#transphobes are idiots. it doesnt matter
c0l0re · 2 months
Being bigender while also not giving a single fuck about the gender binary is honestly such a combo
Yes, I am both a man and a woman at the same time. No, these two things are not at odds with each other. Yes, I still manage to be genderqueer in both directions. I wear skirts and dresses while being a man and I wear men's clothes and work to deepen my voice while being a woman
I may have two genders, but that sure as hell doesn't mean I'm gonna be using either of them correctly
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psychiatricwarfare · 9 months
i think sometimes people forget that there's more than one way to be trans & that bigots Do Not Care what flavour of trans you are, they want us all dead so can we please stop arguing over things that literally dont matter and lift each other up instead of tearing each other down? im sick of this afab vs amab, tme vs tma, transmasc vs transfemme, the total erasure of transnonbinary & trans intersex individuals (or just nonbinary & intersex ppl in general). im so so so sick of all these new boxes we're trying to stuff each other in when elder trans ppl fought so hard against those boxes!!
for fucks sake, no one trans group has it any better or any worse than any other trans group, we just have it different, the transphobes want us ALL dead - whether its for different reasons or by different means, dead is dead. they dont care if youre tme afab transfemme or if youre tma axab transfemmasc or if youre a god damn clown fish. its all the same "agenda" to them.
im so fucking done seeing posts saying "trans women have No idea what its like to deal with....." or "TMEs fuck off! you're not welcome here!" or any of that shit because THAT is exactly how white supremacists get a foothold in. THAT is how we lose this battle. fucking THAT is how we get divided and conquered. they want us to split up into smaller groups and fight each other, they want us to be too weak to fight back and the way to do that is to wittle down our numbers & until they can get away with outright killing us in broad daylight (more than they already have) they have to make do with splitting us up and turning us against each other
im just sick and tired of all the infighting, you're either with ALL of us or you're with the white supremacists, idfc if you are trans yourself. we need all of us to work together and put our differences aside. it is not that fucking hard to sit yourself down and go "ok well they may not know what it's like to be me, but i dont know what its like to be them either" and realise that turning against other trans ppl just bc "they dont understand" is ridiculous and just a bad move when we're in the middle of a fight for our fucking lives. who cares who's "more oppressed" this isnt the god damn olympics, this is the fight for human rights and right now we need to focus on keeping all of us alive. save your petty irrelevant fucking discourse for when we aren't focused on trying to keep our community ALIVE
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jigokuhana · 2 years
havent completely caught up with one piece, but i just wanna say yamato is a man until he himself says otherwise.
transphobes just mad they’re hot for a pretty dude w/ big tits.
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snaxle · 6 months
just saw someone say the reason bi lesbians are problematic is because they're inclusive of radfems, and that bi lesbians spew terf rhetoric. i dont know what kinda secret alternate universe you're living in where terfs are supportive of mspec identities but im begging you to turn on your brain cells for longer than 5 seconds at a time and then go outside instead of wallowing in queer twitter discourse made by 15 year olds 10 hours every day you fucking idiots.
terfs dont fucking like bi lesbians. terfs would rather watch us either kill ourselves than ever support our identities.
"i hate mspec lesbians because they tell people who hate men that they're sharing terf beliefs, which is exactly what terfs want!!" have you literally never seen a terf's account before in your life? they fucking hate men and want everyone in the world to know that every single man in the world no matter how old they are that they're gross ugly creatures who all hate women and want nothing more than to prey on the downfall of all women. yea, even those 6 and 12 year old boys that live next door to you. so yea, while you're posting your quirky little "i hate all men they're disgusting 🙄" posts every three days for your 400 twitter followers, you're 100% spewing terf rhetoric!! no that doesnt mean you're a fucking terf but you're sharing into their beliefs and spreading their agenda every time you do this shit which is what they want!!!!
"the term lesbian is already inclusive of trans and nonbinary people, so using the term bi/mspec lesbian is problematic because you dont think trans people can be lesbians!" look me in the eyes. do you genuinely, honest to god think that terfs care about that. do you genuinely think terfs are okay with trans people calling themselves a lesbian. terfs dont fucking care, they still want you to either detransition and realize how "evil" being trans is and follow in their beliefs, or they want you dead. a nonbinary trans man who uses he/him pronouns calling himself a bi lesbian is literally the least of your fucking worries.
i am trans and bigender. even if i just called myself solely a lesbian without the extra labels, terfs still wont fucking accept me because i am not a pure innocent 100% woman. they will not accept me even when i tell them i feel more like a woman most days than i do a man because i am not their definition of what a woman should be. "it doesnt matter what terfs say, lesbian is still inclusive of trans people!" no, it's only inclusive of trans people that you deem are good and women enough to use the label.
people love going around talking about how they're so so supportive of any and all identities and then immediately turn around and be like "hmmm but not Yours." i could be the most perfect woman in the world, but the second i so much as mention i think a man looks attractive, then i am not being a lesbian the Right way.
so who the fuck cares anymore. who cares if i use the term bisexual lesbian to identify myself? im already doing it all wrong supposedly, so who cares if im more of a problem than i already am? the queer people im supposed to share a community with would rather side on the side of terfs because im not being a lesbian in the supposedly Correct way, and no matter what i say to try defending myself I'll never be seen as a true and proper lesbian because random strangers on the internet i will never meet ever in my life has already dictated that I'm not good enough. that my existence is problematic and harmful to everyone else, completely ignorant of the fact that they're unwillingly sharing in the beliefs of transphobes, homophobes and conservatives who would like nothing more than to wipe us all out instead of standing together as a community.
but you know, putting bi lesbians on your dni or whatever is more important.
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milkbreadtoast · 1 year
Your ouran thoughts are so *chef's kiss* thank you for pointing out the whole haruhi gender thing bc as a trans person myself it always rubbed me the wrong way too how it got treated
🥹🥹🥹THANK U FOR READING MY OURAN THOUGHTS... this is 1 of the first animes ive ever watched so its rly formative/influential for me and ive rewatched it several times over the yrs and noticed more things and watched my opinions of the show and charas grow and change... Haruhi is 1 of my first encounters(actually i think the first) w a nonbinary chara in media and I love everything about their chara and the way they were written (and I love the whole concept of them being the protag of a shoujo harem anime despite being nonbinary and very aro/ace... a host who woos girls at that)... I especially love the way she doesnt change herself for anyone, keeps being authentically herself the entire anime in a way that touches and changes the rest of the cast too... like 1 little detail that symbolizes this well is the personal pronouns they use in jp... Altho they tried using "ore" a few times causing tamaki to freak out (HE SHOULDVE LET HER😒).. the main personal pronoun they use is "jibun"(lit: self, oneself), and it's a gender neutral pronoun... and importantly, they consistently use "jibun", whether it's before becoming a host(in middle school, when passing/being seen as a "girl"), as a host(while passing/being seen as a "boy"), and just out in daily life... Just as she doesnt change herself or act differently in all those contexts, and is just authentically herself, regardless of how people see her... and consistent with her belief that gender and outward appearance doesn't matter, it's one's personality/who they are underneath that does...
Haruhi and Tamaki form strong narrative parallels to each other because they both suddenly came into the lives of all the other host club members, were able to see them for who they really are (and not just the facade they put on for others), and just by being their genuine selves, touch and impact them deeply, even alter the course of their lives (some more than others, like tamaki for kyouya and haruhi being the first 1 to be able to differentiate the twins)..... And this is why I think it's... unfortunate that Tamaki was written the way he was, as so close-minded in his views on gender(and sexuality), bc 1 of the core traits of his character is being otherwise open minded and extremely empathetic... the dichotomy of his chara is despite being a "vain idiot" obsessed w looks and himself, he still shows this surprising depth and ability to read others... And of course I don't think it's surprising at all for him to have these transphobic and homophobic views, given he's a teen with a rich sheltered upbringing and all, so it was prob just. Sigh. ingrained in him bc thats how he was raised but.... narratively, with the way his character is otherwise so open (and bro is literally bi too😭) it really is unfortunate... Like his openmindedness is 1 of the strongpoints of his character (like how he wasn't put off at all when he saw Kyouya's "true face"...) And I think it goes against his nature, so I hope that once he gets older he starts to listen to the trans/nb/gnc ppl in his life and change his views... LIKE HARUHI... WHICH IS WHY ITS SO STRANGE. That he never once listens to them abt their gender the entire series... and he cares abt her sm YET doesnt listen and repeatedly, stubbornly tells her shes wrong and that she needs to be more feminine.... ugh. Yeah it's painful... And then with the way the manga ends with haruhi marrying tamaki and having babies and growing her hair out and becoming more feminine, as if it was all just a phase... *Agonized* ...Tbh I really do think. That this is the product of the (presumably cis) author not knowing enough abt the trans(/queer/lgbt) experience to know what to do with the amazing, nonconforming characters they created... I really do feel like if Ouran was an anime made today, and the author was more informed about LGBT issues and experiences, Tamaki could've been written differently and maybe more accepting and open toward's Haruhi's views on gender... Sigh... Anyway rip. Tfw a work so virulently transphobic and homophobic and a product of its time can also have some of the most compelling trans and gay characters and have sm poignant scenes that stand the test of time... Ouran my problematic beloved 🥲🥹
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bass-borot · 1 year
there is no anti semitic propaganda in harry potter legacy the claim goblins are jews is idiotic ( and people who whine about givingmoney to jkr is idiotic (I dont know if she actually is transphobic or not (people abuse that term and claim someone who says we shouldnt give puberty blockers or surgery to kids ( and have adults who request it take time to think about it ) it doesnt matter )
This is sad, but I know how tough it must be to be 15. I wish you the best anon, hope the rest of your teenage years go well
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pansyfemme · 1 year
dropping my deadname casually when i think ppl would find it intresting is sooooo much more fun than keeping it secret. honestly . its a prefrence but i feel safer having ppl know it bc when it was a secret i would stay up sick at night worried that the transphobes i went to school with would find it and expose it. now im like six years into transition though. it just doesnt matter to me anymore if someone calls me a name i havent used since age 12, legally since 13- theyre a fucking idiot and everyone is gonna know it
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seeyouguyslater · 2 years
I know I know something something voting doesnt matter it's a bad system but also I don't want some idiot thinking Harry Potter is demonic and not like. Just some book by a transphobe being in the school board for local schools
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chaoddity · 1 year
I am going to copy most of what I wrote in my twitter pinned tweet to save time. This is long. But it detailed what was going to happen and will continue to happen. It is all very predictable. I wrote this on November 20th.
"First off, let me get something clear... it is somewhat unlikely twitter will ACTUALLY go away for good or even begin to shut down. It IS likely that the site will become buggy and annoying to use in the coming weeks and months as ... problems pile up. Trump's account being unbanned doesnt mean much in the short run because he will likely continue to use truth social... but my guess is that... come election time, when he gets desperate, he will begin using it more and more to expand his reach. Not a concern for a while.
But Elon's priorities say a LOT about the direction he wants twitter to go. Firing the people who banned Trump Unbanning babylon bee and jordan peterson (both spread transphobic bs and got banned for it). Unbanning Trump. He is currying favor with the US fascist movement.
To make matters worse, his plan to give blue checks out for cash amplifies the effects
1- right leaning voices will happily shell out the money because musk is giving what they want
2- left-leaning voices, angry with musk, will refuse We will come back to this.
Q accounts, Right wing propagandists will be parading around looking legit to people who don't know what is going on. But that's not the worst part. Going back a tweet- how i said the right would happily pay while the left would refuse?
Well, Elon plans to boost accounts that pay the 8 dollars and hide/obscure voices that do not. So those accounts that -really- want to spread hate and violence? They're gonna pay the 8 dollars. They're gonna do it. You're going to hear anti-lgbt/minority hate on full volume
Now at this point its kinda hard to predict what will happen. If liberals decide to be idiots they'll try to pay for access to argue with them. If this happens, Musk wins because they'll all be paying to fight. At which point this platform will be at it's most unbearable.
The smartest thing we can all do is let the ship sink. Elon wants to profit off chaos and madness? Give him chaos and madness, but nothing he can profit off. Do your business on other sites and troll this one.
Im not deleting this account. I am leaving it up so i can recieve DMs. Once I back up this account, Its just going to suck up resources and give them nothing. No interactions, no revenue. A complete waste."
Now, an update, on December 18th. Elon's approach has been even more heavy-handed and foolish than I expected. His recklessness is causing him to destroy his assets, the destruction of his assets is clearly making him continually more unwound, and that is causing him to be reckless. Its a cycle. He will probably get worse. A few important highlights
-Musk started banning journalists and competitors -no more links to other sites? -other members of the board of Tesla and investors want Elon ousted -his plan to ban links is against EU antitrust laws -he is so transparently pro-fascist that... pretty much everyone knows what he is doing. Which is helpful because it invites retaliation/reaction. Now a few things can go wrong at this point and most of them have to do with the media. If the media foolishly/shortsightedly decides to let MUSK dictate terms... they will be under his thumb for the foreseeable future. Media companies actually have all the real power though- social media is completely useless without content. Social media platforms exist... as the name suggests... as a platform for other people's media, to be shared socially. If media companies STAY they will be playing under his rules and allowing him to dictate the terms of their discourse - as will be his right (he owns the platform). This will create a situation where Musk becomes a power-dealer who dictates political discourse.
So it is VERY important people LEAVE twitter and let his investment collapse. Advertisers have already done the heavy lifting by pulling out!
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watercolormogai · 1 year
idk if it's just ve but the label "critical inclusionist" has always felt very , very ableist . like , v have friends who literally are incapable of "thinking critically" or "using common sense" because of their mental disabilities . it feels very ableist to just go "just use your critical thinking you idiot , dont you have any fucking braincells , are you braindead or something use common sense" (all of which v have seen "critical inclusionists" say constantly) .
plus , the actual definition of the label is not "i think critically about things and use common sense" it is "if this doesnt have enough historical backing to support it then its horrible and homophobic and transphobic and should be burned and destroyed" . people arent "misusing the label" when they include "excluding mspec lesbiand / lesboys / xenogenders / etc" under "critical inclusionism" , they are just using the definition provided . plus the definition , even if it is just "using critical thinking" , feels a lot more like "you gross hypoempaths (or in this case , people who can't think critically / use common sense because of disability) are all horrible people for not understanding and experiencing empathy (in this case critical thinking / common sense) , unlike us pure wonderful empaths (in this case "critical thinkers") who know everything and wont ever explain anything to you , you just have to figure it out yourself" .
that brings ve to the fact that it is literally impossible for people to understand anything if you just yell at them like "it's bad ! why dont you understand ! youre a horribke person !" and push them out of your communities and refuse to explain anything . like , you dont teach someone to read by handing them a book and then yelling at them when they cant figure it out . if people would use arguments beyond "it's bad because i said so" it would actually be "critical thinking" instead of just "making up bullshit because you dont wanna help people and only wanna fight others" .
hiding behind "im just critically thinking unlike you uneducated idiots" does nothing but make people wanna listen to you even less , make your argument seem like nothing but lies and bullshit , and make you seem very very ableist even if that isnt your intention . telling people that their struggle to understand something (when you havent been helping them at all beyond saying "its like this because i said so and im right") is a moral failing is ableist , no matter the context . its nothing more than an excuse so you can fight with and hurt others instead of trying to help them , while painting disabled people as stupid pieces of shit who need to try harder to "think critically and use common sense" .
tl;dr the concept of "critical thinking" and "common sense" is ableist and stupid and nothing more than an excuse to fight with people instead of actually explaining things and helping them , which is why v hate the "critinclus" label
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glitchdollmemoria · 1 year
yknow on the topic of that it/its post, its really fucking frustrating that i cant usually feel comfortable calling my partner it/its in public when that is a pronoun set it uses. bc i dont want people flipping their shit being like "umm why are you calling your PARTNER an IT dont you LOVE uhh them her him um what other ones have you used again im confused haha help please" YOU IDIOT IM CALLING IT "IT" BECAUSE I LOVE IT!!!!! if you disrespect my wife i will HARM YOU IN SOME WAY
and fucking like. idk. i also use it/its among other pronouns, and i dont even tell people irl most of the time bc i know people tend to react poorly. and im just fucking tired of people using their discomfort to justify ignoring or even insulting aspects of another persons identity. and on the one hand i sorta get if someone has been traumatized by seeing trans people dehumanized by being called "it" or having experienced that dehumanization firsthand. i have literally been called an "it" before i started using these pronouns bc of my androgyny, i fucking used to live in the conservative usamerican south i KNOW this is a way that people dehumanize us.
but theyre still my pronouns. theyre still my partners pronouns. if we are actively saying, "these make us comfortable, these make us happy" then that is NOT the same as some bigot who doesnt see us as people.
and im gonna try to word this next part carefully, bc i dont want to give the impression that i dont care about the trauma that comes with transphobes using it/its to dehumanize us. but at the same time... he/him, she/her, and they/them are all ALSO used to deny us our human autonomy. they are all used to insult and debase us depending on the circumstances. those people who make a point to call trans people by the wrong pronouns? the ones who specifically paint transmascs as Stupid Confused Foolish Women because our ~womanly brains~ are just too small to understand that we arent men, the people who make this point with a firm "she"? the ones who do the same to transfems, painting them as dangerous and aggressive, and misgendering them specifically to make that point? even to some degree the people who dont want to correctly gender any of us because we dont fit their standards for a Real Man or a Real Woman, but they still want to come off as liberal and supportive and progressive and a Good Ally, so they just call us all "they" instead of actually respecting who we are, and insist on still doing this even when explicitly told not to?
all of them weaponize one pronoun or another to cause us harm. all of them use "acceptable" (or at least SOMEWHAT "acceptable" in the case of they/them) pronouns to harm us, to deny us the autonomy to make our own choices about our bodies and lives and existences. it/its is NOT the only one.
i have been hurt by people insistently calling me "she", by people calling others in my community "she", it has been weaponized against me to the extent that im only just beginning to unpack and accept my femininity as a nonbinary person after a decade of knowing i wasnt cis. the weaponization of she/her pronouns has caused lasting psychological effects that have, perhaps permanently, altered the way i view myself and how i interact with the people around me. and NONE OF THAT DAMAGE justifies me telling anyone that im not comfortable using she/her for them, no matter the circumstances, because i dont get to decide what pronouns someone else uses!
again: i know theres still a difference between those examples and it/its. but its not as MUCH of a difference as people act like it is, and its frustrating to have to keep a part of my and my partners identities hidden away just because other people dont find those parts acceptable. its fucking tiring. i want to live as myself - as a person who has reclaimed feelings of inhumanity - and i want my partner to live as itself too. im. tired.
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scaredgirlsilly · 2 years
its so weird seeing terfs like say anything cause theyll ask a hypothetical question to do the like "hmmmm curious 🤔 you dont have an answer" and the question is like word salad of random biology words and like some random acronym they are using to desperately not refer to trans women as women. like just because you hate men doesnt mean your a feminist or any less conservative. i mean if anything it makes it a little weird? idk i dont care if you hate men cause like in the grand scheme of things it doesnt matter yk. the whole like women hating men isnt like men hating women because women dont have an entire system backing up their prejudice or whatever idk and idc. but then they get to trans men and trans mascs and afab trans people and they are like "omg you poor porr fucking idiot youre such a stupid little puppy who doesnt know any better 🥺🥺🥺 *slur* *slur* *slur*" and then they talk about trans women and amab trans people like "*slur* *slur* *slur youve never heard of* i hate you! 😡😡😡 i never want to have sex with you!! i hate tmaranas' i hate them!! if trans women are real then how come *question based off a transphobic stereotype thats older than me*" and you have to look up a bunch of terms you didnt know before and now you have empirically more brain worms and idk this is like 3 rambles in one lol its just weird. like is that all you think about? you really spend all of your time on tumblr talking about how ugly trans women are and how misguided trans men are? like do you even have any hobbies? and then you vent post about how sad you are all the time like yeah id be sad too! that about of vitriol based on like fucking nothing has to takeba toll eventually 😅 idk go outside. meet a trans woman. smoke a joint with a trans polycule. youll calm down lol theyre just people. maybe youll be trans too. and i bet youll be happier than ever
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Companions reacting to sole coming out as trans!
Cait: cait is confused at first, she never really learned anything related to gender and all that but once sole explains to her she is definitely supportive of them! If they’re able to look past her aggressive personality and drug problem shes able to support them no matter what! Shes also very happy that sole came out to them
Curie: curie is very knowledgeable on the subject, she is very versed in medical and scientific studies after all! She is incredibly supportive and believes that you should be whatever makes you comfortable! She also will recommend sole with binders if needed, she also gives tips and advice on how to be comfortable and safe! Shes also very touched you decided to come out to her
Codsworth: codsy would’ve already known! Assuming that sole was trans before the bombs, since codsworth was their robot after all, but if its after the bombs he is very sweet about it and incredibly supportive! He’ll say stuff like “why that’s splendid sir/mum! You have the right to be comfortable with your body!” He is also somewhat versed in medical procedures so he could help with any surgery!
Paladin Danse: Danse knows exactly what it is, there are a few trans soldiers in the brotherhood of steel, he usually doesn’t really acknowledge it, hes not against it or anything he just focuses a lot on other stuff! He will offer to have the prydwens doctors look at sole to preform any surgeries if they want!
Deacon: deacon is constantly changing his face with surgeries to have disguises, so he jokes with sole about being trans himself! Which…might end up being true? Nobody knows, deacon is a mysterious son of a bitch after all. He just tells sole that he’ll always be around no matter what and that he supports them no matter what
Dogmeat: dogmeat doesnt understand the words sole is speaking but he can recognize that theyre happy with telling him whatever it is that theyre saying, so hes happy too! As long as sole is happy dogmeat is also happy! Just so long as he still gets his pets!
Hancock: hey, hancock is a ghoul, if sole can look past his missing nose, his skins all messed up and torn up. If sole can see past that he can definitely support their choice of being trans! He can supply some chems to em if they ever wanna do surgery, they’ll basically act as numbing for the pain, hancocks moto is “of the people for the people” hes all about fair treatment and equality, he’ll support anyone!
MacCready: okay so…he’s childish we all know this, he might make some jokes that…may make him look transphobic but I promise you hes just dumb and doesn’t know anything. He’ll quickly see how his jokes can be seen as him being against it, but he’ll quickly and embarrassingly apologize profusely and swear that he supports sole! Which he does okay? Hes just an idiot
Nick Valentine: nick…same boat as hancock! Hes a synth with missing skin and missing bits of his body. If you can still hang around him despite all of that? Well…he’ll always be by your side! He may be old fashioned and whatnot but that doesnt mean he does not support sole! He’ll always be by their side! He just asks that sole explains it to him a bit cause he can be a bit confused at first about the whole thing
Piper: she has some knowledge on the subject but not much, Piper needs sole to explain further a bit because shes worried about accidentally offending them in any way. Shes happy that sole came to her to come out, she doesnt show it but shes very giddy about it! She might even interview sole for her paper since some people in diamond city might wanna learn more about it too!
Preston Garvey: hah…hes trans too! And he’s actually extremely happy that sole is also trans! Preston is F to M trans, if sole is also F to M hes even more happy because its more they have in common, although he’s obviously happy and supportive either way, he makes sure others respect sole by saying things like “thats the general you’re speaking to, show them some respect”
Strong: to say hes confused is an understatement, he knows absolutely NOTHING about gender, he may sound uncaring after sole comes out but he’s actually not, he actually does appreciate that sole trusts him to speak about things even if he doesn’t know about it! He might end up saying something like “NO MATTER WHAT TINY HUMAN IS WE STILL SMASH THINGS” its…his own form of support i guess! Dont bother trying to teach him by the way, hes gonna get frustrated and break something-
X6-88: X6 is programmed to be by soles side at any point so he will automatically show support for sole, he obviously sounds uncaring but he does care, trust me! He’ll say things like “i am appreciative that you have decided to tell me about this sir/ma’am, ill update my data to fit this new information” he will also offer any surgery if needed because the institute is so advanced compared to the wasteland, you’d be crazy refusing it!
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cryptamen · 9 months
I hate gendered sports I hate gendered bathrooms I hate gendered hair stylists I hate gendered restaurants I hate that people dont hate these things the way I do and I'm constantly the outcast when I bring them up. I shit in any bathroom with a door I eat when I'm hungry where ever that maybe I get my hair cut at the closest barber shop to me.
•"Oh well men and women are just so different they'll do worse if they play together on the court" is bullshit.
Imagine Basketball for a second. Tons of different types of players for one round. They all have different stats when working together. The idea that a woman with better speed than a man with better height shouldnt work together because their gender changes other aspects is stupid. The parts that matter are there and work better than if two men with height and two women with speed worked together.
The only sports I could POSSIBLY think of leaving be would be like swimming and track cause those are really sports in a game sense they just track your body weight and efficiency. You can break those up by weight and overall efficency though. If you have a cis girl who is taller and has a more "male stride" shes going to dominate anyway though? So even then I dont really think they should get an exception either.
•And bathrooms should've always been unified. I dont care I refuse to argue any arguement AGAINST it is muddled in this idiotic brainwashed sexist or transphobic nonsense and I wont be hearing it again.
Hair dressers should have to learn to both cut and braid cause I'm sick of having to go to mens shops for a fade. Its just like how dentists and doctors should just learn all the shit there is to know but we split them up for some inexplicable reason.
I hate getting weird looks when I go to "mens" barbershops. The only other women in there work at the cash reg and when you dont even identify female its almost as if she can tell and doesnt address you when paying. It's so demeaning.
This is just becoming complaining.
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cemetarial · 9 months
okay yknow what. dni list. lets go. its gonna be sorted into categories to make it easier to read then ill add it to yhe top of my pinned
-sysmed/ableist/non traumagenic systems (you cant be a sys without trauma, you idiots)
-anti-blm/racist/white supremacist/anti semetic/pro blue lives matter
-homophobic/transphobic/anti neopronouns/anti xenogenders/superstraight/believes ace&aro people arent lgbt/anti mspec lesbian (lesbians can be masc yall. masc doesnt mean man.)/queer fetishizers
-prolife/alt right/nazi or nazi supporter
-NFT supporter/AI content supporter
-animal abuser/support peta/supports kill shelters
-people who use transphobic terms such as cuntboy and shemale to refer to others. referring to yourself as it is fine, but please add like. a trigger warning???
-people who post easily misunderstandable content and dont use tone tags. you will go immediately on the block list, even if you are a mutual.
if i missed anything that needs to be on here send in an ask and i will add it onto this list!!
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aino-paris · 2 years
So I don’t know what the fuck this feature was, but I received this suggestion for a post and now apparently it’s Blazed? I have been on here for a while and I had no idea. Shame the first one was a transphobe though. 
But yeah if anyone knows Tumblr mechanics please tell me wtf this is and how it works.
“Follow *redacting the username suggested because I don’t want to do free advertising for transphobes. Or any advertising for that matter* on twitter, he knows that too much female hormones does fuck up male bodies, with the unnatural surgeries n other alterations/addons, no a different sexed body doesnt grow and adapt to the gender changes, you will lose your male strength and vitality. Hrt/femme treatments dont alter and make male body adapt to be nicer and into “the fit to be like women aesthetic”, they screw it up because the male body processes these unnaturally because it considers them unnatural.“
(this is obviously bullshit. I’ll piggyback off of this and put some actual information sources in here in a sec)
A review of medical literature on HRT, suggests it is safe when supervised by a physician (though there are some rare secondary effects obviously as with everything):
This one suggests that treatment has to be highly individualized and kept within physiological ranges for hormones (aka you need to keep somewhat natural hormone levels for the sex you are transitioning to), but it is safe (again, albeit side effects). It attributes higher mortality among trans people to other causes:
And I’m tired of trawling Google scholar so that will have to do.
Ok, [email protected], I’m certainly going to listen to some idiot on Twitter rather than extensive scientific and medical literature about this topic.
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