peaches2217 · 9 months
♥ do you still got more expectant mareach headcanons?
...how many do you want, Anon? Because I have an entire tome's worth of them.
♥ - Family headcanon (Brainrot Edition!)
Peach becomes incredibly emotional starting around her second trimester. Her lifetime of royal training ensures she maintains a proper and dignified public appearance, but when she's not in public? Expect her to start crying with little provocation. The chefs prepared her favorite dessert for tonight's dinner? Tears. Toadette brings her a glass of water just as she notices her throat's getting dry? Tears. Mario calls her Peach instead of amore/tesoro/amata/cara/dolcezza/principessa? Tears. Eventually no one bothers asking why she's crying unless she's in obvious distress, they just keep a few tissues on hand at all times and let her cry it out, and then she’s good to go.
It should go without saying that Mario's protective nature increases tenfold during this time too. It's a nearly year-long period where he really doesn't even leave the castle grounds unless Peach is by his side. His reasoning is as rational (it's important that she doesn't push herself for the sake of their child's health, so if she starts feeling unwell or needs to rest he can step in for her at a moment's notice) as it is emotional (he will literally get sick to his stomach if he feels like he's strayed too far from her and nothing will right that feeling except for laying eyes on her and seeing for himself that she's safe). It's easy to poke fun at Peach for getting so emotional, but frankly, Mario's emotions get heightened just as much.
While we're talking heightened emotions, one day Peach is lying in bed, resting off a particularly bad case of morning sickness, and Toadsworth brings her some soothing tea. Being tired and nauseous and a tiny bit delirious, she responds with a soft and quiet "Thank you, papa."
It's the first time she's ever called him that. Cue the manliest, most hysterical tears in the history of Toadkind.
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ur-blxxdy-valentine · 2 months
you remember the time that you guys got reddit to invest in your stocks and then still managed to crash financially? im gonna wolf of wallstreet your balls into a pretzel for your crimes against toadkind
- 👍
do all you want
we have a movie about us that stars hit actor Paul Franklin Dano. nothing can take us down anymore. my balls are practically steel now.
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kalonsugar · 7 years
If you want any of these removed just message us or send us an ask! <3 I got these from the Kalon Item Giveaway being held by rnirai
@ lordren - ren, introducing you to this community has been an amazing, lovely journey, and i always feel so lucky to share the experience of this community with you. youre so talented and watching you grow has been such a delight and i know others feel the same. not to mention how hardworking you are outside of cs, too. you inspire me, ren, and motivate me not just on cs but in everything i do! thank you, i love you so much! @ néktar - star is literally one of the sweetest people ive met. ive never caught her in a bad moment, and speaking with her is always a highlight of my day. she's incredibly helpful and easy to talk to, and i adore listening to her many ideas due to the fact that literally all of them are so brilliantly imaginative and perfect. star has true talent, as well as true kindness, and im very very very happy to consider her a friend! @ ȶigressa - probably my first real friend in the community around a year ago, and still someone i consider a friend to this day. tig is incredibly gifted and honestly hilarious, there's never a dull moment speaking to her as she always knows how to brighten the conversation. she has a genuinely good heart, and deserves every bit of praise possible. she works so hard and i am very proud of her! i also want to thank her for keeping me company last summer; i wasnt in the best place but we stayed up and chatted all the time. it was incredibly kind of her to keep me company, even when i was in a bad mood.
- toadkind
Trollish - Okay so I really don't know how to start this but, I first messaged you in the kalon community to do my hm custom and you've actually accepted it, and Keeko turned out amazing. But we kind of met in a different community bc you did my RU for furtopians although nothing was really thought of since you were an artist & it was your job, but in this community we started talking more and kind of gossiping about ourselves, but it just stopped, so I just came here to say that, Trolli, you're absolutely amazing so please don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Colour - Uhh, I'm bad at starting things. First of all, I'm loving Raymond's and Elfie's relationship although we don't really talk about them, but ever since we started talking on Skype I think that we've gotten at least a little closer?? I know that I'm a weirdo and I honestly dont even know why you stick around, but I enjoy your company and just the little things that we may joke about, and you do help me a lot, and you're honestly super sweet, so thank you for being my friend <3 If I'm ever too much for you, just say so and I'll calm myself down lmao Jello - So, jello, you've disappeared on me and I know that you most likely won't even see this, but you were my first ever friend in this community and I really miss talking with you. The start of our relationship was the mateship between Aiko & Celeste and their relationship is still a favorite of mine. Especially when they had their kits hh, developing and roleplaying them were really fun. You're honestly really funny and nice and I honestly want you back in my life because you made everything better, so I'm hoping that you'll come back to me soon, although you've never messaged me on Skype. Karmel - Well, we don't personally know each other but that doesn't mean that you aren't great. You're doing a great thing for this community and I'm honestly so happy that the community is amazing. I know that you're really sweet and nice, and I honestly hope that we can talk more and get to know each other better, but I know that you're busy so pfft, that probably wouldn't happen so aaa
- Kaori Miyazono.
imp.- you're honestly the first friend //and only one :')// I made in this community! and the first person who can deal with all the crap I have to say,, even though you don't see it you are a very caring person, you're so generous, thoughtful and kind! You always say that Ive done too much but in reality you've helped me more than I would of, I'd doubt I would still be in this wonderful community without you! I know this might seem small compared to others who give so much gratitude to so many wonderful people, but just know that you brighten my day so much when I talk to you. I don't know what else to say, I'm just so grateful to be your friend and I just hope we can still be friends :D!
- Akame-chan
Zailune: I just want to say how amazing you are! Your art is stunning, so unique, your kalons are beautiful, and you're such a kind person! I've always admired you! BuzzyLee: You are so, so kind. Our community needs more people like you. Your art is just... So amazing! It's so kind of you to just... Give it away a lot when you could sell it for so much! Sixbane: Your art. Just wow. There are no words for how much I admire both you and your art. I've always looked up to you! happysparrow: You are so, so sweet! We've had so many great conversations and you've been so great to me! Your art is just beautiful and your kalons are all so unique and loved. Karmel: You are so amazing for being able to keep up with us! I admire your ability to run this species so smoothly! I think that's all my brain can come up with for now!
- Bailey-Boo
To my dear friend, Shadow9119. Although you might never read this as you've decided to retire from ChickenSmoothie, others just seriously need to know of your kindness. I can be a difficult person to deal with (On account of many emotions and just the daily stuff I have to put up with in my school life) it's nice to have someone to fall back on when no one else would hear me out. Coming into a new community is never an easy thing and they've always been there since I first joined as an outsider to aid my struggles of just fitting in to this ever growing community and I just can't get over how sweet of a person the are. Love ya, Shad!
- Credit
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kirbyofthestars · 2 years
canonically, Olly's creator wrote a message for him, Olly was so pissed at the fact (think of it like tatooing your child, also you shouldn't write on origami) he swore vengeance on toadkind, determined to kill them all, not even bothering to read the message, the message? That he wished Olly would grow to be a kind and fair king, uniting Origami and Paper
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wolfinshipclothing · 2 years
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"Let rage give you strenght. If you funnel it correctly, It could be your secret weapon."
Might i draw your attention to the fact that Grime (and perhaps the whole Toadkind) are Berserkers?
And that now SPRIG is one too?
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ayyyyysexual · 3 years
sasha saying “please dont go” mayhaps :3 (sadness 11 from the dialogue prompt thingie)
“Please don’t go.” Sasha’s voice trembled slightly.
Percy clenched his fist, and took Braddock’s hand with his other, “I’m sorry Sasha, but we don’t want to get pushed around anymore…”
Sasha watched them walk away with a numbness spreading throughout her body as she remembered the last time she saw Anne, and that stupid little frog who ruined everything. Grime was saying something but his words didn’t register in her mind. She wanted to scream, smash something, break down sobbing, run away and hide, anything to distract herself from the emptiness that filled her brain, but she felt paralysed. Anne and Marcy had already moved on without her, now Percy and Braddock had abandoned her as well. ...maybe they weren’t the problem. Sasha was the only common factor. She’d really fucked up hadn't she? She was just a selfish little-
She finally noticed Grime looking at her, a little concerned, and made a sound somewhere between a cough and a laugh, “What’s up Grimesey?”
Grime raised an eyebrow at her fake-nonchalance and motioned to the door, “Shall we talk outside, Sasha?”
She nodded and silently walked with him, every step felt robotic and pre-rehearsed, as if someone else was moving her limbs for her. They stopped a little away from the tower entrance.
“Do you wish to tell me what is bothering you directly, or do we have to push a newt off of a cliff everytime?”
Sasha clenched her fists, “It doesn’t matter Grime. I don’t matter. Everything would be better off if I never showed up in this stupid world, and I know you know that. Toad Tower, you being branded a traitor, Percy and Braddock… It’s all my fault, I-”
Grime furrowed his brow, “You don’t actually believe all that do you?”
“Haven’t you-”
“Sasha, you are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. If it were not for you I would just be living out the rest of my life as some insignificant name on a list of Captains, but now we’re actually doing something. We can make amphibia better for all of toadkind! Without you I would have been stuck in my slump after Toad Tower fell, but you picked me back up, and I want to do the same for you, in any way I can.”
She sniffed slightly, failing to hide as she rubbed her eyes, “Th-thanks Grimesy…”
Grime cleared his throat and glanced at the ground, “It is no bother at all, Sasha.”
Sasha pulled Grime into a tight hug for a few seconds, as he awkwardly patted her back, before standing up and averting her gaze, “If anyone asks, this never happened.”
He nodded with a small smile, “Of course.”
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cs-discourse · 5 years
MM favorite artists??? Ummmmmmm Tigressa, Hound, Julibee, Fawnpi, Cerulean Wake, WanSham (though she left), Cicamicu(left as well :,(), slientsiren, ufos, trickster, shibe, Captive Legacy, mint, karmel, nau, CSmintcat, Aey, high noon, pallis, snuffle bunny, Tealea, sixbane, toadkind, sunstruck, solaris, whim, mercury, planteri, error, dolly, chunkypeanutbutter, junkrats, mothermother, kyar, may, irina, decafbunny,trollish, dookie, turrpintine, finch, tweet, moon,charchar; they inspire me! 💗💖💞
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nostalgiachan · 6 years
kurotsuchisenpai replied to your photo: Am I cool yet? Behold the Peachperor of Toadkind....
When’s Horusette?
Fuckin’ never
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leonidaslair-blog · 6 years
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That's one small step for man, one giant leap for toadkind. . . . #neilarmstrong #purdue #purdueuniversity #aerospaceengineering #astronaut #spacetoad #captaintoad #mushroomkingdom #legocommunity #legofan #legophotography #brickpickhub #westlafayette #spacefootprints #nintendolove #retrogamers #spaceman #nintendworld #mariouniverse #mrtoad #nintendocommunity (at Purdue School of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
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ask-the-salt-mods · 7 years
opinion on toadkind, lordren, rnirai and néktar?
toadkind ? - rad, amazing. cool stuff 100/10 , im p sure they attendended my streams (my memory is terrible lmfao) i lov toadkind they r good
rnirai - art goals ??? their designs r good shit also they are, v nice (having only spoken to them on a couple of occasions) SERIOUSLY THO art goals their style is fuckin lit
nektar - havent spoken to them much, dont rlly know much abt them, but i have seen them around loll ive certainly seen them
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kalonsugar · 7 years
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kalonsugar · 7 years
toadkind has the prettiest kalon thread!! just look at this Forum/viewtopic. php?f=103&t=3425481 (mods please fix the link)
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kalonsugar · 7 years
Ciel Phantomhive. is not only marvelous at coding, but is such a sweetheart! toadkind, too, is very welcoming and kind, and marvelous at Kalon edits!! Also, Trollish, my bro, my dude - much love and respect towards you ♡
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cs-discourse · 6 years
hi anon I'm 00F. before I start you purposefully misgendered me because my he pronouns are in my sig so. also sorry that I haven't developed him enough to feel comfortable rping with him??? I don't even like rping. toadkind was so kind to give me a kalon and theres no way I'm never gonna develop him. I just am really slow with developing.
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