#this obviously isn’t anti but it ain’t pro either (?)
moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
why the heck do marauder stans hate dumbledore so much???? I see some arguments that dumbledore should’ve taken Harry to hogwarts instead of the dureslys? which doesn’t make any sense because 1. its a school, and who would be there to take care of Harry? 2. The only reason he was with the dureslys was because of blood wards that prevented him from getting found out by DEs and Voldemort and everyone from james side wad dead
which was smart because Ann and Frank got tortured after Voldemort disappeared so imagine what would’ve happened to Harry if he was put with literally anybody else
They also act like it was only Dumbledores fault that sirius got imprisoned and saying dumbledore ‘always has a say’ and he was more powerful that the minister of magic????
like mf were we reading the same book??? I can name several things where he said something and no one did shit + threatened him for it
theres also the thing thT Remus didn’t say anything to dumbledore about Sirius not rattling them out because both of them know Sirius is very fully capable of murder like when he tried to murder snape because he existed or smth
If remus did I feel that would be relevant and Remus never said anything about Sirius being an anigamus too for some reason
anyways sorry because I started ranting and probably sounding confusing
good day 👍
I’ve asked myself that same question for god knows how long, anon.
All their arguments are very irritating. The main reason I seek out Dumbles-defence and defend him for some of his actions is because of this very reason. Marauder stans’ arguments stem from bias and pursuing to avert the blame, but the funny thing is I’ve seen them blame him for things he had absolutely nothing to do with. I genuinely have no idea what they hold against him so much. I say all this as a Dumbledore hater (I consider myself more of a skeptic but that’s not the point), he did do a lot of things in canon that undeniably deserve criticism, but 97% of the things this fandom the Marauders fandom hate him for are far-fetched and are not canon. For the most part, I can only ever accept Dumbles bashing from Snape fans.
I do agree that he should’ve done something about the Dursleys’ abuse (seriously, screw him for that), but Harry still had to stay there for the blood protection. He most certainly should not have left baby!Harry unattended for a decade with people whom he knew were awful, but Harry had to stay. Dumbledore didn’t want Harry to know of the Wizarding World’s existence before he turned 11.
And no, it was not Dumbledore’s fault. Sure, you could argue he had something to do with it, but you can’t pin the blame solely on him. There were many catalysts for James and Lily’s death and Sirius’s imprisonment—most of all Voldemort and Peter. Dumbles had a lot less power in the Wizarding government than people like to think he did.
Remus not going to Albus and not begging for a trial only further empathises how bad of a person Sirius must’ve been. He was really that bad of a person that EVERYONE—including one of his best friends and the entire OoTP—had no problem believing that Sirius joined Lord Voldemort, betrayed James and Lily to death, and would have murdered baby!Harry too. I mean, it’s not like Sirius denied the crime (that was so stupid of him tbh), but y’all are really telling me that no one thought “huh.. something doesn’t seem right”? Does this fandom not realise how bad that implies Sirius was???
Don’t worry, anon, I get what you’re trying to say. Thank you for your ask, have a nice day.
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Obviously people who are pro-Israel/pro-zionist are not welcome on this blog.
But if you post shit like “all Israelis must die” you ain’t welcome here either. Advocating for the murder of innocents, (children and anti-zionist Israelis included) isn’t the progressive hot take you think it is. Ntm posts like that attract nazis like moths to a light.
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amendments · 3 years
Pro vs Anti-shipping opinions from someone who is Neutral...and will get canceled on both sides anyway
It’s fair and 100% ok to deem ships that are problematic, “problematic”, and be uncomfortable with them...and maybe even try to discourage people from shipping them, but you absolutely do not have the right to act like an authoritarian little sh!t and dictate what people can and can’t do. Block and move on.
Proshippers can effectively draw/write/create whatever they want. This is the internet and no matter how much you whine and complain, the internet isn’t going to adopt a pro-censorship stance. However, if you create content for an obviously disgusting pair, you’re going to get criticism, and people are going to find you creepy. You will be judged, even if you’re using your ship as a coping mechanism. No one is free from it.
Criticism, suggestions, and expression of discomfort are NOT BULLYING. If someone doesn’t like your ship, too bad. However, if you’re blatantly telling someone to kay why ess, hurt themselves, giving them some type of violent threat, or are doxxing them, you’re a disgusting person and no better than the people who commit said actions you’re against.
If you’re a proshipper and bullying kids, you’re also apart of the problem. Be the bigger person and block/report.
No, not all proshippers are creeps, some are just people who are anti-censorship, sick of PC culture and ship said ships out of spite, and/or don’t actually like anything bad themselves.
No, not all antis are annoying harassers, stalkers, or minors, some are people who are genuinely concerned about the questionable work you put out or may expose to minors/victims. Also, the lack of restrictions of minors in NSFW spaces is...sus -_-
Yes, there are predators in proship spaces, but there are also predators in antiship spaces, and literally everywhere else on the internet. This isn’t a ship problem, it’s a fandom problem.
Antis who claim that neutral people are just as bad as proshippers, actually push us away. You aren’t making us want to side with you. In fact, you’re doing the opposite. Most people who are neutral/position-less are actually people who really don’t care. Why? Because ships and fandoms don’t engulf our lives, and we actually have more important things to worry about than bullsh!t that strangers online are fighting about.
No, not saying anything or having a position on a topic is not inherently condoning it, it’s just not involving yourself in the problem. -_- It’s hard to really speak about something that’s not on your radar.
No, literally nobody in real life cares, or will care, about this debate. Most people (surprise, surprise) don’t really care about fandoms in general. (Amazing I know). Frankly, I’ve seen people on both sides that are waaaay to invested in this discourse and need to go outside. If you are super passionate about literal internet discourse, go to the park and touch grass.
Antis who are minors, I can genuinely tell you, that no, bosses in the real world really don’t care about what their employees do as hobbies outside of work. If you actually tried to contact employers about NSFW art (of fictional characters) that an employee drew on their own free time, unless you give them actual evidence of them acting inappropriately towards real people, they will ignore you. It is only a concern if that person has actually expressed illegal behavior which could put actual people in danger. (BDSM art of All Might and Deku isn’t going to get someone fired).
Antis, yeah, people will find problematic ships gross, if you tell someone about them. But, unless they are actively involved in internet fandom culture, which the vast majority of people aren’t, they’ll completely forget about it 5 mins later.
Proshippers, no, people in real life don’t care about what you ship in your private life, but if you make your whole identity about your ship, or proshipping, people will think you’re a creep. You’re chronically online. Get a hobby outside of internet discourse.
I will unfollow problematic people, and people who have caused harm, but if you tag me because I’m following a proshipper, simply because they are a proshipper, and have not actually been a perve to real children, I’m not unfollowing them. And if you pester me about it, I will unfollow, block, and report YOU. Who I follow is my business, and I will not tolerate being harassed over Twitter drama. Buzz off.
I will also not unfollow someone who identifies as an anti, or simply criticized your ship if you do not give me evidence of them actually harassing people. I am allowed to have an opinion and engage with people who have similar disapproving opinions. Who I choose to interact with is my business alone.
I’m not un-tweeting a tweet just because a self proclaimed “proshipper” or “anti” tweeted it. Good art is good art, and good takes are good takes.
Some of you overuse the word “p£do” in references to ships. I don’t care how you view it, a ship between an adult and a minor that has a 2-3 year age gap is not p€dop1llic. This age gap is completely common among teenagers in real life, and you’re honestly sheltered if you think that’s automatically predatory. A 16 year old dating an 18 year old is a LOT less worse than a 20 year old dating a 30 year old, and the latter isn’t any less predatory or weird just because they’re both adults.
No, ships between two adults with a very large age gap, are technically not p€doph1llic, either. They may be predatory in nature, and you may perceive them as wrong and gross, but if it ain’t already illegal in real life, then it definitely ain’t on paper.
It doesn’t matter if she’s 1000 years old, we all know what the underlying intention of that character design is, buddy.
Speaking of underlying intentions, there’s a lot of unspoken racism and xenophobia rampant in anti-spaces...like more so than in pro-ship spaces. Racism is everywhere in fandoms, but white, western antishippers are...a particular breed...oozing with arrogance and ethnocentrism.
Thanks for reading my rambling novel if you made it to the end, this is just a venting post. I hate discourse.
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thejustmaiden · 4 years
Why do you think Sunrise did that event in with Sesshomaru and Rin's VAs mirroring InuKag? They have already done that CD Drama, do you think they did that to give hope to the shippers? What if after so many hints, if they reveal in the anime that Sessrin isn't canon, aren't the shippers gonna be disapointed? This may be a dumb question and your answers are always smart and well-articulated, but i seriously don't understand their marketing strategy, do you care to explain for me?
Oh, hey there! I appreciate all the love you've been leaving on my blogs lately. I really hope I'm able to give you an answer you're satisfied with. Sorry it took some time to get back to you. I hope this makes up for it. 🙏
I'm not gonna lie, I'm up and down about how I feel about that livestream and what it means for the future of this ship. My brain has been on roller coaster mode since basically the moment the sequel was announced. We're in the home stretch now, and we better get the answers WE WANT the second that sequel comes out. Since it's evidently not going to happen anytime sooner- welp!
Before the livestream aired, I really thought us fans were on the verge of discovering the mom and that it was going to be Rin. We still had hope she wasn't, but at the same time most of us antis were "bracing for impact." lol
Then nothing happened.
We were pretty shocked but obviously relieved. The days before it came out, I was telling others (as well as myself lol) that just because Sesshomaru and Rin's VAs had a livestream together doesn't confirm anything. Besides, why does that have to automatically mean that both pairings need to be romantic? We all know how integral these characters are/were to each other's storylines, so these pairings make the most logical sense, wouldn't you say?
In the previous livestream with the voice actors who play Inuyasha and Kagome, they discuss the new character Moroha and introduce her as Inuyasha AND Kagome's daughter. Now let's compare that to the other livestream with Sesshomaru and Rin's VAs. When they described Towa and Setsuna, they did so as Sesshomaru's daughters NOT Sesshomaru and Rin's daughters. That to me is the most telling piece of evidence.
Like how could they not use that prime opportunity to tell us Rin's the mom when her voice actor was literally sitting right there??! We were all expecting it and they still insisted on giving us nothing! What this tells me is that it's possible this mom is a new character, and it even appears she is quite pivotal to the new series. I keep changing my opinion on that part though to be honest with you, because sometimes I think she won't be important at all in the grand scheme of things. (See what I mean about being up and down? lol) Idk about you, but it seems to me like we haven't even met her character. If it was Rin, why keep it a mystery? It's not like Sessrin's popularity is exactly a secret in this fandom. Why wait until the big reveal if it's "so obvious" in the first place? How does Sunrise benefit from hiding this information?
If it does end up being Rin, it would've been better to just come out and say it. If this ain't just pure fanbait like some of us still hope it is, why hold back? Give 'em what they want already and let us antis be at peace. If they hope to think that I'll change my mind and give this sequel a go just because I've waited this long so might as well, they're sorely mistaken. If anything, I'm going to be pissed they kept us in the dark this long when they could've just saved us all the trouble. I imagine that goes for a lot of us, shippers and antis alike. Whatever way you look at it, I won't be invested in this sequel if Sessrin goes canon- period. I cannot and will not be on board with a series that promotes such a harmful and insulting dynamic.
Which brings us to Sunrise's marketing strategy. Well, I definitely think they have been catering to the fans of this ship for quite some time now. Because, ya know, money. Whether that's because they plan to make this ship canon or not remains to be seen. "Show meee the moneeeeyyyy!" *yells in Jerry Maguire*
There was first the drama cd and more recently that calendar which included art of adult!Rin with Sesshomaru, but neither of those are canon first off. Also, does anyone know if it was actually confirmed to be pro-Sessrin fan art? I mean, I know it doesn't look very good when the artist who made it is a Sessrin shipper and certain fans are fawning over their OTP, but that doesn't necessarily mean the calender automatically is either last I checked. I wonder why it can't simply be Rin as an adult visiting with Sesshomaru. I believe in one picture she's seen giving him a flower, much like little Rin would've done, or just as any child does for a loved one. So if Rin is still bringing him flowers as an adult, I would assume that means their relationship dynamic hasn't changed at all. That's what's supposed to happen, too! If an adult's relationship was established with another person while they were just a child, then that adult will always view them as a child no matter what and vice versa. Even when those children become grown-ups, that won't change. That's just how things are, or how they're supposed to be rather. In other words, a normal healthy adult-child bond does not resemble one like Sessrin.
Both Sessrin fans and antis agree there haven't been any romantic implications between Sesshomaru and Rin in the original series. That's why I can't understand for the life of me why we're even having this discussion. Alas, here we are. This is what happens when society has conditioned us to believe that the only proper (aka "best") way an adult male and a young female's closeness can evolve is with romance. So maybe it's not obvious at first (because that would be illegal), but we should EXPECT their relationship to shift in that direction. Why, you ask? Well, simply because sexualizing young girls is the norm so why not, right? No clues or foreshadowing required! Because like I just said, that would be illegal. Fiction has loopholes for this kinda stuff, so problem solved?
Nope! Aging her up counts too, folks! When you look at a girl character and the first thing you think is, "I can't wait till she grows up so she can f*ck" then, yeah, you're a part of the problem. You may not realize it, but you are. That's not to say you're a bad person or that it's even your fault, just saying that there are times in all of our lives where we start to question some of our beliefs. If you not only support but desire the idea of a romance eventually forming between a grown man- yes, 19 is an adult- and a young girl, then you should probably ask yourself why that may be and re-evaluate. Please stop using cultural differences and history that dates back almost a thousand years to justify this so-called tradition.
"You all shouldn't think too deeply about this, it's just fiction! Ugh, you're ruining the fun! Antis should all just shut up! Only we can have problems, but when you do it's just complaining!"
And by the way, most of us are not even complaining. We're being critical of the content we're watching. Criticism isn't always pretty unfortunately.
If Sunrise and Rumiko do decide to go through with this, then I will disappointed, sure, but not surprised. Romanticizing these sexualized images of young or pre-pubescent girls has been happening for far too long, after all. We've become desensitized to it sadly enough, especially when the media continues to glorify it. I wish we'd realize how many young girls- or minors in general- we're putting in danger by sending messages such as this.
To you young teenage girls and even boys reading this, you may not fully understand right now, but it's never okay for anyone to tell you that your body being sexualized is a natural and beautiful thing. It's going through through a lot changes at your age, yes, but they should never use your curiosity to satisfy their sexual needs. Don't allow some of these stories to be an example of what is acceptable to occur in your own life if you were ever to encounter a similar situation, especially if fiction is all that you have to compare it to. It is not in any way, shape, or form okay for an adult to say or do sexual/romantic things to you. Even a conversation that may seem harmless at first could have dire consequences. No, not even if you trust them and they're one of your favorite people in this world are these things ever appropriate. What they're asking from you or showing you is dangerous, and even if it doesn't seem like it they are very likely taking advantage of you. If you're ever unsure about something, don't hesitate to come to me. Or maybe you have a loved one that you can go to, that works too. 😊
Idk if I even gave you a definite answer, but perhaps it's because I'm still figuring it out myself. If I ever do, ha! I hope by allowing you to get inside my head for a little bit you got a better idea. Or maybe not, and I just made it more confusing for you. Oops! lol Feel free to hit me up again, dear, and have a nice day/night!! 👋
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seikyoko · 5 years
About the Gon bashing
So there’s a lot of people being anti-Gon and being mad at him for what happened in the CA arc and all. So I thought, as someone who got annoyed at Gon at first, then stopped doing it, I’d get at the reasons why people might misunderstand his character. (It’s messy as hell and I suck at conveying ideas and I ramble a lot, sorry).
So actually, the first time I read HxH was when I was 12yo and it was mostly me half-heartedly binge-reading HxH without getting really getting involved in the characters and all (I was a really stupid 12yo), then dropped it because I considered Alluka too ass-pulley to my taste (Now I think that Alluka/Nanika are best girls and they rock) and had no real opinion on what happened .
I only decided to reread/rewatch it again this year, mainly because I wanted to rewatch the CA arc, and just binge-watched stuff necessary to rewatch the CA arc (I also skipped the ZF arc because I didn’t think there was anything interesting to rewatch and vaguely remembered it).
I’m kind of baffled how some people want Killua to ‘not forgive Gon’ and all. Being a Killua fan/stan doesn’t even justify it because Killua is absolutely my favorite character and I think it’s a huge disservice to his character to woobifie him/victimize him/invalidate why he loves Gon so much. He’s one of the mentally strongest characters of the show and his character development is beautiful and while he have a lot of issues, reducing all his relationship with Gon to ‘ow poor Killua not knowing any better’ is kind of an insult to him.
Erm, so aside from the 2011 anime removing most of how much Kite mattered to Gon, I’m gonna adress some of the reasons that aren’t talked about as much
A lot of people who are mad at Gon are pro-Pitou people, or people thinking that Gon doesn’t care about Killua as much as Killua does about Gon , and the belief that Kirugon is one-sided .
And I was sad as hell for Killua after watching the CAA, and thought Killugon was one-sided too, and a lot of stuff about Gon bothered me but somehow, the interpretation “Gon is jerk/evil/don’t care about Killua as much as Killua does about him” didn’t sit well with me either, and I didn’t know how the hell I should interpret his character so it frustrated me to no end, so I desperately tried to understand his character and rewatched HxH and read meta/characters analysises until it made sense again (which took weeks) .
One really intriguing thing was that before rewatching the CA arc, I didn’t consider the ZF arc proof that Gon care about Killua in particular, but despite not rewatching it, I felt the Zoldyck Family arc mattered after I finished the CA arc again.  
So I wondered about it and.. The main thing that changed before and after rewatching the CA arc is considering Gon as a generic shounen protag, actually.
It’s such a weird argument to bring up, but, if you consider Gon a generic shounen protag like, say, Naruto or Luffy, then the whole ZF arc would be less about him caring about Killua, and more ‘I saw people being a bad family to that kid, but it is not right !!’ which is a fairly generic shounen protag thing to do, it wouldn’t even matter if Gon cared about Killua in particular or not, he’d do that to any random kid without having to, and even promptly forget about that kid month laters.
And the thing is.. Gon isn’t really like that, he ain’t the messiah-like perfect idealistic shounen protag who help random people to unreasonable lengths because it’s the right/just thing to do, he’s actually someone who tends to obsess over his goals (becoming a hunter/meeting Ging), wasn’t concerned about being a good person who helps anybody no matter what(he only did so with his friends) and  actually didn’t give a fuck about strangers dying in the hunter exam, there’s actually a lot of analysises (and characters in HxH universe noticing it)  about Gons morality and him not really caring that much about right or wrong.
Like, obviously he does have some morals (everybody does unless you’re Pouf/Mineta Minoru), but the ‘right thing’ isn’t what pushed him into trying that hard to rescue Killua, it was more him considering Killua as someone really important to him and that’s what pushed me to want to understand his character. (and that was one of the first things that sold me into Killugon).
There’s actually a lot of instances where it’s shown that he really cares about Killua in particular, but that I overlooked because I considered him a generic shounen protag/thought he actually gave compliments easily.
Another example is the Dodgeball match, I won’t talk about the whole ‘wrecking-killua’s-hands’ thing because there’s 36 ways to interpret that scene and there’s too much of stuff that played into that, mainly Gon having faith in Killua’s abilities/Killua insisting he could take it and being worried about getting discarded/ Gon getting obsessive about his victory against Razor/it actually was an impulsive decision and Gon doesn’t know why he insisted/Gon finally asking somebody for help (aka Killua), so it’s too much of a mess for me to state an objective opinion (there probably isn’t one)
Ahem, so Razor actually attacked/attempted to kill a lot of people in the dodgeball match, first he killed someone from his team, Bobobo, which Gon asked about, then dropped the issue when given a reasonable explanation.
But during the match itself, Razor actually attempted to decapitate Goreinu and would have succeeded if not for Goreinu’s ability to switch with his nen beasts, he then attacked Tzesguera, and despite Tzesguera protecting himself with Ko he still ended up badly injured, then attacked Gon aiming for the head (and despite Gon using Ko in a small area he still got blasted into a wall), then Goreinu attacked Razor in payback and Razor badly injuried him in return, then Razor threw his ball in Killua’s direction which then switched to the right then went for Bisky and Hisoka who dodged by a hair then got targeted again by one of Razor’s devil and broke two fingers to protect his head.
What actually pisses off Gon ? The possibility Razor could have killed Killua, despite Razor having attempted to kill every player on Gon’s side and Killua not getting any injury.
Heck, a lot of them are on somewhat friendly term with Gon, we see from Tzesguera’s thoughts that they spent a lot of time training in sports (He says that while he have overall better combat ability, Killua and Gon have better agility and reflexes while we see an image with Gon going after a volley ball) Goreinu is a nice and friendly and helpful person and I actually got attached to him, and Bisky was his sensei during the whole GI arc.
My favorite interpretation for the ‘wrecking-Killua’s-hands’ and Gon insisting they stay on the offensive is that : they actually tried staying for the defensive/dodging in the first part of the match, and that led to what ? Killua almost getting killed. So the staying on the defensive/trying to dodge strategy was rejected because of that, because Killua getting his hands destroyed at least meant Killua’s life wasn’t in any danger. It’s dubious whether Gon thought something like that that fast but he actually canonically did so in the beginning of the Palace Invasion when Dragon Dive rained on them and he decided to attack Youpi because of the possibility of Knuckle and Meleoron staying invisible after  death, so him thinking quickly is actually pretty in-character.
There’s a lot of scenes establishing that Gon cares about Killua, but I mainly wanted to point out those that could be brushed off by the idea of ‘Gon acting like a generic shounen protag’
The second really alarming thing is that at the end of his fight against Pitou, Killua calls out Gon’s name again, Gon looks back at Killua, and we actually see Gon’s power creating a huge white explosion with Killua being in the radius, and that scene actually still confuse me because it’s really OOC for Gon to not give a fuck about whether Killua die of that or not ? SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME.
Also, one of the reasons people got especially pissed at Gon is the line “since it’s none of your business” getting translated into “since it means nothing to you”, which would be a dick thing to say if only because it would be a callback to what Illumi said to Killua in ep 20 about Killua being unable to care about people/developing genuine relationship (and just 10x worse in general). Thank god it isn’t what Gon really said.
And my third and final point about how one might think Killugon is one-sided and that Gon doesn’t care as much as Killua does is actually a pretty legit worry for anime-only watchers. (WHY Madhouse, just why)
It’s the Killua & Gon’s separation scene.
Hear me out, after reading the manga I actually got less alarmed by that. (I have no idea how Madhouse could fuck this up this badly).
Starting by what got said 
In the manga it’s Gon who expresses he wishes Killua would come to which Killua reply ‘maybe next time’. In the anime it’s Killua who expresses he want to go with Gon, but say that he have to watch over Alluka
Also one thing that extremely bothered me is when they turn away : in the anime Killua look sad, and Gon is sad for like 2s then immediately get a determined and hopeful expression and march his way confidently.
Also the whole ep 148 is alarming in general because Gon march happily to the world tree with an adventure ost playing, then we see him having flashbacks of his whole journey and…  We pratically don’t see Killua in those flashbacks, while Gon had a lot of flashback about a lot of people and of his whole journey, Killua is either just not there or ignored in the background. 
Tumblr media
In the manga Gon’s expression is equally heartbroken when he turns around, and he ain’t overly adventurous/satisfied/happy, he just march to the damned tree, give a normal smile to the dude in there, show his hunter license and get to climbing the tree before having his reunion with Ging.
So I get why anime-only watchers might think Killugon is one-sided
@ichaquisitor (is it okay to randomly tag people ? How do you even human) so I continued binge-reading your meta, and holy shit you weren’t kidding, the amount of people asking if Killua resent Gon and if their friendship is still intact is alarming, so as someone who was not okay with Gon’s attitude then changed to “ow poor kid” I decided I’d write about the reasons about why people might think that way.
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bewareofchris · 6 years
Infinity War rewatch 2
00:54 - 1:11
Marvel's opening credits are cool but sometimes I just don't want to deal with them.
"You've got some nerve" because he couldn't say "you've got some balls".
"I'm way past asking permission."  ARE YOU SERIOUS STEVEN ROGERS.  WHEN HAVE YOU EVER????
"Earth just lost her best defender."  ...Steven.  It's so hard to keep up with your changing moods.  Like.  I can't.
But damn I like this new look.
Hopefully someone gave Bruce the junior novelization from the previous movies so he knows who he's supposed to be siding with here.  (I still feel like he'd be anti-accords but not necessarily pro-Cap.)
I'd have to pause the whole movie and write a dissertation on how annoying i find the idea of "we don't trade lives" to be.  Coming from CAPTAIN FUCKING AMERICA of all people.  LIke you drove a plane into the ocean.  You set a precedent!  But also I understand that that Steve's all about ideals but ARE YOU SERIOUS.
Half the UNIVERSE > Vision.
This isn't a hard equation, Marvel.  And you're not clever enough to make a proper go of the moral ramifications.
"White wolf"
I like how Marvel must have been looking at it's scripts like: "there's no way this movie about the black panther is going to be popular at all so we'll just make T'challa kind of a stepping stone to better liked (whiter) characters that the fandom really loves."  Then they all patted themselves on the back because they can tell the future, but then I feel like there had to be some kind of "oh shit, how do we address the fact that we obviously underestimated the popularity of Black Panther to the press when they ask things like: "why the fuck"  Oh RIGHT LETS JUST LIE.
"I don't want to hear it."  "blah blah blah" "And now i've got to hear it."
Lets make a drinking game for the number of times Tony looks like he's having a stroke.
Ok, but for real, the first Iron Man suit really accentuated Tony's hips/ass and now it's like: "he's got 0 of either."
Dr. Strange is dead.  He's in space.  He's dead.  So dead.  I'm not 100% how that works, how quickly you die in space.  But he's dead.
"your ward"  Yes.  Dr. Strange
I can't be mad about any of this, Spiderman, Dr. Strange and Tony are my favorite.  Lets have 10 hours of bickering.
Dear Tony, ain't nobody understands what been in your head for six years because everyone thinks you're crazy.
Sherlock v. Sherlock is getting a little tense.  
Maybe one day Tom Holland can spit out that frog in his mouth
Look, Thanos is a bitch but I feel like he's delusional enough to think that Gamora does love him, and to think that he does love Gamora.  Its not what we would qualify as love but he believes in it.
"I'm the only one who knows that." I bet you send unsolicited dick pics Thanos.  Like, that seems exactly like some shit you'd do.
Look I know someone out there has drawn and written porn just having some kind of kinky happy times with how large Thanos is compared to everyone around him.  I don't want to see it or hear about it or think about it but thanks to fandom I know it definitely exists and I can't not think about it when they do things like show how unrealistically large his fingers are.  THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Poor Nebula.  She deserved so much better.
And I mean, so did Gamora.
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