#thread | edward & lily
hcrdknocklife · 2 years
The November air was chill as Lily ran through the path at St. James’ Park, as fast as her two-inch heels were willing to take her. Perhaps it was a terrible idea to run in heels, and while wearing a pencil skirt at that. But who would have thought that the tube would have let her down today of all days. Did public transit really have to suck so much in this country? Perhaps she might have to bring it up to the new Prime Minister. 
The park was always bustling with people out and about - bikers on their daily commutes, tourists trying to get photos of the various monuments, and government officials making their way over to work. Lily herself had previously been taking this exact route to work at the House of Commons as a parliamentary advisor to a Member of Parliament, and before that she had worked at the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office. Now she was personal secretary to the Prime Minister, and had been for the last three years. But as it always goes, with the election came a new boss, not just to the country, but also to her. 
By the time she had made it to Downing Street, Lily was a little out of breath. But with the crowds of people gathered to welcome Number 10′s newest resident, and the news reporters lining up to interview him, she could feel the anticipation in the air. The man was yet to arrive, and that meant she had plenty of time to get inside. She showed her credentials to the guards at the gate before she was let through, and knocked on the iconic black door. 
There was a hint of excitement within all of the staff, as Lily made her way over to her office. Everyone seemed keen on getting to meet the man who was now running the country. There was a lot of talk about him, not just within the walls of the residence, but also the country. He was young, progressive, and had quite the charm. Some even pointed that the fact that he was single, unmarried, and moving in as a single occupant. Truth be told, Lily was no stranger to the kind of attention Edward Carmichael was getting in the media, but she chose not to engage in it. 
Thankfully, she’d had a moment to make herself a cup of tea while she waited for the convoy to pull up. And as she sipped the last of it, she heard the sirens nearby. Everyone rushed to take their spot in the line up of the staffs so that they could be introduced, and Lily stood right next to the Chief of Staff, waiting as she heard the crowd cheer, and the cameras flash. It was only a matter of seconds before the custodian opened the door. @sweet-as-pie41​​​
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Apocalypse!AU -- Reunion
Synopsis: Separated from his family after a coup destroyed their old settlement, Jacob spends three long months trying to find them again and bring them home, if they're still alive.
06/03/2024: I feel so bad for writing this years ago and then not posting. However, I'm glad I did, because I could read through it and see how sparse it actually was. I like this piece a lot and want to share it with you guys (proof I'm writing again! Spread the word!! Reblog!). This can be read as a standalone but there is other Apocalypse!AU content HERE, HERE, and HERE if you liked this one. It could be better, but I need sleep and a croissant (hello, priorities), and I just wanted to get something out there. Tell me what you think/if you want more/less/or you like the surprises. I surprise even myself, currently. Feedback is cool, too! Very big fan of feedback. Anyway, here you go!
Warnings: Violence, blood mention
[This is an F!Reader fic]
Word count: 3.2k (not bad, not bad)
The Complete Masterlist
Rubbing his eyes, Jacob crossed off another town on his map, leaning over the wooden table in his room. They were kind enough to give him a three bedroom house to reside in, despite having two and a half beds neatly made but untouched. On two of them sat a few different stuffed animals; some new, some familiar. Lily would always share her stuffed animals with Emmett, despite the older brother acting as if he didn’t need the comfort.
He stood up straight and took a sip of his now cold coffee. The mug was sat down amongst a handful of others, showing the true extent of his exhaustion. His return from an overnight supply run with Edward and Arno barely reaped any useful resources, save for some vehicle parts. No sign of anyone camping around. No sign of his family.
A knock at his front door pulled him out of his thoughts. “It’s open!” he called, sniffing to compose himself.
“Jacob?” Evie’s voice rang throughout the hallway, a thread of worry lacing her tone.
“Upstairs!” He chose to quickly knock back the rest of his coffee.
“Jacob, when was the last time you cleaned? Your living room looks like a minefield.”
“I haven’t had the time.”
Evie leaned against the doorway, concern on her features. “You’re exhausted. You need to rest.”
“I’ll rest after we… after…” He sighed. “Later. I’ll rest later.”
The older Frye twin glanced at the table -- at the map decorated with countless crosses, the coffee mugs with their corresponding ring stains. She began to gather them.
“You don’t have to--” Jacob began.
“I was talking to Altair and Kassandra. You’re going on another supply run?” She was quite to cut him off, leaving him momentarily stunned.
“Yeah, this afternoon. And you’re going on an overnight patrol.” Evie raised a brow at that. “I checked the rota.”
“You’re not going on the run.”
Jacob scoffed. “Says who?”
“Says everyone. You’re wearing yourself out -- killing yourself. And for what?”
“For them, Evie!” He was surprised at how quickly his temper flared. “Sorry.” His voice calmed immediately, returning to its original, tired state. “It was my fault in the first place.” Carding his fingers through his hair, he sighed. “I should have protected them.”
Evie’s heart stung at her brother’s demeanour. She glanced at the wedding band on Jacob’s finger, a sole reminder of their shared family. “Altair and Kassandra won’t go with you. They can handle being a man down while said man rests.” She put a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it reassuringly. “There’s no point lamenting the past; It wasn’t your fault, Jacob. We’ll get them back. Go to bed.”
Evie gave him a look, shutting him up instantly. “Bed. Now.” She followed his gaze towards the front door. “I’ll lock it when I leave.”
Jacob watched her leave his room, leaving his door slightly ajar. Standing up, he almost tripped over his chair. He moved to his bed, where a T shirt and pyjama bottoms sat. He has been working nonstop for days, and only now realised that he barely had time to look after himself. He never changed out of his overnight patrol gear, mud-encrusted and uncomfortable. A shower would be a smart option, and one he forced himself to take.
Evie was still downstairs as Jacob emerged from the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel. His movements were less than lackluster, seeming to constantly be on the verge of giving up.
Perhaps a few hours of rest would do him some good.
He climbed into his bed for the first time in half a week, and listened to the ambient kitchen noises Evie made. Closing his eyes, Jacob tried to imagine someone else making that noise, but the movements were never quite the same. He pulled his pillow tight against him, closing his eyes. A tear still managed to escape, but Jacob had passed out before it had time to hit the pillow.
Altair and Kassandra dove for cover behind a car. “How are there so many hunters?!” She yelled.
“I don’t know! Just keep shooting!”
“Kill all three of them!” The leader of the group — standing at least ten hunters strong — commanded from across the street.
Altair and Kassandra exchanged glances, confused at the instructions. “Who else is here…?” Altair questioned, and was swiftly answered when gunshots rang out in front of them. Altair flinched against the car, trying to stay protected as he worked out what was going on. He spotted the third person the hunter was talking about fleeing towards an abandoned house, a hand pressed against her stomach. She dove inside and slammed the door shut.
“I suppose we found our answer,” Kassandra said.
“We should kill them all. We cannot let them get to that house.”
“Do you know her?” Kassandra asked, concern beginning to grow for this person.
Altair stood up and fired five shots before ducking again. “No, but she looks extremely familiar.”
That seemed to be enough for Kassandra, and she began to quickly eliminate the remaining five targets with a striking accuracy, likely fuelled by adrenaline and protectiveness. A few moments later, and they were all down.
“We should check if she’s alright. She looked injured,” Altair said, holstering his gun before jogging up to the door and knocking firmly. “Hello?! Are you alright? We want to help you! Are you hurt?”
No response.
He knocked again. “My name is Altair! This is Kassandra! We live in a settlement not too far from here. We have first aid and supplies! We can help you!”
Again, nothing.
“I’m kicking down the door! Please don’t shoot me…” and with that, Altair broke the lock on the door by booting it open. It was clear to see immediately that she had hidden upstairs, shown by the worrying trail of blood she left in her wake.
“Hello?” Altair became nervous; no response after an injury usually didn’t bode well for the injured. They followed the trail, Altair climbing each step purposely but with caution, eyes observing everything from the cracked yellow paint along the wall to the bloodstained bannister.
At the top of the stairs, the trail led into a closed door. He tested the handle; locked. He knocked politely. “Miss? We just want to help you. I’m coming in, alright?”
There were murmurings on the other side of the door, and Altair did the most efficient thing he could think of.
He kicked down the door.
Splinters flew, startled screams sounded out, and his hands automatically came up in surrender as he stood at gunpoint. The woman in question was lying prone on the floor, one hand around her crimson-stained stomach, and the other holding a shaking gun. “Don’t move.”
“We can get you help.” He persuaded calmly. “I can help you; I’m a medic.”
“What faction are you with?”
Kassandra mirrored Altair’s movements. “We didn’t know there were any factions.”
“You don’t dress like cultists… who are you?”
“We’re just survivors. Same as you.” Altair looked around, surprised to see two small figures crouching beside each other in the corner. “You’re protecting your children, we understand, but let us take you to our settlement. We have better medical equipment than here, and it’s safe there.”
“Survivors…” you let your arm with the firearm drop, hitting the wood with a thud. “Why are you here?”
“We’re searching for supplies.” Altair furrowed his brows in thought. That wasn’t the only reason they were out here. He glanced at the two children; one boy and one girl. “Where’s the father?”
“We got separated about three months back. I don’t know if…” she paused. “If he’s still alive.”
“What’s his name?”
“Jacob Frye?”
Your eyes lit up through the prevalent exhaustion. “Yes! That’s him. He’s alive? What about Evie?”
Altair rushed to your side, snapped out of his frozen state. “He’s been looking for you since you were separated. It must’ve been fated that the one time we told him to rest was the time where we found you.” He cradled the back of your head. “Lie back. Evie’s fine as well; she’s on an overnight patrol.”
You relaxed slightly, distracted by Kassandra introducing herself to your children. “You both look so much like your parents; I’m your pater’s friend. What are your names?”
“I’m Emmett!” Despite the situation, word about his father’s whereabouts must have excited him. “This is my little sister, Lily.” He grabbed her shoulders and stood behind her, wrapping her in a comforting hug. Lily held onto Emmett’s hands, looking away from Kassandra. “Is it true?! You know our father?”
Altair took some gauze and medical tape out of his backpack, beginning to pack and dress the wound. You bit your cheek to hide the pain from Emmett and Lily. “I can’t do much here without a needle and thread, but we have what we need at the settlement.” He wiped his hands on his shirt. “We need to go, now.” He wrapped your arm over his shoulders and heaved you to your feet. “Kassandra, get to the horses.” She nodded, and took the children by the hands, leaving the room first. You and Altair followed soon after.
Your knees kept buckling every few steps on the way to the front door, causing Altair to adjust accordingly. “Jacob will not be happy with us when we return with you in this state.”
You chuckled, a weariness to your tone. “I can imagine. That man has a tendency to overreact.”
“We’ll just have to beg for forgiveness this time around.”
As you and Altair limped out of the front door, Kassandra had rushed to bring the horses closer, the children both mounted on one of them already. “Okay, ready?” Altair asked, before hoisting you as best he could onto his horse, mounting behind you. Kassandra held both children in front of her, holding them tightly.
“Will Mama be okay?”
“She’ll be fine, little ones,” Kassandra comforted, though an uneasy smile rested on her face as she assessed the blood staining her friend’s hands.
“Stay as still as you can,” you told them, slumping heavily against Altair’s chest.
He urged his horse to turn back the way they came, kicking her into a gallop — sprinting as fast as she could go. Kassandra wasn’t far behind.
Upon arriving at the settlement, your pulse had slowed down tremendously. Your bandage (and Altair’s shirt) was almost drenched in blood, and you were slipping in and out of consciousness. Altair skidded his horse to a stop and slid off, taking you with him. He adjusted you up in his arms and carried you hurriedly into the infirmary. “Help! I need help!” A few doctors came out, and upon seeing the amount of blood, dove into action, taking you out of his arms. He looked down at himself, at the crimson soaking the cotton of his shirt, at the dried blood on his skin. A wave of nausea threatened to overcome him.
Gathering himself, he turned to move into the porch of the infirmary building, where Kassandra and the children were waiting, confused and distressed. “I’m getting Jacob,” he told her, sprinting towards the bar. It was the only place the group usually frequented; no doubt the familiarity would be a subconscious coping mechanism. The sun had dipped low under the horizon, chilling the air. Altair didn’t feel cold.
He slammed the door open with his shoulder, slamming it against the wall. The entire room fell into silence, eyes shooting to the scene. Jacob sat on a barstool, a glass of whiskey in front of him. He also snapped his gaze to Altair while pocketing his wallet.
The look on his friend’s face told him everything.
They’re here. We found them.
The blood all over him told him something else, and his blood turned to ice. “Oh, Christ.” Jacob flew off of his stool, running faster than he thought possible behind Altair.
Who was hurt? How bad is it? Are they…?
They sprinted across the street in what can only be described as the longest ten seconds of his life. Reaching the front door of the infirmary, Altair let Jacob overtake him as he threw open the porch door.
He fell to his knees when he saw his children again. “Oh…”
They ran into his arms, and he embraced them tightly. “Are you both alright? Are you hurt?” He pulled away, voice cracking with worry, even as he tried to hide it.
“No.” Emmett said, tears in his eyes. He flung his arms around his father’s neck.
Lily’s had already started falling. “I was so scared,” she whispered, clinging to his shoulder.
“It’s okay, you’re safe now. You’re alright. My gorgeous girl.” He wiped her tears and kissed her forehead, bringing her back into him. “My beautiful boy.” Emmett held him tighter. He never thought he would savour this moment again, holding his children in his arms. Waiting for a moment, he steeled himself. If neither of his children were hurt, that left one possible heartbreak.
He pulled away after a few moments. “I need to check on Mum. You two need to stay here, alright? Stay with my friends, while I go inside. I’ll be back in a minute.” He could tell that they didn’t want him to disappear so quickly, but they nodded anyway. Kassandra took them to a small play area in the corner.
Jacob moved to knock harshly on the door. “Hey! Open up! I need to see my wife!”
The door unlocked rather quickly, the doctor perhaps intimidated by the possibilities of Jacob’s tone. He barged in, freezing at the sight before him; you lying in a hospital bed, your skin tone sickened, your eyes closed. a couple of doctors busied around your wound and were checking your vitals. Two trolleys sat beside them; one of clean bandages and medical equipment, and the other held bloodstained fabric.
Jacob’s stomach dropped, filling with lead. “No…”
Rushing to the bedside, he caressed your head with one hand, and grasped your own with the other. “Y/n, God…” He didn’t need to compose himself anymore, tears spilling down his cheeks in both worry and relief. “I’m so sorry. I’m so, sosorry.”
Semi-lucid, you feebly squeezed his hand. “I found you.”
He laughed, tears brimming in his eyes. “You did.” The light mood was quickly dissipated by the way you were blinking. Slow, fatigued eyes staring slightly out of focus. “Who did this to you?” Anger bled through his gritted teeth.
“They’re dead, Jacob. Don’t chase headless chickens.”
He sighed and couldn’t help but smile at your familiar phrases. A whirlpool of emotions overwhelmed him, constantly switching between anger, devastation, and relief.
He looked up to one of the doctors. “Is she going to be okay?” His thumb caressed your cheekbone.
The doctor kept looking between you and Jacob. “We’ll take care of her.” He walked away quickly, as if fetching something.
“What? What’s that supposed to mean?!” He began to sit up, worried, but you pulled on his hand.
“Don’t, Jacob. Let him go.” Frowning, he instead pulled up a chair to sit beside your bed.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t find you sooner.” His elbows rested on the mattress, his hands enveloping yours, pressed against his forehead. “I never should have stopped.”
You brushed the tousled hair out of his eyes, smiling at his loving gaze. Concerned and guilty, but loving.
“From what I heard, you were working yourself to death. I’m glad you weren’t there; you would have panicked.”
“But… I could have prevented this.” His lips pressed against your knuckles; a constant kiss.
“You don’t know that. I’ll be fine here, but our children need somewhere to sleep and bathe.” You studied his features, keeping to yourself concerns about his own health. His eyes looked sunken, and if it wasn’t for Evie’s presence you would have been certain that he wouldn’t be eating either.
“I can’t just leave you here.” He breathed a tone of fatigued defiance.
You scoffed playfully. “I’m in the safest place in the world. Literally.”
“But what if—“
“Shhh.” You rubbed your thumb over his knuckles soothingly. “Nothing will happen. It won’t happen.”
He geared himself to leave, but paused at the last moment. Turning to you again, he opened his mouth to say something, but a tearful scoff came out instead. “I thought… I thought I’d never see my family again.” He grasped your hand tighter. “Now that you’re here, I don’t want to let you go again.”
You wiped a tear from his cheek. “We’re not going anywhere. I promise.” A wall of fatigue overcame you, and you found your eyes fluttering closed.
“Y/n?” You hummed, feeling your husband’s hand on your cheek.
“I’m resting, Jacob. I’m okay.”
He sighed, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “Sleep well, my love.”
“Hey, have any of you seen Jacob?”
Evie found her way into the bar in the morning, having just returned from her overnight patrol. The entire squad had bagged the biggest booth that morning, conversing in relieved and content murmurs. She eyed them suspiciously. “What’s going on?”
Altair regarded her with the most emotion she’d ever seen him wear. “Go find out. He’s in the infirmary.”
“What?!” She turned on her heel and ran. What trap did he fall into this time?
She opened the infirmary door, expecting Jacob to be bandaged up and drugged on morphine (which happened more often than she would like). “Oh my God.”
Jacob was sat in a chair at your bedside, chuckling quietly at one of Emmett’s stories, his actions and facial expressions entrancing Jacob fully as he sat cross legged on the bed. Lily was playing with his hair in his lap. He held her tightly in one hand and held your hand with the other. The children snapped up at the sound of her voice.
“Aunt Evie!”
She dropped to her knees as they bolted towards her. Laughing, she kissed their heads multiple times as they collided into her arms. “Oh my God; you’re here! I missed you both so much!” She couldn’t help tears of joy breaking through. “Don’t cry, Aunt Evie,” Emmett said sadly, wiping her tears.
“They’re tears of joy, darling. I’m so happy you’re safe.”
“They’re tears of pain, really; you naughty rascals are going to drive her up the wall.”
They groaned at their father’s jokes. “No, we drive her down the wall; you’re the one who drives her up it.” Jacob was impressively stunned at Lily’s comeback, while you and Evie laughed. Suddenly, you winced, shifting uncomfortably on the bed.
Jacob’s attention was on you in an instant. “What happened?”
“Nothing, I’m okay. I laughed too hard.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
Jacob raised a suspicious brow.
“I promise I’m okay.”
Seemingly satisfied, Jacob smiled softly before leaning down to kiss you ever so gently, as if you were made of porcelain. You couldn’t help but smile back; he radiated so much joy and love in this moment, it was impossible to ignore.
Emmett groaned at your and Jacob’s act. “Aunt Evie, get us out of here!”
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brick-boats · 10 months
So now that it’s been about a week since the release, I’d like to go on a spiel of the different aspects and headcannons of my script.
**Spoiler Warning**
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So my main goal for this project was to rewrite all the scenes in chronological order. The way the original movie was plotted had different time jumps all over the place, which was confusing to follow. My aim was to make a story flow smoothly from start to finish.
Second main goal was to expand on all the characters, especially reintroducing P.T. Boomer. The humans needed just as much of a bad guy as the engines did with Diesel 10. Not only did I give the engines more screen time -for a movie about Thomas-, but for the humans too.
That being said, I found a lot of the human characters in the original movie were just so muddled and boring. And when watching/reading the director’s cut they had more potential, but unfortunately Britt Allcroft gave them too much unnecessary exposition.
One that went overboard from the director’s cut was P.T. Boomer, he was shown as an excessively comical villain that was more of a joke than a threat. That however gave me the inspiration to make him the original Schemer from Shining Time Station. A name which he hates.
Burnett Stone was also a greatly wasted potential. Britt only portrayed him just as a sad man, but in the director’s cut he had much more emotion and passion! I certainly gave him reasons to be sad about. He is a man broken by the loss in his life, but protective of Lily.
Lily was definitely the most interesting to write. The original & director’s cut had some lackluster writing and acting, but it gave me inspiration to portray Lily as high-functioning autistic. She is smart and clever, but easily gets emotional and overstimulated.
Patch was the most blank template of all. I portrayed him as a country boy with a heart of gold. He cares a lot about his friends and Shining Time, and after learning about Burnett’s secret of Lady, his loyalty pays off in the end.
Billy Twofeathers was a greatly missed opportunity. Not only is he wise, kind, and experienced, but he stops at nothing to protect Shining Time and the nature around him. Something very spiritual and important to his Native American heritage. A no nonsense gentle giant.
Stacy Jones was honestly one of the better written characters of the original film, despite having little screen time. She also cares deeply for Shining Time, and loves to help others. I gave her some more moments being a helpful guardian to her friends.
Mutt…oh Mutt… I don’t know why Britt was trying to force a magical sentient dog trying to change fate for Shining Time by “making Lily to get on the wrong train” or “being at the right places at the right times”. In my story he’s just a dog. A good boi. Simple as.
Now for the engines! Thomas and his friends deserved a lot more spotlight. Britt did ultimately make the right decision by including just the core 6, minus Edward. The director’s cut honestly did not have a good place for Edward plot wise. It’s sad but it was for the best.
I -did- however give Edward a small roll at the start and very end of the script. I do headcannon he took Sir Topham Hatt and Lady Hatt off to the mainland for holiday. Another small cameo is George the Steamroller near the end with Diesel 10, just a little nod. ;)
Unfortunately, like Edward’s original role, I couldn’t find a way to include Duck into my script. He and Edward were just there in the director’s cut to overly-explain to the audience what was going on in a toddler-esque way.
In the director’s cut Duck also clashes with George again and references the season 5 moment where George causes Duck’s truck to collide with Gordon. Which was a weird addition if TATMR was intended for audiences -outside- of the Thomas fandom, so how would they know?
Overall, George being originally written as a tertiary villain going around smashing all the buffers was just silly tbh. I axed it out in favor of his little cameo in my script. He’s tired of Diesel 10 complaining and states his hatred for railways, true to his character!
Splatter and Dodge were two wasted characters! I did them some justice by writing them as proper henchmen…Hench-diesels? They’re not completely braindead, just silly little goons. But once Diesel 10 and Boomer pair up -with intent to cause harm-, Splodge says enough!
And last of all, the Conductors. Goodness gracious they were the real diamonds in the rough. I had to cut a lot of nonsense out, especially the soccer ball/baseball bat moment with Mr. C… that gold dust hits hard, huh? I couldn’t even make it work in a dream scene.
Junior wasn’t as bad. I just tweaked some moments here and there to make more sense in the story. Example how he “put party poppers down Thomas’s funnel” is a moment we don’t even see on screen. I included a gag where he just puts them under Thomas’s wheels to spook him!
As for Mr. Conductor the 1st and 2nd, just some nods to George Carlin and Ringo Starr’s roles in Shining Time Station. Carlin being the grandfather and Starr being the father to Alec Baldwin’s. I know it’s not the original chronological roles but I like it better this way.
In conclusion, this whole project was the result of almost 2 months of hard work from me to the fandom. A love letter for TATMR for its nostalgia and happiness from my youth. Britt had some wild ambitions, but it just needed to be… Rerailed. ;D
Thank you for reading!
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bcrncoldx · 1 year
𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑
under the cut is my list of muses! as always, please reply to this with who for/from! for now i'll be capping at 5 per muse and 4 per mun! any current event threads will be transitioned to post-event where possible, and i'll be dropping older pre-event threads!
bill weasley (5/5) — fleur weasley, astoria greengrass, mary mcdonald, lily luna potter, victoire weasley
carlisle cullen (3/5) — rosalie hale, embry call, alice cullen
dale cooper (1/5) — cyrus goodman
dís durin (1/5) — jem carstairs
drusilla keeble (2/5) — yennefer of vengerberg, victoria
edward reynolds (2/5) — jang yeo hee, peggy carter
eloise bridgerton (4/5) — noah foster, hyacinth bridgerton, edmund bridgerton, gregory bridgerton
owen sharma (3/5) — ahkmenrah, lorelai gilmore, evan speck
rupert giles (6/5) — angel, elliot alderson, willow rosenberg, buffy summers, anya jenkins, jenny calendar
sherlock holmes (3/5) — irene adler, alec lightwood, enola holmes
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rockislandadultreads · 11 months
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Read-Alike Friday: The First Ladies
The First Ladies by Marie Benedict & Victoria Christopher Murray
The daughter of formerly enslaved parents, Mary McLeod Bethune refuses to back down as white supremacists attempt to thwart her work. She marches on as an activist and an educator, and as her reputation grows she becomes a celebrity, revered by titans of business and recognized by U.S. Presidents. Eleanor Roosevelt herself is awestruck and eager to make her acquaintance. Initially drawn together because of their shared belief in women’s rights and the power of education, Mary and Eleanor become fast friends confiding their secrets, hopes and dreams—and holding each other’s hands through tragedy and triumph.
When Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected president, the two women begin to collaborate more closely, particularly as Eleanor moves toward her own agenda separate from FDR, a consequence of the devastating discovery of her husband’s secret love affair. Eleanor becomes a controversial First Lady for her outspokenness, particularly on civil rights. And when she receives threats because of her strong ties to Mary, it only fuels the women’s desire to fight together for justice and equality.
This is the story of two different, yet equally formidable, passionate, and committed women, and the way in which their singular friendship helped form the foundation for the modern civil rights movement.
The Thread Collectors by Shaunna J. Edwards & Alyson Richman
1863: In a small Creole cottage in New Orleans, an ingenious young Black woman named Stella embroiders intricate maps on repurposed cloth to help enslaved men flee and join the Union Army. Bound to a man who would kill her if he knew of her clandestine activities, Stella has to hide not only her efforts but her love for William, a Black soldier and a brilliant musician.
Meanwhile, in New York City, a Jewish woman stitches a quilt for her husband, who is stationed in Louisiana with the Union Army. Between abolitionist meetings, Lily rolls bandages and crafts quilts with her sewing circle for other soldiers, too, hoping for their safe return home. But when months go by without word from her husband, Lily resolves to make the perilous journey South to search for him.
As these two women risk everything for love and freedom during the brutal Civil War, their paths converge in New Orleans, where an unexpected encounter leads them to discover that even the most delicate threads have the capacity to save us. Loosely inspired by the authors' family histories, this stunning novel will stay with readers for a long time.
The Women's March by Jennifer Chiaverini
Twenty-five-year-old Alice Paul returns to her native New Jersey after several years on the front lines of the suffrage movement in Great Britain. Weakened from imprisonment and hunger strikes, she is nevertheless determined to invigorate the stagnant suffrage movement in her homeland. Nine states have already granted women voting rights, but only a constitutional amendment will secure the vote for all. To inspire support for the campaign, Alice organizes a magnificent procession down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, the day before the inauguration of President-elect Woodrow Wilson, a firm antisuffragist.
Joining the march is thirty-nine-year-old New Yorker Maud Malone, librarian and advocate for women’s and workers’ rights. The daughter of Irish immigrants, Maud has acquired a reputation—and a criminal record—for interrupting politicians’ speeches with pointed questions they’d rather ignore.
Civil rights activist and journalist Ida B. Wells-Barnett resolves that women of color must also be included in the march—and the proposed amendment. Born into slavery in Mississippi, Ida worries that white suffragists may exclude Black women if it serves their own interests. On March 3, 1913, the glorious march commences, but negligent police allow vast crowds of belligerent men to block the parade route—jeering, shouting threats, assaulting the marchers—endangering not only the success of the demonstration but the women’s very lives.
Inspired by actual events, The Women’s March offers a fascinating account of a crucial but little-remembered moment in American history, a turning point in the struggle for women’s rights. 
Undiscovered Country by Kelly O'Connor McNees
In 1932, New York City, top reporter Lorena “Hick” Hickok starts each day with a front page byline―and finishes it swigging bourbon and planning her next big scoop.
But an assignment to cover FDR’s campaign―and write a feature on his wife, Eleanor―turns Hick’s hard-won independent life on its ear. Soon her work, and the secret entanglement with the new first lady, will take her from New York and Washington to Scotts Run, West Virginia, where impoverished coal miners’ families wait in fear that the New Deal’s promised hope will pass them by. Together, Eleanor and Hick imagine how the new town of Arthurdale could change the fate of hundreds of lives. But doing what is right does not come cheap, and Hick will pay in ways she never could have imagined.
Undiscovered Country artfully mixes fact and fiction to portray the intense relationship between this unlikely pair. Inspired by the historical record, including the more than three thousand letters Hick and Eleanor exchanged over a span of thirty years, McNees tells this story through Hick’s tough, tender, and unforgettable voice. A remarkable portrait of Depression-era America, this novel tells the poignant story of how a love that was forced to remain hidden nevertheless changed history.
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irresistiibles · 1 year
hello waddup here is a plotting/starter call for the mini event! below the cut is just some brief descriptions of what my characters will be up to. toss this a like if you want to plot but also feel free to just reply and i will throw some starters your way once it starts. please specify who you want the starter from/for! some characters have more info than others because they just made more sense for the event, so if you want a general starter for anyone let me know. i’ll also be keeping most of my other threads of course, though i’m slowly dropping older stuff, so if you want a new thread for something fresh just let me know!
achilles (1/?) - josh washington
i for sure know he’s gonna wind up kicked out of the snowball fights. he’s not using any powers he’s sure of it but then why the fuck is his aim absolutely perfect??? he’s also a menace unafraid to just cram snow into someone’s face so he should not be there. after that he’ll mope and complain but just kind of check everything out. definitely not a big fan of the cold.
amber (1/?) -  imogen moreno
will be taking part in the snowman building competition and also just making snowmen in general. beyond that probably hanging out at the hot chocolate stand and generally having a good time
asami sato (0/?)
mostly exploring the vendors and buying a few too many gifts. gets weird rich people vibes during the holidays and may attempt to give things to strangers. not taking part in the snowball fights but will like watching.
chihiro ogino (1/?) - rei hino
mostly sticking to the food and drink vendors and giving in to her sweet tooth. will also want to watch some of the music performances. could attempt some ice skating or art but isn’t really interested in engaging in anything competitive. will try pouring espresso into hot chocolate.
ciel phantomhive  (1/?) - lizzie midford
his toy company has a stall again this year but because his memories are still out he’s actually having a semi enjoyable time. 
donna noble (1/?) - the twelfth doctor
not a big fan of the cold but she doesn’t want to be missing out. will be staying near the hot drinks and potentially doing some gift shopping for herself. will be getting several pictures with sexy santa
edward elric  (1/?) - winry rockbell
will get goaded into competitive snowball so fast it’s embarrassing. is having an automail arm that’s going to be stronger than any organic arm cheating? maybe so but what are they gonna do? tell him to take his arm off? i think not. my man is going to win.
entrapta  (0/?)
goes to build a wreath and somehow makes something completely different. or builds a snowman and tries to stick electronic parts in it to bring it to life. can she put launchers on the sleds? entrapta’s not sure but they definitely want to try. chaotic but having fun.
esther mckinnon (0/?)
she is a sucker for stuff like this and will be having a lot of fun. trying all the creative stands and hanging around the food vendors. really willing to try anything that isn’t competitive. 
glinda upland  (0/?)  
doing some shopping mostly and taking pictures (there will be a sexy santa picture for sure).  may try building a wreath but who knows if it’ll be any good.
jin ling  (1/?) - orpheus
does not know how to social and will bring the dog as a buffer and though he will not get a picture with santa he may get her to lmao. can also compensate for social struggles by just buying people things. dogs and money are the only way he knows how to make friends. will probably do some snowball fights
katya goncharova (0/?)
this all feels a little chaotic and maybe childish for her but katya will check it out regardless. she’s probably not well dressed for the cold but oh well. will do some shopping.
lily evans (2/?) - rubeus hagrid, marlene mckinnon
may offer to help referee a snowball match and will be trying to get holiday shopping done.
mianmian (0/?)
she’ll give ice skating a shot even though she has no idea how to do it. someone is more than welcome to try and help her. beyond that she’s keeping it chill.
madoka kaname (1/?) - homura akemi
having a lot of fun! she’s not as into the super active things but will be hitting up the food and craft stalls without hesitation. will also definitely hit up ice skating.
mob (2/?) -  lucrecia montesinos hendrich, rosemary winters
he’s not going to work at a stall but is willing to lend out his powers to help with set up, cleaning, whatever you need if you need a psychic to lift heavy things he is your guy. beyond that he wants to enjoy the other stalls, maybe try a craft or ice skating, but he’s an awkward guy and will need some help getting dragged into things.
nie huaisang  (1/?) - dani powell
someone out painting. ornaments are not his usual medium but he’s happy to trying. he likes the aesthetic of everything but will be complaining about the cold and going for several warm drinks.
rita skeeter (1/?) - sha hualing
giving unwanted commentary on the snowball and snowmen competitions. maybe even taking bets. getting pictures with sexy santa. judging people’s gift choices. being a general menace.
shang qinghua (0/?)
here for the food and drinks but could easily be bullied into face planting on the ice skating. he’s for sure whining about the cold despite the fact it’s incredibly manageable compared to what he’s used to.
shi qingxuan (1/?) - abby anderson
has a flask to pour into hot drinks because this whole thing is cute and fun but how are you supposed to stay warm in the winter without a little alcohol? come on people get it together. very social and will drag strangers into doing stuff with them because qingxuan hates doing things alone and makes friends by force
toph beifong  (2/?)  - aang, katara
struggling cause it’s cold enough that she has to wear shoes most of the time so they can’t use their earthbending to navigate super well but will take them off to be very competitive in the snowball fights!
victor nikiforov  (1/?) -  langa hasegawa
will mostly be on the ice rink showing off, but also offering to help people who are nervous ice skating. if there’s any alcoholic warm beverages he will be drinking a bit
zagreus  (0/?)  
had a fun time at the event last year and is coming back this year, at least a little more well dressed for the cold this time! will be doing some snowball fights before attempting some of the more chill stuff. man gets competitive fast though so he ay say he’s going to do a lot only to get stuck in matches for a while.
zhongli  (1/?) - childe
may be offering to referee some snowball fights. mostly just exploring vendors. this is an old immortal who just likes seeing societies getting together, so he’s mostly happily sightseeing in it all.
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fullmtal · 1 year
UPDATE / PSA. ( hi! )
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Okay, so I've had a long break because well, a lot of personal things have been going in in real life affecting my family, myself, and my mental health. I've taken a long break and been a little overwhelmed on my dash but I'm back now and I'm going to ease in slow. Sorry for the radio silence, but hope you all are hanging in!
Also important info, since we all don't really have much choice now, I have switched to Beta Editor and it's on my pinned post.
All replies that were done in legacy will be moved to separate post UNLESS you ask me to drop them or I feel I can't continue them btw please let me know if you want to drop or keep an ask or thread okay? and / or need to clean out some of my stuff by dropping them. Asks I'm still going to get to no matter how late, I find asks and small starters are easier to get to and I haven't forgotten my starters I owe if you all are still interested! It's just been...a hell of a year and I know that a lot of you probably may feel like I do on that. I'm really sorry if you've been struggling or have had issues crop up this year, and I genuinely hope it gets better for you.
I've been kind of scarce on discord save like...two - three people but I'm definitely open to chatting I just am really bad at reaching out right now but please, feel free to poke me I'm not unavailable I promise. I'm just kinda slow, as well, haha, you can see. Lately feels like I've been hit by a truck since we had a major family loss mid-year, and after that things continued to snowball right up until this month as well. I'm hoping for a great new year for all of us and what's important here on my dash is -- Edward is going absolutely nowhere even if I'm easing my way in and keeping mind of my mental health, Edward is always, and always will be my constant. I have no braincells because of him even in hard times!
To all my mains, mutuals, people I see but haven't talked to, writing partners, I really hope you're alright and things get better for you if they're tough. I really needed a break as my mental health was like a thin cord with all that's been and is going on. I think it's going to get better, but I'm now back and easing slowly into my blog once more.
Thanks for being so patient, feel free to hmu on discord if you have me, and also just take care of yourselves okay? Your health is most important.
Lots of love, Lily. PS. Beta really isn't that bad I can't believe I, a goob, am now capable of doing colored font drink something warm or do something nice for yourself today!
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themattress · 1 year
Battle of the Seasons
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Once Upon a Time! I’ve gone over my opinion on this dozens of times by now, but given the subject matter I felt like it deserved its own “Battle of the Seasons” post, so here it is. It’s Season 1 (The Dark Curse Saga) vs. Season 2 (The Price of Magic Saga) vs. Season 3 (The Neverland and Wicked Witch’s Revenge Sagas) vs. Season 4 (The Frozen Storybrooke and Operation Mongoose Sagas) vs. Season 5 (The Dark Swan and Underworld Sagas) vs. Season 6 (The Savior’s Fate Saga) vs., regrettably, Season 7 (The Hyperion Heights Saga).
While judging on quality is certainly doable and how I’ve usually presented my ranking, for this post I’d rather focus on how well each season holds together when taken as a whole.
Season 1 obviously reigns supreme here. It manages to tell a complete, coherent and emotionally satisfying story in of itself, with every piece of the puzzle presented in both flashbacks and the present day narrative ultimately clicking together; nothing is wasted. Compare this opening scene with this ending scene, it’s such a great case of book ends, as is what starts with a dark cloud sweeping over everything to create a town where the clock is frozen at 8:15 ending with a different dark cloud sweeping over said town precisely as the now moving clock strikes 8:15, signaling a new beginning. The Dark Curse Saga spent the most time being fine-tuned before production, and it shows. It’s not perfect...but it’s close. 
Every other season is nowhere near as stable, being either seasons where two story arcs are told in each half of the season rather than a single story arc (3, 4 and 5) or a single arc is told and botched due to showrunner Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis’ complete inability to stay on track with what they have without throwing new shit in that clutters things up (2, 6 and 7).
Out of the first kind, Season 3 is the best, which seems odd at first since the Neverland Saga and Wicked Saga don’t particularly have much connecting them story-wise, as the former is closure for all plot threads the show had been pursuing since Season 1 while the latter is something of a fresh start. In addition, the former is significantly stronger than the latter. But what ends up making the season work is the character arcs and themes, which do manage to span both story arcs in a very organic way. Themes of facing your past in order to shape your future, of learning from your mistakes and the mistakes of others, of making your own home, of family and love and redemption: they make the story arcs click together, as do the personal stories of Emma, Snow, Charming, Hook, Regina, Rumple, Belle and Neal (but not Henry!)
Season 5 comes painfully close to this same standard, with its two story arcs being even more interconnected than any other in this format. Unfortunately, it’s plagued by three glaring problems: several missteps in the first half come back to haunt the season in its second half, a number of character arcs presented in the first half don’t connect with those in the second half, and the two-part season finale is almost completely disconnected from everything that preceded it, being more of a lead-in to Season 6 than a satisfying conclusion to Season 5. Season 4, meanwhile, has its core problem summed up in one word: Frozen. Quality-wise, the Frozen stuff is the best part of the season, but when taken as a whole it’s got almost jack shit to do with the rest of the season’s narrative and even the entire series’ narrative, and the stuff that does matter narratively usually feels alien to the Frozen stuff whenever they end up sharing screentime together. The Author, the Queens of Darkness, Regina and Robin Hood’s star-crossed romance, Emma and her dark counterpart Lily, the Sorcerer and the Apprentice, the magic hat, Rumple’s backslide into villainy and how it affects his relationship with Belle, Snow and Charming’s dark past, Hook’s dark past, and Henry’s gradual coming of age...all of this is present in the Frozen Storybrooke Saga, but if you removed all the Frozen stuff that makes up the bulk of that arc from them, nothing much would be missing. It all just feels so shoehorned in...much like the Will Scarlet character from OUATIW does the whole season!
In some ways, Season 2′s structure is weaker than Seasons 6 and 7, since it ended up creating something of a double story arc situation by accident, with the first arc only being its first 9 episodes rather than the actual first half of 11 episodes, whereas Seasons 6 and 7 have a more deliberately distinct first half and second half for their story arcs. However, Season 2 still ends up getting the edge of Seasons 6 and 7 because everything that transpired in those first 9 episodes still end up mattering and continuing to develop through the next 13 episodes. Cora is still the Big Bad who seeks to influence Regina who is still fixated on Henry, Hook is still seeking revenge on Rumple who is still seeking to make things work with Belle and reunite with his son who ends up being Emma’s ex and Henry’s father, with Emma having to deal with that while still learning to bring out the magic in her and to accept Snow and Charming as her parents. Because of A&E’s incompetence, precious little of what happens in the first half of Season 6 and 7 end up mattering to the second half, and even much of what goes down in the second half isn’t important by the time of their finales.
And between Seasons 6 and 7, obviously Season 6 is the superior of the two, since it still connects to the show as it was - Emma as the ostensible lead who fought for screentime and relevance against Regina, Storybrooke as the primary setting, and a certain set of characters and plot points always sticking around for better or worse, while Season 7 is a failed attempt at a reboot that ended up instead being the final season, creating a huge whiplash effect and making everyone wonder why the Hell the show didn’t just end at Season 6, which at least seemed built like an ending. Not an especially satisfying ending, but an ending all the same.
So it’s Season 1 > Season 3 > Season 2 > Season 5 > Season 4 > Season 6 > Season 7.
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llycllns · 2 years
cabin fever! | henry & lily.
closed thread for @hcxvill.
Lily loved the outdoors; the sounds of a babbling stream, the stars shining through a navy sky, the soft sweep of wind against skin. So far, this trip was going to reign supreme in the actress’s book — newfound friends surrounded her, the warmth of a fire cascading through the forest & a frosty beer in her hands certainly made this night one to remember. The brunette stood a few feet away from the fire, observing friends and those she hadn’t met before converse & laugh, a smile on her fuller lips. Deciding to make conversation, she walks around the burning flames to the other side of the bonfire and stands next to a man — Henry.
“Are you enjoying looking all broody and handsome, Cavill?” Lily asks playfully, taking a hearty swig of the beer she had been nursing. “The fire certainly helps with your look. It’s giving me vampire vibes for sure. You were the Twilight author’s pick for Edward Cullen, right? I can totally see it.”
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shadowtechteller · 1 month
Code of Change
"The Code of Change" delivers a thrilling blend of biotechnology wonders and a treacherous world of corporate espionage. Join Dr. Lily Chan, the mastermind behind a revolutionary meld of human genetics and AI, as she stands on the cusp of transforming healthcare forever. As her breakthrough teeters on the edge of FDA approval, the shadowy corridors of power and greed conspire against her in the form of The Syndicate, an organization that desires the Code for its nefarious ends.
With the clock ticking and threats mounting, an unexpected champion arises: Maria, whose sharp intuition and brave heart become pivotal in deciphering The Syndicate's cryptic schemes. Alongside FBI Agent Sofie's precision and Noah's digital mastery, they unite to outwit enemies that lurk within their midst.
In a breathtaking narrative where loyalty is a spectrum and betrayal cuts deep, Natalia—the Syndicate's own operative, faces her inner demons and conflicting loyalties. Haunted by her own conscience and manipulated by The Syndicate's puppeteer, Isabella, Natalia must choose between the dark ties that bind or the bright allure of redemption.
The story reaches a fever pitch with Natalia's audacious act of digital rebellion, setting in motion the downfall of The Syndicate's empire. As Interpol closes in, alliances are unmasked, intentions are revealed, and a new dawn of medical marvel emerges unscathed.
Dr. Lily Chan—with Maria's brilliance, Agent Sofie's tenacity, and Noah's cyber artistry—stand ready to usher in the 'Code of Change.' They rise as harbingers of a new era where scientific integrity triumphs over shadowy avarice, and where the promise of healing through technology outshines the temptations to misuse it.
As the dust settles, "The Code of Change" proves to be more than just a conquest against dark forces—it is a riveting testament to the enduring power of innovation and the unbreakable human spirit. Embrace this epic journey of courage, brilliance in the face of corruption, and the ultimate victory of a future illuminated by science and truth.
Detail Synopsis
Step into the threshold of "The Code of Change," a suspense-filled odyssey through the enthralling intersection of cutting-edge science and shadow-laced corporate espionage. Dr. Lily Chan, a luminary in biotechnology and the architect behind the paradigm-shattering 'Code of Change,' embarks on a voyage to irrevocably alter healthcare. Her brainchild—a melding of human genetics and artificial intelligence—beckons a new dawn of medical miracles, poised on the precipice of regulatory acclaim.
Yet, as the beacon of FDA approval flickers within reach, Dr. Chan and her ensemble of brilliant minds at InnovateGen Biotechnologies must traverse a gauntlet where every triumph is shadowed by looming threats, every breakthrough laced with peril. The Syndicate, an elusive cabal cloaked in ambition, covets the power locked within the Code. Under the guidance of 'The Shadow,' Natalia, and the strategic prowess of 'The Architect,' Edward, this nefarious assembly ingratiates itself into the sanctum of innovation, breeding a creeping infestation of treachery.
Amidst the encroaching danger and the harrowing specter of betrayal, emerges an unlikely sentinel—Maria, whose uncanny intuition and steadfast spirit of camaraderie become the linchpin in the unraveling of The Syndicate's dark riddles. With the prowess of FBI Agent Sofie and the cyber virtuosity of Noah, they coalesce into a formidable force, threading through a conspiracy that seeks to pervert the essence of the Code of Change into an instrument of domination.
Through a labyrinth of moral conundrums and clandestine warfare, Natalia—a vessel of The Syndicate's ambition—confronts the cacophony of her inner turmoil. Riven by a dual allegiance, she stands as both sentinel and saboteur, her aspirations for the Code's beneficent potential grappling with the corrupt whisperings of Isabella, The Syndicate's eminence grise. The ticking chronometer of fate propels her to orchestrate a defiant gambit, crafting an electronic scourge to dismantle the heinous web woven by her one-time conspirators.
Culminating in an electrifying confrontation, Natalia orchestrates a tactical tour de force against The Syndicate. Her resolve catalyzes an onslaught of justice, as the venal empire, once veiled in subterfuge, crumbles under the scrutiny of Interpol's reach. In the aftermath, a triumphant duo rises—Dr. Lilian Chan, a trailblazing pioneer at the helm of InnovateGen Biotechnologies, stands at the frontier of a revolution with the 'Code of Change'—a marvel that entwines the destined strands of human genetics with the limitless potential of artificial intelligence. A breakthrough that heralds a new horizon in therapeutic innovation, promising to redraw the contours of medicine and healing.
As the coveted stamp of FDA approval glimmers within reach, the final chapter in the long saga of development begins—an intricate dance through a maze of scientific rigor and the elation of discovery. This journey, imbued with the light of hope and human potential, soon spirals into the depths of intrigue when The Syndicate, a phantom cadre propelled by a voracious hunger for dominion, casts its gaze upon Dr. Chan's creation. Natalia, known in whispered tones as 'The Shadow', together with Edward, the mastermind 'The Architect', orchestrates a covert infiltration into the sanctuaries of InnovateGen, weaving discord and subversion into the fabric of Lily's trusted circle.
As Dr. Chan stands steadfast amidst rising tides of duplicity, a serendipitous ally emerges in the guise of Maria, a virtuoso in AI whose allegiance and acumen become the bulwark against the creeping malaise of The Syndicate's machinations. Aided by the sharp insights of Agent Sofie and the cryptography expertise of Noah, they embark on a quest to clamp down the creeping tendrils of an agenda that seeks to twist the very essence of the Code for shadowed ends.
Within this crucible, the narrative tugs at the threads of loyalty as Natalia stands at a crossroad bathed in conflict, her devotion to The Syndicate's cause wanes under the weight of her conscience. Shattered by the gravity of her inner discord, and swayed by the formidable Isabella's guidance within The Syndicate, she teeters at the brink of irrevocable choices. With the clock of destiny ticking, she executes a defiant design to neuter her former allies with a spectral swath of digital retribution.
As the crescendo of this cybernetic symphony approaches, Natalia steps from the vexing shadows to claim her agency, delivering the final blow to dismantle The Syndicate's charade—an empire built on the sands of deceit and powered by the engine of corruption. This pivotal moment brings forth the agents of Interpol, heralding the collapse of a criminal dynasty and echoing a resounding victory for the virtuous In the wake of this ascending chaos, it is the unforeseen valor and the convergence of genius and grit that reshape the battlefield. Natalia, once shrouded in enigma, emerges as a decisive force, tipping the scales with her act of mutiny against the very architects of The Syndicate's web of deceptions. A digital renaissance warrior, she wields her acumen to forge a malware so potent it promises to be their undoing, to shine a light so fierce that their shadows retreat into oblivion.
And so, within "The Code of Change," we find an exhilarating testament to the power of unity and the resilience of the human spirit. Dr. Lily Chan and her retinue—Maria, the AI virtuoso; Agent Sofie, the embodiment of law; and Noah, the cyber sage—fuse their diverse skills to thwart the looming shade cast by The Syndicate. Their journey is a testament to the enduring brilliance of innovation used for the greater good, a beacon against the darkling aspirations of those who’d usurp it.
In this riveting chronicle's crescendo, victory is not merely the quelling of a technological maelstrom, but the reclamation of hope. Natalia, wielding the specter of her newfound courage, stands shoulder to shoulder with Dr. Chan. In the quiet aftermath, they are not only the victors but the vanguards of a world now safeguarded from the desolate reach of corruption. They are the bearers of a future dawning bright, where science and integrity walk hand in hand, guided by the underlying principle that, in innovation, lies the seed of salvation for humanity.
"The Code of Change" is an entwining narrative of two formidable women, forging their legacies in the crucible of adversities. Join Dr. Lily Chan and Natalia as they navigate the labyrinthine passages of doubt and triumph, etching out a path that will not only define their fates but sculpt the very fabric of the world to come.
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denydefeatarchived · 5 months
⭐ - i've done similar shit before but yk what idc just take this <3
MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a “ ⭐ ” and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi. If you like any of the suggested combinations, you are welcome to come plot or start interactions with them.
My muse(s) first / your muse second. Italics means I ship it but I also never have to ship anything. Under the cut since there's about 1000000 combos here. <3 I'm also 1000% sure I've filled this meme out for you before. I'm also not gonna re-list duplicates. If we both write the same muse, then I am down to write either same.
Harry: Hermione, Ginny, Draco Ginny: Harry, Draco Ron: Hermione (but like we'd have to plot that out lmao) George: Hermione Lily: Sirius, Severus (but I really am not a fan but like I feel like you'd be the one to sway me some fucking how) Rodolphus: Bellatrix Sirius: You already know xoxo Harry: Wanda, Peter, Loki Bruce: Wanda, Thor, Natasha, Tony, Steve Wanda: Thor, Natasha, Tony, Stephen, Bucky, Steve, Clint, Loki Pietro: Natasha, Steve, Pepper Brunnhilde: CAROL, Thor, Jane, Sif MJ: Peter Loki: Wanda, Tony, Jane, Sif Steve: Natasha, Peggy Natasha: Any of them. Janet: Tony, Peggy Laura: Clint Sharon: Steve, Carol, Natasha Rick: Harley Harley: Pamela, Bruce, Joker (for darker theme threads for sure) Clark: Lois, Bruce Bruce: Diana, Harley, Clark, Lois Denny: Izzie Mark: Meredith, Amelia Ben: Rey Anakin: Padme (vice versa) Buffy: Faith Willow: Buffy Bella: Edward, Rosalie, Carlisle, Aro Edward: Bella, Rosalie Emmett: Rosalie, Bella Rosalie: Bella, Edward Edyth: Bella, Rosalie, Aro Carlisle: Aro, Charlie Bonnie: Damon Sansa: Dany Robb: Dany Tauriel: Legolas Kili: Tauriel Regina: Emma, Maleficent Charming: Regina, Maleficent Neal: Emma, Regina Johanna: Katniss Peeta: Katniss Coriolanus: Lucy Gray, Alma Jack: Alice
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acourtcfmuses · 1 year
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MULTIMUSE ASK MEME send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours!
Your muse first and in bold! (I've only went for main verse muses atm, plenty of crossover available!)
Undercut because extensive!
Nesta Archeron - Cassian, Feyre, Azriel, Emerie, Gwyn, Helion
Morrigan - Azriel, Cassian, Emerie, Feyre, Helion, Jurian
Emerie - Gwyn, Elain, Cassian, Neusa (OC)
Lucien Vanserra - Elain, Jurian, Helion, Feyre, Azriel, Cassian
Azriel - Gwyn, Feyre, Cassian, Helion, Jurian
Elain Archeron - Feyre, Jurian, Emerie, Roux (OC), Oriane (OC)
Gwyneth Berdara - Azriel, Feyre, Cassian, Iara (OC)
Gil Legume - Harriet Jones Hook, Sammy Smee, Evie Grimhilde, Damian Jones (OC),
Evie Grimhilde - Mal Fae, Ben Ricard, Freddie Facilier, Matthias Gothel (OC), Anthony Tremaine,
Audrey Rose Reine - Fleur Faery (OC), Ben Ricard, Mal Fae, Evie Grimhilde, Piotr Potts (OC), Kris Bjorgman (OC), Diaval, Calder Nottingham (OC)
Ben Florian Au Roi - Mal Fae, Evie Grimhilde, Piotr Potts (OC), Olwen Malmoreal (OC),
Aimee White OC - Ben Ricard, Derek Bergmann (OCish?), Astrid Bjorgman (OC), Ruby Fitzherbert (OCish?), Castor Sanderson (OC)
Harry Potter - Hermione, Blaise, Lily (maybe in a time travel thread), Charlie Weasley
Ginny Weasley - Hermione, Blaise, Charlie Weasley
Ron Weasley - Hermione, Blaise, Charlie Weasley
Draco Malfoy - Hermione, Blaise
Pansy Parkinson - Hermione, Blaise
Lily Evans - Marlene, Peter
Bellatrix Lestrange - Lily, Marlene, Peter
Rodolphus Lestrange - Lily, Marlene, Peter
Prince Charming/David Nolan - Emma, Killian, Neal
Snow White/Mary Margaret Blanchard - Emma, Killian, Neal
Evil Queen/Regina Mills - Emma, KIllian, Neal
Baelfire/Neal Cassidy - Emma, Killian
Henry Mills - Emma, KIllian, Neal
Belle/Lacey French - KIllian
Lily Page - Emma
Annie Cresta - Finnick
Johanna Mason - Finnick
Peeta Mellark - Finnick
Stefan Salvatore - Caroline, Elijah, Rebekah, Klaus
Bonnie Bennett - Caroline, Elijah, Rebekah, Klaus
Liz Forbes - Caroline
Renesmee “Carlie” Cullen - Emmett, Carlisle
Bella Swan-Cullen - Emmett, Carlisle, Jacob
Edward Cullen - Emmett, Carlisle, Jacob
Emmett Cullen - Carlisle, Jacob
Rosalie Hale - Emmett, Carlisle, Jacob
Esme Cullen - Emmett, Carlisle, Jacob
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traceydyer · 2 years
[Download PDF] The Thread Collectors - Shaunna J. Edwards
Download Or Read PDF The Thread Collectors - Shaunna J. Edwards Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => The Thread Collectors
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 1863: In a small Creole cottage in New Orleans, an ingenious young Black woman named Stella embroiders intricate maps on repurposed cloth to help enslaved men flee and join the Union Army. Bound to a man who would kill her if he knew of her clandestine activities, Stella has to hide not only her efforts but her love for William, a Black soldier and a brilliant musician.Meanwhile, in New York City, a Jewish woman stitches a quilt for her husband, who is stationed in Louisiana with the Union Army. Between abolitionist meetings, Lily rolls bandages and crafts quilts with her sewing circle for other soldiers, too, hoping for their safe return home. But when months go by without word from her husband, Lily resolves to make the perilous journey South to search for him.As these two women risk everything for love and freedom during the?brutal Civil War, their paths converge in New Orleans, where an unexpected encounter leads them to discover that even the most delicate threads have the
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dreammakcra · 2 years
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║ under the cut you will find all of the ships that i would love for my muses. I will happily do other ships, however, i just wanted to have a list of my most wanted ones. * indicates muses that I have and are willing to play. i also will happily have multiple threads with the same ship, because each will be different. ║
hermione granger* & ron weasley*
hermione granger* & draco malfoy
ginny weasley* & harry potter
ginny weasley* & dean thomas
neville longbottom* & luna lovegood
neville longbottom* & hannah abbott
george weasley* & angelina johnson
narcissa black* & lucius malfoy
lily evans* & james potter
lily evans* & severus snape
helena ravenclaw* & the bloody baron
nesta archeron* & cassian
nesta archeron* & azriel
amarantha* & tamlin*
morrigan* & emerie
tamlin* & feyre archeron
tamlin* & elaine archeron
adam auradon* & belle
alice cullen* & jasper hale*
emmett cullen* & rosalie hale*
esme cullen* & carlilsle cullen*
edward cullen* & bella swan*
tanya denali* & edward cullen*
victoria* & james
kate denali* & garrett
elle woods* & vivian kensington*
bo dennis *& lauren lewis
bo dennis *& dyson
hale santiago* & kenzi malikov
maleficent* & aurora
buffy summers* & angel
buffy summers* & spike
tinkerbell* & captain hook
tinkerbell* & peter pan
ariel triton* & ursula
ariel triton* & eric
dean winchester* & jo harvelle
elizabeth bennet* & mr. darcy
jane bennet* & mr. bingley
cardan greenbriar* & jude duarte*
hades* & persephone*
sansa stark* & theon greyjoy*
missandei* & grey worm
anastasia romanov* & demitri
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
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“For the record, when I said I’m willing to learn more about downworld culture, this is not what I meant.”
Lily, who was sitting sideways on the loveseat gave him a glare. “Does he always complain this much during movie nights?”
“Always,” Magnus sighed. “But luckily I know how to shut him up.”
“Magnus,” he hissed, blushing furiously and then looked at Lily again. “How is this relevant to our work?”
“Twilight is a cultural reset for vampires, Alec,” Lily rolled her eyes.
“But it’s not even accurate representation,” Alec pointed out. “The vampires glisten in sunlight. They glisten!”
“Nobody is here for accurate representation,” Magnus replied. “And if you want New York vampires to glisten, I can help with that.”
“Magnus is right,” Maia agreed, her words barely recognizable due to all the popcorn crammed in her mouth. “I’m just here for Robert Pattinson.”
“You’re supporting the vampire?” Alec asked in disbelief. “But you are-”
“I’m a simple woman,” Maia shrugged.
“For the record, I hope everyone here is team Edward,” Lily said – or kind of threatened. “Or I will be having words!”
Alec rolled his eyes and continued watching the movie. They were on the third one now.
He never enjoyed watching mundane movies. He did watch them with Magnus of course, but that was mostly because they got to cuddle on the sofa and would always end up making out halfway through.
Besides, he had never done a movie night with friends before. He could barely get through one. This one apparently had four.
“We are done with the fourth one, right?” Alec whispered to Magnus.
“Well, technically the fourth one has two parts,” Magnus chuckled.
“What? Why can’t they just say what they want to say in one movie?”
Lily looked at him and narrowed her eyes. “Lightwood, if you don’t want to watch the movies, just say so. But be warned, the New York vampire clan might hold a grudge.”
“And they are immortal,” Maia pointed out unhelpfully.
Alec grumbled and laid back on the couch crossing his arms.
By the time they finished up the third one, Alec just wanted go to sleep. But he had promised Lily and they were kind of having fun.
Most nights with the downworld alliance involved strategic planning and heated debates and roundtable discussions. But Magnus had suggested that if Alec wanted to work with downworlders, he should understand them better.
Alec had a fairly decent understanding of warlocks and their lives. So, it was only fair that he learned about the other fractions as well.
He had spent the last week working with Maia’s pack and learning more about the Praetor and their work.
This week was supposed to be spent at Hotel Dumort. But unfortunately for him, Lily’s teaching methods were not conventional.
“You can get through this, darling,” Magnus kissed him the cheek. “The wedding is in this one.”
“They finally get married?” Alec asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. “How does Bella’s dad feel about this?”
“You will see soon enough,” Lily winked and pressed play.
“Did you force Raphael to watch these too?” Magnus asked, his voice melancholic but fond.
“No one can force Raphael to do anything,” Lily replied. “But he did watch them out of spite and claimed he is team Jacob just to piss off the clan.”
Magnus laughed, the sound vibrating in Alec’s heart. “That sounds like something he would do.”
Alright. It wasn’t that bad. Maybe they should make movie nights a weekly thing. As long as Simon didn’t know about it.
Lily’s phone rang and she picked up with a groan. “What did you do, Elliot?”
Someone, Elliot, was talking rapidly on the other side and Alec thought he heard the sound of dolphins.
“Hold on,” she snapped into her phone and got off the floor. She looked at Alec. “I’ll be back in a minute. Keep watching!”
Maia got up quickly, picking up the bowl of popcorn with her. “I’m gonna keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn’t throw her phone at a poor mundane again. But keep watching!”
Alec looked at them worried and then at Magnus. “Should we go help?”
“They will ask for help if they need it,” Magnus kissed his cheek again. “Just relax. And no, you are not getting out of this.”
Alec pouted but pulled Magnus closer against him and laid his head on the warlock’s shoulders. “It’s kinda pretty.”
“What is kinda pretty?”
“The wedding.”
“Hmmm,” Magnus said. “I’ve always thought forest weddings are a little tacky.”
“You wouldn’t get married in a forest?” Alec chuckled.
“Well, before Ragnor died, I wouldn’t have,” Magnus said, his tone a little nostalgic. “The bastard wouldn’t have attended and just said I didn’t notice because he camouflaged with the trees.”
Alec chuckled softly. “How about now?”
“What about now?”
“Where would you like to get married now?”
Magnus smiled, but it wasn't his regular one. They had been together long enough for Alec to recognise the happy ones and the sad ones.
“I haven’t really thought about it. Marriage is not meant for people like me.”
“People like you?” Alec raised his head. “You mean warlocks?”
“Immortals,” Magnus corrected. “Do you know how mundane wedding vows go?”
Alec shook his head.
“To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health,” Magnus said and paused. “Until death do us part.”
Alec wanted to ask how Magnus knew the mundane vows if he never thought about marriage. But he kept the question to himself.
Alec had always known the Nephilim wedding vows. He had memorized them, even when he had known that he would never get to say them out loud, not to someone he loved.
Maybe Magnus felt the same way. Just because something wasn’t meant for you, it didn’t mean you couldn’t dream about it.
People often only dream about things they couldn’t have.
But that wasn’t their reality anymore. At least not for long. Now they had a chance. A fighting chance.
Alec could change this. He could change all of it.
“Do you know what shadowhunters say?” Alec asked now.
Magnus thought for a moment. “It’s been a long time since I was invited to, or even attended a Nephilim wedding.”
“The Consul asks hast thou found the one thy soul loves?” Alec said and then directly looked into Magnus eyes. “And you respond with I have found and I will not let him go.”
Magnus took a little shuddery breath. And Alec knew. Magnus wanted this too. But he didn’t want to show it.
“Well, aren’t you shadowhunters cheesy,” Magnus scoffed quickly, averting his eyes.
Magnus had lived for a long time. He must have hoped for many things only to be disappointed. Alec remembered how the clave had acted after the Dark War. He remembered the cruelty of the cold peace. It was hard not to be disappointed. 
It was scary to have hope. Even for an immortal.
Perhaps especially for an immortal. 
Alec understand Magnus’ concerns. He didn’t reassure him right now. He will fix this instead. For Magnus. For them. For their future.
He took hold of Magnus’ fingers and threaded his own through them. He looked at the countless rings on Magnus’ lean fingers. They were beautiful. But the rings felt incomplete. His hand felt bare. Magnus needed one more and Alec was going to give it to him.
One day.
“People like you deserve the world, Magnus,” Alec whispered into his boyfriend’s shoulder.
Magnus didn’t say anything. Just kissed the top of Alec’s head.
They silent watched the movie again, Lily and Maia joining them a moment later.
After everyone left and the two of them fell asleep together that night; hair tousled, feet tangled and hearts pounding - Magnus said the words softly, but Alec heard them well and would remember years later.
“I’d like to get married near the ocean. It reminds of home.”
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irresistiibles · 2 years
okay okay!! hello here is a real quick plotting/starter call! i’ve got blurbs for all my characters so toss this a like to plot or if you just want to get some stuff started feel free to  reply with who you want things for/from. please only request THREE STARTERS per mun because otherwise i just will not have time for everything. in terms of pre plot drop things i do wanna keep some chill vibe and am fine doubling up on threads but i will probably pick and choose stuff to transition based on muse. feel free to transition any of our stuff as you see fit!
she’s fighting more than she should that’s for sure. she’s good with a bow and arrow, but idk how much that’ll do here. honestly i think she could do well with a gun if someone just gave her one. will try and help people where she can. open to injury
she can handle herself but boy is she tired of fighting. she’s always got a few weapons on her so she’s managing but she’s mostly trying to make sure her and her girlfriend are safe
fae are hard to fully kill in her world so she’s not too stressed. she’s small has a crossbow, and is going for it. will mostly be trying to help people in need and get them to nice quiet places
she is swearing that she’s never going out again. she’s got a pocket knife and spite to get her by, but realistically blue i gonna try and find somewhere to camp out.
not built for this at all! he is a nice guy with asthma pls he is so screwed. open to getting him killed to get his memroies back so if you want a plot involving that hit me up
idk how much i’ll get chichiro involved in this. realistically she’s been up and lost in a far corner of the white house for most of the night. if she does run into monsters she is unfortunately the type to try and talk her way out of a situation, but girl does know how to run if needed, which is what she’ll be doing.
scared, tired of this sort of thing, probably trying to get out of there, and when that doesn’t work is going to be smart and board herself up in a room somewhere
honestly he’s more comfortable fighting than dancing. worried about winry and al but also just everyone else. he’ll be on the helpful end of things and trying not to act too relieved to be back to something he’s good at
a freak she’s having fun. she wants some flesh samples of monsters if possible. they should be afraid of her, not the other way around.
man i don’t even know if she brought her wand she’s trying to find the fam and drag their aggressive asses to a quiet corner while hopefully not getting knocked out along the way. open to injury
not happy! she was having a good night!! and everything always gets ruined!! back to the pink bubble it is. will try and yank someone else in there but her magic has no rules to it so who knows if that’s even possible lmao
unhappy and scared, especially cause she does not remember her own supernatural experiences. will try and hide and pull people out of danger if possible. she is the protective sort but also just a normal gal so could get herself hurt trying to help someone else.
tipsy at the wrong time!! able to fight luckily but he feels less confident without fairy and is really missing his dog. stressed! very stressed but stubborn and will be fighting.
i kinda wanna bring some of her memories back without killing her so some big fighting for her definitely open to trying to help people or witnessing someone dying (cause that would trigger her memories lmao) definitely feel free to hit me up!
drunk, tired of shit happening to her, flinging spells around a little recklessly but doing what she has to do to stay safe.
she can fight but she doesn’t like doing it. she is much more comfortable behind people as i figure she got more comfortable night hunting alone later in life she’s definitely out of her comfort zone and a little freaked out
this man does know how to run and hide and stay safe when needed even if he doesn’t show it. not above tripping someone to get away safely. worried about himself and his brother and that’s it everyone else can rot for all he cares
also will trip people to get away safely lmao. honestly she can turn into a bug and hide pretty easily so i’m open to stuff with her but i don’t think she’ll be doing too much
horrible puppet man is amused by all of this he’s the worst. may purposely lead people into danger while claiming to take them to safety because he’s the absolute worst!! or is just taking advantage of the chaos to attack people. i would not recommend approaching.
he can fight! a little! he swears! but he’s drunk and has already had such a night he is attempting to get help and hide immediately. will shamelessly cling to anyone who seems like they can protect him
they’re a little disappointed things went south but qingxuan can take care of herself. if she took a bottle from the bar in the chaos that’s her business. another one who doesn’t love fighting, and is nervous, but capable enough with monsters just like this luckily
honestly! super excited loves a good fight this is so much better than some fancy lame dance! will protect people if the opportunity is available but is more focused on just knocking some monsters around
hiding. just hiding. are you kidding me? this is just a normal dude give him a break
unfortunately zagreus thinks fighting is fun and will be trying to keep track ofhow many monsters he can take out. if you want someone way too upbeat given the situation he’s your guy
another immortal not too worried about getting hurt. he’s more of the helpful sort though, and can create pretty powerful shields, and will do so to get people out of danger as needed. not fighting so much since he’s retired from that, but protection is definitely available from him.
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