#this is seriously the nicest ask
pencilscratchins · 5 months
your art style is so significant that whenever i see one of your pieces, i instantly know it's from you, even if i don't know anything else about it and i think that's very cool! Absolutely love your stuff, have a nice day ✨
this is going to make me cry, thank you so much. this is genuinely one of the nicest compliments i’ve ever gotten
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askhaley · 4 months
i just drank 4 and a half monster energy ultras in one sitting. is this normal
Go to the hospital. Better yet, go to the mental hospital. Why are you all insane?
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Maybe instead of slamming all of those nasty energy drinks, you should get some actual rest. I mean it! A nap and a drink of water can go a long way.
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reegis · 8 months
I just love your character design! Do you have any specific way you come up with new designs or is it different for each character? Also what is your favorite part of the design process? Keep up the amazing work and I always love seeing new art from you!! <3
thank you so so much!! designing characters is one of my favorite things eve r & it literally makes me tear up that yall like my designs as much as you do!! i honestly can never articulate how much it means to me when yall geek out in the tags on one of my posts.. proposing marriage
as far as any sort of process.. hmm… i guess i first make a sort of mental list of canon character traits, and how those might present physically, as well as if the character is Based off of something, how aspects of that might affect appearance. (like my caterpillar design having choppy, messy hair, or hatter & hare having very different but equally outdated military uniform, etc etc). a lot of it is just preference too ngl… i love droppy eyes, scars and elf ears & i think that shows up way more than it should fjfjfj. thor & the marquis in particular are just purely self-indulgent “what if i combine all of my favorite things into one character”
i also try and look back over my recent designs to make sure im not just. making the same character in a different haircut 20 times. i want them to be relatively diverse & unique & recognizable, no same-face or what have u. im always on pinterest looking for inspo for different styles and body types and etcetc
my favorite part is Always hair. i love drawing hair, i love designing new haircuts, i love playing around while i design them & trying 50 different hair colors dhfjfjf its So fun hair is such a big part of self expression and says SO much abt a persons character i love it all
thank you again for asking!!!!!
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firstofficerkittycat · 2 months
Personally, (not trying to be weird or rude or anything), I find your lack of punctuation and flow of thought interesting, and refreshing. It’s like reading philosophical texts and it’s very much enjoyable. Your ideas are a source of great inspiration and evaluation of many things, big fan personally. My apologies if I come off strangely
no im holding this ask with 2 hands like a baby bird thank u
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pantaloonwarrior · 11 months
cam you please explain those pics? https://www.tumblr.com/pantaloonwarrior/722934974558371840?source=share
I think it's the first time I'm seeing them hadjmf
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First and only explanation from the man himself
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nobodysdaydreams · 10 months
Hello! I hope you have an amazing morning/day/afternoon/night. I´ve read the latest chapter of your S.O.S fanfic and I wanted to say I am a big fan! I really like how every chapter is following each episode of the show with your own take/elaboration on certain scenes, for example when you added the conversation between Sticky and his aunt, which wasn´t in the show. And many many other scenes. Oh, and the whole backstory for Curtain and his former friends/colleagues, it is just ingenious. Truly a brilliant masterpiece. You are a very talented writer. :) I am very much looking forward to the next update. Oh and I can not express enough how I love the Oldest Siblings fanfic! You wrote each of the siblings perspectives so well! And alI the Benedict siblings angst and feels. I am thriving on that content. It is such a serotonin boost. :D
Also, speaking about Benedict siblings, I have a few headcanons about them, that have been floating around my mind for quite some time. These are absolutely not thorougly thought-out, just what my brain proposed to me one fine early morning at 3 am instead of letting me sleep *deep sigh*
This one is based on a dialogue between the children in a first chapter of the S.O.S when I think either Reynie or Sticky mentioned, that they have seen Nathaniel in his brother´s library organizing books, trying to put some kind of order to the chaos. Nathaniel would defininitely do that. It is in his nature. I think he would totally opt for Dewey decimal system. Nice, practical, efficient. But, I also like to think, he would make some changes to it quite frequently. Like one week the library would be organized by author A-Z, next week the other way around. Then weeks after that by genre, color, book height, subject etc. Poor Nicholas would kindly ask his twin to stop, but to no avail.
We know that each twin adopted a child. Nathaniel adopted SQ and Nicholas adopted Constance (although she declined, but it was legally approved as we have seen Nicholas holding the documents at the end of the first season) Their sister on the other hand would have a biological child, a daughter named Felicity about 13-14 years old. Sister´s spouse sadly doesn´t live with them anymore, (he either left them or passed away, I haven´t decided on that quite yet), Felicity doesn´t remerber her dad very much because it happened, when she was very young.
I think it goes without saying that both the sister and her daughter would be brilliant and would possess a great intellect like the brothers do. It just runs in the family.
Their sister would also suffer from narcoleptic episodes, her trigger would probably be intense sadness (as opposed to Nicholas´ trigger being joy). Felicity does not suffer from it though.
Sister introduces her daughter to her brothers. I can imagine that Nicholas would collapse from the rush of joy and happiness, eyes filled with tears all that, at the perspective of being an uncle, Nathaniel would immediately catch his brother on instinct. Only for him to collapse a few seconds after Nicholas, because of his vulnerability trigger and basically going through the same emotional experience. Their niece would tried to hold back a sob as she would take comfort in knowing that she had just met two father figures in her life (Both brothers would be an amazing uncles ). Meanwhile her mother falls asleep because if her own trigger. Felicity immediately takes action and puts a pillow under everyone´s heads to ensure comfort as she waits for them to wake up, It is a very emotional event for each party involved to say the least.
And that´s the end of mine take on the matter. I previously had more headcanons which were much more detailed, but I forgot to put them on paper or type them in my computer. Oh, well. Maybe they will come to me. Anyway, thank you for reading all that and I hope it wasn´t too long. I do apologize for my grammar and weird wording at times. English is not my native language.
Okay, first of all, I'm so sorry for the late reply to this message, but I hope it's a good one, because this ask means the world to me. 🥹💕
I came home exhausted from a long day of work and classes and logged into tumblr to this and it absolutely made my entire evening. I'm serious. I gotta hand to y'all. Just when I think that the comments I've gotten on my SOS fic can't get anymore heartwarming and incredible, you leave me this comment, which...I mean, first of all, do not apologize for your grammar and wording, your message was perfect. I'm sorry if I forget words or if this sounds weird, I'm pretty tired and kind of rambling, but please know that I am flattered by this. I have had people draw fan art based on my fic, make a personality quiz based on my fic, do chapter by chapter tumblr reviews of my fic, leave fabulously unhinged comments on fic, and message me just to tell me how much my fic means to them, and every time I am absolutely flattered and at a loss for words and say to myself that this is the highest honor I could ever receive and nothing will ever top this and yet you wonderful wonderful readers prove me wrong every single time. I mean...the account you sent this ask from is only following staff and looks like a new account, and if you wanted this to be anonymous, you presumably would have just sent your ask from a main and hit the anon button instead of making a throw away, so...
Did...did you get??? A tumblr??? Just to message me this??? I- I-just- 🥹💓💓💓
Luna, (I hope you don't mind if I call you that based on your username), thank you so much. I wish I had better words to describe how much your message and the messages of everyone else in this amazing fandom mean to me, but I just don't have the words to do it justice. Please know that I love your comment. I'm glad you enjoyed SOS and The Oldest Siblings (the lesser known SOS prequel that inspired my unhinged masterpiece, thank you for giving it some love🥰). I'm also glad you liked the backstory and added scenes. They wormed their way into my head and I figured "as long as their here, why not share them?" and I'm very glad I did. I'm also glad I decided to type out some scenes from the show. It's not all of it (that would be too much), but I was originally only going to include the content that I added to seasons 1 and 2 (because other wise I was just repeating stuff and the fic is crazy long anyway), but I eventually decided to include my own takes on most relevant (adult or SOS character focused) canon scenes from the show as well, because I realized that doing so helped the reader follow the timeline of events and kept up with and explained each character's motivation, which is important to do when you have this many characters. I'm also glad because now that the show is off Disney+, you have a place you can read the dialogue from some of the scenes (not all, but it's something. And all the dialogue and body movements are from the canon show for those scenes. All I add are extra lines at the beginning or end of scenes before or after "cuts" and internal character thoughts that explain their actions).
I love your head canons btw. The one about Nathaniel is very true. At least in my fic. He's a nervous organizer, and there's no way he could live in the chaos of the Benedict house without cleaning up a bit.
As for your head canons about the sister's child...I love it. I love the twist of her being her biological daughter and having narcolepsy. Also, depending on how old you head canon SQ (in my fic he's a bit older, but he's around 14-19), they're pretty close in age, and I know SQ and Constance would be great cousins to her!
Slight possible spoilers for future works, but I have toyed with the idea of the sister having a child as well. I can't give anymore away without spoiling stuff, but I think you might like what I decide to do with it. (If I can ever get to that point). I do want to apologize, I just went back to school, and that has been taking up a lot of my time. But I promise I'm still writing, and although I can't say when, the updates will come. And, while you are on tumblr, I have some mutuals who write some really great stuff you can read in the meantime. I won't annoy everyone by tagging them, but if you scroll through the blog @floorboardchompingfridays, you should be able to find some good ones.
Thank you again for this message. It made my entire day, and I hope you have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening and remember take care of yourself. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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^This gif is me hugging all of you, btw.
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thepineapplering · 9 months
Lost my phone in a bus but I'm so damn lucky a nice lady found it and I was able to make her day as well 😩🙌✨
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greentrickster · 11 months
I think you are honestly really super cool.
Don’t really know what else to say, I just thought you should be told this more often :)
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Thank-you so much! I don't know why I'm blessed with such sweet anons like yourself, but I'm eternally grateful I am, thank-you again!
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thatdelusionalnerd · 1 year
hey bestieeee I saw you rbed my post and I just wanted to say, if you ever want some help with trigonometry hmu, math is probably my best subject so I'm always down to help someone else out :D
oh my god thank you so much! truly, appreciate the offer <33
if i ever need help in proving some question, im gonna ask you :))
on the bright side, i only have two questions left and they seem pretty simple, so yay!
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twiyke · 8 months
Hello!!! I'm here!(again, haha) I'm wishing you all the happiness!! You deserve to be so happy and to feel your best!! Thank you for being alive and so very kind!! I hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night!!! Please remember to drink water and eat!! You bring me joy and give me inspiration!! You make me happy by being you!!
(I am sorry for the spam!! I get hyper and just want to love people /p!!! Thank you for bearing with me and being wonderful!!)
FUCK I WAS LIKE "i'll answer this in a minute" AND THEN I FORGOT FOR DAYS. tysm again it's such a joy to get these :J ALL THE LOVE TO YOU !! you're gorgeous dude <3
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veethefreeelf · 6 months
hi this isnt a req or an ask but i just wanted to say you seem like such a nice person :((( the way u interact w your readers and the notes you leave at the end of your works seem so earnest and sincere :( your work is truly so so so great and i hope to see you and your page grow more and more in the future, you deserve it ! 🐰♥️
I always want to interact with you guys, as a reader I know what it feels like to interact with my fave authors and what it feels like to never get a reply and I want to be the best for you so thank you I’m glad my lil notes are appreciated 😭
I will call you 🐰 anon since you left that cutie at the end!
THANK YOU 🐰 ANON !!!!💗💗💗
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tanglesoup · 1 year
for the ship ask game, stobotnik?
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i actually really like the trope of villain x minion/side kick (if you could call it that) and stobotnik is no exception!
i love this ship for how silly it is and i respect it for that
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zukkaoru · 1 year
graceeee i need u to know i loved ur bsd fic sm..i haven’t cared about bsd in a Second but oh MAN u wrote aku + atsushi so well i was smiling kicking my feet and like. u had me back in the bsd tag…. your power… :0 <33
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MOTH ILYYY i saw your tags on my fic when i woke up this morning and i was like 🥺💕✨🥹❤️omg a mutual is giving me a good grade in characterization i'm winning fanfiction
anyway i'm glad you enjoyed it <333
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ghost-of-you · 1 year
its not enough but check your ko-fi <3
Anon, i am literally shaking cuz i had just gotten the notification that a donation had happened and i have no way to thank you because with the conversion rates what you gave me is actually a bit more than a forth of the price of the ticket. If the sell happens the way i think it will and I can work around some stuff that's half the ticket. I have no idea how to thank you for this but oh my god please know I am so so so so so unbelievably grateful for it and i am sending you all the hugs possible right now. I don't know who you are but I love you.
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
FERRE QUICK before Alex comes back >:3 what are YOUR favourite things about her >:33333333333333
@mythvoiced well if u put it like that... >:3
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good question lena ☺️☺️☺️ i would paraphrase what I’ve previously said about Alex @theimpalpable ( which I still endorse btw 😌 ) but I’ll go in a different direction for this bc there are other things I adore about our dear friend 🥰🥰🥰
I think one thing that really sticks out to me about Alex is the fact that as a mun/person she’s consistent across all platforms- the person you see on the dash is also the person you’ll meet in the dms, she’s just as warm and attentive in private spaces as she is in public spaces. This isn’t to badmouth others, but you know, sometimes you come across blogs where the muns seem like theyre…overcompensating if that makes any sense?? Almost like they’re trying to come off as a nice person for one reason or another. But in alex’s case, I’ve never gotten that vibe off of her…she’s very much herself so when I see her being the sunshine she is on dash, I can believe she’s being kind because she wants to be.
I think her sincerity also comes from, at least from what I’ve seen, her ability and willingness to actually communicate, even if it means having one of the hard conversations with a writing partner. Like, that kind of conversation can be really difficult to consider having with someone you have a good retoire with, let alone actually seeing through but…it’s necessary at times. I think people don’t realize that being kind also means having boundaries and holding your loved ones accountable otherwise you’re just people pleasing… :/ anyways because Alex respects herself and therefore stays true to herself, it allows her to be genuinely kind…I can trust that if something goes wrong, we’ll be able to communicate, make changes and get through it 😌
What else though…oh! On a shorter note, Alex genuinely just gives off?? Really good energy and vibes, like I love seeing her on dash whether it’s ooc or ic….it’s infectious, you know? Makes me wanna see the good in things and be a better person too ☺️☺️☺️ that and sometimes I feel like setting this h*llsite on fire but when I see her, i’m reminded that ‘okay there is still hope for this place 🥲’
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raplinenthusiasts · 1 year
you’re so kind and full of love it’s so nice to read your tags on other peoples posts
ok I’ve sat on this one long enough
I have no idea who sent it but whoever you are just know you made my whole tumblr experience better 💛I just wanted to look at it some more that’s why I’m responding only now… perfect way to almost end the year!
tbh the most fun I have here is when I see content that I love and I can show it through tags… but sometimes I feel like I’m too much and I don’t have vocabulary big enough to really say what I want so I’m just rambling or using basic words again and again that in no way describe my actual thoughts - so for you to write this to me is like the biggest compliment I could ever imagine 🥰
people don’t really take into account that creators really see and read tags! and I believe it is the easiest and only possible for introvert such as me way to make friends and actually connect to people! I’m just being selfish by overusing tags actually, if you’re seeing it as me being nice then I tricked you 🤷‍♀️
soooo, thank you again, I’ll be coming back to your ask anytime I feel bad on tumblr, that’s for sure 💐 💛
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