#its ok to feel weird about random consenting adults having sex! why is that a statement ? who are you talking to
sodrippy · 2 years
"you can personally be squicked out by the consensual sex someone else has but" actually when youre literally just talking about gay sex no you cant. no its not okay to be "squicked out" by it man just grow up. honestly. why do people online need to be coddled like that jesus christ "hey its ok if youre a little homophobic and the idea of gay people having sex makes you feel Weird! as long as you dont legislate against it thats fine!" grow up!!!!
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savefurrykids · 6 years
A message to Marsha “SinfulMarsh”
This was all typed out by @novalvirri
@marshax-marshmallow is a horrible person. here is why.
Mystery is an adult character. I'm absolutely fucking certain that nobody has said this in any relation to you. """Don't talk about wanting to fuck furry characters?""" Since when did we say that, bitch? No really, when and where did we fucking say that. We didn't. You are making CHILD PORN. It's morally wrong and not to mention fucking ILLEGAL. Celebrities have nothing to do with this subject, neither do men and women or thicc people. We are talking about children. CHILDREN. THAT YOU KEEP SEXUALIZING KNOWING ITS BAD.You're just adding irrelevant bullshit to make yourself sound like the victim and correct one here. That's sad.
Now for the more proper responses!
"Dont talk about wanting to fuck anything, fiction or not, even though deep down you know all humans have attractions of all kind and that it’s human nature. But no, just block it out of my mind, that doesn’t exist! It shouldn’t exist!" Yeah again, we never fucking said that. You're making. CHILD. PORNOGRAPHY. IT DOESN'T MATTER IF ITS A DRAWING ITS STILL FUCKING ILLEGAL. Any other normal porn on porn hub of adults is fucking fine. NOT. FUCKING. CHILD. PORN.
"Also, dont make porn, because most of the time when producing it, youre basically telling who views it you want to fuck someone/something. So yeah, ban all porn!" -I'd like proof that we said that. Not other people, specifically US. The ones you've made porn of without permission and the ones DEFENDING those that you made porn of without permission.Oh yeah by the way did you know that permission = consent? OH, YOU DO? YOU DON'T FUCKING CARE? YOU'RE A FUCKING RAPIST AND SHOULD SPEND THE REST OF YOUR GODDAMN LIFE IN PRISON. IT DOESN'T MATTER IF IT'S A DRAWING, IF YOU HAVE DESIRES TO RAPE SOMEONE WHO PUTS THEIRSELF IN THE FORM OF A FUCKING FURRY CHARACTER, YOU ARE PERSONALLY VIOLATING THEM. ITS DISGUSTING, YOU'RE DISGUSTING, AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF.
"What’s the point in censoring that kind of expression/speech? I’m pretty sure if you’re not extremely religious or anything you can take that shit with an “ok” “cool” and go on with your life." -Porn isnt free expression or speach. I'm not even religious, hell I'm a fucking athiest and you disgust me. Religion doesn't have anything to do with human fucking decency and good morals.
"Also, censoring all kinds of sexual expression would just leave confusion and misinformation for the folks just trying to get children or having sex for fun." -Ahaha!! Porn has its specific websites for a fucking reason, and that's because porn is generally made for ADULTS not CHILDREN. It is not educational whatsoever, that's what health class in middle school is for you fucking bigot.
"When no one’s talking about it, you don’t know it exists as a child or pre teen." -That doesn't mean it's in any way okay or a good thing. I'm sure that 90% of parents here would fucking say the same thing. They have safe search and shit for a reason, and it's to prevent children, example being 9 YEAR OLDS, TO SOMETHING THAT THEY SHOULDN'T EVEN BE DOING UNTIL THEY ARE WAY FUCKING OLDER.
"And it causes even more harm because these weird feelings on your groin start happening everytime that cute girl bends over to pick her fallen pencil,and you’re scared you dont know what that means, what that is or even how to do it." -You know what that is? It's called being a fucking pervert, dumbass. No wonder it'd cause harm. Because I bet you anything that 9/10 of those fucking situations end up in the boy getting slapped across the face for pitching a tent over some random ass girl bending over like shes showing off her ass when she's simply picking up a damn pencil. By the way, a guy getting slapped for that reason is quite common, regardless of where they live. Unless the girl planning on being a stripper or a porn star, IN WHICH THIS IS NOT THE CASE SINCE SHES IN SCHOOL, NOT APPLYING FOR A JOB OF INTEREST, YOU FUCKING PEDOPHILIC BITCH. "Yes, I know, most porn isn’t realistic at all, but there’s still dicks in pussy, right?" -You do know people do porn videos and upload them for money, right? You aren't THAT fucking retarded... right? No wait nevermind this post exists still. "The most fundamental thing in babymaking?" -PORN. ISNT. MADE. AS. EDUCATIONAL. MATERIAL. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR BULLSHIT. IT IS CALLED SEX ED IN HEALTH CLASS AND ITS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL FOR FUCK SAKE. "Which brings me another example on why discussion and education is important. Would you want Timmy rubbing it on his friend’s mom because he saw that in a video and thought all groin feelings mean that?" -Could you get off your fake ass egotistical high horse and actually fucking explain to all of us why the fuck little Timmy doing that is wrong? Oh yeah. You cant. BECAUSE ITS NOT. You can't justify rape, pedophilia and child pornography with something that happens normally when going through puberty. Also, if you're implying that he is doing it literally ON HIS FRIENDS MOM, nobody is that fucking stupid, jackass. Well, nobody except for you, but that doesnt surprise me at this point. You're making a fool of yourself. Anyone with the tiniest scrap of a fucking brain would know that porn online isn't educational.
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