spro-o · 24 days
I will write a whole list of headcanons about Lance if you draw the day-after of that Drunk TriLance, I need that boy with a hangover and suffering relentless teasing XDD
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this is so fuckin delayed bUT- here it is 🤲🤲 (pt. 2 of the drunk TriLance drawing)
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theprinceofliones · 14 days
Tristan Liones (Half-Light AU) Design!
AAAAAAAAA LOOK AT MY SOOOOOONNNN!!! My cousin did an AMAZING job bringing my HF!Tristan to life! I love how he turned out! Definitely more conservative than most royals as he follows the Faith of the Seraphim, but still has that royal elegance to him! Just in LOVE with this design! I think Lancelot should be coming along here soon as well! I hope you guys like him as much as I do!
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toryhis · 6 months
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I don't know what's happening to me, but I'm definitely loving it!
A whole page of Tristan + TriLance as a gift! 😖
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dxncingwithastrxnger · 2 months
Hello there hope your doing well! I aint sure weather you write for this or not! But I was wondering if I could request some friendship headcanons with Lancelot and Percival?
Thank you!
(Feel free to delete my ask:)
Hello! I'm doing very well, I hope you are as well!
I definitely am okay with an ask like this, I love sharing my headcanons!! Also Lance and Percy's friendship def is very special to me, so thank you so much for asking about them!!
Tagging @alwaysamor in case you wanted to read thesseeee (since I know how you are about my nnt/4kota content 😌)
-Honestly, first of all, Percy is always asking Lance questions. Like, yes, Percy is very curious and inquisitive by nature and he questions lots of people, but whenever he has some random question that doesn't need to be answered by any specific person, he always asks Lance (as long as he can find him)
-Relating to that, Percy is the kind of person who will ask the most out of pocket questions and Lance will think he's crazy at first before genuinely starting to consider it, despite not actually wanting to. Like, they'd be walking through a field and Percy'd just be like, "How many blades of grass do you think we'd need to recreate my entire body weight?" And Lance would just give him a look and ignore the question, but then five minutes later, outta nowhere he's just like, "It has to be at least a thousand, right?" And Percy is very confused until he suddenly remembers his previous question
-ALSO relating to that, Percy is entirely convinced that Lance knows everything. As far as Percy is concerned, Lance quite literally knows all. He has all the answers to every single possible factual question that anyone could ask him. No matter how many times anyone tries to tell him differently, he insists that they're wrong
-These two are unintentionally chaotic together. Like, okay, both are pretty chaotic just in general, and most often Lance is on purpose, but when the two of them are together, they don't even really realize how absolutely unhinged they're being until someone points it out to them (i.e. when they tried to find the answer to the grass question)
-Percy is one of the very few people who knows how much Lance enjoys flora and general plant life (based on my own Lance hcs) and Lance never tells him to keep it a secret necessarily, but some intuitive part of him makes him do so and Lance was surprised but grateful when Percy explained such a thing one day
-Percy isn't exactly the best at reading the room or other people, but Lance's moods are a bit easier for him. Mostly because whenever he's pestering the poor guy for one reason or another, Lance always has some kind of sarcastic comment or a "jus' shut up already, would ya?" Or a sigh or huff or snort. There's always some kind of noise or reaction, and Percy's gotten used to that. So if Lance ever just stays quiet with zero reaction to Percy's antics, he immediately knows that something's off
-Whenever Lance is restless and under-stimulated (more Lance hcs), he specifically seeks Percy out because Percy's rambles and hyperactivity help him balance put
-On the other side of that, whenever Percy notices that Lance is overstimulated, he does his best to make sure everyone else leaves him alone (except for Tristan)
-Both are always very quick to defend each other. Percy thinks Lance is one of the most awesome people ever and doesn't ever hesitate to say so. Lance may call Percy an idiot and all kinds of other names but the moment anyone tries to genuinely underestimate Percy, he'll make sure they know how wrong they are one way or another
-Major younger sibling/older sibling energy between them
-No matter how cheery and full of energy Percy is, he's, ofc, not completely immune to upset. No matter what the reason, if he ever notices Percy's mood is down for any reason, he'll take him somewhere quiet and they'll just sit for awhile. Lance typically isn't very good at comforting most people, so this is usually the best he can do - sit calmly with someone and make sure they know he's there. For Percy, those times are always helpful, Lance being a peaceful presence beside him and making him feel safe (due to that older/younger dynamic between them)
-(if you don't ship Trislance, just ignore this one) Percy doesn't pay much attention to people's romantic interests or who likes who in that way, it's not something he typically thinks about, but one day Donny makes some kind of joke or comment about how Lance and the prince are totally crushing on each other and, after it was explained to him what that means, he suddenly made it his mission to be Lance's wingman and try and help him in his romantic advances towards Tristan, which Lance both loves and hates
-(if you don't ship Persians, just ignore this one) Lance, of course, being the extremely observant person he is, notices almost right away what's going on between Percy and Nasiens, and totally starts nudging them closer together. Percy doesn't understand much about love and romance and all that, but if Lance tells him, "Hey, Nasiens would love if someone gave him this flower and it would make him super happy" then Percy is immediately on it (he volunteers as tribute) or sometimes Lance will just offhandedly mention something or make some comment about something Nasiens does or likes or wishes or wants or he'll very purposely ask Nasiens a specific question while making sure Percy can hear and then he'll just sit back and watch as Percy uses the information to do things that'll make Nasiens happy without even really realizing why he's doing it
-Food. These two 100% bond over food
-They're both always trying to compete against each other but they will team up together without hesitation in order to beat anyone else at whatever it is they're competing about
I hope you enjoyed at least some of these!! A lot of them are also based on a lot of my headcanons for Percy and Lance just by themselves, tbh
Thank you again for the ask!! You're super awesome!! 💜💜💜
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alwaysamor · 5 months
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proof i’m alive is a shitpost (aka the only isolde content you’ll ever see here)
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annihilation-fae · 2 months
stay in the box NOOO stay in the box NOOO- GET OUTTA MY SKIN
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13keithxpidge13 · 1 year
(Hello, welcome to my new obsession. Aka; Tristan x Lancelot)
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Tbh I think Meliodas would be the most overbearing protective parent when it comes to Tristan and who he dates. When he finds out his son and Lancelot are together, he lays down a few...ground rules.
1. No kissing ("Father-!" "I said NO.")
2. Never left unsupervised ("But, what if we're just training? Father, please-!" "Being left unsupervised could lead to DIRTY things, Tristan. DIRTY THINGS!")
3. Door. Stays. Open. ALWAYS. ("I'm not a babe anymore, father!" "If you leave the door closed it could tempt Lance to do unholy things to you! Oh, the HORROR!")
Reluctantly, the duo go along with Meliodas's irrational rules even though Tristan curses them the whole time. But, every once in a while, Mother will make sure to distract his father long enough for the two to /finally/ be alone together without fear of Lancelot being crucified by Meliodas.
...this leads to them making out desperately in one of the empty hallways inside the castle. They couldn't make it to Tristan's room so Lancelot says; "fuck it. I'm not waiting a second more. I'm kissing you in this goddamn hallway and I don't care WHO sees." Which of course leads to Tristan squealing and shouting- "Ah! Lance-wa-wait-mm!"
(How they weren't discovered that day, Tristan will never know, and how father didn't notice the possessive love bites all along his neck and collarbone, only the gods can say. But, whoever spared him, he's in their fucking /debt/, that's for sure.)
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moonsbijou · 3 months
lancelot remembers the stupidest things about tristan from his obsession with berry pie to his fear of unleashing his demon powers he thinks he the stupidest guy he’s ever met and his greatest rival in one. his mind can’t help but wander to the boy with a blessing in one eye and a curse in the other eye. their parents made them meet but their friendship their closeness was a choice all on their own
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arttye06k · 4 months
Just some story of trilance i wrote
But it's in portuguese, so just translate it, don't be that lazy
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Percival tinha acordado no meio da noite. Por mais que o seu primeiro dia em Liones tivesse sido extremamente longo, não conseguia voltar a dormir. Talvez fosse a recente excitação que esquentava seu sangue que estivesse o mantendo acordado.
Na mesma hora em que abriu os olhos depois de várias tentativas de cair no sono, decidiu levantar, avistando Lancelot na porta.
— Sin? — Perguntou enquanto esfregava os olhos.
— Ah, achei que estivesse dormindo.
O loiro deu meia volta.
— Não consegui — Percival sorriu. — Mas por que você está acordado?
— Eu ia chamar vocês para ir comer algo. Mas como estavam dormindo...
— Eu posso ir comer com você! - O garoto imediatamente se levantou, ficando de pé na cama. — Sabe, eu estou morrendo de fome.
Lancelot soltou um riso fraco e baixo.
— É melhor você dormir. Foi um dia cansativo.
— Aah...! — Percival resmungou, a expressão suavizando enquanto ele esperneava.
— "Ah" nada. Vai dormir logo.
— Ei, Sin — O esverdeado voltou a deitar-se na cama, encarando as orbes vermelhas do loiro. — Por que não nos contou antes sobre ser um cavaleiro do apocalipse? E sobre Tristan?
O loiro suspirou, percebendo que devia ao menos tê-lo dado alguma explicação prévia. Bem, agora já foi.
— Por nenhum motivo... que eu já não tenha te falado.
O loiro se escorou na porta.
— Você não gosta do Tristan? — Percival foi direto. Estava curioso sobre muitas coisas: Principalmente a relação do príncipe com Lancelot. — Ele parecia muito feliz em te ver.
— Percy... não comece com esse tipo de pergunta — Lancelot desviou o olhar. Não queria se abrir. Ainda não. — Durma. Eu também já estou indo dormir.
— Eu ainda quero saber.
O garoto se deitou com um suspiro pesado. A curiosidade não o deixaria em paz.
Enquanto isso, Lancelot deu uma curta risada. Ele estava indo para um encontro secreto. Mas não poderia dizer aquilo para Percival.
— A verdade é que eu realmente gosto dele.
O loiro pensou em voz alta enquanto se aproximava de uma rua próxima ao castelo.
— Gosta de quem, Lance?
A voz por trás de si lhe pegou de surpresa. Só existia uma pessoa que fazia isso.
— Já está aqui, Tristan. Pensei que iria chegar atrasado como sempre faz.
— Haha, não dessa vez.
O de cabelos prateados deu um sorriso.
— E então? O que quer fazer?
— Quero te levar em uma taverna! — Tristan gostava de andar na linha, mas de vez em quando, apenas com Lancelot, gostava de dar algumas saídas pedagogicas.
— Taverna? Tem certeza que é uma boa ideia? — O loiro estava sério. — Acho que sua mãe não vai curtir te achar em algum lugar assim.
— Não se preocupe, é um pouco longe do castelo. Eles não vão descobrir — Tristan deu um sorriso perverso, fazendo Lancelot perceber que talvez fosse uma péssima influência para o prateado, este que por sua vez, lhe puxou até o tal lugar.
Era discreto mas parecia decente. Mais do que pensava.
— Tem certeza?
O loiro perguntou novamente ao ver Tristan tremendo.
— T-Tenho... — Ele gaguejou. — Claro que tenho!
— Ah... Sério, cara? Vamos embora logo.
O loiro puxou Tristan, que reclamou de início mas parou na metade do caminho.
— Vamos voltar lá!
— Você não tem coragem, aceita isso.
— Como sabe se eu tenho ou não!? — Tristan emburrou a cara. — E não adianta vir com o papo de que me conhece melhor do que eu mesmo!
— É meio óbvio que eu te conheço melhor do que você mesmo.
— Argh! — O prateado se estressou. — Esquece, melhor eu voltar.
Talvez fosse por puro impulso, mas Lancelot decidiu, naquela hora, se declarar. Apenas saiu de sua boca, não era sua intenção. Detestava demonstrar demais. Ou falar demais.
— Você não percebe?
O prateado se virou quase de imediato, a expressão surpresa e confusa pairando em seu rosto. Os corpos quase grudados.
— O quê? Eu não percebo o quê?
O loiro cruzou os braços.
— Você vai ter que descobrir sozinho.
— Sozinho? — Tristan voltou a se aproximar de Lancelot. — Lancelot, do que está falando!?
O de olhos heterocromáticos sempre fora muito curioso.
O loiro não respondeu no mesmo instante, suspirou profundamente antes de dizer qualquer coisa. Precisava pensar bem antes de cogitar a ideia de abrir a boca.
— Eu... gosto de você — Disse, por fim. — E não só como amigo.
Tristan emburrou o rosto, estava mais confuso.
— Como irmão? Eu também, cara!
Lancelot quis bater na própria testa, mas deu outro suspiro pesado.
— Não, seu idiota! — Emburrou o rosto. — De forma... romântica.
O prateado nem acreditava nos próprios ouvidos. Será que a pessoa de quem gostava estava realmente se declarando para si? Era confuso.
De repente seu corpo começou a esquentar e as bochechas ruborizaram.
— Ah... Lance, eu...
Tristan não sabia o que dizer. Estava surpreso demais, perplexo demais. E então, num ato impulsivo, num reflexo, depositou os lábios nos do loiro, iniciando um beijo.
Era tranquilo e suave, o hálito de morango de Lancelot parecia um entorpecente, junto de sua aura de fada que parecia ter gosto de doce.
O maior obviamente ficou chocado, o sentimento era recíproco? Não deveria pensar muito sobre isso agora, então apenas aproveitou ao máximo aquele momento.
Lancelot tinha suas mãos apertando a cintura do prateado, que sentia seu corpo esquentar mais a cada toque.
— Talvez seja melhor pararmos por aqui.
O loiro se afastou.
— Só porque estava ficando bom?
— É melhor se seus pais não descobrirem. Quer dizer, você nunca contou para eles sobre suas preferências... não é?
Tristan ficou chateado por um momento, mas ficando feliz pela compreensão do amigo, agora talvez namorado.
— Bem, isso significa que nós estamos namorando então?
— Não gosto de como a palavra "namorar" soa — Lancelot disse fazendo o prateado soltar uma risada. — Prefiro "compromissados".
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oh-myluckystars · 1 year
happy valentine’s day trilance nation 💕
Lancelot’s Arrow | read on ao3
“And shoot!”
Percival let out a breath as he released the arrow, narrowly missing its target and hitting a tree branch. The arrow ricocheted off of the now fallen branch, flying straight for Donny. He yelped, hiding behind Lancelot who caught the arrow for him.
“Well you didn’t hit your target but that was a hell of a lot better than last time,” Lancelot said, dropping the arrow. “You’re making good progress, Percy.”
Percival cheered and Donny scoffed. “Good progress?! He almost hit me!”
”Like I said, better than last time.”
Lancelot had gotten up extra early that morning to get some time to himself but those plans were swiftly interrupted by Percival and Donny. They wanted Lancelot’s help to learn how to shoot an arrow and he agreed, they were all Holy Knights now so it would be helpful for them to know to shoot an arrow properly.
“Your turn, Donny.” Lancelot handed over the bow and an arrow to Donny.
Donny got into position and pulled the string back, aiming at the target. The arrow shot forward, missing the target completely and landing somewhere in the bushes.
”Nice one, Donny!” Percival clapped his hands. “That was way better than last time!”
”Not really,” Lancelot said bluntly. “Go get that arrow and try again.”
Donny grumbled, going over to the bushes to fetch the arrow. He bent down, peering into the bushes to find the arrow.
“Where is that thing?” Donny grumbled, annoyed.
”Looking for this?” Tristan asked, twirling the missing arrow between his fingertips.
”Prince Tristan!”
Tristan smiled, handing the arrow to Donny. “I thought I might find Lancelot here. Wasn’t quite expecting to see you though.”
”Lancelot’s training me and Percival to shoot an arrow! Are you any good?”
“I’m pretty good with an arrow but Lance is definitely better than me. He’s a really good teacher too.”
Lancelot paused his conversation with Percival to look at Tristan. He hadn’t expected to see him so soon. Tristan liked to sleep in so it was odd to see him up so early, especially here where Lancelot always came to be by himself.
“Good morning, how’s the training going?” Tristan said.
Lancelot looked at Percival and Donny who were already slacking off again. “Let’s just say we’re gonna be here a while.”
“Why don’t you do a little demonstration? It might be better for them to learn the technique that way.” Tristan suggested, giving Lancelot his arrow.
“It couldn’t hurt.” Lancelot said.
The blond called out to the two friends, expecting them to pay close attention. He glanced at Tristan who gave him a thumbs up. He got into position, feet planted onto the ground and he pulled the string back with sweaty fingers, which he just figured was because of the morning sun. He shot the arrow and it went straight for Tristan’s chest, right in the heart.
Lancelot’s eyes widened.
”Tristan!” Percival exclaimed, worried.
“I’m okay, there’s no need to worry,” Tristan swiftly pulled the arrow out of his chest, replacing it with his own hand. When he took his hand off, it was like Lancelot had never hit him in the first place. “See? All better.”
”Oh yeah, you can heal yourself.” Donny said, having seemingly forgot. He looked back at Lancelot smirking. “But man I thought we were bad. Maybe you need some more training yourself, Lancelot.”
”Lancelot, what happened?” Percival asked.
”I—I don’t know…” Lancelot said rubbing his chest. What was wrong with him? Was he getting sick? “I just got distracted, I guess.”
“I’m really sorry, Tristan. I have no idea what came over me.”
”It’s okay, really. It was just an accident, right?” Tristan insisted, holding Lancelot’s hands.
”Right.” Lancelot looked at Tristan’s hands and seemed disappointed when he let go of them.
Besides, how can I stay mad at you when you look at me like that. You’re so cute when you’re worried, Lance…
“What?” Lancelot asked, blinking.
Tristan didn’t seem to hear him. “Well, I better get home before my parents get worried. Oh, and before I forget, Lance, my dad wants to talk to you so when you have time come by the castle to see him.”
Lancelot didn’t say anything, didn’t move a single muscle. Those words he had heard in Tristan’s heart had put him in a trance. Had he heard that right?
”Lancelot, are you okay?” Donny asked for the third time in a row. It was only this time around that he heard him.
“I don’t know…”
Lancelot wasn’t worried.
He couldn’t deny the words he heard in Tristan’s heart but he was certain it didn’t mean anything. This was their thing. Lancelot teased Tristan and now he was playing literal mind games with him.
But it was starting to concern him that Tristan was deciding to drag it on for so long. He couldn’t really be in love with him, could he?
There was only one way to be sure.
“Retinance has the best pies!” Tristan exclaimed, a big smile on his face as he enjoyed the berry pie he and Lancelot were splitting.
“They’re okay,” Lancelot said, taking a bite out of his slice. “A hell of a lot better than your dad’s, that’s for sure.”
“You’re right about that,” Tristan chuckled. He notices that Lancelot is staring at him. “Do I have something on my face?”
“No, I just noticed that you’re quite cute.”
Tristan’s face turned red instantly and Lancelot smiled.
Everything was going according to plan.
It’s weird having your friend call you cute isn’t it? What do you think about that, Tristan?
But to his disappointment…
Oh, Lancelot you’re the cute one…
Lancelot frowned. Oh, is that how you wanna play? Fine, let’s play.
“…So about what happened the other day with my arrow…” Lancelot started, scratching the back of his head.
“Oh, Lance, you don’t have to worry about that. It wasn’t a big deal. Besides, now we’re even!”
“Did you get a scar?”
Tristan shook his head. He actually had hoped he did so he and Lancelot could have matching scars but his chest was clean, all things considered.
“Then we’re not even,” Lancelot said plainly. He picked up Tristan’s hands and looked him directly in the eyes. “Ask me for anything, anything at all and I’ll give it to you.”
“A-Anything? But I…” Tristan muttered, looking away.
I already know what I want but I can’t just ask for it. That would be too embarrassing! But then again, he has been flirting with me. Maybe a kiss wouldn’t be too much to ask for?
A kiss? On the lips? Then… does that mean that Tristan really is in love with me?
It didn’t make any sense. How could Tristan possibly be in love with him? He would’ve noticed it sooner. He didn’t start showing any signs until after he got with his arrow and it’s not like getting hit with an arrow could make him fall in love with him.
Unless that’s exactly what happened.
When he shot that arrow, Lancelot had been a little distracted. By Tristan, that is. He always looked good but he looked extra good that morning. Lancelot couldn’t help but look. That’s how he got hit in the first place. Lancelot must have unknowingly enchanted his arrow with magic and when Tristan got hit with it, that made him fall in love with him.
This was bad, very bad.
Lancelot had tried everything.
He tried to dispel the magic on his own but it didn’t work, it just made Tristan confused. Lancelot had tried avoiding him for a few days, hoping that the effects of the magic would wear off on its own but Tristan always ended up finding him.
Now there was only one more option. To come clean.
“Tristan, we need to talk.”
”Is everything okay?”
”Not quite,” Lancelot rubbed his arm subconsciously. “How have you been feeling lately?”
”I feel fine. What’s this about, Lancelot?”
Lancelot really hoped this would work. He didn’t want his friend to live with these artificial feelings inside him for the rest of his life. It had to been done.
“Listen, Tristan… the other day when I hit you with my arrow… I did something,” Lancelot admitted, rubbing his arm subconsciously. “Without meaning to, I put magic into my arrow and now… you’re like this.”
”Like this?”
“You know what I mean… You’re in love with me…”
“I’m sorry, I’m confused. Do you think that you used some kind of magic to make me fall in love with you?”
Lancelot nodded slowly. “That’s exactly what happened.”
“I disagree.”
Lancelot knew that it might take some time for this to sink in with Tristan but he didn’t think he’d outright deny it.
“Even if you did cast some sort of magic on me, it didn’t work. Because I was in love with you way before you hit me with that arrow.”
Lancelot’s face flushed. “…What are you saying?”
“I’ve loved you ever since we were kids, Lance.” Tristan admitted, blushing profusely. Lancelot looked back at him in disbelief but he could tell he wasn’t lying. And if he was, this had to be the most convoluted lie he had ever heard.
“I know it’s not what you expected but it’s the truth. Or maybe you would just rather believe that you did this to me than believe I really like you…” I guess I was wrong. This whole time you didn’t have feelings for me.
Lancelot wanted to tell Tristan that he was wrong, that he had feelings for him too but the truth was that he didn’t know. What did it mean to be in love anyway?
He could admit that Tristan was cute, cuter than any girl he had ever seen. He liked spending time alone with Tristan too, teasing him especially. And whenever he got too close, it felt like his heart would be ripped out of his chest.
Did all that mean he was in love with him?
“I don’t know if I love you. I’m not sure what all that means if I’m being honest.” Lancelot said quietly, a little embarrassed. It was strange to admit to not understanding feelings, especially his own when he spent so much time reading other people’s hearts. Maybe he misinterpreted their feelings too. “How do you know when you’re in love?”
Tristan took his hand and interlocked their fingers. Tristan seemed deep in thought as he held his hand.
“Your hand’s sweating.”
“Sorry.” Lancelot pulled his hand back.
Tristan leaned forward, pressing his head against Lancelot’s chest. He closed his eyes, listening to the quickening of Lancelot’s heart beat. Tristan looked up at him and his face was red. It wasn’t often that he could make Lancelot react like this.
”If I kissed you what would you do?”
“…I don’t know.”
”May I…?” Tristan asked and Lancelot nodded.
Tristan cupped his cheek, pressing his lips onto his. Lancelot closes his eyes, holding onto Tristan. He kisses him back, squeezing his hand. His heart is pounding so heart that he’s afraid that it’ll explode. But he would rather die than stop kissing Tristan.
”So?” Tristan asked, putting his arms around Lancelot’s shoulders. “…How was it?”
”I think I’m in love with you.”
Tristan smirked. “I knew it.”
Then Lancelot kissed him and he would do it again anytime he wanted. Because he was in love, they both were.
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rainyday254 · 1 year
The Best Of Friends, A Trilance (Can be perceived as you want) one-shot
It was just a week before Lancelot would be if on the fateful journey to meet Percival and all the other members of his crew. He was training hard to ensure his own safety, and out of boredom. Lancelot did stuff to get rid of his boredom, going on errands for Meliodas when he got too bored.
Tristan watched as he fought ten guards simultaneously, obviously he was winning. Meliodas stood with an arm around his son, hugging him gently. It was a warm day, Elizabeth was out with Margaret and Veronica, all three of them sipping on cold drinks whilst talking about their kids. Tristan wanted to join his best friend but knew he'd only be annoyed. It was just a longing anyways, but Meliodas dud want his son to be included. "Halt!" Meliodas ordered and they all stopped. Lancelot watched them curiously then sighed. "Get over here Tristan. You guys are all released. Let's go. One on one!" Lancelot declared. Tristan grinned. "I thought you'd never ask." Lancelot smirked. He wiped the floor with Tristan everytime, but he still came back for more.
Tristan rose from the ground, and Lancelot grabbed his bow, aiming and letting go, missing by a hair. "Quit teasing me!" Lancelot called and Tristan cackled. "I'm not!" He shouts. "Come on, you can do better than that!" His friend called back. "Move around, you're making this such a bore. Don't make me regret including you." Lancelot said and Tristan smirked, flying around as asked.
"Much better!" Lancelot said, admiring Tristan's now more focused look, instead of the playful one from before. Lancelot had been running around, focusing on his hand to hand combat. He was tired and hot. He was pleased he got a break, a cold breeze coming in as the cold of the evening came in. He shot an arrow, reaching it's target as Teistan landed on his back in a nearby hayroll. "Ouch. Truce?" Tristan asked. "Truce, for now." Lancelot smirked, then rubbed his eyes. "Let's go in." Lancelot murmured.
And that's the story of how Meliodas and Elizabeth found Lancelot and Tristan curled up in Tristan's bed together, quiet breaths filling the room. Tristan had a protective hold of his friend that made Meliodas melt. His son was happy, a smile plastered across his face. "So cute!" He whispered as Elizabeth closed the door. "Let's let them be, Meliodas." His wife said back.
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theprinceofliones · 1 month
everyone shut up bc this was actually so flirty tf
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toryhis · 1 year
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My deepest apologies for being late for Valentine's Day! 😖😔
I just really wanted to bring you some Trilance content!
🌵 Please enjoy! 🌵 😌
And once again!
Happy valentine's day! 😉
+ A little headcanon:
Tristan keeps forcing Lance to wear warm clothes, particularly a hat, despite the latter claiming that he can turn into any animal with warm fur.
But they agree on winter fur headphones...😅😊
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Younger Tristan once ‘crowned’ younger Lancelot with a flower crown,declaring him the other king of Liones
Meliodas remembers when they tell him their together
Meliodas, after they tell him: So, Tristan, does that make you King now instead of Prince, or...?
Tristan, confused: What are you talking about, Father?
Meliodas, casually: Oh, you know, since Lancelot is the other King of Liones and all.
Lancelot and Tristan, very confused: ...
Lancelot: Excuse me, Uncle Meliodas, but what the hell are you talking about??
Meliodas, grinning: You really don't remember when Tristan "crowned" you, Lancelot? For an entire week, he kept insisting we address you as "Your Majesty" and "King Lancelot".
Tristan, eyes widening, mumbling: Oh goddess, I didn't think anybody remembered that.
Lancelot, remembering: Oh.
Lancelot, grinning and turning to Tristan: So? You didn't answer his question, Tris. Are you my King?
Tristan, blushing: Lance!
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alwaysamor · 1 year
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idk here y’all go
free to use as pfp/icon
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ewniversal-art · 5 years
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Four hours vs ten minutes #powerrangers #mightymorphinpowerrangers #billycranston #blueranger #trilance #triceratops https://www.instagram.com/p/BzjPBPVh7jx/?igshid=qfal988cmjml
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