#touma shinjo
setewbro · 1 year
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This sketch is going to be one year old tomorrow but I never finished the digital version for the 6 characters thing
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ryusei-blue · 2 years
Since most people usually dont look at the imdb while they're watching a show and didn't know Keito was played by Daman Mills, I thought I'd share with you the other voice actors who play enstars characters in the English dub :)
Anzu is played by Felicia Angelle, who plays Frill in Wonder Egg Prority, this information keeps me up at night.
Arashi is played by Matt Shipman, i.e transfem Reki Kyan agenda (in the dub she is referred to with He/Him pronouns once by Ritsu and that hurts substantially)
Eichi is played by Aaron Dismuke, Tamaki Amajiki's va
Kaoru is played by Josh Grelle, who also plays Touma Shinjo and Ritsuka Uenoyama, and that leads me to:
Kanata, who is played by Brandon McInnis, who also plays Yuū Asuka and Mafuyu Sato, so.. Kaokana agenda
Tsukasa is played by Kyle Phillips, also known as Denki Kaminari
Mika is played by Bakugo's va, Clifford Chapin
Hokke is played by Adam Gibbs, the first names I recognised on his imdb is Natsuo Todoroki and Shingo from Stars Align so that's what ur getting oh shit and also Sugawara from hq apparently
Tsumugi's played by the Deku himself, Justin Briner
And finally:
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Those are all the VAs I recognise
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gojoumitsue · 3 years
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7phanthony8 · 3 years
I couldn't resist.
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applebunch · 3 years
au where maki pre-planned his murder plot and he was impatiently waiting for the soft tennis tournament to be over the whole game, hoping that he would have time to kill his dad before school started the next day.
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salandy-andi · 4 years
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pissfizz · 3 years
So I’m working on a little comic about Yuu growing their hair out (it’s like two pages long really quick and fast and kinda dumb) and uh
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Touma’s gay ass ^^^
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luftballons99 · 5 years
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yall remember middle school?
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nanininni235 · 3 years
If y’all still like Stars Align please join I have no one to talk to lol
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goinghostie · 4 years
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It's like these shoes were MADE for Toma-
The dinosaurs are even grumpy!!
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makimakikun · 5 years
we all can hope.
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setewbro · 3 years
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dykewinry-moved · 4 years
Touma and Maki: *beats Joy*
Joy: I fucking suck at soft tennis
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gojoumitsue · 3 years
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arashiouji · 4 years
I talked about this the HnS server yesterday but I felt like this is one interesting theory that i can share here!!
You guys know how the Moon and Venus keeps popping up ALL the time in HnS?
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Right after this shot of Maki framing the moon, a seagull flies. Seagulls are also EXTREMELY important in the series. They appear in almost ALL the episodes.
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But then, the seagull flies down
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And then we see a shit if Maki looking at what's infront of him
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And the camera pans down to Touma.
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I recommend watching this scene again to understand it a but more without just screenshots lol
Touma = Seagulls.
But then who's the Moon.
Well, remember earlier in the episode Maki receives a Astronomical Almanac as a gift from Ryouma? Look at the cover of the Almanac.
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So theory that either Ryouma might be the moon and Maki might be the venus which would kind explain some of the backstories. Before I do more with that, I need to state some observations I noticed in the first episode and combined with the rest if the series.
-Maki and Ryouma seem to be a lot closer than Maki and Touma are. Touma took a while to even fully comprehend who Maki IS being all "Maki..." Then you could see his eyes literallly grow in realization whereas Ryouma already knew Maki was in town AND had a specific Almanac for him considering Maki already KNOWS what Astronomical Almanacs are meaning he's read them before so must have wanted a specific one and maki says oh it's the Astronomical Almanac. Also they refer to each other with their first names (Maki calls Ryouma as Ryouma from the start and Ryouma calls him Maki without any honorifics. In Japanese culture, considering their age gap, this is a blatant sign that they're close enough to drop honorifics altogether. even though he calls even Touma as Shinjo at first and Touma called him Katsuragi at first. Nai thinks it might be because they felt awkward at first and didn't know where they stand with each other so that could have been it)
-Even though we KNOW that Maki and Touma are pretty close from the past, they never actually CONFIRM they were friends?? When You asks Touma if Maki is a old friend of his, he smiles but doesn't affirm or deny it. Maki seemed ti get really irritated with Touma when he saw him waiting for Maki the second day which, from Maki, is really cold towards a former Friend??
-Maki seemed to be annoyed with the whole prospect of Touma throwing money around at first and when Touma mentions his brother, Maki fulls STOPS. At first, Touma had to hold down Maki by his wrist to make him listen and cut his way to make him stay. When Maki agrees and makes that,,,let's be honest,,,kinda ridiculous demand, it feels more like a "you're not serious about this do DROP it" kinda thing to me? When Touma hesitates Maki even says in the dub "that's what I thought"
Basically, my theory here is that their backstories run a LOT deeper than we know or have seen yet. It's a lot of stuff to unpack in like two episodes but from what I can tell, the symbolism considering that Maki and Ryouma and seemed closer in the start and then Touma arrives to make Maki join the club and offer to play soft tennis to him.
Put that together with Ryouma being the moon and Touma being the seagull that suddenly flies in and that makes Maki the venus.
Moon = Ryouma
Seagull = Touma
Venus = Maki
Considering all of them represent SOMETHING in the sky, my guess is that the stars represents all the other members and the sky represents soft tennis. They're all bound together in the same room place by soft tennis or love for soft tennis.
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blossom765 · 5 years
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If you didn't want them to over hear, you guys could've just whispered behind your hands instead of putting your faces inches away from each other.
I wonder if anybody assumed that they making out on the courts.
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