#this post is so annoyinggggg like
sodrippy · 2 years
"you can personally be squicked out by the consensual sex someone else has but" actually when youre literally just talking about gay sex no you cant. no its not okay to be "squicked out" by it man just grow up. honestly. why do people online need to be coddled like that jesus christ "hey its ok if youre a little homophobic and the idea of gay people having sex makes you feel Weird! as long as you dont legislate against it thats fine!" grow up!!!!
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coldasyou · 10 months
oh my god you hate taylor swift? you think she's a greedy talentless bitch? should we tell everyone? should we throw a party? should we invite scott borchetta?
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kishimotomasashi · 9 months
What is the worst fight in Naruto and why is it Juubi!Madara vs Naruto and Sasuke
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chicomecoatl · 2 years
If u add shit like "reblogs are better than likes / likes are useless / reblog this don't just like it" in the caption of ur art post I'm not gonna reblog it purely out of spite sorry
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arolesbianism · 4 months
Whenever I watch someone play oni I always get so caught off guard when they cut and it's like 100 cycles later but then I remembered that most ppl actually use the fast forward buttons and I'm the weirdo who sits there at normal speed just watching large scale constructions slowly inch forwards while also pausing every other minute to plan out the next 3 projects I wanna work on next
#rat rambles#oni posting#I spent like half an hour just watching my chefs cook to make sure my new kitchen was working well#I almost have my infinite food storage finished I just need to get the area cool enough to deep freeze the food#I also sent over most of the berry sludge from my second colony since I got my second rocket built#food is very much not a problem but I am addmittedly a bit worried abt oxygen#currently its nowhere near a problem but I have been using algae still and while I have a lot I rly should start setting up long term#oxygen producers in electrolisers that arent just sitting out in the open spittibg hydrogen everywhere#but also its annoyinggggg#I have more than enough resources to make a large scale spom but Im not nearly in enough need of one to want to put in the effort#I am so good on oxygen and power rn and will be for a good while#I might just make a similar set up but just shoot the hydrogen into space and eat the power drain#I have three natural gass vents + two more on my second colony + a plug slug farm so Im like so good on power#and I havent even tapped into my oil wells yet (because theyre buried in frozen oil because rime but yknow)#rly tho the worst part abt my current playthrough is that Im starting to realize there might not be ANY slicksters in this save#the only planet with an oil biome Ive seen so far is my home colony which is yknow. rime.#and Ive uncovered a Lot of the map its basically just the far edges I dont have#so Im starting to have my doubts that I will be able to tame every critter in this save#I did find the gassy moo planet tho and I plan on getting some basic life support set up there soon#I might end up changing my mind if there genuinely arent any slickters tho cause if I cant get them all then why bother with the bad ones#ok I used to think that plug slugs werent worth the effort too and Ive been loving them so who knows maybe gassy moos will win my heart#but they do seem like a pretty rediculous amount of work for rly mediorce benifits so I doubt it#I mean hey. I got a shove vole farm set up so I dont think I can start whining now#I should probably set up more shipping and automation stuff in my ranches but tbh Im willing to just eat the dupe labor#I have like 5 ranchers and several shipping ppl most whom have nothing better to do#most of my current projects are all focused on space travel and some minor base reworks so I dont feel like its needed rn#especially since I have so much fucking food all of which is being run completely sustainably#well ok the peppernuts arent Yet but Im only domestic growing like 3 of them so Im ok for a bit#the other colony has been wild farming them for ages and have had more than enough to cook massive amounts of high quality meals#I actually set up a proper kitchen in that colony first due to how much food variety there was along with grub fruits
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lackofbrains · 6 months
i dont really know how to work tumblr posts and im not really a good writer but i wanted to write a velvet x reader story since theres hardly any on here
story info:
its kind of angst but like ends with fluff or whatever its called
so basically you’re like a pop artists along with velvet an veneer, and you’re like almost more famous than them and velvet gets really jealous and starts to hate you, but in the end she realizes she doesnt.
y/n's POV
"so y/n your new song is at the top of the charts!" the interviewer fred or whatever his name was said, i honestly couldnt care to remember his name. "yeah. im so greatful for everyone who listens to my songs i wouldn't be here without all of you!" i replied directing the last part towards the audience in front of me. they all cheered in response and i smiled a bit, loving the attention and thankful for the fans. "awww, thats so sweet! so we need to know, is there any new songs in the making?" he asked me really prominently on the need part. "welllllll" i drug out my word trying to thing of a good response. i get really awkward and anxious around huge crowds, kind of a bad thing for a pop star but. "i may be working on a new song, look out for teasers on my instagram." im so excited for the new song to release its definitely gonna be one of my best songs yet "okay we'll make sure to check!" he glanced down at his watch, i guess the interview was finally over thank goodness. "well, y/n. looks like our interview is sadly over, it was great having you thanks so much for coming" he said "no, thank you! this was great-" i stood from the comfy sofa i was on "and thank you all for coming!" as i said that the crowd went crazy, mount rageons screaming all over the place. it was kind of overwhelming so i probably walked faster than i needed to off stage, as i got backstage i blew out a sigh of relief, thankful for the opportunity to spread my music but also thankful it was over.
                                velvets POV
"ughhhhhhh" i groaned "i cant stand her and her goody two shoes self, shes so annoyinggggg" i complained to my brother, veneer. "shes not annoying velvet, she seems really nice." he replied to me, i abruptly took my feet off the coffee table they were on and turned to him. did he really just say that to me. "why are you defending our competition!" i basically screached at him, "sorry, velvet. i wasnt lying though, you just like to see the bad in people" he sighed, crossing his arms like the sassy twink he is. "i cant stand you sometimes! its like you want us to be second best." i really did not understand why he was defending someone thats trying to take MY crown. i got up off the couch and walked away from him, i mean yeah she may be nice and pretty but shes trying to take whats mine and that cannot happen."
(time skip to some award show thingy that i just made up bc it helps the plot)
                                y/n's POV
looking around i see so many different singers, some well known, some not as much and probably werent even invited in the first place. as my eyes scan the crowd of celebrities, looking for my friend, f/n, they land on no other than veneer himself, standing with my mortal enemy, velvet. the green haired twins were my competition and i had to beat them. i honestly didnt mind veneer too much, he seemed like a nice guy. velvet on the other hand, i had a totally different opinion on. ever since she basically said my music sucked in an interview of hers, and no i don't just watch all her interviews(yes you do dont lie), i havent liked her, thats an understatement. i cannot STAND velvet.
as i was in my own little word of dislike towards the prettier twin, i didnt notice someone standing right in front of me. i looked up expecting the brown caring eyes of f/n, only to be met with cold blue eyes. i sharply inhaled, to be honest scared out of my mind "y/n!" "what are you doing here?!" the green haired girl shriecked, "i was... invited..?" i replied in a hushed tone, not being able to find my voice. "well you shouldnt of been, your music sucks, and overall you dont deserve any award." she replied, flipping her hair asif i wasnt even there? "okay... well my song on top of the months best pop song chart says otherwise" i said turning around and walking away before she could hear the last part of that, she had really pretty eyes..
"y/n!" i hear from behind me, this time from a more scruffier voice. i turned around recognizing the voice was coming from f/n. "there you are! i was looking for you everywhere." "i saw.. i also saw your run in with the twins. tell me everything!" i groaned at that last bit "no f/n it was scary enough i dont need to repeat it." i replied also turning away from him "attention! all invited pop singers, please make your way to the stage!" 'finally' i thought to myself, ive had to wait an hour and a half through the rock, country andddd rap awards.
im going absolutely insane, why did i have to be seated RIGHT NEXT TO VELVET. its like torture, i could feel her eyes on me for the whole 10 minutes it took to introduce everyone, it was awful, but sort of nice in a way.
(time skip to the actual awards bc im a horrible writer and cannot care enough to try and fill the gap with sappyness)
"andddd the award goes to-" his eyes widened as he read the slip of paper with the award winners name on it "velvet and veneer-" he was interrupted once again only this time not by himself, but by the crowd behind him going crazy "wait!" he said and they all quieted down just enough to hear him, i looked beside me and velvets smile dropped hearing him say that "AND y/n y/ln!" the crowd went even louder this time, i gasped hearing my name "well dont just sit here come get the award..s?" all three of us walked torwards him, i looked to my left towards velvet and she actually smiled at me, and not even a condescending one! we both took the awards, as we walked back to our seats, velvets arm brushed against mine, i got so flustered i had to turn away so she didnt see me blushing. i dont know why i was acting so weird i hated her... right? "congratulations to the winners of this months most amazing pop stars!!" the crowd hadnt stopped yelling yet, i was fidgeting uncomfortably in my seat, picking at my hands, feeling a panic attack coming along, when suddenly i felt a hand on top of my own, locking fingers with me. i was so shocked i didnt even wanna look because i knew the amazingly pink painted nailed hands belonged to.... velvet.
she had held my hand the rest of the show, which in reality was about 10 minutes but felt like hours with her hand in mine, her hands were so soft.
(time skip to like after the show but like not left yet bc thats so unsexy an doesnt fit my amazing plot)
i was standing around the desert table talking to f/n, well it was really him talking about how much i deserved the award and how great my music is. he really knows how to make someone feel special. i looked around for velvet spotting her talking to her brother, i really wanted to speak to her, my "hatred" for her had turned to love in less than 3 hours.
"yeah you were obviously winning the awar-" f/n was cut off mid sentence by the green haired girl that i couldnt get out of my mind "hey y/n can i talk to you?" she asked me, her cold demeanor still up but i felt like there was something under her coldness, i followed her after muttering a quick "sorry" in f/n's direction.
we finally got to a deserted hallway when she finally spoke "are you okay?" she asked, cold demeanor slipping as soon as we were alone "y-yeah why wouldnt i be?" i asked stumbling over my words abit because of the close proximity between us..
velvets POV
her stuttering was kinda cute. "because you seemed like you were gonna pass out, babe" i couldn't catch myself before the pet name slipped out, i guess its out there that i dont reslly hate y/n now. i guess i just didnt like the idea of not being on top, but now that we're both on top its kinda nice. "oh yeah that..." she trailed off, blushing a bit, either from embarrassment or the pet name, probably the latter if we're being honest. "sorry, i just get a bit overwhelmed with thr crowds and loud screaming, which i know is weird since im a pop star- so i basically signed up for this-"y/n" "and they probably saw me too and they think i hate them now- and im gonna lose the award-"y/n" "and im not gonna be able to write music anymore because everyones gonna hate me, and ill have no money- and ill be homeless and-"y/n!" i finally got her attention finally silencing the rambling girl "sorry.." she looked really upset "its okay y/n, you dont need to apologize. you did nothing wrong i promise." i replied tucking a loose strand of hair behind her hair, finally noticing how close we were. "velvet" y/n whispered, as i cupped her cheek "hm?" i hummed leaning in a bit waiting for her to initiate what was about to happen(consent is sexy) "are you sure" she muttered "mhm" and with that she finally closed the gap, her soft lips meeting mine. when we finally seperated we were both panting from the lack of air. "that was..." "great" i finished her sentence. "would you wanna maybe, you know. go out tomorrow?" i asked, still a bit flustered from the kiss. "like a date?" she said teasingly "y-yeah. a date." "of course, what time are you picking me up" she said with a smirk "is 8 good?" "see you at 8 velvs" and with that she gave me one more peck and walked away.
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strozzaprete · 2 months
Witchcourse made me realise the amount of stupid people I follow
i don't know if i know who that is lmao i actually read some of the post that started it all a few days after the discussion started but even the fact that just now on my dash i saw another "omg radfems are soooo vicious with each other let's stop the infighting let's all hold hands!!1!!!!!1!!" is annoyinggggg it's annoying it's annoying as fuck oh my god. like i know that y'all love eating butch-reidentified's ass even though she has said before that she thinks some men can become women so i'm not surprised that some of her followers agreed with her post and the replies that followed. and i haven't seen these "vicious" reblogs just yet but yeah feminism is supposed to be grounded in material reality so how can one expect to say something like that and not get called out on it lmao.
it's important to question some aspects of science just like we should question history, because men like to fucking lie and tweak reality in writing to perpetuate the myth that women are inferior beings. ironically enough the scientific method helps with re-testing in a non-biased way free of sexism since its basic purpose is to describe phenomena in the most objective way possible. if you genuinely think that individual action expressed through "rituals" like grinding some herbs to put in a jar or literally brushing your teeth would have any value beyond the individually expressed enjoyment of performing a task, and especially more value than literal science, then you deserve to be called dumb lmao. you are dumb.
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shivology · 5 months
okay. one day i will stop talking about islam but it's not gonna be today. anyway, to overcorrect on post-9/11 islamophobia, a lot of liberal spaces infested by the types of muslims who will call you islamophobic and disrespectful of their culture when you call them out on their homophobia or transphobia and who will deny the infestations of misogyny and antiblackness and antisemitism in their (our) communities because Um Actually You Don't Get The Full Context, have started to almost . idk the word but like, deify? whitewash? sugarcoat? islam as if it's like. One Inherently Good Singular Ideology Misunderstood By White People For Racism Reasons. when yes, obviously, islam and muslims who live in the west are oppressed, but that's not all islam is. and it's such disservice to act like Islam cannot be oppressive to so many people who do live in the global south living either directly under islamist rule or just in conservative muslim-majority communities, to say that no actually we're a peaceful religion and we WORSHIP women actually! like to gaslight people who have actually been forced to wear the hijab, who have actually been victims of misogynistic honor-based violence, who have actually been pulled out of school to be married off to a 50 year old man because "the prophet did it so it's islamically ok!"
and it's tricky to talk about because you don't want to fuel islamophobia (which, like antisemitism, is obviously a legitimate tangible thing, but also can be weaponized) also it is so fucking ANNOYINGGGGG to watch discourse on islam be led by people who have never experienced oppression fueled by islam like sure you're a good ally to guys like mohamed hijab but also people like sara hegazy mahsa amini etc etc all these people are real people who were tangibly hurt in the name of islam. there is a reason why a man like andrew tate felt it was ok for a man like him to convert to islam and there is a reason why so many Muslim men welcomed him with open fucking arms. you're sure not a good ally to queer people and atheists and christians and jews who have been tangibly hurt in the name of islam.
and we can discuss the doctrine itself, we can talk about the effects of colonialism, we can talk about how no actually islam doesn't say that lets not conflate between ~ real religion and corrupt regimes but the thing issssss. religion is literally what you make of it. it is an idea. there is a book and you take what you take from it. there is no such thing as "the correct way" to practice religion, especially when all Abrahamic religions have the capacity to be peaceful AND the capacity to be violent. what is REAL representation? who are you to say what real representation is, anyway? who decides what is extremism? why do you, personally, get to pick and choose who and what represents a certain religion?
islam, like Every Religion Ever, manifests itself in different ways depending on ur social context. whether you have the means to exact oppression via religion or whether you are disenfranchised because you're an ethnic or racial or religious minority. religion has and always will be used both as a tool for good (community building, etc) or for evil (daaesh, lol) it's not about religion itself. it's about how you use it and its place in the social pecking order.
anyway. tl;dr. i hate oversimplication and i hate overcorrection. quite frankly, it's orientalist and racist, to assume that an organized religion followed by over a billion people in most countries in the world, all believe the same beliefs. even if u think these beliefs are "good." here's over a billion of us and some of us are bound to be cunts! statistically.
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hanasnx · 1 year
Hi! It's been a while, took some time off tumblr for school but just logged back on and gonna read everything you've posted since I've last been on. Hope you're doing well! And if you've got some time, do you have any douchebag Anakin thoughts this fine evening?💙
-(literally cannot remember what emoji I used to sign off with but I think it was) 🧘
hi!!! are you the 👑 emoji perhaps?? (so sorry if i’m mistaken, but i think ur my only anon that signs off as an emoji— i was wondering where you went 👀)
i hope school is going well for you :) i hope u like all the nasty stuff i’ve come up with lmao
let me see if i can think of some dirtbag anakin thoughts for u my love ! feel free to peruse my dirtbag anakin tag for douchebag/dirtbag anakin content ;)
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ill be honest i already believe that anakin as a character is a dirtbag. hes a meanie, a bully, a delinquent to a degree. i just like to tag dirtbag!anakin bcos its not au, its a facet of the character i like to frequently explore but that was probably already obvious
like he’s hard to talk to bcos he just looks so intimidating and judgmental
when he gets comfortable with you tho omgggg hes so annoyinggggg
the way he’d love it when he pulled you into him, and youre all grouchy about it. hitting his chest weakly, pushing him… fuck hed love seeing you mad at him. if you slapped him for being a dick itd be OVER for you omfg
alsooooo i’m specifically thinking about a certain scene in new girl season 2 episode “katie” , this scene starting at 2:34. this side of sam sweeney is soooo dirtbag anakin vibes to me omfggg🥴🥴 (i apologize for the poor quality and the lagging sound this was the only clip i could find) but like the way he looks at her, gestures her over with his fingers like “cmere” oh yeahhh. picking you up like that to kiss you & being like “oh yeah if you find my underwear just uh 😏😏 keep it…” lingering stare at you, remembering how little sleep the two of you got last night and having to cut himself off before he does something rash “i gotta get out here..”
a lot of sam sweeney moments when he was jess’ fwb in new girl reminds me a lot of what anakin would do. one scene, sam pulls jess’s hair playfully to make her look up at him (he’s so much taller than her it’s so hottttt). totally dirtbag anakin vibes <3
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also 🥴😏😏🥵
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hibiscera · 6 months
i've been slowly chipping away at art for an ask about kitten's origins (drury having her) and i'm like. uhhhh to be quite frank one of the arts for it has drury with his tits just Out and i'm trying to decide if i should censor them or just post it uncensored with a mature warning label.....
it's so annoyinggggg tbh, it's completely nonsexual in this context but since he hasn't had top surgery it would be considered as such -_-
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sodrippy · 11 months
not that anyone cares but oh my goddddd the tags on that "wishing the vfx industry a very please unionize" post are so ANNOYINGGGGG NONE OF YOU GET IT acting as if vfx artists are anti-union or too stupid to organize or something, like you have no IDEA how any of this works nor the practicalities of the situation good god. im exploding you. enough
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hidingoutbackstage · 11 months
Death Island liveblog thoughts all in one post
Oh the villain is former Umbrella. Great
Okay we’re spending way too much time filling in Dylan’s backstory. We get it.
Oh the openings credits are LAZY that’s just footage from the other movies/games/shows
Wow this voice acting isn’t great (this will persist throughout the rest of the film)
Ah, never change, Leon. Opening fire in an area where you could easily misfire and hit civilians
Yeah no you’re not surviving that motorcycle crash that easily
Also way to get around the problem people had with Vendetta by making the villain the one causing the traffic problems
Wow so many new models made for random side characters but they couldn’t make a new Jill? Cring
Gotta have a slow mo shot in all of these movies I guess
“Hi Rebecca.” “Hey Chris.” Good, unnaturally establish their names like they didn’t do that in the opening credits
Jill and Chris talking about Wesker like it’s the first time they’ve talked about it since 2009? It’s been 6 years???
Oh they mention Piers that’s fun totally not wondering how I can use this for yhsb
Lol Maria’s model being the exact same. Queen has one (1) outfit
Wow disabled villain. How original
Why are you hiding his face we know it’s Dylan
Oh so they made two models for Dylan, young and old, but they couldn’t make a new Jill model. Got it
Claire and Jill interaction FINALLY
Wow good job Death Island you bass the Bechdel test
Claire called in Jill and Chris meaning she came to Becky with the info first okay girl I see you (🏳️‍🌈)
Hehehe. Zombie sharks zombie sharks zombie sharks zombie sharks
Okay obvious Jill PTSD that’s cool
Floors just randomly collapsing. Yeah sure they do that
LMFAO THE ZOMBIE RIPPING OFF CHRIS’ STUPID TOURIST SHIRT that is unintentionally fucking hilarious
Jesus christ Dylan is an insufferable villain
He’s just Glenn Arias again but more insufferable
Leon stop quipping for fucking once. Jill and Leon are a fun pair though
Okay the aquatic lickers are fucking coooooool
Yes please have a lingering shot on Jill’s legs with her breasts in the shot too as a tongue tries to grab her. Very normal thing to do
That’s right Chris keep the women in your life who get understandably upset in check
Wasn’t Harvardville 10 years ago? Why wouldn’t people know TerraSave was framed?
“We’d help you even if you were the bad guys” followed by a Definitely The Bad Guy shot
Oh boy Jill and Leon made it to the Big Action Set Piece in all the trailers
“Leon Chris Jill and Claire” fuck you Rebecca you’re not important enough to steal data on. Even though like. Didn’t the opening credits imply Rebecca’s info was taken too? Whatever
“Let’s burn it all” is this not incriminating evidence?
Okay I gotta admit mosquitos is a clever way to infect people
“Arias and I did a lot of business together so you could say we were sort of close” yeah dude you’re a Carbon Copy of that man
Ohhhh my g-d Dylan is annoyinggggg
Oh noooooo Dylan is doing the villain thing where his principle makes sense but he uses terrorism to do it. “Fuck the world for being run by big corporations and evil government who don’t give a damn about the innocent. So I’m going to turn the world into zombies” fuck youuuuu writersssss
You know they could actually have paralleled Jill’s and Dylan’s trauma in an interesting way. But then they didn’t
They explored Dylan’s trauma more than Jill’s. Jill’s got one conversation. One.
This tension is so fucking nothing lmao we KNOW they’re not gonna kill the MAIN FOUR PROTAGONISTS this is all just padding
“None of you know what it’s like to be forced to kill your best friend” yes they do she’s pointing a gun at you asshole
Dylan as a villain suuuuuucks I can’t emphasize this enough
Rebecca’s main character status means she doesn’t need any real protective gear
See these government agents are the good guys I swear because they say they wanna help people
Claire is honestly the only person of this group who’s a “good” person cuz she works for an NGO while the rest are government agents. Lol
“We’ve got Jill” yeah Jill was definitely the moral center of this group that was totally established
Rebecca and Jill, Bechdel test…2!
Does Maria ever. Like. Talk?
So Chris how’s it feel to finally get infected like literally everyone else in your line of work that you’re friends with? Now you can join the club. They have buttons
“Thanks Rebecca” kiss her then <3
Oh good Maria does talk
Wow Leon, calling a woman a bitch? Rude
I hope she does kill him just so I don’t have to hear Matt Mercer’s voice for the rest of the movie
Okay so the mosquitos infect humans. Why the sharks? Why the aquatic lickers?
Okay now I get the shark but again. The lickers? Aquatic? Why?
“I’ll finally atone for murdering my friend so that I could survive” or you could have just killed yourself all those years ago. Could’ve saved a lottttt of trouble if you’d just killed yourself
This Leon/Maria fight scene has way too many sound effects (we get it she’s in leather it doesn’t make THAT much noise) but also I am 100% rooting for Maria here. Matt is annoying and she’s literally just out for revenge for her father
Noooo not her titties
What a fucking unceremonious way for Maria to go out jesus christ
Dylan-shark is just HAOS…2!
“Take Rebecca and stop those drones” Leon playing matchmaker good for him
This action music is so over the top lmao
Claire and Becky you’re soooo smart you two should kiss abt it
I’m having so much fun I almost forgot I was pissed that Jill didn’t age
“We control the drones now so why don’t we use them” um. Becky. I know you weren’t there to hear the whole ecofascism spiel but. Maybe don’t. Do that.
See Jill’s quips are good. Leon’s quips are too many in rapid succession
Oh she was using the drones to over-infect Dylan (saying this she casually threw aside a large rock)
Someone is going to say Leon and Chris assembling and using that weapon was actually intentional imagery for gay sex I just know it
That high five between Claire and Becky means everything to meeee (they should’ve kissed after though)
It is cool that all five were in a movie, no complaints there
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mik0bastard · 1 year
ok so I recently started a sideblog for a very mainstream fandom, and omg I forgot how finnicky and annoying people are about ships. Gcest is still my safe space, I got so comfortable here since y’all know about Martin.
Like I’m on that other blog looking for shit to reblog on tags that I like and half the posts are “if you like this ship burn in hell why would you even ship them they canonically see each other as siblings?!!!!!!” like..... oh boy I’ve got some news for you about siblings
and it’s also the consistent failure to entertain the mere possibility for very interesting and nuanced porn stories simply because they’re not 100% squeaky clean. You’re telling me no age gaps, no enemies to lovers, no incest- not even pseudo-incest, no mentor-student? people are soooooooo annoyinggggg. 
like, I either post what I want and have no mutuals because everyone will think I’m the worst, or censor myself, which I’m obviously not good at doing.
Like, I’m sorry, when the whole niche I’m beginning to carve out for myself is curating audio porn that sounds like various characters, do you really expect me to be normal? I don’t think you’d be able to consistently interact with a community like gwa and accumulate the amount of knowledge I have without being weird as fuck. Me even saying I’m an audio porn connoisseur is fucking weird, it’s a weird hobby to have
Idk maybe I’m not built to be in big fandoms anymore, there’s so much walking on eggshells 
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hwajin · 1 year
Helloooo gurlie,
Hows your day been? Its like late where I am soo-
Anyway 2 things: Ik that you don't write like hard hard smut, no judgment for that btw, kinda refreshing honestly. But I do, and I made it a point a few days ago to go through my fics and put the community labels and stuff. What happened is that my latest fic is still getting the pop up that the big bad TUMBLR has reviewed my work and has decided to put on the community label.. Now that would not be a bad thing BUT i kinda already did that for you tumblr, so what you on about-
Just kinda worried bout that.
And second : I NEED KOREAN STAYS TO CHILL TF OUT, I literally read a post about how they were waiting outside the JYP BUILDING for him to come out after his live- THE LIVE HE DOES IN HIS STUDIO. like im sorry im not saying that international stays are tame BUT AT LEAST WE DONT DO THIS- i always see like these terrible things and read about them and i just feel so sick to my stomach like they dont OWE us anything so why we think that they HAVE to do all the like fan service stuff and anything but stray kids esp goes above and beyond for stays and it makes me so sad to see KOREAN STAYS (who get the most concerts n stuff like that) acting like this.
Ok im done.
let me leave you with this :
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omg tumblr is doing the same thing for my last fic!! i'm glad they're making it easier to filter stuff like that but when i already confirmed it needs a community label why do you keep bothering me 😫😫 i don't think the notice will disappear tbh, we'll have to put the label there the moment we post otherwise it's annoyinggggg omg
and ughh every time i hear stuff like that i get so angry omg!! i think we have to consider that kstays experience the whole fan service thing SO differently tho i think, like while i do think said fans should tone it down a big notch i also think the kpop industry is made to make fans crazy over the artist. like i obv don't wanna excuse the stalkers and over the top fans but i will never shut up about the fact that in the western music industry this not a problem with such insane extent as it is in kpop and i do blame how the industry itself is built, like there's so many flaws imo. which obv has nothing to do with the artists themselves but sadly they're the one's suffering from it.
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niishi · 1 year
sometimes I see old posts where I was ranting and I'm like God ur so annoyinggggg
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anar-chan · 3 months
I know it’s been 4 yrs since you made the post, but I was trying to find OzMafia Caesar posts and I too was very upset with wolf boy becoming a cop :(
His route was so good but he becomes a cop??? Wack
I'm still mad about it 4 years later!!!!! It's so annoyinggggg, like good ending: he conforms to the fucked up society of the game. Make it make senseeeee 💀💀💀
Wack indeed, wack indeed
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