#this is the most cringe post ive ever made
katsukikitten · 1 month
I've got til June to find a dress for this body mmmkay and I'm struggling. They gotta be semi formal 😭 I need two and shein is NOT helping me rn SOOOO any and all suggestions are welcome 🤗 If you leave links I ask that you leave the entire link and not a hyper link
Thanks love you kiss
💋 Kitten
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it has become apparent to me that I am dating a travel sized morpheus dreamoftheendless. thoughts and prayers.
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minarisplaything · 5 months
High Rise ft. IVE Wonyoung
Pairing: IVE Wonyoung x Male Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2.4k Tags: Daddy kink, Exhibitionism, Choking A/N: i said i would didn't i? probably the fastest i've made a fic recently which also means please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes you find. might not be my best work but it sure was fun to write o7 Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction/parody
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Dating a k-pop idol wasn’t easy. Especially when you were a so-called commoner. There were the obvious reasons, like you had to keep your relationship a secret until they reached their thirties, if you made it that long.And the not-so-obvious reasons; like watching your girlfriend parade around in sexy stage outfits and having to contain your desire to fuck her in them.
Or maybe that was just you.
When your girlfriend was Jang Wonyoung, a hyper-popular It girl – you cringed at even thinking those words aloud – the restrictions were even worse. Like that one time you had wanted to bring her flowers at her group's concert in Seoul and had to be snuck backstage with a bag over your head. Or the time someone had caught the two of you flirting candidly and Wonyoung blurted out that you were her cousin to save face. Embarrassing but somehow also cute when it came from her.
All this was to say it wasn’t easy.
But it certainly wasn’t without its benefits.
“Fuck, that one looks so good, princess,” you praised.
You snapped another photo as Wonyoung posed, biting her bottom lips and giving the camera a smoldering look. She hooked her fingers into her hip-hugging jeans, tugging them slightly as you quickly snapped another series of photos.
Honestly, you were somewhat shocked when Wonyoung told you her idea. It had felt provocative, mature even, and thus far each photo had proved that assumption right. But you rarely, if ever said no to her, even if her motivations were somewhat questionable. In fact, you wondered if this was all your fault.
“You left a like on Yuna-nim’s photo,” Wonyoung had said at the time. Her tone carried an accusatory hint.
“Did I?” you had stammered, trying to play naive. “I was just scrolling my feed and must’ve double tapped.”
“So you follow them?”
“Other girl groups,” Wonyoung clarified.
One thing you had learned about the IVE princess was that while she was sweet as a button on most days, she carried a jealous streak that verged on volatile. Sharing was not in her programming, least of all when it came to you.
You had recognized the trap forming but it had been too late. “Well, I mean, just to keep up. You know you do challenges sometimes and appear on their feeds.”
Her arms crossed over her chest, hip cocked to the side and slight pout was all the answer you needed.
That week you had gone without any physical contact from your girlfriend. Though she made sure to send you the filthiest selfies possible throughout. Which, oddly, worked. Because no matter how much you touched yourself to the photos she sent, it didn’t compare to the real thing.
It had seemed like the incident was over and in the past but as you snapped a few more photos of Wonyoung by the windowsill, you briefly wondered if this stemmed from it as well.
“Are you sure you’re going to post these on Instagram?” you asked, after a particularly racy photo.
“Mhm,” Wonyoung nodded. “It’s nothing I haven’t done before. Remember the bathroom?”
“Oh, I remember.”
You also remembered the ones that hadn’t made it to social media and were sent directly to you. But this still felt even more daring than this.
“How many likes do you think this will get?” she asked, coolly, giving the camera a sultry look. An innocent question. At least on the surface. But you remembered her comment one night as you two relaxed together.
“Besides, it’s to promote the sponsor, that’s all. This will get the most engagements,” she added. Her gaze dropped and a small smirk formed on her lips, “In fact, I’d say it’s already working.”
You followed her gaze, looking down to see a rather obvious tent had formed in your sweatpants. You laughed, a flush coloring your cheeks. “Well, shit. Can you blame me?”
“I guess I can’t,” Wonyoung said coolly.
The way she unbuttoned the top button of her jeans, spoke to more mischief however.
“Wony,” you wet your dry lips, “Are we still doing the shoot?”
“Mhm “ she nodded cutely, “Of course.”
She did another pose, pushing the waist of the jeans down to expose the lace underwear she had on underneath.
“You know, I love it up here. It’s perfect,” Wonyoung said. “Don’t you agree?”
“Yeah…” you muttered, more focused on the sight of her exposed abs and smooth skin than her question.
By here she was referring to the penthouse you were using for the photoshoot. Funny enough, she could easily afford a place like this on her own. Though that would only spur on more talk about inequality among the rookie group.
“Being so high up…” she turned her head to look out the window. Your breath caught as you watched delicate fingers slip inside of her jeans. “We can see everything but no one can see us. Even if we were naked against this window they’d never know…”
Now you weren’t the smartest bulb in the room. In fact, sometimes you wondered if it was your self-proclaimed himbo status that Wonyoung liked most about you. But even you could put two and two together. And Wonyoung’s words combined with the side-eyed glance she was giving you were all screaming one thing.
“I could show my naked body to all of Seoul and no one. would. know.”
Her tongue pronounced every syllable while she locked eyes with you. As sweet and kind as Wonyoung could be she had an undeniable minx side to her. You were also fairly certain your girlfriend got off on the power high of being such a desired person but you had never actually confirmed that.
If you were starting to get hard when she pointed it out earlier, you were practically aching now. You tossed your phone onto the couch and made your way over to where Wonyoung was by the window. She let out a delighted squeal as you pushed her up against the glass, kissing her passionately.
Your hands moved against her stomach, feeling her toned abs that were shown off by the outfit she was wearing. Honestly, you should send a bouquet to whatever designer sent this to her to promote. You nipped at Wonyoung's bottom lip, your hands sliding into her unbuttoned pants to squeeze her ass.
"It took you long enough," Wonyoung gasped, mischief gleaming in her eyes. "I thought was going to have to beg you to fuck me."
Your cock twitched, straining painfully against your jeans, "You still could you know."
She must have been in a good mood because the idol looked at you with large eyes, biting on her bottom lip. "Please fuck me against the window, daddy."
You see, it had taken some time but you learned that your girlfriend had two modes. The arrogant queen who knew all of Seoul was her playground and made you worship at her feet. Then there was the submissive princess who begged to be pleased until she was satisfied. Often her mood was some mixture of the two but neither one left you unsatisfied.
"If that's what the Princess wants," you growled.
A delighted smile crossed the idol's features followed by another joyful squeal when you spun her around to face the window. Her hands rose, catching herself as she turned her head to look over her shoulder. You could see the aroused flush creeping up her neck and coloring her round cheeks.
"Didn't you say something about showing everyone your tits?" you whispered in her ear.
Not waiting for a response, you pulled her top down, exposing her tits to the cool glass of the window earning a gasp from Wonyoung in response. You pressed further against her, the bulge in your pants pushing against her ass.
"This whole shoot was just to rile me up, wasn't it?" you said, your breath hot against the shell of her ear. Your hands moved quickly to yank the jean pants she was wearing, exposing the white lace panties that she had teased you with a peek of earlier.
"Maybe," Wonyoung mewled, arching her back perfectly.
Your hands hooked into the waistband of her panties, sliding them down to reveal her bare ass to your hungry gaze, "Bullshit. You knew what you were doing."
"Maybe I just wanted to remind you of what's right in front of you," she said.
There it was. That switch up she was capable of. It also confirmed your theory that your girlfriend hadn't exactly forgiven and forgotten about the Instagram incident. Well, there was no time better than now to put the matter to bed. You gripped your cock, slipping it between her legs to get it slick from her dripping sex.
"Oh, I'm well aware of what's in front of me," you started. Slowly you began to slip your thick cock inside of her, inch by inch with each syllable. "The most beautiful." More. "Talented." More. "Gorgeous." More. "Perfect." More. "Princess."
"Fuck!" Wonyoung moaned, her forehead bracing against the window.
"Is the princess feeling full?"
"So, so full…" she cooed.
"And I didn't even get to mention how good a girlfriend you are," you teased.
You could feel her pussy quivering around your length, stretching to accommodate the familiar intrusion of your cock. Wonyoung's hands were splayed against the windows of the high-rise, her ass pushed out and into you. She was on full display and only you were lucky enough to see it.
You could take it slow with steady, languid strokes, gently fucking your girlfriend against the window. But something told you that wasn't what she nor you wanted at that moment. Your fingers flexed around her waist, pulling out your cock until just the tip remained inside of her before thrusting your entire length back inside of her. Wonyoung's body jolted with pleasure as she braced her nude body against the window.
"This is what you wanted isn't it?" Harder. "To know how much you turn me on." Faster. "To see how fucking hard you get me." Deeper. "No one else makes me like this." Repeat.
A mixture of mewls and moans fell from the idol's mouth at your relentless rhythm. Her head fell forward, her cheek pressed up against the glass. Perspiration was starting to form across her flawless skin and you had to resist the urge to lean forward and lick it up. You wanted to prove a point, to fuck Wonyoung to the point of exhaustion for the whole city to see. After that maybe you'd enjoy the little perversions.
"You probably say that to every - fuck - every girl," Wonyoung panted, glancing at you from over her shoulder. "You're probably just waiting to move onto the next idol you're drooling over."
She didn't say it with enough conviction for you to believe she truly felt that way. For starters, while Wonyoung may get jealous, she was not insecure. At least, not enough to ever think another idol was above her. It was more often a toxic possessive kind of jealousy. But nonetheless, in the heat of the moment you'd take the bait.
"Is that what you think?" he said, your breathing growing heavy with your harsh thrust. Conversation wasn't exactly easy at this pace. "Did you miss what I said earlier, huh?"
One hand moved from her waist to slip around Wonyoung's throat. She inhaled sharply, her breath catching in her throat as you squeezed. For a passing second there was no sound save for the repeated slaps of skin against skin as your hips were flush against Wonyoung's ass each time you entered her.
"I only want you," you finally gasp. "Always you."
Rather than another vulgar display to go along with your words, you merely lean over her, capturing her lips in a sideways kiss. It's messy and imperfect but it's also loving and passionate. Your tongues dance together all while your bodies remain intertwined. You can feel Wonyoung pussy quivering around your cock intensely as she moans into your mouth. When you pull back, you look at your girlfriend with a raised eyebrow.
"Did you just cum from that?" you asked.
"S-shut up," Wonyoung retorted. You noticed a bright red hue of embarrassment coloring her cheeks before she hid her face, "Don't stop until you finish inside of me,"
It was always adorable when she continued trying to be dominant after her own orgasm. However, her words had an undeniable effect on you. "If that's what the princess wants."
You returned to the task at hand, focusing your efforts solely on chasing your first release and Wonyoung's second orgasm.
"Daddy," Wonyoung mewled, finding her voice. "I want you to cum, daddy. I want you to cum deep inside my tight pussy.""
You had a sinking suspicion that her words were payback for causing her embarrassing moments earlier. Her attempt at provoking you to blow your load sooner than you had intended to.
Regardless it worked to immediate effect. Your hips jerked, slamming against hers from behind. Your sweat-drenched body pressed flush against Wonyoung, pushing her up against the high-rise window. Your cock twitched, ropes of your sticky seed shooting inside of her womb as her walls convulsed around your length.
Of course the two things that pushed her over the edge would be you saying how you loved her and her revelling the power she had to make you cum on the spot. Truly a representative of her duality.
After a moment had passed and you began to regain your bearings you pressed a kiss to Wonyoung's shoulder.
"That was incredible, Wony," you muttered.
"I know," she said, her form practically radiating. "You weren't bad either."
You let out a chuckle, placing another lazy kiss to her skin, "Maybe we should've included that in the photoshoot."
Wonyoung smiled but didn't immediately respond. After a moment of delay she turned in your arms to look at you.
"Did you mean all those things you said?" she asked.
Her wide eyes looked at you and you reached up to brush aside a strand of sweat soaked hair. There was no hesitation in your response when you answered her.
"Absolutely. And don't you think otherwise for a second."
A smile beamed across the idol's face and she leaned forward, burying her face into your neck. Your arms wrapped around her and quietly you wondered if you weren't the luckiest man in the world.
BUY ME A COFFEE - if you enjoy my stories considering buying me a coffee! always appreciated, never required.
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tht0nesimp · 10 months
Yan! HxH reaction to a neko darling...
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cw nekos dont have rights really (legally, yes, but no one really cares) ,collaring, sedation, degrading behavior, infantilism, torture,dumbification, abuse, mentions of death, overstim, pt2 eventually coming, mentions of declawing, shock collar, killuas and gons will get their own series probs...
Just lil scenarios, most of them are punishments- fem pronouns but not necessarily a girl
Neko idea comes from: @i-killed-a-prostutute but the scenarios arent very similar... you should go see their posts with killua if your lookin for softer content
killua, gon, illumi, feitan,uvogin, shalnark
"Baka" he said indifferently, his nails getting ever so slightly sharper until he feels like they're sharp enough for what he's about to do..
"So cute..." He scratched at your tail with his sharpened nails and watched you recoil. Your tail was already swishing much to your own dismay as well as killuas delight watching your tail try to escape his sharp nails
"Stooop!" You begged him "Bad neko" your mistake hits you rather quickly-you spoke english- "Mew" the shameful noise made you cringe but it was better than the torturous sensation of his nails on your overstimulated tail
"Thats better" his nails finally retracted, his hand removing itself from your tail; relief washes over you as you collapse onto the cushiony couch that rested behind you with your tail hopefully out of his reach for now. He quickly grabbed his phone, sitting next to your trembling form before calling gon. the phone only ringing for a few moments before gon answers the call "Hey" killua sounds slightly interested
"Hi!" gon exclaimed happily from the other side "How is your neko doing?" he inquiries gleefully "She's adjusting okay" killua says nonchalantly, as if he wasn't torturing you with those god awful nails just a few minutes ago
"How about you, gon?"
You couldn't think, you tried to keep your thoughts in tact but its impossible with the way he's messing with your fluffy ears. Gon put his hand on his chin like he was thinking about his answer to the question "How are you doing?" he smiled innocently at you while you looked back with pleading eyes pricked with tears "Too much, bad" you spoke quietly, slightly surprised you could still manage to speak english in your heavily drugged form
"She's doing fine, are you sure these drugs are supposed to make her this tired?" killua takes an angry tone "Are you petting her as well?" gon smiles cheekily "Duh!" he exclaims happily before he seems surprised that killua is practically screaming at him "Thats why, you baka!" killua gets a little calmer "I'm about to try them on my neko after the call anyway" gon makes excited noises and pets your ears even faster
Gon smiles "Alright, remember, be nice to your neko!" gon warns him and killua just laughs "I'm always nice, isn't that right?" killua asks his neko jokingly; his neko just hisses at him in response.
"Alright, well, im gonna have to punish my neko for a bit, ill call you after" gon and killua say they're goodbyes, gon pulling you into his lap once the call ends
"Did you like that?" he questioned, his hands drifting towards your already overstimulated ears his expression getting a bit more disappointed when you shake your head "oh well, we'll get you out of that skittish neko behavior quickly" his smile was worrying, but the fact that his hands rested on your ears again was horrifying
"Sit still" he commanded, slightly annoyed at how your squirming on his lap but he manages to wrap his legs tightly around you to atleast keep you from running. "Thats better, now, i dont think ive tried your tail yet" the innocence in his voice remains, even as he reaches for your tail
"This behavior is strange for a neko" he spoke coldly as he stared at your form cower away from him, a collar around your neck of his own doing. "If you do not behave, i may be forced to bring you over here" his expression remained blank even through the slight annoyance slipping into his voice
He motioned you over, the threat still hanging in the air, the tension finally breaks when you approach him. "Good" his lips twitch upward in a ghost of a smile
"Sit down, if you would" you sit wearily on the small floral couch, the nearly vintage pattern was a bit comforting to look at but it didn't distract you from the assassin sitting next to you no matter how hard you tried to just focus on running your fingers over the slightly faded florals etched into the fabric
"Would you like some catnip?" there was a small bag of catnip laying on the end table next to illumi, which he quickly opened and poured a small amount into his palm before holding his hand out to your face
"Oh." he tilts his head a bit before grabbing your jaw, the catnip eventually goes into your mouth before he holds your nose making you swallow after about a minute "Perhaps do not resist next time" he spoke without malice, but with a hint of teasing implications
The catnip slowly entered your bodies system, causing you to curl up in order to try and calm yourself down "Im going to observe you, do not resist" he poked your ear gently, inching closer
"good neko" he smiles at your trembling form
"Bad" his voice rang through the dungeon-like room, the shock collar buzzing once more around your neck "f-Mmm" for someone who didn't believe you should speak english unless he gave permission, he certainly wasn't making it easy not to curse or scream instead you had to hold your tongue and just keep meowing
"Bad girl" he knew what he was doing, he knew that he was making your mind crumble a, he knew that this was pure torture for you to have that collar on as well as being degraded
"Get over here, or this is going to continue" you scurried over to his lap like your life depended on it, sighing of relief when the collar finally stops shocking you; He gives you a look before pulling you slightly closer
"Stay still" you gulp, but you remain still for him, desperate for mercy or at the very least praise
"Mm" he gives a hum of satisfaction as he runs his nails down your tail and scratches the base of your ears "good" he feels you relax a little bit, smiling when he does
"Your so lucky your cute, otherwise i would have broken your legs and pulled your claws out when you tried to scratch me"
"PUT ME DOWN!" you screamed as uvogin held you by the scruff of your neck like you were a kitten "Nah" he says indifferently as he kept you a few feet off the ground
"Please?" you stopped your thrashing for a moment, waiting for him to hopefully put you down "Hmm, are you gonna run?" you sigh and shake your head "Eh" he throws you onto the nearby carpet with a loud thud as your back meets the floor
"Ow..." you mumble and dig your claws into the carpet a bit to steady yourself, lessening the drop, "Oi, dont mess up my carpet" he glares at you for a moment
"I think feitan can declaw you anyway.." you whimper "P-please dont!" the shame was piling on hard at the stutter in your voice and the desperation he could see on your face
"Than keep your claws away, ill get you a damn scratching post" he groans a little bit and you hear him slam the front door as he exits the room
Well, at least you'd have something to sink your claws into
One fucking catnap, without his prying eyes, was all you wanted at this point. He was always recording you but it was so much more intense when you would do anything that most would typically consider to be "neko-like" which was already degrading enough without his phone shoved in your face while you try to sleep
He wouldn't listen, after all, have you ever listened to a cat just because it meowed? "Go away" you mumbled as he sat watching you like a hawk
"I'm gonna brush you after that nap" he smiled at your reaction to his threat "you prick!" you exclaimed, still tired, grooming was nearly impossible with shal because he constantly wanted to have an easy way of punishment-And boy, he knew how much you hated that goddamned grooming brush- Alas; he was not in the mood to be consoled about this
"Jerk" you closed your eyes, slightly thankful you atleast got to sleep
"sweet dreams.." he took a picture of your sleeping form..
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notyetfixed-a · 5 months
as the year has ended, i just wanted to make a post and thank all of you here for helping me find my love of writing again ♥️ i haven’t written for fun in over three years, so i was nervous about jumping back into it.
below, i wanted to thank a handful of people because of how much they’ve helped me in the year that i’ve made my return ♥️
@thegreatstrongbow: HEATHER!!!! YOU’RE ALSO ANOTHER ONE OF MY BELOVED RIDE OR DIES HERE!!! thank you so much for writing with Fin. especially when i was so repetitive back in the old days 😂 i have gone back and reread so much of my old blog and i cringe at my old writing. but you? you have always been so amazing and i absolutely adore you and thank you for loving my canon divergent princess as you have ♥️ you’ll never understand how much i treasure you ♥️ in a community full of people who refuse to interact with female muses, there you and beleg were ♥️ it makes my heart very happy to have you in my life almost 9 years later ♥️
@reining-disaster : you were the first person to interact with ANY of my tavs. you just went right into it with my fresh muse and my fresh writing. without your help, i dont know if i wouldve broken into the community as i did ♥️ you are a lovely human being and i owe you a lot! i hope the new year is kind and generous to you and yours ♥️
@never-surrender: ilysm holy cow ive never made such a fast friend in any community and i have got to say, you have pulled me out of my shell when it comes to just dropping new characters and pulling ideas out of me and i adore you so ♥️ you’re one of my best friends, even though we haven’t been friends for long, and i can’t wait to make my trip to see you this year ♥️♥️
@seeliecourt : omg hamlet i adore you so ♥️ thank you so much for taking all this crack and fluff and shipping our adorable muses together ♥️ molly has become so well rounded and more thought out from what i originally had them penned to be. with all the universes and all the different ways we have talked about them, i feel like i know this muse more than i ever have ♥️ it has been such a pleasure becoming your friend and writing partner ♥️ im so excited to see what shenanigans we come up with this year!
@lordgortrash/@sunderdust: you have ABSOLUTELY challenged me! with all the plots and all of the prompts, i have tried to match your creativity. it has honestly improved my writing since i first started, and even though we haven’t had a TON of interactions, what asks/threads we do have has definitely taught me how to think like my characters more than i ever have in my life. thanks to you, i turned colette into this amazing, well thought out dark urge instead of the boring, no name NPC she was in the beginning. i honestly hated her character when i fleshed her out, but us talking about her dark urge verse just snapped something in me and i kept running with it and now i have one of my most favorite oc ive ever created. it may seem small, but it is a tremendous delight being able to write with you ♥️ i still get so excited like a fangirl when you like any of my posts or send me asks because that’s how much i look up to you ♥️
@eritvita: omg celeste you are one of the most adorable, kind, and loving person i have met in this last year ♥️ i absolutely adore that you always make sure that what we write is safe and that you’re not pushing any boundaries ♥️ you have definitely become one of the people i look up to when it comes to inclusivity and just being all around a genuine human being who cares about your friends ♥️ our threads make me cry on a daily basis because of how sweet our ships are and I cannot wait to reply any time i see a notification pop up ♥️ thank you for loving my muses and being such an all around wonderful person ♥️
@arsonshub: just wanted to give you a shout out on here as well ♥️ what was once me being a shy potato on your live stream about muses and lolth’s religion has now turned into a friendship I can’t wait to develop! it’s been so fun nerding out with you about YouTube series and our adorable little ship ♥️♥️♥️
@apalestar: thank you so very much for taking my chaotic bhaalspawn and being just as chaotic with me ♥️ i am absolutely adoring all our interactions, crack or canon ♥️ i am adoring each and every little thing we do and I can’t wait to see where the future takes these two murder hobos ♥️ seriously, though, thank you for always being kind, even when i send you ridiculous shit at two in the morning lol!
If I didn’t mention your name, I just want you to know that I’m thankful for you, too!!! You all have helped me find my love of writing again and I can’t imagine where I’d be without your support! I know I’m chaotic and all over the place and don’t respond at good times or maybe I post too much, but I’m loving being here again and I couldn’t have done it without ANY of you on my blog♥️ so thank you!
And with that! Happy New Years and Happy Munday!!!
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ceasarslegion · 3 months
honestly i think if this site finally dies to a ceo meltdown (which might be the only thing that can kill it lmao) i think... it would be for the best to just leave this place and the communities it fostered buried
I won't go to cohost, or bluesky, or anything. Y'all can catch me on my already made social (1) (discord. Im not giving anybody my facebook account with my full name on it after the death threats ive gotten over the years here) if you want, but this site has been going downhill ever since the advent of cringe culture and ace discourse circa 2015. It feels like recent months have been hurtling towards the logical conclusion of the turbo-echo chamber this site exists in. I seriously miss the era where it was just superwholock jokes and the only drama you'd hear about was the occasional bone-stealing witch level shit that everybody would go "lmao what" about and then go back to their regularly-scheduled movie discussions. Maybe i'll go back to pinterest at most and spend the rest of my time in fandom and furry forums and AO3. It would compel me to write and draw a lot more.
And honestly, I think tumblr finally getting the plug pulled on its long-dying life support may be legitimately helpful for a lot of the users who yanked this site's culture away from that and into the echo chamber. They might like, go outside for once. I know "touch grass" is a cliche or whatever but I do think a lot of this echo chamber can be chalked up to sitting on the computer all day and never getting exposed to anybody outside of your self-imposed internet echo chamber. Go outside, get some fresh air.
Also, it won't be the end of the world. If your free time and happiness is really that contingent on any one social media site then it may be for the best to take it away from you. Learn how to entertain yourself without it. There's a whole world out there to explore. Find something else to do. Pick up new hobbies, look into events in your area. Get really into some weird niche hobby and spend all that time doing that instead of just posting on a different website if this one's finally done. Remember that 4chan guy whose life turned around after he got really into raising shrimp instead of discoursing on 4chan all day? Maybe it's time to find your shrimp raising hobby instead of just posting the same things and perpetuating the same cycles on a different site.
I'm not saying to go full amish and abandon the internet altogether but i am saying that if this website has consumed so much of you that the prospect of it imploding is this upsetting to you, maybe you need to start raising shrimp for a while. I think it would be good for you.
Idk man, I'm chilling in my chair here but if it goes, she goes. I'll find something else to do, but this site hasn't been the tumblr I stuck around for for a long time now, so it won't be the end of the world for me if it ends. I'd just grab my favourite mutuals discords and head out to get more into the furry fandom and write more fic instead. I never wanted to be exposed to this much of the everything on this site anyway, I joined for the memes and the fandom content way back in 2010 and then just never really left.
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mroddmod · 1 year
HEY i'm here to do that stupid sappy thing where i make a new years post and thank everyone for the great year.
i already said this on twt but i can genuinely say that i have never had this much fun in a fandom before. i've never CLICKED with a fandom and its participants in the way that i've clicked with the stranger things fandom. i've made more finished art than i have for any other franchise, i think. i've never gotten to connect with people and make friends in a fandom like i have with the stranger things fandom. THE FRIENDS IVE MADE ARE SOME OF THE BEST IVE HAD IN LIKE. EVER. you guys are seriously so awesome. NOT TO MENTION ALL THE INCREDIBLE PEOPLE THAT I ALWAYS SEE IN MY REBLOG TAGS AND REPLIES. i've had the privilege to get to meet, know, and interact, with some of the nicest and most talented people ever. it's been such a good year BECAUSE of the connections i've made. SOOOOO i'm gonna list off some of my favorite people and say a little something and TRY to keep it short. OBVIOUSLY THIS IS IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER
@astrobei : yeah, obviously you're in here, idiot. you wormed your way into my life way too quickly and WAYYYY too easily but i wouldn't change it (probably. just kidding. or Am I.....). i was a MEGA fan of your writing LOOOONG before i ever even spoke to you, so it's kind of a trip that i talk to you every day now. if you told mod from september that he'd be this tight w suni astrobi he absolutely would not believe you. anyway thank you for making me laugh so much and talking to me all the time even though you should probably be doing better things. keep being you. k love u (maybe) bye
@msquared1414 : MAGS. MY DEAR MAGS. I LOVE YOU SO DEARLY. you are a beacon of light in a fucked up and annoying world. i know i can always count on you for support and a good laugh. im so glad i got to know you over the time that we've been talking. i promise i have more special wips to send u soon. I MISS YOU ALL THE TIME BFF
@cherbearsz : CHER 😭😭😭 do you realize that you're actually one of the funniest people on the planet. did you Know. actually i take it back, you're the funniest. i could be having a shit day and suddenly cher gets in the chat and stirs up chaos and i am feeling like :) again. ty for being you, bro 🤝
@livsmessydoodles : we've known each other for a long time but i feel like i didn't really GET to know you until this year. but i'm so glad i did!! you are such a lively and positive energy that i love to see on my dash, in my notifs, in our group chats, anywhere. you are TRULY a unifying and joyful force. keep up your good energy, so many good things will come to you in life.
@halosketches : sorry but who gave you the right to be this cool. like i wanna know. YOU'RE ACTUALLY THE COOLEST PERSON IVE MET.... i know this is like a cringe thing to say but your vibes are Unmatched. i know i can always trust your takes because your taste in media is the Highest of quality. you're also way too nice. you're insane.
@wynsvre : sarah :((( my bro. my guy. you are an INSPIRATION to me and you always will be in so many ways. you are so real and honest and i value that in you so much. honestly you're just such a rad person. i aspire to be more like u.
@janceezer : KITE!!!!! i actually cannot believe how sappy and sweet you are it's CRAZY that you're just that way. YOURE JUST THAT GOOD. it pleasantly surprises me all the time. you are so down to earth and you care about people with everything you have, and i feel SO lucky to be one of those people. KEEP BEING YOU!!!
@tryingonametaphor : AH BHAVNA you have been an absolute pleasure to get to know this year. i was ALSO a huge fan of yours before i got to know you personally, but i was BLOWN away by how kind you are 😭 you are just so understanding and patient and RIDICULOUSLY creative. you're so cool, it's crazy.
@spacedru1d : MY BFF!!!!! my matching bff. you've been such a good friend and a delight to interact with. you're naturally such a good person without even trying. IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH DURING YOUR TIME IN UNI but i'm proud of you for getting your shit done and finally getting the gf of ur dreams. I WISH YOU NOTHING BUT THE BEST BFF!!!
okay now that i've gotten all my Real Actual IRL Bestest Friends in the Entire World out of the way....
some other people that i've loved interacting with/seeing in my notifs/seeing on my dash:
@bujomoss, @http-byler, @smoosnoom, @bookinit02, @nnilkyway, @elekinetic, @wiseatom, @andiwriteordie, @paladibun, @noodles-and-tea, @aemiron-main, @caesarexile, and many more im CERTAIN i'm forgetting.
anyway. thanks for an incredible year. HERES TO 2023!!!
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tylerdashart · 2 years
(spoilers for TDP season 4)
OKAY. so i dont really do these kinda posts but id like to say a few things about season 4 cus ive seen some things and the fandom making theories, i just like to write about my own thoughts. ive watched s4 only one time due to not having netflix so i dont really remember many scenes.
"season 5 when?" are you good?? the season 4 just dropped 3 days ago! Im serious when i say ive seen multiple people already posting this question mostly on YT comments or Insta. also the fact that they're not artists OR a fic author makes sense honestly. they have no idea how animation works.
"rayla's acting weird" this is what frustrats me the most. NO she's not... ok maybe a little. but like. come the fuck on, she was gone for 2 years. ofc she's not the same person we saw in season 3. people change. plus, personally, i dont see any difference on her except this one time when callum asked her to...kill him. yes rayla acted a lot calm in that scene- not just that scene really. she was so calm most of the time, but i can see why? she's trying to get callum warm up to her, she's giving him space, she's being gentle as much as she can cus she knows how much she hurt him. she's grown up, she's not the same hot-headed, irritated elf anymore. and we all know how she hides her feelings. Im pretty sure she's gotten used to it, or managed to cope her feelings well so that she can stay calm. lastly about rayla, all i have to say is people change, so does rayla. and no she's not fake at all.
firstly, if rayla's acting weird, what about Viren being supportive with Terry? isnt that weirder? he didnt even treat his own son better, but he's supporting a trans fella? sus.... secondly, what about opeli being so chill about Ez going with Zubia. in that case most of the characters in s4 were out of character. and that's okay cus it's been 2 fucking years!
personally i think the "Zubia in Katolis" scene was a bit rushed. they couldve done it better but Im not saying it was bad at all tho! i loved the scene with the whole callum doing magic thing and the dragon sized jelly tart? xD
"why is rayla back?" why not really. she realized it was useless to find viren and came back home? she realized she wanted to see her mage? "we had something so special. but I became so obsessed with revenge, i.. risked losing the best thing ive ever had... you" she CLEARLY missed him yall. ofc she came back.
"where's the rayllum kiss" Im glad we didnt get a rayllum kiss. I know this is a cartoon show but at least the animators made it similar to how an in-real-life relationship works. people dont just go "you were gone for two years but its okay, i forgive you, lets kiss". Callum needs time to get used to being around rayla again. he's happy but also angry, he needs to see how hard rayla's trying to win callum's trust back. it was so clear that callum got a bit comfortable with rayla again in the last few episodes, especially the last one. That hug was enough sign for us to know they're gonna be okay and that they're still deeply in love.
Stella isNT EVIL YALL. leave my poor baby girl alone >:c
the fart joke was......nuhuh. idk if it's just me but it was gross. i dont wanna remember how much i cringed.
claudia was a bit- no fuck it- she was too much this season. especially in that scene where she tricked rayla with pebbles. god that hurt so much.
Lastly, Season 4 was amazing!! i loved season 4, and all the new things we saw. the arc is building up, it's so interesting, im so excited for season 5.
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wholemleko · 4 months
updates ig???
(reposted from my deviantart)
so i guess this is like. my plans for the future or at least where i feel like im at when it comes to comics and such.
tl;dr - bird of death is my main project now and everything else is in uncertain limbo
details under the cut:
first thing is just, the state of my projects. bird of death, which im posting now, has completely taken over my brain and its something i enjoy working on much more because its part of a bigger project that im working on with a group of 6 other people and ultimately i think art is a social thing for me. at this point ive also got a 115+ page buffer which ive never even come close to before, so i feel very much at ease about being able to put it out into the world without the months long hiatuses ive gone on with my other comics. plus, it has elements in it that are largely influenced by ideas from my previous projects which i guess leads me to my next point...
which is that im growing burnt out of my older comics. i had for a long time. i occasionally experience moments where i really love my old stories again and give myself the impression that im ready to get back into them, but then it always ends up being temporary and fizzling out again just a week or so later. like venturing. i spent years working on it and theres so much left of the story for me to tell, things that i am still excited to show. but at the same time, its a story i started when i was 16 and i guess this happens to a lot of creators, but my writing style is so different now and when i look back at it i cringe. theres also the factor that felix is almost like an undercooked version of my protagonist in bird of death (for reasons that have only vaguely been revealed). so when i think about writing his story it just feels like. he's the same guy but more poorly put together by a younger me.
this same thing goes for another comic project that ive never shared publicly but which ive been working on for just as long as ive been working on venturing. its actually the story im using for my final project for my degree lmao. the characters in it that im most invested in feel like early drafts for characters from bird of death... the catharsis of writing them has moved to this new story. my old projects just feel like early drafts of this new one but wearing different clothes. they are all born of the same train of thought.
then theres the matter of my fancomics. children of decay is so early on and undercooked that i barely have anything to say about it except that i still love the idea of having a warriors comic, but man i am just not invested in it the way i am with bird of death. (also the fact their titles are so similar... feels silly lol).
my moomin fancomics are a whole other matter... im not the writer for them, and theres still a ton of content that i wanted to cover. im still only in the first chapter of blackthorn tree, and i wanted to adapt 4 more fics afterwards. they are stories that i love, and which continue to be very dear to me, but the inspiration that gave me is, again, now being channeled into my newest project. i guess that makes sense, given that my protagonist was originally made to be a moomin oc. ive also felt increasingly disconnected from the moomin fandom, not because i like the series itself any less, but the fandom landscape is just very different from what it was. another factor is that i did actually have the rest of chapter 1 almost finished, but i lost all those files when my old ipad got fried and this really bummed me out, just a further discouragement.
putting all these things on the backburner feels bad. i dont like saying that i dont know when or even if i will come back to certain projects. i know lots of people enjoyed what i was making, especially venturing and the moomin comics. but i just cant find it in myself to commit to them again now that this new project has pretty much overtaken me, and i dont know if that commitment will ever come back. this isnt to say that i am putting an end to any of them or that im quitting them. just that they are not the thing i am committed to, and i am putting them into uncertain limbo. it feels smarter to concentrate my energy on a project i am much more devoted to now, which is very developed, and which i am making alongside other people who are also very devoted to the greater project.
if u got this far thanks for reading, and thanks to all those who've supported me over the years in my creative endeavors
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druidx · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@inkoherentwriting, @bretongirlwrites, and @wispstalk have all tagged me in this so I should probably do it (this is not a complaint! I love tag games, I'm just think it's funny).
I'm not sure who of my usual list writes fanfic so this is an open tag.
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
151 in total. Druidx has 107, and my pseud for PodFics, Dru-Pod, has 44
2 – What's your total AO3 word count?
Currently 246,748. (I've got three other large fics in the works that'll bring that up to ~500k when posted.)
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
My main ones right now, by number of works, are:
TES IV: Oblivion
Fighting Fantasy World of Titan by Steve Jackson & Ian Livingstone
Thunderbirds Are Go (2015)
Those in the past, and that will never grace AO3, are (in order of recency):
Star Wars (Savage Worlds TTRPG)
Sherlock (2010)
Star Trek: Deep Space 9
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
Technicolour Nightmare (Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Flowers and Ice (Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Crimson Storm (Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Family Treasures (Thunderbirds 2015)
Avoiding the Emperor (Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Technicolour Nightmare is a kind of a surprise, because I don't think it's one of my better fics, and was a half-assed kinda throwaway story about a feverish HoK being rescued and cared for. For the longest time the top fic has been Flowers and Ice which never surprised me given that it's very much about Everyone worrying about Martin doing something stupid, and then descends into the HoK worrying about everyone, and ends with the promise things will be better. Avoiding the Emperor is also not a surprise, since it was the very first thing I posted on AO3.
5 – Do you respond to comments?
I try my hardest to, when I get them.
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Of those posted, it's probably Bitter Winds and Rain, which is about Aderyn not handling Martin's coma well. Young Dagger, False Dream which is drafted but not yet posted, comes a close second with Alexis feeling forced out of the group she thought were her friends after an ideological split.
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
TIL a lot of my fics have an upbeat ending XD At First Blush takes the win, I think, with Methredhel and Rhiannon's kiss.
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
Gotta get comments to get hate, eh? The worst I had was on Tumblr for No Rose Without a Thorn, where someone was rude about the OC I was writing about (wasn't even my OC - I'd borrowed someone else's which might be why it made me angry).
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope. I have tried and tried and decided it's not for me. It's never been published, because it makes me cringe at how bad it is. The most you'll get from me is some heavy petting and a fade to black.
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Dinner Time is probably the wackiest crossover posted, with the main Trio from Oblivion and some characters from Fighting Fantasy World of Titan. I also started a crossover with the Trio from Oblivion and the main characters from Thunderbirds (2015), but that's unlikely to see the light of day
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'd be honoured if anyone ever wanted to.
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not a fic, no. I tried co-writing an original story and it did not go well, and has soured me towards the idea TBH.
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship?
That I've written, I suppose I have to say Martin/Baurus since I've written 26 fics about them... By fave to read though is Bilbo Baggins/ Thorin Oakenshield (Bagginshield). TBH though, shipping isn't something that I really bother with much; Martin/Baurus was for a friend.
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Her Lonely Shadow is currently the top contender. It's the 'what happens next for Alexis Dalliance' story, set after the end of her campaign and before Elo's campaign. I've been writing it since 22 Apr 2015, it's still on the 1st draft sitting at 174,266 words. I don't feel like it's ever going to be finished...
16 – What are your writing strengths?
Pacing, the balance of prose to dialogue, descriptions, and character voice.
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting, subtext, and making sure 'c' grade characters still have some 3d-ness to them.
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
All for it. I think it's fun for a character who doesn't speak that language to have to figure things out from body language or other social cues, or muddle through with their broken skills. In fantasy it's less risky though, because you can mash words out that sound good, but for IRL languages, you need to take a bit more care. One would hope, however, that if a native speaker has an issue with something I've used Google Translate for, they would mention it in the comments so I can fix it.
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
... I'm going to do them by fandom because this is an unfair question XD
Starbound - Home That Our Feet May Leave, But Not Our Hearts
FF/World of Titan - Dead Reckoning Returned
Oblivion - Abecean Blue
Thunderbirds 2015 - Family Treasures
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beheadedhoward · 2 months
mainly just basic dni criteria (racist, lgbtqphobic, ableist, etc)
radinclus and radexclus, terf, antineoprns/antixenogender, zionist
nsfw accounts and proshippers
my name is robbie or kenz/kenzie, idrc what im called but those are like always good kinda names for me yk
he/ghost and really any neoprns, dont use it/its for me unless we're close pls
im NOT used to tumblr yet ive barely used it until a few days ago but ive had it for a while, im one of those twitter refugees from that one time. so that might explain some stuff yk
this is not my main i made this just for six and other musicals maybe. my main is @/feelterribleinc
I am autistic, bpd, bipolar, anxiety and cptsd
im a trans guy (and prob bigender with that but like mostly a guy) and most likely gay, also aroacespec
i am always way too scared to message first so if you ever want to become friends or talk to me you have to do it first I will not ever get the hint!!!
i am cringe but i am free or whatever o7
i experience delusions often! i am delusional! a lot of the time its harmful things but i won't talk about those often! less harmful delusions of mine are genuinely believing i am someone else/a character i like
im an artist and a kind of writer!! i will likely only post six fanart on here, but all my art will be on my other account. keep in mind all the art there rn is old
im very very very passionate about my interests be warned ...
this will be a list of my main interests, and some music i like and some musicals ive seen
main interests:
Six (obv)
^ because of this, the tudor family and royals in general !
Monster Hugh
Scott Pilgrim
SpongeBob (more so the musical than the show, but both either way)
Into The Woods
Musicals I like/have seen:
Legally Blonde
Addams Family
West Side Story (havent seen the newer one tho)
High School Musical
Dear Evan Hansen
Into The Woods
this list will be updated as i watch more so. yaur !
The Front Bottoms
Pierce The Veil
Penelope Scott
System Of a Down
Mommy Long Legs
and a LOT more.
after here isnt as important BUT i would like it to be read if you so desire
if youre not reading on, thank you for reading byee:3
more info regarding the fandoms im in
i am VERY passionate abt my fav ships and such (i'll list my main ones that will be posted abt at the bottom of this section)
i headcanon my favs very heavily, and it will show when I draw them or write about them. for characters i hc to be a different gender or use different prns than canon, i will try to use the prns and such they use in canon when i talk about them
while i have a lot of interests, im mainly gonna post about six and some spongebob since those two are my most recent hyperfixes. with that includes anything with theatre
if you read to here thanks! and bye!! if you have questions then uh yeah do your thing
my main ships: araleyn, clevemour, parrward, plankaren, patbob
(also: not at the same time as the other six ships but parrleyn, katanna, parrmour, aramour)
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odi-the-oddity · 2 months
do you do… spicy art? Like sugestive? And would you ever consider doing art otherr than MLP based art?
okay its 6am and theres a really annoying crow on my window so bear with me TT
While i have done and made money off of “spicy” (suggestive and worse) art, i dont think i would really post it, because i dont wanna make my followers uncomfortable, even tho ive gotten several requests for even slightly suggestive art, i am not gonna make MLP art thats suggestive and leave a childs show open to sexualization because i know that happens a lot
And i would love to make art outside of MLP art or just- any art outside of fandom art, but i dont think it’d get any attention because people tend to like to look at art of something their already interested in, rather than random.. ocs or something someone made, it takes time to build a fandom of your own with ocs, and since im not the caliber of artist as most oc artists- it may go unnoticed which is rlly unmotivating when you wanna make art
I have been considering making another account for “spicy” art and whatever else i come up with since this is.. mainly MLP and thats rlly the only thing i get likes on, but i dont think i wanna manage two accounts
Plus people that might see I make MLP art after I post oc art and they get interested and follow me.. might just leave my accnt because MLP is seen as really cringe..
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prettyboykatsuki · 10 months
hi fang!!
i apologise if this is something u get asked often, but ur writing is most definitely my favourite to consume and ive never felt feelings the way i do when i read anything you've written, and was wondering if you have (or have already posted) any writing tips that u could give me?
reading your creations for so long has honestly really inspired me to write too but i have no idea where to start in terms of anything. i've never attempted to write before, i've always been more of a reader, but if i could make anything even close to what you do for beloved characters and fandoms then it would make me so so so happy.
if you need me to be more specific about what i'm having trouble with i could try and narrow it down but honestly everything is pretty accurate T-T
anyways thank u for posting everything u do, i am eternally grateful! at this point im conditioned to get excited every time im scrolling on dash and see the green katsuki pfp <3 hope ur 8 hours wherever u are isnt too perilous >:(
this made my lower lip tremble how could u think so highly of lil ol me.... im very glad my writing could invoke such feelings you!! enough so to even inspire like how huge is that... im a very unpolished and messy writer by nature so im extra moved when people are kind to me about this kind of thing. like.. ough. i have moved u... what a world...
i dont know if i have any good writing advice to give you!! im very clumsy in my own writing. here is some advice i have given people before
my biggest piece of writing advice is stop worrying about it and do everything lightly. i think there is a lot of pressure and expectation on people who are trying their hand at any creative thing to hit a point of being objectively good. im a huge perfectionist in my normal life - but because of that, i always miss out things i could actually do. being that caught up on the details made it so that i never actually tried at anything
a lot of my writing has typing errors and things i could do better but i have to intentionally allow myself that grace because if i don't - i would've never finished a piece of writing in the first place. i only get better if i write and i only write if im not so caught up on the details. there is always going to be a learning curve. im always going to look back at old writing and wince a little at all the things i can do better.
but at the time, i had the confidence to put that out into the world. now that its out, i can look at myself critically. posting for me is a way of holding myself accountable if that makes sense. everyones already seen the flawed version, so there's no longer any reason to not improve or be embarrassed. its also why i dont delete fics even when i hate them later. there was one person who liked the cringe worthy sincere aspect of me. how nice would it be if i could make something even better than that.
writing can be anything you want. it can be the most important thing you've ever done or the thing you do on the bus ride home. it can change your life or you can forget about it the very next day. its yours. your voice is always all yours.
but you it can never be anything to you if you don't just give it your most honest try. do everything very lightly. pick an idea, map out a beginning middle and end, and write a story.
more practically - it will help immensely for you to observe the way other people write first. try to read critically instead of for enjoyment and see what you like. what inspires you? a persons flow, diction, dialogue? and emulate that in your own way. when you start your voice will not be much more than a mish-mash of all the things you love and that's okay. that's what all writers with very distinct voice tend to do anyways.
i know it seems counter intuitive and pointless to stress but really - the best thing you can do for yourself when it comes to writing is just sitting down and giving it a try. pick any idea, plot out a simple 3 point beginning middle and end, and just see what you can do. you can be critical and edit as much as you want after. just get it down on paper first the best you can and don't worry yourself sick over each sentence or nothing will ever get written
i can try and give you more practical advice if you let me know what you need!! ive given writing advice before but im very under qualified for that i fear. even so i hope it helps you a little to give it a shot. i know it sucks to hear u just have to try and see but it rlly is true
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natsmagi · 2 months
hello !! yet another different anon, but just wanted to share this while we’re on the topic of self-criticism - hopefully this doesn’t come off as patronizing, it’s just smth i’ve found helps me as an artist and hopefully it’ll help u :D
i think it’s rlly important to view old art more from the perspective of the feelings u had making it rather than the actual content of the art itself. sure, ur artistic skills have improved a lot over the years, and maybe when ur looking back at ur older work u see a lot of flaws in it - weird anatomy, bad lighting, articles of clothing that don’t make sense, etc (not saying ur old art has any of these i’m just listing examples i’ve had in my own lol) - but u had fun making it !! it’s a drawing of something u loved and still love, and it served its purpose as an outlet to express that love. when people go back and like those old drawings, they’re not seeing it for its flaws - they’re seeing it for the love it represents, a love they probably feel themselves. while it’s good to critique ur own work to some extent for the sake of improvement, people liking ur old stuff is far from cringe-worthy! it’s just someone enjoying something u once enjoyed too, like an internet happiness hand-me-down :)
again, this sort of mindset has rlly helped me personally - i don’t feel as nervous about drawing or posting, bc im just having fun !! it’s ok if it’s kind of janky or has weird details, it was made with love and people can see and appreciate that. nobody ever stops improving or seeing flaws in their work, so its best to focus more on the joy it gave u and push urself towards improvement with the promise of even more joy rather than forcing urself to improve under the threat of feeling ashamed of ur creations
hopefully all of this makes sense i kind of have the shakes rn lol. sorry for the super long ask, i just dont rlly know how to explain all of this in a short way-
hope u are having a fantastic day full of pretty girls !!!!
omg no worries at all!! your message read as very sweet so please dont stress urself out over how u came across!!
AND I DEFINITELY AGREE!! tbh its a mindset i tend to have, but i think where ive lacked is definitely in applying the "im just doing it for fun" logic to past me. i tend to be someone who very much lives in the present and have a bit of a disconnect both from the past and the future, and this can cause me to totally disregard everything about my past self and past work LOL. so honestly having all this put into words has kinda been an "OHH RIGHT" moment for me KASJHFJAHSDKJ
theres also the factor of my audience being bigger now........ im not really someone who likes having alot of eyes on me for various reasons, which sometimes causes me to waver a bit AKJSHFKJH THOUGH ITS NOT THAT BAD. i think most of my shyness comes from having artists i really admire now see my art and im like "FUCK IC ANT HAVE IT LOOK BAD WHAT IF THEY SEE" which can cause me to overthink things But also i tend to forget that those people even follow me 80% of the time. tbh all of my "insecurities" in regards to my art are purely circumstantial and only really present themselves if im in a flustered state, but a large portion of the time im just chilling KJAHSFJKHK
i do also wanna say tho that i think the viewing all art as coming from a place of love sentiment is very sweet........ esp bc in the beginning one of the compliments i got the most was along the lines of "your love for the characters really shines through!!" so to think that, in spite of potential quality, that love is still visibly present makes me very happy.......... Perhaps if u have genuine love for what u do itll shine through no matter what
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demadogs · 2 years
Sorry if i say this but only bylers are saying that the monologue is fake. You can it was cringe but i wasn’t fake at all,you are reading too much into things and no i’m not saying this to be mean. A casual viewer doesn’t see the things that bylers see,so even if in season 5 Mike randomly loves Will it would confuse tha ga for sure. Sorry for the honestly.
when volume 2 first came out, the second he said “i love you” i thought byler was done. but i was honestly more confused than sad because one scene does not take away everything else that pointed at byler endgame.
then i read this anon that was sent to @beepboop358 and it made me start to think about the monologue differently. they said that they were a mlvn shipper and have always wanted them to be endgame but that monologue actually made them believe that byler will be endgame. this coming from a straight person and a huge mlvn shipper was so beyond interesting to me. they said that they were surprised that we were all sad and giving up on byler because in their eyes it looked like the complete opposite and byler is the direction theyre going in.
ive also seen some viral tweets like this one criticizing milven post volume 2 but theyre not a byler shipper. this has over a hundred thousand likes and in their response saying theyre not a byler fan a lot of the replies are people not even knowing what byler is, so most of these likes arent byler shippers.
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theres also netflix’s social media. this video is making fun of mike not being able to say he loves el and i see ZERO comments about mike being gay or about byler but theyre all still in agreement that he doesnt love her. some examples:
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in my personal experience with this show, pretty much all my friends watch it but i only have two friends that are super into it and who i share all my byler theories with. the others are causal viewers and they also were pretty thrown off by the monologue because it looked like they were done for. someone i know even said that they thought el was gonna try to break up with mike at the pizza place when she said “i missed you” and this is coming from a straight person who i dont think has ever even considered that mike could be queer.
so no i disagree. i think a lot of the general audience were thrown off by the monologue. maybe it didnt convince them that byler was endgame the way it did with that anon, but i think a lot of them were confused at why mike wouldnt say he loved her earlier when she was sobbing in front of him because he cant even write it down, only to later claim that he apparently has loved her since day one. and i think that was the intended reaction.
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selfundiagnosed · 3 months
Insane that my mom ran the most popular patrick stump archival blog on tumblr + was a full time lawyer + was raising two mentally ill kids + doing culinary arts school + having a cookie business. I think its her autism i wont lie. But now its all catching up to her and she has no energy which would be the ehlers danlos fault this time.. tried to convince her to steal her old url back but on cohost so she made an account but couldnt immediately make side blogs but boy oh boy. she would be giving the fall out boy fandom what they want and more. Shes like i cant do it again i have no idea how i did it before im like ma! its called having boundaries. Shes like i cant do that when i have a special interest its called autism. Im like right but queue posts for once a day and find 30 pictures from a photo set and boom one months worth of posting fall out boy and you can conserve your energy. But she doesnt know how to do her special interests in moderation. Im honestly just glad she went and accepted a bunch of access to her mega archive folder thingy. But shes so mad she doesnt have access to like her actual archive bc the website she used go archive everything changed their subscription plans and she has so many photos it would be like a zillion dollars she doesnt have 😭 like bogus i remember photo storing websites were so free. Take me back to 2010 for real :T Anyway she used to get so mortified when i told my friends as a teen about her blog i actually told her coworker once and her coworker somehow RETAINED the url and went home and looked at her blog and she was so upset at me 😭😭 but now like she kinda doesnt give a fuck anymore bc fall out boy was her special interest for an entire decade and she’s over it. Obviously still a big big fan but not in bandom anymore. Her new special interest is a band i introduced her to when i was 13 and its kinda cringe so i dont talk about it but she also ran an archival blog for THIS band and i told my friend at a sleepover who liked this band about her blog and they fucking FOLLOWED HER and shit bricks and my mom was MORTIFIED. But anyway yeah she doesnt gaf now if i tell people she was this blog and i even posted a tiktok about it once and people started doing detective work that would make her autistic self so proud…. Bc thats what she was good at! sleuthing stalking detective work on the band. Pete wentz privately answered several of her asks on tumblr i’ll see if she can send me the asks and their responses. But yeah she doesnt care anymore. her original url was scrubbed by tumblr and shes very angry about it bc it was an original bandom url for patrick stump so shes like wtf ever i dont wanna touch this im so mad. Which SAAAAME. ive done that so many times. She started permitting access to people who requested it for one of her photo archive website thingies she left in her last post. But yeaaaahhh… she was patrick stump for halloween in like 2008 and she won the costume contest bc she had rhe coolest sideburns and looked so much like him. My first ever concert was a fall out boy concert in spring 2007 i was 6 turning 7 within the next few months lemme just say the music video for carpel tunnel of love played on the screen as they played the song and my brother and i was so traumatized. But then immediately they played this aint a scene after that and we were like HELL YEAAAAAAAAA. And my brother (5 at the time) and i knew every single song and sang along and my mom went look at everyone else no one else knows these songs. You guys are so cool. And we looked around and yeah no one was singing the songs and were sooo excited! Oh and theres that one time she recorded us singing keep it simple by cobra starship and THEY PUT IT ON THEIR MYSPACE PAGE AT THE TOP WE FLIPPED SHIT. i wish THAT video was still up. Shes also met fall out boy so many times and walked away from patrick stump while he was talking to her bc she didnt want to take up his time at a meet and greet. Omg. so many memories. I was literally raised in online bandom thats so insane. Maybe thats why im a homosexual
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