#tomoya aki
romancemedia · 9 months
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Anime Romances + Love by the Park Bench
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amethystsoda · 1 year
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the babygirl collection grows
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touhoutunes · 10 months
Title: 作りかけのタイムマシーン (Building a Time Machine)
Arrangement: GCHM
Vocals: みぃ
Album: Aki-秋-
Original: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke’s Kappa ~ Candid Friend, The Gensokyo the Gods Loved
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academyofbrokenhearts · 7 months
I am reading the manga Kakafukaka at the moment (lovely art, by the way), and I just had to say a few words about it, even if it doesn't look like it has a huge fandom around here.
The premise is sort of unusual for a romance manga (or maybe not; this is josei, after all, the category that gave us Kimi wa Petto, among others). Terada Aki is a young woman with low self-esteem with a boring job. At the very beginning of the story, her boyfriend cheats on her, and she ends up moving into a shared flat. It turns out that one of her flatmates is Hongyo Tomoya, a guy she sort of dated in middle school, and never spoke to again after they lost their virginity to each other. If you think that's awkward, well... buckle up.
Turns out our hero has erectile dysfunction that magically disappears when she's around, so he asks for her help (!!!) while promising he won't do anything dirty (his definition of "dirty" in this context being whatever she's not okay with). That would be enough to send most women away screaming, but our heroine is intrigued (especially considering their past shared history) and, partly because of her great need for validation, partly because of her curiosity concerning Tomoya's past and present feelings for her, she says yes. And then shenanigans happen.
I do admit that, in spite of its weirdness (or maybe exactly because of it), I have a soft spot for this story, not unlike the one I had for Nevertheless, although I find the main characters way less annoying and frustrating than the leads of Nevertheless. While Na-bi and Jae-eon couldn't communicate to save their lives, Aki and Tomoya do talk to each other, but since their ways of thinking are so different, with her being an insecure mess with the tendency of getting locked in her own thoughts, and him being a major introvert who takes most things literally, hyperfixates on stuff and is very blunt at times, they just cannot understand each other until the very end. Throw in also their past shared history, with him being convinced that she hates him, and her thinking that he was at best indifferent towards her, and at worst contemptuous, and the situation becomes even more complicated.
I did see a lot of criticism towards Aki for being a pushover and for seeking validation, first from Tomoya, then from Hase, the third flatmate (not gonna discuss him and his manipulative tendencies here, but suffice to say he's not exactly a good guy), but just like with Nevertheless, I cannot help but relate to that a bit. Aki hasn't actually felt good about herself since middle school (and yes, Tomoya was a sort of catalyst for these feelings, not that it was necessarily his fault; Aki just couldn't connect with him properly at the time, deciding to date him on a whim, and completely mistaking his introversion for indifference), so there is no wonder she seeks validation in other people, and there's also no wonder that she tries to move on as soon as she can when she (mistakenly) believes Tomoya to not be romantically interested in her at all. Been there, done that (although I admit that dating two of my flatmates in succession would have probably been way too awkward for me personally).
Unlike with Nevertheless though, where I couldn't really warm up towards Jae-eon (although I kinda sorta rooted for him and Na-bi to work out - the actors did have impeccable chemistry), I really like the male character here. Sure, he's a weirdo, but he's an endearing one, and his hyperfixation on Aki (and hyperfixation it is! he writes an entire series of novels inspired by her because he doesn't know how else to process his overwhelming feelings towards her) doesn't phase me as much as it probably should (again, maybe because I had a similar experience - the first guy I kissed was still interested in me ten years later, and wanted to properly date me, and although I did not take him on his offer, as I had long moved on by that point, I didn't find it weird; on the contrary, I was slightly flattered).
So would I recommend this? I strongly believe it depends on your own personal preferences and experiences; I can totally see how it could be too much for some. But I am embracing the weirdness with both hands, and I find the story sweet rather than inappropriate/creepy.
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imasallstars · 3 months
 releases "SPRING 2024"
 produced by Qualiarts  scenario by Tsukasa Fushimi (Oreimo, Eromanga Sensei), Yuu Shimizu (Seiken Gakuin no Maken Tsukai, Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance), Kazuki Amamiya (Eiyuu to Majo no Tensei Love Comedy)  character design by Aki Minamino, Hechima  music by Azuma Yuta, Hakushi Hasegawa, Shu Kanematsu, Honey Works, Giga, Sasuke Haraguchi, Takafumi Sato, Minami, Tomoya Tabuchi, Moe Shop, Nayuta Seijin, Sho Watanabe, and more...
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lyferifaes · 1 year
The Story Of Flowing Water characters list
Canon + original characters (marked with *) to not get lost. All names are in Japanese order: family name -> given name
Contains spoilers, obviously! (spoilers to the newest chapter is under the cut)
~Daigo clan~
Tahomaru — Lord of Ishikawa’s heir; new Lord of Ishikawa
Hyakkimaru — Lord of Ishikawa’s heir
Daigo Kagemitsu — previous Lord of Ishikawa, Hyakkimaru and Tahomaru’s father
Nui-no-Kata — Kagemitsu’s wife, Tahomaru and Hyakkimaru’s mother
Daigo Iemitsu* — Kagemitsu’s father, Tahomaru’s grandfather
Daigo Kageshige* — Tahomaru’s great-grandfather
Yasue Mutsu and Hyogo — Tahomaru’s attendants
Umeko* — Tahomaru’s wet nurse
Furi* — Tahomaru’s maid
Maeda Masahiro* — chief retainer of the clan; Tahomaru’s counsellor
Masashi* — Masahiro’s youngest son 
Setsuna* — Masahiro’s daughter
Mizuko* — Masahiro’s wife
Imagawa Yoshinori* — Kagemitsu’s retainer; leader of the coup
Taizo* — Yoshinori’s third son
Saito Hajime* — Commander of Cavalry
Ando Hideaki* and Otani Tomoya* — Saito’s adopted sons, Maeda Masahiro’s attendants
Shimura* — Chief of Guard
Yuichiro “Yusuke’s brother”* — a samurai, Sen’s husband 
Iwamoto Shinichi* — a samurai, Furi’s adopted father 
Aunt Shiori* — Shinichi’s sister; a cook at Daigo Castle
Takagi* — rearguard commander of the Daigo army
Dororo  — Dororo
Yahiko, Jiheita, Doushu — Ikki leaders
Aki* — a girl from Nagaimachi village; Dororo’s friend
Seki* — a fisherman from Nagaimachi village
Jukai — a doctor, Hyakkimaru’s adopted father
Kaname — Jukai’s apprentice
Biwamaru — a wandering monk biwahoshi
Yuki — Dororo’s horse
Sen* — a woman in the mountain village
Mamoru* and Yukio* — Sen’s sons
Inee* — Sen’s housemaid
Mai* — Sen’s sister
Awazu Takenaga* — Lord of Awazu Domain, Nui’s cousin; Daigo’s ally
Hina* — Furi’s older sister, a ninja of Kurosaki clan
Uncle Goro* — a ninja of Kurosaki clan
Asura — the twelfth demon
!Chapter 12 spoilers!
Suma / Teacher / the warlock* — Jukai’s brother
Seiji* — a physician, Jukai’s adopted father
Aya* — Seiji’s wife, Jukai’s adopted mother
Lord Shiba — Jukai’s former lord 
Haruko* — Jukai’s beloved 
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fzzr · 1 year
I Can't Stop Comparing Things to How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend
Starting in August 2022 I began a long marathon of catching up on my anime backlog. The second show I watched was Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata (How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend, henceforth Saekano). At the time, I had only watched the first season, so this was me re-watching that and catching up on the rest. I was not ready for what happened next. A saucy show about making a visual novel while surrounded by hot chicks made a sudden turn into an emotionally devastating story about growing as an artist and how easy it is for people to hurt one another and much more. It was powerful. It both made me need to stop and take a look at myself and stay up until 2AM to finish it. I need to talk about it.
A note on the title: "heroine" here is officially translated "girlfriend", but a more useful translation would be "main female love interest".
Our male viewpoint character, Tomoya Aki, has a fateful encounter with a girl that inspires him to create a galge around her. He recruits his two very talented classmates, artist Eriri Spencer Sawamura and writer Utaka Kasumigaoka. When he realizes that his muse is actually the hopelessly normal Megumi Katou, he resolves to bring her into the circle anyway.
With this premise out of the way, the show kicks off a harem story. The core plotline keeps the count of ladies stable at three. When a fourth is introduced as his cousin late in season 1 and the OH NO alerts go off, don't worry - this has not become an incest anime, she's just here to help with the actual plot. The amount of fanservice is significant, but it's not the sole focus of the show. Had it continued like this, it would have been a well-executed example of the genre and probably sat at 8/10.
But then season 2 happens, and the game comes out in time for Comiket... barely. Things didn't go as well as they could have, and not everyone is quite satisfied with the result. There were even some emotional bruises along the way. Tomoya resolves to give it another shot. At this point... well I don't want to spoil things in detail. This is the moment where Saekano takes a hard left turn into drama. It starts artistically managing the viewer's understanding of each character's point of view. It uses indirection and suspense to build up to one emotional gut punch after another. It allows the characters, and you, to wallow in the impact of what happens. It moves the theme of artistic fulfillment from background to front and center.
From here, I went from merely enjoying myself to absolutely hooked. In many harem shows you can find yourself writhing in pain as it draws out every possible step of progress and then snatches them back. In Saekano, you instead feel genuinely worried, deep down, that things will not work out at all and everyone will be left broken into pieces or incomplete. There are twists - but they're not bullshit romcom twists to make things worse for no reason. Characters hurt each other, unnecessarily and unintentionally but sometimes necessarily and knowingly. No one is forgiven for free. When things do get better, they leave scars. There are antagonists, but even characters who act like heels get empathy and you come to understand them, if not agree with their actions.
Wait, I need to talk about the characters more.
Tomoya enters the picture as the character for the male target audience to imprint on. Eriri is a tsundere with all the option boxes checked - twintails, S-class absolute territory, relatively short, modestly endowed. Utaka is cool, collected, cunning, and cutting. You know the type, she never forgets a slight and makes sure you don't either. Megumi is... um. Megumi is... well she's uh... huh. You riffle through all your binders full of women and she's nowhere to be found. Dandere? No, she's plenty willing to speak her mind when needed. Kuudere? I mean sorta, she knows how to deploy sarcasm, but it's not like she's an ice queen.
No, Megumi, as introduced, is a nothing in particular. How can you base a story on a character without a trope to use as a foundation? Tomoya is at a loss, and if you are used to nothing but remixes of *deres in assorted hair colors and slightly different school uniforms, you are too. I guess instead of stamping a label on her, you're just going to need to get to know her. So let's try.
In many stories, you get to know a character and then you get to see them change. Indeed, that's what happens with every character in Saekano - except Megumi. Eriri has trouble drawing her, because you can't see all of her at once. Instead, like the characters in the show, you have to pull together what you do see and create an image of a complete whole in your mind. You turn to compare your model to the original and... it's a bit off. She's changed. Indeed, she has been changing since the beginning. Even your starting snapshot is a bit blurred. Megumi doesn't move too fast to catch up to - but she is always moving, so you can't quite hold on to what you catch.
Megumi is nothing in particular. Instead, she's herself. Kind but not endlessly selfless. Tolerant but not without limits. Influence from others doesn't fill her like some empty vessel, it just adds to what was already there. Neither clay nor brick, neither water nor ice, not a mere object of affection nor a prize to be won. Megumi Kato is nothing in particular, just like you and I aren't anything in particular either. We're just people.
What is love?
Saekano doesn't believe in love at first sight. You aren't destined for someone just because you saw them from the bottom of a hill. It then spends two seasons and a movie teaching us, and its characters, what it thinks love actually is.
Saekano says love isn't an event, nor a straight road from one place to another. It's not even a maze, with many branching paths but one entrance and exit. Life is a forest, and everyone stumbles through the forest in their own way. You may walk together with someone for a time - but when your paths diverge you will find that love is more than being together. Love is when you change your paths and come together. Your paths are still your own - but you stay close enough to hold hands. Love is knowing whose hand you want to hold.
Saekano is not perfect. There are some weak points, even once the fanservice mostly ends in favor of drama. There are a couple of potentially heart-wrenching twists that turn out to be joke setups, which can hurt your trust a bit. The big theme of personal growth in your art does tie into the romance plot, but they don't blend entirely seamlessly. Early on Tomoya does fulfill some of the tropes of "why does anyone like this guy in the first place," which can be off-putting if your tolerance for that kind of shitty protagonist is low. I assure you that this time, the reason he starts low is to give him room to grow high, and that he does.
But... If you're an artist (by which I mean you express yourself in any creative medium, including writing, music etc.) you should probably watch it. If you've ever burned yourself out, created the best work of your life, and then wondered if it was worth it, this is something you should watch. If you have ever wondered if you've plateaued and had to rediscover your motivation to improve, this show is for you too. Likewise if you've ever hurt someone unintentionally and had to earn back their trust. Or if you've had to hurt someone because the alternative was losing a part of yourself. Or if you've been hurt in that way, and needed to pull yourself back together. If you have ever felt like you were accidentally abusing someone's feelings for you, or allowed your own feelings for someone to be abused, or or or or...
Score: 9/10. It tried to do a great many things, and it did those things. It wobbled a bit getting there. This is almost as close as you can get to a 10 without being there.
Recommendation: Power level requirement is fairly high, so I can’t hard recommend it to everyone. It has a lot of anime tiddy early on, the protagonist starts out as a bit of a shit, and you will miss some things if you're not deep enough in anime culture. Out of the gate it wears the same hat as a harem anime. It does pull troll tricks maybe one or two times too many. If you can, I urge you to look past all that. Just... watch How To Raise A Boring Girlfriend.
Final Thoughts
Oh right, I should explain the title. At the time I finished Saekano, I was maintaining that there could only be one 10/10 anime, and it was Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Lagann-hen. Saekano was so good I had to go back and watch my top rated shows again to compare. This started the train of thought that led to On Rating Anime, and "Perfection" and caused me to re-rate Toradora and Angel Beats up to 10. For the rest of the marathon, I found that something in almost everything I watched caused me to think of Saekano, so it led me to start comparing anime to similar ones... particularly Saekano. At this point it's become a personal meme to find a way to compare things to it, in at least some small way.
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tharizdun-03 · 5 months
of course.
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it's fine. the conflict is about how aki (or tomoya, I dunno which name to use to refer to him) wronged megumi by kinda ignoring her a bit. and i guess... maybe he did a bit, but alright. i'd have other core issues of his to unravel instead, which this feels a bit minor to, but.
they go to a bra store and then megumi takes a bath later through their dialogue, cause why not? definitely essential to the plot and not for the show to once again consistently exploit its characters for the target demographic.
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this is the show's consistent attitude (which is why it bugs me so much), but in the show's defense. it's fair to say that this home date is meant to be intimate and sensual like this. so... i get what it's doing here, and maybe it'd work if the rest of the show wasn't like this.
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sachnow · 6 months
Phương Pháp "Đào Tạo" Nữ Chính Nhạt Nhòa - Tập 4 Nối tiếp phần kịch bản của chị Utaha, khâu minh họa do Eriri phụ trách cũng tiến triển thuận lợi. Những tưởng quá trình chế tác game doujin sẽ xuôi chèo mát mái… nào ngờ Tomoya lại bất thình lình sa vào một rắc rối to đùng… “Trừ tranh và kịch bản, các khâu khác vẫn giậm chân tại chỗ!? Vụ BGM ông tính sao?” Còn đương trăn trở, Tomoya dính “đòn kết liễu” từ cô chị họ Michiru bỏ nhà đi bụi, đột nhiên tới nhà Aki ăn nhờ ở đậu. Anh chàng bị xoay như chong chóng bởi bà chị không mảy may cảnh giác khi sống chung với đàn ông con trai, mặt khác lại bị giai điệu ghita do Michiru sáng tác mê hoặc… “Chị có muốn cùng em tạo ra siêu phẩm galgame đỉnh nhất từ trước đến nay không?” “Hả?” Thế là, Aki Tomoya chính thức bắt đầu “cuộc chiến” với thiếu nữ thành viên ban nhạc ngoài giới otaku!
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engshoujosei · 1 year
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12 volumes (digital only as of 4/23/2023.)
Licensed by Kodansha, also on Azuki and INKR Comics.
24-year-old Aki finds herself newly single when her long-time boyfriend cheats on her. She begins living in a sharehouse with a former classmate and boyfriend from junior high, Tomoya but he has his own personal problem. For the last two years, Tomoya has struggled with erectile dysfunction but finds himself "reacting" to Aki, and so he asks for her help to cure him.
Status in Country of Origin
12 Volumes (Complete) 
Adapted to JDrama
Apartment Life
Blunt Character/s
Complicated Love Story
Erectile Dysfunction
Inexperienced in Love
Inferiority Complex
Misunderstood Character/s
Past Plays a Big Role
Plain-Looking Female Lead
Sexual Issues
Unexpressed Feeling/s
Unmotivated Protagonist
Weak-Willed Female Lead
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bongaboi · 1 year
ISML 2022: That's! A! Wrap!
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ISML 2022: That's! A! Wrap! An Era Of Saimoe Finally Draws To A Close
By Jo-Ryan Salazar The Bedlam On Baltic Avenue 22 February 2023
This is the final Saimoe news bulletin for the International Saimoe League on The Bedlam on Baltic Avenue. Nearly two decades of memories, great battles and countless sagas in the Saimoe movement drew to a close with the conclusion of Match Day 8 in the 2022 International Saimoe League Eliminations Period.
The first of three Female Division necklaces up for grabs went to Mashiro Shiina, who defeated Violet Evergarden 3241-1550. Elaina was third with 1222 votes, Nao Tomori was fourth with 870 votes, Miko Nakano was fifth with 781 votes, Mai Sakurajima was sixth with 66 votes, Rem was seventh with 564 votes and Yukino Yukinoshita was last with 500 votes.
The second Female Division necklace went to Yui Yuigahama, who defeated Shiro 2598-2256. Nagisa Furukawa was third with 1306 votes, Nanami Aoyama was fourth with 820 votes, Illyasviel von Einzbern was fifth with 680 votes, Konata Izumi was sixth with 434 votes, Yuri Nakamura was seventh with 378 votes and Yui-nyan was last with 237 votes.
Ai Haibara won the third Female Division necklace, prevailing over Kumiko Oumae 3420-3376, Shouko Nishimiya was third with 1100 votes, Isla was fourth with 720 votes, Hu Tao was fifth with 576 votes, Iroha Isshiki was sixth with 469 votes, Megumi was sixth with 402 votes and Eriri Spencer Sawamura was last with 345 votes.
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The first Male Division pendant up for grabs went to Conan Edogawa, who delivered the Final Upset of the Round as declared by the Bedlam, a 2968-2796 scalp of Miyuki Shirogane. Accelerator was third with 1344 votes, Sakuta Azusagawa was fourth with 1100 votes, Kazuto Kirigaya was fifth with 873 votes, Taki Tachibana was sixth with 654 votes, Subaru Natsuki was seventh with 508 votes and Touma Kamijou was last with 470 votes.
Takashi Natsume took the second Male Division pendant after belting Shidou Itsuka 2321-1793. Shirou Emiya was third with 1354 votes, Saika Totsuka was fourth with 1103 votes, Saitama was fifth with 870 votes, Ryuunosuke Akasaka was sixth with 761 votes, Kazuma Satou was seventh with 617 votes and Ainz Ooal Gown was last with 560 votes.
Tanjiro Kamado earned the third Male Division pendant of Eliminations 8, a 2058-2021 victor over Sasuke Uchiha. Gilbert Bougainvillea was third with 1502 votes, Inuyasha was fourth with 1181 votes, Nasa Yuzaki was fifth with 1019 votes, Mikaela Hyakuya was sixth with 904 votes, Mochizou Ouji was seventh with 789 votes and Tomoya Aki was last with 560 votes.
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Finally, a convoy of dual matches and the odd race involving more than two took place to cap off an era of Saimoe to be believed. Schwi Dola flew past Jibril 2294-1552, Mahiro Oyama defeated Hideyoshi Kinoshita 1905-1417, Hitori Gotou rocked Yui Hirasawa 2793-2192, Jinx leveled Vi 1777-1017, Pikachu shocked Ai Kizuna 2879-1639, Aqua Minato prevailed over Kokori Amamiya 1607-1555, and in a battle of hololive rivals, Gawr Gura (1336) outlasted Pekora Usada (1281) and Kanaeru Kobo (958).
Amiya sailed past Laffey 2004-1353, Mikoto Misaka finished off her service to Saimoe with victories over Gotou (3454-2344) and Kanade Tachibana (3400-2172), Takagi took down Nagisa Kubo 2142-1498, Raiha Uesugi rolled past Takebayashi 1782-1594, Wein Salema Arbalest won a 1459-1246 snoozer over Kazuya Souma, Nodoka Manabe barreled past Jun Suzuki 1850-1355, Shuu Ogata defeated Haruhiko Ichijou 1632-1438 and Tom outdid Jerry 1987-1904.
Chisato Nishikigi routed Kei Karuizawa 3316-1315, Satoshi and Pikachu eased past Sakura Kinomoto and Cerberus 2713-2142, Mio Akiyama boomed past Ryou Yamada 2694-2107, Lelouch Lamperouge stormed past Light Yagami 2694-2107, Yuki Nagato hammered Fate Testarossa 2206-959, Archer torched Loid Forger 2366-2334, Yuki prevailed over Shinya Yukimura 1493-1304, Lyrule drove past Yu-no 1402-1195, Catarina Claes clocked Aileen Lauren Dautriche 1628-1303 and Seika Ijichi pulverized Kou Yagami 2532-1166.
Nishikigi and Takina Inoue teamed up to defeat Azusa Nakano and Yui Hirasawa 2691-2498, Umaru Doma trounced 2652-1049, Erika Kurumi defeated Laura La Mer 1441-993, Kana Sukoya blew past Himiko Toga 1720-1051, Yamada bounced back with a 2616-2487 statement win over Konata Izumi, Sanae Dekomori thumped Souji Mitsuka 2281-1016, Eru Chitanda had Houtarou Oreki's number 2431-1840, Shuu Ogata outhandled Rentarou Satomi 13900.2-12321.9 and in a special group race, Saber came away victorious with a score of 23777.7.
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Wrapping up an era of Saimoe that millions around the world witness in real time, Shinku defeated Yaya 1650-1406, Isuzu Sento drove past Mai Kawakamu 2013-1292, Seiya Kanie overcame Tatsuya Shiba 1689, and Rudeus Greyrat closed the Saimoe era with a 1766-1281 victory over Naofumi Iwatani.
That's. A. WRAP! The International Saimoe League has concluded for the very last time, and the Bedlam on Baltic Avenue thanks you for what has been a journey of anime greatness to remember. This blog will continue to cover other things, such as content on its YouTube sister channel (Bongaboi151) and sports recaps, but all the bulletins you see here can be viewed in their entirety on bedlamba.blogspot.com. Thank you for your support of the International Saimoe League. May your love for all things anime shine here, now…and into the future.
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sidlyrics · 2 years
JaME - Live report - Jack in the Box 2010 at Budokan
[He seleccionado las partes en las que hablan de SID]
La segunda sesión encajó a la perfección con la anterior. Musicalmente, no fue la mejor de la noche, pero ciertamente y sin lugar a dudas fue la más divertida. A Яyo de girugamesh  se le unieron Shinji de SID en la guitarra, YUKKE de MUCC en el bajo y ken de L'Arc-en-Ciel y SATOchi de MUCC como cantantes para tocar dos covers de canciones muy populares de L'Arc-en-Ciel.
SATOchi apareció en el escenario en unos pantalones vaqueros cortos de estilo ochentero y una camiseta rosa, con una apariencia graciosísima y contrastando tremendamente con ken, que iba de negro y parecía muy sobrio. Después de muchas risas y una primera canción caótica, Яyo, que iba vestido mayormente de negro y con unas orejas muy monas de conejo, para celebrar la llegada del nuevo año, presentó a los miembros y explicó que era su idea haber formado una sesión con ellos. "Queríamos ser un grupo resplandeciente", dijo Яyo, "pero no todos los miembros comprendieron el concepto". ken le dio las gracias a Яyo por haberle invitado a cantar con ellos, pero apuntó que no daban la impresión de ser un grupo para nada, sino más bien un grupo de amigos de camino al karaoke.
Las voces en la segunda canción tampoco fueron las mejores dado que tanto ken como SATOchi no paraban de reírse. Shinji se esforzó a tope para parecer serio, pero a medida que las luces se iban apagando y cantaban la última frase de la canción, SATOchi se arrodilló junto a él y empezó a chuparle la guitarra de una manera muy sensual. El público se volvió loco y las risas histéricas llenaron el estadio. Shinji fue incapaz de ocultar su diversión y acabó saludando a los fans con su lado más divertido.
Set list SESSION B:
01. Lies and Truth 02. winter fall
Cuando el cuarto grupo del día fue anunciado, llegaba la hora otra vez de unos sonidos Rock'n'Roll de la vieja escuela.
ken volvió a ser recibido en el escenario, acompañado esta vez por Miya de MUCC en la guitarra, Aki de SID en el bajo, Takeyuki Hatano al teclado y Tomoya Miura de Pulling Teeth en la batería para dos covers de Lady Gaga.
Dado que la música de fondo entre las actuaciones hasta ese momento incluía principalmente canciones de artistas femeninas de pop-rock occidental, como Pink, Lady Gaga y Rihanna, no fue realmente una sorpresa cuando comenzó la intro de Bad Romance. Aunque una vez más la letra en inglés fue muy difícil de seguir y la voz no era destacada, las covers fueron muy interesantes musicalmente, dándoles a ambas canciones un interesante toque metal.
Set list SESSION D:
01. Bad Romance 02. Telephone – DJs From Mars Metallica Remix 1
Para cuando girugamesh se bajó del escenario, todos los fans se preguntaban cuál sería la próxima sorpresa, pero nada preparó a la audiencia para la que iba a ser una de las mejores actuaciones de la noche. Las pantallas presentaron la siguiente sesión y, aunque todos estaban esperando que se anunciasen al menos cuatro nombres, el único que apareció fue el de Mao de SID. Mientras el público esperaba a que se anunciasen los otros miembros, la palabra "hitori", que significa "solo", apareció en las pantallas y el público enloqueció de emoción y sorpresa.
El escenario estaba completamente vacío y la niebla cubría el suelo cuando Mao entró al escenario vestido con un yukata azul con motivos de olas en blanco. Al igual que el cuadro de El Nacimiento de Venus del pintor italiano Sandro Botticelli, que representa a la diosa Afrodita emergiendo del océano, Mao parecía flotar sobre las olas. El público se quedó sin palabras según empezaba Mata kimi ni koi shiteru, una conocida canción enka popularizada por Fuyumi Sakamoto, con las dos pantallas gigantes mostrando la letra de la canción como si se tratara de un karaoke. La canción fue bellamente interpretada, perfectamente adaptada a la voz de Mao. Mao estuvo muy serio durante la actuación y, cuando la canción terminó, hizo una reverencia y se fue del escenario, sin mirar atrás. El público parecía haberse quedado en shock tras la increíble actuación y pasaron unos segundos hasta que una sonora oleada de gritos llenó el estadio, seguida de un gran "¿eh?" cuando los fans se dieron cuenta de que Mao no iba a volver para interpretar otra canción.
Set list SESSION E:
01. Mata kimi ni koi shiteru
La sesión F fue una de las más inesperadas de la noche. Una vez más, las pantallas gigantes se iluminaron, presentando a los miembros. JIMMY de 44MAGNUM en la guitarra, Takashi de Ken Band y BUG en el bajo, Yuuya de SID en la batería y hyde como cantante. En cuanto el nombre de hyde apareció en la pantalla, el público enloqueció y enloqueció todavía más cuando hizo su aparición ataviado todo él de cuero negro, con pinchos en torno a su cuello y brazos, completando el look con una gorra de cuero SM.
La emoción de la multitud se podía palpar, un enorme rugido llenaba el ambiente. Aun así, hyde no parecía muy afectado, sin llegar a interactuar realmente con el público. Las dos covers de Judas Priest fueron ejecutadas muy correctamente, con pirotecnia enfatizando la actuación y calentando tanto el escenario como al público. La voz de hyde transmitía un tono suave a la vez que potente a la canción metal y su actuación fue bastante distinta a lo que ha estado haciendo últimamente. Cuando la segunda canción terminó, hyde salió del escenario, sin sonreír ni mirar a los fans que gritaban y aplaudían emocionados.
Set list SESSION F:
01. Electric Eye 02. Freewheel Burning
Español: Reila English: JaME
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