#thread: this suffering
nylilcosmos · 7 months
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Shrek'zel and Fionheart
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agnesmontague · 1 year
idk how to put this more smartly but theres a weird trend among online leftists who have circled right back around to this quasi-religious hatred of all material need and its just. sorry but needing money to stay alive isn't... greed. you're not selling out by doing an ad read esp if it's something you're doing as a job. even if the job is artistic in nature
anticapitalism is the main tenet here for sure but at the same time it helps to.., idk. not act like we spiritually need to start forfeiting all mortal goods bc it's the one path towards nirvana or something. every once in a while i notice people reinventing asceticism in the name of praxis and it's very Sigma Grindset but with a lefty hat
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muffinlance · 1 month
Isopuppy head!
[id: Photo of a sewn isopuppy head; it looks like a dog head with antennae.]
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Now to cut leg parts.
...28 leg parts.
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simplykorra · 11 months
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i'm really here...i'm alive
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lorei-writes · 4 months
... You know what would absolutely suck about Luke and Jin both?
If you wanted to knit them a sweater by hand, it'd take a damn eternity. Why so big! Why so big! Why did they have to grow so big and wide! (They each can get a... scarf?)
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adisquietfollows · 6 months
Since taking power in a 2007 coup, Hamas has violently repressed all opposition to its rule. There is much to repress: recent Palestinian survey data shows most Gazans distrust Hamas, want an alternative government, and prefer economic development over war. But their individual voices are rarely heard. Those who speak out face prison and torture.
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someoneoffthestreet · 7 months
Idk how to say it but- Insomniac Spider-Man is like:
love is the strongest thing you have, and it will destroy you. love is the thing that makes you reach for your better self, and it's the thing that makes you your worst. love is the buoy, love is the anchor, love is the albatross around your neck and the concrete around your feet. love is the truth, and love is the lie. love will save the world, as surely as it will destroy it. love is the thing you must hold on to, and the thing you must let go of. hold on. let go. hold on. let go. it’s a dance. life is the music that keeps playing long after you’ve stopped. you stop dancing so the music can still play.
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books-apples-socks · 7 months
i love john silver's curly girl routine
he's scrunching and moussing and perhaps is even in the possession of a denman brush
where did he get it out at sea in the beginning of the 18th century? don't think about it let the waves speak to you
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**slips and slides into the room with socks on and breaks the wooden table as i fall down on the floor in a haste** so anyways i actually just scared myself because i thought of exactly how deep Malorn's and Malistaire's parallels went. like in post-updated tutorial malistaire was said to have been kind and caring towards his students right. just like malorn right. just like malorn, right? isn't that just like malorn? hey everyone doesn't that sound just like malorn? kind and cares for his students? 'kind' and 'caring' are certainly two adjectives that describe malorn arent they huh? (is slowly sinking in quicksand as i desperately reach out to you as i say this) so if we are to say that malorn and malistaire are two sides of the same coin then what is truly stopping malorn from having one traumatic event from shaping the rest of his life into a descent of madness, grief, and isolation? Guys tell me what the difference is between this reality and an Evil Malorn AU guys? guys hello? hello guys? **(the quicksand has actually transported me to the Backrooms now, no one can hear me call out in distress)**
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 2 months
On the one hand, if I watch S6E13 I'll get to see Dorothy being supportive of Blanche and helping her get out of an abusive relationship before it's too late.
On the other hand, if I watch S6E13 I'll have to witness that sorry excuse for a man treat Blanche like dirt for twenty minutes.
... This is going to raise my pressure to sky-high levels, isn't it.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 6 months
wait. i lied. im not done. thinks really really hard about the way Childishness is expressed in conjunction with angelas development, and how its never looked down upon but rather accepted as a stepping stone into understanding. how angela is allowed to have these so called "childish" traits and methods of expression as a vital part of her growth, a vital part of reclaiming herself.
something about the expression of childishness in contrast to a childhood she never got to have, growth she was never able to take, and an openness she was never allowed to express.
haha anyway who said that
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
It's almost midnight so let's make Billy Batson's life worse :D
TW: a little graphic mention of violence(?)
This is gonna be a longer post I'm going to make later, but has anyone considered the idea of a villain/antagonist wanting to de-power Billy Batson from saying the word SHAZAM again and then through maniacal magical means, sewing his mouth shut with the thread of fate. To ensure that not only would he not evoke the magic word of the Wizard as the Champion of magic, buy that the death of a child would not fall onto their hands, because if Billy removes the thread, HIS thread, it could snap and accidentally kill him.
Maybe they don't want to kill Billy right away, and perhaps want to use him as a sort of magical battery while he's unable to fight back or transform into Captain Marvel.
I've seen versions where villains/antagonists have used magic to make him stop talking, used tape or rope, even cut out his tongue I think at one point, but I haven't seen someone just straight up sew his mouth shut, and I think that has incredible angst and story potential. A little graphic and mean, yes, but, consider this; I like to make my favorite characters suffer.
And considering it involves the Greek fates and the mystery of how a villain managed to get their hands on Billy's own thread of fate, it could allow a team up with Wonder Woman (Diana) and showing the bond they have or could create on this journey. Maybe this can also prove that Billy is a hero even without his magical powers as Captain Marvel.
Let me know what y'all think in the tags or comments! My thoughts are a little all over the place, but I had a long day and have exams tomorrow :'D
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had to color it, look at them slay
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therelignedstars · 28 days
(Continued from here for @general-kalani )
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A small sigh, "I don't think I am. I'm not going to keep you chained up for long, Joseph. Don't tug on the chains, please. I really don't want to have to get the first aid kit."
She'd only captured him out of concern for his well-being. Alice wasn't going to try to arrest him again, which ended horribly the first time. The deputy glanced back at him as she turned on the space heater cause her home was colder than usual.
"Quick question: Did you and your wife have a turtle named Theodore Benjamin the third? I'll get to why I'm asking in a minute. Just want the truth, Joseph. I promise to unlock the chains once you answer the question. Heck, I'll even give you some time with Luci for cuddles and pets."
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selenealwayscries · 2 years
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i looked at a couple of baroque dresses and blacked out
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eastgaysian · 1 month
one thing about crpgs that draw heavily/directly from tabletop systems is that nobody has ever figured out how to make being level 1 fun. it's not possible. you gotta let people skip ahead to like level 3 at least if you want the beginning of the game to not be a total slog
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