ace-pervert · 2 years
Can someone explain to me why so many former anti-sjws are becoming tradcons?
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lejacquelope · 1 year
I can see it now.
Tatohead: "Babble babble damned Greta Thunberg how dare you pwn me like that babble babble"
Tatohead: "GO AWAY! I'm defending my honor against this 19 year old who just curb stomped me online-"
Romanian cops bust down the door: ON THE GROUND NOW! HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!
Tatohead: "Just one more sentence-"
Cops tap him on the back of the head with a rifle butt: "ON. THE. GROUND. NOW!!!"
You know that's how that went down... one less woman beating human trafficking dirtbag running around free in this world. One manlet on a perp walk, one giant leap of decency for humankind.
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tradfemcutie · 4 months
It's so annoying to me when women on tik tok disparage other women for wanting to be traditional especially when they go after POC or black women. Like excuse us that your men allowed you to be in a space where you can be feminine and where you can reject femininity. Femininity is something that I had to grasp for myself. It's not something that was afforded to me just because I'm a woman. And it's something that they don't understand. To all of my black women who want to be traditional I'm rooting for you.
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grxnite · 1 year
I think all 90s american films about the Military and Freedom are made for the female gaze actually. why are they putting all these men in tight clothing and oiling up their perfectly toned and defined muscles and making them give pretty little smirks and glance at the camera through their beautiful long eyelashes if not for the girls and the gays??? whores
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vanilla-voyeur · 6 months
Radfems 🤝 tradcons
Telling women they're only making choices because they seek approval from men
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southerngothicaf · 10 months
Realizing that I shouldn't be as hard on myself about not reading enough articles because reading 1-3 full articles a day is in fact so much compared to the people around me who read a couple headlines every now and then and form their entire worldview around them
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lokis-wager · 1 year
"cringe" it's always a white woman at the scene of the crime.
Racism and sexism - hmm, now am I arguing with a tradcon or a radfem here.
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fipindustries · 1 year
lol tradcons and redpillers are fighting now because they finally realized how uncompatible their ideologies are and its fucking glorious
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max1461 · 1 year
Worth saying again: if you claim that "cis men are praised for expressing femininity!" you are living in a progressive bubble. Like, yes, there are environments where that is true, but they sure aren't in the majority!
The fact of the matter is that transphobes view trans women as men. The disgust response that motivates so much of transmisogyny is one and the same with the disgust response that people have to cis men expressing femininity, because to transphobes trans woman are cis men expressing femininity. This is readily apparent from looking at literally any transphobic rhetoric at all, whether from terfs or tradcons or whatever.
There is essentially no coherent way to support trans women while also opposing "men in dresses". You simply cannot do it.
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ace-pervert · 1 year
Man, I forgot imma-fuckingt4ble went full terf. I remember following them for a while and then I was suddenly just getting radfem crap on my dash from them and I had to unfollow fast.
I did the same thing. Though in hindsight doesnt surprise me. Many discoursers end up as some flavor of radfem, tradcon, or discourse disgusted furry.
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lejacquelope · 7 months
Tumblr media
How to needlessly antagonize and degrade women everywhere who see this, thereby creating a backlash where women mock and make fun of men as a class in retaliation.
Shit memes like this only fire up or amuse hard core misogynists. It doesn't work in any context beyond that because marginalizing women isn't feasible anymore, nor has it ever been useful to humanity or human civilization. It isn't funny, either.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 3 months
I cant find it but @paradigm-adrift had a good post about the rallying cry of "isnt it suspicious radfems keep aligning neatly with tradcons?"
I mean, no, they dont, first off tradcons hate half the causes radfems spend all their time in a frothing rage about (reproductive issues (except for surrogacy), lgb, most organised religions, female separatism). Which is sort of to the point: often agreeing with both factions in a mainstream polarised culture is in fact what you should expect if you try to develop yr political and moral beliefs on principle rather than simply going along with the prevailing trends in one of the two poles. This is not, in itself, objectionable; in fact, this is about the only way to achieve any actual useful devt in cultural consensus. What is objectionable is that their principles are fucking nuts, and whats funny is that in 50yrs of radical feminist activism and "consciousness raising" they have in this country exclusively had to rely on their libfem or conservative enemies to see any of their ideals enacted
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tanadrin · 2 years
it’s really a pity that large-scale geographical self-sorting of people by political affiliation isn’t really a thing. I don’t mean this just because i think it would be nice to live in the urbanist, socially liberal, UBI-providing, perpetually-ensmogged-by-a-haze-of-pot-smoke microstate of my dreams (though for sure it would), but because part of me genuinely wants to see what sort of fucked up things the tradcons and libertarians would come up with if their id was unshackled from the pharisaical sanity of their fellow citizens.
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shaftking · 1 year
When are people gonna start treating trans peoples bodies not in a weird freak way.
I’m seriously so tired of woke fetishists pretending like the way they lust after ���girldick” “boypussy” and preop trans guys chests in the most objectifying way possible and I’m tired of tradcons treating trans peoples bodies like some freak anomalous third thing as if they’re a modern circus side show or a disgusting mutilation of the human form like fucking Frankenstein. I hate it.
It’s one thing to call out minors getting surgeries or treatments they can’t consent or have dubiously consented to, or another to bring positivity to trans people by saying that trans guys top surgery scars are just like any surgical scarring or that trans women with flat chests are just as valid as flat chested cis women or trans people who don’t want bottom surgery are just as trans as people who do. But there are so many people caught up in pandering to their own side in trans culture war bullshit by vilifying trans people for existing or treating trans people like the celebrities or sex objects they have weird parasocial relationships with that they forgot to treat trans people like human beings.
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dasha-aibo · 2 years
Cisnowflake was an unremarkable anti-SJW blogger who was just kind of there for YEARS until early 2022 where he made a hard tradcon turn, started hating trannies and intentionally catching bans.
Hey, no such thing as bad PR, right? At least he got his attention.
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Did feminism unintentionally create married single moms??
Feminism isn't one thing. There are many flavors of feminism, some that completely contradict others on points. If your flavor of feminism doesn't promote what I'm charging "feminism" with, then I'm not talking about you, but what I'm about to describe is a rather prominent line of thought across many types of feminism.
Feminism may have painted itself into a corner with respect to family and childrearing.
Some of the strains around the second wave were not concerned or actively hostile toward these things. This was either, at best, because they were intended for a politically or earnestly Sapphic audience, or at worst, because they were reactionary and/or anti-natalist and misandrist. There was some controversy in the second wave as to whether a SAHM could even be a feminist, for example.
In my last post, I said the push for women to enter the workforce wasn't accompanied by a complementary movement to bring men into the home.
We go forward two waves to The Current Year, and while there are some feminists who view (voluntary, non-Blood-And-Soil, non-theocratic) tradwifery as a valid choice for women and not "taking women back 100 years", if we're being perfectly honest, I think a lot of feminists recoil at the idea of being a SAHM or view it as a choice for some-women-but-not-me. Secretly they have some contempt for those women. It's framed often as "It's valid and feminism is about choice but personally, I would be so bored. I don't want to waste my potential," (or similar statements) which unintentionally frames being a SAHM as something good for boring women without a lot of aspirations or things going for themselves, but not smart and interesting women with potential.
In the manosphere, I've seen being a SAHM framed as perfect for women because it's intellectually undemanding, and that women are low-intelligence and never mentally develop beyond adolescence, by nature, so they can do tedious tasks and spend all their time around children without wanting to blow their brains out like an Alpha Male would want to because he's too smart and has better, more important things to do.
Sometimes tradcons couch this a bit more gently, that "Why would women rather submit to their boss who doesn't care about them, but not submit to their husband who loves them?" It's still acknowledging that they view this as a one-way power dynamic where one person is important and the other person is not, and the full-time parent is the one that is the lesser. "Women wouldn't be so mentally ill and stressed if they just stayed home and had kids," which is still framing stay-at-home parenting as something for mentally fragile, neurotic people who can't cut it in the "real world".
The same logic is used by those men to shit on men who do chores and childcare in a significant capacity, or those who are or aspire to be SAHDs -- that those men are wasting their potential, lazy, weak, incompetent, pushovers bullied by their wives, etc.
(What an odd thing for them to say...)
Feminists generally perpetuate the same beliefs, albeit couched in different language.
If we're the type of woman to grrr at the idea of being a SAHM, we need to examine what part of that we're grrr-ing at.
Is it because it was de-facto compulsory in the past and we've adopted a sort of inter-generational trauma, so we say "Never again!" and are reflexively avoiding anything that looks like it could turn into a slippery slope?
Is it because we associate it with necessarily being shackled to a domineering and insensitive patriarchal figure who barely treats us like a real person?
Is it because we dislike the lame-ass, square, hokey-dokey, pastel-colored, squishy, cow-eyed - or maybe even cheugy - aesthetics of marriage and/or motherhood we inherited from the Victorians and see reinforced by Mormon and Evangelical influencers?
Is it because some of our childhoods were actually kind of fucked up and something adjacent to motherhood is severely triggering, or we're afraid of becoming our shitty parents?
Is it because we - be honest - think it's a lower-status position, a waste of talent of some form, suitable for someone inferior in some way, etc.?
I think the latter one - between traditionalist and redpill men, reactionary feminists, and antifeminist pick-me's - is how society views SAHMs at an aggregate level. Society doesn't give a lot of prestige for stay-at-home parents -- the less educated, less intelligent of the two parents, they gave up their job because it wasn't worth much in the first place, and if you talk to them, all they're going to talk about is their kids.
If humanity is to continue, people need to have kids, and someone needs to raise them. I think outsourcing this to corporations and the state is fucking inviting trouble, but literally who is going to raise the kids if neither parent wants to do it because everyone from the right to the left has shit on the concept of childrearing for 70 years or more?
I think that was the problem from the beginning of the women's liberation movement. It's created a situation where men entering the home without being seen as lesser is the logical response to women entering the workforce without being seen as lesser, but it's turned into a very hard sell because it comes off as "Come do this thing we don't want to do because it fucking sucks and it's for dumb people."
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