to summon the suit.
-They both use their friends' advice to channel their skills to help said friend who's in danger. (Rey takes Poe's advice to channel the force to save him from giant aliens in Through the Turbulence, and Steven channels Marc's skills in order to save him from the dead in the Duat)
-They both figure out how to get to the MacGuffin by studying ancient text (Rey with the ancient Jedi text and Steven with his Egyptology books)
-Both have arguments with their co-leads (Steven and Marc and Rey and Poe)
-"Huh. I like this." (Said by Steven in Summon the Suit)/"Whoo! I like this!" (Said by Rey in The Last Jedi)
-They were both killed by an evil cult leader (Rey by Palpatine [sort of] and Steven by Harrow)
-Their co-leads get mad at them for "Stealing" their companions (Poe is mad Rey stole BB-8 [in Through the Turbulence], Marc is mad at Steven for kissing his wife)
-They are both forced to face the truth about their pasts (Rey by Kylo and Steven by Harrow)
-They learn horrible truths about their families (Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter and Steven's mother was abusive to Marc)
-They both accept their connection with the person they hate and fight side-by-side with them. (Rey accepts her dyad connection with Ben and force-transfers a lightsaber to Ben and Steven accepts he's an alter and fights alongside Marc switching out occasionally)
-They are both "very British" (They have British accents and all)
-Both their journeys came full circle (Rey slides down a sand hill on a desert planet, Steven wakes up to "A Man Without Love" playing.)
-There's a twist that has to do with their name ("Rey Skywalker"/"Jake Lockley" (Steven's third alter))
Finn and Marc:
-Both rescued prisoners from their respective evil gangs (Poe from the First Order, the archeologists from Bushman) and they ended up dead (Poe was thought to be dead)
Finn and Steven:
-Both dealt with mean girl bosses (Phasma and Donna)
-Both tried to get away from their co-leads' mission (Steven tried to run from the Scarab mission and Finn tried to run from the Resistance)
-Both developed a strong attachment to their female leads (Finn and Rey/Steven and Layla)
-Both lose their trust in their companion because he kept a dark secret from him about their criminal past. (Steven doesn't trust Marc because of his mercenary past and he slightly mocks him about the room full of dead people being Marc's room. Finn mocks Poe about his spice runner past)
Finn and Layla:
-They both rushed after their friend to help them in battle but were forced away by them (Finn goes after Rey who was fighting Kylo, but Rey force-pushes him away. Layla rushes to help Marc when he was fighting Harrow, but Marc pins her against an overturned car with his crescent darts)
-They're both extremely protective of their friends (husband in Layla's case)
-They channel the same power their love interest/friend has and it helps them win the day. (Layla accepts being Taweret's avatar, Finn uses the Force)
Whoo! That was long and took half the day!
There was also a C-3PO vibe from Steven ("Oh. Sorry." Said when he fronted as Mr. Knight during the battle at Mogart's in ep3) and a K-2SO vibe from Marc ("Doesn't sound bad to me.")
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stellanslashgeode · 1 year
I kind of want to write a fic about an heirloom being passed down to various Mirialans. Starts with Ady Sun'Zee, down to Vernestra Rwoh, to Katri, tro Cyslin Myr, to Luminara Unduli, to Barriss Offee. Then it gets looted taken from the temple by the Seveth Sister, she loses it to Keo Vensee, and later Maize Raynshi finds it. It gets passed around though various markets until Synara San runs across it.
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taseric · 1 year
If Disney ever touch SWTOR (they obviously won't) I'll be interested to see how they'd even start to try fitting Valkorion and the Eternal Empire and Iokath into the current canon. I think it'd be funny to see them try.
Seriously though, nothing will come of this. Revan will appear. Shae might be name-dropped. I doubt they'll start retconning niche swtor characters. Disney are obviously going to go after the surface level fan-service stuff about Revan and the Mandalorians for Filoni's "mandoverse". And what are they gonna do? Somehow make Revan less interesting than SWTOR did? I'd like to see them try /s.
As for any "adaptations" or "remakes" or whatever, I don't really mind as long as 1. Filoni stays away from it, and 2. The game itself still continues. They can do whatever they want as long as Bioware can keep making foolhardy narrative decisions with their beloved 11 year old game.
At worst, I think the game will probably be rebranded. I doubt having a game just called "Star Wars: The Old Republic" is helpful for marketing, and it's not like they can just slap on a 'Legends' sticker and be done with it.
So overall, I was a bit concerned this would mean that the game has to be shut down or something, but recent updates have made it clear they definitely don't plan on doing that, so I'm not worried.
Also the other star wars celebration stuff was alright. nothing too special. the shows look decent. the post-tros film seems cool. there wasn't much andor news and i don't remember seeing anything about any new novels so this Old Republic news is the only actually notable thing that happened lol
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lesfoteses · 1 year
La puta tos
11 de gener del 2023
L'instint assassí també pot sortir-me al teatre. Ahir, hores després de quedar-me tancada a l'ascensor, vaig anar amb el Marc a La Villarroel a veure 'Ragazzo', un monòleg que interpreta l'Oriol Pla. Fa un paper sensacional i crec que és una obra que val molt la pena sobre l'activista italià Carlo Giuliani, assassinat a tiros per la policia a Via Tolemaide de Gènova, l'any 2001.
Qui no va fer un paper sensacional va ser el Marc, que quasi em fa emprenyar perquè va arribar passades les 20h al teatre, quan en teoria començava l'obra. Per sort això no és ni Alemanya ni el Japó: som a Barcelona i aquí no som tan puntuals. A mi m'encanta la gent puntual, crec que és la meva virtut preferida.
Com deia, el Marc va arribar abans de començar l'obra, per tant, finalment no va caldre que m'emprenyés pel seu retràs. El que no ens esperàvem és el que passaria a continuació: comença l'obra, primer fosc… Una dona files darrere nostre tus. No em vaig immutar, però sí fixar-m'hi, pensant "ai, aquesta, a veure si ara està malalta i ens donarà la turra tota l'obra amb la seva tos". No m'equivocava massa: NO NOMÉS ella tenia tos, 30 segons després, un home de segona fila tus. Però no és tos de malaltia aquest cop, és carraspera, allò que rasca el coll en dos tempos, com si el paio hagués de parlar (? wtf ets al teatre, no has de parlar) i s'esclarís la veu. L'Oriol Pla no s'havia aixecat del llit -literalment l'obra comença amb ell al llit-, que una tercera persona també fa la carraspera. Ja està. En aquell moment vaig veure clar que el públic que m'havia tocat no sabia que era al teatre sinó que es pensava que era una jam session de la tos i que tothom hi podia participar. No van parar en tota l'obra de tossir. Que si el tio de davant, la tia de darrera, la senyora de més enllà, MARE MEVA. Si estigués pirada, m'hagués aixecat de la cadira i hagués cridat "a la de 3 tossiu tots a la vegada i JA NO TORNEU A TOSSIR MÉS EN TOTA L'OBRA". O hauria escanyat l’home de dues files endavant, cridant "para de tossiiiiiir que no sentim res" mentre els meus peus haguessin quedat a la falda de la noia la fila del darrere i li hagués tacat el jersei blanc que ens il·luminava a tots, amb les meves vambes. Potser hagués acabat a Twitter fent això. O pitjor, a l'En Blau. Per sort no estic pirada.
Total que avui, per coses de la vida (mentida, per coses laborals) he anat a l'Antiga Fàbrica Damm al photocall que munten dels nominats i nominades dels premis Gaudí, que seran el diumenge 22. Total, que qui hi havia? Efectivament, Oriol Pla. I m'hi he acostat i li he preguntat: "escolta, tu eres conscient ahir a 'Ragazzo' de la quantitat de gent amb pulmonia que hi havia? No paraven de tossir". I m'ha confirmat que sí, i que "és tot un tema això de la tos, però crec que la majoria de cops és la tos nerviosa quan hi ha silencis". Doncs mira, si és així -que segurament sí perquè qui deu tenir més experiència amb la puta tos de la penya afortunadament no soc jo-, crec que hi ha individus d'aquesta societat que tenen una feina pendent que és aprendre a interactuar en el silenci. I arribar puntuals als llocs, també, ja que hi som.
Com deia, he estat a la Damm. La Damm és un espai meravellós que sempre m'ha agradat molt, i no per la birra (que és la meva preferida entre les poques cerveses que tolero). A la Damm hi ha cerveses per tot arreu, però per tot arreu. Els que fan la newsletter deuen somiar en cerveses. Està plena de cerveses l'entrada, la sortida i també el lavabo. Et rentes les mans després de fer caca al costat d’Estrelles selectes que no estan a la venda. Hi ha fins i tot samarretes de cerveses allà exposades amb les ampolles. Marketing. Bueno, total, que he entrat a fer pipí i mentre estava pixant he sentit que entrava algú i que tan bon punt es posava a pixar, patapam. Un tro, uau, quin pet s'ha tirat la pájara aquesta. M'he tapat la boca per no riure perquè el que em pensava que era només un pet ha acabat sent un fusil de asalto M4 i vinga metralleta. M'he espantat i tot. He pensat "Pobra, es pensa que està sola". I res, que per pudor -mai millor dit- m'he quedat més estona de rigor per esperar que sortís i així no havíem de creuar mirades. Quina vergonya. Ara deu dormir pensant que ningú l'ha sentit fer caca a la Damm, però filla, t'equivoques.
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
I also think that the recent enemyships (female heroine/male villain) in big media are a direct product of studio response to the popularity of Reylo, whilst entirely missing the point of Reylo. That's why the 'cautionary tale' has had a resurgence. Yeah we want a heroine because of the marketing demographics, okay do what they did with the big Star Wars films. Easy money right?
It is probably as mercenary as that. When TROS did poorly with the critics, apparently Bob Iger's remark was 'I guess people don't like Star Wars anymore'. The takeaway at D/isney was that the Sequel Trilogy failed, not that there were issues with the rushed production or catering to an actual fringe, grossly misogynistic and racist fanbase and forcing out a tepid, noncommital and soulless product, so they walked it back to appealing to the Original Trilogy rehash as much as possible with future iterations of the IP. Because they are literally that facile and stupid. The fantasy of the supersmart big suits is just that: the fantasy of the divine right of kings.
To be totally fair, cautionary tale!Reylo was probably the original vision of TFA if there were one at all and definitely the direction they decided to take with TROS up until Ben's redemption (whilst missing how it broke the Luke-Vader analogue or the Anakin/Padmé redemption), but we also know that the intention was not to decisively redeem Kylo Ren from the first film and it was mostly something Adam Driver acted against and the film ended up being much more sympathetic. TLJ changed that and was more sincere and thoughtful lol. This is an interesting example because of the conflicting vision - or lack thereof - and the mixed message of TROS (Ben Solo good... but he has to die).
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okvipclub · 2 months
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floridablog · 2 months
Cases on OBLICON Article 1156
Makati Stock Exchange vs. Campos
A complaint states a cause of action where it contains three essential elements of a cause of action, namely: (1) the legal right of the plaintiff, (2) the correlative obligation of the defendant, and (3) the act or omission of the defendant in violation of said legal right. If these elements are absent, the complaint becomes vulnerable to dismissal on the ground of failure to state a cause of action.
The Petition in SEC Case No. 02-94-4678, although asserts a right of Campos and a correlative obligation of MKSE, failed to lay down the source of the obligation of MKSE or the basis of Campos’s right. The petition merely quoted the MKSE Resolution, but nothing in the said Petition from which the Court can deduce that Campos was granted by law, contract, or any other legal source, the right to subscribe to the IPOs of corporations listed in the stock market at their offering prices.
Campos instituted SEC Case No. 02-94-4678 with the Securities, Investigation and Clearing Department (SICD) of the Securities and Exchange Commission, a petition against Makati Stock Exchange, Inc., and its directors. The petition sought, among others, the nullification of a Resolution dated June 3, 1993 of the MKSE Board of Directors, which allegedly deprived him of his right to participate equally in the allocation of Initial Public Offerings (IPO) of corporations registered with MKSE. The SICD issued a TRO and a Writ of Preliminary Injunction to enjoin MKSE from enforcing the Resolution. MKSE appealed the case to the SEC en banc for its failure to state a cause of action. SEC-EB reversed all of SICD’s orders. Campos then filed a Petition for Certiorari before the CA and it annulled SEC-EB’s decisions.
Whether or not SEC Case No. 02-94-4678 sufficiently states a cause of action.
No. The petition filed by Campos should be dismissed for failure to state a cause of action. A cause of action is the act or omission by which a party violates a right of another. A complaint states a cause of action where it contains three essential elements of a cause of action, namely: (1) the legal right of the plaintiff, (2) the correlative obligation of the defendant, and (3) the act or omission of the defendant in violation of said legal right. If these elements are absent, the complaint becomes vulnerable to dismissal on the ground of failure to state a cause of action.
Petition in SEC Case No. 02-94-4678 asserts a right in favor of respondent: Campos’s alleged right to subscribe to the IPOs of corporations listed in the stock market at their offering prices; and stipulates the correlative obligation of petitioners to respect respondent’s right by continuing to allow respondent to subscribe to the IPOs of corporations listed in the stock market at their offering prices.
Although the Petition in SEC Case No. 02-94-4678 does allege a right and an obligation, it utterly failed to lay down the source or basis of respondent’s right and/or petitioners’ obligation. Campos merely quoted in his Petition the MKSE Board Resolution granting him the position of Chairman Emeritus of MKSE for life. However, there is nothing in the said Petition from which the Court can deduce that Campos was granted by law, contract, or any other legal source, the right to subscribe to the IPOs of corporations listed in the stock market at their offering prices.
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feed-me-romance · 2 months
Feed Me Romance's Origin Story
This past Christmas, I was giddy with delight when I was gifted a grocery bag full of romance novels. We're talking full on 1980's mass-market paperback novels with Fabio on the cover and slightly suggestive titles. GIDDY, I tell you.
I posted a picture of my gift onto the socials, and I was immediately flooded with all kinds of friends talking about the first time they got their hands on a romance novel. Almost every person talked about their grandma, which warmed my heart.
My sweet Grandma Lorraine was the first one to introduce me to romance novels. Lorraine loved herself a Danielle Steel novel. She'd re-check the same ones out of the library and read them over and over again, waiting for a new one to be released every six months or so. I always tried to suggest other book or authors, but Lorraine resisted. "I like the steamy parts!" she once confided in me. The first Danielle Steel I got my hands on was No Greater Love, which was catnip to eleven year old girls, because it was about the Titanic. This was well before Jack and Rose, but the Titanic has always belonged to middle and high school girls for some elusive reason.
No Greater Love was my gateway novel. In between Stephen King novels (it was the 90's. No one cared enough to police children's reading), I'd pick up Star or Daddy, or Kaleidoscope. The fact I can still remember the names of these books, but can't remember when my kid needs to go to the dentist should tell you something. I loved these books because the women were always stunningly beautiful, men couldn't stop staring at them, and despite a brief and predictable hardship, these women usually went on to live happily ever after. To a skinny kid with big glasses and pants that never fit right, I couldn't wait to become a woman men couldn't stop staring at. Spoiler: it never happened. But that's okay, I've survived being the snarky girl men can't stop laughing with.
But that's why we read these books! When 50 Shades of Grey first came out, I was a tired mom and wife, grinding in an unfulfilling job that required me to visit at least one jail or state correctional facility a week. I hated my life. I escaped into 50 Shades dreaming about how amazing it would be to have a man take care of all my life decisions: everything from my clothes to my car to my career. A man like Christian Grey sounded like an absolute dream. Now, at forty-three if I were to meet a man like Christian, I'd take out a TRO. Bitch, leave me alone and let me live my life!! But sometimes those books hit us at the right time and provide just the right level of fantasy. It's all about the fantasy and the escape.
Several months have gone by, and the bag of books has a layer of dust on it. Last night I plucked the first book out of the bag, and I'm reading it. This will be the place I review these ridiculous books (as well as some contemporary favorites), and create a community for romance readers (closet or not). So hit the follow button, and stay tuned for some cheesy escape.
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