#triakis semifasciata
thatnostalgiccarp · 4 months
Critter fact #143:
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Leopard sharks (Triakis semifasciata) are often found in sandy bottoms or muddy bays and estuaries in the west coast of North America. Their distinctive appearance allows for easy identification within their range.
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unofficial-sean · 11 months
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Triakis semifasciata
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herpsandbirds · 3 months
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Zebra Shark (Stegostoma tigrinum), family Stegostomatidae, Byron Bay, NSW, Australia
This shark gets its name from the appearance of the juveniles, which are striped.
In parts of its range, it is sometimes called the Leopard Shark. There is, however, another shark referred to commonly as the Leopard Shark. Triakis semifasciata, a kind of houndshark, that lives along the Pacific Coast of North America from Oregon to Mexico.
photograph by Jordan Robins Photography
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antiqueanimals · 3 months
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Leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata), Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
Fishes of the World. Written by Hans Hvass. Illustrated by Wilhelm Eigener. Originally published in 1964.
Internet Archive
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peach-moths · 6 months
shark list…?
This is another list that's based mostly off vibes and aesthetic rather than any deep analytical reasons, though I do have some deeper reasons for these choices but let's just focus on vibe for today
RAPH: Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
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LEO: Common thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus)
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DONNIE: Scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna
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MIKEY: Leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata)
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APRIL: Epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum)
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SPLINTER: Spotted wobbegong (Orectolobus maculatus)
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DRAXUM: Horned shark (Heterodontus francisci)
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CASEY JONES: Sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)
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CASEY JR: Blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus)
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I promise I wasn't ignoring this ask I was just thinking very deeply about the answer to this list for not only the rise brothers but the direct family ensemble and wanted it to be the best list that I could make (tbh I made this list more for myself and is super based off my personal opinions. I'm a huge shark fan and was really excited to get this ask so I wanted it be a list I was confident in)
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sharkiedays · 11 months
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Leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata)
A species of hound shark found along the pacific coast of north america
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wholesome-sharks · 4 months
Odysea Aquarium, Scottsdale AZ
Mom took me and my sister to the Odysea last month for my birthday! Sorry I haven't posted sooner but HERE ARE THE PICS!
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This window over the downstairs bathroom sink was officially voted coolest bathroom in the USA (the plaque said 2017, I think). Why? Because it views into the Voyager shark tank. Trevally, other fish, and FIVE DIFFERENT SPECIES OF SHARKS swim past this window and will even go behind the bubble screen while people are washing their hands. I couldn't get a pic of the sandbar shark when it swam by the window bc it went by pretty quick. But this restroom is by the front entrance and it is the perfect appetizer to a gourmet experience.
Also, trevally are HUGE.
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Here is the mascot species of the Odysea, a sand tiger/gray nurse/ragged tooth shark. The bubble fountain at the back of the photo hides the bathroom window.
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The Sea Trek tank on the upper floor had mostly tropical fish, but it had a zebra shark and A BONNETTHEAD SHARK! SQUEEEEE!!!! Internally crying for joy!!!!
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Brown-banded Bamboo Shark in the shark/ray touch aquarium. A couple of times while I was hanging out by this tank I saw it roll onto its side and scratch itself in the sand--I've seen that on video so I jumped whenever I saw it happen. The cownose rays in the touch tanks are absolutely spoiled and swim up to the surface for pets ASAP when they see you approach.
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Benthic buddies: here's the brown-banded bamboo shark lying next to the white-spotted bamboo shark.
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Magnificent zebra shark in the movie theater tank. The movie theater would play 10-minute videos and then move the screen back up between showings. I think this was probably my favorite tank. There was a second zebra shark (Stegostoma tigrinum) in this tank.
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They also had LEOPARD SHARKS (Triakis semifasciata) !!!!!! again, my cup runneth over!
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Epaulette sharks in the Great Barrier Reef tunnel. The one laying on the glass was a male and so he was flashing EVERYONE with his claspers (blurry pic--but maybe that's for the better). There was also an epaulette shark in the stingray touch tank.
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Got to spend a few moments of shared eye contact with this epaulette shark💖
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Back to the Voyager tank. Here is a sandbar shark and the head of a LEMON SHARK. There were at least two lemon sharks in the Voyager tank. It took me a moment to recognize them. The Voyager tanks are kind of dark, and ofc with no natural sunlight the lemon sharks don't get to show off their color properly. Maybe they should change the light fixtures.
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Here's a sandbar shark again along with a view of the reef in the Voyager tank. Again, the trevally are ENORMOUS, bigger than the blacktip reef shark (either that, or BTRs are just small). I deliberately avoided taking too many photos and focused more on the experience, so these are just the highlights of the sharks. Also I've seen the giant Amazon rainforest fish before so no need to repeat.
Have some random aquarium denizens:
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Aquarium review: They definitely put money and effort into making the aquarium a good home for the animals as well as engaging and educational for visitors. I was able to be up close and personal with the sharks, which was exactly what I wanted. I feel like the rotating Voyager exhibit is a little overrated--the cheesy Holiday-themed narration didn't help. Aquarium staff kept their distance but were helpful when needed. Starbucks on the second floor is nice. Super expensive but definitely worth it. 8 out of 10.
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sharkshowdown · 1 year
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And now to meet out contestants.
Both our sharks this round are named very correctly, with one being weird enough to be called a goblin and the other one with its funky stripes, they're shaped in very different ways, but who will win?
Some facts:
Goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni): It comes from a lineage of sharks that are 125 Million Years old. It has a protrusible jaw, that allows the animal to expand it's jaw, looking like it goes out of place just to eat (i wanted a picture but none of the pictures of that fit into the thingy). They're usually at around 3-4 meters long (9-13ft). Despite it being naturally uncommon, it seems to be doing fine with humans around.
Leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata): they're very commonly seen in coastal water, swimming in large groups. They dont travel a lot for food, which has led to a lot of genetic divergence between this species, they rarely reach over 1.80 meters (5.9ft). They live around California but aren't dangerous to humans, even adapting very well to aquariums.
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dailymarinefish · 2 months
day 38, 01/03/24 - fish of the day is the leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata)
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sharkest-sharks · 1 year
Epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatus) | Leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata)
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Sharkest shark polls
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Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
Though most sharks sport a characteristic toothy grin, not all species can flash a set of pearly whites. The leopard shark, which is primarily a bottom-feeder that predates on clams and crustaceans, has overlapping ridges between different tooth rows, which creates a flatter ridged surface that they can use to crush their prey with.
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(Image: A leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata) being released as part of a study, by Kyle McBurnie
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Shark post: some sharks I spotted on my trip to Nausicaá yesterday!
Leopard shark - Triakis semifasciata
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One of my absolute favourite shark species, they are so beautiful and graceful, I spend a good 30 minutes just staring at them, completely enchanted by the way they moved
On average, leopard sharks can grow up to 1,30 meteres. They can live up to 30 years and they grow quite slowly. One of the leopard sharks in the aquarium was significantly smaller than the others, watching him swim alongside the bigger ones was insane!
Starry smooth-hound - Mustelus asterias
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These little guys were sharing a tank with the leopard sharks! On average, they don’t grow larger than 1 meter. A fun fact about them (that I found in my shark book) is that they are viviparous and their nests can be as large as 37 pups! Getting a picture of these little guys was difficult, since the lighting made it hard to get their spots, but these are absolutely gorgeous and I’m obsessed!
Zebra shark - Stegostoma Tigrinum
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A part of the aquarium was closed for maintenance, and so this one was the only one we got to see. Zebra sharks are also one of my favourites ever! They are oviparous, and the female sharks are able to reproduce with parthenogenesis!
Epaulette shark - Hemiscyllium ocellatum
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Epaulette sharks are pretty amazing animals! These sharks can use their pectoral fins to “walk” over the seafloor. They have even evolved to be able to walk on land, surviving hypoxia for up to two hours! (This is the best picture of one of them I could get… it was so beautiful)
Sandbar shark - Carcharhinus plumbeus
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This shark can grow up to almost 2 meters! They are so beautiful when they swim, I loved watching them.
Honorable mention:
small-spotted catshark - Scyliorhinus canicula
These sharks are very commonly found in the North Sea, which is the only sea we have over here in Belgium. I’ve seen this species quite often and saw two of them yesterday, but I didn’t manage to get a picture.
And finally…
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Yesterday was the third time I ever went to Nausicaá. It was, however, the first time that I went outside of school holidays in Belgium and France (where the aquarium is located). And because of this, there was hardly anyone there. And because of that, for the first time ever, I managed to get a clear picture of this aquarium.
The glass is 20 meters long and 5 meters high. In this 54 ton aquarium are half a dozen sandbar sharks, accompanied by many fishes and rays, including a manta ray named Charles (it took me way too long to understand the Ray Charles reference here 🤦🏼‍♀️).
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unofficial-sean · 2 years
A focused shot on Laura the Leopard Shark at the Point Defiance Aquarium.
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massabios · 11 months
Este australiano se encuentra con esta especie de tiburón rara vez visto... Se trata de un tiburón leopardo (Triakis semifasciata).
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nimpace · 2 years
Leopard Shark design!
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The leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata) is a type of houndshark found along the Pacific coast of North America. The distinct black markings of this shark are the reasoning for why it is known as a leopard shark.
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Leopard Shark (Triakis semifasciata)
taken at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, California
status: least concern
These neat sharks are named for their markings which loosely resemble leopard spots! They stay fairly small, ranging on average between 3.8 to 4.9 feet but can on rare occasions reach nearly 6 feet in length!
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