#this is such a pure shitpost tho
emissary-of-the-moon · 7 months
Warriors & Wind - fish and fisherman (Wars lost a bet, +wind would wear a coat like Linebeck's on top cause chilly weather)
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Wild, Twilight & Time - Sonic, Knuckles and Tails (Wild's idea, getting images is hard)
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Sky & Four - ghost and Ghostbuster
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Hyrule & Legend - princesses (they borrowed dresses from Dawn and Fable, they both lost a bet to them)
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dizzybizz · 8 months
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AITA if I accidentally left fish at my mayor's house for two weeks straight? And it left his house stinky?
OK- so I (26TM) moved to a small sort of isolated town during spring this year, where I work as a farmer on a farm my grandpa once owned. It's been great and I have really settled in over the course of the year.
Time passed and eventually fall was upon us. Now, during the middle of fall the town holds a small festival, where among other things you could set up a little stall with your finest products for a friendly competition and review. Our mayor (??M) hooked me up with one of those which was really nice- I had been doing a lot of fishing over the months and I had a few good ones to display so I did. I ended up getting second place- okay no, that is not really relevant-
But after the results were out, the mayor specifically reminded me to not forget to empty out my supply and bring it with my back home. He specifically went out of his way to remind me. Thing is... I might have gotten a bit caught up in the other festivities and fun things around (not my fault they were grilling burgers and had gambling). And I completely forgot, I only remembered the moment I stepped foot inside my room again.
Next morning rolls around and I wake up to a letter in my mailbox from the mayor explaining that the fish I had left were placed inside the town's Lost and Found. Which is just a big box inside his house. So I thought "OK, great. I'll head over today and retrieve them." Yeah, that didn't really turn out. I completely forgot, it completely slipped my mind. And that same series of events of - me recalling that I had stuff in the Lost and Found and meaning to go pick them up and forgetting - kept happening for a while. Until two weeks had passed and it was winter. And as I was passing the mayor's house the thought struck again. Except this time I actually REMEMBERED and WENT THROUGH WITH IT. So I knock on his door and I get let in, and the house smells like, well... rotten fish. I go straight to the box while talking about how I'm so sorry it took so long and that I was always getting distracted by this that and the other. And he's being all understanding and nodding along. But there is no way he wasn't at least a bit ticked off, right? And I do feel really bad but I cannot do much for my forgetfulness besides setting reminders maybe... maybe I will try that in the future.
AITA for forgetting to pick up my forgotten fish from my mayor's house?
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scholliski · 8 months
I dislike the Harry Potter fandom only because I’ll be looking at cool fanart of Neil or Andrew and I’ll suddenly realise he’s holding a broomstick and this is in fact one of JK R*wlings spawns
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campybara · 1 year
Attention Metalocalypse enjoyers
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foams at mouth..
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rosalinesurvived · 1 year
I don't think people genuinely understand just how fucking mental it was for Makoto putting 11037 as Nezumi Castle's password. That is unhinged. I'm too keyed up to explain it properly but that was the first source of Naegi's trauma, the linchpin to him assisting in someone's death, the remnants of his crush's brutalistic murder inside his own chambers that he then had to sleep in for god knows how long and he used 11037 as the failsafe to get the Remnants of Despair out of the Neo Program. What was born out of blood first got Naegi–an innocent–into the killing game, then used to get the Renmants–absolutely horrific criminals–outside of another. Sayaka's initial plans to frame Naegi for her murder then writing 11037to Makoto using it as an escape key. Nagito, being Makoto's dual character in so many ways erasing the password. Its soo. So fucking insane.
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I was too lazy to make a normal lunch, so I made myself a spicy ramen with peppers and veggies, and I wondered if I should add some chilli powder for even more spiciness because I like spicy food.
Never again....
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cherrymoonvol6 · 2 years
kris is the knight shitpost
anyways remember that cutscene where queen blows up some stuff and gives kris the “prize” she’d won?
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depending on who you decide to gift it to, the present will take form of something personalized for that person. a little hard to tell with ralsei and noelle, but you clearly gift susie and berdly plushies that look like them.
now, going back to what everyone says about the knight and its fountains...
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the fountains and what inhabit them are a projection of the knight’s own will, their worldview. the things that occur or take form in them are therefore part of the knight’s will - the one who created the fountain in the first place.
so like, how is it that the present (left alone in a box, given first to the queen who then decides to randomly give it to kris?) randomly changes its contents to accommodate to whoever kris (us?) decides to gift it to? is it because it suits the humorous tone of this cutscene? do we end it all at occam’s razor and move on?
the alternative answer is just as simple: because this is kris’ fountain, because kris is the knight, objects in the dark world accommodate to their needs. maybe not as straightforward as one would like but if we take this moment, plus how the fact that queen and king’s dynamic mimics kris’ own parents, and how queen is a stand-in for noelle’s mom (intimate life details only kris knows about noelle because of how long they’ve known each other), all these details add up to showcase how kris’ will influences the fountains in the dark world... because they’re the knight.
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upagainstthesunset · 2 years
Who wore it better
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mommalosthermind · 1 year
The problem with preordering a much awaited game is that you have to wait for it to arrive. It does not just magically appear by your console the day of release like some people in this house seem to believe should happen.
Which is to say I have four dorks in various stages of vibrating despair because TOTK hasn’t shown up yet and the tracking says today
Its fucking 1pm
This started yesterday
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spurkspaint · 2 years
i swear webzforevz is so underrated i am going to cuss someone ojt
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mesperyiandevotee · 3 months
I have limited shelf space, so my Prussia nendo will be hanging out on my altar so ig he's Wiccan now
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chmydarling · 1 year
actual cut footage of louis and minerva practising a number together
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smiling-stel · 2 years
To the people w bright/light colored blogs
. "What's wrong, Pooh?"
. "They took my fcking eyes ʕ xᴥxʔ"
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cronchybuffalo · 21 days
your artworks for tkatb r so cute… i love how you draw sol and your mc ! 😊🫶 makes me more curious about their dynamic. though i really like your artstyle!
Aa thank you I literally just rejoined Tumblr after years of deactivation just to shitposting in TKATB fandom tbh Also about the dynamic thing, do you really want to know it though... I mean.. TW: Implied substance abuse/I do not encourage these acts this is purely fictional Original Sol pixel sprite belongs to fantasia-kitt, I tried my best to mimic it but failed, first time doing pixel art tho
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Their dynamics is tired emo mom and a gremlin, I swear M/C is more chill and normal when she's sober, the entire University probably consider her the same weird type like Sol, nobody takes you that seriously when you wear that kinda stuff y'know. But one of the thing I consider funny with their dynamics is that both are leaning on submissive side, but M/C is a more depraved kind that she's masochistic due to being conditioned to it from her past, if she said she have seen shits, she meant it. So it would be funny to just think she got confused with Sol because he might be an obsessive, delusional yandere, but have 0 intention of being risky for his own enjoyment, his only goal is to get his soulmate.
She will definately enjoy riling Sol up very often just so that he might get her to walk funny the next day though
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foileadeux · 1 year
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Based on that post-false king AU ask you answered- I've heard of Hollow Knight but my first introduction to the game was your confrontation animatic!!! The animatic was so beautiful that I decided to check out more of your work and then I got absorbed into wanting to know more about Hollow Knight so I've been watching gameplays now!!! The game's lore and characters are really cool but what's more cool is your art (w/ rizz).
I have revived my dead Tumblr account to follow your art and AU (and *cough* admire radiance- the urge to cling to her and just sleep in her fluffy feathers)- but seriously, I love your creativity and work you put into the complex yet ethereal designs and your art is pure eye candy even in the shitposts!!
SHES A REAL GIRL!!!!!!!!! this is so good your art's so lovely!! saluting any ppl who decide to take on their dream designs bc i have trouble drawing that shit. whyd i make them so intricate. pointing and laughing at pk tho!!!! he frew up
but omg LMAOO confrontation being your introduction to hollow knight..... that is insane to me u mustve been so lost im so sorry HAHA (is also lost in the sauce) BUT thank you.... this is super sweet hehe!!! im flattered. and i hope you enjoy the game!!! another victim struck with the bug fever
+ also objective number 1 of just-unfused real girl radi would be kicking pk into the stratosphere in real for once i think
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catputers · 12 days
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had a lot of fun playing zomboid with some friends, and then proceeded to put more effort into a shitpost then i ever should have :3:3:3
for context one of my friends broke the window while trying to get into the car, dumbass lmao
but now its not really a shitpost and more just a dramatic redrawing of the event lol. so it's like.. simultaneously this is both really bad and kinda supposed to look bad, but also now it maybe doesn't look bad anymore? also for some reason there's like four artstyles in here.
idk my eyes hurt and i spent the whole night drawing this out of pure mental illness or smth O.O
at least i had fun tho or something
(also no im unfortunately not the hot protogen :<)
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