#today which is super fun :-) microbiology is so cool
marblerose-rue · 1 year
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it's this way! / squirrelpaw and leafpaw
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justarandomgirl98 · 5 years
So I had to give a presentation today...
I was in microbiology, giving an informal presentation on an article I found in the news about drug resistant fungi. (Really interesting but terrifying at the same time but that’s not the point of this story) But it was still a presentation, I’m still in front of the class speaking with all of my notes. And my professor asked something about regulations...I don’t remember but I used the phase ‘so basically the CDC went, ‘Yo, no, not cool, dude, you got to tell us if there’s a super fungi running around’’ referring to the lack of reporting. I said that exact quote in an upper level biology class as a third year student while giving a presentation. But I will never be able to use that phase again.
‘Yo, no, not cool dude’. I’ve never used that phase outside of that class but everyone laughed. And my professor said that is what the CDC says half the time anyway when shit like this happens. Which apparently is more often than not.
Moral of the story, I got to use a fun string of words during a presentation and beware of drug resistant things.
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So, things that I do while at work and at home is listen to books, documentaries, Ted talks, and self help seminars. Yeah I’m an old person we don’t have to talk about that.
Anyways, I was 2/3’s of my way through my degree in microbiology and I’m a ho for for all things biology so a lot of what I listen to is biology based. I love listening to people talk about microbreweries and baking because microbes working to help our food taste better is super cool and I’m honestly fascinated by glycolysis and at some point had all the products/enzymes of that and the citric acid cycle memorized and was in the process of learning the entire periodic table for another class. So a lot of stuff like that, but also parasites are fricken dope and plants domescated humans and wolves domescated themselves because we had food scraps of food, and alien life does exist, but in my opinion it’s microbial. Change my mind I dare you.
But today I picked up an audio recording of a very well done essay by Anne Helen Petersen called ‘Burn Out Generation’ and it was just talking about a generational burnout of millennials. It got me thinking. Now my friend group is what is known as ‘young millennials’ and honestly I’m pretty sure me and my friends older than me are the only ones actually classified as millennials. The oldest in our group is 27? And the youngest is 19. Anyways, I categorized us into three different groups and its crazy, but makes sense.
There’s a group of us that realized our bachelors degrees were not good enough for the job market and turned around and went to grad school. There are four of them. One of them is in their last year of gradschool and hate themselves because they haven’t taken a single break from school even when they were going through chemotherapy. Two aren’t working in their field of study becasue the companies they were looking at stopped hiring because of COVID and the decrease in projects hence no reason for entry level architects with masters degrees. I haven’t checked in on them in a while actually. And one of them is making hella good money working in their field and bought a house with their signing bonus and their company is paying their student loans for them as part of their contract. They hate themselves becasue they work in the health care field and are working crazy hours and just took a week off for their wedding and are so exhausted they wish they had a second week off work.
You have the group I belong in. There are five of us currently. All of us are college drop outs. My mom had a stroke and I moved back to help out and now all I have to show for it is crippling debt and way too much knowledge on microbes and why first hand knowledge in the indirect ELISA method (seriously I can do one in my sleep because that was the main test we ran in my research lab), but seriously the thought of going back scares me, because then I would be in group 1.
Anyways, that’s wildly off topic. For the rest of group two: One of us went to a Christian college and got bullied so bad because he is an openly gay man and dropped out. He literally went to the first school that accepted him offered him the most scholarship money and didn’t think about campus culture. Expensive life lesson learned. One of us dropped out and moved home because of COVID. One us went to school for a year and realized they didn’t want to and the fourth couldn’t afford it after two years and was forced to drop out. Every single one of is in a very specific spot where we are all working between 1-2 jobs at any given time, 50-80 hour work weeks most weeks, most of us making double minimage wage at at least one of our jobs (which to be clear is 7.25 in my state. Its a pretty easy to do when your working for tips depending on where you work), and we can’t touch the rent market without 2-3 roommates, let alone think about paying back our student loans, getting married or having kids or sometimes buying more than one iced coffee a week.
The third group of us are those 19 year-olds I was talking about that want to go to college, but didn’t go becasue of COVID and are now watching the rest of us struggle with our student loan debt and realized just how deep we are and now they are not sure they even want to go after Covid is over. Sorry babies, we will try to keep it to ourselves more.
But the one thing that all of us have in common is when we are working those crazy work weeks we hate ourselves because we never have time for anything (not a covid but shitpost, but I didn’t play video games or read fanfiction for 3 weeks straight because I worked literally every hour I was awake: 18 on 6 off 18 on 5 hours off followed by an open to close is so that for 3 weeks before I had a nervous break down) Or we have all this time because the schedule got messed up or we got called off becasue two people were scheduled (happens at my main job all the time. We finally found the solution after 3 weeks of switching whos being called off that week) and then we hate ourselves because losing an 8 hour shift can be the difference in eating real food or scrapping by on ramen.
I’m not saying my life is harder than anyone else. Let me be clear every single one of us that is in group two that’s doing that shit, it’s because we want to. We live in a society as millennials that being working poor is better than being below the proverty line (in our opinions and I’m sure many others). I can’t even imagine what its like for people that work minamum wage jobs (which happens at my main job I am very lucky to be in my overnight position) and try to make ends meet. I know a girl that’s in high school at my second job that applied because when covid started her family couldn’t afford to pay for high speed internet and a laptop. If she didn’t work she would not be able to graduate on time. That’s more fucked than what’s going in my friend group. We do it because we like money and living on our own not because we actually have to.
But like my question after the essay is, WHO THE HELL CAN AFFORD BURN OUT IN THIS ECONOMY. YOU DIAGNOSED ME AND CALLED ME OUT LIKE THE LITTLE BITCH I AN, BUT THAT DOESN’T PAY MY BILLS. But seriously, I can confirm that group 2 is living off of redbull and spite at this point.
But seriously, if you made it through this post this far, does anyone have any burnout tips? I sit in restaurants alone late at night between jobs with my phone on silent and watch anime until I have to go to my other job.
But seriously, a lot of us feel guilty for the little free time we have. I heard of one of us starting to do door dash to get a little bit of extra cash on the side when he gets a dip in hours and that just doesn’t sound fun. And while I don’t think that’s okay, I think that is a temporary solution for a right now problem and right now for most of us money is more important than our physical/mental health and that’s what is causing the burn out.
But seriously. If you read this, leave your burnout tips. I would love to hear them. Because your girl cried in the bathroom at work tonight because something outside of my control happened and I had to say 2 extra hours.
I personally just wanna go back to the days of playing Pokémon on my gameboy color...
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sarcasmfics · 5 years
Stuck In The Middle: Chapter 2
Summary:  Sarah is a scholarship recipient working at Stark Industries. Her job? To break the super-serum! But when she falls, literally, into the arms of those super soldiers, will she lose their trust when her work is stolen? At this point, it’s PG (some swearing), smut to follow, but mostly fluff and some anxiety(AO3 link here) BuckyxOFCxSteve, BuckyxSteve, OFC, OFC!scientist, poly relationship
The first thing I felt was a warm touch on my cheek. It was nice and though it woke me, I didn’t want to wake up. “Sarah…” Slowly I blinked awake, focusing on Bucky’s face, his warm smile greeting me. “Hey, sweetheart.” Then, it hit me: I had fallen asleep. In Bucky’s apartment. On Steve.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry!” I sat up, pushing a blanket away. Where’d that come from?
Don’t be sorry,” he chuckled, moving to sit beside me.
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” Yawning, I rubbed my eyes. “What time is it?”
“A little after 5.”
“Crap.” I really hope I didn’t drool on Steve.
“Don’t worry,” Bucky smiled, placing his hand on my knee. “We all fell asleep.” Admittedly, it made me feel a bit better, but I was still embarrassed. A bit more awake, I stood, stretching my arms.
“Thanks again,” I smiled. “I had more fun today than I’ve had in a while.” This seemed to please him, and he smiled down at me, genuinely happy. There was no mischief, no flirting.
“Same here.” He followed me to the door. “Do you want me to walk you to your room?”
“I think I can make it,” I replied.
Back in my room, I jumped in the shower to get ready for the evening. When I was hired as a researcher, I never expected to meet anyone outside of the lab, and I definitely didn’t expect to be hanging out with the Avengers. I replayed the day in my head- Steve’s arm around my shoulder, the way he’d guided me through the busy sidewalks of Manhattan as if we’d known each other forever. But there was no way he could be flirting with me. Why else would he invite Bucky to our outing? And why did it look like they lived together? The slight tinge of disappointment stung, but I decided that I’d enjoy it while it lasted. Besides, he was already a good friend, and I hoped the Avengers would be the same.
Thankfully, Bucky had woken me up with enough time to blow out my hair, and when I was done, I faced my closet. There wasn’t much, but I settled for a pair of black leggings with a dark red tunic top and a thin, black belt. I threw on some black flats with a few minutes left to spare. I had a feeling we’d be out late, so I logged onto my laptop and finished up some last minute things. Not long after, there was a knock at my door.
Steve stood in the doorway, a small bouquet of flowers in a pretty glass vase cradled in his arms. “Hi!” He said, a bashful smile spreading across his lips. “These are for you.”
“Oh, Steve,” I gasped, taking the beautiful arrangement from him. The flowers were fresh and smelled beautiful. “Thank you so much!” Steve followed me into the room as I placed the flowers on my windowsill. “They’re so beautiful, Steve. Thank you!”
“I’m glad you like them,” he replied, accepting my small hug. When I pulled back, he kept his hands on my arms, gazing down at me. After a moment, he stepped back, clearing his throat awkwardly. “So… everyone will be in the lobby in a few minutes.”
“Great, let me just grab my things.” I tucked my phone and key into my wristlet and followed Steve through the hall.
He wasn’t lying when he said everyone. I recognized everyone there, so the fear of learning new names dissipated; I’d only need to figure out how to talk to everyone. Steve gave a general introduction to everyone before taking my hand and following the group out onto the sidewalk. Mr. Stark, who insisted that I call him Tony, led us to an Americana restaurant where the maitre’d led us back to a private room where cell phones couldn’t reach us. Ever the gentleman, Steve pulled a chair out for me, settling beside me once I was seated. Bucky sat on my opposite side, talking with Nat in hushed… Russian? Dr. Banner sat across from me, and Tony, Wanda, and Clint settled in the other seats. Drinks were ordered and friendly banter bubbled up across the table.
“So Sarah,” Dr. Banner began, “Steve tells me that you’re starting in one of our labs on Monday?”
“Yeah, I’ll be working with the microbiology research department,” I replied.
“Immunity?” He asked and I nodded.
Across the table, Tony interjected: “Is she the scholarship recipient?”
“That’s me,”I laughed, wiping the nervous sweat from my hands which Steve took in his.
“Scholarship?” He asked and I nodded. “You never mentioned a scholarship. That’s cool!”
“Thanks,” I replied; I could feel everyone’s eyes on me and shifted nervously. “Yeah, they hired me as a lab assistant while I work on my dissertation. That’s the scholarship part.” Bucky whispered a quiet, wow as Dr. Banner added:
“That means you’ll be working with me.”
I froze, staring at the doctor in hopes that I heard him correctly. “Wait… I’m working with you?” He nodded. “Oh my god, Dr. Banner I’m so excited!”
“Bruce,” he reminded me, chuckling at my response.
“Right, Bruce, sorry,” I mirrored, swallowing the excited giggles that threatened to pour out. “Sorry, I’m just so excited.” The table resumed their small conversations as Dr. Banner- Bruce, and I began to talk shop. My thesis was inspired by some of his own research on not just Steve and Bucky’s, but his own genetic alterations. And working with such an experienced scientist would not only help me in my own research, but in my lab experience. Most of my theory was researched based; my state school didn’t have a complicated lab, but my professors made sure that I had access to any research I could possibly need. As we spoke, Steve broke away, apparently confused by our topic, but his hand still held mine, his thumb gently running across my knuckles every so often.
When the food came, he let go, but glanced over every so often with a small smile on his face. Tony’s voice carried through the room as he made a dirty joke and as I looked over, I noticed Bucky’s stare, piercing through me. He looked mad, like he’d been hurt. Nat whispered something in his ear and he broke his stare, glancing down at his food, refusing to meet my gaze. When the waiter came back, Tony handed him his credit card, and shortly after we returned outside.
“Karaoke!” Tony announced and we followed along. I stuck next to Bruce, chatting about nothing in particular, and Steve stayed, holding my hand as we walked. I could feel Bucky’s stare and turned to make sure I wasn’t imagining it. He walked by himself, trailing behind until we reached the karaoke bar. Tony acquired a few tables and we filed in, a few people perusing the drink menus. Hesitantly, I approached Tony who looked up at the cash in my hand. “What’s this?”
“For my dinner?” I replied and he scoffed, waving my hand away.
“Nope, your money’s no good here.”
“Are you sure?” I asked, but Nat answered:
“He won’t take it, Sarah, just give up.”
“Thank you,” I replied and wandered toward the bar. The bartender handed me a beer and I slid her a few dollars in return. I watched the group in the mirror behind the bar; they were talking, laughing, and looked so happy. I saw Bucky as he approached, flagging the bartender down for a beer.
“How’s it going?” He asked.
“Good.” I shrugged. “Bucky, is everything okay?”
“Yeah, doll. Why?”
“You seemed upset when you were talking to Nat.” He shook his head, his smile not quite reaching his eyes.
“Nah, just some mission stuff,” he replied.
“Alright,” I shrugged. “If you say so.” With that, I made my way back to the table where Steve waited, draping his arm across the back of my chair.
“Everything okay?” Steve asked and I nodded. Bucky followed at the next table, his stare boring into my side. Then it hit me- I was coming between them. There was obviously something I was missing. I sipped my beer, watching a few songs before I couldn’t take it anymore. I felt so wrong, so out of place. “I’m gonna head out,” I said, “Thanks again for tonight.”
“Sarah, wait-” Steve called, but I wound through the tables until I reached the door, but his hand on my shoulder stopped me. “Wait! What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I replied. “I’m just going to head back. I’m tired.”
“Let me walk you back.” He opened the door, leading me outside where it was much quieter.
“I’ll take a cab.”
“Sarah, wait-” I paused, feeling so guilty as I looked up at him. “I thought, I don’t know… that we’d really… hit it off?”
“It’s just,” I sighed, rubbing my arm. “I just don’t want to come between you and Bucky. I don’t break friendships, Steve, it’s not who I am.” He watched me, confusion wrinkling his forehead. “Listen, don’t be mad at Bucky, okay? Friendships are more important.”
“Sarah-” we paused; Bucky had followed us outside. “It’s not like that.”
“Wait… are you two…” The glanced at each other, guilt written across their faces. “Wait, you’re together? Why didn’t you say something?”
“Sarah-” Steve reached out to touch me, but I shook his hand away.
“No, Steve, you don’t get to do that.” I moved around him, hailing a cab, but they all drove past.
“Just listen for a minute,” Bucky said, taking my outstretched hand which I pulled back.
“No! You led me on, Steve. And you’re not so innocent either, Bucky. That’s not okay!” Tears of embarrassment burned at my eyes and I tried to push them away. It was just before.
“Please, just listen for a minute,” Steve said. He looked so hurt, as did Bucky, and I felt terrible, though why I wasn’t sure; it’s not like it was my fault! “We’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you.”
“So saying sorry, Sarah, but we’re a thing is hard to figure out?” I spat.
“No, it’s not like that,” Steve replied. “Can we?” He motioned back toward the bar and I complied, folding my arms across my chest. “Bucky and I, we are a thing, but it’s a bit different.”
“I don’t do open relationships.” I stated.
“That’s not what he means,” Bucky added. “We are together, but we both really like you. I know you like Steve and I think you like me too.”
“We want you to be with us.” I glanced back and forth from Steve to Bucky, trying to process it.
“So I’ll be your girlfriend while also being your girlfriend?” I asked.
“And we’ll both be your boyfriends.” Bucky nodded. “It’s not an open relationship. We’re committed to each other and we were hoping you’d be willing to try it with us.” My mind was racing- I’d only ever been in monogamous relationships before, but I did really like them both. And they seemed so happy with each other.
“So it’ll just be the three of us?” I asked and they nodded. “No one else? No adding or sharing?”
“Well we’ll be sharing each other, but no one else.” Steve confirmed. “I’m sorry if we made you think otherwise.”
“But why were you glaring at me, Bucky?” He ran his flesh hand through his hair, sighing.
“I was jealous,” he replied. “It was stupid, but I was jealous that Steve was getting all of the attention and worried that you’d say no.”
“Buck, did you think I’d leave you if she said no?” Steve reached out, taking Bucky’s hand in his, but he only shrugged. “You know I’d never do that.” He pulled Bucky closer and wrapped his arms around him. “Come on, you know I’d never hurt you like that. I love you.” As I watched them embrace, I could see how they really did love each other, and it made me feel even more affectionate toward them. When Bucky pulled away, he turned to me.
“I’m sorry I acted like that,” he said, and I smiled.
“It’s so obvious that you love each other.” I replied. “Are you sure you want this?” Bucky nodded.
“We’ve been talking about finding another person,” Steve answered. “So what do you think?” It was such a foreign thought to me- having two committed partners. Realistically, I’d only known them for two days, not even! But I was attracted to both of them. “If you want to think on it, that’s fine.”
“I think I will,” I replied. “But I want to talk to you guys about it, like really talk about it.”
“Of course,” Bucky added. “Tomorrow. We’ll talk about everything tomorrow. Is that ok?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Steve’s hand rested on my arm.
“Do you still want to go back?” I looked up at his kind, blue eyes, then over to Bucky’s soft brown ones.
“Let’s stay.” We shuffled back into the bar and returned to our abandoned seats, Bucky pulling a chair up beside me. Tony and Bruce were on stage, singing a very poor version of Livin’ on a Prayer. After their song finished, and the roaring applause died down, I pushed my chair back to get up.
“Where are you going?” Bucky asked, gently taking my hand.
“I’m getting another beer,” I replied. “Do you want anything?” Steve turned, waiving the waiter over to our table.
“Can we get three beers?” The waiter disappeared and I sat back down.
“Steve, I could have gone,” I argued.
“You’re not buying our beers, sweetheart,” he replied. “Besides, Stark has a strict Avengers policy that none of our money is good with him.”
“Doesn’t that break some sort of employer/employee rule?” Bucky nudged my shoulder with his, leaning into my ear:
“Come on, live a little. Besides, Stark takes it personally.”
Steve added: “And it’s not like he’s hurting for it.” They were right, so I shrugged and followed suit, enjoying the fresh beer and fries that came to our table. It didn’t take long for Bucky to take Steve’s place with his arm over my shoulder while Steve’s hand rested on my knee. It definitely felt weird, but I liked it; if they loved each other so much that they had enough love to share for someone else, then who was I to judge? I lay my hand over Steve’s and leaned into Bucky and decided that I’d take it one day at a time.
Not long after, and a few beers later, Steve was dragging me on stage. When the music came on, I immediately started laughing, watching as Steve started rapping to Nicki Minaj. We sang along, getting tongue tied and stammering through the song until the painful minutes finally passed and we made our way back to the table. The rest of the night passed by filled with laughter and even more good food. I switched to water shortly after, which Tony scolded me for, but we laughed it off at my expense.
“Do you want to head back?” Bucky asked, leaning close. I nodded, trying to hide yet another yawn. Steve noticed too and we said our goodbyes, waving to the others as we headed out.
“Mind if we walk home?” Steve asked, taking my hand in his.
“Not at all,” I replied, and took Bucky’s hand too. It wasn’t a far walk, but we didn’t rush, taking our time as they pointed out how things used to look. It was weird not to be able to see the stars, or to feel that the world had gone to sleep; the city was always awake, it seemed. Back at Stark Tower, Steve scanned his small key chain ID, unlocking the door and the elevator. The ride up was quiet, but not in an awkward way; we were all tired, and though I didn’t want to leave them, I had a lot to think about. They walked me to my room, although I told them that I could make it myself.
“Thanks for hearing us out,” Bucky said, kissing me on the cheek.
“And thanks for coming with us,” Steve added, doing the same.
“Thank you for being so welcoming,” I replied. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow then?”
They didn’t leave until I’d closed and locked my door; I peeked through the peep-hole to see if they’d gone before turning back, fumbling into pajamas, and slipping into sleep.
Thanks so much for reading!!
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serenityinsolitude · 6 years
Turning your daydream into reality ;)
Thursday, during a particularly boring Pavia microbiology lecture (sorry, but pericarditis - can it really ever keep up with endocarditis :P), my mind just kept wandering. I kept daydreaming about going to see Akhil in the library and just wrapping my arms around his neck and talking to him about school and life and ahhh. So anyway, after lecture, I felt stubbornly stuck and locked into this plan of making some of this silly fantasy come true. I was obviously a tad reluctant to throw my arms around him but I of course was a little hesitant about the last part :P So, I meandered off to the library and saw Akhil sitting with an empty seat next to him on the bottom floor. I settled in between Alex and Akhil - honestly it couldn’t have been more perfect. I eventually grabbed Akhil’s attention and did my typical analysis of his amazing notes. This time he had his notes hole punched in a binder, all in order, with these fantastic drawings (congenital heart defects drawings get to me) and I literally just gasped. I raved about how honestly amazing these were and how maybe i wasn’t doing med school right and how I needed to get on his level. It was actually adorable to watch how a guy so confident and sometimes egotistical :P actually started getting a little nervous and humble. It was cute :P I realize that I never actually compliment Akhil directly - i just do it to everyone else hahaha so I’m glad I was actually nice to him for once. At one point, he asked me a question and then it just lapsed into a 15 minute study session with both of us going back and forth to each other firing questions and asking each other about random concepts on our test the next day. It was actually so fun. At one point he said we probably shouldn’t be speaking this loudly in the quietest part of the library and so we should do this together at 7. I also have to say how relaxing I find studying next to Akhil. He smells amazing hahaha and I just feel like it’s oddly comforting. So, 7 came and went, but then Akhil tapped me & asked to come with him to Riland to eat dinner with the crew. I ended up eating alongside Indy, Akhil, and Shivani. At one point Indy showed me a meme with Four Loko and Chuck E. Cheese (I honestly still don’t get it or know if I even saw it before Indy pulled it back and said, “Oh nevermind, do you even know what that is?” Pulling at my always present insecurity about not being cool enough for this group, I got immediately defensive and retorted “of course I know what that is” and probably some other rude comeback. To my complete surprise Akhil pipes up and says, “You don’t even know -- you’re talking to a girl who drinks absinthe.” WHAT. Akhil has never defended me (or anyone quite honestly in a conversation) and it felt so nice. And to his best friend. And then Indy mildly apologized and said it was all in fun, which it was but it was just nice for Akhil to step in regardless and defend me [insert sigh here]. Then Alex joined us as Indy left and we got into a hilarious conversation that started with noticing Akhil gets peeled oranges in his lunchbox. HIS MOM PEELS HIS ORANGES. I can’t. It was actually so nice because for a few seconds I kept thinking how this would be how it would be like if we were dating - my foot was up on his chair as I leaned back in my seat, we were all laughing, I saw him just watching my hysterical laughter. Ahhh. We went back to studying and at one point he tapped me literally to tell me that in HS he thought that since there was a Down disease, there had to also be an Up one HAHAHA. And then at around 9 we went to go study together in the DPR rooms and ended up staying until 1 AM! The next morning,
Today and yesterday, I know it’s silly, but I just can’t shake the feeling from my head. It feels so nice. It feels like we’re comfortable and close enough to each other that we’re in a relationship. Even though we were only together for a few minutes yesterday, it was so nice. He wanted to share his motivational talk with one of his friends about how his friend basically told him that he could use his medical degree in business. And even though I was super hesitant about it, I brought up him taking the INH for his latent TB and I know this stuff sounds stupid and irrelevant but I honestly felt like in the midst of a busy day, we found this time to catch up (and not about stupid stuff but actually fill each other in and discuss actually important topics). And I loved it. And he brought up us studying together on Monday and said we should study together today.
So today, in the middle of a set of pretty atrocious lectures (I guess they could be worse…#ASKARI), I got a text from Akhil (who I had been wanting to text but kept delaying) asking if I was free to study. We agreed to meet in the DPR rooms and from the second I saw him take his headphones off across the quad, I felt happy. Studying with him was so nice, it always is. We talked about a bunch of random stuff, I feel like there’s a lot of trust with the two of us. I was holding his phone and making fun of his group chats, which he showed me and then we both proceeded to mock. We both know the passwords to each other’s devices, which I know is a silly thing but it’s also an indicator of true comfort. I brought up how awesome it was to see him so excited about doing something a little different in the future and told him about Sunni bua’s stepson, who followed a very similar route. He was super excited by that and actually asked me for his contact information. CUTE. He also said that he wasn’t sure if that meant he wouldn’t take the USMLE. And then I just looked at him and said honestly, I get that, but you probably should if not just for the fact that how else am I going to go through all of that. So honestly just for that friendship, he should. And he smiled and said true. Honestly, sometimes I get a little worried that maybe I’m too honest, but honestly, I’m glad that I say what I think. And I like that I’m over pretending that we’re not going to last as friends or that I don’t value him. I do value him - a lot. I helped him deal with his secretary duties for SOMA.
I honestly really like the way he cares to actually teach me things and care that I actually understand it. I told him that there was this topic in pathoma, I really didn’t understand and he so sweetly drew out this whole diagram for me and actually made sure that I understood it. He did the same thing while we went over all the cardiac embryological conditions and even when as we were leaving the study room, we talked about fantasy baseball and he literally explained to me how the process goes for picking players How many times in conversation does one bring up a concept that the other person doesn’t understand so we just run past it or explain it super quickly in a way that leads to no understanding on the other side. It’s so nice, that whether academic or super random, he always makes time for me and genuinely cares that I understand it.
A random side conversation led us to talk about Spain and we both strangely realized that we both quite seriously looked at moving to Spain at some point. COINCIDENTALLY BOTH SOUTHERN SPAIN. And both wanted to travel to Cuba but now we probably can’t (#TRUMPFREAKINGSUCKS). And I know who honestly doesn’t love Spain…but really?! HE ALSO WANTED TO MOVE THERE! And I told him very generally about Jose and his olive tree farm, and me wanting to move there... I swear to God, I honestly never thought I would find someone who actually wanted to do that.
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