#thread ( nemus )
akkivee · 11 months
regardless if it’s a timeskip or not i do think the new outfits signify a new chapter in their lives??? like in the case of bat:
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kuukou’s still punk still monk lol but more importantly, he still has his sachihoko symbols on his haori thing. kuukou’s always changed the symbols on his coat whenever he gets a new one so it’s an important point!!! sachihoko are guardians to protect from storms so kuukou still has his protector/protection imagery
jyushi’s overcoat is still the same style but it is longer and darker and his outfit as a whole is grandiose lol like even more vkei, so i’d say this is jyushi’s final form a jyushi more true to himself and braver than ever before and ready to perform on his biggest stage yet
hitoya’s i’m not too sure actually lol but it reminds me a lot of his fit back when he helped out kuukou and jyushi. if that’s the angle then it might have him playing support for whatever he’ll be getting into as jakurai’s partner. also lends to his own knight imagery since that’s the period of time we see him as a defender
#this is vee speaking#i didn’t have the bandwidth to actively think about rosho’s glasses#but it struck me as closure for rosho and i read a thread yesterday that filled in the blanks for me lol#rosasa back at again with their self contained story lol#rio i’m kinda excited for lol he took off the uniform!!!!!!! is his war about to be over??????#gentaro took off two elements of his outfit i think?????? like that black coat is gone and so is his turtleneck!!!!!#he’s opening up y’all 🥹🥹🥹#what’s cracking me up about jiro’s fit is that he’s wearing that plaid button shirt UNBUTTONED#AND UNDERNEATH his usual black shirt like bruh lmao#ichiro!!!!!!! is back in black and red!!!!!!!! he’s back in his tdd era colours where he actively wanted power!!!!!!#similarly samatoki is back in leather!!!!!!! (MY LONGEST YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII EVER)#he wore aloha shirts after the tdd timeskip and i’ve always been of the opinion he’s wearing comfort clothes since he’s been that depressed#so maybe now that nemu’s okay and thriving!!!!!! he can be a leather baby/daddy again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#juto and red has always been a Thing the brain just hasn’t ever made the connection with why red’s important to juto and i’m sad ☹️☹️☹️#he looks good but i still don’t know what red means to him ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️#ramuda in posse yellow ;w; his beret is rly cute too he wore a hat during the tdd era and i feel like that’s the trend with tdd#they’ve rediscovered their purpose from back then 🤔🤔🤔#and so with sensei uhhhhhh well it’s certainly the brightest version of his clothes yet 😭😭😭#he’s peak happy by this point maybe and i do wish that for him lol#anyone else i didn’t mention i’m still thinking on lol
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rubiesintherough · 9 months
@smokinmirrors --- thread cont. from here, bc tumblr's rude
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Her amenability to his request brought a relieved smile to the deity's lips, as did the slow of her tears and outward grief. Pain was a complicated thing, he knew. A lull in the maelstrom was necessary, otherwise becoming overwhelmed was inevitable.
" Thanks are not needed for kindness... kindness is the minimum. ----- Would you like to speak of them, the ones that have moved beyond? What better way to ensure they are respected and commemorated than to keep word and tale of their accomplishments and good deeds alive? "
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holespoles · 18 days
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Masao Kato “Hoshi no Ito (Thread of a Star)” from “Nemu no Yurikago (The Cradle of Joy)
A thread hanging from a star A thread so thin it's hard to see When it twines around my eyelashes the little boy grows melancholy and sleepy
お星様から垂れる糸 目にもとまらぬ細い糸 それが睫毛に絡まると 坊やは、とろりねむくなる
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gizantara · 7 months
Waktu lagi scroll akun fesbuk bodong, nemu meme ini dan hahaha relatable banget!
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Di twitter dan quora: sok kritis nyimak postingan berat-berat mulai dari politik, sejarah, konspirasi, isu Palestina, isu perempuan, sampai trending topic apapun yang lewat di base, retweet thread lucu maupun insightful, ngumpulin meme, nyimak debat atheis vs theis, nyimak bahasan MBTI, nyimak base itbfess juga wkwk (undipfess lebih seru sih untuk disimak)
Di akun bodong fesbuk: tukang save dan repost meme, pendengar curhatan orang, pengayom anak-anak sekolah tentang mata pelajaran dan ilmu pengetahuan umum, join diskusi game, anime, dan komunitas, mencari jokian, menemukan berbagai lifehack, nonton reels yang suka nge-review film (paling inget mah film Escape Plan yang openingnya "di mata orang ini hanyalah sekotak susu" dengan backsound tereng teng teng teng teng teng), NONTON VIDEO NYUCI KARPET WKWKWK SATISFYING BANGET, nyimak war fandom K-Pop yang masih pada sekolah
Di instagram: ngikutin akun-akun inspiratif, ilustrasi sederhana but deep meaning, meme MBTI, penulis, dan psikolog
Di youtube: ceramah Ust. Nouman Ali Khan, Ust. Omar Suleiman, Syekh Imran Hossein, podcast Praz Teguh dkk., podcast Uus, Lapor Pak, Gideon Tulus dengan segala skill dan lifehack unfaedahnya, Stand Up Comedy, Eka Gustiwana, Yoasobi, kadang ILC kalau seru itu juga, video bikin rumah di tengah hutan pakai bambu dan ngelubangin bawah tanah (dengan speed 2x lipat), nonton review gadget di Gadgetin (hampir semuanya kaya tontonan bapak-bapak banget biarin, bapak aku lebih aneh nonton video orang mancing wkwk)
Di whatsapp: jamet abis gak ada lawan, slow reply, repost meme
Di tumblr: sok bijaksana mengambil semua ibrah dari setiap kejadian, puitis, si paling memaknai sesuatu hahaha geleh, suka ngelike postingan apa aja yang lewat beranda soalnya cerita orang pada bagus-bagus
Di real life: nolep, wibu dikit, tukang desain ige komunitas, menafkahi kebutuhan kuota dan gaming dua bocah di akhir pekan, nobar Naruto, Avatar Aang, Jujutsu Kaisen, dan Spy x Family bersama mereka, family time di atas segalanya!
Gak ada yang mau diceritain sih. Cuma mau nulis sesuatu yang "lebih manusiawi" karena ternyata pas dibaca-baca ulang akun ini tuh selama ini isinya serius amat. Hidup perlu dibikin enjoy yakan, gak semuanya harus ada pelajaran. Kadang emang cuma kejadian nir-hikmah yang meninggalkan kesan seru aja, itung-itung memperkaya pengalaman.
— Giza dan Minggu pagi yang semenjana
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ameliazahara · 6 months
Sekolah S1 dan S2 bedanya apa?
Baru tau kalau ‘hidup tuh demikian’ setelah terjun ke dunia kerja. Setelah terjun ke dunia kerja, ternyata ada banyak kampus yang akreditasinya beragam, dan jauh banget dari standar yang selama ini dijalani. Sekolah pun sama, diri baru tau kalau ternyata ada sekolah dengan akreditasi yang tidak setara juga—yang jauh banget dari standar yang dipahami selama menjalani masa-masa sekolah.
Selama masa pendidikan, mulai dari sekolah dasar hingga jenjang magister, alhamdulillah mendapatkan pendidikan di sekolah yang grade-nya kelas menengah ke atas di tingkatannya. Tentu, di sekolah tersbut diisi oleh beragam orang dari berbagai wilayah dan kalangan, dan juga dengan kualitas guru yang alhamdulillah mumpuni. Dari hal ini diri akhirnya terbiasa menghadapi persaingan dengan berbagai orang dengan kelas yang setara.
Alhamdulillah bisa merasakan jadi mahasiswa yang kuliah di kampus negeri terbaik Aceh, yang bahkan kampus S1 dan S2 akreditasinya sama-sama unggul saat ini, bahkan sekarang termasuk kampus PTN-BH juga.
Balik lagi, yang mahal dari pendidikan itu adalah lingkungannya.
Atas dasar apa yang diterima, diri berupaya mewariskan itu ke anak-anak kelak. Semoga mereka bisa merasakan hadiah pendidikan terbaik yang bida diberikan.
Saaat ini, diri bekerja di kampus yayasan pemda, dan tempat kerja yang sebelumnya merupakan kampus yayasan pribadi, yang kedua-duanya adalah kampus swasta. Di kampus yayasa pemda ini, diri tidak bisa menafikan kalau kampus ini adalah suatu yang sentral banget di kota ini. Kampus ini terbiasa terlibat atas sesuatu yang buka porsinya, tapi bisa memberi benefit bagi berdirinya institusi tercinta. Terlbiat politik harus siap. Terlibat sasaran-sasaran dari berbagai sisi harus bersiap juga. Beruntungnya menjadi bagian dari institusi insyaAllah bisa mengangkat reputasi diri.
Visi-misi dan sumber dana adalah dua hal yang menjadi indikator penting dari berbagai institusi pendidikan tinggi di daerah. Hal ini mempengaruhi kinerja dan pada siapa tunduk diberikan. Bahkan, cara mereka menghasilkan lulusannya juga tergantung pada kebijakan dan kepentingan institusi. Apapun itu, segala gap yang terjadi merupakan suatu yang tidak perlu dipermasalahkan karena semua punya dalih demi kepentingan bersama.
Diri menyadari kalau apa yang dijalani dulu dan apa yang kini dihadapi adalah dua kelas yang tidak setara, jika dikomparasikan pun akan tetap tidak sebanding. Jadi, sebagai karyawan diri bertugas menjalankan apa yang diembankan, ikut aja gimana aturannya, selagi rejeki yang dihasilkan halalan tayyiban.
Beberapa waktu lalu di time line twitter nemu tweet ini yang sampe di repost ulang.
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Tulisan ini terinspirasi dari thread tersebut. Bahwa ternyata banyak yang juga menyadari bahwa grade dari pendidikan menentukan banyak hal di kemudian hari. Diri juga menyadari kalau, berproses itu selalu membuahkan hasil yang tidak sama pada setiap orang. Tempat di mana kamu ditempa dengan prosesmu juga penting banget. Relasi yang menemani dan menjatuhkanmu di masa berproses juga penting. Karena kelas kehidupan diterpa sejak di masa ini.
Jika diibaratkan dengan rumah, jenjang S1 itu seperti pondasi, ini penting banget. Jenjang S2 atau pun S3 adalah yang menjadikan indah rumahnya. Tanpa pondasi yang kokoh, jika terjadi bencana gempa bumi maka bangunan tidak akan bertahan juga. Atau seindah apapun tampilan luar, jika pondasinya tidak kuat maka bangunan tersebut akan rapuh juga.
Penting banget untuk menentukan pendidikan S1 hendak ke kampus mana. Jangan asal menentukan. Karena pondasi diri kedepannya bahkan di dunia kerja, diterpa sejak pendidikan S1.
Pentingnya pendidikan itu bukan dibagian gelar atau ijazahnya, bukan dibagian keren cover luarnya saja. Bahkan diri begitu terkejut ketika tau ada dosen lulusan S2 yang ga tau value dari pendidikannya. Anehnya, dia masih merasa tidak berdaya, dia merasa tidak bisa memberi kontribusi apapun. Lha, selama sekolah S2 ga diajarin gimana harusnya sebagai lulusan S2? Padahal kini dia sudah jadi dosen ber-nidn. Setelah nanti kamu jadi lulusan dan menjadi bagian masyarakat, maka kamu wajib survive, wajib mengembangkan dirimu sendiri. Kamu tidak lagi dibimbing seperti ketika dulu sebagai mahasiswa. Itu sebabnya salah satu tujuan pendidikan adalah memberikan problem solving.
Jangan heran ketika nanti di dunia kerja bertemu karyawan yang titelnya banyak tapi kerjanya ya B aja.
Walau nanti di dunia kerja, yang pintar dan memiliki kapabilitas, akan kalah dengan mereka yang mahir berdalih—berbicara dan punya relasi orang dalam.
Dari pengalaman yang diperoleh, ternyata ada beberapa orang yang merasa bisa memperkuat pondasi dengan memperindah tampilan luar sebuah bangunan. Lha gimana? Jadi mereka yang merasa kurang percaya diri dengan pendidikan S1 nya berusaha mencoba untuk lanjut sekolah ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi lagi di kampus ternama dengan dana dari orangtua yang mumpuni. Mungkin mereka merasa dengan pendidikan lebih tinggi dari yang lain mereka bisa merasa lebih unggul dan lebih percaya diri. Ini adalah hak masing-masing orang.
Kok diri seperti iri ya? Bukan. Tapi poin pentingnya adalah, bangun pondasi yang kokoh dulu, jika pondasi sudah kokoh, mau kerja di masa saja, walau lulusan S1 atau apalah, insyaAllah akan tetap berhasil dan berjaya. Yang terpenting itu kapabilitas dan bertahan.
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crimsonlyinglilly · 8 months
No. 3: “Like crying out in empty rooms; with no-one there except the moon.”
Journal | Solitary Confinement | “Make it stop.”
Uryuu had frozen when the hollows arrived and had hid while grandfather fought, he had still been hiding when the Soul reapers arrived too late, and when one soul reaper had noticed him and pulled out his sword he hadn’t thought to run, so he had then woken up confused in a glass tube. 
He wasn’t frozen when he noticed Grandfather laying on the table in the room outside the tube, he had thrown himself at the glass, and then screamed when the monster came, slamming his fist on the glass and ignoring the pain as they started leaving blooded prints behind.
The screams soon died down as his voice cracked and broke.
Stop it.
His blood is long dried on the glass in front of him when the monster leaves, his voice truly lost after the unlistened to pleas.
Grandfather is little more than a pile of flesh that Uryuu can’t bear to look at anymore, still hearing it over and over, Grandfather’s voice begging and the monster’s cold words ignoring them both to instead make notes and comments as he took him apart.
Uryuu threads his fingers in his hair and pulls, talking to himself in an attempt cover the memoires 
“Make it stop.” the room is silent other than the tiny voice crying, repeating those words. “Make it stop.”
He’s alone for days apart from the visits of the monster but he shuts down during those times, if the monster wanted to take him apart like he had grandfather, Uryuu didn’t want to be there for it.
(Years later he would realise  it was Nemu giving him an out when she gave him too much of the drugs, he would never thank her, never thank any from twelve, but he hates her less. He tells himself it’s the sole reason he lets the monster keep living.)
He’s alone in his glass tube until the pink haired girl with the bright grin finds him and shatters it. 
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megashadowdragon · 8 months
Senjumaru and the Fates from Greek Mythology
source : www . reddit . com/r/bleach/comments/16x25ao/senjumaru_and_the_fates_from_greek_mythology/
In Greek Mythology the Fates or Moirai are the goodess of destiny, they are the enforcers that ensure that everyone from humans to gods live according to their destiny as predetermined by the laws of the universe. In certain way they are the "Weavers of Destiny"
The morai are three:
Clotho, the spinner: Spuns the thread of life from her distaff onto her spindle. Basically decides if you are born and can resurrect people
Lachesis, The allotter or drawer of lots: measured the thread of life allotted to each person with her measuring rod. She decides how long you will live and according to some, your destiny while you are alive.
Atropos, The inevitable: Basically death, she chooses how people dies by cutting the thread of life when time comes with her scisors.
Senjumaru Bankai which can be translated as Crossroads of the Carcass works similar to them by bringing their destiny into the present, examples:
manga spoilers:
Lille: Got defeated by shooting his reflection/Nanao sword who reflects the divine
Gerard: gets Frozen like in the manga against Toshiro (Maybe this time they will crush the core)
Pernida: It´s pulled by "those hands"/his own power as mayuri kills him by using his adaptation against him.
Askin: "Gets Crushed and Sealed", this is a theory but maybe in the anime he stays alive instead of getting killed by a sneak attack and suffers a fate worse than death, Kisuke can technically seal him like he did with Aizen.
Jugram: Get´s burn representing his fight with bazz b, and while he initially cuts the flames, he gets burnt anyway because fate/Yhwach treason is inevitable.
Uryu: Gets Hauswalen, however we know he survives with the antithesis, so he might defeat Senjumaru by challenging his fate in the same way he defies Yhwach by piercing his heart with the arrow allowing Ichigo to cut through FATE like he wanted in the Sand and the Rotator.
The "Carcass" thing is important because in the past carcass where used for "Divination" by Oracles and priest who wanted to see the future. The poetic aspect only adds because Oracles had to interpretate their visions. So Senjumaru might not have a future vision as acurate as Yhwach who sees all posibilities.
One thing I like a lot about his bankai is that: The heavenly spinner, Senjumaru is the opposite of Yhwach, instead of changing fate, she enforces it becoming atropos or death which fits her paper as a shinigami or goddess of death.
It is not a coincidence that the final act of her bankai is cutting the threat of life and turning his enemies into a tapestry. She is ATROPOS/INEVITABLE.
Personally I think she will be defeated by either Uryu for the reasons said above or by YHWACH who by having similar powers whould be able to make a clash of wills and by virtue of his superior reiatsu/fate manipulation prevail.
However i would like to see in the next cour a weakness for this bankai as right now is pretty broken, maybe something phylosophical or about COURAGE hinting how Yhwach would be defeated, but I think it will be used to further hype Yhwach or Uyru.
Summary: Senjumaru is a goddess. Thank You for reading.
As soon as I saw Gerard getting frozen and the fact that Senjumaru is a weaver, I began to guess that she is based on the Fates atleast.
For Pernida, I read someone in the sub telling that the Kurotsuchi means Black soil/earth. That is such a direct reference on what is going to happen to him.
If her bankai is manipulating fate, "bowels of black sand (aka black soil)" should be referring to Kurotsuchi, as in Mayuri Kurotsuchi and Nemu Kurotsuchi, because Kurotsuchi translates to black soil or something along the lines of that from what i understand. And true that, Pernida loses due to consuming Nemu.
For askin: he is crushed by three spiked piece of a coffin. Each piece represents the three that defeated him. Urahara. Yoruichi and grimjow. The coffin motif represents his gift ball deluxe trying to take out everyone with him.
Also Lilie is surrounded by eight mirror walls, so if the number is prominent then it must mean something.
Great catch. The name of Nanao’s sword translates to ‘Sword of Eight Mirrors’.
It is kinda impossible to give a completely accurate translation since this is made up words essentially, but my best bet, with some artistic license to make it work better in English, would be: "Old Witch's Gateway Crossing of Entwined Needles and Divine Corpse Fabric".
EVEN BETTER, It fits the Atropos theme so much.
I interpreted her power as reality warping, like her bankai set their eventual defeats in motion and made that their destiny. Literally altering their course of fate. In a way she defeats the shutzstaffel and fulfilled her duty
Her name Shutara is from Buddhist word “Sutta”
Which can mean the thread (the Buddhas teaching and truth )that string every thing together.
So it’s a very obvious reference and hint on what her ability is,just like Nanao’s family name is Ise.
I was a bit disappointed Kubo didn’t do more with her and now I’m very satisfied to see he do her justice.
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User avatar level 1 sanguinare12 · 22 hr. ago There are also parallels with Arachne the weaver, also from Greek myth, who after besting Athena in a weaving contest was either killed then turned into a spider or transformed directly, to continue her weaving in that form thereafter. Multiple arms and the weaving ability translates well to Senjumaru, whether relating to her bankai or not. No holding back on the inspirations at this point!
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thewhitefluffyhat · 2 years
Thoughts on the Magia Record Finale
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There’s a montage at the end of the last episode with a phrase that perfectly encapsulates my ultimate feelings on the Magia Record anime: “We dreamed of hope and failed.”
Because the anime had lots of ambitious ideas of how to fix the story from the game - too many ideas, in fact. And in the end, by trying to cram in too many ideas, too many priorities, it succeeded at none of them.
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The Good: The Backstory
While the first episode of the season might have been titled “We Failed,” I ironically found it a triumph. This episode did an exceptional job not just adapting the material from the game, but elevating it. At the end of the day, the story of Iroha and Ui is not an especially unique tragedy, not in a franchise filled with many such tales of despair. And yet, each beat - the sisters’ mutual care for each other and for Touka and Nemu, the quiet yet inexorable devastation of Ui’s condition worsening, the fairytale-esque twist of Iroha’s wish saving Ui yet meaning Iroha no longer has time to spend with her - was conveyed with pitch perfect competence.
It helps that this is a very “broad strokes” adaptation, keeping only the general frame of events and reworking the dialog and visuals to construct a more consistent mood and tone. It also allowed the anime to sprinkle in some lovely little details, like a cute moment of Iroha doing Ui’s lipstick to show their bond, or illustrating Touka’s analytical genius by showing her tracking down the suspicious incidents and realizing that the first person listed was always a teenage girl.
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I particularly liked the conversation between the hospital trio and Kyuubey. Over the years, I’ve seen more than a few rancid takes along the lines of “if character from X magical girl series had met Kyuubey, she would have been too smart to accept the contract!” Which… entirely misses the point.
The point of Madoka Magica was never that the characters were foolish or stupid to have been tricked. The point has always been that Kyuubey is a terrifying, masterful manipulator who excels at lying through omission. Thus, when Touka, Nemu, and Ui launch a rapid-fire barrage of questions that should reveal the fine print to Kyuubey’s contract… he still nimbly dodges every single question (using answers from the original TV series, even!) and the girls have to piece together the truth by reading between the lines.
It’s a great moment that sells both Kyuubey’s menace and the hospital trio as clever, ambitious, and sympathetic characters. When everything all goes south despite their efforts, it’s all the more painful because the audience is shown that they did everything right. They dreamed of hope, but the Madoka Magica universe is cruel and uncaring, and they failed through no fault of their own.
And that’s the stuff - interesting characters, an unjust tragedy, but also a sliver of hope, however faint, that the tragedy could still be averted - that could have been the hook to an incredibly promising story.
The backstory interlude in the final chapters of the game was some of my favorite content in the Main Story; thus, it was no surprise that the animated equivalent was also very very good. Good enough, I’d argue, that you could potentially watch this episode as a standalone, and would be better off simply imagining for yourself a conclusion to their story.
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The Promising: Touka and Nemu’s Characterizations
I’ve briefly mentioned my issues with the game’s treatment of Touka and Nemu before, how the other Magius leaders were given little to do besides echoing Touka. And the anime’s second season already kicked off some much needed improvements in that area - namely, having Nemu retain her memories and therefore giving her a different perspective and motivation compared to Touka.
And the second anime episode, “All the Girls Disappearing,” does continue to build on those threads! I quite liked all the characterization details brought up in Touka and Nemu’s conversation with Iroha. Nemu deliberately hiding the truth from Touka because she needed Touka’s drive and confidence - however warped and broken - was a fascinating dynamic and could have done wonders to make the Magius leaders a compelling group to watch.
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I also thought the change to Touka’s backstory, that she snapped from having the hopes of all the Feathers placed on her, was a vast improvement over the game’s characterization of her as simply a bratty child who became impatient.
And later still - the suggestion that Touka and Nemu were so determined to stay their course, to do something they know is a mistake, specifically because they wanted to save Iroha’s life? Like another twist on Homura’s devotion to saving Madoka at any cost? Also great!
…What a shame, then, that these half-baked ideas were only that - mere hints at deeper character arcs, a few lines frantically tossed out and then thrown by the wayside as the plot raced toward a rushed conclusion.
An anime where these ideas had been explored in full - an anime where Touka and Nemu had been characters we’d followed since the beginning, watching in horror as they fell further and further away from their idealistic hopes and ambitions - now that could have been a Magia Record worth watching.
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The Story Falls Apart: Let’s Talk About Alina
As a resident Alina fangirl, of course I have to comment on her portrayal in the anime. And while my expectations for how her character would wrap up weren’t high… the anime certainly didn’t surpass them.
Going back a moment, I thought Alina’s integration into the backstory episode - with her eavesdropping on the hospital trio’s plans - was an improvement on the game, where she shows up completely out of nowhere. But “something is better than completely nothing” is not exactly high praise.
(The main thing I did enjoy was the chance to see Alina's disdain for Kyuubey in animated form, heh. Can never have enough characters stomping Kyuubey's face in!)  
I’m also baffled that the anime didn’t go for the easy fix of having Alina be the one to corrupt Touka and Nemu’s ideals, especially given that the anime still keeps Alina turning on the rest of Magius as part of the finale. Like, “Alina was the source of evil in Magius” has never been an interpretation I’ve been fond of, but if you’re going to make Alina the ultimate villain of the magical girls anyway, there’s no reason not to do it?
Meanwhile Alina fusing with the Eve to become Neo Dorothy and turn everyone into witches… yeah, I got nothing. Even with Alina debating Kyuubey beforehand, it still felt just as bizarre and nonsensical as Holy Alina’s sudden appearance. Since when did Alina have anything to do with wanting vengeance on humanity? Since when did she have the ability to turn people into magical girls?
I mean, the possibility of all humans becoming magical girls/witches, and of that being a Madoka Magica villain’s goal are neat ideas. Maybe if that had been Magius’s goal from the start, making them an organization that craved vengeance because they had lost hope in salvation… maybe that could have been a good story.
But, just like the intriguing ideas suggested by the Touka and Nemu details, it was very much not the story we’d been watching up until this point. And so, throwing in this concept right at the end did nothing but muddle the anime’s thematic waters even further.
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I guess that Alina being obsessed with wanting to go out in a blaze of glory is minimally consistent with her character… or it would have been, if any of Alina’s backstory from the game had been remotely implied in the anime.  Once again: if the climax is going to hinge on fighting Alina, if major characters are going to sacrifice their lives to stop her… she needed to have been foreshadowed as a threat much, much earlier.
(And don’t even get me started on the short scene of Karin in the credits. So… Alina was planning to destroy the world, and yet she also took the time to send her kouhai a painting as a farewell gift? Like, that’s hilarious and maybe oddly touching? But it simultaneously requires knowledge of the game to understand while making even less sense when you have that knowledge. Oof!)
In the end, the anime’s finale didn’t give me what I most wanted for Alina’s character: a compelling reason to be part of the story in the first place. Even as an Alina fangirl, I would much have preferred a well-constructed story without her in it than the unsatisfying mess we got, where Alina’s presence just made the plot and themes more confusing.
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The Problem: Too Many Characters
And Alina is far from the only character where I wish she hadn’t been included in the anime. I feel the same way almost everyone! What was the point of Team KMR, aside from illustrating the downsides of doppels (which barely mattered anyway!)? Why was Mitama’s subplot hinted at, when the anime had no time to do anything with her? Why did Felicia and Sana get entire focus arcs, when they were completely irrelevant to the conclusion? Why did the Holy Quintet get shoehorned in, only to get waved offstage for the finale?
But perhaps the most extreme example of this was: why did Kuroe exist?
Don’t get me wrong: I thought all of Kuroe’s moments were well-done. I thought her backstory was quite evocative for how minimal it was, I thought her connection with Iroha in Season 2 and her death at Iroha’s hands were moving. Her relief at becoming a witch simply because it meant she could finally be released from the pressures of living as a magical girl was wonderfully dark and chilling.
But… this anime was massively crunched for time, and she was yet another character that didn’t need to be there.
My best guess as to the point of Kuroe’s character is that she’s meant to be an expansion of that nameless Black Feather that Iroha confronts in Chapter 9 of the game. The one who challenges Iroha and asks what alternative she offers, and Iroha has no answer for her.
By expanding that character from some anonymous grunt into a full plotline, it becomes just that much more devastating when Iroha confronts her and realizes she has no answer to offer. I suspect Kuroe’s death is intended to be the moment Iroha finally accepts that if she stops Magius, that means she is condemning girls like Kuroe to their fate as witches.
…Or at least, that’s the most positive spin I can give Kuroe.
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Unfortunately, there is another answer to all these questions, and it’s the cynical one: Magia Record is an adaptation of a gacha game, and therefore it exists not to tell a good story, but as a vehicle for character cameos to wring more money out of an addicted fanbase. Kuroe was simply one more character to drive hype in hopes that fans would pay to roll her in the gacha.
Perhaps there could have been a good story built out of bones of Magia Record, one where the core characters of Iroha, Ui, Touka, and Nemu (and probably Yachiyo and Mifuyu and maaaybe Tsuruno) actually got the time and focus they needed to develop. But that story could not exist under the priorities a gacha adaptation demanded.
But you know what might actually have worked? Ditching the Main Story entirely, and instead adapting a loose, episodic collection of the game’s Magical Girl Stories. After all, that’s where the game’s writing was always best, and that format would mean the priorities of “showcase all the fans’ favorite characters” and “try to fit everything into a single, coherent plot” would no longer have been forced to compete.
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The Other Problem: In the end, what was the point?
My younger brother made a silly but rather striking comment about the anime: that it wanted to have its magical girls and eat them too.
The anime floundered because on the one hand, it was trying to tell a story about refusing to accept a solution premised on “save the many by sacrificing the few.” It wanted to be a story about magical girls and the power of friendship and sacrifices being unnecessary.
But on the other hand, it was trying to tell a story in which characters dramatically give their lives for the sake of salvation and this is portrayed as a beautiful, noble thing. It wanted to be a fitting successor to the dark “deconstruction” of the original Madoka Magica.
So which one is it? Well… the anime couldn’t decide.
And to be fair, this is not entirely the fault of the anime. It just meant that the anime failed to fix the biggest, most fundamental problem of the game's final chapters: deciding on a consistent theme. If anything, the anime’s fumbles just further underlined how painfully flawed the game’s plot  was.
What do Magius and their plan ultimately represent? Magical girl supremacy? Another iteration of "sacrifice the few to save the many"? Magical girls getting revenge on Kyuubey and on an uncaring humanity?
And what does Iroha represent, besides “not Magius”?
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That being said, while the ending of the game's story left me feeling annoyed and frustrated, the end of the anime made me feel... a kind of melancholic disappointment. 
What I appreciated about the end of the anime, as messy as it was, is that it had consequences. It was refreshingly honest about where its plot arcs were going, rather than the characters speaking of friendship yet accomplishing nothing with it. The plot beats of Mifuyu, Momoko, and the hospital trio's heroic sacrifices had actual weight, weight that wasn’t undone with a cheap deus ex machina in the epilogue. Iroha spent the whole plot speaking in meaningless platitudes, and had no plan other than returning to Kyuubey's horrible status quo. And so, in the anime, that's what she enacts, no last-minute Lil Kyuubey or Madokami intervention to save her.
There’s a certain satisfaction in seeing all the problems I had with the game’s finale being explored to their relentlessly bleak and depressing logical conclusion in the anime - but it doesn’t necessarily make the result a fun story to watch.
Here’s another insight courtesy of my younger brother: just because the anime’s story was better than the game, doesn’t mean that it’s a good story.
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Would I recommend the anime?
This is a difficult question. If you want to experience Magia Record’s main plot, then… yes, I suppose. The anime reached for the moon in a scattershot manner, throwing out tons of tantalizing ideas yet never following through on any of them. And, at least in my opinion, an ambitious, thought-provoking failure is still preferable to the game’s plodding mediocrity.
Because when the anime was good, it was really really good! Sana’s arc, several of the early episodes in Season 2, and the first episode of this finale are all wonderfully written, animated, and directed - possibly even on-par with the original Madoka Magica.
But when the anime was bad it was... whoof. Impossible to make sense of even if you had played the game, and with animation so dire it will make you wince and pray for the health of the poor SHAFT staff.
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And so, I don’t think I would recommend the anime in general. I dragged my younger brother (who enjoyed the original Madoka Magica) into finishing the anime so I’d have someone unbiased by the game to discuss it with. In the end, I greatly regret doing that - this anime wasn’t just a let down, it was such a mess it sullied my own reputation with him.
It’s true that no sequel can erase a cherished original. I mean, Magia Record is far less of a shake up to the original PMMM and the fandom than Rebellion was. Yet what I’ve discovered with both Magia Record and the Higurashi debacle is that while you can’t destroy the prior work, you can certainly make a spin-off so bad it destroys trust in a creator’s future works.
After the Magia Record anime proved to be yet another disappointment, I have no desire to discuss Magia Record any more. Moreover, I no longer have any faith in the Rebellion sequel. I’ve been waiting for that sequel for almost ten years, and now I’m not sure I’ll bother watching it at all.
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lamyaasfaraini · 6 months
Golden Geisha Ramen!
Ngayogyakarta Day 1, Part 3
Lagi2 adikku si penggemar makanan hits merambah hingga jogja, biasanya diatuh skitaran bdg/jkt aja. Entahlah katanya nemuinnya ngga sengaja. Namanya Golden Geisha yg udah dia tandai jauh hari nemu di thread twitter katanya, ko ya aku yg mantau terus TL gapernah nemu yg lucu2 kecuali skandal mulu wkwk. Komen dan riviunya mencengangkan ada yg blg lebih enak drpd Seirock-ya (Jkt) dan menyamai rasa Ichiran (Jepang) yg terkenal ituu. Ah masa iya? Enak bgt dong berarti, Seirock-ya aja udah banyak yg ngomongin (wishlist kami inipun).
Sebelum booking, iya kudu booking loh. Tnc nya banyak bgt sampe kewalahan dan ko ya seekslusif itu sih. IG nya di privat, follow IG nya lsg jd membernya, ngisi form pendaftaran udah kek mau daftarin anak sekolah lengkap bgt. Baru dpt akses gdrive menu nya dan harus min. Pembelian 85,000 dewasa, 55,000 anak. Milih lah kami di pas2in jadi 85,000 lebih dikit lah.. Krn ocha nya gratis dan refill, memang kebanyakan kedai ramen begitu kan yaa. Nah tinggal ngebujuk bapak krn lidahnya kolot, sulit nerima makanan yg "aneh". Akhirnya mau dan adikku booking h-7. Fix masuk itinerary trip Jogja.
Ke Golden geisha itu dinner setelah dari Tempo Gelato, bahkan mereka ini bukanya di jadwal ngga asal buka. Kami milih yg jam 7 malam sampe 8 lebih. Letak Golden geisha itu di Mall city Jogja, kita sampe sana sekitar jam 6 lebih hampir jam set7 dan mayan nunggunya msh lama. Bapak ibu ke optik dulu ada part kacamata bapak yg ilang di kereta, anak2 liat pertunjukan barongsai sama bapak2nya. Ibu2nya duduk di deket panggung lg ada acara akustikan tp ngga perform2 deh perasaan wkwk.
Jam 7 kurang kita standby disana, pas jalan ke eskalator ada mbak2 sales nyemprotin parfum ke pergelangan tangan trus aku gosokin kan tempelin ke baju, daaaaan ko ya wangi bgt. Sepanjang di ramen makin suka wanginya, manis tapi fresh.. Sebenernya tipe parfum yg kusuka itu unisex, manis tapi fresh segarnya dapet. Ya itu tadi yg kek gt..
Ngantri mayan wlpn udah booking jauh hari ttp ya kekurangan meja, nunggu disiapin mejanya. Antrian WL beda lagi, mreka lebih lama antrinya
Begini penampakan depannya. Ngga ngantri bgt tp mayan lama loh buat yg WL. Eh btw mall Jogja agak unik, bangunannya klasik, banyak ornamen2 kaya gt. Apalagi td wkt ditengah dkt panggung, ornamennya lebih penuh lagi. Kata bapakku mall Ambarukmo jg begitu, ah belom pernah main ke mall iconic jogja ituu.
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Akhirnya meja udah siap kan. Daaaan Ta.. Da..!
Look at these beauties!! So tempting.. Tiap liat ini ngiler lagi ngiler lg ya Allah :(
Menunya, Saikoro Beef Ramen Tamtam (pedas), kuah 1 lagi baitan (ngga pedas) tp msh bisa di tolerir ko pedasnya. Seruput pertama begituuuuuuu haaaaaaa apaaaaneeeeeehh enak betuuuulllll, lekoh gurih bgtttt!! Kata adikku saking enaknya si kuahnya pgn diseruput pake sedotan. Iyaaak bener! Saikoronya empuk, rich, juicy, kerasa smokeynya. Somehow emg terlalu strong saikoronya, kuahnya jadi kalah saing. Tapi ttp dua2nya eennnaakkkkkkk.. Duh kapan buka cabang di Bdg??? Hakata Ikkousha aja liwat, kata adikku kita udah makan ramen next level ieumah haha naik kelas maxut loe~
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Kids mealnya. Dessert kuromai
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Kids mealnya banyak, porsi normal org dewasa aja kebanyakan akupun ngga abis dikit lg diabisin suamiku si Trash kan blio tuh haha. Padahal udah super lapar sengaja ngga banyak ngemil ihh ttp ngga abis huhu.
Kuromai, dessert mochi eskrim ketan. Enaaaaak ini jg yaampun creamy2 manis sweet tooth bgt huhu.
Tiba-tiba parfum!
Iyak itu gara2 mbak2 sales nyemprotin parfum pas lg lewat mau menuju ke golden geisha. Wanginya nempel teruuussss, setelah makan ramen aku lsg melesat ke boothnya wkwk, lsg ngincer. Katanya kalo beli 2 dpt bisa ambil undian yg berhadiahkan parfum jg tp random termasuk size. Akhirnya adikku tertarik beli juga. Baiklah aku ambil undiannya ternyata dpt yg travel size aroma pria, yasudlah buat suamiku haha.
Her & Scandalous. Jol dikasih kartu member
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Iya itu parfumnya dari Heaven Scent, yg mana aku jg baru tau ada merk itu wkwk. Wangi Her dan Scandalous beti alias beda tipis, Her punyaku lebih ke fresh sweet gt, yg Scandalous punya adikku lebih sweet vanilla. Entah knp aku dr dulu suka yg fresh cenderung parfum unisex gt, tp yg Her ini ada sedikit sweet cewenya, yaa sukaakkk lahhhh pokonya. Pasti tiap nyemprot ini lsg inget Jogja deh, wangi beserta kenangannya~ oiya kaya kemarin di Omah Bumi, wangi dominannya aromatherapy kek lemongrass gt, sabun dan kamar mandinya aroma ituu. Jd pst tiap wangiin lemongrass inget Omah Bumi deh!
Oiya balik lg ke kartu member, kutanya di Bdg ada ngga offline storenya? Ngga ada cenah adanya di Jogja, Solo, Surabaya, Kediri. Hemmm jauh ajaaaa~
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desiekri · 7 months
Observasi astrologi 7.0
- Orang yang venus sign-nya ada di 2H lo, kemungkinan besar tu orang bakal ngabisin duit banyak duit lo.
- Gw udah banyak baca thread para astrologer, gw juga sepakat kalo Taurus placement itu paling batu dan ngeyelan.
- Kalo lo pengen punya pertemanan yang have fun, cari orang2 yang punya rising dan sun sign-nya sama dengan sign ruler 5H lho.
- Venus 12H indikasi lo ga bisa bareng orang yang lo cintai di kehidupan sekarang.
- Orang yang paling doyan flirting itu Libra mercury.
- Aspek Moon conjunction Jupiter biasanya orang yang punya big heart.
- Jupiter 1H indikasi orang yang berpotensi obesitas.
- Jupiter 3H secara natural nunjukin seseorang yang curious dan excellent communication.
- Mars 3H kemungkinan besar punya skill debate.
- Orang penyendiri dan lack self confidence kemungkinan punya saturn 12H.
- Momen transit Uranus 9H bisa lo manfaatin buat seneng2 ketemu orang2 baru dari berbagai macam demografis.
- Ketika Jupiter transit in Sagittarius, moment ini bisa lo pake buat belajar berbagai hal, ningkatin skill, belajar berbagai bahasa, bahkan apply pendidikan baru.
- Uranus 4H indicate instability family.
- Kalo lo punya venus 9H, kemungkinan besar lo nemu romantic partner potential ketika lo lagi traveling abroad, atau lagi menempuh higher education, atau apapun yang terkait lagi belajar dan abroad.
- Punya asteroid vertex 7H nunjukin bahwa sebuah hubungan dengan orang lain bisa jadi takdir yang bakal ngubah lo banget, apalagi kalo hubungan itu intense, lo mesti menyeimbangkan antara kemandirian dan saling bergantung dengan pasangan sehingga harmoni.
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yasmijn · 1 year
Day 17-25
Part dua dari rekap pertulisan Ramadan duniawi ini:
Day 17 - Write a reflection on the value of mindfulness during Ramadan
Ter-mindful itu pas lagi mau belanja buat buka puasa kali ya. Biarpun ada banyak tukang makanan dan minuman yang enak-enak, tetap harus sadar diri bahwa perut ini ada kapasitas maksimumnya, dan bahwa kalau perut yang kenyang maksa diisi ini dan itu ya ujung-ujungnya malah begah dan jadi nggak enak. Jadi jauh lebih mindful sih, bener-bener milih makanan yang pengen banget dimakan di hari itu aja. 
Day 18 - Share your experience of breaking your fast with a stranger and the lessons learned from the encounter
Minggu lalu pas janjian buka puasa sama temen-temen Delft, tiba-tiba ada orang dateng untuk meeting dan meetingnya baru beres jam setengah enam HIKS sedih banget. Begitu bubar langsung pesen gojek dan tentu saja di tengah jalan azan magrib pun berkumandang. W minta masnya berentiin tu gojek untuk batalin dulu puasanya. Alhamdulillah emang dikasih snack box gitu dari si meeting tadi, jadi aku kasih lah sekotak Teh Botol untuk doi buka puasa. Padahal sebenernya aku juga pengen minum teh botol karena udah lama hahahhaha tapi yaudah di detik itu mencoba menjadi lebih dermawan dan memikirkan orang lain aja daripada diri sendiri. 
Day 19 - Describe the experience of fasting during a pandemic and the changes it has brought to Ramadan
Ramadan 2020 tuh udah pandemi ya, mana w masih di Belanda lagi karena masih kuliah. Agak surem karena lebih sering confined at home, dan waktu itu lagi sering-seringnya main ke rumah Prinka. Cuma emang karena mobilitas super terbatas, jadinya 2020 tuh Ramadanku jauh lebih berkualitas sih hehe. Pertama kalinya hatam Quran dalam sebulan, karena ngikutin Wida yang ngaji 2 lembar tiap habis solat. I was pretty satisfied with my 2020 Ramadan. 
Day 20 - Write about your experience fasting and what it means to you
Pas puasa di Belanda tuh rasanya sepi banget sih apalagi pas tahun 2020. Udah mana w lagi dapet pas Lebaran jadi nggak ikut orang-orang solat Ied. Masih inget banget itu nonton streaming ustaz ngasih ceramah dari Den Haag sambil w nangis mayan drama di kasur haha. Gajelas asli tapi rasanya waktu itu bener-bener kesepian banget. Abis itu lanjut Zoom sama teman-teman (terus langsung caw ke Prinka supaya ngga sendirian banget di hari raya yang fitri). 
Day 21 - Discuss the health benefits of fasting and how it affects your body
Lebih ringan aja kali ya? Perut kosong jadi nggak begah aja gitu terutama during the day. 
Day 22 - Write a reflection on how fasting impacts your spiritual life
Emang jadi lebih aware aja sih tentang apa yang boleh dan apa yang tidak boleh, berusaha untuk menghindari dosa-dosa kecil yang udah jadi keseharian banget terutama ngomongin orang HAHA. Salah satu measures yang kulakukan pre-Ramadan adalah nge-mute akun orang-orang yang sering w gibahin sama temen :”( selain itu sekarang kalo nemu netizen ngasih komen sampah atau opini jelek, w bener-bener langsung block aja. Yang terbaru, sekarang aku juga udah mulai nge-block-block-in para TS ‘Twitter do your magic’ yang isinya mereka membagi pengalaman ditipu duit ini itu, diporotin pacar lah, minjemin akun pinjol lah, ditipu kpop lah - w kalo baca kaya gituan gabisa simpati euy, malah ingin memaki korban karena kok bodoh banget sih? Jadi lebih baik aku block aja thread-thread cem itu. 
Day 23 - Create a recipe for a delicious iftar meal
Takjil pake bubur pacar, lanjut gorengan jangan lupa, buka puasa pake nasi + ayam + tahu + sambel + kol goreng kalo ada. Terus dessert pake cendol Elizabeth. 
Day 24 - Share you thoughts on how to maintain good habits after Ramadan
To constantly revisit how we behave during Ramadan and try to at least match that energy? Terparah tuh emang masalah ngaji-mengaji sih haha...... w cuma pegang Quran kalau lagi ada jadwal ngaji bersama guru ngaji :( selain itu gapernah :( Dulu pernah pas lagi galau di Belanda coba randomly buka satu ayat Quran terus w o w pas banget. Lumayan drama. How to maintain good habits? To tell yourself that you aspire to be a better muslim. 
Day 25 - Write about the challenges of fasting and how to overcome them
Kok ini prompt mirip2 sih?? ChatGPT kamu bingung ya mau kasih prompt apa. Challenges-nya ya... haus aja? Terutama kalau lagi bablas sahur (tipikal manusia yang tinggal sendiri). How to overcome them? Tidur lebih cepet, pasang alarm sahur berlapis-lapis (02:45, 03:00, 03:15, 03:30 etc), atau ya preventifnya bisa makan banyak banget aja sebelum tidur biar gausah bangun sahur sekalian. 
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mcwscollective · 5 months
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Name: Samatoki Aohitsugi
MC Name: Mr. Hc (Mr. Hardcore)
Species: Human
Age: 25
Birthday: November 11th
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He / him
Location: Yokohama, Japan
Language: Japanese, English
Parents: Unnamed
Siblings: Younger sister, Nemu
Children: None
Pets: None
Eyes: Red
Hair: White
Height: 6'1 (186cm)
Build: Strong, toned, defined
Scars: None worth mentioning
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Multiple piercings in both ears
Other: Can often be seen with a cigarette or a mic in his hand
Positive: Strong, fierce, protective, loyal
Negative: Aggressive, vulgar, violent, loves to fight
General: Often thought to be a 'tsundere' type by those he makes exceptions for, Samatoki is a generally aggressive person. He exudes a sense of intimidation and power simply from walking into a room like he owns the place. He's never afraid to start a fight, and he can back up any threat he makes with energy to spare. As second in command, he's loyal to his yakuza family and would die for his blood sister.
Education: High school graduate
Occupation: Wakagashira of the Katen Family
Hobbies: Smoking, drinking, rapping, fighting, sex
Likes: His sister, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, vintage clothing, meat
Favorite Ice Cream: Choco-mint, rum-raisin, and shirokuma shaved ice
Dislikes: Hypocrites, being ordered around, bugs, bell peppers, carrots
Bad Habits: Smoking, unnecessary aggression, vulgar language, starting fights for dumb reasons
Friendships: MTC are his closest friends
Family: He has his sister, Nemu, and his Katen Family
Relationship Status: Verse dependent, but typically in a serious relationship with his bad habits
Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Role / Position: Samatoki is definitely a dominant personality in the bedroom, and prefers to top 99% of the time
Pics and quotes
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rubiesintherough · 2 years
@notmyfatherssins​ --- cont. from here
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The poultice crumbled in his hand, mixed by a deft and delicate hand. It was not ready... not quite, yet.  The glow moss was notoriously difficult to mix within the bowl, though Nemus was certainly dedicated to making it blend itself together.  Though, he wasn’t expecting the stranger to awaken so soon. The sound of his unexpected guest stirring drew the god’s shining gaze from the medicine he was concocting toward the bed of woven branches, crafted carefully for this lost boy. 
Carefully, tenderly, he reached forward, medicine clinging to his fingers as skin brushed the most prominent injury.     “ Fear not, wanderer. “   Voice clear, like softly tinkling bells, soothing and measured,   “ You are within my realm... and, within my realm, no harm will come to you. Rest, your injuries will be mended. “  
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usodesuuyo · 1 year
@the-thread-of-muses​ ; For Nemu
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          “They doth say. . .”     Gentaro puts a finger up to his lips in a ‘shhhh’ manner, giving a wink.
“Books shalt not be judged by their cover. Deceit is all over. Be it by a book, by a person.”
                A sweet little smile, finger still to his lips as eyes fall shut. Then he moves his hand from his mouth to his sleeve to pull a book out.
       “Tell me, miss... What would you guess this book doth be about?”
Said book looks so, so, so, so PLAIN. Brown, newly published, title of ‘Ones True Star’ written along the side in elegant gold letters.
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chairteeth · 2 months
i was reading some of your fics and something stood out to me. why do you always age touka and nemu up in aus?
That's a great question actually, thank you for asking. In canon timeline fics it's usually because I'm obsessed with the idea of once-terminally-ill kids getting to grow up and yk be adults, plus my usual general interest in seeing how characters I like would handle adulthood and stuff. Probably influenced by my own plentiful experiences when I was a kid where I didn't think I'd ever even get to my current age (20s), especially with the whole in and out of hospitals, lots of doctors, etc.
As for AUs, my main reason is honestly jobs. You can do so much more when the characters are adults and you can give them fucking Jobs. A more minor reason is that it's a safeguard for these two's general... behavioral quirks let's call them. But for example, for my fairy AU (or as my friends call it, the Stardew Valley AU), things start out with Touka and Nayuta being sent to a rundown farm in the distant countryside, an old property that has basically been all but forgotten and isn't even their family's property. Making everyone older allows me to give them more of a backstory, in this case Nemu's whole thing with Mikoto, or Touka's tensions and drama with her mother, before they even met. In that specific example it also works in Felicia's favor, since she gets more years to stabilize and for her hatred to fester so that she would be solidly on Yachiyo's side later and wouldn't be tempted to change sides when Mikoto does her Thing.
Let me give some other fun examples for the job thing. The sewer worker AU, the single parent/teacher AU, my friend's vampire AU (vampire & vampire hunter, with a history related to Alina and Tasuke), the same friend's concubine assassin/princess AU (where Nemu's mommy issues are severely exacerbated and she has a very specific history that I think you can guess), the same friend's Cinderella AU which involves strategic 4D chess marriage, etc. In general, the playing field is greatly expanded if I make them adults, and it's a lot more fun that way, ntm I get to explore exactly how their specific circumstances affected the core of their characters and how growing up in different but deceptively similar environments compared to canon changed them. There's always, for instance, the decision of how much we want Sickness to play a role in their lives. In my sea monster AU for example, Nemu just has a limp from an accident she had as a kid, which is bad enough that she needs to do specific physiotherapeutical exercises every day and she cannot go join her family for their work, and Touka has a magic-related condition that affected her pretty intensely growing up. For a completely different example, in my fantasy AU, they have completely different issues to worry about that have nothing to do with sickness yet leave them with basically the same issues as canon (Nemu for example was exiled by her community and has lived as a hermit for a Very Long Time before she formally meets Touka, and I would talk about exactly how stunted and terrible Touka's social skills in this are, but then I'd have to spoil that whole thing and idk if I wanna do that unprompted). In my marine biology AU, one of the reasons Touka goes through with the,,,, Thing™ while being at the bottom of the ocean with no one but other scientists and Sana, is literally her sickness, because she refuses to let it continue to rule her life and the breakthrough she's made may not be the most ethical, but it'll do more than just buy her time (it'll cure her basically, more or less). In the roadkill AU, Touka is 29 because if I make her that old then I can easily follow the thread of how she would've developed in her circumstances, with Ui but no Nemu to serve as an ego checker, plus the many new burdens of owning several companies and her uncle being more of a cryptid researcher than magical girl researcher, plus the mystery of his and Nayuta's death and how it doesn't make sense to Touka at all, etc etc.
If you are curious about any of these AUs btw, PLEASE ASK I WOULD LOVE TO TALK ABOUT THEM.
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aukhbr · 2 months
_sedikit klarifikasi
Aku akui aku memang membuat akun twitter dg nama selainku. Aku ga tau harus menutup akun itu atau tidak. Tp, karena semua hal itu, ada sesuatu yg menahanku utk tidak bermain instagram lagi, seperti tidak layak saja. Namun aku tidak bisa menutup akun instagramku.
Aku minta maaf, sudah membuatmu gusar. Fakta bahwa waktu itu aku syok karena.. Aku tidak menyadari kalau apa yg aku tuliskan di threads ternyata membuatmu menanggapinya. Dan itu salah. Apa harus gua beberkan di sini. Elu tau ga sih, arti dari kitab suci usang itu apa?
What? Gua ga habis fikir sih.. Gua merasa terganggu karena aku berfikir semua sudah selesai, ternyata akun threads yg notabene berada di bawah naungan instagram yg nama akun gua bahkan bukan nama asli, elu berhasil temukan. OK lah fine. Tp elu jangan jadi sok berkuasa dong, segala hal yg berhubungan dg internet gua ga boleh pegang. Elu udah ngelewatin batas elu sendiri.
Ok. Twitter gua ngaku salah. Tp threads?! No. Gua juga butuh argumen elu. Klo ada niat gua bikin akun twitter buat mantau elu, itu urusan gua. Setali tiga uang lah dengan elu yg apakah elu sadar elu jg ngelewatin batasan elu. Gua g masalah elu tau intagram gua. Threads gua. Tp postingan gua di threads waktu itu ga ada hubungannya sama elu.
Udah males duluan gua pasti bakal ada kelanjutannya. Itu kalo elu nemu ini tulisan. Gua males pake real name gua.
Jujur yaa.. Aku jadi kepikiran hutang bikin TA waktu itu Vik. Gua pingin ngechat elu di tele. Tapi, gua yakin elu ga bakal bales, pasti elu nulis panjang lebar dan tanpa akhir. Bikin njelimet. Gua mau fokus sm anak sm bisnis gua.
Sekali lagi ingat ya, gua mau bayar hutang gua ke elu.
Set dah emak2 yg udah beranak udah ga bisa lagi nyusun kata2 keren buat jadi pembelaan diri.
Jumat, 19 April 2024
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