#too woonggi moodboard
bbaekgyeul · 1 year
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neogotmycity · 3 years
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→ what you gonna do when your nightmares come true?
(the fact that i truly created a storytelling for this moodboard)
come in, he's sleeping. close the door, the noises may wake him up. did you read the newspaper? the picture of the first page, he was smiling at all those blood. "what you gonna do when your nightmares come true?", he asked me earlier. but he once said he was leaving, he was nervous, shacking, fearing the worst. but he is the worst. he couldn't handle an ordinary life. and his mom was freaking him out. what happened? why her body was upon the stairs? why his hands was so red? there's nothing left for him. i found this written behind the door of his bedroom: "the world's not safe anymore." and now he cries every hour. he tried to escape the room this morning, but i want make sure here's safe for him now. but i am afraid. what if he find another knife anywhere and put it right thru my chest? but what if he chop my head either? but what if... what if... what if...
~ sorry for any mistake, i'm not fluent and i don't have classes.
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kiwijhy · 3 years
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★ minhee x woonggi layouts
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owggi · 2 years
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nothing's quite the same as it has been on those familiar days. i dream about an old familiar face.
psd by @aureangels
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nyubug · 3 years
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そばにいてください。 ☆〜(ゝ。∂)... !
i’ll be your star! 🌟 < きいろ 3
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tom1rae · 3 years
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i98juyxzne · 3 years
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yoonunme · 4 years
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Woonggi Moodboard
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psd by: @artsyeolpsds
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jimininaminute · 4 years
can i ask mtl in TOO to date someone younger than them and the youngest year they’d date (ex. 2001-2003)
Oo this is a good one
Chihoon (2002)
Chan (2001)
Jerome (2003)
Kyungho (2003/2004)
Jisu (2001)
Deonggeon (2001)
J.You (2002)
Minsu (2001)
Jaeyun (2001)
Woonggi (2002)
Chihoon and Chan I feel are more open to dating people that are younger than them however it wouldn’t be that significant of an age difference.
Jerome-J.You I think they’d rather date someone closer to their age but wouldn’t mind dating someone younger.
Minsu-Woongi I feel would want to date noonas more simply because they’d want to be taken care of more but they’re not opposed to dating someone a year to a few months younger than them.
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kimjoongs-main · 4 years
to spread positivity, could you tag some of your friends and write some nice words about them 🥺
ahh this is so cute
@cinanamon - i’ve known steph for a while and i absolutely adore her! not only is she a very talented writer, but she’s also super sweet too. her entire vibe and aesthetic is so nice and i love exchanging ideas with her because she responds back with the same exact enthusiasm. she’s really easy going and every interaction i have with her is nothing short of pleasant 💖💖
@woonggis - i’ve known bri for a while too, and she’s an absolute delight. her sense of humor is immaculate and her moodboards *chefs kiss* she’s so chill too like?? i find it easy to get along with her. plus she’ll occasionally spam my inbox and serenade me with disney songs which is quite literally the best thing ever #bribestgirl 😚💕
@peachjaem00 - bruh before lou and i became moots, i’d always see her in my notifs and i’d be like “idk you but whoever you are i like you” and when we started talking she’s been nothing but supportive of my content and just me being me in general LOL
@lilyunhowrites - ahh anna my love 🥺 she’s quite possible the cutest human being i’ve ever had the pleasure of talking to. when she found me on my ateez blog and sent me a bunch of asks i was already so charmed by her. SHE’S SO CUTE FIGHT ME ON THIS 💞💗💓 i’m so glad that we met and became fast friends bc i always look forward to interacting with her everyday
@oh-my-vocal-unit - liz makes me so soft :( she always tries her best to have a conversation with everyone and i love scrolling thru my dash and seeing her asks pop up everywhere ☺️ her good morning/good night posts are always such a delight to see and she honestly deserves only the good things in life
@seongghwaa - ah yes, my fellow seonghwa simp 😌 vivi never ever fails to put a smile on my face. i’ve only known her for a few days but when i talk to her it feels like months? her wholesome subscriptions in my inbox are my favorite part of the day and i get so happy when i see them. she always goes out of her way to spread love and positivity and tbh everyone needs vivi in their life 💖
@legendnct - BES ❤️ kinikilig ako dahil sayo hehe ☺️☺️ hannah is such a talented writer like if you haven’t read her fics then you are truly missing out just saying, she’s also my twinnie bc we’re both filo and nursing majors LOL (we’re struggling but it’s ok bc we’re struggling tgt) and she’s so so so sweet :( hannah deserves the world period
@toffee-hwa - ana my fellow aTINY (haha get it hahahahah) ana is suuuch a darling and every time i interact with her i always melt into a puddle bc she makes me 💞💓i love how easily she gets along with everyone, her personality is truly unmatched and i will fight anyone for her
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neogotmycity · 2 years
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apesar dos meus conflitos egoicos, eu sempre continuo na mesma estrada ao lado das mesmas pessoas. não há síndrome do impostor que me derrube após uma crise existencial. hoje eu não quero ser visto, porque quando eu aparecer, deixarei todos chocados. será mesmo que eu existo?
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nyubug · 3 years
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あなたを本当に愛しています! 私の愛 🛼
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neogotmycity · 3 years
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você sabe que as coisas vão melhorar, só não sabe quando. pode ser daqui a um mês, um ano ou cinco. não saber frustra. porque há um mês atrás, um ano ou cinco, você olhou pro futuro e acreditou que ele seria melhor. o presente de agora é o futuro de antes, e de repente não houve tanta melhora desde aquela época. as coisas vão melhorar, você sabe. mas quando?
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jimininaminute · 4 years
Good day everyone!
So recently I started stanning TOO! They’re such a good rookie group and they’re doing amazing on Road to Kingdom. I have three biases even though it was so hard to even choose but I gravitate to Jaeyun, Minsu and Woong Gi a lot. So I’m now adding TOO to the list of groups I write for!
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