#toon alex
ftwkcomic · 5 months
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My Night 2024
No Joke, as soon as I heard they released the first 4 episodes of Hazbin Hotel, I spent all night after work watching the Show with McD's. GO WATCH THE SHOW! Portfolio: https://ftwkcomicbooks.myportfolio.com Discord: https://discord.gg/ZM2UNxXKPQhttps://discord.gg/TQUA26Naj8
Socials and comms info https://ftwkcomic.carrd.co/
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talkingwoso · 2 months
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Telling my kids these were the Beatles
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secret-spirit · 6 days
That one post of Veldigun!Alex stealing back their voice from the foundation through Toon Lankmann is such a hilarious mental image like HUH
Anyway quote i found that just fits that
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mercurycft · 3 months
## georgia, leah & keira !!
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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this! I’ve missed writing over the last crazy weeks, i’m getting through all my messages & requests now! More parts of this to come! Thank you! Love always - RGx
1,786 words.
When Keira and Georgia first met, they were in school. Fifteen and wrapped in blazers that were at the very least a size too big, hanging down by their waists and protruding from their shoulders.
The pair weren’t totally unfamiliar, sharing a group of mutual friends - more specifically, Leah, who would throw their names around in conversations.
Leah had lived five minutes from Georgia practically since they were born. they spent years kicking about on the field outside Georgia’s house, seeing each other through years of school and friendship. That was until year seven found them both in different schools at different ends of the town - but somehow, through the mess of puberty and British secondary school, they never lost touch. instead opting for a weekly kick about on a Tuesday, which usually ended in a mess of laughter. The type of laughter that's silent and pure joyous, the kind that makes you hold your nose and cross your legs. most importantly, it worked.
Leah and Keira however, had met on the third day of year seven. football tryouts, obviously. Leah striking up a conversation about Keira’s boots, and helping her to tie the ridiculously long laces. They both made the team and made an even better pair. Keira, despite her small frame, dominated the mid field. Leah, with her big aspirations and an even bigger mouth, dominated the defence. They would scream across the field, calling to each other after a good pass and swearing under their breaths when the ball came off their feet in an unintended direction. It started at after-school practice, then lunch, then the days seemed to fall into weeks, then into months, then into years until their meeting became a soft memory of them.
It was the final day of school before May half-term, a Friday. It was still warm and light out, the sun still standing her ground as four o’clock rolled around and the final bell rang through the grounds. At the sound, Keira and Leah hurried to shove their belongings and clothes back into their kit bags - disregarding the need to actually remove either of their football kits and instead just slipping their blazer over the top.
The pair still slightly red in the face and breathing deeply as they sifted through the crowd in the common area, weaving through the bodies and towards the gates - arms linked and followed by a small group of other girls who they shared a pitch with.
Georgia’s day had finished earlier, her school day ending in a blur. At lunchtime, her phone buzzed in her blazer pocket. A text from Leah asking Georgia if she wanted to play in a friendly five-a-side match with some of the girls from her team. though she said it in far fewer words, something along the lines of. ‘g!!! five-a-side on the field tonight!! meet me from school, I’ll introduce u to the girls. love u x’ and that was that.
Georgia was already outside the gates by the time the bell rang, headphones in and looking down at her phone. She had her kit on too, beneath her blazer. A backpack slung over her shoulder and hanging low on her back, it was full to the brim - most likely with her uniform scrunched and shoved in amongst the books.
When Leah, Keira and the other football girls had finally managed to break out of the crowd and through the gates - Leah called out and pulled the group in Georgia's direction, spotting the girl standing hunched against the wall. Once she was close enough to be noticed, Georgia removed her headphones and pulled Leah into a side hug and laughed when they collided.
"You're sweaty get off!" She laughed, nudging Leah away playfully and turning her attention to the rest of the girls. "I'm Georgia! it's lovely to meet you!"
Before Keira could reply she was being hugged, smiling at the unexpected contact and letting out a loose laugh as the group errupted into harmonizing laughs when leah called from ahead of them.
"She's a hugger girls!"
They all finished their greetings, exchanging names and 'How are you's before they started to move away from the school. The walk to the field wasn't far at all, maybe 15 minutes and Georgia seemed to fit straight into the crowd. Laughing and joking with everyone, making sure they were all equally included.
After five minutes though, Georgia and Keira had managed to drift away from the other girls. Stood in a two behind the group, laughing and talking about football. they shared their favourite players and discussed matches they had been to, each of them excited at the presence of a new ear to chew off. they shared embarrassing football moments and silly cards they had received. This continued until they had reached their destination, still chatting as they threw their bags onto the grass and began marking their 'goalposts.'
It felt strange to Keira, it had never been easy for her to make new friends. But weirdly, it didn't feel like she was making a new friend in Georgia. Instead, it was as if they had been friends for years.
The match was fun, full of laughter and cheers. By the time they had finished up, the other girls had said their goodbyes and made their way home. leaving Leah, Georgia and Keira alone on the grass. they sat there for a while, laughing and talking until they had to leave. accompanying each other on the walk home, where Keira made sure to take Georgia's number to stay in touch.
They spoke every day.
Keira had never felt this way about a group of people before, or honestly about anyone at all. She wasn't a sociable child and that wasn't a trait she really ever grew out of - but with Leah and Georgia, her ability (or lack thereof) to make friends seemed to wither away.
The first time they spent the day as just a trio was in the summer. It was hot, with little breeze to put them out of their misery. Sprawled out on a pitch of grass by the stone beach, which was far too hot and crowded to even think about finding a spot. But laying on mismatched towels beside each other and sharing a big bag of doritos was enough for them.
The group stayed like that for hours, laid on their towels and sharing the snacks that Georgia had provided. They laughed until their ribs hurt, and kicked a ball about until they were sure their knees would buckle.
The day was slowly slipping away, the sun now drifting below the horizon and a chill settling into the air. At the now lack of heat, the girls concluded it was time to walk home.
They walked together, sharing a bottle of water and stopping every few yards in fits of laughter. The walk would usually take 15 minutes, but between them, they had managed to extend the walk to 45.
Georgia and Leah decided to walk Keira home first, considering she lived closer and they wouldn't want her to walk even a street's length alone. They escorted her right up to the front door, sharing a hug and a passing kiss on the cheek before saying their final goodbyes.
Keira watched them walk away from her house through the window next to the door, smiling absentmindedly as they faded from view. Watching Leah's ponytail swing as she shook her head, presumably at some stupid comment Georgia had made, Keira couldn't help by stifle a small and breathy laugh from her lips.
"This is it." she thought briefly. these were her people.
Almost a year later and they were still as close as ever. Spending evenings after school and spare time on the weekends as a trio. whether that be in town, or at each other's houses.
On this day, however, they sat on a small patch of grass behind Georgia's house. All three of them adorned in mismatched football kits their parents had strung together. They sat in silence for a minute or two, heaving for breath as they lay sprawled out after an all too intense round of quickfire penalties.
In this silence Keira lay fidgeting with the blades of grass beside her, twisting them between her fingers and ripping them from the ground. She knew she could tell them anything. They would never judge, just listen. So she was confused as to why an anxious fire began to spread through her stomach, around her limbs and across the back of her neck as she sat up in the grass and turned her body to face the pair head-on.
Georgia was the first to notice the look on Keira's face, raising herself to rest on her elbows with her eyebrows furrowed. "Kei? What's wrong?"
Leah sat up next, removing her arm from across her face and moving to face Keira as well. "You okay?" She whispered softly.
Keira was silent for a few beats, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes before she started speaking. "I need to tell you both something and I don't want you to think of me any differently and I don't want you to not want to talk to me or hang around with me anymore and I just-"
"Keira, woah, slow down." Leah was always logical, but she was also fiercely caring. She placed her hand gently atop of Keira's on the grass. "Slow down, nothing you could ever say will ever make us not want to speak to you!"
"Yeah Kei, never." Georgia iterated, smiling.
"I like girls." She whispered. Looking down at the grass beneath her, avoiding the eyes now fixated on her. It was silent between the group for a minute before Georgia spoke up.
"You're still Keira."
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mysunshinetemptress · 4 months
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Ever Since New York
Part 2 of Meet Me in the Hallway
Leah Williamson x Styles!Reader
Warnings:Angst hidden relationships, lots of sighing
You hummed into Leah’s chest as she brushed her hand through your hair the two of you wrapped up on her couch watching The Arsenal boys against Southampton, you loved these moments the mundane couple things where you were able to forget that you lived four hours away and rarely saw each other unless it was through a phone or you had a free day to drive down to her for a few hours. You smiled hearing Leah whisper a quite yes as the boys took the offence “if they don’t win this one Le they will prove themselves to be absolutely shite.” Leah squeezed you slightly “hey United are just as bad “you shook your head “yeah but we have a trophy in our collection that’s younger then 20 years old.” Leah laughed squeezing you again huffing as Arsenal lost the ball. This was the few times in the last few months where it had been just the two of you, both being called up to the Olympic squad didn’t mean you got to spend time with your blonde lover instead you both kept your interactions to a minimum so this right here was bliss until it wasn’t.
You groaned lifting your head from Leah’s chest as you answered the phone “hi Harry.” Leah watched concerned as you sat up abruptly “how did you know I’m in London.” You looked at Leah panicked “just a friend H from the national team.” Leah sat up before getting off the couch and standing in front of you. “Yeah I can call around in an hour.” You looked at Leah “stay the night.” You felt your heart sink as you watched Leah nod her head, you didn’t want to stay at your brothers you wanted to stay at hers this was the only break you where getting for the next few weeks and you wanted to spend as much of it with her as possible. Sighing you agreed “yeah H I’d love to I’ll see you soon alright.” Hanging up the phone you began getting your shoes on as Leah looked at you confused “hey where are you going you told him an hour love.” You looked at Leah “I am not in the mood for this conversation right now I’ll see you in a few weeks ok.” Leah looked at you confused “but Y/n..” you shook your head “I’ll text you when I get there, I love you.” You kissed her goodbye before jumping in the car to head to Harry.
Harry to his kindness never asked which national team mate you where visiting simply talking about his up coming shows in New York titled “Harryween.” Before you both decided to watch a movie and just relax, we’ll try to relax you instead sat picking at your fingers thinking about your girlfriend who lived less than an hour away.
You hadn’t seen Leah in since you left her that night to stay at Harry’s but you had been talking daily trying to organise your schedules so you could drive down to London to spend time together only something always came up “sorry can’t do this weekend Arsenal girls are going out.” Or “sorry love not this weekend family thing, event I have to go to with Al, family night with the Arsenal.” The list went on and you felt yourself hating your hidden relationship more than before.
You where sat in your Mums house for a small family dinner, it was one of the rare occasions you all seemed to be in the same place as Harry was home, Gemma wasn’t working and you didn’t have a match. Harry cleared his throat before looking at you excitedly “so you know how my team and I came up with the plan to do HarryWeen.” You hummed in acknowledgment focused on cutting your roast potatoes “well my team checked your schedule for October and you’re free to fly out for it so.” You looked up at Harry “so what H.” Harry rolled his eyes “so will you come over to New York.” You looked at him eyebrows raised in surprise “I don’t know Harry I don’t know what the plans are for Halloween yet with the girls.” Truth was you had been hinting at Leah that you wanted to spend it with her “Invite them.” You nearly chocked on your dinner “what.” Harry nodded “invite the girls, even your national squad if you want.” You looked to your mum then Gemma “oh that would be lovely Ella, Alessia, Chloe and Alex. I agree darling invite them.” You sighed dropping your fork to rub your head, they would love to go you knew that but it was Leah you wanted to see not them. “Yeah I’ll ask.” As if on cue your phone rang as you flipped it over to see the photo of you and Leah staring back at you “sorry I have to take this I’ll be back in a minute.”
“Hey Le.” Leah sighed happily down the phone “god I miss you.” You smiled sitting on the stairs “I miss you too, what’s up are you ok.” Leah began talking about the match she had just finished playing a match you had recorded back in your apartment to watch later but nevertheless you sat happily listening to her talk about it. You began picking at the carpet as you worked up the nerve to ask “Hey Le.” Leah hummed softly telling you she was listening “Harry was just talking about his show in New York next month and eh well he said our schedules are free and asked if I wanted to invite some of the eh the girls over like you know El, Less, Chloe and Al and I was..well I was wondering if you wanted to maybe come over too you know to see him perform.” “Y/n.” Leah tried to speak but you couldn’t let her to scared of what she would say “I could introduce you this time like you wanted and you I mean you could even invite Kiera and Georgia that way it’s not just you so it’s less suspicious with the girls and all.” “Y/n” you hummed this time halting your speech “I would love to, I’ll text the girls now ok, Halloween with my girl in New York sounds cool.” You smiled happily “yeah.” Leah laughed “yeah.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you where holding “ok cool, ehm listen I have to get back to the table but I love you and I’ll text you later.” Leah laughed at how excited you sound “ok go on I’ll text the girls now and ask, I love you pretty girl.” You stood up on the stairs and squealed happily at the thought of Leah coming to New York with you as you went and sat back with your family. Harry laughed looking at you “what’s got you so happy.” You shrugged “New York.”
You had excitedly texted the girls that night asking if they all wanted to come to New York for the concert as well as a small shopping trip before texting them back when Harry said he was going to give you his jet for it before excitedly texting Leah “oh my god Le Harry said we can use his jet for New York.” Leah sighed looking at the text “cool.” You texted back immediately “maybe we could sit together, only if you’re comfortable with it.” Leah’s head shot up as her mum spoke “who’s texting you that you can’t listen to a word I’m saying.” Leah rolled her eyes “just one of the girls asking if I wanted to go to New York, I have to check.” Amanda hummed “which girl.” Leah shook her head “one of them god mum stop snooping.”
As the days grew closer to your departure date your family couldn’t help but smile at your excitement, it’s the first time they had seen you this excited in a while. The plan had been set weeks ago you, Ella, Less, Chloe, and Alex would all stay at your house and leave for the airport together and meet your Mum and Sister in New York, you had texted Leah the plan but she simply said she would stay at Kiera’s and that Georgia was going to stay with them.
You had all gotten up at 4 am happily getting yourselves ready for the airport texting Leah updates before squeezing into the car Harry had sent to get you. You shot one last text to Leah telling her you were leaving and that you would see her shortly. After arriving at the airport you all got on the plane and sat waiting patiently for the last three girls, it was a surprise for the rest of the girls who were coming. An hour later Ella groaned “Y/n we have been waiting for ages come on your other friends aren’t coming.” You looked down at your phone again, all your texts had been left on delivered since you got up and you had tried calling her 15 times but to no avail, finally it was when the captain came out that you agreed to leave.
Landing in New York you turned on your phone to see a text from Leah stating her and the girls had slept through their alarms and where so sorry but they arranged to get a flight that would land 6pm New York time. Sighing you got in the car to drive to the Hotel before leaving to meet up with your Mum and Sister at a restaurant. “Come on Y/n cheer up we made it and your friends are on the next flight out.” You nodded along to Chloe’s words “right ok yeah let’s go.” Sitting in the restaurant with your mum you couldn’t help but keep checking the time on your phone. “Hey im going to head to the airport to meet the girls arriving in I’ll meet you all back at the hotel ok.” The girls all wished you goodbye as you hoped back into the black Cadillac to the airport. You texted Leah “hey you never sent your flight details, I’m guessing T1 I’ll see you soon, I don’t think I’ve said it yet, but thank you for doing this I love you Le.”
You stood excitedly at the welcome gate ready to wrap your girlfriend in a hug before your other friends. You sighed checking your phone as it read 6:45 before googling flights arriving into JFK only to see that the 6pm flight had in fact landed already and they should have been out ages ago, shaking your head you decided to text Leah again “hey love, did you girls get lost??.” You decided this time to also text Kiera “hey Kie, did you guys get lost on the way out, where are u??.” You looked up as more strangers emerged from the airport but still couldn’t see the trio before looking back at your phone as it buzzed “Y/n wtf are you talking about get lost where.” You frowned in confusion before typing Keira back “Getting lost in JFK in New York, Leah said your guys flight landed at 6pm.” You watched as the bubbles appeared on screen “eh wtf why would I be in New York, Y/n are you sure you’re texting the right girl.” Your breath hitched as you stared at your phone “Keira where are you.” You felt tears begin to prick your eyes “I’m in Manchester, with Lucy, Leah hasn’t texted me in a few days.” You shook your head, deciding to call Leah but of course it went straight to voice mail, you let out a huff as you began to speak “Le, darling I’m..I’m not mad I promise I just…what’s going on..please Le..Keira said you never said anything to her about New York…I just..Le please call me..I’m sorry if I pushed you to fast just let me know your ok…. We can organise to see each other when I get back…I love you…Le god do I love you.” You hung up the phone before turning to head back to the driver.
You couldn’t wait for New York but now all you wanted was for this trip to end.
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lessi-lover · 4 months
my baby lessi bear 💗 happy birthday my blondie, my clumsy girl, beans on toast lover, miss: looses her shoes twice in a game, cherry capri suns in the basket, my backheel goal scorer, tar heels baby, girl in red and white, happy 25th birthday <3 🫶🏻.
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here's some alessia content for you all ~ happy lessi day 🫶🏻💗
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animatoonstudios · 2 days
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Redraw from 2022 + silly other doodles that are cute enough to share <333
I have sm crossover pairings and friendships, I might show some more one day <3
The tiger lady with Boris is my batim oc, Diamond <33
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lucawrites11 · 2 days
the lionesses biggest problems against france and my solutions
keira walsh unable to lose her marker
the lack of a left footed centreback
poor defending of corners especially from hampton
terrible substitutions
a lack of speed and players in the box
a lack of creativity in line-ups making us completely predictable
okay, let's look at these problems in depth:
sarina loves a 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 looking something like this:
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however this line-up has multiple problems. the first is that it's predictable, it is a slight modification of the same line-up with the same people that has been used since the euros except it no longer has the same level of success because the opposition has figured out it's weaknesses.
the first major risk is the reliance of Keira Walsh. Germany had figured this out by the Euros Final. as one of the best holding midfielder in the world, she's absolutely crucial in terms of the passes she provides forward and her ball recovery but if you just put one player on her all game (in France's case it was Kenza Dali) you can mark her out and remove England's ball recovery ability and ensure that they struggle to get the ball forward.
Another weakness is that if Sarina choses to start Greenwood, as she did yesterday, there is no defender with a good left foot and that leaves the defence vulnerable and also limits the connection that Hemp can have with her full-back down the left. Furthermore, without Lauren James, Ella Toone doesn't provide the same speed running in behind in the 10 role and that switch with Russo to allow Russo to overload the midfield and start goal scoring play. It was something that she did multiple times against France but Toone didn't make her way into the box like James and there is no finishing. English is struggling without that out and out striker, and Lauren James compensated for that gap. Without James, speed in the frontline is also lost, leaving Hemp the fastest forward player and no one chasing after her to get into the box with her.
Also loosing Earps meant that Hampton was shaky and thrown off coming on and she has never been as strong at set piece defending. Khiara may be a better option to defend set pieces where France are deadly but that's too much pressure for a debut game almost. I would like to see Khiara get her first England cap in the next Ireland match to allow be more of an option for Sarina as competition for Earps and Hampton. Sarina also failed in terms of not making a subsitution until the seventieth minute and bringing on experience where England clearly needed more speed and fresh legs. Leaving Jess Naz, Grace Clinton and Jess Park's speed on the bench was criminal.
what's the solution?
in my opinion, sarina has to use an entirely new line-up that does a few things:
either takes Walsh off the pitch or uses a midifeld overload that allows her more freedom
brings more speed into the attacking line
places a winger or ten behind Russo with the ability to get into the box
makes space for a left-footed centreback
there are a few options:
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this is my least favourite option. it solves the keira walsh problem by taking her off the pitch but that leaves stanway as the sole holding midfielder. furthermore, it gives space for a left footed centreback in alex greenwood but it means bronze is pushed into the midfield which she can play effectively and would allow for speed in the attack but can leave a defensive hole on the wings. also without a clear left midfielder (carter could maybe play where i've place clinton and if she does, clinton should replace kirby). however clinton has speed to get into the box and as does kirby. this is also tiring for the midfield however england does have the midfield depth to bring on in park.
4-4-2 (diamond)
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4-4-2 is on the left and the diamond option is on the right
both are strong choices for this england side and i think that hemp can also play up front next to russo with mead on the right with bronze and clinton or stanway on the left. two centre-forwards in russo and mead/hemp allows the centrebacks to be occupied and for a high press which can interfere with the french attempt to play out from the back that they love. clinton allows has the pace to run in behind when russo or mead manage to steal the ball allowing for a quick counter attack. four in the midfield can also overload the three that the french place in the there and challenge their ability to mark keira walsh out of the game. furthermore, a strong press in russo and hemp/mead allows the midfield be bypassed because the four doesn't always provide a full overload. two upfront can also compensate for when russo drops into the midfield and to hold up the ball, this also allows for the full overload with five in the midfield to pull markers off keira. with a strong left back in greenwood who can play centreback, williamson can also drop into the midfield for an overload. a four at the back with the left-footed defender allows for a deep block if the ball is lost, something that is likely to happen if france play in the midfield again.
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this is my favourite line-up
the five in the midfield allows for a complete overload that can release walsh and give her the freedom to pass forward. furthermore, there is the left-footed centreback in greenwood. bronze and hemp playing as wing-backs also allows for a deep block when they drop back and they are both fast at getting both back and forward on the defense and attack which can be the main weakness of this line-up however bronze and hemp can play well as wing-backs. furthermore, bronze, hemp and clinton can overload the final third to support the high press of russo and mead that ensures players in the box and speed on a break to that can work quickly to throw off a french defense and a build up of play from the back
i think this will solve a lot of england's problems going forward and back and release keira walsh in the midfield as well as throwing france off with a new line-up that they wouldn't be expecting
i would also like to see jess park and aggie beever-jones up front to provide support as a striker for alessia russo or speed in behind replacing grace clinton
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they-thespian666 · 6 days
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Catharsis and rage for Alex <3
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doodle-girl · 9 days
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I take it back, drawing back profile is SO much more agonizing than side profile.
Anyway. Shitty 5 min doodle of Alex punting the Lankmann plush into oblivion. They are free now…
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corrupteddoodles · 2 months
no spoilers this time
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[alt text: traditional drawing of alex williams doing voice work. he is wearing a black set of headphones and his usual work uniform, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. he looks happy, looking to the side while gripping one side of the headphones with his left hand. the text to the right of his head reads “You don’t know me, but I certainly know you!” end ID]
when mortimer approached alex asking him to do a job for him, alex didn’t expect to be voice acting.
it’s a nice change of pace though!
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hedghost · 10 months
i am slowly falling in love with esme morgan
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22plus15 · 6 days
lucy training with u11 milton united ladies on the lionesses yt channel! 🥰 (full video)
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leahsgirl · 2 months
⋆⭒˚.⋆ current wips ⋆⭒˚.⋆ last updated: 2/4/24
just to let you guys know i didn’t die but writers block has killed me off. 🥰
leah williamson
⭑ take care of you
⭑ are we really pretending?
⭑ home
⭑ reunited
⭑ secret admirer
⭑ the other woman
⭑ love makes you do the dumbest things (or just makes you dumb)
⭑ never let me go
⭑ well this is new
lucy bronze
⭑ possessive
⭑ pride on the pitch
⭑ back to you
alessia russo
⭑ the aussie effect
ella toone
⭑ secrets out
⭑ dramatic much
stina blackstenius
⭑ hopelessly oblivious
niamh charles
⭑ baby bump
untitled fics for:
⭑ leah williamson, ella toone, lucy bronze, stina blackstenius, georgia stanway, grace clinton, alessia russo, alex greenwood, katie mccabe, niamh charles, kyra cooney-cross, victoria pelova, chloe kelly and many more!!
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midnight-ramblingswfc · 5 months
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The Women’s 11
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pernillecfcw · 2 months
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🇮🇪 vs 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 at the Aviva Stadium 🏟️
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