donna-chwarrior · 2 years
Still reaching out to the world with my vlogs about life with Congenital Hypothyroidism and I’m hitting a dead end, if you struggle, you’re not alone! ❤️
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privatesono · 1 month
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livefitforever · 3 months
🔍 Unraveling Thyroid Disease Symptoms!
Thyroid disease can manifest with a variety of symptoms. These may include fatigue, weight changes, mood swings, changes in heart rate, and alterations in bowel habits. It's essential to seek medical evaluation if you experience any combination of these symptoms, as thyroid disorders can significantly impact overall health and well-being.
Stay proactive about your health! Don't ignore the signs.
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medixic · 4 months
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क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि क्या पपीता सभी के लिए सुरक्षित है?
हाँ, पपीता अति स्वास्थ्यवर्धक है। लेकिन, हाइपरथायरायडिज्म से पीड़ित लोगों के लिए ख़तरनाक होता है ये फल😱
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Shining a light on Thyroid Awareness Month!
Let's raise awareness about thyroid health and support each other on this journey.
Taking a moment to prioritize self-care, educate ourselves, and spread the knowledge. Together, we can make a difference.
Learn more>>https://bit.ly/46ZYROr
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Ayurvedic Weight Loss Treatment in Pune- Dr Aditi Mehare
Obesity Comes with Other Diseases like Diabetes, Infertility, Heart Diseases, Hypertension, PCOS and Thyroid etc.
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hormonesclinics · 10 months
Thyroid Disorders and Women's Health: What You Need to Know
When it comes to women's health, one of the crucial aspects that often gets overlooked is the thyroid gland. The thyroid plays a significant role in regulating various bodily functions, and any disruptions in its function can have a profound impact on a woman's overall well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of thyroid disorders, their prevalence, symptoms, causes, and available treatments. Whether you're a woman experiencing health issues or seeking valuable information, this article aims to provide you with valuable insights into thyroid disorders and their connection to women's health.
Understanding the Thyroid Gland
The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped organ in the front of the neck. Despite its size, it wields significant power in the body as it produces hormones that regulate metabolism, energy levels, and various vital organs. The two primary hormones it secretes are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which play a key role in maintaining the body's balance.
Prevalence of Thyroid Disorders in Women
Thyroid disorders are more common in women than in men, with estimates suggesting that women are five to eight times more likely to develop thyroid-related issues. Research indicates that approximately one in eight women may experience thyroid dysfunction at some point in their lives.
Symptoms of Thyroid Disorders
Thyroid disorders can manifest in various ways, often leading to a wide range of symptoms. Some of the common signs to watch out for include:
Unexplained Weight Changes: Sudden weight gain or loss despite maintaining a regular diet and exercise routine.
Fatigue and Weakness: Feeling excessively tired, even after adequate rest and sleep.
Hair Loss: Experiencing hair thinning or hair loss on the scalp.
Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Changes in the frequency and flow of menstrual periods.
Mood Swings and Depression: Feeling anxious, irritable, or experiencing mood swings.
Cold Sensitivity: Feeling excessively cold, even in warm environments.
Muscle and Joint Pain: Experiencing unexplained muscle aches and joint pain.
Sleep Problems: Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep through the night.
Common Thyroid Disorders
Several thyroid disorders predominantly affect women. The most prevalent ones include:
1. Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormones to meet the body's needs. It can lead to a slower metabolism and a range of symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, and depression.
2. Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, results from an overactive thyroid gland, leading to an excess of thyroid hormones in the body. Symptoms may include rapid weight loss, increased heart rate, and anxiety.
3. Thyroid Nodules
Thyroid nodules are small, abnormal growths or lumps in the thyroid gland. While most nodules are benign, some can be cancerous and require medical attention.
Causes of Thyroid Disorders
Thyroid disorders can stem from various factors, including:
Autoimmune Conditions: Conditions like Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease, where the body's immune system attacks the thyroid gland.
Iodine Deficiency: Inadequate iodine intake can disrupt thyroid function.
Stress: Prolonged stress may impact the thyroid gland's performance.
Genetics: A family history of thyroid disorders can increase the risk of developing similar issues.
Pregnancy: Women may experience temporary thyroid imbalances during pregnancy.
Diagnosis and Treatment
If you experience thyroid disorder symptoms, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional. Diagnosis often involves blood tests to measure thyroid hormone levels. Once diagnosed, treatments may include:
Hormone Replacement Therapy: For hypothyroidism, synthetic hormones can help regulate hormone levels.
Antithyroid Medications: Hyperthyroidism can be treated with medications to suppress hormone production.
Radioactive Iodine Therapy: This treatment may be used to destroy part of the thyroid gland to reduce hormone production.
Surgery: In some cases, surgical removal of the thyroid gland may be necessary.
The thyroid gland is an integral part of a woman's overall health and well-being. Understanding the prevalence, symptoms, and causes of thyroid disorders is vital for early detection and timely treatment. If you experience any symptoms or suspect a thyroid issue, don't hesitate to seek medical attention. With proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment, women can effectively manage thyroid disorders and lead a healthy, fulfilling life.
For More Information Visit: www.hormoneclinic.in
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ambrosiawellness · 1 year
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Do the thyroid test.Take initiatives to tackle thyroid diseases. Promise yourself to stay healthy. Yes, we can win against Thyroid diseases. #canwin Share your awareness story against Thyroid. Need help, we are here.
#worldthyroidday #thyroid #hypothyroidism #levothyroxine #hashimotos #may #hyperthyroidism #fatigue #thyroidawareness #autoimmunedisease #thyroidtreatment #synthroid #thyroidcancer #weightgain #autoimmune #underactivethyroid #awareness #health #thyroiditis #hypothyroid #thyroidproblems #thyroiddisease
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livewellclinics · 1 year
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samyukthascans · 1 year
Do you struggle with unexplained weight gain or loss, fatigue, or changes in your mood or energy levels? These could be signs of an underactive or overactive thyroid, two conditions known as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, respectively.
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privatesono · 2 months
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aajkaakhbaar · 1 year
Unlocking the Secrets: 12 Science-Backed Ways to Heal Your Thyroid
One of the most important things you can do to keep your thyroid healthy is to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet. This means eating plenty of whole foods, lean protein, and healthy fats, and limiting your intake of processed foods, sugar, and caffeine. In addition to diet, there are a number of other things you can do to support your thyroid health, including getting plenty of exercise, managing stress, and avoiding exposure to environmental toxins.
Another important factor to consider when it comes to healing your thyroid is finding the right nutritional supplements. However, it can be challenging to know which supplements are most effective for supporting thyroid health. That's why it's important to do your research and consult with a healthcare professional.
To learn more about the fastest ways to heal your thyroid and which supplements may be right for you, check out this article on AAJKAAKHBAR.com. This comprehensive guide covers the latest scientific research on the best ways to support your thyroid, including diet, lifestyle changes, and targeted supplementation. Whether you're looking to improve your thyroid function, reduce symptoms of hypothyroidism, or simply maintain good overall health, this article is a must-read.
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physicianclinic · 1 year
Dr Akshay Narawad (General Physician) -What Causes Thyroid? What are its Types and Treatments?
Do you experience concerns with chills, hair loss, mental fog, or weight gain? maybe in the opposite direction? Are you clammy, pumped up, or worried? Does exhaustion affect your day in and day out? If you experience the listed symptoms, your thyroid gland may be to blame. This incredible controller of the mind and body might malfunction occasionally. The symptoms are typical of women, and receiving the appropriate treatment is essential if you don't want to keep feeling lethargic.
The thyroid gland is what?
The thyroid gland is a ductless gland on the front of your neck that has a butterfly shape. The gland creates hormones that control how quickly your metabolism moves. The system aids the body in utilising energy. When you have a thyroid issue, your metabolism drastically slows down because the production of thyroid hormones is interrupted. A variety of symptoms brought on by the fluctuation in hormone levels can impair your body's regular operations. Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, goitre, thyroid cancer, and thyroid nodules are a few examples of thyroid conditions. The thyroid gland also produces calcitonin, one of the hormones required for calcium metabolism, in addition to the thyroid hormones T3 (tri-iodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). To validate the level, a thyroid test must be performed.
What varieties of thyroid disorders are there
Thyroid diseases come in two different varieties:
1. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which a person's thyroid gland is underactive. This condition manifests as sluggishness, lethargy, cold intolerance, reduced appetite, weight gain, drooping upper eyelids, high cholesterol, constipation, increased sleep, swelling of the face and limbs, coarse skin, irregular menstrual cycles, and infertility.
2. Hyperthyroidism: When a person has this ailment, their thyroid gland becomes overactive, which causes palpitations, trembling, anxiety, insomnia, heat sensitivity, diarrhoea, weight loss despite increased appetite, protruding eyeballs, irregular menstruation, and low cholesterol.
What triggers a thyroid condition?
Thyroid diseases can have a variety of reasons.
The following are illnesses that result in hypothyroidism:
Thyroiditis is the medical term for thyroid gland inflammation. The amount of thyroid hormones generated is decreased.
The most prevalent types of hypothyroidism are caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It is a genetic, painless immune system condition.
The following are illnesses that lead to hyperthyroidism:
When someone has Graves' disease, their thyroid gland becomes overactive and secretes an excessive number of hormones. The thyroid gland enlarges as a result. Additionally called diffuse toxic goitre. In a condition known as thyroiditis, the thyroid gland releases hormones that have been held there, leading to hyperthyroidism for a few weeks or months. Nodules that form in the thyroid gland and begin secreting too much thyroid hormone are known as toxic adenomas. The body's chemical balance is disrupted by this. A toxic autonomously functioning thyroid nodule refers to a single nodule, whereas a toxic multi-nodular goitre refers to several nodules. There is too much iodine in several cough syrups, cold remedies, and sinus medications. This could lead to the thyroid produces either too little or too much
Thyroid disease treatment
Thyroid hormone pills are an effective treatment for the majority of hypothyroid patients. The dose must be regularly monitored. On the other hand, medicine is an option for the treatment of hyperthyroidism. For a full recovery, surgery and radioiodine therapy may occasionally be required. Even when a huge goitre causes disruptive and compressive symptoms or is just for aesthetic purposes, surgery is required. The kind and stage of thyroid cancer will determine if surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation is necessary.
For More Information about Thyroid Related problem Contact us at—The Physicians clinic
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drugcarts · 1 year
Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland situated at the base of the front of your neck, just below your Adam's apple..
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Thyroid disease can be a silent killer, with symptoms that can often be overlooked or misinterpreted. This post discusses seven warning signs of thyroid disease in adults. 
From fatigue to weight gain to depression, understanding the signs of an underactive or overactive thyroid can help you take the necessary steps to get the treatment you need. 
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to speak to your doctor to determine the cause and to get the proper treatment.
Website: www.sriramakrishnahospital.com
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kathijamaryam · 2 years
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Thyroid conditions require treatment as a malfunctioning gland can disrupt the body’s metabolism. If you suffer from one or more symptoms of improperly functioning thyroid, you must contact the best endocrinology hospital in Coimbatore. Book your thyroid checkup with the best endocrinologist in Coimbatore right away!
Click here for more details: https://bit.ly/3ROj6YK
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