#this is that meme of the dolphin btw
lexezombie · 1 year
: (
I spent way too long drawing this shitpost between commissions,,,
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Oh, dear... Maybe Heavy Metal Thoughts can help with this situation?
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jacqcrisis · 1 year
Weird question meme: 5, 12, 16
(from this meme here)
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
A lot of random shit I write will randomly become relevant within a week of me writing it. I don't think this is so much as superstition as I am easily influenced by the thoughts in my head but sometimes I'll write a throwaway line that will come up in conversation or will be weirdly like something that happens to me soon after.
Synchronicity at its finest.
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
Let me be objective about writing, let me be able to concentrate better while writing, and stop leaving out words randomly.
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
I think I had a dolphin bookmark at one point when I was a kid and I've used dollars and note cards before, but nothing too weird as I would often lose the bookmark. My solution has always been to just memorize what page I was on, forget, and then skim through a few pages until I found my place.
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pinkpierregirl15 · 2 years
Finally after two years I got back to working on the crystal dolphin meme featuring my main toon oc Popcorn btw sorry if the animation looks crappy 😅
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joysmileyay · 3 years
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schist-pjo-say · 4 years
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aurosoulart · 4 years
I’ve been getting some really wonderful tags and comments on Sunder lately and I just want everyone to know it makes me feel like THIS
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thank you all so much!!!! you give me the motivation to keep creating!!!
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lonescion-archive · 6 years
Meet your archetypes.
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47% Advocate The Advocate is the one everyone wants on their side. In the name of justice, they are not afraid to challenge authority or speak up for others.
32% Visionary Leave it to others to live by the status quo. The Visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built.
21% Caregiver Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, the Caregiver finds their reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.
Tagged by: @dragoonxdive (( Hehe, thank you for tagging me! <3 )) Tagging: @adventurouswind , @pennedbypom , @obstinatedreamer , @ahmyhotdog , @agriasxoaks , @aghostofachild , @milleuda-folles , @xkuja , and YOU! If you want to do this you can-- whether you were tagged or not. You don’t have to if you don’t want to either way! <3
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m3-mianbo · 3 years
This or that? (Fan meme...)
While reading Dylan Bajda’s Serina project, one of the many things I’ve liked is the quirky names that the species are given. Especially pun ones. I love puns.
There are also creatures that are named after or in parallel with life present on Earth. So I thought it’d be fun to make a list of some of the Serinans and whether I prefer each to its ‘Earth counterpart’. (For example Dolphins vs Dolfinches).
Antlears or Antlers?
Antlears, of course.
Bora (weird looking bird descendant) or Bora (wind)?
I’m choosing the bora from Serina.
Bloon (Oceanic bird) or Bloon (In-development zero emission air/space craft)?
The bird, I think
Changeling (Serina) or Changeling (MLP)?
I think I will choose the highly diverse clade from Serina (although the Changelings from MLP would all be able to take a Serinan’s form, theoretically)
Chimera Tree or Chimaera (mythology)?
I think I would just have to choose the one from mythology on Earth (although it’s not a very easy choice).
Split-wristed Chiseler or Chiseler (A swindler)?
The Serinan critter.
Clonger (Tribtile) or Clonger (Stop-motion characters)?
The tribtile in question is my favourite.
Dolfinch or Dolphin?
Dougal (Bird) or Dougal (Magic Roundabout character)?
Dougal the dog
Eft (Changeling) or Eft (young newt)?
The changeling bird
Gibbet (Handfish) or Gibbet (place of execution)?
The Gibbet handfish is amazing.
Glove (Bird) or Glove (fabric worn on the hand)?
The glove of Serina, although I admit IRL gloves are useful.
Nest Goblin or Goblin (mythology)?
The nest goblins, though creepy, have a better backstory I guess. And do not have history of being used as a racial stereotype.
Grappler (Ferocious bird) or Grappler (Wrestler)?
The ferocious bird.
Gravedigger (Serina) or Gravedigger (occupation)?
Gravedigger, the remarkable Serinan sophont
Hopper (Tribbet) or Hopper (insect)?
I think I prefer the first option
Jackal Carnackle or Jackal?
Jackal Carnackle
Jays (Serina) or Jays (Earth)?
It’s a tough one. Can I say both? If not, I would lean towards Earth Jays (‘real Jays’).
Btw, I love how Dylan Bajda blatantly re-invented corvids because he likes them so much. I admire that, I guess. (I like corvids too).
Lank (Bird with a carnivorous diet) or Lank (place in Cornwall)?
Lank, the bird.
Mitten (Bird) or Mitten (Fabric worn on the hand)?
Mitten from Serina (though honourable mention to Mittens, nickname of a character on my favourite cartoon).
Mosset (Ornkey) or Ornkey (place in France)?
Mosset (Ornkey)?
Muck (Clade of unbirdlike birds) or Muck (soil etc)?
Mucks from Serina are definitely more interesting.
Neckbeard (Serinan bird) or Neckbeard (so-called ‘facial hairstyle’)?
The neckbeards of Serina  ...
Noot (The Kissing Anteater-bird) or Noot (the noise from Pingu)?
Noot, the sweet birdie.
Poppit (Molodont) or Poppit (place)?
I suppose I would go for the molodont.
Skyke (early predators on Serina) or Skike (sports device)?
I guess I will choose the bird.
Snark (snail descendant) or Snark (in reference to the nonsense poem)?
I suppose I choose Snark from the world of poetry. I’m not very fond of snails.
Snoot (Bird) or Snoot (tool in photography)?
Snoot the bird, 100%
Trunko (relative of the snoot) or Trunko (Cryptid thing)?
I find it quite easy to choose the lovable mammoth trunkos and their relatives, but the intriguing ‘conspiracy’ of the other trunko is also quite interesting.
Worm-on-a-string (Fish) or Worm on a string (meme)?
Ah well the Serinan fish is interesting, but I choose the meme. This time.
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staymoarmyzen · 4 years
aesthetic tag
tagged by: @theleemark (sorry for taking so long btw)
rules: bold the aesthetics you relate to and add 20 of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold :)
[soft] baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night 
[dark academia] neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story 
[edgy] closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humor | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks 
[seventies] colourful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding 
[preppy casual] collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
[parfaitjoon] old book smell | doodles of eyes | stained paint palettes | jewel tones | sleepy eyes and red noses | always blushed cheeks | plushies with sentimental value | keroppi | ever-switching aesthetics | chunky trainers | curvy bodies | blurry vision | analysing movies | shouting when excited | green eye shadow | cool fresh water | tiny frogs | thirst for knowledge | random facts
[dreamiehrs] playing Roblox for 3 hours straight | loud laugh that could probably make someone deaf | listening to music 24/7 | hot chocolate on a chilly day | skirts galore | cat lady | has 2 fans on at all times | hibernates during the summer (not literally) | binge watching tons of anime episodes in one day | dark circles underneath their eyes | is on Tumblr 24/7 | loves buying merch | does online shopping in the middle of class | cannot go 1 day without screaming about their faves | having a dance party in their bathroom while getting ready for the day | has an obsession with buying tiny plants | lowkey never goes outside | wanting to write the day away | has millions of lists for every little thing | cannot stop doing the Chika dance
[bumblebeenct] midnight milkshake runs | listening to 80s music in the car with friends | bees moving flower to flower | study posters | too much stationary | drinking games | sunsets on the beach | studio ghibli piano playlists | starting a tv show and forgetting to finish | long-distance skype calls | having a song for every occasion | flared jeans | vintage 50′s dresses | jumping to a rock song at a party | bathroom mirror selfies | doctor martens | lanyard with keychains | movie days with friends | late night horror movies | too many blankets
[theleemark] memorizing flowers & their meanings | falling in love with fictional characters | late night car rides | mom jeans | sunflowers & sunshine | poetry | drinking tea | purple photoshoot aesthetic | falling asleep with a stuffed animal | stress baking | being the mom friend | random pick up lines | crime podcasts | stargazing | always sending love (sometimes through wholesome memes) | ice cream dates | spontaneous adventures | falling in love with cities | loving chocolate | 2 am guitar jams | soft rain with lofi music
[staymoarmyzen] play odd and unpopular games | loving biology, math and psychology | know the scientific name of some flowers & animals for fun | bad photographer | memes and smash keyboard | would still believe in santa claus if no one had told the truth | jump when excited | dolphin scream | emoticons over emojis | can accidentally use two different languages while talking | dress either as colorful as a kid and as dark as a gothic | loud laughter and mute laughter | would most likely know the lyrics of a song but won’t know the name of the song | discussions about mythical creatures and aliens existence | can read upside down | animes over netflix series | do origamis during boring classes | extrovert | loving bowling & karaoke | nerdy
tagging: @mona-devilthatdraws @give-seconds @ovelha-colorida-v @hwanunjin (if you were already tagged I am sorry and if you don’t want to do this is ok)
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metal-is-life091 · 4 years
I got tagged by @dolphin-enthusiast (who y’all should follow btw), who said it’s free real estate adsasdffd, so I decided to do this too since I have never really done a proper voice reveal on this blog and thought this was a good opportunity to do it and answer some question, as it seemed pretty fun.
The recording ended up pretty long as I got pretty rambly, so sorry about that haha... Thanks for listening anyway xd
Jojo Voice Meme: Vento Aureo Edition Inspired by Eyepatch-Centipede
What is your name or what do you go by?
What is your URL and what does it mean?
Say the following words:
Vento Aureo, Passione, Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Buccellati, Leaky-Eye Luca, Polpo, Leone Abbacchio, Guido Mista, Narancia Ghirga, Pannacotta Fugo, Mario Zucchero, Sale, Pericolo, Trish Una, La Squadra Esecuzioni, Sorbet and Gelato, Formaggio, Illuso, Prosciutto, Pesci, Melone, Ghiaccio, Risotto Nero, Squalo, Tiziano, Carne, Secco, Cioccolata, Doppio Vinegar, Diavolo
MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA, ARRIVERDECI, WAAAANAABEEEEEEEEEEEE, “I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream!”, “This taste… It’s the taste of a liar! Giorno Giovanna!”, “DI MOLTO!”, “Aniki!”, “VolaVolaVola Volare Via!~”
~How did you find Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and what made you want to get into it? ~Who is your favorite Jojo? ~Who is your favorite Jobro? ~Which is your favorite part? ~Who is your favorite character? ~What is your favorite quote? ~Who is your favorite main villain? ~Have ever cosplayed any Jojo characters? If yes, Who? If not, who would you like to cosplay? idk who to tag, so I tag whoever sees this and wants to do it haha
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wildflower-lrh · 5 years
I was tagged by the amazing @ashsbrokenpieces so thank you !!
Nickname: A a ron,, Kenzie
Gender: Female
Height: for sure under 5’
Time: 1:13 p.m.
Where I’m from: the cOrN sTaTe
Hogwarts House: last time I checked(3 yEaRs ago) I was Slytherin
Favorite animals: giraffes,, dolphins,, turtles,, etc
Favorite bands/artists: 5sos(duh),, the 1975,, the Vamps,, New Hope Club,, Shawn Mendes,, Ruel,, Jack&Jack,, Bazzi,, Yungblud,, and prolly 94728948294 more
Favorite food: I like salad + chicken strips
Song stuck in my head: Señorita by Shawn and Camilla (I literally couldn’t stand it when it first came out and now I can��t stop singing it ???)
Last movie I saw: in theaters,, Endgame. I watched Cap. America Civil War at home last night tho
Last thing I googled: bird with laser eyes meme (don’t come at me)
Other blogs: don’t have any other ones yet,, but I really want to make a Tom Holland,, Shawn Mendes,, or Ruel one but I’ve been too lazy to decide on one
Do I get asks: usually not,, they’re mainly KayKay asking me weird questions or sending me Chris Evans things (which I love btw,, feel free to ask or send me anything!!)
Why this URL: because I want Lucas to love me isn’t it obvious ??
Number of blankets: on my bed? 3. thrown around the house + my room bc I get cold? prolly 20
Followers: 45 (I know it’s not a lot,, I just made this like 3 weeks ago but ily all who choose to follow my trashy blog,, y’all are the real mvp’s)
Following: 224
Lucky number: don’t have one,, but my favorite number is 3
What am I wearing: khakis ;) (I’m jk lmao I don’t even own khakis,, I’m wearing sweats and a 5sos tee bahaha)
Average amount of sleep: it depends on the night,, it’s usually around 6
Dream job: touring w celebrities to be their photographer or being a crime scene investigator sounds really cool
Dream trip: Australia or Paris
Instruments: flute,, clarinet,, trumpet(I suck at it + other brass I’m sorry)
Eye color: I’ve been told they look orange ??
Hair color: honestly I don’t even know what color it is anymore
Aesthetics: polaroids,, Tom Holland,, vans,, fuzzy blankets,, Luke Hemmings,, fairy lights,, honestly anything you’d see on VSCO
Languages I speak: English and Spanish
When I created this account: like 3 weeks ago
Best memory: Kings island with my best friend who I’m also going with again this year ily bEsT bUd (he hates me lmao but it’s fine)
Best pun: idk I’m not very punny..... I’m sorry ...
I use “You dance hot” or the “Let’s play titanic” thing a lot (pickup lines but oh well)
Random fact: my favorite song isn’t even Why Won’t You Love Me lmao,, it’s When You Walk Away I’m a fAkEr. oh + i didn’t know who Brad Pitt was until a week ago
I tag @rosegold-thorns @ashtonirwinisamazing @ashteenie-irweenie @cals60thtanktop and anyone else who wants to do it !!
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mintyhootax · 5 years
name meme: kaykay! :3
1. A sun rising up in a pink and blue sky with clouds shaped like flowers.
2. A dolphin swimming through the shallow end of the ocean with light playing off of its back. 
3. Strade and his gory basement (btw, I saw a really good cosplay at the con, but we were in the elevator and I didn’t have the guts to ask for a picture).
4. A small, gray rabbit hopping down a path in the woods and going into the underbrush. 
5. Your floof when you let it grow out
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c0nr800 · 5 years
nickname: Strat
gender: Female
astrological sign: Gemini
height: 4′11
sexuality: Bi
hogwarts house: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
favorite animals: Dolphins, guinea pigs, cats and dogs ~
average hours of sleep: YOU’RE ASKING TOO MUCH OF ME
dogs or cats: Cats
number of blankets: one really big blanket that i have to stick my leg out of sometimes
where i am from: FARMVILLE IOWA
dream trip: Paid trip to Hawaii !!
when i created this account: August 2nd, 2018!
why i created this account: story time: i would have never gotten into dbh if not for Sumo. i asked my friend to give me ONE GOOD REASON why i should dive down this hell hole. she showed me a picture of connor, it was meh. i got to see some hank, it was meh. then she showed me hanks dog and i was on board. i created this account cause i love my boy???
followers: i hit 130 JUST a few MINUTES ago!! (btw hi guys ily)
Tagged by: @thethreefaes (thanks!!)
Tagging: @phcksh1tup @vazimith @ask-detroitpolice-rk900 @whiskeyedshot @missninetails @colorfulbagelprofessoreagle @rk080electricd0gg0 aaand @theveryfirst because we have yet to talk much. also anybody else who’d like to do this !!
//under the read more is a blank template for the meme !
astrological sign:
hogwarts house:
favorite animals:
average hours of sleep:
dogs or cats:
number of blankets:
where i am from:
dream trip:
when i created this account:
why i created this account:
Tagged by: 
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floatiisms · 6 years
Another Munday Prompt Except This Was Made On a Sunday Because I’m a Rebel
Remember to repost, not reblog!
Name: Kerri // Luka
Prefered pronouns: They/Them
Selectivity: Semi-Selective because I’m slow as fuck these days, and have uni on top of other rl / family things, and I have way too many blogs, so like…. I gotta say no sometimes, man. 
Favorite animal: Otters, Foxes, Cats, Dolphins – in that order
Favorite muse you’ve had so far ever: Somewhere between Baku.go, Ka.nzaki from As.sCla.ss (even though her blog isn’t active atm), or my OC Kai over at @theabandonedones​.
Muse you kinda wanna pick up: Okay, so every time I breathe in the direction of a fandom I get ideas -- I’ve considered William from Kur.o, Ren from RW.BY, and a number of others. Heck, I’ve considered a Stain blog for this fandom, even.
Most identifiable fictional character: I relate to a lot of characters for a lot of different reasons, but in part? Izu.ku. Buckling down to do more than your best, because you have to to keep up with others, trying to see the best in people who caused you grief your entire life, a lot of aspects of Izuk.u speak to me - heck, we’re both even cry babies. Other than him? Sora from NG.N.L.
What color your aura is/think it is: Yellow - I’ve had a long conversation with a friend of mine about my aura color, actually.
Personality stuff you agree with (astrology, mbti, Hogwarts house, etc be as specific as you want!): While I don’t put merit into astrology, it’s been? oddly accurate? in the past. I’m interested in every personality-type thing, though. I really like mbti. 
Do you think you’re a good driver: Once upon a time I would have said yes, but I wrecked my car so here we are, with me saying no. 
Favorite minor discourse (pineapple on pizza, what color is the dress, etc): Pineapple on pizza had to have been my favorite tbh (I don’t like it btw). 
Favorite vine and/or meme: “I’m gonna take a nap right here”, or the vine with the cat on a leash. They’re both, as the kids would say, a mood. 
Why did you choose this muse: *checks url* alright so I ended up deciding I was making a blog for Uraraka after I watched the episode where she revealed the why to her dream of becoming a hero. Her family’s struggle with poverty is something I relate to a lot and I loved her character anyway, with how dynamic and emotional she was. And so here I am, trying my best. 
Favorite rp memory: Well I met one of my boyfriends through RP ( @cferasure ) so that? for sure? And honestly, outside of that? The welcome I’ve gotten joining this fandom. That sounds super lame (and like a cop out, but I didn’t want to list the same answer I put when I answered this on my oc blog) but it’s true. This is my first ‘big’, active fandom since my Dea.th Not.e days when I was 14, and I was hella nervous, but I haven’t been here a month and I already spend more time on this browser than my main/oc browser. You guys really know how to make a bitch feel welcome. 
Favorite thing you’ve written, in rp or not: On my other blog, I talked about a few relationships I’ve had with my OCs, and those will forever be my favorites, but to answer something else? I wrote an Max.imum Rid.e OC fic with a group of friends in Junior High and, no matter how cringy it was, it was still one of the best experiences of my life. 30+ chapters, and it honestly means the world to me. 
A line/lyrics/quote/etc you like or that means a lot to you: “Keep Moving Forward”, which is the quote that defines the RWB.Y fandom, being Monty used it as his mantra, and the RT studios adopted it after his death - as did I. This quote, and many of Monty’s other words, have gotten me through a lot. 
Outside of that? Aurum Est Potestas, which means: Gold is power. The phrase’s base meaning is nothing to me being I’m poor as shit, however my other boyfriend and I bonded over Artemi.s Fo.wl, that’s how we ended up together actually, and that saying is how he would sign both my binders, and my yearbook, every year. 
Give a shout-out to someone: Mmmmm I’m gonna break the rules and do two cuz I’m a rebel. 
@chillquirk I love your blog, I love your writing style, and I love your attitude. Your characterization is amazing, and tbh I end up talking about it off tumblr with my boyfriends pretty often, just because?? It’s amazing?? If you’re not following, then please, by all means. 
@rxd-riot Wanna talk about an amazing Kirishima? This is an amazing Kirishima, okay? Okay. It’s just the facts, straight up, cold hard facts. 
Tagged by: No one, I stole it from my other blog 
Tagging: Anyone who wants to tbh I think most everyone I follow has been tagged already 
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brakespeare · 6 years
a meme
Tagged by @reluming​, bless and thank you
Name: Gabriela
Gender: Cis Woman
Star sign: Leo 
Height: 5′5 ish 
Sexuality: Bisexual and queer 
Lock screen image: some art of Mohtz of a summer witch for my lock screen and this lady who perfectly encapsulates my attitude is my wallpaper
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Teacher crush: you know, I never really had a teacher crush. but I think Ms. F from fifth/sixth grade is really all I want in a woman. Dark hair, tall and large and like so simply attractive. She was also intense on the edge of mean, but she was my favorite and I was always so happy she taught my class.
If you could go anywhere: I have never properly traveled anywhere, but I’ve had intense wanderlust for Ireland and France 
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: an artist and writer. Hopefully gaining lots of film making experience, a cat, an apartment of my own. comfortable in my own skin. 
Coolest Halloween costume: my second year of college I dressed up with my friends as the witches from Hocus Pocus (i was the dark haired mary) and it was so killer and scary accurate. It was a lot of fun pulling that off.
Favourite 90s tv show: hmmm I was deeply invested in Buffy for most of youth so that’s gotta be it. Shoutout to Dinotopia and 10th Kingdom for being made in 2000 but evoking that 90′s fantasy glamour anyway. 
Last kiss? maybe 2 years ago, and of course I kiss my family and the family cat but that’s what this is about right? 
Ever been stood up? I’ve never been on a date (totally truthful btw) but I definitely feel like i have emotionally been stood up. 
Fave shoes: my blue mega durable sandals which are still alive after 6 years and have been subject to a variety of rain and water conditions. not my most fashionable pair but so goddamn practical. 
Fave fruit: cherries, peaches, and plums are my favorite fruits. but i love ripe grapes and berries as well. 
Fave book: Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell. My favorite book when I was young and I still love it. 
Stupidest thing I’ve ever done: what HAVEN’T i done that isn’t stupid? i’ve a lot of stupidity that has led me to greater understanding and learning from my mistakes, but if you want to hear something stupid I once made a smoothie with salt instead of sugar :l 
Tagging: @greenwitching​ @fun-lovin-sea-monster​ @awedbyhersplendor​ @queersanddragons​ @heyitsharding​
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