#those ppl are the backbone of our society but
tiredrobin · 11 months
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hes mooning over his house husband
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dungeonbf · 10 months
ohhh that’s so coool!!!! xenogender blogs are the backbone of our society I love gathering xenos tbh and ppl make the most gorgeous flags it’s awesome! that’s so cool that ur boyfriend does that! anti-centrism probably only lets you follow his xenogender blog. u and maybe ancom. I think ancom wld appreciate it. bahahaha… ur relationship is so beautiful & silly /positive it’s like. when ur right hand man wants to know all of you. like.. “no one knows me. no one knows who i am” vs “i want to know you. let me meet you.” ykwim? it’s something SOOO intricate & personal, I think.
BTW YES WE PLAY COD TOGETHER! i think if we ever played modern warfare authright wld get jealous bc chrislib wld be like “oh könig is so fine.” and he’d be like “he’s okay. he’s not a REAL man.” and chrislib wld be like “doesn’t matter. i want him.” and authright knows it’s just her being thirsty over a videogame character but he’s still jealous <\3.
chrislib, while playing cod: I love a man in uniform lmao authright, the next day, in full military gear: hello. chrislib: lord forgive me, authright, what in god’s name do you have on?
outside of cod & videogames in general, i think they’d both enjoy soccer. can’t explain why but it feels right that authright wld like that sport, not to play but to watch. he rooted for germany during the world cup yes but he probably has beef with psg just like I do. he wld look cute in a german jersey.. smh…. (chrislib cried uncontrollably out of joy on the floor when argentina won and messi got his worldcup trophy /hj) but anyways, they both share interests in wars except authright focuses on ww2 and chrislib reads abt ww2 & the cold war (& the russian revolution). i think authright wld focus on the data / numbers of ww2 and chrislib enjoys discussing the more psychological / social side of matters, the less concrete aftermath like the way ppl thought of the war during & after. also he likes looking at the military weapons.. they wld be pretty civil when talking abt it I think just bc they’re both genuinely interested even if it’s for diff reasons.
he cannot dance at all but i like to think he has a good singing voice that’s genuinely enjoyable. I wld love to sing a duet with him one day.. he’s got that like frank sinatra / paul anka type of voice
he watches reality tv like those trashy reality tv shows, he’s all on em. he convinces chrislib to watch them too so that he’s not alone
I think he wld want a doberman dog, he reminds me of dobermans and maybe him & chrislib adopt one but I imagine he’d like them
likes getting his nails painted but keeps his nails in good condition regardless of whether or not their painted..
he enjoys poetry, reading & occasionally writing it. “classic” writing. I think he’d even look into translated versions of poetry in other languages like portuguese or arabic (which, from my limited experience, both have EXTREMELY romantic poetry out there)
he can swim really well. chrislib can barely swim, barely.
— @boykujou
okay hear me out.. i know this seems unlikely but… authright writing you poetry. i feel like he’s not super poetic and he deems expressing his feelings effeminate but he has a “moment of weakness” as he calls it and he starts just pouring out all his feelings for you on the page. it’s rough, unpolished, but incredibly sincere. his love for you spills out in verses, each stanza more romantic than the last… yeah… just my thoughts.
i also think he’s a pretty good listener when he wants to be — he’ll eagerly, happily listen as you talk about the russian revolution. he likes hearing you talk, yk, your voice is soothing to him!! he finds comfort in you!! i feel like since he doesn’t have a super close bond with the other extremists, he gets lonely easily and being able to be with you is a real comfort to him!!!
also i hope you know what you said about anti-centrism is making me lose my mind… like yes i’m jris right hand man, whatever, but i’m also the only one who truly understands him, yk?? i think the feeling is mutual, too, cuz an-acc isn’t superrr close with the other wacky ideologies or extremists (except ancom, i think, ancom is me but also my best friend forever at the same time.) so being able to truly confide in someone is a rarity — so having that connection with anti-centrism is even more special, yk what i’m saying? AND YES i’m the only one (except ancom) who knows about the blog. it’s our little secret :3
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banhchao · 2 years
BTS are real activists, you just don't consider them real activists because they're very attractive. being ugly isn't a requirement to be an activist, you know :) anyway reduce reuse recycle
They are real performative activists yes, but not real activists. To be a real activist, you do not only engage in activism whether it be campaigning, protesting, participating in initiatives, spreading knowledge and education, fighting for policy, legal reforms, volunteering with communities, donating etc. but you also must have an in-depth knowledge of the historical, political, social and economic background and implications of the cause you are fighting for. BTS clearly lacks this (along with some of the other ones I mentioned). They donate money and say a few flowery words to seem like they support certain causes but have zero comprehension or in-depth knowledge of what they are saying and donating to. Notable example is their donation to BLM and then promoting the NYPD’s police robot dog right after (the robot dog meant to increase police brutality against Black and Brown people in New York). Surface-level activism and zero critical thinking of how their choices contradict what they promoted in the past.
When we speak of real activists, we speak of people that genuinely care deeply and are passionate and educated about the causes they fight for, even have their livelihoods on the line and have their lives dependent on! An example is Mohammed and Muna El-Kurd, who live in Eastern Jerusalem and use their platforms to share and spread knowledge of the illegal occupation of Palestine by Israel. Both twins have been illegally detained by the IOF, their lives in danger due to their outspoken activism. Another example is Mahbouba Seraj, a journalist and women’s rights activist from Afghanistan. She runs a women’s shelter in Kabul where Afghan women can take refuge as well as several nonprofit organizations. When given the choice to leave Afghanistan as the Taliban took over, Mahbouba chose to stay in Kabul to continue helping women fight for their rights. She has stated that she knows she is on the Taliban’s radar and yet still has chosen to continue helping women despite the danger she’s in. Another example is that of the three Black Lives Matter founders, Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi. BLM was officially founded in 2013 by Patrisse, Alicia and Opal in the aftermath of the murder of Trayvon Martin, addressing systemic and institutional antiblack racism and police brutality, bringing attention to the unlawful murders of Black people (by the police and others) as well as advocating for prison abolition, housing, community initiatives etc. BLM activists have been arrested, detained, injured and even killed for their work, targeted by authorities for fighting for their rights in a white supremacist society.
Activists deserve our utmost support and respect for the work they do, especially when in the face of danger from higher authorities with a lot of power. BTS doesn’t come close to the people I have just listed (nor do they need to as they aren’t activists and shouldn’t be crusaded as such) who put their everything on the line to fight for their causes and future generations ahead. To say they are activists is a true insult to those that actually are. They are performative at best and lack an actual backbone and the required knowledge to enact true change. They are non-threatening in all matters political and never defy power structures (which is the whole point of being an activist). Going to the White House to speak about racism against Asian diaspora... whilst not being of asian diaspora, not having lived our experiences and not having that in-depth knowledge Asian American activists do is... questionable. What exactly can they discuss or really bring to the table regarding hate crimes against Asian ppl in a country they don’t live in??
I’m aware that ARMYs love to flex BTS as activists to add to their “bragging rights” of how “legendary” and “iconic” their fave group is but if you actually genuinely care for and respect activists and the causes they fight for, you would not consider BTS as activists. It’s very disrespectful and insulting to compare a few singing, dancing dudes that fling money sometimes and barely do anything significant for the causes they claim they support to people risking their lives for justice and human rights. All because they are ur faves doesn’t mean you have to worship everything they do. You can acknowledge when they make mistakes or do something hurtful or, in this case, when their activism is performative.
Also your implication that all activists are ugly is very... strange to say the least. To you, maybe. But not me, I never said that 🙅🏽‍♀️. Activism has nothing to do with fitting into conventional physical beauty standards but uh... you do you I guess!
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hrina · 4 years
bro you can’t tell me to pick a fav with your writing!! it’s too good!! but honestly if i had to choose the ones i read on REPEAT are in the ring trials and tribulations and serotonin 🥺🥰
rach thank u so much!!!!!!!!! im so glad u like those fics aaaaaaa 🥺🥺🥺 and thank u for re-reading them omg ppl who re-read fics r like. the backbone of our society ok
which of my fics is your fav?
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let 2018 be the year where asian ppl everywhere stand up to being used as the "model minority" from both whites and other non-asian poc. let 2018 be the year where we fearlessly beat down racism against us from all non-asians. let 2018 be the year where asians find solidarity among each other. let 2018 be the year we discuss and heal common issues in our community. let 2018 be the year the asians grow a fucking backbone.
I wish it was that easy.
But almost everyday I come across some trump-supporting Asian, some white-worshipping Asian, some misogynistic Asian, some anti-Black Asian, or other bigoted Asian person. I’m not saying we all have to think alike but there is a lot of work to be done within ourselves.
There needs to be a massive progression of thinking among the masses of Asian Americans and what is best for our society and those that live in it. Of course I’d argue for a radical, revolutionizing form of thinking but progression is probably the best we could do for now. Especially considering how many conservative Asian Americans there are. They can’t make the leap into radical thinking overnight, there needs to be some progression.
At the same time, this “massive progression” isn’t strictly for Asian Americans. Some of the issues we have are shared among Asian folks in other countries. If an Asian person in the US grew up getting bullied by racist white kids, chances are, an Asian person in Britain, France, Sweden, Canada, New Zealand, or any other western country grew up getting bullied by some racist white kids. The culture and language among each country is different but the person that put you down is the same racist white kid.
I know I’m only talking about the Asian diaspora right now but one thing we need to understand is that every Asian person that grew up in a western country is a minority and as a minority, your language(s), culture(s), or something else gets suppressed in some form. Even your mind may become suppressed and you develop internalized racism or you might hate being Asian altogether.
We’re stuck in this “minority-like” mindset and a lot of it has to do with the environment and where we grew up. If the Asian diaspora started thinking globally though, Asian people are NOT a minority. Asian people ARE the majority on this Earth. We make up more than half the entire human population and if we all stopped the crap we’re doing to other people and especially to each other, then we could come together and change the world for the better.
It’s important to remember though that the Asian diaspora are not the only ones dealing with white supremacy and racism. There is supremacy and imperialism all over Asia, even happening right now as I’m writing this. It’s not just white supremacy either. As people in Asia race for global domination, they’re oppressing and even committing genocide against other Asian people.
Sorry for taking you on a long journey just to get to your ask, but yeah. Asian people everywhere do need to find solidarity among one another, heal each other, and grow a backbone against white supremacy, racism, imperialism, capitalism, and other systems of oppression in addition to the prejudices and microaggressions made against us or our people.
Angry Asian Guy
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bougainvillieas · 7 years
This has been bothering me since last history class. We were talking about the future for Africa (silly, I know) we read this paper from the 80's arguing for privatization. This is already happening in Nigeria and it is not great. I said this wasn't a good idea, it's neo-colonialism & neo-liberalism and it's not gonna be ideal for majority of the people. They said privatization is a good idea since the government is corrupt. Okay since the government is corrupt should we then not hold the government accountable, it's their responsibility. They should provide these social services like education and healthcare. They collect taxes. It's their fucking job, if they're corrupt then we clearly need a change. Then our professor brought up how really bad public ambulance services are in Jamaica and private ambulances cost $150 Yh American dollars, obviously not everyone had that. So should they just die, obviously the government of Jamaica needs to be held accountable. It's really so fucking frustrating that African governments are held as the embodiment of corruption and bad governance but not the governments in Europe who have exploited us for centuries now. Not the North American governments who put people in horrible detention centres. Who incarcerate high numbers of people for profit(and as a way of social control +genocide too+settler colonialism). The policies of the IMF and world bank that were so instrumental in the destruction of numerous public institutions on the continent are not corrupt. The governments of the west we continues to drop bombs on the most vulnerable and defenseless is not corrupt and immoral. It's just us savage backward Africans. Then somehow we got to cultural relativism and obviously ended up in FGM and the fucking total disconnect if these people. The total disconnect of these fucking people. I don't know if it's backlash because I had talked about strengthening indigenous systems of knowledge and education and allowing the use of local language as languages of education and knowledge so that education can be much more accessible to people and especially women in rural areas. African women are literally one of the most important and vulnerable groups of people on the continent and diaspora too. Then they were like "I know other cultures have their own values and such but things like FGM I just can't look away" oh congratulations on passing the basic human decency test. 1 cultural relativism is so annoying because all you westerners reduce it to personal opinions and feelings. But guess what majority of people including me are ethnocentric especially when they are brought up in a very strict culture. I know I shouldn't over extend the values of my culture to other people but I do sometimes because these was how I was thought to see things. However I understand that various cultures and societies have different values and ways of doing things, and honestly my opinion ethnocentric or not shouldn't be the defining way other people would come to see a culture. Cultural relativism as it's popularly conceived doesn't take into account power structures and it doesn't matter how culturally relative you want to personally be about a culture, if you have an identity that has a long history of denying humanity, culture, civilization, knowledge and has a long sordid history of violence against that culture and those said situations still continue. Ur personal opinion is literally the lest important thing in this whole mess. Of course FGM is horrible, it's a way of controlling women, reminding women of their inferiority. It is violent, horribly traumatic and incredibly silly that puts the weight of a society on the honour and "purity" of women. But what does it say about you when Africans(because the most vocal people in that class was me Nigerian person and another girl Somali person, and the other person who spoke up against privatization and holding our govts accountable is Ethiopian) speak about our agency and autonomy, the need to hold not only our govts accountable to us but those other people's & their govts that continue to exploit and enrich themselves through our labour and natural resources. That when we speak of the need to revitalize our cultural knowledge because they're important marginalizing our local languages as "venecular" ( this word I heard a lot I literally wasn't allowed to speak Yoruba in schl apart from during yoruba class ppl weren't allowed by rules of those private schls you think will be good to speak our indigenous languages) thereby invalidating centuries of knowledge, the voices and contributions of numerous people because it's not in English or French. What does it say when we speak that our cultures and peoples are important holding on to our indigenous knowledge is vital, all you can open ur big silly mouth to say is "well personally I just can't look at things like FGM and say that's okay because I'm being culturally relative" "Yh things like FGM are *shrugs shoulders disgustedly* Thanks for letting me know as you have through these decades and centuries that our cultures are disgustingly backwards. Because all our cultures are oppressively barbaric. And these fucking people are here saying they think privatization would be better for our future. These fools. Yh you know if women can't get access to education that the society demands is necessary to fully participate in it or whatever sector they would like to, because the tuition of these private schls are astronomically high. If women in various communities are not educated and allowed full access to various facets of their societies like the men in those societies, they are much more vulnerable to those "savage cultural practices" like FGM. When women can't get access to healthcare, because like in Nigeria sometimes that technology needed only exists in those ugly expensive private hospitals or you have to travel outside of the country, well getting a visas as an African personal is really not easy at all. I promise you. Also tickets are expensive as hell. If people don't have access to adequate accessible housing and transportation. Again women are the backbone of many African societies and rarely even acknowledged and privatization might be nice actually is nice if ur upperclass. Anyways if just always seeing how so fucking closed u all are to our humanity, how we are abstract concepts to you. The outpost of humanity and civilization to you ignorant olodos. Which is painful seeing the various ways u and ur ugly govts continue to harm us.
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reviewkpop · 4 years
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tl;dr, I don’t remember where I was when this first came out because I was on a break from kpop social media but, however, I do remember where I was when I first listened to I Just (the only song to ever exist), as it was an extremely transformative experience for me. This is such a well-rounded, clear, diverse album that keeps Day6′s usual style while adding extra juicy elements for the more hard-rock inspired Japanese market. 
Vara’s rating: ✭✭✭✭✭ 
without further ado here’s why I love ever single song on this album, written like ive been imprisoned inside stan twitter for 5 years and can’t get out unless i review this album
Live Your Life: day6 japanese songs hit differently they really do. this one is an a1 prime rib example. the rolling drum (?) woosh sound right before the chorus is so sos os nice and all of the parts of this song are different feeling but still fit together completely seamlessly as expected. LISTEN, HOW THEY HAVE A GUITAR SOLO? WITH THE WOAHHHs at EVERY chorus. jae’s guitar is the backbone of this album and our society as you will read about further on if you ever get to my review of i just…….. and this song is NO different. also the lyrics are so pure. thank u kings of confidence. i gotta also talk about the outro to this song its so fucking beautiful. all the voices singing together is such a chef kiss mwah
Breaking Down: ive seen a lot of ppl (more than i expected?) cite this song as their fave day6 song and i mean valid. its day6’s harder rock side.. its reminds me a lot of how can i say and its very very good if thats your thing. also everytime mr k does the IM BREAKING DOWWN live its . very lovely thank you. its so so angsty i can feel the angst for miles with this one. when jae says “hearts never break the same” mkmfdnjgajk. yeah. this is one of the songs where u think its over but it ISNT!!!!!!! the guitar muting in the bridge fake outro whatever is so delicious i am a sucker for a good guitar muting rhythm technique can someone pls tell me what thats called im illiterate anyways it STARTS UP AGAIN the hecking guitar solo….. ladies and gentlemen…..
Stop the Rain: instrumental wise, this is a really really fun song… the scale up and down or whatever it is with synth + guitar in the verses and at the end of the chorus… very spicy indeed. i honestly think wonpil is the star of the show in this one bc its a really not aggressive but beat heavy?? song and wonpils softer voice really contrasts it nicely i think. i also love love LOVe the second verse with the minimal instrumental (of course i do) and then it goes into guitar solo mode.. i feel liek this album more than any other day6 album goes the hardest with the guitar solos thank you jae. also this song has wooaahs. guitar solo ✅, instrumental space ✅, woaaaahs ✅ but theres no guitar muting we’re almost there..
Say Hello: this song makes me smile. the punchy guitars, bubbly drums, wait actually the first time wonpil says “my girl” i teared up a little ouch…….. :((((((((((((((( so cute…. the bright lil woo ooooh ooohs in the chorus SO cute… its such a dreamy song and the lyrics are so nostalgic feeling its such a sweet song in general its abt like letting go but finding peace with it and wishing the other person well and its a really beautiful meaning. omg its like the opposite to hi hello njsdfdnkj theory?????
Everybody Rock: we are now in the ROCK zone everybody now . now COME ON keep it going now !!!!!!! 1 2 3 go!!!!! i absolutely adore the way the guitars fade out in the verses when the vocal lines start and its just a lil bass a lil drum. if theres one thing i love more than guitar muting its silence in music.. it really really makes songs great when theres some space left over i truly believe that. anyways this song has both thank u kings. jae’s prechorus with differnet members joining in is so nice as it gradually builds up more and more. extra important detail all the lives i can find of this they look like theyre having so much fun. also dowoon….. i truly believe i can be a rockstar bc of him. im in tears. the ending just lets it all sink in the extra 8 bars or whatever of extra instrumental very very nice addition thank you
I Just: i am truly sorry in advance for this im not gonna stop talking. musically,, this song is pretty simple (except for the guitar in the chorus, i’ll get there) but tonally, vibe-wise, on the feel good scale, this song is a 35 million absolutely fucking fantastic song. i love this song perhaps a little too much. i would like to speak briefly on jae’s guitar fill. if i could name my firstborn child after a sound byte it would be that one and you all know it very well. if i ever meet jae im gonna personally thank him for this and ask if i can get his guitar’s autograph. the fact the guitar gets louder in the last chorus with the vocals overtop of it too yum.. this song makes me miss a lover i nevr had or something but also feel like im falling in love and rolling down a grassy hill and staring into a sunset at the same time its like every single possible positive emotion for me. THE HEYYYY AHHHS . make me so inexplicably happy i love them with all my heart. ALSO you know how i said i love silence this song has it too!!!!!!!! with the faded guitar right before the last instrumental break !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also again not to be a young k stan but u know i need to plug the 18125 i just nagoya young k fancam its in my genetics i will not apologize. he looks so happy i love . i listen to this song on a daily basis and you cannot stop me from doing so. if i get cloned and u have to figure out which charlie is the real one see which ones heartbeat starts getting faster by hearing the guitar riff then youll know.
Nobody Knows: the beginning of this song is the true modern mona lisa. i could listen to the guitar and drum before any vocals hit forever i am not gonna lie. this really reminds me of old 5sos in a way and i really like it.. gives me a lot of nostalgia from being a 14 year old (no i’m not a 5sos stan but listen to their new album it’s really good). absolutely very fun but probably also really sad if the lyric “please i dont wanna cry” says anything … yep ok. i forgot how much i love the bridge of the song listening to it now its really different to the rest of it its so so nice. very very good. i dont listen to this one as much as some from the album but i still love it a lot,, theres something about it thats a little haunting in a good way its like that buzzfeed unsolved episode where the ghost named apple tater visits them.
Falling: this song gets you because you think its gonna be a full soft ballad but it still has a rock heavy influence! this album is a LOT of more hard or classic sounding rock and i really like the direction they took it in! can i please talk about the bass riff RIGHT before the end of the verse its those little extra bits that are added in that make a song so much better and thats prime example. I’m not the biggest fan of the chorus of this song for some reason i feel like theres a little bit of something missing but the haunting synth that kicks in and gets more prominent all the way through the song is very very nice and adds to the whole acoustic rock (somehow??? they have the Range) vibe.
If ~また逢えたら~: this song was their debut japanese song and she has a very special place in my heart. it reminds me of a very specific time in my life. also its a fun one bc i always try to guess whether its the instrumental or the original version when it comes on shuffle (i have both saved lol). i love love LOVe the guitar at the between vocal lines in the chorus its so fucking juicy… you know what else we have is rapper k which as u know i go crazy over.. the instrumental version is young ks rap karaoke version. very very good. i think this passage from my old review of this (if you know, you know) sums it up ladies: and i honestly think youngks rap part just brings the song back to day6′s style!! like i dont think many other bands would have brought it down to that u know??? and i love it…. the instrumental in this is also so crunch !! its so aggressive but like the type of aggressive that snowstorms are on a weekday… bc they basically just showed up without warning, rendered us immobile,, but all in all we’re PUMPED that it happened.
Baby, it’s okay: this song is not my favourite song of day6’s, i think it’s lacking in some oomph for my ears, HOWEVER !! and this is a big however I really love the bridge and the lyrics and that makes up for it. also the “i want you to be happy” and “ill always be here for you” is so adorable truly.
anyways we all know this day6 has no bad songs, unlock is no exception.
- vara  
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butterflywitchart · 6 years
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Today I had some of my rights stripped away, just right in front of me, Mitch McConnell, the conservanazis on the Supreme Court & by extension the Republican Party, & hypocritical Evangelicals who buried the family values they’ve been shoving in our progressive values faces, so they cld elect a twice divorced , adulterous, foul-mouthed, irreligious (accept for obvious show), over indulgent, extravagant, serial child molester, sexual assaulter & rapist. They’re all happy & celebrating now. & this is exactly why hypocritical evangelicals betrayed their dearly held values & ANY right they had to continue to falsely claim they are the moral backbone of America - to gain power, & to further their agenda. In the Bible it says a rich man has as much chance of getting into heaven than a camel has of fitting thru the head of a pin. But many hypocritical (i use that qualifier bc #notallevangelicals) evangelicals believe ppl who are wealthy are blessed by Yahweh - now, isn’t that ironic, considering they use the Bible to Hate on LGBT ppl. Ask them about that the next time one of them throws the Bible at you. I was born with a lot of privilege, something of which I’ve always been aware of. I gave up a lot of privilege when I transitioned, & recognize that, bc I’m into boys, & white; & bc I wasn’t born in one of the world’s lgbt hating theocracies or dictatorships where ppl like me get beat up, arrested & tortured by the police, regularly; i retain privilege many of my trans family doesn’t have. But wow, it really hurts to have our country just walk up & strip my rights away. I can now be humiliated & banished with the words “we don’t serve your kind here, it’s against our religion,” any time I walk into a place of business. Even in a hospital, or a Drs ofc. I feel vulnerable & sad - but still recognize I benefit So much from white, 1st world privilege. When i think abt the refugees running from the terrible gangs the Reagan admin created in Central America, where they use rape to extort poor ppl - these are gangs WE created, & now bc of these greedy, selfish, xenophobic, racist, hypocritical xstian, nationalistic, fascists, we’re turning them away, ripping their children from their arms & arresting the parents - & as HORRIBLE as that is, the refugees prefer that to rape & murder. We have SO MUCH WEALTH in this country, how can so called xstians be SO f**king selfish!!! Every true Xstian I ever met has been super generous esp to the poor & needy. One of my young trans brothers was thrown into the street by his “religious” family - but found a xstian church that accepts lgbt ppl, & when the community found out what had happened they found someone with an extra room to take him in. That’s what we shld be doing for these poor refugees - US policy in Central America has been disastrous, we’ve treated Latin America like a Horn of Plenty, & it’s ppl like ants getting in the way, or slave labor aiding us in stripping their natural resources. So, yes, I lost my rights, but I’m not running from gangs ready to rob, rape & kill me, taking a hundreds miles long, dangerous trek, bedeviled by road thieves & more gangs - only to be arrested & have my daughter ripped from my arms. My daughter has her Master’s Degree. I just heard an interview with a Palestinian father, talking abt how his children have no future. Today I know just a little better how those ppl feel tho, ppl who, bc of an accident of birth, can have their rights stripped away by capricious govts. I can’t deny I still have more rights & privilege than most ppl in the world, & I don’t hafta worry abt being shot by PD at a simple traffic stop, or some baby calling 911 bc I make them uncomfy. But I can be humiliated & refused service bc of who I am for “religious” reasons. I guess there’s a huge diff betw being religious & being spiritual It’s funny, mean ppl will say we have a choice - but we’re born this way, & ironically ppl will hate on us for hiding it. Think of all the trans ppl who got married, & then started closet cross dressing, do you really think that’s new? That’s happened thru the ages. Lgbt ppl & strong women have been whitewashed out of history, just like POC, but we’ve always been here - & if we remained closeted we wld end up cheating on our spouses with our neighbor, or hiring sex workers. Or we’d simply suffer thru sexless, unhappy marriages, maybe even being raped by spouses who accused us of being “frigid.” Think abt that, how many “frigid” women were really lesbian? Or maybe our family wld find out & force us into the clergy (great idea, put yr gay child into a place where he/she is locked in with the very ppl they wanna have sex with but u don’t want them to have sex with, in an environment where they hafta eat, dress, bathe, sleep, etc together. Society doesn’t want us to hide - they don’t want us to come out - they don’t want us in their stores - they want us to shove everything down & keep it all shoved down, like they think ppl did before - except that’s a fantasy world that’s never existed. Right now, in hypocritical evangelical churches across the nation, self-hating, closeted lgbt ppl are doing it behind their neighbors back, with sex workers or like minded neighbors, while their strait brethren maintain a willful ignorance about such things - just as it’s always been. We have always been here, & we will always be here, laws cannot stop us from being born bc, like it or not hypocritical evangelicals, we are part of the Great Mother’s plan. No law, no Supreme Court decision can stop that - & while Goddess weeps tears over human intolerance, hatred & violence everyday, today a few of those tears are for us.
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