#trimax vol 8
eilwen · 10 months
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And they say romance is dead.
Joking aside, Vol. 8 further solidifies my appreciation for Meryl.
Hopefully I can put my long-winded thoughts into concise words when it comes to writing women/female characters and why I loved Meryl in the manga even when she's absent for a chunk it from Vol. 7 onward.
Good 'women/female writing', to me, is not just having more lines, more screen presence or more visibility because you can easily write a character that ticks all of those boxes and still be a shell, still be poorly written, still be misused and still fall into numerous stereotypes. Though we are seeing more female characters onscreen/on paper these days, there are still traps of 'women written by men usually for men or what they think a woman wants' with some variations (and of course some women can also find difficulty in writing women). Then there are times when women characters who are so incredible or powerful, they come off as unbelievable, as if writing a woman character is sometimes treated similarly to handling glass. Some writers are afraid to write women well, believing that it’s 'safer' to have the character be amazing and flawless than forgotten or absent (which can be problematic in a different way).
I love manga-Meryl because I know Meryl's arc, faults, growth, struggles etc.... Nightow really puts her through the ringer. We don't see her much in the later volumes once things get heavy since she's not the series' protagonist, but we learn that she has a full journey post-Colnago. Eventually she, as a person who is not super-powered in the way other characters are, assists Vash in the best way she can.
Vash is a plant, the Humanoid Typhoon, all these other labels, but he calls himself a simple gunman. So, when Meryl is the one to make sure that he has a gun despite everything she had experienced... ah, I had a lot of feelings.
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Vol. 8, Ch. 3. ... God damn.
One of the best things Nightow did in Trimax was to write Meryl with doubt and fear and break her away from Vash in Vol. 6, because having a woman follow and care for a man blindly is frankly boring and adds little depth to a friendship or a relationship.
(This praise also extends to how Nightow writes Luida - but those are thoughts for some other time.)
I am also considering Meryl as one representation for humanity in Trigun Maximum's narrative. She is the ordinary person who has been unwillingly forced to witness devastation, destruction, loss etc. and is expected to continue after that. That is a difficult thing to overcome... and then to grapple with the idea of assisting that same force... I imagine that this is a very difficult responsibility. There are war films (good and bad films, from a range of nations) that touch on this theme of responsibility.
I'd like to think that real courage is understanding and overcoming a fear instead of having none.
And then in Vol. 8, Meryl does a small act. She asks someone else to help - something that Marlon later tells Vash to do (let his friends help him, I mean). Without grandeur. Kind of anti-epic. However, this small act is extraordinarily powerful because without that gun, Vash is unable to proceed.
We sometimes view power in such a black and white way when power can be asking someone else for help, trusting someone else, and not have it be about you.
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Vol. 8, Ch. 5. A Marlon panel is always a good panel.
I love how Nightow illustrates this. In these panels, Vash is hearing Marlon talk about a 'guest'. Marlon never mentions Meryl's name. We know it's Meryl because we know what the back of Meryl's head looks like (and her legs, haha) but Vash is not seeing what we are seeing.
And yet, Vash knows.
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gealachros · 10 months
Finished trimax 8 and 9 finally!!
Very glad to be caught up, it gotten a bit late so I'll make some posts about them later. They are really good volumes though.
I do love how much of an effect Vash has had on Wolfwood, its become very evident in these last couple volumes
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aritimena · 1 year
I’m stealing this from twitter but only because someone stated my thoughts exactly
yeah yeah, hospital yuri, yeah yeah couch scene why aren’t we talking about Vol. 8 vashwood? It’s like the best of both worlds, you’ve got Vol. 10 angst with none of the couch, you’ve got…some fluff…if you squint (<is delusional)
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memoriesintherain · 1 year
When Vash the Stampede says, I won’t say all humans are great. However, most of the time you don’t know the person you’re dealing with. But knowing their situation can change how you perceive their actions. The world keeps on turning whether you understand them or not. And when the humanoid typhoon says, If you shoot someone with a gun, they die. But if you don’t arm yourself, you can’t defend yourself. I’ll never kill anyone. And I’m willing to do whatever it takes so that doesn’t happen. I’ve done everything, anything I could - that is how I’ve lived my life. and when Meryl Stryfe asks, What’s going to happen, and the 60 billion double dollar man says, I don’t know, but one thing is for sure; whatever the response will be, it’ll determine everything. Whether it’s good or bad, doesn’t matter. What matters is that you communicate. That you understand the person next to you is breathing and existing, and you let there be love and peace in this world. And then after all of that and more, the whole story ends with Far from here, in a distant time and place, the song of humanity still sings.
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weirdcat1213 · 10 months
tonight is a "i hope stampede vash gets a happy ending" kind of night fellas
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guideaus · 1 year
Does any one else forget abt all the time skips in trigun's manga
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elvenroach · 11 months
fighting with myself because i have chapters i need to read for homework but also what if i read literally anything other then that
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atanerrum · 3 months
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trimax vol.8 cover art redraw ⛓️🪽
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Here’s all the links you’re going to need to begin reading the Trigun Ultimate Overhaul. There’s a link to the first post of every volume, as well as a link to downloading the entire volume at once. There is a link to downloading the entire series at once too.
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hashtagcaneven · 3 months
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Can you hear me? Needle noggin?
Original panel: Trimax Vol 8 Ch 3
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trigunbookclub · 10 months
#TrigunBookclub Week 10: Trimax Vol. 8
We'll be reading Trigun Maximum Vol. 8 between the dates of August 7th - August 13th. Feel free to keep chatting about previous volumes, just don’t post spoilers from future ones! As always, here's the schedule, ask tag, and general info if you need them :D
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pancake-breakfast · 10 months
One of the things that fascinates me about the counterattack on the ark in Chapters 3-4 of TriMax Vol. 8 is, best we can tell, it's not exactly a coordinated attack.
You have Luida and the people from Home timing their own attack to coincide with the attack from the Federation Military, but Home isn't exactly talking with the Federation. Whether that's because Knives already destroyed all communications or because Home wants to continue preserving their own isolation is anyone's guess, but the point is they don't have a Federation representative at their war table and they aren't sending a runner or anything the Federation's way. Their plan is just to show up at the right time and the right place.
Luida knows it's a gamble. She's taking it in hopes that Vash shows up, but it doesn't seem like she knows what's become of him. She suspects he's been captured and/or is somehow fighting Knives on his own and needs their help, but she doesn't know that. She's just hoping that, if they give this their best effort, they'll tip the scales in Vash's favor so he can take care of the rest.
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Except he can't.
He's being physically restrained, and seven months of constantly battling with Legato's telekinesis has left him drained and weary. Even as the ark comes under attack, Vash remains stuck in his little oubliette, unable to do anything to help. Luida's guessed much of the situation, but one thing she doesn't know is they need a man on the inside to actually get Vash free.
Enter Wolfwood.
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We don't have any real insight on how Wolfwood got on the ark at this point, so since the last place we saw him was fighting side-by-side (sort of) with Chapel and Livio, we kinda have to guess he's still working with the Eye of Michael, especially since those two are shown to be on the ark, as well.
But that begs the question: why did Wolfwood wait so long to make his move?
I think Wolfwood kind of answers that himself as he goes up against Legato.
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Wolfwood knows that, on any given day, Legato outmatches him, big time. If he's gonna go after Legato and have even the smallest chance of success, he's got to do it while he's worn down.
Maybe seven months seems a bit excessive, but Legato isn't Wolfwood's only concern here. Aside from the Eye of Michael and Chapel, specifically, trying to make sure Wolfwood falls fully back under their influence, Wolfwood also has to worry about Elandira, who's determined to see this through and outmatches him on a similar level to Legato. And then, of course, there's Knives, who could not only make mincemeat of him as soon as look at him, but has the kind of keen awareness that makes it extremely difficult for anyone to do anything in his general vicinity without him noticing.
What Wolfwood needs is an opportunity. He needs a moment where not only is Legato worn down, but all three of the parties with their eye on him are distracted with other things.
We don't really know what the Eye of Michael is up to before they show up to try and stop Wolfwood from escaping with Vash, but presumably they're a bit distracted by the sudden fire the ark is coming under. Elandira is also distracted by the attack, but it doesn't really become a focus for her until a fourth ally decides to make their move.
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The Plants. All Knives' sisters that he's been absorbing take this very moment--while Knives is trying to defend the ark--to hit him with another vision, one of all the humans they remember. There's a lot to take in with these people, but I want to focus on just one.
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This lady here. At first glance, it might seem like she's holding up a cloth of some kind, but if that's the case, why isn't the cloth bunched and draped where she's holding it? No, this woman is cleaning the glass on the plant bulb, and smiling as she does it.
The plants are bombarding Knives with all their good memories of humans.
This takes Knives down so effectively that Elandira goes from having a light bit of fun to having to compensate for the defense and offense Knives is no longer providing. She's good, but she's not as powerful as Knives, so she's a bit overtaxed trying to fill his role while he's out of commission.
And that's what clear's the path for Wolfwood to finally make his move.
It's difficult to say what exactly the Plants were thinking at this time. Their consciousness is a bit of a mystery to us as readers, and even to their brothers, who are the beings in the narrative that they are closest to. But I like to think they saw this opportunity to help their one brother and fight against the other, and they took it. It would explain why, when they showed their vision of the child and her mother thanking one of them, it was seen not only by Knives and Vash, but by Wolfwood.
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But the one thing that really gets me is how this uncoordinated counterattack just flies in the face of Knives' conclusion about humans in Chapter 2 of this same volume.
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Knives concludes that if the strain he's about to put on them just causes them to murder each other, then all they are good for is their own self-destruction. On the one hand, there's been a LOT of death because of what he's done, and a good chunk of it is absolutely due to human-on-human violence. But plenty of it is also due to exposure, with the bodies lying where they fell from exhaustion and heat and dehydration rather than due to infighting over what little was left.
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When an organized chunk of humanity actually gets an idea of what's going on (which is no small feat with their main source of communications destroyed), they don't decide to hoard resources or thin the population further. They decide to put themselves at risk against superior technology to do their best to defend those who are left.
The Federation Military had no way of knowing they had help on the way. They weren't planning for it or counting on it. Luida and the people from Home knew they risked their way of life and the continued preservation of their cryopods and their own resources if they helped, but they spent three months pulling every spare resource they could to build something that would help, and when they saw the opportunity to back up the Federation forces, they immediately decided to take it.
And Wolfwood... he probably could have lived out his days more simply (I hesitate to say "more easily," since there's nothing easy about what he does) if he'd just bowed his head and gone back to Eye of Michael. But he can't just leave Vash there, even if it's to save his own skin, even if chances of him making it out alive are slim.
When Knives takes away what slim resources humanity has, it absolutely causes more chaos and strife, but it also causes people to band together to do their best to look out for each other... for people they hold dear and for complete strangers they'll never meet. Knives expects it to only bring out the worst, but it also brings out the best.
It's that one thing Vash gets that his brother seems entirely incapable of seeing.
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eshtaresht · 4 months
Inside that cage you call a chest (M, 2.1k)
finally, some yuri! alas, the dove is dead
A tightness sits there. Something stops her chest from expanding all the way, threatens to throw her into hyperventilation if she’s not careful. _____ Day 3 - Lungs
Relationships: Meryl Stryfe/Milly Thompson, Meryl Stryfe & Milly Thompson
Characters: Milly Thompson, Meryl Stryfe
Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon Compliant, set between vol 7 and 8 of trimax, so uhh... Bad Times, Body Horror, Blood, Gore, Cannibalism, Established Relationship, sorry fellas no girl on girl cannibalism here, just the uncool kind, Trauma, Crying, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
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nepentheisms · 11 months
Time to start a tally for bookclub.
The way this page from TriMax Volume 1 uses the right to left sequencing of panels to suggest a crucifixion really stands out to me. It creates such a particular rhythm in my mind when I imagine how it would play out in a moving audiovisual adaptation. The closeup shot on Vash's face with his hand resting palm-up on his head transitioning to the more wide angle view of him lying down and then an abrupt cut to the coffin maker driving a nail into the wood punctuated by the sound of the hammer hitting the nail.
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And Vash gets literally stabbed in the hand quite a few times after this, so I decided I'm going to make a running tally of all of Vash's crucifixion-adjacent injuries. 😅 Sorry beloved fictional man, your evocative Jesus-y pain is too compelling.
I debated a lot over whether to include gunshot injuries, and I settled on yes though I do think at least one of them may be a bit of a stretch.
So far I have:
Trigun Vol 2, Chp 8 - Vash shoots himself through the legs to get to Knives. Some of the bullets hit him in the ankles.
TriMax Vol 3, Chp 5 - Leonof's puppet pierces his wrist with a lance to force him to let go of the strings.
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3. TriMax Vol 3, Chp 7 - Vash uses his prosthetic left hand as a shield.
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4. TriMax Vol 5, Chp 5 - Really the most overt one. Right hand in angel arm form is pinned by Elendira's nail.
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That's four total so far, with two that specifically involve being pierced. Feel free to add on if I missed any.
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chaoticandrogynous · 11 months
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You are not lost, Wolfwood
Redraw of That Trimax Panel in vol. 8 -- Angel!Vash protecting Wolfwood, catching bullets with his feathers
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hikennosabo · 10 months
musing about vash and knives (trimax vol 8)
a full post on vash and knives's relationship will have to wait until i finish the manga, if i can even muster up the ability to write something that long and detailed, but i wanna write about some scenes in volume 8 separately from my general volume 8 post...
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both of them use their respective family-turned-symbol-for-their-own-ideals to try to appeal to the other's emotions.
knives chooses not to answer vash about rem. but vash answers knives about tesla. he gets so emotional that he even breaks out of legato's control briefly.
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vash understands knives's pain - he's the only one who can. he understands it better than knives does. and he tries to reach the part of knives that's hurting.
"don't do this - don't make the same mistake again. there will be no coming back from this." all of vash's dialogue in this scene tells me that despite everything knives has done to him (and what he's CURRENTLY doing to him), vash still sees knives's pain and cares. he's still holding onto hope that knives will see reason, that he can change. but of course knives isn't willing to listen.
now i wanna talk about the scene where vash jumps off the ship with wolfwood.
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he's talking like a kid. "dont go, vash." he's so desperate, it betrays his loneliness. and then ofc he threatens to kill vash here lmao. because the only thing he knows how to do is threaten and use violence and force to try and get his way. because it's the only thing he's BEEN doing for over a century.
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i'm biased because i watched stampede before everything else so it's the lens through which i've been viewing knives, but in stamp there's a lot of emphasis on knives's loneliness without vash, and how much knives loves vash. which is summed up concisely here: "we only have each other." knives has no one else. as i just said, vash is the only one who can understand him. and the tragedy of it is knives's love for vash being so twisted by his trauma and loneliness and fear that it ends up as control and abuse.
and then when vash jumps out of the ship... it's similar to the earlier scene where knives does a swan dive and vash calls out to him.
and then knives tries to catch him, at first with his plant appendages...
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and then we see just his hand.
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just his hand, because that's knives. the plant appendages disappear, and all we're left with is knives's own hand reaching for vash. at his core, he just wants to be together with his brother.
leading us neatly into this, which makes me want to eat glass!
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"i felt his true self being absorbed." dude. that must be so scary. for vash and for knives both. vash felt his brother disappearing. and knives... he's losing himself. it's like he's dying. when vash said there's no coming back from this, he wasn't lying. vash slipped away from knives physically, but knives is slipping away from vash mentally.
also, when knives's feather touches vash in this moment, this is how he reacts. is it like a two way street, or...? did knives feel what vash was feeling, too?
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and then as knives proceeds with his plant-absorbing crusade, he thinks this.
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at his core he loves vash, and now he's deliberately trying to get rid of that core by absorbing more plants. to push that part of himself away, for the sake of his mission. trying to forget vash, who is the only person who ever had a chance of bringing him back from the brink. losing that part of himself. drowning out the love he has for vash by making "himself" disappear.
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it's so fucking over. at the end of the day there is still love between vash and knives but knives is too far gone and they can never be a family again. i'm experiencing shrimp emotions.
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