#this is what happens when u dont eat ur vitamins
opens-up-4-nobody · 6 months
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pathologising · 3 years
hi angle i thik u r havig these episodes rn bc of ur body reacting to not eating enough in a chronic illness way bc thays at least why they always happen for me w the whole eds and cfs and pots etc type of funnies mixed w disordered eating like my body jus shuts down entirely when im not eating enough n what works best for me usually is eating smth that will quickly absorb like a muesli bar or a banana etc and also take vitamin supplements!! diet coke (specifically diet bc it needs some sugar rather than jus sweeteners) in the mini cans tends 2 help as well on both the dizziness and heart palpitations etc and also v good for nausea flashes! and then after uve put food in ur body jus instantly go to bed tbh and then usualy when u wake up u dont feel like u r dying anymore as much if uve gotten enough sleep w it ! tho it can lead 2 general flare ups also of any of the chronic funnies so u might feel like balls for a while regardless but not like haha i am just straight up dying now type balls u know anyways ilu chronic ailness combined w an ed is such a pain bc its like right right. well i die if i dont eat but also if i eat well i die also so <3 like tbh this is some bs but also usualy for me ive not had 2 go to the er bc frankly i refuse to as well n this is like a weekly thing but like jus make sure u r getting enough vitamins n minerals in u bc otherwise ur anaemia is going to beat u to death tbh anyways sory for how long this is i jus relate a lil too much ilu <3
LOVE U <3 I ate and then went to bed and I am awake now and will get a yogurt (my beloved) when will the doctors fix my cringe fail body
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krreader · 4 years
I've had mild symptoms. A tempeture, and cough really. I was in quarantine for 2 weeks and then I had to do another test. I was so glad though since I couldn't go anywhere, I got a lot of my online classes done!!!
I just wanted to post all of these, because you all helped me more than I can say. I was so scared and confused at first, but hearing all your stories made me feel so much better. If any of you is testing positive in the future, save this post and read through it, all these lovely people are a massive help!!!!!!
anonymous asked: my best friend tested positive but they didn’t call her same as you and she payed a little more for a better test and it came out negative. Could be a false positive!
@nendere asked: tips from my friend who's a front line nurse now. You need a lot of hot liquid and nutritious food. But not coffee, that's dehydrating. Keep yourself warm. After 7-15 days your symptoms can disappear if you're taking it lightly. If you have a cough, don't lie down, lay on your side or sit. relax your muscles. stay in a good ventilated room. if you throat starts to hurt, eat a teaspoon of honey. You should not leave the house for a month,for a month you still have the virus and can infect others.
anonymous asked:  I’m sorry to hear you got Covid! When it happened to my dad, he actually got really sick. The doctor had him and my whole family quarantine for 14 days and then retest. We all tested too, but luckily were negative, but still had to quarantine. When he finally got a negative test, we were all good to unquarantine. Depending how sick you are tho, take longer if you need it/are able to! Bc my dad really needed longer to recoup than the 14 days and he had side effects for a while.
anonymous asked:  Girl dont worry and dont stress yourself my aunt and cousin had it but now they dont anymore drink a lote of water vitamin C and zinc trust everyday do that try to stay a little active like if u live alone do some cleaning to keep u moving if u live in an area thats a little empty just wear ur mask and go for a walk far away from people dont just stay in bed when my aunt had it she said she didnt feel anything she just couldnt smell or taste anything at all like she’ll eat a spoonfull of mustard and not feel a thing. But trust vitaminC zinc water are the key and dont stress aver it its gonna pass i promise we love you Hey im the anon who talked about the vitamin c and zinc also if you have some lemons try to make a lemon juice its also really good
anonymous asked:  Omg I hope you’re doing ok and will continue to do so. My mom got COVID a few months back, she had to do 14 days of quarantine or until she had two negative tests in a row. But that’s in Denmark, I’m not sure how Germany handles things😥
anonymous asked: Omg, I hope you get better :( As long as I know you have to stay at home at least for 2 weeks, but idk how true this info is, I live in 3rd world lmao Take care bby 💕
@softyoongistuff asked:  Hi! First of all I hope you get well really soon. I have had people in my family who got thise virus. While the virus is deadly, it nothing that young blood can't fight. I am sure you'll get well soon. As for the stay at home thing, quarantine yourself for at least 14 days. Drink lots of immunity booster tea, which includes a pinch of tea, ginger, lemon, and black pepper. Drink this at least 3 times a day, you can add a bit of sugar to it. While its not medically approved? its really affecting in boosting the immunity, as proven according to ayurveda. Take steams. Eat healthy. Do a bit of exercise and deep breathing. Practice some yoga, like pranayam. Record your temperature too. Hope this helps.✊🏼
anonymous asked:  Hey Michelle! I’m sorry that you got covid but I’ve been there too (actually, this is my first week after recovering) I’d recommend for you to take paracetamol if you got fever for more than 1 day! Stay at home, rest and be careful with back pains, that can mean something is not right on your lungs! Also, try to take showers only at daytime and to not drink anything cold. What I learnef from this is that those little things can affect and get it worst! Be careful and please, keep us updated! It’s gonna be fine :)💖💖
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nothingisliteral · 4 years
Writing Mental Illness In Fiction - Tips and Tricks, from a Mentally Ill Person
ok, so as literally no-one on this site knows, I have mental illness! It sucks. A lot. Personally, I have Major Depressive Disorder and Bulimia Nervosa, and I am not saying this because this post is about me, but so you can understand my advice comes from experience.
in this post, I'm going to give some basic tips on how to write mental illness, talk about what my personal experiences have been for reference, and list some absolute do-nots of writing mental illness in fiction.
so! Let's get started!!
reading Wikipedia articles is great! make Yourself familiar with the symptoms, the causes. But, but, but, also read first person experiences. You can find some in news articles, on quora, and even some here on tumblr.
remember that there are many different causes for mental illness. Not every character with mental illness has to have a terrible, heavily tramautic backstory. There's genetics, trauma, and even malnourishment and lack of vitamins can contribute.
No one is a carbon copy of the symptom list!!!
Mental illness is not a personality. Although many people with MI have trouble differentiating their personality and their MI, both exist. You can't just take a symptom list, add some trauma, and voila! What a fully formed, multi dimensional original character! No.
What you may see as trauma may be different than what the mentally ill persons traumatic experiences are.
for example: when I say trauma triggered my MI, you think, was she raped, abused, kidnapped? No, I was not, though all respect to people who were. My traumatic experiences was my parents multiplicity of separations and the cheating and arguing that went on there, and then the moving homes that caused.
it May not seem big, but what makes it a traumatic experience is the emotions attached along with the lack of coping mechanisms available at the time, leading to me not being able to process it.
About eating disorders: It's not always skinny white women! It's fat people, it's non-binary people, men, poc, it's trans people. Write your characters diversely, that is realistically. (This applies to all MI)
also: eating disorders aren't just refusing food then feeling sad. It's guilt when you eat, it's random fits of nog caring and eating whatever tf u want and then crying for hours. It's lying to your friends and family. Or, alternatively, it's telling them, and they brush you off or don't understand or don't know how to help you. It's a lifetime of bad feelings and memories around a basic human function. It's being ostracized and an outsider every time your friends go out to eat. It's throwing up and starving and binging and running and fainting and heart problems. Eating disorders, like every MI are so much more complex than people understand.
DONT DONT DONT make people with MI's that aren't depression/anxiety out to be monsters, evil, or other. It's okay if they feel that way, because we often do. But don't make them the villain. This is a stigma we need to escape.
depression isn't just being sad. Do ur research Pls.
If you have a depressed artist: NO being depressed/mentally ill does not make the art process easier. It doesn't inspire. It doesn't provide that beautiful 'starving artist' aesthetic. This doesn't happen. As a writer, being depressed makes it so so so much harder to write. If I can't even hold a pencil without wanting to self harm, how the fuck am I supposed to write?
also: if the book is about suicide. Don't say how it happened. Don't, just fucking don't. Especially graphically.
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inkskinned · 6 years
literally just a dumb unorganized list of school tips
source: im a grad student. i’ve had a lot of school. also i’m adhd & mentally ill and require +8 organization. this is mostly directed @ college students, but maybe high school students can use it too, fuck, idk, it’s been forever since i was stuck in that hell hole
just say “professor” either ur using the correct title for a person (will make them feel good) or you’re giving them a bigger title on the assumption they deserve it (which will make them feel good) and also prevents having to ever i mean ever use their names
talk at least 1 time a week in each class, aim for 1 time a day. even lecture classes. i fucking hate talking in front of more than 5 people, so what i would do is prepare a question about the hw/etc (even if i didn’t need it answered) to ask the professor after class so they saw me and got used to me and saw i was invested in their class. about 89% of teachers - if they see you try, they will pass you. i mean it’s literally that easy. i know people who went from like a c- but because they legit tried, their grade got bumped up to a b-. 
if u have to bring a laptop, pre-download the required material/screenshot it, and then turn off your wifi. it’s too easy to not listen.
physical writing will always give you more information recall over typing.
nobody cares about stupid shit anymore trust me they don’t remember that you were accidentally locked in a towel out of your room bc they have their own dumb shit that happened.... in college all the “cringe culture” turns into “god i wish that were me” culture ... wear ur onesie to a party trust me you make +800 friends and 799 of them will be girls telling you you’re adorable and they’d die for you
about locking urself out.... if ur like me and can breeze past post-it notes placed in obvious areas, don’t be a dumb bitch and rely on post-it-notes. while most schools offer 1 free lockout, dont rely on it - it once took 2 hours before someone could get to me. i was in a towel, which meant no phone. so like. anyway, what i do now is i put something on the handle of the door i have to open/unlock. i can’t just open the door w/out the thing falling down and making a loud “you dumb bitch unlock the door before u shower” sound. 
this works for all important don’t-forget it things. other obstacles i’ve used to remind myself to do something include: putting a chair with my wholeass posterboard in front of the door, an entire printer with a single piece of paper that just read “for the love of god check to be sure you have that essay”, and a recycling bin i kept forgetting to empty. guess what bitch finally emptied the bin once it was between me and a swift exit!
no offense and like the whole “it’s the best years of your life!” thing is great but in reality everything goes better scholastically when you treat it as “i came here to win, not to make friends.” i still did make friends, went to parties every weekend, was popular enough i’d be invited to several on one night - but i came there to win. when i put my scholastic life and my mental health first, i went from a 2.0 to a 3.98. yes you can, bitch.
you’re spending the money. don’t squander it. trust me when i say i know plenty of people who breeze through, bc you often can. but like. don’t. challenge yourself bc like. talk about an investment.
if you hate your major, change it. don’t make your life something you can’t stand. on that note, do NOT agree 100% to a track until you have at least some experience in the field. i cannot tell u how many ppl i know who got their whole masters/phd program done, walked into their new profession, and were like, Oh Fuck, I Can’t Live Like This.
college literally offers so many free things and if you’re not taking advantage of them whenever possible i get it but like. try to take advantage of them. this is everything from your gym (which probably has free classes dude) to clubs to like. sober events. these sober events are so ... fuckin good dude i’ve made mason jars with little plants in em... bee aviaries... candles.... go to the free stuff
oh ps on free stuff i wanna say about 4 of 5 days there’s free food on campus just look for things like job fairs, presentations, or discussion groups. also while you’re there at the job fair like. u know, go to the job fair in earnest
i took off 2 years to work and also to just. recover from my bullshit. and it took me 6 years and 3 schools to get my bachelor’s. it wasn’t easy but bitch i lived. there’s no such thing as “too long” to graduate if that’s truly what you want to do.
if on the meal plan, eat as clean as you can the first week. then introduce each part of the cafeteria’s possibly-food-poisoning-creating foods one at a time. give @ least 2 days between each experiment so you know for sure if you get sick what caused it. i literally never eat meat at school but you can still get sick off of unwashed lettuce/salad dressing that hasn’t been refrigerated properly/weirdass things you won’t even think of. this prevents like. dying in a public bathroom.
white loaf bread can be gross & boring. discount bakery section for your slightly chewy artisianal bread needs. if overstale, either toast it or dunk it into water and microwave it (unless u got an oven. use the oven if u can)
steal as many apples from the dining hall/events/etc as physically possible just do it they keep FOREVER and @ some point you’ll be like. fUCK i need a nutrition. ps if you’re keeping them in ur backpack (i wouldn’t keep more than 2) make sure to wrap w/a few paper towels so if you drop your bag you don’t get apple mush
write it all down bitch. “i’ll remember it” no you won’t. unless you are capable of remembering every idea on this list and in order, you won’t remember it. in general, if you write something 3 times, you will recall it correctly at least 80% of the time. i also read it out loud to myself, bc, you know, auditory recall
DO NOT just put your assignment at the top of your notes, unless you’re 100% sure that will work for you. in most cases, it’s much better to have a planner/agenda/place you expect to look for assignments. +7 points if you lie to yourself about deadlines and move them all up.
like not to sound too much like a DARE ad but like. if you don’t like it/don’t want it, don’t fuckin do it. the idea that “there’s nothing to do if you don’t party” is such bullshit. like i promise if you’re like “i am a grouch and want to stay in and binge netflix” about 45 ppl will show up in pjs like “bitch fullscreen it, im a grouch too.” there’s also like. the chance to just.... not overindulge. on wednesdays i have “wine wednesdays” where we sit around and drink a glass of wine while we do our hw. it’s chill and friendly instead of like. drink until u vomit. don’t feel like you either gotta slam the breaks or the gas pedal, is what i mean.
PLEASE know the signs of alcohol poisoning/overdose. most schools have a “Safety Always Matters Most” policy, which means that you can call for help w/out getting into trouble. if you think someone is in danger, act. this also goes for making sure ppl get home safe even if they’re just incapacitated, not poisoned. step in, dudes.
also just. notice when ur starting to rely on stuff too much. i’m super easily addicted to things, so i keep a healthy distance from liquor. i don’t let myself “drink to feel better” bc that’s a scary, scary thing to link to feeling better. if you or somebody u know starts drinking all the time/gets anxious if they don’t drink/drinks in the daytime .... get help. schools have counselling services for a reason.
you’re gonna get a cold/flu of some sort in the first 2 months just brace for it. in the meantime, drink vitamin c, try not to touch too many handles, and when people say “there’s something going around” believe them.
watch kaplan nike just do it 
if you can teach it, you know the material. a super good way of knowing if you studied the right way is to try and teach the material to a stuffed animal/imaginary class.
“i don’t know how to study” bitch me too the fuck. this is usually bc we’ve been taught that studying is just sitting down and staring @ ur notes. it’s not. it’s different for everyone, and you need to understand it’s 99% preventative care. if you don’t go to the class or do the homework, studying is going to fucking suck, bc you’re learning the material all at once for the first time. the place you should consider “studying” is “i’m confident in 70-90% of the material, but need to review.” do not let yourself fall behind .... just go to office hours and ask questions if ur not getting something. studying should feel like you’re remembering what you already knew but kinda forgot, not like you’ve been blindsided.
the whole “writing it down in ur own words” while u have been told this 700 times it really helps bc it means u gotta translate it through your own understanding. if you can’t, and it’s not bc the material seems too obvious to you to state in another way - ask yourself if you don’t understand the material. chances are u are missing a bit of info.
i know it’s like A Thing that Some People do but i never had the mental health points for it but i know some people just take 15 minutes after every class to review their notes. since i’m 100% early to every class ever, obnoxiously so, i try to do it before class. having the last class’s notes up in my head super helps. like. put down the phone i know you’re socially anxious me too but review those notes. chances are if u start flipping through pages other ppl will too. this is also fun bc as soon as you start this whole thing, at least one person will be like “is there a test?” no bitch there’s no test but im gonna be ready when there is!
literally so much of success is fucking posturing i could link about 800 peer-edited studies that show that when a student is expected to do well (and knows they are), they do well. like i literally didn’t change my appearance at all, never bothered to look nice (once winter hits i wear 67 layers all the time), but when i showed up after my 2 years off from school, i presented myself with the whole “i came here to win” vibe and people... really respected me? i mean in hs i remember ppl saying shit like “yeah, well, you aren’t gonna have the homework”. by the time i was in college i had an honest-to-god conversation which included someone being like “so tell me what you’re overachieving at right now” like they just expected it from me. wild.
i live by “bite off more than you can chew, and then CHEW IT” but it’s probably unhealthy. the truth is that i have a lot of energy all the time (lmao adhd!!!) and i used to get told i was “trying too hard” and for a long time (still???) i didn’t (i don’t?) know what that was, you know, bc i had a D average, clearly i wasn’t trying. it turns out i was just. putting all my energy into stuff that wasn’t making me happy like toxic friendships etc. when i decided “nope, all this energy is for me and my schoolwork”..... uhhhhh suddenly i was a golden child and everyone praised my try-hardness ... it’s a fuckt up system tbh
take at least 1 class just for fun. i try to do that every semester. it helps break up all the requirements. if you’re like an engineer and got no time or credits left to spend, try to audit your fun course.
make ur advisor love you i don’t care what it takes make them cupcakes show up to thank them i dONT CARE just do it 
the library isn’t always the best place. if i start getting anxious bc i pavlovian train myself that library=work, i find a new place to go to do hw. try to go outside if you can!!! not like where i live bc like it’s snow all the time but try. a little green really really really helps depression. 
if you’ve been in the same “Studying” place for 1 hour and haven’t done anything the chances are Something Isn’t Right. first, look @ ur body. are you not focusing bc of some pressing physical need? sometimes just taking a shower and coming back helps. are you uncomfy? are you too comfy and going to sleep? if body okay, look @ the material. do you not understand it? do you just need to switch to a new topic for a little bit? can you find a youtube video that will help you better understand it? make notes on what you don’t get so you can ask in the next class. if it’s not the material, it’s not ur bod, check the Actual Space. sometimes just getting up, going for a short walk to a new place, and trying it there actually? really works? if none of this is working.... try ur brain next. hardest to reset bc like, what, turn it on and off again? i use things like caffeine, a short workout, a nap, or a podcast all to just... give me a little boost. 
don’t be afraid to leave. i mean this about class, friend groups, and the college ur at. just get up on outta there if ur not feelin it. i cannot recommend “drop the class” enough. even if it’s a required course see if u can switch the times if u hate the professor day 3 it’s not gonna get better just get the fuCK out
don’t nap in the same position u go to sleep in, nap upside down w/ur head away from ur pillow. don’t ask me why but it works to 1. fall asleep faster 2. make sure u sleep okay at night and 3. wake up less annoyed 
on that note don’t ever do anything in ur bed in a sleeping position unless it’s genuinely sleeping in it. body will get confused. just sit up, lazybones.
when/if the library has those therapy dogs during finals week.... just go pet them make the time for it
ask before hugging people, but don’t expect a “yes”
get a backpack that fits and doesn’t hurt ur back u fuckin hippie idc how cool it is to wear ur backpack super low just don’t do it it’s not worth it
the tutoring center is a fucking goldmine.... free essay edits my dudes
bring a fan dorms are always hotter than u expect
switch dorms if u can if u realize ur in the wrong room/wrong roomate like just don’t bother with nonsense
when in doubt, follow preschool rules. tell ppl when they did something cool, just ask when u need help, and be confident even in your mistakes, because at least u tried
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ghostshaarkmoved · 4 years
love when such a series of events happened that im so incredibly pissed i could boil, thanks father
my father goes to costco. since he fucking refuses to go anywhere without accompanyment, he takes my middle sister. i dont say anything abt wanting to go bc i have fucking manners and i also generally dont want to go out during covid, but still. 
i also didnt say anythign bc my littlest sister would be home alone, so she would have to come, and not only have i had it instilled in me that i cannot do literally anything without thinking of the effect on my sisters (but they wont do the same) (and i mean anything i used to have to make 3 cups of hot cocoa in the morning instead of one bc they were too fucking incapable of making their own if they wanted it), but i didnt want to bring extra people out in a pandemic bc thats fucking stupid
my middle sister gets starbucks on this trip. im kind of pissed bcmy ssiter has already gone on several covid trips and gotten starbucks each time, meanwhile for the entire two and a half months of quarantine i got one pack of my favorite vitamin waters (6 total) and have had to save and share them, while she also got an entire big container of root beer.
she also gets to pick out the treats the family gets and then gets first priority bc she picked them out and she picked out shitty ones but i digress, i dont tell her they’re shitty
he has the fucking adaucity to tell me that he asked me if i wanted to come with, and then said that i had a choice in coming (see all of the first point). gets pissed at me for going against what he’s saying
leaves the room and comes back and gets pissed that i and my middle sister had to yell to deal with a situation with my youngest. i didnt think i was yelling, nor did either of the two, but still. it didnt matter that we had gotten it handeled and over with minutes ago, bc thats my job as the eldest daughter isnt it
my little sister decides dinner. i never choose dinner bc everyone, each and every time, decides that whatever i pick out isnt good enough and they want something else. she picks beans and burgers, i said that we had it yesterday, my dad says whatever, i say im jsut gonna eat something else (or not have dinner lmao)
i go to leave, my father starts saying “who was stupid enough to put in the lettuce in the fridge so it didnt shut” i say ‘i did, it was the only place it fit and i didnt see any other place it could go’ he starts saying how u need to redo the fridge so it fits and i tell him ‘how am i supposed to know it didnt fit’ and he tells me that im having a fit, i say basically ‘how tf am i having a fit, im annoyed that ur critising me for not knowing that i didnt do somethign’ , i get annoyed at his childishness and leave
he tells my mom i stormed out in a temper tantrum
then yells out to me upstairs to come and help with dinner, i yell back ‘im not eating that again i told u ill jsut have something later’ 
then of course topping on the fucking cake i have to clean my tortoise’s area, that is only my tortoise when it has to be cleaned, because i didnt go on the costco trip. 
im going to go fucking batshit
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chaosbisexual · 7 years
1-92 mofo
(lov u)
i took off the ones abt sex except for 1 bc i can 
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
on tumblr…. it was u babe so take that how u like 
on imessage… no my dude 
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
ehhhhh idk possibly 
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
no but like he’s in my classes?
6. What are you excited for?
yr 10 formal and finished for the year 
7. What happened tonight?
i made fajitas watched youtube and read fic,,, but it’s only 7pm 
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
no do what u want… i just get annoyed when straight girls are suddenly making out with every other girl in sight BC BITCH Y CAN’T THE GAY GIRL GET SOME
9. Is confidence cute?
y e s self love is super hot 
10. What is the last beverage you had?
tea11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
like one or two? 
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
refer to 7 
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
bus fare 
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
what kiss 
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
yes what the hell 
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
uhhhhhhhh like leah, the space gals, and my pal steph 
18. The last time you felt broken?
probs yesterday 
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
i can’t study and i hate having feelings for people 
21. Are you in a good mood?
eh im in neutral u made it better tho lmao 
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
yea y not 
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
no i am harry potter in which i have my Mother’s eyes
24. What do you want right this second?
more fajitas 
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
yes but i think due to the sun it’s a bit lighter than usual 
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
no omg humour is important
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
the vid u sent me 
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
yep my mother 
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
i think so but there’s a line between 2 chances and 50 and if you have to give someone more than like 2 extra chances drop them lol 
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
no he’s a butt but he’s ok and he helped me make fajitas 
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
look i honestly don’t know but if he doesn’t then H O W 
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
lmao no i wish 
34. Listening to?
africa by toto, next in the queue is paint by the paper kites
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
yes my last test was in pencil 
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
again w the whole NO ONE HAS KISSED ME THING 
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
no love is not purely based on appearance lol 
38. Who did you last call?
the guy who i’m doing my psych pres with
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
my pal nat in a stationary shop 
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
props like the last time my history teacher brought them to class
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
nope lol 
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
44. Do you tan in the nude?
whats tanning dont know her 
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
nope i wish tho 
47. Who was the last person to call you?
my dad
48. Do you sing in the shower?
hell yea i do 
49. Do you dance in the car?
hell yea i do 
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
yea twice 
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
like 3 weeks ago for a school thing but the angle was gross 
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
53. Is Christmas stressful?
ok i can’t be bothered to do the the format like that anymore rip nice structure
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
a wot
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
apple and blueberry 
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
vet or journalist, still wanna write to some degree lol 
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
i think there is something beyond what we see but idk 
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
yes omg sometimes before i travel to somewhere new i dream abt the place and then i get there and im LIKE I HAVENT BEEN HERE BEFORE WHY DO I KNOW IT and it’s bc i dreamt abt it
59. Take a vitamin daily?
60. Wear slippers?
61. Wear a bath robe?
nah dressing gown tho 
62. What do you wear to bed?
t shirt dress or men’s shirt 
63. First concert?
taylor swift im sorry 
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65. Nike or Adidas?
nike but i dont wear either 
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
peanuts dude
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
currently sparks fly or the live back to december 
69. Ever take dance lessons?
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
lowkey want to marry a painter or a designer 71. Can you curl your tongue?
yeee boii 72. Ever won a spelling bee?
nahh 73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
YE at my sister’s wedding and at the disco last year lmao 
74. What is your favorite book?
hp, trc, or i’ll give you the sun 
75. Do you study better with or without music?
76. Regularly burn incense?
nah got a wax burner
77. Ever been in love?
ppffft i wish 
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
hozier, arctic monkeys, the lumineers, dua lipa, lorde, hippo campus, the weeknd
79. What was the last concert you saw?
taylor swift but i’ve been to like festivals since then? 
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
hot but since summer is a comin 
81. Tea or coffee?
82. Favorite type of cookie?
white choc macadamia 
83. Can you swim well?
i could before i got boobs
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85. Are you patient?
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
baND (mostly bc last time i went to a wedding w band the singer was HOT and she could sing like beyonce) 
87. Ever won a contest?
uhhh i think so?
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
nope lol 
89. Which are better black or green olives?
don’t eat either!
91. Best room for a fireplace?
92. Do you want to get married? 
i think so but also i cannot understand why anyone would want to marry me 
ok i lov u more than i love steve harrington have a good night lad ! this was v long i hope ur happy 
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hagiographically · 7 years
summer qtr review/thoughts
buckle up kiddos its gonna be long -- this is mainly for my benefit tbh (tw for ed talk but as usual, no detail about behaviors)
but i feel like i tumbled less this summer and tbh i think that is ?? probably good
the quarter started off horrifically bad because i deteriorated a lot in florence. like, im so happy i went to florence and i experienced so many things and got so much braver and more confident, but i didn’t realize those positive effects until many weeks in, and they didn’t develop fully until i’d left
but i lost like..... at least 15 pounds without trying to or even realizing
surprise! italy is triggering for eating disorders....who knew....not this stanford-educated bitch right here....
anyway i was half dead when i got home to new jersey. i figured this summer i’d have to Actually Recover, and i’d dropped out of my program in south africa to be at stanford, catch up on my major, and get my shit together health-wise
That Did Not Happen, Unsurprisingly
having a disorder means.....the worse u get.....ur brain cares less about recovering....so I hit my lowest weight ever a couple weeks after getting back to ol’ stanf
it sukked cuz summer is triggering because it’s so beautiful and warm outside and like !!! shorts!!! crop tops!!! but anyway i hauled ass to the doctor to make sure i wasn’t going to die
she said “libby you are going to die very soon if you keep doing this”
but!!! that was the go-ahead i needed to flip the switch into Recovery Mode(tm) and i went to cvs the next day and bought hundreds of dollars worth of vitamins and supplements and safe foods because it was an Investment or whatever
and like......it’s been rocky. I’ve slipped up countless times. I gained 10 lbs in the first week and that was super scary lol so I relapsed, and then half-recovered from that, and since then it’s been a tug-of-war with the mental illness goblin
BUT that being said, the whole process has been kind of fun/motivating in a weird way, like I was a scientist and my body was the experiment, and I was just throwing data points into it and seeing what worked.
and ????? Some Things Worked !!! and it really awakens my sense of curiosity to see what things help me-- the nutrition and supplements helped my mood, energy, relationships (kinda? who knows what it would’ve been like otherwise), academics (same as relationships), confidence, etc. it even changed my personality i think, or at least minimized the things i didn’t like about myself and let me cultivate the things i like
like for example, i’m actually.....not an introvert i don’t think? i was talking to my mom about this yesterday -- she thinks she’s a 60/40 E/I and I’m the opposite, so we’re both ambiverts with different leanings. I identify as an introvert because I like solitary activities bc I’m used to being alone, but I realized this summer that.....being alone isn’t always good for me because it awakens mental illness goblin, but also I ??? really like talking to people and I’m good at conversations ??? I met lots of non-Stanf people from going out so much and it was always really refreshing and cool and I got energy from it....definition of an extravert
had conversations that really cemented my current values - got to talk about my classes and how much i loved them, how much the shallowness of bay area tech bothers me, how much i loved italy (florence is so hazy to me rn!! bizarre), regional differences in psychology (my passion tbh) and it just feels so good to care about things wow !! is this what it’s like to be neurotypical? no wonder yall are out there doin it
so I am not recovered in any sense of the word but I am so. much. better. I reduced a hella lot of behaviors, rarely felt depressed, and achieved pretty much everything i wanted, even though this was my sixth straight quarter of college and if i hadn’t done this self-imposed health regimen i don’t think i would’ve died, but i would’ve eroded and probably dropped out of school to go back to residential
should i be getting professional treatment? i think a lot of recovery blogs or experts would say yes, because they’re of the mind you can’t half-recover, and treatment comes before education, etc. and i don’t completely disagree and maybe once i graduate i’ll agree. but. i know that right now i want to be in school. i cannot fully recover on my own, but on my own is the only way i can get pieces of everything that i want. 
i’m healthier and happier because i made the best grades i’ve ever gotten at stanford (easy-ass classes for sure, but i’m still glad i performed as well as i possibly could. it’s a point of pride for me that even though my illness can get really severe, it’s never impacted my grades.) and i still did lots of really fun things! it was less social than last summer, where i went out every other day, but i still went to santa cruz beach boardwalk, an ed sheeran concert, a gay club in SF, SO MANY bars in downtown palo alto (at the point where multiple bartenders recognize me), a play in redwood city, coffee shops and dinner dates and sunlit morning walks to class listening to jukebox the ghost and happy-buzzed from green tea.
i’ll just say it, my fashion was kinda lit this summer....i was very physically confident, which is mixed because i might be romanticizing unhealthiness even though i am healthier than before. who knows. i am in transit
i feel like i didnt socialize as much this quarter with my actual close friends but instead met lots of one-time people and like, it was really nice meeting new people, bc when the people are always changing, i can see which elements of me stay the same. and getting to know who i am now is so interesting because tbh?? ive been through a lot this year (and also with, like, life) it’s so weird thinking of myself As A Whole when anything more than a year ago feels like a fever dream or made up story....anyway!
i did get to see my friends fairly frequently and i’m grateful for every time i did because i’m v lucky to have anyone in my life when i change as much as the fricken weather
my friends who loved stanford before are more over it now, and its funny bc i used to hate it but now im used to the school so i dont anymore. im a senior, i know the school well, ive been a member of so many clubs, been to so many on campus houses, explored the area extensively, taken a variety of classes….im not totally out of FOMO but its so reduced that im confident with what ive done there, and my ego isnt as threatened by other people bc i know i have my own kind of value. it doesnt matter if its objective or not bc how i feel is ultimately what matters
like its not all about what i feel if i dont do anything about it. but ive done some stuff! and im trying to make the shitty interpersonal stuff better! its going!
was able to read and write a little bit which is neaterino ! and i liked my job at the library, it was fun and easy
anyway if i think too much about it i’ll trip out because thinking about life sends me into existential despair, but this was a good quarter. up there with sophomore spring for my favorite/happiest/best feeling quarter? probably even better than soph spring because i was sick for most of the spring. every quarter has ups and downs and this was no exception but the downs didn’t feel as debilitating and the air didn’t feel like a fire blanket for once, and now that i have some strategies under my belt i can’t imagine things ever really getting that bad for a while
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fartmccartney · 7 years
Hi friends! I was tagged by my pal @rainandpizza to fill out this neat little form and I figured, why not? So if you’ve ever wanted to know any of these very specific things abt me here u go!
Last…: Drink: milk Last phone call: my father Last text message “what happened to the cash me ousside girl is she dead” Last song I listened to: The Nurse Who Loved Me by Failure Last time I cried: ...
Have you ever…: Been cheated on: nah Kissed someone and regretted it: nah Been depressed: u kno it :^)
Been drunk and thrown up: no
Kissed a stranger: no
Drank hard liquor: nope Lost glasses: all th FUCKINHG TIME Been arrested: nop Turned someone down: yes Cried when someone died: i am the worst with that i cry every single time Fallen for a friend: yep In the past year have you…: Made a new friend: yeah!!! Laughed until you cried: yeah actually a couple times which is pretty neat Met someone who changed you: i guess? Found out who your true friends are: i mean all my friends are pretty dang rad Found out someone was talking about you: not really General: How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: i think like 10-12?? Do you have any pets?: yeah! i have a pug dog named Larry Do you want to change your name?: nah I like Dan What time did you wake up this morning?: like 11 bc im lazy af What were you doing last night?: watching a video of some guy talking about something called a SynthAxe(tm) for like 20 minutes Name something you cannot wait for?: the weekend-- im gonna hang out with some pals!! Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: yeah a few What’s getting on your nerves right now?: my parents have been VERY overprotective recently and like I love them v much but pls back up a little Blood type: O+ Nicknames: Dan, Danny, Danny Boy, Dan the Man, Really Cool Guy Relationship status: single Zodiac sign: Taurus Pronouns: he/him Favorite TV show: uhhh does cowboy bebop count Hair color: like brown/very very very dirty blond but right now its like a weird white color bc i dyed it blue recently and the dye is fading!! it looks cool imo Long or short?: pretty long Tattoos: soon yes Righty or Lefty: lefty Firsts: First surgery: never had one-- I have had cavities done though so i guess? First piercing: none First best friends: probably @letspizzaman989 First sport you joined: I took tae-kwon-do but didnt want to hit anyone so i quit and then joined baseball which i was awful at. I made them walk me all the time so i guess i got on base pretty often First vacation: I don’t remember
Right now…: Eating: nothing atm Drinking: Signature Kitchens(tm) Cranberry-Raspberry juice. It’s delicious and has 100% of your daily vitamin C per serving. (Signature Kitchens if you’d like to sponsor me that would be okay) I’m about to: try and write this gosh dang visual aid speech already Listening: game grumps
Which is better: Lips or eyes: eyes Hugs or kisses: I like both a lot but kisses are nice Shorter or taller: No preference Older or younger: No preference Sensitive or loud: Sensitive Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant Do you believe in: Miracles: i like to think so Love at first sight: i think lust definitely but until you know the person I dont think you can really love them like they deserve Heaven: I don’t really think it’s my business to know if it exists or not just be cool while ur here Santa Claus: i wish I did
So there u go!! i really like sharing stuff so a huge thank u to my buddy Kat for tagging me-- I’d like to tag my homies @cammypjammywhammy, @moveslikekeithrichards, @-angie, @dogbf and any of you other lovely friends who see this and want to give it a shot! Love u
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cattomeow-blog · 7 years
Going Outside
 Let’s face it, most of us hates going outside and prefer to stay indoors instead checking tumblr, facebook, youtube, twitter, and whatsnot. But did you ever try to consider what happens if you stay inside too much?
I got the inspiration to do this by listening to one of the vidoes of asapSCIENCE which tells what happens if you stopped going outside and because my parents hates me going outside so I’m stuck in my room with no sunlight most of my weekends and vacations not knowing what time it is or what day it is.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmqguIFMC-Y
Anyways back to the topic. Apparently going outside helps your body in so many ways. For example the vitamin D u got from the sun which helps your bone to grow and caused some chemical reactions in your body that boosts your immune system.  Staying inside causes your risk of getting obesity, diabetes, substance abuse, depression and other diseases increase. Exposure to sun-strength rays helps calibrate your body circadian clock which regulates everything from appetite and sleep schedules to mood and energy levels. You will have imbalanced internal rhythms in the absence of natural light. Which gives you insomnia of course. 
Staying indoors all day may fuel anxiety and insomnia which is a horrible thing. I mean who doesn’t want sleep when they really need it to? Who wants their opportunities to be ruined by some pesky anxiety that bothers you every minute of your life that can cause depression and can lead to death? No one. I mean except if you’re suffering depression and you really want to kill yourself then maybe staying indoors 24/7 may be the right way for you to die. Just joking tho. I swear to potatoes that you get ur butt out there and bE FRIED FROM THE DANGEROUS RAYS OF THE SUN AND GET EM VITAMIN D and talk to your psychiatrist about ur depression like please you need help. Okay okay back to the topic. If you’re a parent reading this or plan to be a parent someday then PLEASE SERIOUSLY don’t keep your children inside. Don’t isolate them from the world. Let them be free because your kids are probably gonna end up as a antisocial, anxious, depressed, unhealthy person just like me who wastes their time doing useless stuff. But keep in mind just because I told you to let your kids go out doesn’t mean they can go out without parental guidance. You dont want some pedophiles hunting on them do you? Anyways in every opportunity for your kids to go out let them have it. Don’t kill their fun away like how my parents keeps on refusing me to go out with my friends. *wink wonk*
Well those were long paragraphs but you thought I was done did you? Oh nope nope there’s still more that can affect your body if you dont go outside you lazY PIECE OF PIZZA. Let me ask you this: If you aren’t outside what do you do? Sit of course. You’ll be sitting all day in a chair while you eat those unhealthy junk foods while watching youtube or scrolling into social medias, or making memes, and etc. Listen, if your butt is gonna be staying in one position I’m telling you. Your chance of dying is increasing in every minute your staying in that comfy chair or bed of yours doing nothing. You will die. It increases your risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In other words the longer you sit the more likely you are to die prematurely. The scary part is this is regardless of your physical activities. Whether you exercise a lot in home or not you will have the same result. So just go out and have fun.
To summarize this long report about not going out just because I want to rant to go outside is that: You sit you die, you stay inside you die, everything can kill you. To put it in a more easier way to understand if you stay inside your chances of dying is high because staying inside will increase your rate of having diseases, having mental problems like anxiety and depression, and the more you sit the more you will likely to die prematurely. 
So that’s all for this report. Sorry for some mistakes that I may have wrote because I’m still young after all. I’m lowkey warning everyone to go out and have fun hAHAH.
I hope I get to go out and have fun someday.. Anyways till next time I post. ~(owo
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ghostzzy · 7 years
how about we have a rly good day tomorrow!
set ur alarm for 700.
probably, the dog will be barking by 730. quite possibly earlier. whenever it happens, Get Up.
put on ur downstairs clothes. bring ur laptop.
take care of the animals
eat breakfast
take vitamins
answer texts
answer comments
answer PMs
draft asks
get tumblr In Order
then, try to find a layout for your resume
dont give up until you’ve figured this out. u need a.. final rough draft by tomorrow night. something ur confident in. 
once this is done, you can go back upstairs!
take a shower
and then you can crawl back into bed.
let’s be realistic. ur probably gonna keep relistening to t/bs and playing a/cnl. 
and ur probably gonna want to be asleep again by 1030. tbh that’s... fine, if that happens. let urself. 
but when you wake up, try to write? 
rc is fun and a good warm up, but also at least.. consider doing t/rc. 
and if you really don’t feel up to writing, you can read, but like... you gotta actually do it, ok. 
LUNCH. dont forget. 
mom will be home by... 3? be satisfied with your day progress by 3. 
spend time with her for a little while... rest for a little while... procrastinate going to dad’s
and then go to dad’s, probably, right?
uhhhhhh um. idk exactly what the night will be. update this as u go. 
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