#thunderbirds are go!
riallasheng · 2 years
IR logo
Honestly fairly old (I made it back in 04 as I liked elements of the IR logo in the film) that I recently modified the IR letters to tribute TAG
Just a small fun thing that I wanted to show off, feel free to laugh or use as you please ^_^
 Changed the ‘pin / embroidered patch’ version of the Logo just to make the ocean IR blue
 Changed the ‘simple’ logo that would be used on the craft (thunderbirds, pod vehicles, etc) as I wasn’t satisfied with my original one from 04
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Old versions below the read more
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whumpinaheartbeat · 1 year
There's Fire In My Veins (MediWhump May 2023 Day 1)
This fic contains the use IV's and IV medication, broken bones and bruising, PTSD and Panic Attacks, please read with discretion.
Despite everything, it was actually the IV that sent Gordon over the edge.
The bruises he could deal with, though he still hated to see Alan’s skin turned to a patchwork of purples and blacks. Hell, he was even arguably fine with the metal frame that incased Alan’s leg complete with nasty looking pins sticking into his shattered bones even if that image will forever be seared into Gordon's mind every time he closed his eyes.
Gordon could deal with all that because it was all temporary. 
The bruises will fade, the cuts and scrapes will become lost in all of Alan’s other scars and even his leg will heal to the point where he would be able to run and jump and do all the Alan stuff that Alan likes to do. Even the IV is only temporary and Doctor Story had promised that it will be removed as soon as Alan didn’t need it anymore and yet it sickened Gordon to see it.
Alan was alive and that was what was important and Gordon knew that. He knew he should be grateful that Alan had only sustained the injuries he had when it could have so easily been much worse. Alan was alive and yet here Gordon was, staring at the tubing that snaked up Alan’s arm while barely keeping himself conscious as his lungs screamed for oxygen and his brain screamed to rip the IV out. 
Gordon’s arm burned and even when he dug his nails into it, the feeling did not ease. He knew that the IV was attached to Alan and not himself and yet as he watched the fluid pump through the tubes, Gordon swore he could feel it enter his bloodstream.
A small part of him realised that he was overreacting, he had worked very hard in therapy to be able to recognise what fears and reactions were normal and which are fuelled by his past traumatic injury. But while logically Gordon knew that his PTSD was affecting him, he was too busy stuck there in that hospital bed surrounded by whirling machines and hushed conversations and the unending agony that the meds simply did not touch to be able to calm himself down.
Trying to ground himself, Gordon dug his nails in harder but he could still feel the medicine course through his veins. While the Doctors claimed that it was medicine, Gordon knew that it was instead poison that was tearing him apart from the inside. Gordon clawed at the needle that he could feel piercing his skin but it simply would not budge even as he drew blood.
Gordon could feel everything.
There was fire running through his veins, there was metal digging into his body, his bones, his very soul. Every whisper was a shout and every shout a faint memory that had lost all meaning. The lights were too bright and too dim all at once and whenever he closed his eyes he could still see his own blood mixing with the water, he could still see where his body ended and the hydrofoil begin.
He knew they were only memories and that this time it was Alan that was hurt and not him and yet Gordon could still feel everything.
The white walls were closing in on him, the whirling machines counting down the fleeting moments that felt like eternity, the moments before his body will finally give up and shut down. 
Gordon’s head was spinning. The body on the bed wasn’t his own, he knew it wasn’t his own, and yet it was like he was staring at himself lying there covered in bruises and monitors and tubes and when Gordon remembered that it was Alan who was lying in that bed the guilt tore at him even deeper than the memories did.
That was his little brother who was lying there unconscious and yet here Gordon was, feeling like he was going to be sick just because he saw one stupid IV.
Alan was sleeping, not unconscious. Sleeping. He was alive, he was safe, he was just sleeping and soon enough he was going to wake up and he will chase away all the bad memories from Gordon’s mind because that’s just how amazing Alan was. But the idea of depending on Alan like that when Alan was the one who needed the special attention right now just made Gordon feel even worse.
What kind of older brother was he, expecting Alan to talk him down from an episode while Alan had a shattered leg and a myriad of new scars to add to his collection.
Gordon twisted, curling his legs up onto the chair and wrapping his arms around them. There was a flash of pain with the movement but Gordon pushed it away, knowing it wasn’t real. None of this was real. The burning in his veins, the shudders that washed over him as adrenaline rushed through his system trying to keep him alive, none of it was real.
The accident had been years ago and while Gordon knew that, that terrible feeling was still there and when Gordon closed his eyes he could see it all happening again and again and again.
He needed to ground himself, he could not afford to spin out of awareness here, not when Alan needed him.
Gordon locked eyes on Alan, confirming that he was still breathing deeply and evenly and confirming that the damn IV was still there. Gordon’s hands twitched as his veins burned anew. He could not touch it, he could not bare the thought of hurting Alan any more than he was already hurting. Alan was already in a hospital bed because of Gordon, he refused to cause him more pain just for his own reassurance that the memories were just memories.
But what if it was for Alan’s sake too? Doctor Storey claimed that the IV was to help him but maybe it wasn’t, maybe something had gone wrong and Alan was in fact unconscious because of whatever mysterious fluid was pumping through that IV? Taking it out would be what was best for Alan and Gordon had only ever wanted the best for Alan.
Gordon knew that she was shaking but he could not stop it, not when such familiar white walls surrounded him, not when that whirling machines echoed in his mind, and especially not when the same tubing that had snaked up his arm up to the hanging bag from the pole by the side of his bed all those years ago was now attached to Alan’s arm. 
The Doctors here claimed to want to help him, claimed that he was safe now but they could be lying. Those same Doctors had claimed that the medication will help ease the pain but it never did so why should Gordon trust his baby brother to their care?
The IV wasn’t just some saline or blood, who knew what they were drugging Alan with. Truely, it was Gordon’s responsibility to do something about it because only he knew the truth, only he knew that they were poisoning with Alan with ocean knows what.
Gordon launched himself forward and gripped onto the cannula connected to Alan’s arm.
He whipped around, pulling the IV out as he went.
The sharp scream behind him that made Gordon’s whole body jolt but his eyes were locked on the figure in the doorway. His head spun, blinking back blurs he hadn’t realised were there and as his legs shook, Gordon dimly wondered why everything felt so wrong. 
“The hell were you thinking?” Scott barked.
Gordon blinked, slowly, and twisted back around to the bed. 
Alan gave off another chocked sob as he clutched his arm, blood streaming through his fingers and staining the white fabric beneath him. All at once Gordon realised that he was still holding the IV but he now dropped it, stumbling away from the bed. Away from the guilt, away from his crying brother, away from the terrible thing he had just done.
Scott had already taken his place by the bed, holding pressure onto Alan’s bleeding arm. Alan whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut and Gordon felt sick all over again.
“I…” Gordon tried. “He…”
“Go get help.” Scott snapped. 
“Ri… Right.”
Of course he should go get help. Alan was bleeding, not because of his injuries but because of what he had just done.
Gordon did not remember sitting down.
In fact, he did not remember leaving behind the white walls and whirling machines and yet here he sat with his back pressed against a tree and his hands fidgeting with the grass beneath him. The sun was warm even in the shade and when the wind blew through his hair, Gordon felt himself take in a deep breath.
“You’re back?”
Gordon did not know why he was not at all shocked that John was sitting beside him even though the last time Gordon remembered seeing him was on the video feed during the last rescue. The rescue that had ended with Alan having a shattered leg and a stupid IV in his arm.
John set aside the book he was reading, giving Gordon his full attention. John did not meet his eye, he was rarely able to handle direct eye contact for a long time but Gordon was used to that and if anything he didn’t really want anyone meeting his eye right now.
“I guess…” Gordon mumbled.
“Do you want to talk about it?” John asked.
If it were Virgil here he may have pushed a little further and if it was instead Scott then maybe he would have started the yelling right about now. But this wasn’t Scott or Virgil this was John and what John did best was listen.
“It’s stupid.” Gordon said. “I know I should just be glad that Alan’s going to be okay and I know I’m a shit brother.”
“But it burns.”
Gordon pressed a hand against the crook of his elbow, hissing when it touched the raw skin. He hated that he could still feel the tubing but he hated even more that he had made Alan’s hospitalisation all about him.
John blinked, slowly, giving Gordon all the time he needed to process exactly what was happening and Gordon both hated him and loved him for it. It would be so much easier if John just slapped him and told him to get over himself or maybe yell at him for hurting Alan or do anything at all but sit there and listen to what Gordon had to say.
“I know it’s not real and I know it’s connected to all this deferred pain shit but I’m just sick and tired of this whole fucking thing. It’s been years but I’m still broken and now Alan’s hurt because of it and I never wanted to hurt Alan but I keep doing it because I’m so fucked up.”
“Gordon,” John said carefully. “You actually helped him.”
Gordon scoffed, twisting away. He really wasn’t in the mood for false reassurances, not when he had made Alan scream like that. 
“The medicine that they were using should have been too strong for Alan to feel that much pain when you ripped out the IV. By Alan reacting like that, they worked out that the medicine wasn’t actually doing anything.”
“But…” Gordon breathed. “He was sleeping easily.”
“No,” John grimaced. “No he wasn’t. Alan was drifting in and out of consciousness because of the pain he was in and we would have never known if it weren’t for you. They put him on a different medication that’s working now and he’s actually resting and it’s only because you pulled out that IV. It will still take time for him to recover fully but now he can do so with as little discomfort as possible.”
Gordon considered John’s words carefully. If it was Virgil he would be giving Gordon false assurances that everything was fine and if it were Scott then maybe he would claim all responsibility for not having realised that something was actually wrong. But this wasn’t Scott or Virgil, this was John.
John was kind, yes, but first and foremost he was honest.
“He was in pain.” Gordon said.
“Yes.” John said. “But now it’s being managed. Thanks to you.”
“I want to see him.”
“Like I said, Alan’s resting right now but-“
“I need to see him.” Gordon said more firmly. “I need to make sure I didn’t hurt him.”
“Gordon, he still has an IV and all the rest. Are you sure you’re ready to go back there?”
“He’s my Brother,” Gordon said. “I have to be with him.”
When Gordon tried to stand his legs shook and refused to hold his weight. He was more exhausted than he had realised, no doubt from the adrenaline that had long since drained from his body. Without comment or complaint, John hooked Gordon’s arm around his neck and helped him stand slowly, waiting several moments before letting Gordon take a step forward.
They walked through the hospital garden like that and even when Gordon felt a little more steady, John stayed close by just in case he needed it.
There was no sensation of burning in Gordon’s arm now. It was stinging a little, there was no doubt about that, his nails having drawn thin lines in some places and outright drawing blood in others, but it was not burning. There was no tubing that snaked through his body, no medicine that coursed through his veins. 
Gordon was safe and healthy and he was going to put aside his past if it meant helping Alan get through the present because that is what brothers do.
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mondonguita · 2 years
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In the gif it looked like Scott was trying to find the cat lol
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edorazzi · 4 months
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More Thunderbirds Are Go comics! 🚀✨
It's been a while but I've had the first two lying around for months waiting to post a full set! In which neurodivergent John sets off people's AI detectors, gets bullied for his fashion choices, and Penelope battles with her conflicting standards when it comes to Gordon...
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gumnut-logic · 10 days
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I love this painting. I’m possibly going to headcanon it over the top of the model simply because it adds more possibility of beaches, jungle and pohutukawa groves :D And just look at those stairs up to the Roundhouse.
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mrmustachious · 5 days
Saw this and wanted to take part so I made a new post. No obligation to take part, I just thought the fandom could do with a new tag game going around!
Rules: if you're tagged, share one or two sentences (or lines for artists) from your unposted WIP with zero context.
“We don’t need to do anything. It’s you who needs to get over yourself and realise not everyone is out to get you.” Alan pointed at him accusingly, and Gordon was taken aback.
Tagging: @tracybirds @astranite @tanushakyrano @silverstarfics @whatgaviiformes @spaceshipsoutthepool @janetm74 @alexthefly @hebuiltfive
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neechees · 1 year
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Yes it does
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bearskvlls · 5 months
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say cheese!! 📸
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lenfantdeverone · 1 month
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We didn't rescue anyone today but we caused havoc
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flyboytracy · 2 months
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riallasheng · 2 years
Thunderbird 1 Redesign
She’s pretty much done now!  Little bit of tweaking, but only small things really.
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Links to the public copies to just One herself, as well as an ‘exploded’ version with the interiors and mostly labeled up!!
(Now just need to do some minor tweaks to the 2D drawings to match up with the 3D ^^ )
I hope you all enjoy!!
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whumpinaheartbeat · 1 year
Talk Shit, Get Hit (MediWhump 2023 Day 2 Stitches)
This Fic contains graphic injury, stitches, passing out and implied past alcoholism, please read with discretion.
While Virgil would like to say that his every movement was precise and methodical and every stitch was perfectly made, the truth was that the pain was making any of that impossible. 
Even if his hands weren’t shaking so much, Virgil’s vision pulsed white every time he tried to insert the needle into his thigh and muscle memory could only do so much to tie the perfect knots when it was taking all his energy just to stay conscious and aware of what was going on. 
Virgil gritted his teeth, taking a moment to just breathe as he pressed his back against the cold tiled wall. He couldn’t afford to pass out, not when he was still actively bleeding.
The scent of iron wasn’t helping his dizziness, neither was the knowledge that even if he managed to completely stitch his wound closed, he would still have to find the strength to clean the entire bathroom before any of his brothers got home which if he was tracking time correctly, Alan and Gordon would get back any minute now.
He couldn’t afford to waste any more time just sitting there breathing so as much as Virgil just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry, he started on the next stitch.
Virgil gasped, jerking forward as the needle pierced too deeply.
When Virgil came to full awareness again there was new blood pooled around him, two of the seven stitches he had managed to do already ripped apart. The wound was simply too deep for the stitches to hold but it wasn’t like Virgil could ask for any help. There would be too many questions, too many lectures. Too many doe eyed stares from his younger brothers.
No, Virgil could not ask for help. He could do this. He had to do this.
As designated medic of International Rescue and with all of his training, Virgil should be better at doing stitches and yet as the world spun around him and sparks of pain shot through him every time he so much as nudged his injured leg, he was starting to question if he had ever actually earned his certifications.
Because what his training was telling him now was that the wound was too deep for mere stitches and would actually require surgery. Virgil couldn’t exactly duck into a hospital for that kind of help though, especially without raising suspicions. What would he even say?
“Hey, I’m Virgil Tracy from International Rescue. I’ve got a big ass stab wound on my leg that needs surgery, please ignore the pathetic attempt at stitches and please don’t ask who stabbed me, I promise you they didn’t mean it.”
Nah, that wasn’t going to cut it.
He could do this, without the Doctors and without the surgery and without his brothers ever finding out. He just had to focus and breathe and it will all be over and he can claim that he has some repairs to do to his Thunderbird over the next few days as his full range of motion returns. 
Virgil hissed as the needle slipped in all the blood, scraping against his already ravaged skin and everything went black. 
“What the fuck Virgil?”
He was on his back, staring up at the bathroom light with two blurs hovering above him and he felt what was left of his resolve slip away as he gave off a pathetic sob.
“Oh Virg,” Gordon sighed, crouching down next to him. “Please don’t cry, I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
But it was too late for that, the mixture of pain and frustration only made him cry harder knowing that Alan and Gordon now knew that something was wrong. He had failed to protect them, failed to keep them from seeing all the blood. Virgil had failed not only a medic with shoddy stitches but now he had failed as a brother too.
“I can yell at you if you like.” Alan said helpfully. “Though, I am a bit busy holding pressure on the, you know, stab wound you apparently have.”
“Go away.” Virgil sobbed. 
“Absolutely not.” Gordon said. “How long have you been like this?”
Maybe if he didn’t answer then Gordon and Alan were going to give up and leave him alone and maybe then he could finish stitching and maybe then he wouldn’t feel like his leg was on fire.
“Virg?” Gordon prompted, setting a hand on his shoulder. “You with me?”
“Go away…” Virgil tried again. “I’m fine.”
“Yeah,” Gordon scoffed. “You’re absolutely stellar. Answer the question dumbass, how long have you been hurt like this? That’s a lot of blood for just one injury.”
“It’s not all mine.” Virgil said.
Gordon stared at him but thankfully did not ask who’s blood had become mixed with Virgil’s, not that Virgil would answer him anyway.
His head was spinning but when he closed his eyes it just made him feel worse so he settled for trying to sit up instead. Virgil balked, pain flashing white hot throughout his entire body. It was a miracle that he didn’t fully pass out this time around though that same miracle meant that the pain was a lot worse than it was earlier. 
“Gordie?” Virgil mumbled. “It didn’t hit an artery did it?”
“No,” Gordon said. “It’s not quite that much blood but it is still serious. Stitches aren’t going to be enough but you would have already known that.”
He closed his eyes regardless of the dizziness because at least that meant he didn’t have to look at either of his brothers right now. When Alan broke the silence it wasn’t with the sarcastic tone he was using earlier. He sounded young, younger than he has been for a long time and Virgil yearned to give him a tight hug if it only meant that it would cheer him up but the thought of moving right now was simply too much.
“Did you go to the bar again?”
“I didn’t drink.” Virgil said quickly. 
“That’s not what I asked.” Alan mumbled.
Even when Virgil tried to sit up and look directly at the youngest Tracy, Alan did not meet his eye. If anything that hurt Virgil more than his leg did, knowing that he had disappointed Alan even if he hadn’t gotten so far into his own head that he had drunk to excess again. 
“So who did you fight?” Gordon asked casually, picking through a med kit.
Virgil didn’t want to talk about this. He just wanted to sleep and forget all of this.
“Trent.” Virgil whispered.
“Fucking Trent.” Gordon whistled. “He probably deserved it no doubt but please don’t tell me you stabbed him too.”
“Of course not,” Virgil said. “He was drunk, running his mouth like always. I, uh, kind of punched him.”
Gordon’s gaze flicked to Virgil’s leg.
“You punched him,” Gordon said. “So he stabbed you. That seems like it escalated somewhat.”
“It was an accident.” Virgil said, feeling a little numb. “Like I said, he was drunk. He tripped over his own feet and by the time I realised that he had dropped the steak knife, it was already sticking out of my thigh.”
“Virgil,” Gordon said. “If all this happened at some bar then how the hell did you get home and why didn’t you go straight to the ER?”
He really didn’t want to talk about any of this, especially when he didn’t have a good explanation. It was all stupid and avoidable but Virgil sometimes got stupid where he let stupid things happen to him.
Virgil really was feeling dizzy now and he dimly realised that he couldn’t feel Alan’s hand keeping pressure on his leg. He knew that he should probably tell Gordon that, explain that he was finally going into delayed shock now that the adrenaline had fully drained away from his blood stream, but it was honestly taking all of his strength just to stay awake at this point.
“Virg?” Alan’s voice echoed. “Hello, Virg?”
“Alan,” Gordon said. “On my mark I need you to move back so I can bandage his leg. He’ll still need the hospital but it should hopefully minimise the bleeding.”
Virgil knew that he should have expected the agony as soon as Alan’s hand lifted off of his wound and yet he still screamed anyway because why wouldn’t he want to traumatise his poor brothers more than he already had.
The darkness took him swiftly and Virgil knew no more.
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tanushakyrano · 6 months
thunderbirds universe tumblr simulator
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🌺 topiary-tina1793 Follow
literally cannot believe these assholes from international rescue like i get people are dying or whatever but they literally just torched my garden w their massive ass engines...killed my prize-winning begonias too like what am i supposed to enter in the village fair next week??????
594 notes
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🧭 goldiniums Follow
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🎛 glorbulardefenceforce Follow
✈️ identifying-planes-in-posts Follow
169.8k notes
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🌹 diabolicalroses
hear me out. that hood guy was kinda fine
🌚 wingdings496
rose i swear to god you have GOT to stop thirsting after real life international criminals
🌹 diabolicalroses
🌚 wingdings496
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👠 lady-penelope-updates
Lady Penelope is at a charity auction today! The stream is currently live on twitch.tv/creightonwardofficial.
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👠 lady-penelope-updates
Looks like a new guest has just appeared, and they seem to know Lady P! Any bets on who it is?
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👠 lady-penelope-updates
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23.7k notes
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🚀 thunderbirds-are-gone
🍏 jollygreengiant Follow
you're literally insane if you don't vote for tb2
🌌 alpha-centauri
tb5 is a SPACE station it's in SPACE you can LIVE in SPACE on tb5‼️ this is a tb5 positivity post vote for thunderbird five rn
♠️ ace-space-case
um excuse me where is thunderbird shadow🤨
🚀 thunderbirds-are-gone
only reason i didn't include shadow is cus we don't really know anything about her! i felt it was a little unfair when we know so much about the capabilities of all the other ships and we don't even know what shadow looks like yet
♠️ ace-space-case
boooooooooo :(
586 notes
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🏙 international-rescue-official deactivated21082060
i just want scott tracy to rail me :(
🚀 thunderbirds-are-gone
oh my god
496.8k notes
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edorazzi · 2 months
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Happy birthday to my gorgeous, amazing @officialladynoirette!!!!
After my amazing Thunderbirds bday gift from last year, I counter with a shameless thirst trap of her favourite iR bird. Just showing off his tattoo, of course! 👀
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jacksonstarkiller · 1 month
Scott: How dumb do they think we are?
Gordon: Sometimes, John leaves me pictures of food instead of a shopping list.
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smolowl · 6 months
I Made a little series of cryptid designs :3
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And they can be on buttons and stickers and stuff thru this link :3
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